Social network analysis software

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Social network analysis (SNA) software is software which facilitates quantitative or qualitative analysis of social networks, by describing features of a network either through numerical or visual representation.



Networks can consist of anything from families, [1] project teams, classrooms, sports teams, legislatures, nation-states, disease vectors, membership on networking websites like Twitter or Facebook, or even the Internet. Networks can consist of direct linkages between nodes or indirect linkages based upon shared attributes, shared attendance at events, or common affiliations. [2] Network features can be at the level of individual nodes, dyads, triads, ties and/or edges, or the entire network. For example, node-level features can include network phenomena such as betweenness and centrality, or individual attributes such as age, sex, or income. [3] SNA software generates these features from raw network data formatted in an edgelist, adjacency list, or adjacency matrix (also called sociomatrix), often combined with (individual/node-level) attribute data. [4] Though the majority of network analysis software uses a plain text ASCII data format, some software packages contain the capability to utilize relational databases to import and/or store network features.


Visual representations of social networks are important to understand network data and convey the result of the analysis. [5] Visualization often also facilitates qualitative interpretation of network data. With respect to visualization, network analysis tools are used to change the layout, colors, size and other properties of the network representation.

Some SNA software can perform predictive analysis. [6] This includes using network phenomena such as a tie to predict individual level outcomes (often called peer influence or contagion modeling), using individual-level phenomena to predict network outcomes such as the formation of a tie/edge (often called homophily models [7] ) or particular type of triad, or using network phenomena to predict other network phenomena, such as using a triad formation at time 0 to predict tie formation at time 1.

Collection of social network analysis tools and libraries

ProductMain FunctionalityInput FormatOutput FormatPlatformLicense and costNotes
Cytoscape Network analysis and visualization software.sif, .nnf, .gml, SBML, BioPAX, GraphML, Delimited text, .xls,. xlsx, Cytoscape.js JSON, Cytoscape CXCX JSON / CX2 JSON, Cytoscapre.js JSON, GraphML, PSI-MI, XGMML, SIFWindows, Linux, Mac Open source Cytoscape is a widely used open-source platform for visualizing and analyzing complex networks. It offers a user-friendly interface, extensive plugin support, and features for data integration and advanced analysis techniques.
Gephi Graph exploration and manipulation softwareGEXF, GDF, GML, GraphML, Pajek NET, GraphViz DOT, CSV, UCINET DL, Tulip TPL, Netdraw VNA, SpreadsheetCSV, GDF, GEXF, GraphML, Pajek NET, Spreadsheet, PDF, SVGAny system supporting Java 1.6 and OpenGL Open source (GPL3), seeking contributorsGephi [8] is an interactive visualization and exploration platform for all kinds of networks and complex systems, dynamic and hierarchical graphs. It is a tool for people that have to explore and understand graphs. The user interacts with the representation, manipulate the structures, shapes and colors to reveal hidden properties. It uses a 3D render engine to display large networks in real-time and to speed up the exploration. A flexible and multi-task architecture brings new possibilities to work with complex data sets and produce valuable visual results.
Graphviz Graph visualization softwareGraphViz(.dot)Multiple image formats.Windows, Linux, Mac Open source (CPL)Graphviz is open-source graph visualization framework. It has several main graph layout programs suitable for social network visualization.
Network Overview Discovery Exploration for Excel (NodeXL) Network analysis, content analysis and graph visualization softwarexlsx (Excel 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, 365), GDF, GEXF, Pajek, UCINet, GraphMLxlsx (Excel 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, 365), csv, GDF, GEXF, Pajek, UCINet, GraphML, NodeXL Pro INSIGHTS, PowerPointWindows 10, 11NodeXL Basic is free, NodeXL Pro is a paid subscriptionNodeXL is a (social) network analysis and visualization Add-in for Microsoft Excel written in C#. It integrates into Excel 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, 365 and adds undirected and directed graphs as a chart type to the spreadsheet and calculates a core set of network metrics and scores. Supports data import from X (formerly Twitter), YouTube, Reddit, Wiki and Flickr social networks. Accepts edge lists and matrix representations of graphs. Allows for easy and automated manipulation and filtering of underlying data in spreadsheet format. Multiple network visualization layouts. Reads and writes Pajek, UCINet and GraphML files.
NetMiner All-in-one Software for Network Analysis and Visualization.xls(Excel),.xlsx (Excel 2007), .csv(text), .dl(UCINET), .net(Pajek), .dat(StOCNET), .gml; NMF(proprietary).xls(Excel),.xlsx (Excel 2007), .csv(text), .dl(UCINET), .net(Pajek), .dat(StOCNET), NMF(proprietary)WindowsCommercial with free trialNetMiner is a software tool for exploratory analysis and visualization of large network data. NetMiner 4 embed internal Python-based script engine which equipped with the automatic Script Generator for unskilled users. Then the users can operate NetMiner 4 with existing GUI or programmable script language.
  • Analysis of large networks(+10,000,000 nodes), comprehensive network measures and models
  • Both exploratory & confirmatory analysis
  • Interactive visual analytics
  • What-if network analysis
  • Built-in statistical procedures and charts
  • Full documentation(1,000+ pages of User's Manual)
  • Expressive network data model
  • Facilities for data & workflow management
  • Python-based Script workbench and user-friendliness
  • Morphological Analyzer for Semantic network analysis
Python Social network analysis within the versatile and popular Python environmentPython will read in almost any format data filePython has write capability for most data formatsWindows, Linux, Mac Open source Python contains several packages relevant for social network analysis:
  • igraph is a library collection for creating and manipulating graphs and analyzing networks. It is written in C and also exists as Python and R packages;
  • sna performs sociometric analysis of networks; network manipulates and displays network objects;
  • Networkx is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks;
  • Graph-tool is a python module for efficient analysis of graphs. Its core data structures and algorithms are implemented in C++, with heavy use of Template metaprogramming, based on the Boost Graph Library. It contains a comprehensive list of algorithms.
R Social network analysis within the versatile and popular R environmentR will read in almost any format data fileR has write capability for most data formatsWindows, Linux, Mac Open source R contains several packages relevant for social network analysis:
  • igraph is a library collection for creating and manipulating graphs and analyzing networks. It is written in C and also exists as Python and R packages;
  • sna performs sociometric analysis of networks;
  • network manipulates and displays network objects;
  • PAFit can analyse the evolution of complex networks by estimating preferential attachment and node fitness;
  • tnet performs analysis of weighted networks, two-mode networks, and longitudinal networks;
  • ergm is a set of tools to analyze and simulate networks based on exponential random graph models exponential random graph models;
  • Bergm provides tools for Bayesian analysis for exponential random graph models;
  • hergm implements hierarchical exponential random graph models;
  • RSiena allows the analyses of the evolution of social networks using dynamic actor-oriented models;
  • latentnet has functions for network latent position and cluster models;
  • degreenet provides tools for statistical modeling of network degree distributions;
  • networksis provides tools for simulating bipartite networks with fixed marginals;
  • multiplex offers tools for the analysis of multiple social networks with algebra;
  • migraph provides tools for analysing multimodal and multilevel networks;
  • netdiffuseR was designed for the analysis of network diffusion of innovations (and diffusion in general);
  • bipartite provides functions to visualise and calculate indices used to describe bipartite graphs. It focuses on webs, i.e., ecological networks.
Tulip Social Network Analysis toolTulip format (.tlp), GraphViz (.dot), GML, txt, adjacency matrix .tlp, .gml, GraphVis format (.dot), GML, PNG / SVG / JPEGWindows, Linux, Mac Open source Tulip is an information visualization framework dedicated to the analysis and visualization of relational data. Tulip aims to provide the developer with a complete library, supporting the design of interactive information visualization applications for relational data that can be tailored to the problems he or she is addressing.

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vladimir Batagelj</span> Slovenian mathematician

Vladimir Batagelj is a Slovenian mathematician and an emeritus professor of mathematics at the University of Ljubljana. He is known for his work in discrete mathematics and combinatorial optimization, particularly analysis of social networks and other large networks (blockmodeling).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Social network analysis</span> Analysis of social structures using network and graph theory

Social network analysis (SNA) is the process of investigating social structures through the use of networks and graph theory. It characterizes networked structures in terms of nodes and the ties, edges, or links that connect them. Examples of social structures commonly visualized through social network analysis include social media networks, meme spread, information circulation, friendship and acquaintance networks, peer learner networks, business networks, knowledge networks, difficult working relationships, collaboration graphs, kinship, disease transmission, and sexual relationships. These networks are often visualized through sociograms in which nodes are represented as points and ties are represented as lines. These visualizations provide a means of qualitatively assessing networks by varying the visual representation of their nodes and edges to reflect attributes of interest.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Network theory</span> Study of graphs as a representation of relations between discrete objects

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Barry Wellman</span> American sociologist (1942–2024)

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Weighted network</span> Network where the ties among nodes have weights assigned to them

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Social network</span> Social structure made up of a set of social actors

A social network is a social structure made up of a set of social actors, sets of dyadic ties, and other social interactions between actors. The social network perspective provides a set of methods for analyzing the structure of whole social entities as well as a variety of theories explaining the patterns observed in these structures. The study of these structures uses social network analysis to identify local and global patterns, locate influential entities, and examine network dynamics.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">NodeXL</span> Network analysis and visualization package for Microsoft Excel

NodeXL is a network analysis and visualization software package for Microsoft Excel 2007/2010/2013/2016. The package is similar to other network visualization tools such as Pajek, UCINet, and Gephi. It is widely applied in ring, mapping of vertex and edge, and customizable visual attributes and tags. NodeXL enables researchers to undertake social network analysis work metrics such as centrality, degree, and clustering, as well as monitor relational data and describe the overall relational network structure. When applied to Twitter data analysis, it showed the total network of all users participating in public discussion and its internal structure through data mining. It allows social Network analysis (SNA) to emphasize the relationships rather than the isolated individuals or organizations, allowing interested parties to investigate the two-way dialogue between organizations and the public. SNA also provides a flexible measurement system and parameter selection to confirm the influential nodes in the network, such as in-degree and out-degree centrality. The software contains network visualization, social network analysis features, access to social media network data importers, advanced network metrics, and automation.

Stanley Wasserman is an American statistician and prior to retirement was the Rudy Professor of Statistics, Psychology, and Sociology at Indiana University Bloomington and the Academic Supervisor of the International laboratory for Applied Network Research at Moscow's National Research University – Higher School of Economics. He is known for his work on social network analysis, mathematical sociology, network science and multidimensional networks. In 2017 Wasserman launched the Master's program 'Applied statistics with Network Analysis' at National Research University – Higher School of Economics.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Network homophily</span>

Network homophily refers to the theory in network science which states that, based on node attributes, similar nodes may be more likely to attach to each other than dissimilar ones. The hypothesis is linked to the model of preferential attachment and it draws from the phenomenon of homophily in social sciences and much of the scientific analysis of the creation of social ties based on similarity comes from network science. In fact, empirical research seems to indicate the frequent occurrence of homophily in real networks. Homophily in social relations may lead to a commensurate distance in networks leading to the creation of clusters that have been observed in social networking services. Homophily is a key topic in network science as it can determine the speed of the diffusion of information and ideas.

Structural holes is a concept from social network research, originally developed by Ronald Stuart Burt. A structural hole is understood as a gap between two individuals who have complementary sources to information. The study of structural holes spans the fields of sociology, economics, and computer science. Burt introduced this concept in an attempt to explain the origin of differences in social capital. Burt’s theory suggests that individuals hold certain positional advantages/disadvantages from how they are embedded in neighborhoods or other social structures.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Autologistic actor attribute models</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Blockmodeling</span> Analytical method for social structure

Blockmodeling is a set or a coherent framework, that is used for analyzing social structure and also for setting procedure(s) for partitioning (clustering) social network's units, based on specific patterns, which form a distinctive structure through interconnectivity. It is primarily used in statistics, machine learning and network science.

Patrick Doreian is an American mathematician and social scientist, whose specialty is network analysis. His specific research interests include blockmodeling, social structure and network processes.

Andrej Mrvar is a Slovenian computer scientist and a professor at the University of Ljubljana. He is known for his work in network analysis, graph drawing, decision making, virtual reality, electronic timing and data processing of sports competitions.

Peter Marsden is an American sociologist. He is the Edith and Benjamin Geisinger Professor of Sociology at Harvard University.


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