Katapaspanas was a town of ancient Bithynia, inhabited in Roman times. [1] [ when? ]
Its site is located near Yukari Kınık, Asiatic Turkey. [1] [2]
Kalasyrta was an inland town of ancient Bithynia inhabited during Roman times. Its name does not occur in ancient authors, but is inferred from epigraphic and other evidence.
Baradendromia was an inland town of ancient Bithynia inhabited during Roman times. Its name does not occur in ancient authors, but is inferred from epigraphic and other evidence.
Trikomia was an inland town of ancient Bithynia inhabited during Roman times.
Pentephyle, also possibly known as Triknaita, was an inland town of ancient Bithynia inhabited during Roman times.
Tarsus or Tarsos was a town of ancient Bithynia, on the inland road east of Nicomedia. It is mentioned by Stephanus of Byzantium.
Prindea was a town of ancient Bithynia on the road east of Nicomedia. Its name does not occur in ancient authors but is inferred from epigraphic and other evidence.
Kassa was a town of ancient Bithynia. Its name does not occur in ancient authors but is inferred from epigraphic and other evidence.
Dekaton was a settlement and station of ancient Bithynia on the road east of Nicomedia, 10 Roman miles east of Nicomedia, whence the name.
Terbos was a town of ancient Bithynia, inhabited during Roman times.
Kabia was a town of ancient Bithynia, inhabited during Roman times.
Kizoura was a town of ancient Bithynia. Its name does not occur in ancient authors but is inferred from epigraphic and other evidence.
Cenon Gallicanon was a town of ancient Bithynia, inhabited during Roman times. Its name does not occur in ancient authors but is inferred from epigraphic and other evidence.
Carus Vicus was a town of ancient Bithynia. It was on the main road from Claudiopolis through Cratia (Flaviopolis) and Carus Vicus to Ancyra in Galatia. It was 30 M.P. from Cratia.
Apsoda was a town of ancient Bithynia, inhabited in Byzantine times.
Eirakla was a town of ancient Bithynia, inhabited in Roman times. The name does not occur among ancient authors but is inferred from epigraphic and other evidence.
Syllanta was a town of ancient Bithynia, inhabited in Roman times. The name does not occur among ancient authors but is inferred from epigraphic and other evidence.
Mossynea was a town of ancient Bithynia, inhabited in Roman times. The name does not occur among ancient authors but is inferred from epigraphic and other evidence.
Ontoraita was a town of ancient Bithynia, inhabited in Roman times. The name does not occur among ancient authors but is inferred from epigraphic and other evidence.
Oka was a town of ancient Bithynia, inhabited in Roman times. The name does not occur among ancient authors but is inferred from epigraphic and other evidence.
Tattaios was a town of ancient Bithynia, inhabited in Roman and Byzantine times.
40°14′18″N30°36′11″E / 40.238261°N 30.603109°E