Invasion of Java (1811)

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Invasion of Java
Part of the Napoleonic Wars
B26056056H - The landing of the British Army at Chillinching on the island of Java 4th Augt. 1811.jpg
British troops landing at Cilincing, Java
Date4 August – 18 September 1811
Result British victory
British occupation of Java
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of the British East India Company (1801).svg  East India Company
Flag of France (1794-1815).svg  France
Commanders and leaders
Robert Stopford
Samuel Auchmuty
Robert Rollo Gillespie
Jan Willem Janssens
12,000 soldiers
25 warships
Casualties and losses
1,000 2,000

The invasion of Java was a successful British amphibious operation against Java in the Dutch East Indies between August and September 1811 during the Napoleonic Wars. Originally established as a colony of the Dutch East India Company, Java remained in Dutch hands throughout the French Revolutionary Wars, during which the French invaded the Dutch Republic, transforming it into the Batavian Republic in 1795 and the Kingdom of Holland in 1806. The Kingdom of Holland was annexed to the First French Empire in 1810, and Java became a French colony, though it continued to be administered and garrisoned primarily with Dutch personnel.


After their capture of the French West Indies between 1809 and 1810, and a successful campaign against France's possessions in Mauritius from 1810 to 1811, British attention turned to the Dutch East Indies. An expedition was dispatched from British India in April 1811, while a small squadron of Royal Navy frigates was ordered to patrol off the island, raiding shipping and launching amphibious assaults against targets of opportunity. British troops landed on 4 August, and by 8 August the undefended city of Batavia capitulated. The defenders withdrew to a previously prepared fortified position, Fort Cornelis, which the British besieged, capturing it early in the morning of 26 August. The remaining defenders, a mixture of Dutch and French regulars and native militiamen, withdrew, pursued by the British.[ citation needed ] A series of amphibious and land assaults captured most of the remaining strongholds, and the city of Salatiga surrendered on 16 September, followed by the official capitulation of the island to the British on 18 September.

The island remained in British hands for the remainder of the Napoleonic Wars, but was returned to Dutch control in 1816, as per the terms of the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1814. [1]


A 1780 illustration of Batavia, Dutch East Indies Vue de l'isle et de la ville de Batavia appartenant aux Hollandois, pour la Compagnie des Indes (mirror correction).jpg
A 1780 illustration of Batavia, Dutch East Indies

The Dutch had been under French control for several years and were already at war with Britain. The strongly pro-French Herman Willem Daendels was appointed governor-general of the Dutch East Indies in 1807. He arrived in Java aboard the French privateer Virginie in 1808, and began fortifying the island against the British threat. In particular, Daendels established an entrenched camp named Fort Cornelis a few miles south of Batavia. He also improved the island's defences by building new hospitals, barracks, arms factories and a new military college. [2]

In 1810, the Kingdom of Holland were formally annexed by France. As part of the resulting changes, Jan Willem Janssens was appointed personally by Napoleon Bonaparte to replace Daendels as governor-general. Janssens had previously served as governor of the Dutch Cape Colony, and had been forced to capitulate after being defeated by British forces at the Battle of Blaauwberg in 1806. Janssens accompanied a French frigate division under Joseph-François Raoul, which consisted of the frigates Méduse and Nymphe and the corvette Sappho, tasked with supporting Java. The division was accompanied by several hundred light infantrymen and several senior French officers. They arrived in Java in April 1811 without mishap. On 2 September, the frigates arrived at Surabaya, tailed by the 32-gun frigate HMS Bucephalus. Two days later, the British sloop HMS Barracouta joined the chase, but lost contact on 8 September. Four days later, Méduse and Nymphe chased Bucephalus, which escaped and broke contact the next day. The squadron was back in Brest, France on 22 December 1811. [2]

British forces had already occupied the Dutch colonies of Ambon and the Molucca Islands; they had also recently captured the French colonies of Réunion and Isle de France in the Mauritius campaign of 1809–1811. Stamford Raffles, an East India Company official who had been forced to leave the Dutch colony at Malacca when Holland was annexed, suggested to Lord Minto, the Governor-General of India, that Java and the other Dutch possessions should be captured. With the large forces which had been made available to him for the Mauritius campaign, Minto enthusiastically adopted the suggestion, and even proposed to accompany the expedition himself. [2]

The Navy was active off the Javanese coastline before and during the expedition. On 23 May 1811 a party from HMS Sir Francis Drake attacked a flotilla of fourteen Dutch gun vessels off Surabaya, capturing nine of them. [3] Merak, in north-western Java, was attacked and the fort defending the town largely demolished by a party from HMS Minden and HMS Leda on 30 July. On the same day HMS Procris attacked a squadron of six Dutch gunboats flying French colours, capturing five and destroying the sixth. [4] [5]


Captain Robert Maunsell capturing French Gunboats off the mouth of the Indramayo, July 1811 The Boats of H.M.S Sloop Procris (10 guns) engaging French Gunboats off the mouth of the Indramayo, Java.jpg
Captain Robert Maunsell capturing French Gunboats off the mouth of the Indramayo, July 1811

The British force, initially under the command of Vice-Admiral William O'Bryen Drury, and then after his death in March 1811, under Commodore William Robert Broughton, assembled at bases in India in early 1811. [6] The first division of troops, under the command of Colonel Rollo Gillespie, left Madras on 18 April, escorted by a squadron under Captain Christopher Cole aboard the 36-gun HMS Caroline. They arrived at Penang on 18 May, and on 21 May the second division, led by Major-General Frederick Augustus Wetherall, which had left Calcutta on 21 April, escorted by a squadron under Captain Fleetwood Pellew, aboard the 38-gun HMS Phaeton joined them. [6] The two squadrons sailed together, arriving at Malacca on 1 June, where they made contact with a division of troops from Bengal under Lieutenant-General Sir Samuel Auchmuty, escorted by Commodore Broughton aboard the 74-gun HMS Illustrious. Auchmuty and Broughton became the military and naval commanders in chief respectively of the expedition. [6]

With the force now assembled Auchmuty had roughly 11,960 men under his command, the previous strength having been reduced by approximately 1,200 by sickness. Those too ill to travel on were landed at Malacca, and on 11 June the fleet sailed onwards. After calling at various points en route, the force arrived off Indramayu on 30 June. [3] On 31 July Captain Maunsell commanding the sloop the Procris, discovered a convoy of 40 or 50 proas, escorted by six French gunboats in the mouth of the Indromayo river. Launching boats they were able to board and capture five of the French gunboats in quick succession; the sixth blew up. Meanwhile, however, the convoy escaped up the shallow muddy river. [7]

There the fleet waited for a time for intelligence concerning the Dutch strength. Colonel Mackenzie, an officer who had been dispatched to reconnoitre the coast, suggested a landing site at Cilincing, an undefended fishing village 12 miles (19 km) east of Batavia. [8] The fleet anchored off the Marandi River on 4 August, and began landing troops at 14:00. [5] The defenders were taken by surprise, and nearly six hours passed before Franco-Dutch troops arrived to oppose the landing, by which time 8,000 British troops had been landed. [5] [9] A brief skirmish took place between the advance guards, and the Franco-Dutch forces were repulsed. [9]

Fall of Batavia

On learning of the successful British landing, Janssens withdrew from Batavia with his army, which amounted to between 8,000 and 10,090 men, and garrisoned themselves in Fort Cornelis. [9] The British advanced on Batavia, reaching it on 8 August and finding it undefended. The city surrendered to the forces under Colonel Gillespie, after Broughton and Auchmuty had offered promises to respect private property. [9] [10] The British were disappointed to find that part of the town had been set on fire, and many warehouses full of goods such as coffee and sugar had been looted or flooded, depriving them of prize money. [11] On 9 August 1811 Rear-Admiral Robert Stopford arrived and superseded Commodore Broughton, who was judged to be too cautious. [11] [12] Stopford had orders to supersede Rear-Admiral Albemarle Bertie as commander in chief at the Cape, but on his arrival he learnt of Vice-Admiral Drury's death, and the planned expedition to Java, and so travelled on. [10]

British advances

General Janssens had always intended to rely on the tropical climate and disease to weaken the British army rather than oppose a landing. [11] The British now advanced on Janssens's stronghold, reducing enemy positions as they went. The Dutch military and naval station at Weltevreeden fell to the British after an attack on 10 August. British losses did not exceed 100 while the defenders lost over 300. [13] In one skirmish, one of Janssens's French subordinates, General Alberti, was killed when he mistook some British riflemen[ citation needed ] in their green uniforms for Dutch troops. Weltevreeden was six miles from Fort Cornelis and on 20 August the British began preparing fortifications of their own, some 600 yards from the Franco-Dutch positions. [12]

Siege of Fort Cornelis

Diagram of Fort Cornelis, Batavia. Post Meester Cornelis Batavia 1744.jpg
Diagram of Fort Cornelis, Batavia.

Fort Cornelis measured 1 mile (1,600 m) in length by between 600 yards (550 m) and 800 yards (730 m) in breadth. Two hundred and eighty cannon were mounted on its walls and bastions. Its defenders were a mixed bag of Dutch, French and East Indies troops. Most of the locally raised East Indian troops were of doubtful loyalty and effectiveness, although there were some determined artillerymen from Celebes. The captured station at Weltevreeden proved an ideal base from which the British could lay siege to Fort Cornelis. On 14 August the British completed a trail through the forests and pepper plantations to allow them to bring up heavy guns and munitions, and opened siege works on the north side of the Fort. For several days, there were exchanges of fire between the fort and the British batteries, manned mainly by Royal Marines and sailors from HMS Nisus. [14]

A sortie from the fort early on the morning of 22 August briefly seized three of the British batteries, until they were driven back by some of the Bengal Sepoys and the 69th Foot. [13] The two sides then exchanged heavy fire, faltering on 23 August, but resuming on 24 August. [10] [15] The Franco-Dutch position worsened when a deserter helped General Rollo Gillespie to capture two of the redoubts by surprise. Gillespie, who was suffering from fever, collapsed, but recovered to storm a third redoubt. The French General Jauffret was taken prisoner. Two Dutch officers, Major Holsman and Major Muller, sacrificed themselves to blow up the redoubt's magazine. [16]

The three redoubts were nevertheless the key to the defence, and their loss demoralised most of Janssens's East Indian troops. Many Dutch troops also defected, repudiating their allegiance to the French. The British stormed the fort at midnight on 25 August, capturing it after a bitter fight. [10] [15] The siege cost the British 630 casualties. The defenders' casualties were heavier, but only those among officers were fully recorded. Forty of them were killed, sixty-three wounded and 230 captured, including two French generals. [16] Nearly 5,000 men were captured, including three general officers, 34 field officers, 70 captains and 150 subaltern officers. [15] 1,000 men were found dead in the fort, with more being killed in the subsequent pursuit. [15] Janssens escaped to Buitenzorg with a few survivors from his army, but was forced to abandon the town when the British approached. [15]

Total British losses in the campaign after the fall of Fort Cornelis amounted to 141 killed, 733 wounded and 13 missing from the Army, and 15 killed, 45 wounded and three missing from the Navy; a total of 156 killed, 788 wounded and 16 missing by 27 August. [15]

Later actions

Royal Navy ships continued to patrol off the coast, occasionally making raids on targets of opportunity. On 4 September two French 40-gun frigates, the Méduse and the Nymphe attempted to escape from Surabaya. They were pursued by the 36-gun HMS Bucephalus and the 18-gun HMS Barracouta, until Barracouta lost contact. [17] [18] Bucephalus pursued them alone until 12 September, when the French frigates came about and attempted to overhaul her. Bucephalus's commander, Captain Charles Pelly, turned about and tried to lead the pursuing French over shoals, but seeing the danger, they hauled off and abandoned the chase, returning to Europe. [19] [20]

On 31 August a force from the frigates HMS Hussar, HMS Phaeton and HMS Sir Francis Drake, and the sloop HMS Dasher captured the fort and town of Sumenep, on Madura Island in the face of a large Dutch defending force. [20] The rest of Madura and several surrounding islands placed themselves under the British soon afterwards. [21] Suspecting Janssens to be in Cirebon, a force was landed there from HMS Lion, HMS Nisus, HMS President, HMS Phoebe and HMS Hesper on 4 September, causing the defenders to promptly surrender. General Jamelle, a member of Janssens's staff, was captured in the fall of the town. [20] [21] The town and fort of Taggal surrendered on 12 September after HMS Nisus and HMS Phoebe arrived offshore. [22]

While the navy took control of coastal towns, the army pushed on into the interior of the island. Janssens had been reinforced on 3 September by 1,200 mounted irregulars under Prince Prang Wedono and other Javanese militia. On 16 September Salatiga fell to the British. [22] Janssens attacked a British force under Colonel Samuel Gibbs that day, but was repulsed. Many of the native militia killed their Dutch officers in the ensuing rout. [23] With his effective force reduced to a handful of men, Janssens surrendered two days later, on 18 September. [20] [22]


The Dutch-held islands of Amboyna, Harouka, Saparua, Nasso-Laut, Buru, Manipa, Manado, Copang, Amenang, Kemar, Twangwoo, and Ternate had surrendered to a force led by Captain Edward Tucker in 1810, while Captain Christopher Cole captured the Banda Islands, completing the conquest of Dutch possessions in the Maluku Islands. [24] Java became the last major colonial possession in the East not under British control, and its fall marked the effective end of the war in these waters. [20] [24] Stamford Raffles was appointed Lieutenant Governor of Java. [25] [26] He ended Dutch administrative methods, liberalized the system of land tenure, and extended trade.

Britain returned Java and other East Indian possessions to the newly independent United Kingdom of the Netherlands under the terms of the Convention of London in 1814. One enduring legacy of the British occupation was the road rules, as the British had decreed that traffic should drive on the left, and this has endured in Indonesia to this day.

Sepoy revolt

The Bengali sepoy regiments stationed in Yogyakarta in 1815, inspired by the Hindu rituals of the Surakarta court and the glory of the Javanese temples of Prambanan and Borobodur planned a revolt against the British. This plot was conjured with the help of Sunan and the sepoys planned to kill all the British officers, overthrow European power, and install a Bengali administration over the whole island. In the end, the plan never came to fruition. As described by British officer Sir Stamford Raffles:

the Hindus appear to have been gratified at discovering relics of their ancient religion and faith [in Java] and to have received without dislike a country in which they found themselves so much at home...the sepoys always pointed out that Java was the land of Brama. This they would say was the country in which their gods took delight; this must be the country described in their sacredbooks and not Hindustan, which, if ever the abode of the gods must have since been strangely altered, and that it was a sin and a shame that the land of Brama should remain in the hands of infidels

Sir Stamford Raffles

He further stated that this revolt would ultimately have led to the reestablishment of Hinduism in Java and the expulsion of European power

The intimacy between this prince [Pakubuwana IV] and the Sepoys first commenced from his attending ceremonies of their religious worship, which was Hindu, and assisting them with several idols of that worship which had been preserved in his family. The conspirators availing themselves of the predilection of the prince for the religion of his ancestors, flattered him by addressing him as a descendant of the great Ráma [Rama], and a deliberate plan was formed, the object of which was to place the European provinces once more under a Hindu power. Had this plan been attended with success, it would probably have been followed by the almost immediate and general reconversion of the Javanese themselves to the Hindu faith

Sir Stamford Raffles

The Sunan of Surakarta took an avid interest in the Hindu sepoys, and would attend Pooja with the Bengalis, who prayed to Javanese idols which likely had not seen worship in centuries. He would also allow them to take part in his court, and use his facilities for worship and training.

In Surakarta, however, the Sunan immediately responded to the sepoys’ overtures by lending them Hindu images from the court collections and by providing money for the decoration of the statues and to light up the ghāt (platforms) on which they were placed. He also attended various ceremonies inside the fort, usually alone and dressed as a common Javanese, but sometimes also accompanied by members of his family when he would arrive by carriage (Carey 1977:302). In return, the Sunan welcomed leading sepoy conspirators into his court, sitting with them in the evenings at the Randingan, the place set aside for archery practice in the kraton, where he would interrogate them on the manner and customs of India and watch their gymnastic displays (Carey 1977:303, 317 note 61). The sepoys also told him about the history of Bengal, the strength of the British army in India and their victories there, stressing that the power of the farang (British) was entirely dependant on their British-Indian troops [27] [28]

British order of battle

Stopford's fleet on his arrival on 9 August to assume command of the expedition, consisted of the following ships, dispersed around the Javanese coast: [12]

Rear-Admiral Stopford's fleet
Ship Rate Guns Navy Commander Notes
HMS Scipion Third rate 74 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Rear-Admiral Hon. Robert Stopford
Captain James Johnson
HMS Illustrious Third rate 74 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Commodore William Robert Broughton
Captain Robert Festing
HMS Minden Third rate 74 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Captain Edward Wallis Hoare
HMS Lion Third rate 64 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Captain Henry Heathcote
HMS Akbar Fifth rate 44 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Captain Henry Drury
HMS Nisus Fifth rate 38 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Captain Philip Beaver
HMS President Fifth rate 38 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Captain Samuel Warren
HMS Hussar Fifth rate 38 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Captain James Coutts Crawford
HMS Phaeton Fifth rate 38 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Captain Fleetwood Pellew
HMS Leda Fifth rate 36 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Captain George Sayer
HMS Caroline Fifth rate 36 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Captain Christopher Cole
HMS Modeste Fifth rate 36 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Captain George Elliot
HMS Phoebe Fifth rate 36 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Captain James Hillyar
HMS Bucephalus Fifth rate 36 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Captain Charles Pelly
HMS Doris Fifth rate 36 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Captain William Jones Lye
HMS Cornelia Fifth rate 32 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Captain Henry Folkes Edgell
HMS Psyche Fifth rate 32 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Captain John Edgcumbe
HMS Sir Francis Drake Fifth rate 32 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Captain George Harris
HMS Procris Brig-sloop 18 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Commander Robert Maunsell
HMS Barracouta Brig-sloop 18 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Commander William Fitzwilliam Owen
HMS Hesper Ship-sloop 18 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Commander Barrington Reynolds
HMS Harpy Sloop 18 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Commander Henderson Bain
HMS Hecate Brig-sloop 18 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Commander Henry John Peachey
HMS Dasher Sloop 18 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Commander Benedictus Marwood Kelly
HMS Samarang Sloop 18 Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svg Commander Joseph Drury
In addition to the vessels of the Royal Navy, the East India Company provided the services of several of their ships, led by Malabar under Commodore John Hayes. The EIC vessels included Ariel, Aurora, Mornington, Nautilus, Psyche, Thetis, and Vestal.
When one adds in the transport vessels, and several gunboats captured as the campaign progressed, Stopford commanded nearly a hundred ships. [12]
The British Army troops attached to the force included 12,000 soldiers from the 22nd Light Dragoons, 14th Foot, 59th Foot, 69th Foot, 78th Foot; 89th Foot, and 102nd Foot. The Navy provided contingents of the Royal Marines. The EIC contributed several regiments of Madras Native Infantry and Bengal Native Infantry, with half of the overall troop strength consisting of EIC Indian troops. General Samuel Auchmuty was the overall commander, but he delegated the field command to Major General Rollo Gillespie. [11]


  1. Wright, H.R.C. (1950). "The Anglo-Dutch Dispute in the East, 1814–1824". The Economic History Review. 3 (2): 229–239. doi:10.2307/2590770. JSTOR   2590770.
  2. 1 2 3 Fregosi. Dreams of Empire. p. 320.
  3. 1 2 James. The Naval History of Great Britain. Vol. 6. p. 27.
  4. James. The Naval History of Great Britain. Vol. 6. p. 30.
  5. 1 2 3 Woodman. The Victory of Seapower. p. 107.
  6. 1 2 3 James. The Naval History of Great Britain. Vol. 6. p. 26.
  7. "Captain Robert Maunsell capturing French gunboats off Java, July 1811". Royal Greenwich Museums. Retrieved 27 February 2022.
  8. James. The Naval History of Great Britain. Vol. 6. p. 31.
  9. 1 2 3 4 James. The Naval History of Great Britain. Vol. 6. p. 32.
  10. 1 2 3 4 Woodman. The Victory of Seapower. p. 108.
  11. 1 2 3 4 Fregosi. Dreams of Empire. p. 321.
  12. 1 2 3 4 James. The Naval History of Great Britain. Vol. 6. p. 33.
  13. 1 2 "nationalarchives site". Archived from the original on 2012-03-05. Retrieved 2010-01-28.
  14. Fregosi. Dreams of Empire. p. 322.
  15. 1 2 3 4 5 6 James. The Naval History of Great Britain. Vol. 6. p. 34.
  16. 1 2 Fregosi. Dreams of Empire. p. 323.
  17. James. The Naval History of Great Britain. Vol. 6. p. 35.
  18. Woodman. The Victory of Seapower. p. 109.
  19. James. The Naval History of Great Britain. Vol. 6. p. 36.
  20. 1 2 3 4 5 Woodman. The Victory of Seapower. p. 110.
  21. 1 2 James. The Naval History of Great Britain. Vol. 6. p. 38.
  22. 1 2 3 James. The Naval History of Great Britain. Vol. 6. p. 39.
  23. Fregosi. Dreams of Empire. p. 324.
  24. 1 2 Woodman. The Victory of Seapower. pp. 104–106.
  25. Southeast Asia: A Historical Encyclopedia, from Angkor Wat to East Timor By Keat Gin Ooi Contributor Keat Gin Ooi Published by ABC-CLIO, 2004; ISBN   978-1-57607-770-2; p. 937
  26. British India – From Queen Elizabeth To Lord Reading. By An Indian Mahomedan Contributed by Theodore Morison, 1926 republished by Read Books, 2007; ISBN   978-1-4067-5148-2; pp. 81, 82, 83, 84
  27. Carey, Peter B. (Summer 2016). "The Kolkata (Calcutta) Stone and the Bicentennial of the British Interregnum in Java, 1811–1816". The Newsletter (74) via
  28. "Into a new era the British interregnum, 1812–1816" (PDF).

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The Atlantic campaign of 1806 was one of the most important and complex naval campaigns of the post-Trafalgar Napoleonic Wars. Seeking to take advantage of the withdrawal of British forces from the Atlantic in the aftermath of the Battle of Trafalgar, Emperor Napoleon ordered two battle squadrons to sea from the fleet stationed at Brest, during December 1805. Escaping deep into the Atlantic, these squadrons succeeded in disrupting British convoys, evading pursuit by British battle squadrons and reinforcing the French garrison at Santo Domingo. The period of French success was brief: on 6 February 1806 one of the squadrons, under Vice-Admiral Corentin Urbain Leissègues, was intercepted by a British squadron at the Battle of San Domingo and destroyed, losing all five of its ships of the line.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Invasion of Guadeloupe (1810)</span> 1810 British amphibious operation

The Invasion of Guadeloupe was a British amphibious operation fought between 28 January and 6 February 1810 over control of the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe during the Napoleonic Wars. The island was the final remaining French colony in the Americas, following the systematic invasion and capture of the others during 1809 by British forces. During the Napoleonic Wars, the French colonies had provided protected harbours for French privateers and warships, which could prey on the numerous British trade routes in the Caribbean and then return to the colonies before British warships could react. In response, the British instituted a blockade of the islands, stationing ships off every port and seizing any vessel that tried to enter or leave. With trade and communication made dangerous by the British blockade squadrons, the economies and morale of the French colonies began to collapse, and in the summer of 1808 desperate messages were sent to France requesting help.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Action of 18 October 1806</span> Minor naval engagement during the French Revolutionary Wars

The action of 18 October 1806 was a minor naval engagement during the Napoleonic Wars, fought between the British Royal Navy frigate HMS Caroline and a Dutch squadron at the entrance to Batavia harbour on Java in the Dutch East Indies. During the battle the Dutch frigate Maria Riggersbergen was left unsupported by the remainder of the squadron and, isolated, was forced to surrender. Captain Peter Rainier, the British commander, was subsequently free to remove his prize from within sight of the Dutch port when the remainder of the Dutch squadron refused to engage Caroline and their crews deliberately grounded the ships to avoid capture. He also returned many prisoners taken previously in a captured brig.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Java campaign of 1806–1807</span> Military campaign in Netherlands East Indies

The Java campaign of 1806–1807 was a minor campaign during the Napoleonic Wars by British Royal Navy forces against a naval squadron of the Kingdom of Holland, a client state of the French Empire, based on the island of Java in the Dutch East Indies. Seeking to eliminate any threat to valuable British merchant convoys passing through the Malacca Straits, Rear-Admiral Sir Edward Pellew determined in early 1806 that the Dutch naval forces based at Java, which included several ships of the line and three frigates, had to be defeated to ensure British dominance in the region. Lacking the forces to effect an invasion of the Dutch colony, Pellew instead sought to isolate and blockade the Dutch squadron based at Batavia in preparation for raids specifically targeting the Dutch ships with his main force.

The Raid on Griessie was a British attack on the Dutch port of Griessie on Java in the Dutch East Indies in December 1807 during the Napoleonic Wars. The raid was the final action in a series of engagements fought by the British squadron based in the Indian Ocean against the Dutch naval forces in Java. It completed the destruction of the Dutch squadron with the scuttling of three ships of the line, the last Dutch warships in the region. The British squadron—under the command of Rear-Admiral Sir Edward Pellew—sought to eliminate the Dutch to safeguard the trade route with China, which ran through the Straits of Malacca and were in the range of Dutch raiders operating from the principal Javan port of Batavia. In mid-1806, British frigates reconnoitred Javan waters and captured two Dutch frigates, encouraging Pellew to lead a major attack on Batavia that destroyed the last Dutch frigate and several smaller warships. Before the Batavia raid, Dutch Rear-Admiral Hartsinck had ordered his ships of the line to sail eastwards, where they took shelter at Griessie, near Sourabaya.

Sir Henry Heathcote was an officer of the Royal Navy who served during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars.

HMS <i>Procris</i> (1806) Brig-sloop of the Royal Navy

HMS Procris was a Cruizer-class brig-sloop launched in 1807. She served at the second battle of Copenhagen. She then went out to the East Indies where she spent the rest of her active service, including participating in the 1811 invasion of Java. She returned to Britain in 1814 and was sold the next year. She then became a merchantman, while retaining her name. She traded primarily with North America but on a voyage in the Mediterranean an armed Greek brig captured her. However, her master was able to regain control. She was wrecked on 25 August 1839.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">French and British interregnum in the Dutch East Indies</span> French and British colonial administration in the Dutch East Indies

The French and British interregnum in the Dutch East Indies of the Dutch East Indies took place between 1806 and 1816. The French ruled between 1806 and 1811, while the British took over for 1811 to 1816 and transferred its control back to the Dutch in 1816.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">East Indies theatre of the French Revolutionary Wars</span>

The East Indies theatre of the French Revolutionary Wars was a series of campaigns related to the major European conflict known as the French Revolutionary Wars, fought between 1793 and 1801 between the new French Republic and its allies and a shifting alliance of rival powers. Although the Indian Ocean was separated by vast distance from the principal theatre of the conflict in Western Europe, it played a significant role due to the economic importance of the region to Great Britain, France's most constant opponent, of its colonies in India and the Far Eastern trade.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Invasion of the Spice Islands</span> 1810 British military campaign in the Dutch East Indies

The invasion of the Spice Islands was a military invasion by British forces that took place between February and August 1810 on and around the Dutch owned Maluku Islands also known as the Spice Islands in the Dutch East Indies during the Napoleonic wars.

HMS <i>Caroline</i> (1795) Frigate of the Royal Navy in service 1795–1812

HMS Caroline was a 36-gun fifth-rate Phoebe-class frigate of the Royal Navy. She was designed by Sir John Henslow and launched in 1795 at Rotherhithe by John Randall. Caroline was a lengthened copy of HMS Inconstant with improved speed but more instability. The frigate was commissioned in July 1795 under Captain William Luke to serve in the North Sea Fleet of Admiral Adam Duncan. Caroline spent less than a year in the North Sea before being transferred to the Lisbon Station. Here she was tasked to hunt down or interdict French shipping while protecting British merchant ships, with service taking her from off Lisbon to Cadiz and into the Mediterranean Sea. In 1799 the ship assisted in the tracking of the French fleet of Admiral Étienne Eustache Bruix, and in 1800 she participated in the blockade of Cadiz.


Further reading