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Bliss, Michael. "Privatizing the Mind: The Sundering of Canadian History, the Sundering of Canada," Journal of Canadian Studies 26 (Winter 1991–92): 5-17
Brandt, Gail Cuthbert. "National Unity and the Politics of Political History," Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 3 (1992): 3-11
Dick, Lyle. "A Growing Necessity for Canada: W. L. Morton's Centenary Series and the Forms of National History, 1955-80," The Canadian Historical Review 82, No. 2 (June 2001), 223–252.
Edwards, Justin D.l and Douglas Ivison. Downtown Canada: Writing Canadian Cities (2005) excerpt and text search
Gagnon, Serge. Quebec and its Historians: 1840 to 1920 (English ed. 1982; French ed. 1978)
Gagnon, Serge. Quebec and its Historians: The Twentieth Century (English ed. 1985)
Glassford, Larry A. "The Evolution of 'New Political History' in English-Canadian Historiography: From Cliometrics to Cliodiversity." American Review of Canadian Studies. 32#3 (2002). pp 347+. online edition
Granatstein, J. L. A Reader's Guide to Canadian History: Confederation to the Present (1982)
Hallowell, Gerald, ed. The Oxford Companion to Canadian History (2006), online at OUP
Kealey, Gregory S. "Class in English-Canadian Historical Writing: Neither Privatizing, Nor Sundering," Journal of Canadian Studies 27 (Summer 1992):
Kealey, Linda, Ruth Pierson, Joan Sangster, and Veronica Strong-Boag. "Teaching Canadian History in the 1990s: Whose 'National' History Are We Lamenting?," Journal of Canadian Studies 27 (Summer 1992):
Muise, D. A. ed., A Reader's Guide to Canadian History: i, Beginnings to Confederation (1982); historiography
Granatstein, Jack, ed. A Reader's Guide to Canadian History: Confederation to the Present v2 (1982); historiography
Osborne, Ken. "'Our History Syllabus Has Us Gasping': History in Canadian Schools--Past, Present, and Future," The Canadian Historical Review 81 (September 2000):
Parr, Joy. "Gender History and Historical Practice," The Canadian Historical Review 76 (September 1995): 354-376
Story, Norah. Oxford Companion to Canadian History and Literature (1974)
Taylor, M. Brook, ed. Canadian History: A Reader's Guide. Vol. 1. Doug Owram, ed. Canadian History: A Reader's Guide. Vol. 2. Toronto: 1994. historiography
Rudin, Ronald. Making History in Twentieth Century Quebec (1997)
Schultz, John. ed. Writing About Canada: A Handbook for Modern Canadian History (1990),
Strong-Boag, Veronica, Mona Gleason, and Adele Perry. Rethinking Canada: The Promise of Women's History (2003) excerpt and text search
Strong-Boag, Veronica. "Contested Space: The Politics of Canadian Memory," Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 5 (1994): 3-16
Warkentin, John, ed. So Vast and Various: Interpreting Canada’s Regions in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (2010); looks at 150 years of writings about Canada's regions.
Wright, Donald. The Professionalization of History in English Canada (2005) 280pp excerpt and text search
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