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The taskbar is a graphical user interface element that has been part of Microsoft Windows since Windows 95, displaying and facilitating switching between running programs. The taskbar and the associated Start Menu were created and named in 1993 by Daniel Oran, a program manager at Microsoft who had previously collaborated on great ape language research with the behavioral psychologist B.F. Skinner at Harvard. [1] [2] [3] [4]


The taskbar is an exemplar of a category of always-visible graphical user interface elements that provide access to fundamental operating system functions and information. At the time of its introduction in 1995, the taskbar was unique among such elements because it provided the user with a means of switching between running programs through a single click of the pointing device.

Since the introduction of Windows 95, other operating systems have incorporated graphical user interface elements that closely resemble the taskbar or have similar features. The designs vary, but generally include a strip along one edge of the screen. Icons or textual descriptions on this strip correspond to open windows. Clicking the icons or text enables the user to easily switch between windows, with the active window often appearing differently from the others on the strip. In some versions of recent operating systems, users can "pin" programs or files to this strip for quick access. In many cases, there is also a notification area, which includes interactive icons that display real-time information about the computer system and some of the running programs.

With the rapid evolution of operating systems and graphical user interfaces, items that are native to each operating system have been included in the various designs.


Windows 1.0

Windows 1.0, released in 1985, features a horizontal bar located at the bottom of the screen where running programs reside when minimized (referred to as "iconization" at the time), represented by icons. A window can be minimized by double-clicking its title bar, dragging it onto an empty spot on the bar, or by issuing a command from one of its menus. A minimized window is restored by double-clicking its icon or dragging the icon out of the bar.

The bar features multiple slots for icons and expands vertically to provide the user with more rows as more slots are needed. Its color is the same as that of the screen background, which can be customized. Minimized windows can be freely placed in any of the empty slots. Program windows cannot overlap the bar unless maximized.

The Start button did not make an appearance in these early implementations of the taskbar, and would be introduced at a much later date with the release of Windows 95.

Windows 1 Bar.png
Appearance of the bar used for holding minimized windows in Windows 1.0


Another early implementation can be seen in the Arthur operating system from Acorn Computers. It is called the icon bar [5] and remains an essential part of Arthur's succeeding RISC OS operating system. The icon bar holds icons which represent mounted disc drives and RAM discs, running applications and system utilities. These icons have their own context-sensitive menus and support drag and drop behaviour.

Arthur Icon Bar 1987.PNG
Appearance of Acorn's icon bar in 1987 under Arthur, after launching a number of devices and applications


AmigaOS featured various third party implementations of the taskbar concept, and this inheritance is present also in its successors. For example, AmiDock, born as third-party utility, has then been integrated into AmigaOS 3.9 and AmigaOS 4.0. [6] The AROS operating system has its version of Amistart that is provided with the OS and free to be installed by users, while MorphOS has been equipped with a dock utility just like in AmigaOS or Mac OS X.

Microsoft Windows

The default settings for the taskbar in Microsoft Windows place it at the bottom of the screen and includes from left to right the Start menu button, Quick Launch bar, taskbar buttons, and notification area. The Quick Launch toolbar was added with the Windows Desktop Update and is not enabled by default in Windows XP. Windows 7 removed the Quick Launch feature in favor of pinning applications to the taskbar itself. In Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, a hotspot located in the bottom-left corner of the screen replaced the Start button, although this change was reverted in Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2.

The Windows 95 taskbar buttons evolved from an earlier task-switching design by Daniel Oran, a program manager at Microsoft, that featured file-folder-like tabs across the top of the screen, similar to those that later appeared in web browsers. [2] For this reason, the taskbar was originally intended to be at the top of the screen. But the final configuration of Windows 95 put the taskbar at the bottom of the screen, replacing a user interface element called the tray that had been borrowed from Microsoft's Cairo project. [7] [8] [9] [10]

With the release of Windows XP, Microsoft changed the behavior of the taskbar to take advantage of Fitts's law by removing a border of pixels surrounding the Start button which did not activate the menu, allowing the menu to be activated by clicking directly in the corner of the screen. [11]

Windows 95 taskbar screenshot.png
The first implementation of the modern Windows taskbar in Windows 95. It also appeared in Windows 98, Windows Me and Windows 2000.
Windows XP task grouping (Luna).png
A standard Windows XP taskbar with multiple tasks running. Note the Quick Launch toolbar, introduced in Windows 95 OSR 2.5. Icons in the notification area can be hidden to save space and revealed with the arrow button.
Windows Vista Taskbar.png
The taskbar in Windows Vista. The design is functionally similar to Windows XP, but with a new Start button, icons and transparency effect to align with the Windows Aero design language introduced in this release.
Windows 7 Taskbar.png
The taskbar in Windows 7 removes the Quick Launch bar and hides application names by default, in favor of large icons that can be "pinned" to the taskbar when the application is not running.
Windows 8 taskbar.PNG
The taskbar in Windows 8. Note the missing Start button in this version, which was replaced with a hot corner (the Charms menu can be used instead when using a touchscreen), and the Metro apps that are running are not shown in the taskbar.
Windows 8.1 taskbar.PNG
The taskbar in Windows 8.1. The Start button has returned to this version of Windows, and Metro apps that are running are now shown by default on the taskbar.
Windows 10 RTM taskbar.PNG
The taskbar in Windows 10, in Desktop mode, on the RTM version (1507). The next major revision to the taskbar came in Windows 10, where icons for Search and Task View have been added. Also, the shortcut to Action Center is visible (the icon for Action Center has been moved to the right when the Windows Anniversary Update came along).
Windows 10 RTM tablet mode taskbar.PNG
The taskbar in Windows 10, in tablet mode, on the RTM version (1507). The next major revision to the taskbar came in Windows 10, where icons for Search and Task View have been added. Also, the shortcut to Action Center is visible (the icon for Action Center has been moved to the right when the Windows Anniversary Update came along).
Windows 10 Taskbar.png
The taskbar in Windows 10, in Desktop mode, on version 22H2. New features got added to the taskbar like News and Interests, and Search Highlights (prev. called Search spotlight) and are shown by default on a clean install. The shell integration with Cortana was also removed and replaced with a search bar.
Windows 10 taskbar in Tablet mode.png
The taskbar in Windows 10, in Tablet (handheld) mode, on version 22H2.
Windows 11 taskbar.png
The taskbar in Windows 11, in version 23H2, with the icons at the center by default.
Windows 11 taskbar with the icons on the left.png
The taskbar in Windows 11, in version 23H2, with the icons at the left.

Taskbar elements


The Windows taskbar can be modified by users in several ways. The position of the taskbar can be changed to appear on any edge of the primary display (except in Windows 11, where the taskbar is permanently fixed at the bottom of the screen and cannot be moved to the top, left, or right side). Up to and including Windows Server 2008, the taskbar is constrained to single display, although third-party utilities such as UltraMon allow it to span multiple displays. When the taskbar is displayed vertically on versions of Windows prior to Windows Vista, the Start menu button will only display the text "Start" or translated equivalent if the taskbar is wide enough to show the full text. [27] However, the edge of the taskbar (in any position) can be dragged to control its height (width for a vertical taskbar); this is especially useful for a vertical taskbar to show window titles next to the window icons.

Users can resize the height (or width when displayed vertically) of the taskbar up to half of the display area. To avoid inadvertent resizing or repositioning of the taskbar, Windows XP and later lock the taskbar by default. [28] [29] When unlocked, "grips" are displayed next to the movable elements which allow grabbing with the mouse to move and size. These grips slightly decrease amount of available space in the taskbar.

The taskbar as a whole can be hidden until the mouse pointer is moved to the display edge, or has keyboard focus. The Windows 7+ taskbar does not allow pinning any arbitrary folder to the taskbar, it gets pinned instead to the jumplist of a pinned Explorer shortcut, however third party utilities such as Winaero's Taskbar Pinner can be used to pin any type of shortcut to the taskbar. [30]

Desktop toolbars

Other toolbars, known as "Deskbands", may be added to the taskbar. [31] This feature, along with many other taskbar features is currently absent in Windows 11. Windows includes the following deskbands but does not display them by default (except the Quick Launch toolbar in certain versions and configurations).

In addition to deskbands, Windows supports "Application Desktop Toolbars" (also called "appbands") that supports creating additional toolbars that can dock to any side of the screen, and cannot be overlaid by other applications. [32]

Users can add additional toolbars that display the contents of folders. The display for toolbars that represent folder items (such as Links, Desktop and Quick Launch) can be changed to show large icons and the text for each item. Prior to Windows Vista, the Desktop Toolbars could be dragged off the taskbar and float independently, or docked to a display edge. Windows Vista greatly limited, but did not eliminate the ability to have desktop toolbar not attached to the taskbar. [33] Windows 7 has deprecated the use of Floating Deskbands altogether; they only appear pinned into the taskbar.


Classic Mac OS did not display a taskbar onscreen by default. Application switching prior to Mac OS 8.5 was done by clicking on an application's window or via a pull-down menu at the right end of the menu bar. Prior to version 8.5 the menu's title was the icon of the foreground application. Version 8.5 introduced the ability to optionally also display the application name and to "tear off" the menu by dragging the title with the mouse. The torn off menu was displayed as a palette. The palette window could be configured using AppleScript to appear much like a taskbar, with no title bar and fixed to one edge of the screen. No control panel was provided by Apple to access this functionality, but third-party developers quickly wrote applications that allowed users unfamiliar with AppleScript to customize their application palettes. Third party taskbars such as DragThing were a popular category of shareware on these systems.

The Dock, as featured in macOS and its predecessor NeXTSTEP, is also a kind of taskbar. The macOS Dock is application-oriented instead of window-oriented. Each running application is represented by one icon in the Dock regardless of how many windows it has on screen. A textual menu can be opened by right-clicking on the dock icon that gives access to an application's windows. Mac OS X 10.2 added the ability for an application to add items of its own to this menu. Minimized windows also appear in the dock, in the rightmost section, represented by a real-time graphical thumbnail of the window's contents. The trash can is also represented in the Dock, as a universal metaphor for deletion. For example, dragging selected text to the trash should remove the text from the document and create a clipping file in the trash.

The right side of macOS's Menu bar also typically contains several notification widgets and quick access functions, called Menu extras.

MacOS Big Sur dock.png
The default Dock in macOS Big Sur in light mode

Unix-like operating systems

KDE Plasma

In KDE Plasma 5, taskbar uses Widgets as elements in taskbar. In the update 5.20 (November 2020) they updated the taskbar to look more like Windows 10 by only displaying icons by default and grouping application windows together. [35]

Plasma 5.20 Taskbar.png
The new taskbar of Plasma 5.20


GNOME 2 used its own type of taskbar, known as panels (the program responsible for them is therefore called gnome-panel). By default, GNOME 2 usually contains two full-width panels at the top and bottom of the screen. The top panel usually contains navigation menus labeled Applications, Places, and System in that order. These menus hold links to common applications, areas of the file system, and system preferences and administration utilities, respectively.

GNOME 2 Top-Panel.png
Default top panel appearance from Ubuntu 6.10 to 8.04
GNOME 2 Bottom-Panel.png
Default bottom panel from Ubuntu 6.10 to 8.04

The top panel usually contains a clock and notification area, while the bottom panel contains buttons for navigating between virtual desktops, the window list proper, and a button which minimizes all windows (similarly to Windows' Show desktop button). The contents of panels are handled by widgets called panel applets, which can consist of application shortcuts, search tools, or other tools. The contents of the panels can be moved, removed, or configured in other ways.

GNOME Shell Activities Overview which showcases the Dash GNOME Shell.png
GNOME Shell Activities Overview which showcases the Dash

In GNOME 3, panels are replaced by GNOME Shell, which consists of a bar across the top of the screen with an Activities button on the left, a clock in the centre, and a notification area on the right. GNOME Shell does not contain a traditional taskbar; users can manage windows, virtual desktops, and launch applications from either a "Dash" on the side of the screen, or by searching from Activities Overview, which is displayed by clicking on the Activities button. GNOME 3.8 introduces Classic Mode, which re-implements certain aspects of GNOME 2's desktop as an alternate desktop environment that can be selected at the login screen. [36]

Other Unix environments

These desktop environments provide their own implementation of a taskbar:

Standalone window managers that provide an integrated taskbar include:

Programs that offer standalone taskbars for desktop environments or window managers without one include Avant Window Navigator, pypanel, fbpanel, perlpanel, tint2, and others.

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The Start menu is a graphical user interface element that has been part of Microsoft Windows since Windows 95, providing a means of opening programs and performing other functions in the Windows shell. The Start menu, and the Taskbar on which it appears, were created and named in 1993 by Daniel Oran, a program manager at Microsoft who had previously collaborated on great ape language research with the behavioral psychologist B.F. Skinner at Harvard.

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The Windows shell is the graphical user interface for the Microsoft Windows operating system. Its readily identifiable elements consist of the desktop, the taskbar, the Start menu, the task switcher and the AutoPlay feature. On some versions of Windows, it also includes Flip 3D and the charms. In Windows 10, the Windows Shell Experience Host interface drives visuals like the Start Menu, Action Center, Taskbar, and Task View/Timeline. However, the Windows shell also implements a shell namespace that enables computer programs running on Windows to access the computer's resources via the hierarchy of shell objects. "Desktop" is the top object of the hierarchy; below it there are a number of files and folders stored on the disk, as well as a number of special folders whose contents are either virtual or dynamically created. Recycle Bin, Libraries, Control Panel, This PC and Network are examples of such shell objects.

Alt+Tab ↹ is the common name for a keyboard shortcut that has been in Microsoft Windows since Windows 2.0 (1987). This shortcut switches between application-level windows without using the mouse; hence it was named Task Switcher.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">GNOME Panel</span> Taskbar implementation for the GNOME desktop environment

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Some of the new features included in Windows 7 are advancements in touch, speech and handwriting recognition, support for virtual hard disks, support for additional file formats, improved performance on multi-core processors, improved boot performance, and kernel improvements.

Windows 11 is a major release of the Windows NT operating system and is the successor to Windows 10. It introduces new features such as a redesigned interface, new productivity and social features, and updates to security and accessibility, along with improvements to performance.


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