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A selenophosphate is a chemical compound containing phosphate anions substituted with selenium. Over 7000 compounds are known with a bond between selenium and phosphorus. Compared to phosphorus-sulfur compounds selenophosphates are less thermally stable, and more easily destroyed by water. However they are more stable than tellurophosphates which have an even weaker phosphorus-tellurium bond. [1] Selenophosphates have an oxidation number for phosphorus of +5. But in many there are bonds between phosphorus atoms, reducing the oxidation state to +4, Some may be termed selenophosphites. [2]


Different structural anions include hexaselenohypodiphosphate [P2Se6]4− and [P6Se12]4− with decalin structure and [P4Se2]2− with dicyclobutane structure. [1]

Selenophosphates are coloured, often orange. They are semiconductors.

The first selenodiphosphate was discovered in 1973 by H. Hahn. [3]

Selenophosphate compounds may have some or all of the selenium replaced by sulfur. [4]


Selenophosphates can be produced by melting phosphorus selenide with metal selenides.

Molecular biology

Selenocysteine is produced in many organisms from a selenophosphate. In humans and other eucaryotes, this is facilitated by the enzyme selenophosphate synthetase 1. Selenium is connected to phosphorus using a reaction with selenide and adenosine triphosphate [5]


formulanamemwcrystal systemspace groupunit cell Åvolumedensitycommentsreferences
[(py2Li)]4[P2Se6]·2pywater stable [6]
(NH4)4(P2Se6)(H2O)2triclinicP1a=7.3306 b=7.3761 c=9.5501 α =70.405° β =74.109° γ =60.681° Z=1420.372.544 [7]
[pyH]4[P2Se6]·H2Owater stable [6]
(NBu4)2P2Se8bis(Tetrabutylammonium) 3,6-diselenoxo-1,2,4,5-tetraselena-3,6-diphosphacyclohexane 3,6-diselenide acetonitrile solvatemonoclinicP21/ca 9.6284 b 16.9553 c 16.0899 β 96.875°chair config [8]
(NBu4)3P9Se14orange-red [9]
bis(1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium) 3,6-diselenoxo-1,2,4,5-tetraselena-3,6-diphosphacyclohexane 3,6-diselenidemonoclinicP21/na =7.6642 b =10.9948 c =17.0380 β =91.211°chair config [8]
bis(tetrakis(Acetonitrile-N)-lithium) 3,6-diselenoxo-1,2,4,5-tetraselena-3,6-diphosphacyclohexane 3,6-diselenideorthorhombicPbama 20.0535(6)Å b 12.1200(5)Å c 15.0831cradle config [8]
bis((Tetrapyridine)-lithium) 3,6-diselenoxo-1,2,4,5-tetraselena-3,6-diphosphacyclohexane 3,6-diselenidetriclinicP1a 10.1582 b 10.7716 c 12.750 α 95.271° β 94.847° γ 114.219°cradle config [8]
Na2P4Se2red-brown; P4 bicyclo structure [10]
Na3PSe4cubicI43ma=7.3094 Z=23.53Na ion conductor 1 mS cm−1 [11]
Na4P2Se6orthorhombicCmcaa = 11.836 b = 13.311 c = 8.061 Z = 41270.03.283 [12]
Na4(P2Se6)(H2O)6monoclinicP21/ca 26.0636 b 7.2350 c 20.7197 β 113.387° Z=83586.132.726 [7]
Mg2P2Se6R3a = 6.404 c = 20.194 Z=3 [13]
KPSe6orthorhombicPca21a = 11.49 b = 6.791 c = 11.29 Z = 4orange; NLO χ(2)≈142.8 pm V−1; band gap 2.1 eV [14] [15] [16] [17]
K4Sc2(PSe4)2(P2Se6)monoclinicC2/ca=22.668Å b=6.8147Å c=19.828 β=113.91° [18]
K2P2Se6trigonalP3121a = 7.2728, c = 18.872 Z = 3at 298 K; SHG 50× AgGaSe2 [19]
K2P2Se6trigonalP3121a = 14.4916 c = 18.7999 Z = 12at 173 K [19]
K3PSe4·2Se6cubicFd3a = 16.415at 193 K [20]
K4(P2Se6)(H2O)4orthorhombicCmcaa =11.921 b =12.46 c =11.752 Z=41745.62.908 [7]
K6P8Se181903.66monoclinicP21/na=9.746 b=8.332 c=23.054 β=90.54° Z=21872.13.377orange [21]
Ca2P2Se6monoclinicP21/na = 9.664 b = 7.519 c = 6.859 β = 92.02° [22]
K4Sc2(PSe4)2(P2Se6)737.82monoclinicC2/ca=22.668 b=6.815 c=19.828 β =113.91° Z=82800.23.500orange-yellow; turns red in air; band gap 2.25 eV [23]
KTiPSe5 [24]
K4Ti2(P2Se9)2(P2Se7)black [24]
Cr2P2Se6 [25]
LiCrP2Se6 [26]
MnPSe3trigonalR3band gap 2.5 eV [27] [28]
K2MnP2Se6monoclinicP21/na=6.5349 b=12.696 c=7.589 β=102.67° Z=2614.3 [29]
FePSe3 [27]
Fe2P2Se6trigonalR3band gap 1.3 eV [13] [28]
K2FeP2Se6monoclinicP21/na=6.421 b=12.720 c=7.535 β=102.58 Z=2600.7red [29]
CuP2Se2D semiconductor; metallises under pressure [30]
m-Cu4P2Se6monoclinicP21/ca 6.370 b 11.780 c 20.013 β 90.03° [31]
Cu3PSe4orthorhombicPmn21a=7.700 b=6.677 c=6.385328.3 [32]
t-Cu4P2Se6triclinicP1a 7.104 b 11.889 c 12.759 α 74.35° β 79.63° γ 80.85° [31]
Cu4P3Se4triclinicP1a 6.440 b 7.085 c 10.616 α 73.11° β 74.86° γ 77.00° [31]
Cu4P4Se3monoclinicP21/ca 16.446 b 6.515 c 17.339 β 119.08° [31]
CuP2SeorthorhombicPbcaa 5.608 b 6.496 c 16.570 [31]
CuAl[P2Se6]trigonalR3a = 6.2795 c = 19.9713 Z =3 [33]
K2Cu2P4Se101118.78monoclinicP21/na=10.627 b=7.767 c=11.966 β=109.125° Z=2933.23.981red [34]
K3Cu3P3Se9monoclinicP21/ca = 8.741 b = 10.774, c = 20.033, β = 92.96° [35] [36]
[Cu12(P2Se6){Se2P(OEt)2}8]Et=Ethyl; diethyl diselenophosphate hexaselenodiphosphate(IV) [37]
[Cu12(P2Se6){Se2P(OiPr)2}8]iPr=isopropyl [37]
CuCr[P2Se6]monoclinicC2/ma=6.193 b=10.724 c=6.909 β=107.2° Z=2690.24.9melt 730 °C; dark red [3]
Zn2P2Se6R3a = 6.290 c = 19.93 Z=3 [13]
K2ZnP2Se6monoclinicP21/ca = 12.537 b = 7.274 c = 14.164 β = 109.63° Z = 41216yellow [38] [39]
LiGaP2Se6 [26]
K4GeP4Se12orthorhombicPca21a=13.9465 b=7.2435 c=24.0511 [40]
K4Ge4-xPxSe12monoclinicP21/ca = 6.7388 b = 13.489 c = 6.3904 β = 91.025° [41]
K7As3(P2Se6)4monoclinicP21/ca=25.0706 b=9.5948 c=59.6227 β=93.384°melt 388 °C [42]
K6As2(P2Se6)3monoclinicP21/ca 8.0898 b 23.3142 c 12.1919 β 124.809°melt 410 °C; orange; band gap 2.2 eV [42]
RbPSe6orthorhombicPca21a = 11.776 b = 6.858 c = 11.460 Z = 4NLO χ(2)≈150 pm V−1 [15] [16]
Rb2P2Se6trigonalP3121a = 7.2982 c = 19.002 and Z = 3100 K [19]
Rb4P2Se9monoclinicC2/ca = 9.725 b = 10.468 c = 19.155 β = 93.627° Z = 41946.13.804 [12]
Rb4P6Se12orthorhombicPca21a =16.409 b =10.64 c =15.105bicyclic with >PP< bridge and -SePSe2PSe2Se- ring [43]
Rb10P4Se25 [44]
Rb4(P2Se6)(H2O)4orthorhombicPnnma 9.834 b 12.456 c 7.585 Z=2929.13.395 [7]
RbTiPSe5 [24]
Rb4Ti2(P2Se9)2(P2Se7)orthorhombicFdd2a=35.55 b=37.315 c=6.574 Z=487723.956black [24] [45]
Rb2MnP2Se6 [29]
Rb2ZnP2Se6triclinicP1a = 7.494 b = 7.601 c = 12.729 α = 96.57° β = 105.52° γ = 110.54° Z = 2636.6 [39]
Rb4GeP4Se12orthorhombicPca21a=14.1881 b=7.3566 c=24.2914 [40]
Rb6Ge2P2Se14triclinicP1a = 7.2463 b = 9.707 c = 11.987 α = 79.516° β = 89.524° γ = 68.281°band gap 2.2 eV [41]
Sr2P2Se6monoclinicP21/na = 9.844 b = 7.788 c = 6.963 β = 91.50° Z=2 [22]
NaYP2Se6647.6triclinicP1a=6.9456 b=7.4085 c=9.5306 α=88.819° β=87.748° γ=89.580° Z=2yellow [46] [47] follow up refs
KYP2Se6orthorhombicP212121a = 6.7366 b = 7.4286 c = 21.603 Z = 4 [46] [48]
[(Cp2Zr)2(μ,η1:1:1:1-P2Se4)]Cp = C5H3tBu21269.41monoclinicP21/na=15.2831 b=9.91947 c=18.6250 β=102.835° Z=227531.531dark purple [49]
KZrPSe6orthorhombicPmc21a=3.7079 b=15.074 c=18.491 [50]
RbZrPSe6 [50]
KNb2PSe10monoclinicPca=7.2931 b=15.612 c=13.557 β=106.64°resistivity 4.5 Ω·cm [51]
RbNb2PSe10monoclinicPca=7.381 b=7.8359 c=13.564 β=106.75° [51]
K3RuP5Se10monoclinicP21/ma 11.2099 b 7.2868 c 12.3474 β 93.958° [52]
PdPSesemiconductor [53]
K2PdP2Se6 [24]
Rb2PdP2Se6 [24]
Ag4P2Se61013.69orthorhombicP212121a=6.5760 b=11.5819 c=14.137 Z=41076.85.966melt 642 °C; dark red [54]
AgAl[P2Se6]monoclinicC2/ma=6.348 b=10.989 c=7.028 β=107.2° Z=2melt 588 °C; yellow [3]
K2Ag2P2Se6monoclinicP21/ca=8.528 b=11.251 c=20.975 β=93.24° Z=42009orange [29]
AgCrP2Se6monoclinicC2/ma=6.305 b=10.917; c=6.991 β=107.7° Z=2melt 720 °C; dark red [3]
AgCrP2Se6P3112a=6.3257 c=20.0198layered; antiferromagnetic <42K; band gap 1.240 eV [55]
AgGa[P2Se6]orthorhombicPbcaα=12.169 b=22.484 c=7.473 Z=42044.7melt 450 °C; orange [3]
AgGa[P2Se6]trigonalP31/ca=6.375 c=13.320 Z=2468.815.05dark red [3]
AgScP2Se6688.54trigonalP31/ca=6.463 c=13.249 Z=2482.934.735orange or brown [56]
CdPSe3 [27]
K2CdP2Se6monoclinicP21/ndark yellow [38]
Rb2CdP2Se6819.05monoclinicP21/na=6.640 b=12.729 c=7.778 β=98.24° Z=2650.54.180dark yellow; air stable [38]
Rb8Cd4(Se2)(PSe4)4 [24]
InPSe3 [27]
In2(P3Se9)monoclinicP21/n [35]
LiInP2Se6657.46trigonalP31/ca=6.397 c=13.350 Z=2473.154.615band gap 2.06 eV [57]
(Ph4P)[In(P2Se6)]monoclinicC2/ca = 23.127 b = 6.564 c = 19.083 β = 97.42° Z = 42873@23 °C yellow [58]
KInP2Se6monoclinicP21/na=7.511 b=6.4861 c=22.789 β=98.91° Z=41096.9 [59]
K5In33-Se)(P2Se6)3triclinicP1a 7.6603 b 13.1854 c 18.378 α 87.04° β 88.659° γ 82.025° [60]
K4In4(μ-Se)2(P2Se6)3monoclinicP21/ca 19.707 b 7.712 c 13.229 α 90° β 106.42° [60]
K4In2(PSe5)2(P2Se6)monoclinicCca=11.1564 b=22.8771 c=12.6525 β=109.039° Z=4brick-red; air stable [61]
K4In4(μ-Se)(P2S2.36Se3.64)3triclinicP1a 7.7709 b 13.0007 c 18.9382 α 105.382° β 92.632° γ 91.91° [60]
CuInP2Se6trigonalP31/ca=6.392 c=13.338 Z=2472.05.0melt 642 °C; dark red [3]
AgInP2Se6trigonalP31/ca=6.483 c=13.330 Z=2485.25.2semiconductor; melt 673 °C; dark red; band gap 1.79 eV [62] [3]
SnP2Se6R3a = 6.3213 c = 19.962band gap 1.36–1.41 eV [63]
Sn2P2Se6 [64]
Na11.1Sn2.1P0.9Se12tetragonalI41/acda=14.2446 c=28.473 Z=85777.43.403Na+ ion conductivity 3.0 mS/cm [65]
Rb3Sn(PSe5)(P2Se6)monoclinicP21/aa=14.013 b=7.3436 c=21.983 β=106.61° Z=4black [61]
K10Sn3(P2Se6)4trigonalR3a = 24.1184 c = 7.6482@100K; band gap 1.82 eV [66]
Rb4Sn5P4Se202638.41trigonalP3m1a=7.6163 c=18.6898 Z=1938.914.64black [67]
Rb4Sn2Ag4(P2Se6)2monoclinicP21/na=11.189 b=7.688 c=21.850 β=94.31° Z=21874.24.639black [24] [68]
Rb5[Sn(PSe5)3]triclinicP1a 11.745 b 19.23 c 7.278 α 99.97° β 107.03° γ 87.16° [69]
Sb4(P2Se6)3monoclinicP21/na = 20.777 b = 7.4935 c = 9.4949 β = 91.25° [70]
KSbP2Se6696.55 [35]
β-KSbP2Se6696.55monoclinicP21a=6.8925 b=7.8523 c=10.166 β=91.487 Z=2550.44.203dark red [71]
AgSbP2Se6hygroscopic [72]
α-CsPSe6monoclinicP21/na = 6.877 b = 12.713 c = 11.242 β = 92.735° Z = 4orange [14] [15]
β-CsPSe6637.64tetragonalP421ca = 12.526 c = 12.781 Z = 82005.34.224red orange; metastable; SHG χ(2) ~30 pm/V [14]
Cs2P2Se8orthorhombicCccea = 14.982 b = 24.579 c = 13.065band gap 2.44 ± 0.2 eV; P2Se4 ring; third harmonic generator coefficient 2.4 ± 0.1 × 105 pm2/V2 [73]
Cs3PSe4orthorhombicPnmaa = 10.0146 b = 11.990 c = 9.9286 Z = 41192.24.154 [12]
Cs4P2Se9 [24]
Cs4P2Se10triclinicP1a=7.359 b=7.455 c=10.142 α=85.938°, β=88.055° γ=85.609°[P2Se10]4− [74]
Cs4[P6Se12]1664.98monoclinicP21/na =10.836 b =10.5437 c =12.273 β =98.661°1386.33.989orange; melt 697; NLO [75]
Cs5[P5Se12]1766.92tetragonalP4a =13.968 c =7.546 Z=21472.23.986orange; NLO; band gap 2.17 eV [75] [76]
Cs10P8Se20orthorhombicPnnma = 26.5456 b = 8.0254 c = 11.9031 Z = 22535.84.133(PSe2)3Se rings and P2Se6 [77]
Cs4(P2Se6)(H2O)4orthorhombicPnnma=10.0514 b=12.6867 c=7.8403 Z=2999.83.775 [7]
K0.6Cs0.4PSe6orthorhombicPca21a=11.830 b=6.908 c=11.516 Z=4941.14.085orange; band gap 2.1 eV; SHG χ(2) ~150 pm/V [14]
KCsP2Se8orthorhombicCccea = 14.782 b = 23.954 c = 13.044band gap 2.36 ± 0.2 eV [73]
Cs2MnP2Se6monoclinicP21/n6.4761 b=13.006 c=7.974 β=93.09° Z=2670.6 [29]
Cs2FeP2Se6 [29]
Cs2Cu2P2Se6monoclinicP21/ca=9.958 b=13.067 c=10.720 β=102.46° Z=41363dark green [29]
Cs2ZnP2Se6triclinicP1a = 7.6543 b = 7.7006 c = 12.737 α = 97.007° β = 104.335° γ = 109.241° Z = 2669.5yellow; band gap 2.67 eV [39] [76]
Cs4GeP4Se12orthorhombicPca21a=14.3268 b=7.6202 c=24.6301 [40]
Cs6As2(P2Se6)3monoclinicP21/ca=19.5759 b=7.9206 c=13.0553 β=101.914°orange band gap 2.1 eV [42]
Cs5As(P2Se6)2tetragonalP42/ma=13.826 c=7.5173melt 416 °C; red; band gap 2.0 eV [42]
RbCsP2Se8orthorhombicCcceband gap 2.41 ± 0.2 eV [73]
CsZrPSe6band gap 2.0 eV [76] [50]
CsNb2PSe10monoclinicPca=14.6257 b=7.8097 c=13.5533 β=98.557° [51]
Cs4Pd(PSe4)2monoclinicP21/ca = 7.491 b = 13.340 c = 10.030 β = 92.21° Z = 2red [78]
Cs10Pd(PSe4)4tetragonalP42ca = 13.949 c = 11.527 Z = 4red [78]
Cs2PdP2Se6tetragonalP42/mnma = 8.5337 c = 10.5595 Z = 4black [78]
Cs2Ag2P2Se6monoclinicP21/na=6.807 b=12.517 c=8.462 β=95.75° Z=2717.3yellow [29]
Cs2CdP2Se6monoclinicP21/nyellow [38]
Cs5In(P2Se6)2tetragonalP42/ma = 13.886 c = 7.597 Z = 21464.9@23 °C; dark orange [58]
Cs4Sn(P2Se6)21721.73trigonalR3a=7.808 c=37.905 Z=32001.44.285black [79]
α-Cs2SnP2Se6920.2monoclinicP21/ca=10.230 b =12.990 c=10.949 β=94.529°1450.54.2126orange [79]
Cs2SnP2Se6monoclinicP21/ca = 10.1160 b = 12.7867 c = 11.0828 β = 94.463°@100K [66]
Cs4(Sn3Se8)[Sn(P2Se6)]22828.17tyrigonalP3m1a=7.695 c=18.797 Z=1964.04.872black; 2D [79]
Cs6[Sn2Se4(PSe5)2]triclinicP1a 9.899 b 12.416 c 7.497 α 91.62° β 110.19° γ 79.94° [69]
CuSbP2Se6C2/m [80]
AgSbP2Se6C2/m [80]
Cs8Sb4(P2Se6)5 [35]
Ba2P2Se6monoclinicP21/na = 10.355 b = 7.862 c = 7.046 β = 90.83° Z=2 [22]
Ba3(PSe4)2monoclinicP21/aa = 12.282 b = 6.906 c = 18.061 β = 90.23° Z = 4 [81] [82]
Ba3PO4PSe4triclinicP1a=6.779 b=7.108 c=12.727 α=82.45 β=78.88 γ=81.34 Z=2orange [81]
KBaPSe4orthorhombicPnmaa=11.972 b=6.973 c=10.388 Z=4pale orange [81]
KLaP2Se6713.71monoclinicP21/ca=12.425 b=7.8047 c=11.9279 β=109.612°1089.64.351yellow [35]
K2La(P2Se6)1/2(PSe4)monoclinicP21/na = 9.4269 b = 7.2054 c = 21.0276 β = 97.484° Z = 4 [83]
K3La(PSe4)2monoclinicP21/ca = 9.5782 b = 17.6623 c = 9.9869 β = 90.120° Z = 4 [83]
K3LaP2Se8 [84]
K4La0.67(PSe4)2orthorhombicIbama = 19.0962 b = 9.1408 c = 10.2588 Z = 4 [83]
K8.5La1+1/3(PSe4)4orthorhombicCccaa = 18.2133 b = 38.0914 c = 10.2665 Z = 8 [83]
Ce4(P2Se6)3722.06monoclinicP21/ca = 6.8057 b = 22.969 c = 11.7226 β = 124.096° Z = 64.741orange [85]
NaCeP2Se6monoclinicP21/ca = 12.1422 b = 7.6982 c = 11.7399 β = 111.545° Z=4yellow [85]
KCeP2Se6monoclinicP21/c [46]
Cu0.4Ce1.2P2Se6monoclinicP21/ca = 12.040 b = 7.6418 c = 11.700 β = 111.269° Z = 4yellow [85]
Rb2CeP2Se7monoclinicP21/nred; air sensitive [86]
Rb3CeP2Se81090.13monoclinicP21/ca = 9.6013 b = 18.0604 c = 10.0931 β = 90.619° Z = 41750.074.137orange; air sensitive [86]
Rb9Ce(PSe4)4monoclinicC2/ca=21.446 b=10.575 c=18.784 β =115.94° Z=438313.980orange; air and water destroyed; soluble in 18-crown-6 + dmf; band gap 2.26 eV [44]
AgCeP2Se6monoclinicP21/ca = 9.971 b = 7.482 c = 11.757 β = 145.630° Z=2orange [85]
CsCe[P2Se6]monoclinicP21/ca = 12.9786 b = 7.7624 c = 11.9843 β = 106.589° Z = 4 [87]
KPrP2Se6monoclinicP21/c [46]
Cs2PrP2Se7monoclinicP21/na=10.2118 b=7.2423 c=20.3741 β =98.624° Z=4 [88]
Eu2P2Se6monoclinicP21/na = 9.779 b = 7.793 c = 6.957 β = 91.29° Z=2 [22]
LiEuPSe4orthorhombicAma2a = 10.5592 b = 10.415 c = 6.4924 Z = 4red; air unstable [89]
Na8Eu2(Si2Se6)2monoclinicC2/ma=7.090 b=12.228 c=7.950 β=107.427° Z = 1657.6 [90]
KEuPSe4monoclinicP21/ma = 6.8469 b = 6.9521 c = 9.0436 β = 107.677° Z = 2red; air unstable [89]
KEuPSe4orthorhombicPnmaa = 17.516 b = 7.0126 c = 6.9015 Z = 4 [83]
K4Eu(PSe4)2orthorhombicIbama = 19.020 b = 9.131 c = 10.198 Z = 4 [35] [91]
Cs3GdP2Se8monoclinicP21/c [86]
NaSmP2Se6709.94triclinicP1a 6.8368 b 7.5312 c 9.557 α 90.799° β 91.910° γ 90.351° Z=2red [46]
Na9Sm(Ge2Se6)2monoclinicC2/ma = 7.916 b = 12.244 c = 7.105 β = 106.99° Z = 1658.6 [90]
KSmP2Se6725.15monoclinicP21a=6.7888 b=7.6185 c=10.1962 β=91.508 Z=2527.174.568red [92]
CsSmP2Se6orthorhombicP212121a = 6.8867 b = 7.5448 c = 22.152 Z = 4 [46] [87]
NaGdP2Se6715.94triclinicP1a 6.8464 b 7.4916 c 9.5372 α 90.813° β 92.026° γ 90.241° Z=2yellow [46]
KGdP2Se6monoclinicP21a=6.7802 b=7.5809 c=10.1967 β=91.638 Z=2523.974.640yellow [46] [92]
Rb2GdP2Se71037.73monoclinicP21/na = 10.137 b = 7.212 c = 20.299 β = 98.23° Z = 41468.84.692orange; air sensitive [86]
NaTbP2Se6717.61triclinicP1a 6.8854 b 7.4580 c 9.5196 α 89.068° β 87.899° γ 89.974° Z=2yellow [46]
KTbP2Se6monoclinicP21a=6.7609 b=7.5570 c=10.2158 β=91.732 Z=2521.714.671yellow [46] [92]
KTbP2Se6orthorhombicred over 9.2 GPa [93]
NaDyP2Se6721.19triclinicP1a 6.9114 b 7.4258 c 9.5256 α 88.914° β 87.829° γ 89.695° Z=2yellow [46]
CsEr[P2Se6]monoclinicP21/ca = 7.5381 b = 12.8192 c = 12.7647 β = 106.898° Z = 4 [87]
AgErP2Se6810.83trigonalP31/ca=6.578 c=13.410 Z=2502.65.358dark brown [56]
AgTmP2Se6812.50trigonalP31/ca=6.567 c=13.422 Z=2501.275.383dark brown [56]
K3AuP2Se8monoclinicCca = 7.122 b = 12.527 c = 18.666 β = 96.06° Z = 4 [94]
Rb3AuP2Se8monoclinicCc [94]
Cs3AuP2Se8monoclinicCc [94]
K2Au2P2Se6monoclinicC2/ma = 12.289 b = 7.210 c = 8.107 β = 115.13° Z = 2black [94]
Rb2Au2P2Se6monoclinicC2/m [94]
Rb2Au2P2Se6monoclinicP21/na=11.961 b=10.069 c=32.137 β=91.37° Z=1238694.653@-120 °C black [95]
Hg2P2Se6 [35] [96]
K2HgP2Se6monoclinicP21/ca=13.031 b=7.308 c=14.167 β=110.63° Z=41262.64.285dark yellow [38]
Rb2HgP2Se6monoclinicP21/cdrak yellow [38]
Rb8Hg4(Se2)(PSe4)4P42/na=17.654 c=7.226 [24] [97]
Tl4P2Se6trigonalR3a=6.3808 c= 20.014melt 963 K [35] [98]
TlInP2Se6triclinicP1a=6.4488 b=7.5420 c=12.166 α=100.72° β=93.63° γ=113.32°melt 875K [99] [98]
TlSbP2Se6monoclinicP21a = 6.843 b = 7.841 c = 9.985 β = 90.77° Z = 2melt 720K; band gap 1.75 eV [100]
Pb2P2Se6monoclinicPna = 9.742 b = 7.662 c = 6.898 β=91.44° Z=2514.736.13melt 812 °C;band gap 1.88 eV [35] [101] [102]
Na1.5Pb0.75PSe4cubicI43da=14.3479 Z=16band gap 2 eV [103]
RbPbPSe4red water stable [91]
Rb4Pb(PSe4)2orthorhombicIbama = 19.134 b = 9.369 c = 10.488 Z = 4orange water unstable [91]
CsPbPSe4orthorhombicPnmaa = 18.607 b = 7.096 c = 6.612 Z = 4red water stable [91]
Cs4Pb(PSe4)2orange water unstable [91]
Bi4(P2Se6)3monoclinicP21/na = 20.869 b = 7.4745 c = 9.5923 β = 91.73° [70]
β-Bi4(P2Se6)3triclinicP1a = 12.2303 b = 6.7640 c = 17.866 α = 90.493° β = 94.133° γ = 91.163°black [104]
KBiP2Se6783.78monoclinicP21a 6.9183 b 7.663 c 10.239 β 91.508° Z=2542.64.797 [35] [71]
CuBiP2Se6R3a = 6.553 c = 39.76lamellar; p-type semiconductor; work function 5.26 eV [105] [106]
AgBiP2Se6R3a = 6.652 c = 39.61lamellar [105]
Cs5BiP4Se12orthorhombicPmc21a = 7.5357 b = 13.7783 c = 28.0807 Z = 4band gap 1.85 eV; melt 590 °C [107]
α-TlBiP2Se6monoclinicP2l/ca =12.539 b =7.499 c =12.248 β =113.731°chains; band gap 1.23,1eV [108]
β-TlBiP2Se6monoclinicP2l/ca =12.25 b =7.5518 c =22.834 β =97.65°melt 544 °C; layers; band gap 1.27 eV [108]
K2ThP3Se9triclinicP1a = 10.4582 b = 16.5384 c = 10.2245 α = 107.637 β = 91.652 γ = 90.343° Z = 2 [109]
β-K2ThP3Se9monoclinicP21/na = 10.2697 b = 7.7765 c = 20.472 β = 92.877° Z = 4yellow [110]
Rb2ThP3Se9triclinicP1a = 10.5369 b = 16.6914, c = 10.2864 α = 107.614° β = 92.059° γ = 90.409° Z = 2 [109]
Rb7Th2P6Se21triclinicP1a = 11.531 b = 12.359 c = 16.161 α = 87.289° β = 75.903° γ = 88.041° Z = 2red; band gap 2.0 eV [111]
Cs4Th4P4Se26orthorhombicPbcaa = 12.0130 b = 14.5747 c = 27.134 Z = 8orange; (P2Se9)6- anion [112]
Cs4Th2P5Se17monoclinicP2l/ca = 10.238 b = 32.182 c = 10.749 β = 95.832° Z = 4 [109]
K2UP3Se9triclinicP1a = 10.407( b = 16.491 c = 10.143 α= 107.51° β = 91.74° γ = 90.28° Z = 4black [24] [113]
Rb4U2P5Se17triclinicP1a =10.0824 b = 10.6905 c = 15.7845 α = 84.678 β = 76.125 γ = 85.874°@100K [114]
Rb4U4P4Se263470.84orthorhombicPbcaa=11.9779 b=14.4874 c=27.1377 Z=44709.174.895U5+ [115]
Cs2U2(P2Se9)(Se2)2orthorhombicPbcaa 11.769 b 14.389 c 26.537black [116]


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  116. Mesbah, Adel; Prakash, Jai; Beard, Jessica C.; Lebègue, Sébastien; Ibers, James A. (2018-11-30). "Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Cs 2 U 2 (P 2 Se 9 )(Se 2 ) 2". Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie. 644 (22): 1480–1484. doi:10.1002/zaac.201800263. ISSN   0044-2313. S2CID   105028651.

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