Center squeeze

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Simulated election results on a political compass, grouped by electoral system. The total number of winners is displayed as a heatmap. The bias of FPTP, runoffs or primaries, and RCV (left) towards extreme candidates is clearly visible. Center squeeze grid.png
Simulated election results on a political compass, grouped by electoral system. The total number of winners is displayed as a heatmap. The bias of FPTP, runoffs or primaries, and RCV (left) towards extreme candidates is clearly visible.

In social choice, a center squeeze is a kind of spoiler effect common to plurality-elimination rules like the two-round system, plurality-with-primaries, and ranked-choice voting (RCV). [1] In a center squeeze, a majority-preferred and socially-optimal candidate is eliminated in favor of a more extreme alternative. [2] [3] Extreme or polarizing candidates who focus on appealing to a small base of core supporters can thus "squeeze" broadly-popular candidates trapped between them, starving them of the first preferences they need to survive early rounds. [1] [4] [5]


The term "center squeeze" refers to candidates who are close to the center of public opinion, and as a result is not limited to centrists along the traditional political spectrum. [6] Center squeezes can occur in any situation where voters prefer candidates who hold views similar to their own. [7] By Black's theorem, the candidate who appeals most to the median voter will be the majority-preferred candidate, which means they will be elected by any method compatible with majority-rule. [1] [2] However, in methods that strongly prioritize first preferences, these candidates are often eliminated early on because they aim for broad appeal rather than strong base support. [1] [8] [9]

Voting systems that suffer from the center-squeeze effect incentivize candidates to avoid the political center, [4] [10] creating political polarization in the long run. [8] [10] [11] As a result, rules like RCV can lead to extreme winners even if center-squeezes seem empirically rare, because the rules disincentivize moderates from running for office in the first place. [10] [12] [13] The effect was first predicted by social choice theorists in the 1940s [14] before being confirmed empirically in Australia, [12] [15] [16] California, [17] [18] and Maine. [19]

Famous examples of center-squeezes include the 2022 Alaska special election, where Nick Begich III was eliminated in the first round by right-wing spoiler Sarah Palin, [20] [21] despite a majority of voters preferring Begich to either one of his opponents. [20] [22] Another possible example is the 2016 United States presidential election, where polls found several alternatives defeating both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton under majority- or rated-voting rules, but being squeezed out by both the IRV and primary election rules. [23] [24]

Voting systems most strongly affected by center squeeze are first-preference plurality, plurality-with-primaries, two-round runoff, and ranked-choice voting (RCV). [1] By contrast, Condorcet and rated voting methods are not affected by this pathology. Condorcet methods are insulated from center-squeezes by the median voter theorem, [25] [26] while rated voting systems like score or approval voting are protected by closely-related results. [27] [28] [29]

Susceptibility by system

Center squeeze is a major feature of two-party systems using primaries or other multiple-round systems. [1] In all such races, candidates must focus on appealing to their core supporters to ensure they can make it past the first round, where only first-preferences can count. The center candidate would win in any one-on-one vote over the whole voting population, but will not win in the subset of the population represented by a party. [1] If voters assign scores to candidates based on ideological distance, score voting will always select the candidate closest to some central tendency of the voter distribution. As a result, while score voting does not pass the median voter theorem per se, it tends to behave much like methods that do. The specific measure of central tendency minimized by the method depends on the precise way voters score candidates, with different measures of central tendency minimizing different distance metrics; for example, an absolute value. [30] Under the most common models of strategic voting, all spoilerproof cardinal methods will tend to behave like approval voting, and tend to converge on the Condorcet winner. [27] [28] [31] The opposite situation of a bias toward "bland" or inoffensive candidates, and against polarizing ones, does not appear in any rule or method in common use. However, it can occur for bottom-heavy or negative voting methods that elect candidates with the least opposition, such as anti-plurality voting or Coombs' method. [32]


35.9% Center-Squeeze.svg

2022 Alaska special election

Alaska's at-large congressional district
Turnout32.2% [33]
  Rep. Mary Peltola headshot (cropped) (cropped).jpg Sarah Palin by Gage Skidmore 5 (cropped).jpg Nick Begich Official Campaign Profile Photo (Cropped).jpg
Candidate Mary Peltola Sarah Palin Nick Begich III
Party Democratic Republican Republican
First round74,817
Final round 91,266

The 2022 Alaska special election seat was an infamous example of a center squeeze. The ranked-choice runoff election involved one Democrat (Mary Peltola) and two Republicans (Sarah Palin and Nick Begich III). Because the full ballot data for the race was released, social choice theorists were able to confirm that Palin spoiled the race for Begich, with Peltola winning the race as a result of several pathological behaviors that tend to characterize center-squeeze elections. [22] [34]

The election produced a winner opposed by a majority of voters, with a majority of voters ranking Begich above Peltola and Palin [35] [36] [37] and more than half giving Peltola no support at all. [35] [36] The election was also notable as a no-show paradox, where a candidate is eliminated as a result of votes cast in support of their candidacy. In this case, ballots ranking Palin first and Begich second instead allowed Peltola to win. [38] [39] [37]

Many social choice theorists criticized the ranked-choice runoff procedure for its pathological behavior. [40] [41] Along with being a center-squeeze, the election was a negative voting weight event, [39] where a voter's ballot has the opposite of its intended effect (e.g. where a candidate would need more votes to lose). [39] [42] In this race, Peltola would have lost if she had received more support from Palin voters, [43] [44] [45] and won as a result of 5,200 ballots that ranked her last (after Palin then Begich). [39] [38] However, social choice theorists were careful to note the results likely would have been the same under Alaska's previous primary system as well. This led several to recommend replacing the system with any one of several alternatives without these behaviors, such as STAR, approval, or Condorcet voting. [22] [35]

2009 Burlington mayoral election

The 2009 Burlington mayoral election was held in March 2009 for the city of Burlington, Vermont, and serves as an example of a four-candidate center squeeze. This was the second mayoral election since the city's 2005 change to ranked-choice runoff voting, after the 2006 mayoral election. [46] In the 2009 election, incumbent Burlington mayor (Bob Kiss) won reelection as a member of the Vermont Progressive Party, [47] defeating Kurt Wright in the final round with 48% of the vote. [48]

The election results were criticized by mathematicians and voting theorists for several pathologies associated with RCV. These included a no-show paradox, where Kiss won only as a result of 750 votes ranking Kiss in last place. [49] [50] [51] Several electoral reform advocates branded the election a failure after Kiss was elected despite 54% of voters voting for Montroll over Kiss, [52] [53] violating the majority-rule principle. [54] [55] [56] Later analyses showed the race was spoiled, with Wright pulling moderate votes away from Montroll, who would have beat Kiss in a one-on-one race. [55] [57]

The controversy culminated in a successful 2010 initiative that repealed RCV by a vote of 52% to 48%, [58] [59] a 16-point shift from the 64% who had supported the 2005 ratification. [46] The results of every possible one-on-one election are as follows:

PartyCandidatevs. Simpsonvs. Smithvs. Wrightvs. Kiss Win : Loss
Democratic Disc.svg Andy Montroll (D)6262 (Montroll) –

591 (Simpson)

4570 (Montroll) –

2997 (Smith)

4597 (Montroll) –

3664 (Wright)

4064 (Montroll) –

3476 (Kiss)

4 W : 0 L
Progressive Disk.png Bob Kiss (P)5514 (Kiss) –

844 (Simpson)

3944 (Kiss) –

3576 (Smith)

4313 (Kiss) –

4061 (Wright)

3 W : 1 L
Republican Disc.svg Kurt Wright (R)5270 (Wright) –

1310 (Simpson)

3971 (Wright) –

3793 (Smith)

2 W : 2 L
Dan Smith (I)5570 (Smith) –

721 (Simpson)

1 W : 3 L
Green Disc.svg James Simpson (G) 0 W : 4 L

This leads to an overall preference ranking of:

  1. Montroll – defeats all candidates below, including Kiss (4,064 to 3,476)
  2. Kiss – defeats all candidates below, including Wright (4,313 to 4,061)
  3. Wright – defeats all candidates below, including Smith (3,971 to 3,793)
  4. Smith – defeats Simpson (5,570 to 721) and the write-in candidates

Montroll was therefore preferred over Kiss by 54% of voters, over Wright by 56% of voters, over Smith by 60%, and over Simpson by 91% of voters. [60] [5]

See also

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  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Merrill, Samuel (1985). "A statistical model for Condorcet efficiency based on simulation under spatial model assumptions". Public Choice. 47 (2): 389–403. doi:10.1007/bf00127534. ISSN   0048-5829. the 'squeeze effect' that tends to reduce Condorcet efficiency if the relative dispersion (RD) of candidates is low. This effect is particularly strong for the plurality, runoff, and Hare systems, for which the garnering of first-place votes in a large field is essential to winning
  2. 1 2 Merrill, Samuel (1984). "A Comparison of Efficiency of Multicandidate Electoral Systems". American Journal of Political Science. 28 (1): 23–48. doi:10.2307/2110786. ISSN   0092-5853. JSTOR   2110786. However, squeezed by surrounding opponents, a centrist candidate may receive few first-place votes and be eliminated under Hare.
  3. Atkinson, Nathan; Ganz, Scott C. (2022-10-30). "The flaw in ranked-choice voting: rewarding extremists". The Hill. Retrieved 2023-05-14. However, ranked-choice voting makes it more difficult to elect moderate candidates when the electorate is polarized. For example, in a three-person race, the moderate candidate may be preferred by a majority of voters to each of the more extreme candidates. However, voters with far-left and far-right views will rank the candidate in second place rather than in first place. Since ranked-choice voting counts only the number of first-choice votes (among the remaining candidates), the moderate candidate would be eliminated in the first round, leaving one of the extreme candidates to be declared the winner.
  4. 1 2 McGann, Anthony J.; Koetzle, William; Grofman, Bernard (2002). "How an Ideologically Concentrated Minority Can Trump a Dispersed Majority: Nonmedian Voter Results for Plurality, Run-off, and Sequential Elimination Elections". American Journal of Political Science. 46 (1): 134–147. doi:10.2307/3088418. ISSN   0092-5853. JSTOR   3088418. As with simple plurality elections, it is apparent the outcome will be highly sensitive to the distribution of candidates.
  5. 1 2 "IRV and Core Support". The Center for Election Science. Retrieved December 4, 2019.
  6. Davis, Otto A.; Hinich, Melvin J.; Ordeshook, Peter C. (1970-01-01). "An Expository Development of a Mathematical Model of the Electoral Process". The American Political Science Review. 64 (2): 426–448. doi:10.2307/1953842. JSTOR   1953842. S2CID   1161006. Since our model is multi-dimensional, we can incorporate all criteria which we normally associate with a citizen's voting decision process — issues, style, partisan identification, and the like.
  7. Lewyn, Michael (2012). "Two Cheers for Instant Runoff Voting". 6 Phoenix L. Rev. 117. Rochester, NY. SSRN   2276015. third place C is a centrist who is the second choice of Candidate A's left-wing supporters and Candidate B's right-wing supporters. ... In such a situation, C would prevail over both Candidates A ... and B ... in a one-on-one runoff election. Yet, C would not prevail under IRV because he or she finished third and thus would be the first candidate eliminated.
  8. 1 2 Ogren, Marcus (2024-08-01). "Candidate incentive distributions: How voting methods shape electoral incentives". Electoral Studies. 90: 102799. arXiv: 2306.07147 . doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2024.102799. ISSN   0261-3794.
  9. Lewyn, Michael (2012). "Two Cheers for Instant Runoff Voting". 6 Phoenix L. Rev. 117. Rochester, NY. SSRN   2276015. third place Candidate C is a centrist who is the second choice of Candidate A's left-wing supporters and Candidate B's right-wing supporters. ... In such a situation, Candidate C would prevail over both Candidates A ... and B ... in a one-on-one runoff election. Yet, Candidate C would not prevail under IRV because he or she finished third and thus would be the first candidate eliminated
  10. 1 2 3 Robinette, Robbie (2023-09-01). "Implications of strategic position choices by candidates". Constitutional Political Economy. 34 (3): 445–457. doi:10.1007/s10602-022-09378-6. ISSN   1572-9966.
  11. Merrill, Samuel (1984). "A Comparison of Efficiency of Multicandidate Electoral Systems". American Journal of Political Science. 28 (1): 23–48. doi:10.2307/2110786. ISSN   0092-5853. JSTOR   2110786. However, squeezed by surrounding opponents, a centrist candidate may receive few first-place votes and be eliminated under Hare.
  12. 1 2 Mussel, Johanan D.; Schlechta, Henry (2023-07-21). "Australia: No party convergence where we would most expect it". Party Politics. doi:10.1177/13540688231189363. ISSN   1354-0688.
  13. Ogren, Marcus (2024-05-08). "The primordial election that is never held". Medium. Retrieved 2024-09-05.
  14. Black, Duncan (1948). "On the Rationale of Group Decision-making". Journal of Political Economy. 56 (1): 23–34. doi:10.1086/256633. ISSN   0022-3808. JSTOR   1825026.
  15. Ogren, Marcus (2022-11-16). "RCV in the 2022 Australian Election". Medium. Retrieved 2024-09-05.
  16. Lewyn, Michael (2012). "Two Cheers for Instant Runoff Voting". 6 Phoenix L. Rev. 117. Rochester, NY. SSRN   2276015.
  17. Kousser, Thad; Phillips, Justin; Shor, Boris (2016). "Reform and Representation: A New Method Applied to Recent Electoral Changes*". Political Science Research and Methods. 6 (4): 809–827. doi: 10.1017/psrm.2016.43 . ISSN   2049-8470. SSRN   2260083. neither the Citizens Redistricting Commission nor the top-two primary immediately halted the continuing partisan polarization of California's elected lawmakers or their drift away from the average voter
  18. Kousser, Thad. "California's jungle primary sets up polarized governor's race for November". The Conversation. Retrieved 2018-06-23. The idea was that by opening up primaries to all voters, regardless of party, a flood of new centrist voters would arrive. That would give moderate candidates a route to victory .. Candidates did not represent voters any better after the reforms, taking positions just as polarized as they did before the top two. We detected no shift toward the ideological middle.
  19. "The Effect of Ranked-Choice Voting in Maine | MIT Election Lab". Retrieved 2024-07-25. One of the main claims made by reformers about RCV is that it will make campaigns more civil, as campaigns will have the incentive to seek the second-place vote of supporters of different candidates. To study this claim, I first conducted a difference-in-differences analysis on independent expenditures for and against candidates. In this analysis, I found that negative spending increased significantly in Maine following the implementation of ranked-choice voting, casting doubt on the claim that RCV makes campaigns more civil. To provide more evidence, I also created a dataset of all Facebook advertisements that mentioned any congressional candidates for 2018, the first year that RCV was used in Maine. I then conducted a sentiment analysis to find each advertisement's sentiment (whether it was negative or not). I then used genetic matching to approximate an experiment to find the impact of RCV on civility. In doing so, I found that the 2018 campaign was even more negative than in paired districts around the country.
  20. 1 2 Graham-Squire, Adam; McCune, David (2022-09-11). "A Mathematical Analysis of the 2022 Alaska Special Election for US House". p. 2. arXiv: 2209.04764v3 [econ.GN]. Since Begich wins both … he is the Condorcet winner of the election … AK election also contains a Condorcet loser: Sarah Palin. … she is also a spoiler candidate
  21. Atkinson, Nathan; Ganz, Scott C. (2022-10-30). "The flaw in ranked-choice voting: rewarding extremists". The Hill. Retrieved 2023-05-14. However, ranked-choice voting makes it more difficult to elect moderate candidates when the electorate is polarized. For example, in a three-person race, the moderate candidate may be preferred to each of the more extreme candidates by a majority of voters. However, voters with far-left and far-right views will rank the candidate in second place rather than in first place. Since ranked-choice voting counts only the number of first-choice votes (among the remaining candidates), the moderate candidate would be eliminated in the first round, leaving one of the extreme candidates to be declared the winner.
  22. 1 2 3 Maskin, Eric; Foley, Edward B. (2022-11-01). "Alaska's ranked-choice voting is flawed. But there's an easy fix". Washington Post. ISSN   0190-8286 . Retrieved 2024-02-09.
  23. Potthoff, Richard F.; Munger, Michael C. (November 2021). "Condorcet Loser in 2016: Apparently Trump; Condorcet Winner: Not Clinton?". American Politics Research. 49 (6): 618–636. doi: 10.1177/1532673X211009499 . ISSN   1532-673X.
  24. Igersheim, Herrade; Durand, François; Hamlin, Aaron; Laslier, Jean-François (2022). "Comparing Voting Methods : 2016 US Presidential Election". European Journal of Political Economy. 71. doi:10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2021.102057.
  25. P. Dasgupta and E. Maskin, "The fairest vote of all" (2004); "On the Robustness of Majority Rule" (2008).
  26. Black, Duncan (1948). "On the Rationale of Group Decision-making". Journal of Political Economy. 56 (1): 23–34. doi:10.1086/256633. ISSN   0022-3808. JSTOR   1825026.
  27. 1 2 Laslier, Jean-François (January 2009). "The Leader Rule: A Model of Strategic Approval Voting in a Large Electorate". Journal of Theoretical Politics. 21 (1): 113–136. doi:10.1177/0951629808097286. ISSN   0951-6298.
  28. 1 2 Cox, Gary W. (1985). "Electoral Equilibrium under Approval Voting". American Journal of Political Science. 29 (1): 112–118. doi:10.2307/2111214. ISSN   0092-5853. JSTOR   2111214.
  29. Laslier, Jean-François; Sanver, M. Remzi, eds. (2010). Handbook on Approval Voting. Studies in Choice and Welfare. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. p. 2. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02839-7. ISBN   978-3-642-02838-0. By eliminating the squeezing effect, Approval Voting would encourage the election of consensual candidates. The squeezing effect is typically observed in multiparty elections with a runoff. The runoff tends to prevent extremist candidates from winning, but a centrist candidate who would win any pairwise runoff (the "Condorcet winner") is also often "squeezed" between the left-wing and the right-wing candidates and so eliminated in the first round.
  30. DeGroot, Morris H. (1970). Optimal Statistical Decisions. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York-London-Sydney. p. 232. ISBN   9780471680291. MR   0356303.
  31. Laslier, Jean-François; Sanver, Remzi, eds. (2010). Handbook on Approval Voting. Studies in Choice and Welfare. Heidelberg: Springer Berlin. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02839-7. ISBN   978-3-642-02839-7.
  32. Shankar, Karthik H. (2022-12-01). "Normed Negative Voting to Depolarize Politics". Group Decision and Negotiation. 31 (6): 1097–1120. doi:10.1007/s10726-022-09799-6. ISSN   1572-9907.
  33. "State of Alaska | 2022 Special General Election | Election Summary Report | August 16, 2022 | Official Results" (PDF). Alaska Division of Elections. September 2, 2022. Archived (PDF) from the original on August 17, 2022. Retrieved September 2, 2022.
  34. Graham-Squire, Adam; McCune, David (2022-09-11). "A Mathematical Analysis of the 2022 Alaska Special Election for US House". p. 2. arXiv: 2209.04764v3 [econ.GN]. Since Begich wins both … he is the Condorcet winner of the election … AK election also contains a Condorcet loser: Sarah Palin. … she is also a spoiler candidate
  35. 1 2 3 Clelland, Jeanne N. (2023-02-28). "Ranked Choice Voting And the Center Squeeze in the Alaska 2022 Special Election: How Might Other Voting Methods Compare?". p. 6. arXiv: 2303.00108v1 [cs.CY].
  36. 1 2 Graham-Squire, Adam; McCune, David (2022-09-11). "A Mathematical Analysis of the 2022 Alaska Special Election for US House". p. 2. arXiv: 2209.04764v3 [econ.GN]. Since Begich wins both … he is the Condorcet winner of the election … AK election also contains a Condorcet loser: Sarah Palin. … she is also a spoiler candidate
  37. 1 2 Atkinson, Nathan; Ganz, Scott C. (2022-10-30). "The flaw in ranked-choice voting: rewarding extremists". The Hill. Retrieved 2023-05-14. However, ranked-choice voting makes it more difficult to elect moderate candidates when the electorate is polarized. For example, in a three-person race, the moderate candidate may be preferred to each of the more extreme candidates by a majority of voters. However, voters with far-left and far-right views will rank the candidate in second place rather than in first place. Since ranked-choice voting counts only the number of first-choice votes (among the remaining candidates), the moderate candidate would be eliminated in the first round, leaving one of the extreme candidates to be declared the winner.
  38. 1 2 Graham-Squire, Adam; McCune, David (2022-09-11). "A Mathematical Analysis of the 2022 Alaska Special Election for US House". p. 2. arXiv: 2209.04764v3 [econ.GN]. Since Begich wins both … he is the Condorcet winner of the election … AK election also contains a Condorcet loser: Sarah Palin. … she is also a spoiler candidate
  39. 1 2 3 4 Graham-Squire, Adam; McCune, David (2024-01-02). "Ranked Choice Wackiness in Alaska". Math Horizons. 31 (1): 24–27. doi:10.1080/10724117.2023.2224675. ISSN   1072-4117.
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  41. Graham-Squire, Adam; McCune, David (2022-09-11). "A Mathematical Analysis of the 2022 Alaska Special Election for US House". p. 2. arXiv: 2209.04764v3 [econ.GN]. Since Begich wins both … he is the Condorcet winner of the election … AK election also contains a Condorcet loser: Sarah Palin. … she is also a spoiler candidate
  42. Doron, Gideon; Kronick, Richard (1977). "Single Transferrable Vote: An Example of a Perverse Social Choice Function". American Journal of Political Science. 21 (2): 303–311. doi:10.2307/2110496. ISSN   0092-5853. JSTOR   2110496.
  43. Hamlin, Aaron (2022-09-16). "RCV Fools Palin Voters into Electing a Progressive Democrat". The Center for Election Science. Retrieved 2024-07-11. It's a good thing for Peltola that she didn't attract more Palin voters—she'd have lost [...] The strangeness continues. Peltola could have actually gotten more 1st choice votes in this election and caused herself to lose. How's that? Let's look. [...] Imagine if Peltola reached across the aisle and spoke directly to Palin voters. Imagine that she empathized with their position and identified issues they cared about that Palin and even Begich ignored. And let's say that as a consequence, Peltola got the first-choice votes of between 5,200 and 8,500 voters who would have otherwise ranked only Palin. What happens as a result? Palin would have gotten eliminated in the first round and Peltola would still not be able to beat Begich.
  44. Graham-Squire, Adam; McCune, David (2022-09-11). "A Mathematical Analysis of the 2022 Alaska Special Election for US House". p. 2. arXiv: 2209.04764v3 [econ.GN]. Since Begich wins both … he is the Condorcet winner of the election … AK election also contains a Condorcet loser: Sarah Palin. … she is also a spoiler candidate
  45. Clelland, Jeanne N. (2023-02-28). "Ranked Choice Voting And the Center Squeeze in the Alaska 2022 Special Election: How Might Other Voting Methods Compare?". p. 6. arXiv: 2303.00108v1 [cs.CY].
  46. 1 2 4. How did this change to IRV come about? Over 64% of Burlington voters voted in favor of the IRV Charter amendment in March 2005, and it went into effect on May 12, 2005, when the governor signed the ratification bill, H.505, which had been passed by both the House and Senate.
  47. "Mayor Bob Kiss". City of Burlington. Archived from the original on November 29, 2007. Retrieved November 16, 2007.
  48. "ChoicePlus Pro 2009 Burlington Mayor Round Detail Report". July 25, 2011. Archived from the original on July 25, 2011. Retrieved January 3, 2018.
  49. Felsenthal, Dan S.; Tideman, Nicolaus (2014). "Interacting double monotonicity failure with direction of impact under five voting methods". Mathematical Social Sciences. 67: 57–66. doi:10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2013.08.001. ISSN   0165-4896. A display of non-monotonicity under the Alternative Vote method was reported recently, for the March 2009 mayoral election in Burlington, Vermont.
  50. Ornstein, Joseph T.; Norman, Robert Z. (October 1, 2014). "Frequency of monotonicity failure under Instant Runoff Voting: estimates based on a spatial model of elections". Public Choice. 161 (1–2): 1–9. doi:10.1007/s11127-013-0118-2. ISSN   0048-5829. S2CID   30833409. Although the Democrat was the Condorcet winner (a majority of voters preferred him in all two way contests), he received the fewest first-place votes and so was eliminated ... 2009 mayoral election in Burlington, VT, which illustrates the key features of an upward monotonicity failure
  51. Baruth, Philip (March 12, 2009). "Voting Paradoxes and Perverse Outcomes: Political Scientist Tony Gierzynski Lays Out A Case Against Instant Runoff Voting". Vermont Daily Briefing. Archived from the original on July 26, 2011.
  52. Gierzynski, Anthony; Hamilton, Wes; Smith, Warren D. (March 2009). "Burlington Vermont 2009 IRV mayoral election". Retrieved October 1, 2017. Montroll was favored over Republican Kurt Wright 56% to 44% ... and over Progressive Bob Kiss 54% to 46% ... In other words, in voting terminology, Montroll was a 'beats-all winner,' also called a 'Condorcet winner' ... However, in the IRV election, Montroll came in third! ... voters preferred Montroll over every other candidate ... Montroll is the most-approved
  53. Bristow-Johnson, Robert (2023). "The failure of Instant Runoff to accomplish the purpose for which it was adopted: a case study from Burlington Vermont". Constitutional Political Economy. 34 (3): 378–389. doi:10.1007/s10602-023-09393-1.
  54. Ellenberg, Jordan (May 29, 2014). How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking . Penguin. p.  385. ISBN   9780698163843. a majority of voters liked the centrist candidate Montroll better than Kiss, and a majority of voters liked Montroll better than Wright ... yet Montroll was tossed in the first round.
  55. 1 2 Lewyn, Michael (2012). "Two Cheers for Instant Runoff Voting". Phoenix L. Rev. 6: 117. SSRN   2276015. election where Democratic candidate for mayor was Condorcet winner but finished third behind Republican and 'Progressive'
  56. Stensholt, Eivind (October 7, 2015). "What Happened in Burlington?". NHH Dept. Of Business and Management Science. Discussion Paper No. 2015/26. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2670462. hdl: 11250/2356264 . SSRN   2670462. K was elected even though M was a clear Condorcet winner and W was a clear Plurality winner.
  57. Laatu, Juho; Smith, Warren D. (March 2009). "The Rank-Order Votes in the 2009 Burlington Mayoral Election".
  58. "Instant run-off voting experiment ends in Burlington : Rutland Herald Online". April 27, 2010. Archived from the original on March 4, 2016. Retrieved April 1, 2016.
  59. "Official Results Of 2010 Annual City Election" (PDF). City of Burlington. March 2, 2010.
  60. Stensholt, Eivind (2015). "What Happened in Burlington?". SSRN Electronic Journal. Elsevier BV: 10–12. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2670462. hdl: 11250/2356264 . ISSN   1556-5068.