Timeline of Canadian history

Last updated

This is a brief timeline of the history of Canada, comprising important social, economic, political, military, legal, and territorial changes and events in Canada and its predecessor states.



to 14,000 BCEAt some unknown time prior to this date, Paleo-Indians moved across the Beringia land bridge from eastern Siberia into northwest North America, settling in some areas of Alaska and the Yukon, [1] but are blocked from further travel south into the continent by extensive glaciation. [2] [3]
14,000 BCE Glaciers that covered Canada began melting, allowing Paleo-Indians to move south and east into Canada and beyond. [4]
3,000–2,000 BCEThe Indigenous peoples of the Northeastern Woodlands begin to cultivate different types of squash. [5]
3,000 BCE Paleo-Eskimos begin to settle the Arctic regions of North America from Siberia. [6]

8th century

796 CE Council of Three Fires (also known as the Three Fires Confederacy) was formed. [7]

10th century

900A short-lived Norse settlement is founded at L'Anse aux Meadows. It is possibly connected with the attempted colony of Vinland, established by Leif Erikson around the same period or, more broadly, with Norse exploration of the Americas. [8] [9]

12th century

114231 August The Iroquois Confederacy (also known as the League of Peace and Power) is formed. [10]

15th century

149724 June Genoese navigator John Cabot lands the Matthew of Bristol somewhere on the northern Atlantic coast of North America, claiming the land for England by the Doctrine of discovery. The precise location of Cabot's landing is widely debated but generally believed to be on Newfoundland, already inhabited by the Beothuk people [11]

16th century

153424 JulyExplorer Jacques Cartier claims the Gaspé Peninsula, already inhabited by Indigenous St. Lawrence Iroquoians, for France under the Doctrine of Discovery. He returns to France with two Iroquois captives. [12]
1583Explorer Humphrey Gilbert lands in present-day St. John's and lays claim to the island of Newfoundland for the Kingdom of England under the Doctrine of Discovery. He dies at sea and permanent settlement by the British had to await better planned attempts. [13]

17th century

1605French colonists under Samuel de Champlain establish the first permanent European settlement in the future Canada at Port-Royal, founding the colony that would become known as Acadia. [14]
16083 July Quebec City founded by Champlain, becoming the capital of New France. [15]
16344 July Trois-Rivières founded, becoming the second permanent settlement in New France. [16]
164217 May Fort Ville-Marie -(Old Montreal) founded with the majority of immigrants coming directly from France led by Paul de Chomedey and Jeanne Mance, a lay woman. [17]
1666 First census of North America released. [18]
16702 May Hudson's Bay Company formed. It has an exclusive charter for trade in the Hudson's Bay watershed region known as Rupert's Land. The company administers the new colony on behalf of the King. [19]
169016–24 OctoberThe Battle of Québec was fought between the colonies of New France and Massachusetts Bay, then ruled by the kingdoms of France and England, respectively. It was the first time Québec's defenses were tested, with the new Englanders hoping to seize Québec, then the capital of New France. They failed to take the city. [20]

18th century

17014 August The Great Peace of Montreal, between New France and 39 First Nations, is finalized. [21]
1710In the Siege of Port Royal, the capital of Acadia falls to the British, defeating the French garrison and their Wabanaki Confederacy Indigenous allies. This begins an expansion into present-day Nova Scotia by the British. [22]
171311 AprilThe War of the Spanish Succession is ended by the Treaty of Utrecht. France cedes the territory of Acadia to Great Britain and renounces claims to some British territories in Canada, as well as its claim to a monopoly of trade with the Indigenous population, but retains control of Île Royale colony (present-day Cape Breton Island and Prince Edward Island). [23]
1717The Indigenous settlement of Kanesatake is founded at the confluence of the St.Lawrence and Ottawa rivers. It is founded by the Sulpician Order under a royal charter as a home for Catholic converts of the Indigenous peoples of the region, including the Mohawk. The lands' ownership becomes disputed between the Order and the Indigenous residents over the original land grant and title. The settlement would later be the location of the Oka Crisis. The land remains disputed. [24]
174921 June Halifax is founded and settled by the British, marking the first time that public rather than private capital was used to settle a British colony in the Americas. The Indigenous Mi'kmaq consider Britain's unilateral action as a violation of treaties signed after Father Rale's War in 1726, starting Father Le Loutre's War. British colonists would drive French and Mi'kmaq inhabitants from peninsular Nova Scotia but are repelled from Acadian settlements further north (present-day New Brunswick). [25] [26] [20]
175511 AugustBritish Brigadier-General Charles Lawrence orders the Expulsion of the Acadians. Over the next decade an estimated 11,400 French Catholics are deported to the Thirteen Colonies and Europe. Many settle in Louisiana. [27]
17588 June 26 JulyThe French naval fortress at Louisbourg is sieged for a second time by the British, having been returned to the French after a previous occupation in 1745. After being used to stage attacks on French Canada the following year, British soldiers reduce the fortress to rubble to prevent its return to the French a second time. [28] [29]
175913 SeptemberA three-month British siege of Quebec City culminates in the pivotal Battle of the Plains of Abraham just outside the city's walls. Both the British and French commanders are killed in the battle. Following a decisive British victory, the French evacuate the city. [30]
1760-176110 March 1760 – 12 October 1761The Halifax Treaties are signed between the Wabanaki Confederacy and the British Crown to end warring between the Indigenous peoples of the Maritimes and the British. One by one, various First Nations signed treaties to pledge "peace and friendship" with the British. The issue of aboriginal title is not covered in the treaties. [31]
176310 FebruaryThe Seven Years' War is ended by the Treaty of Paris. France cedes New France to Great Britain, its colony Canada becoming the British Province of Quebec, and its remaining maritime colonies annexed by Nova Scotia. [32]
7 OctoberThe Royal Proclamation of 1763 is issued by King George III, forbidding settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains, which was delineated as an Indian Reserve. The document is the first to recognize aboriginal title, a right included in the Canadian Constitution. Its banning of settlements west of the 13 British Colonies would eventually become one of the factors inciting the American Revolution. [33]
17641 AugustThe Treaty of Fort Niagara is agreed to by the British Crown and 24 First Nations. It is the first treaty after the 1763 Proclamation, recognizing aboriginal title, and Indigenous recognition of the Proclamation. A strip of land along the Niagara River is transferred to Britain by the Seneca to provide a portage around Niagara Falls. The treaty created a new Covenant Chain, or friendship treaty, between Britain and the First Nations of the western Great Lakes. It is recorded in wampum. To the Indigenous peoples, it is a symbol of friendship and the recognition of sovereignty to their First Nations. [34] [35]
176914 JulySt. John's Island is partitioned from Nova Scotia, becoming a separate colony from the mainland. The colony is renamed Prince Edward Island in 1798. [36]
1774 Quebec Act of 1774 is passed by the Parliament of Great Britain outlining how the Province of Quebec would be governed as colony, in an attempt to address damage to the economy/society of Quebec. Old boundaries were restored, free practice of Catholicism was guaranteed, and property and civil laws were to be decided according to traditional Canadian laws (thus preserving the Seigneurial system of New France for land ownership), with other matters of law left to English Common Law. The province was left to be governed by a legislative council, with no provision for an elected assembly. [20]
1775The Invasion of Quebec and the Battle of Quebec take place, during the American Revolutionary War against Great Britain. These became a failed attempt at seizing military control of the British Province of Quebec and convince the French-speaking Canadiens to join the revolution on the side of the Thirteen Colonies. [20]
1782-1783A preliminary peace treaty between Great Britain and the United States of America is signed. Citing one of the clauses, General George Washington insisted on the return of any present or former slaves. As part of documenting and evacuation of former slaves to British North America, the Book of Negroes was compiled in New York City. Enslaved Africans in America who escaped to the British during the American Revolutionary War became the first settlement of Black Nova Scotians and Black Canadians. [20]
17833 SeptemberThe Treaty of Paris (1783) was signed by representatives of King George III of Great Britain and representatives of the United States of America on 3 September 1783, officially ending the American Revolutionary War. The treaty set the boundaries between the British Empire in North America and the United States of America. Details included fishing rights and restoration of property and prisoners of war. [37]
178422 MayOver 3,000,000 acres (1,200,000 ha) of land is purchased by the British Crown from the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation in present-day Ontario for £1180.00 [38]
18 June New Brunswick and Cape Breton Island are partitioned from Nova Scotia, becoming separate colonies. Cape Breton re-joins Nova Scotia in 1820. [39]
25 OctoberUnder the terms of the Haldimand Proclamation , 550,000 acres (220,000 ha) of the lands purchased from the Mississaugas is granted to the Mohawks and the other Five Nations of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. The land is a tract extending 6 miles (9.7 km) on either side of the Grand River from source to mouth. However, it is later determined that the head of the Grand River was outside of the lands purchased from the Mississaugas. In 1792, Governor Simcoe unilaterally reduces the land grant to 270,000 acres (110,000 ha). Later land sales, government actions, and the creation of the Six Nations of the Grand River reserve would reduce the lands under Indigenous possession to a small fraction of the original grant. The land grant and its management is the basis of the Grand River land dispute between the Six Nations and Canada.
1791The Constitutional Act of 1791 divides the Province of Quebec into Upper and Lower Canada (modern-day Ontario and Quebec). [40]

19th century

1805The treaty of the Toronto Purchase is made for the lands of present-day Toronto north to Lake Simcoe between the Crown and the Mississauga. It was found that the original 1787 agreement only provided a land deed and no description of the lands involved. The treaty would be disputed and settled in 2010.
1811Settlement began of the Red River Colony, a 300,000 square kilometres (120,000 sq mi; five times that of Scotland) area, by Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl of Selkirk via a land grant from the Hudson's Bay Company, of which he was a part-owner. The territory later became part of Manitoba and the Missouri Territory. [20]
181321–22 JuneDuring the War of 1812, Laura Secord learns of an American plan to launch a surprise attack on British forces and walks 20 miles to warn the defenders. The British defeat the American invaders at the Battle of Beaver Dams on 24 June. [41]
181820 OctoberThe London Convention is signed, setting the boundary between the United States and British North America to the 49th parallel from the Northwest Angle in Minnesota west to the continental divide of the Rocky Mountains, and establishing joint control of the Oregon Country. [42]
1821Merger of Hudson's Bay Company and the North West Company ending the Pemmican War, a series of armed skirmishes between the rival fur trading companies. As part of the merger, the monopoly of HBC is extended north to the Arctic Ocean and west to the Pacific Ocean. [43] :369–370
18296 June Shanawdithit, the last known full-blooded member of the Beothuk people native to Newfoundland, dies; she was about 29 years old. [44]
1837 Rebellions of 1837–1838 break out in both Upper and Lower Canada, inspired by republican ideals, against the dominated by a small group of businessmen represented by Château Clique and Family Compact [45] [46] [47]
184110 FebruaryUnder the terms of the Act of Union 1840 , the British colonies of Lower Canada and Upper Canada are merged into the single Province of Canada. [48]
184615 JuneThe Oregon boundary dispute is settled with the signing of the Oregon Treaty, extending the boundary between British North America and the United States along the 49th parallel from the Rocky Mountains to the Juan de Fuca Strait, and defining the maritime boundary to the Pacific Ocean. [49]
18507 September 9 SeptemberThe Robinson Treaties are signed between the Ojibwa and the British Crown, surrendering the northern shores of Lake Superior and Lake Huron for £2,160 and an annual payment of £600. [50] [51]
185413 OctoberThe Surrender of the Saugeen Peninsula is signed between the Chippewa and the Crown, surrendering the lands of the Saugeen Peninsula (Bruce Peninsula) in Canada West in exchange for reserves and interest on the sale of the surrendered lands.
186218 MarchThe first case of the 1862 Pacific Northwest smallpox epidemic is reported in Victoria, British Columbia. It spreads widely amongst the Indigenous populations, killing an estimated 20,000 or 2/3 of the Indigenous population. [52]
18641 9 SeptemberThe Charlottetown Conference, the first of several meetings to discuss a Maritime Union and Canadian Confederation, is held in Charlottetown. [53]
18671 JulyThe British North America Act, 1867, divides the Province of Canada into Ontario and Quebec and joins them with New Brunswick and Nova Scotia into the new confederated state of Canada. [54] [55]
1869–187011 October – 12 MayA group of Métis led by Louis Riel mount the Red River Rebellion against Canadian intrusion and in the Red River Colony. The Canadian government regains control after acceding to many of Riel's demands, but he flees into exile in the United States after the government refused to grant him amnesty. [56]
187015 July

Concluding a series of agreements between Canada, the United Kingdom, and the Hudson's Bay Company, Canada acquires Rupert's Land and the North-Western Territory, forming the Northwest Territories. In the aftermath of the Red River Rebellion, Manitoba is subdivided from the new territory in the area around Winnipeg, becoming Canada's fifth province. Land rights are granted to the Métis.

[57] [58]
187120 JulyThe colonies of British Columbia and Vancouver Island amalgamate and then enter Confederation as the Province of British Columbia, Canada's sixth province. Except for individual treaties for small portions of the territory, the agreement annexes a large area of land into Canada without treaties with the First Nations. [59]
3 August Treaty 1 is signed between the Chippewa and Swampy Cree First Nations and the Crown surrendering lands in Manitoba [60]
21 August Treaty 2 is signed between the Chippewa Cree First Nation and the Crown surrendering lands in Manitoba and Saskatchewan [60]
187323 MayThe North-West Mounted Police is established to enforce Canadian sovereignty of the Northwest Territories. [61]
1 July Prince Edward Island enters Confederation as the seventh province. [62]
3 October Treaty 3 is signed between the Ojibwe First Nations and the Canadian Crown, surrendering lands in Northwestern Ontario (present-day) and Manitoba [63]
187415 September Treaty 4 is signed between the Cree First Nations and the Crown of Canada, surrendering lands in present-day Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba. [64]
187520 September Treaty 5 is signed between the Saulteaux and Swampy Cree First Nations and the Canadian Crown, surrendering lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Ontario. [65]
187612 AprilThe Indian Act is passed. The Act updates previous legislation of the Province of Canada addressing the relationship between the Government of Canada and officially recognized First Nations. It establishes official definitions of "Indian status" and defines Indigenous government. [66]
23, 28 August 9 September Treaty 6 is signed between the Plain and Wood Cree First Nations and the Canadian Crown, surrendering lands in present-day Alberta and Saskatchewan. [67]
187722 September Treaty 7 is signed by the Nakoda and Blackfoot First Nations and the Canadian Crown, surrendering lands in southern present-day Alberta. [68]
18801 SeptemberThe British Arctic Territories are ceded to Canada, becoming part of the Northwest Territories. [69]
188526 March – 3 JuneSeveral hundred Catholic Francophone Métis led by Louis Riel and supported by Cree fighters mount the North-West Rebellion and establish the Provisional Government of Saskatchewan. Riel is captured at the Battle of Batoche (9–12 May), tried for treason, and hanged on 16 November 1885. Francophones bitterly denounce the sentence and Canada becomes deeply polarized along ethno-religious lines. [70] [71]
7 NovemberThe transcontinental Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR), then the longest in the world, is completed. [72]
1889The Peasant Farm Policy is brought into force. The Policy restricted Indigenous farmers agricultural practices. Indigenous farmers are allowed only to use hand tools, both in the seeding, harvesting and milling. Indigenous farmers were only allowed small plots and not sell produce in competition with settlers. It is discontinued in 1897. [73]
189616 AugustGold is discovered in the Klondike region of the Yukon Territory, sparking the Klondike Gold Rush. Tens of thousands flood into the Klondike region during 1897 and 1898. [74]
18998 July Treaty 8 is signed by the Cree, Beaver, Chipewyan First Nations and the Canadian Crown, surrendering 840,000 square kilometres (320,000 sq mi) of lands in present-day British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan. [75]

20th century

1903The United Kingdom and the United States settle the Alaska boundary dispute on the border with British Columbia. Canadians are disappointed by the lack of a sea-water port to connect to the Yukon. [76] [77]
19051 September Alberta and Saskatchewan are partitioned out of the Northwest Territories to become the eighth and ninth provinces of Canada. [78]
6 November Treaty 9 is signed by the Anishinaabe (Algonquin and Ojibway) and Omushkegowuk Cree communities and the Crown, surrendering land in Northern Ontario and Northwestern Quebec to James Bay [79]
190628 August Treaty 10 is signed between several First Nations, including the Cree and Chipewyan, and the Crown, surrendering 220,000 square kilometres (85,000 sq mi) in northern Saskatchewan and Alberta. Additional nations signed on later in 1906 and 1907. [80]
190923 FebruaryThe first powered heavier-than-air flight in Canada occurred on Bras d'Or Lake at Baddeck, Nova Scotia, when John Alexander Douglas McCurdy piloted the AEA Silver Dart over a flight of less than 1 kilometer. [81]
19104 May Royal Canadian Navy is established. [82]
19144 AugustGreat Britain declares war on Germany, bringing Canada into the First World War. [83]
19179–12 AprilThe four divisions of the Canadian Expeditionary Force fight together for the first time in the Battle of Vimy Ridge, which becomes celebrated as a national symbol of achievement and sacrifice and a formative milestone in the development of Canada's national identity. [84]
6 December An explosion caused by an accidental collision between two merchant ships, one filled with explosives for the war, occurs in Halifax Harbour, resulting in 2000 people dead and 9000 injured. [85]
19181 April Prohibition in Canada enacted federally by an Order in Council. [86]
24 May Women gain the right to vote in federal elections. [87] [88]
2 August 1918After years of press censorship along with numerous government policies suppressing strikes & lockouts. The 1918 Vancouver general strike, the first in Canadian history, takes place after prominent labour activist Albert "Ginger" Goodwin is shot by police. This sparks the beginning of the Canadian Labour Revolt.
19 September Canadian Air Force (after 1920, Royal Canadian Air Force) is established. [89]
2 August 1918 – 11 June 1925A series of labour movements collectively known as the "Canadian Labour Revolt" begin, lasting 6 years.
1919Canada sends a delegation to the Paris Peace Talks, the conference resolving war issues. Canada signs the Versailles treaty as part of the British Empire, with parliament's approval. [90]
Prohibition in Canada ends federally. [91]
1919May 15 -June 26The largest strike in Canadian history; the Winnipeg General strike occurs. Soliders returning from WW1 & over 30,000 workers walk off their jobs; shutting down the majority of the city’s privately owned factories, shops and trains. Public employees joined them in solidarity. These included police, firemen, postal workers, telephone and telegraph operators & utilities workers. Special constables were hired and laws were passed to immediately deport, without trial, anyone who was not born in Canada that was caught striking. events of this day led to the creation of the "One Big Union". [92]
1920Canada is admitted as a full member of the League of Nations, independently of Britain. It joins the League Council (governing board) in 1927. Canada plays a minor role and opposes sanctions or military action by the League. The League is virtually defunct by 1939. [93]
192127 June 1921 until 22 August 1921 Treaty 11 , the last of the Numbered Treaties, is signed by the Slavey, Dogrib, Loucheux, Hare First Nations and the Canadian Crown. It covers a region within the Northwest Territories. [94]
192625 June – 14 SeptemberA constitutional crisis, known as the King-Byng Affair, is precipitated when Governor General Byng refused Prime Minister King's request to dissolve parliament and call an election, instead asking opposition leader Meighen to form a government, which in turn was quickly defeated. King framed the dispute as one of Britain, represented by the Governor General, interfering with Canadian affairs. Consequently, the affair played a role in the Balfour Declaration of 1926, in which each Dominion of the British Empire was declared to be of equal status with Britain. [95]
192725 NovemberCanada appoints Vincent Massey as its first fully accredited envoy to a foreign capital. [96]
19291929 - 1939 Great Depression in Canada begins, resulting in widespread poverty, unemployment, & violent labour protests for the next decade. [97]
1930Januarythe Workers Unity League is created. The WUL paralleled similar alternative trade union structures elsewhere: the Trade Union Unity League in the US, and the National Minority Movement in the UK.Some of the unions affiliated with the WUL include the Mine Workers' Union of Canada, Lumber Workers Industrial Union of Canada and the Relief Camp Workers' Union. Unlike both the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada (TLC) and the All Canadian Congress of Labour (ACCL), the WUL organized the unemployed as well.
1931September 7- 29 Estevan riot was a confrontation between the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and striking coal miners from nearby Bienfait, Saskatchewan, The Mine Workers' Union of Canada in Bienfait, established by the national "Workers unity league" demanded a wage increase, an end to the company store monopoly, better living conditions, and improved workplace safety. Miners assembled in Estevan with their families to parade through the city in order to draw attention to their strike. As they walked from Beinfait to Estevan, they were met with lines of police officers, violence broke out, and RCMP began firing on the crowd killing 3 people.
11 DecemberThe Statute of Westminster 1931 is enacted in Britain, officially ending the power of the British parliament to pass and nullify laws in a Dominion without the Dominion's request and consent. The statute formally recognized the de facto independence attained by Canada following the First World War. [98]
1933September 15, 1933The Stratford General Strike of 1933 begins with strikes in several local furniture-making factories that the Workers Unity League had recently unionized, & Swift's Meat Packing Plant, a poultry company, who had unionized as the Food Workers' Industrial Union. At its height more than 2,000 strikers were involved. The army along with several Carden Loyd tankettes were sent to quell the violence. Controversy over the use of tankettes resulted in victory for the strikers with one of its leaders, Oliver Kerr, being elected mayor the following year. [99] [ circular reference ]
1935April 4- July 1Over 1000 workers under the guidance of "Arthur "Slim" Evans" join the "Relief Camp Workers Union" and begin the "On-to-Ottawa" trek in protest of the conditions & wages of then prime minister RB Bennetts Government relief work camps. After arriving in Regina, Saskatchewan, the trekkers agreed to send only 8 delegates to Ottawa to represent their cause, with the rest remaining at the Regina Exhibition grounds with support provided by private citizens & government of Regina. after delegations in ottawa broke down, the group was ambushed on 3 sides by RCMP officers hidden in boxtrucks, with police firing into & above the crowd with pistols and automatic gun fire. 2 deaths and several hundred injuries led to then Premier of Saskatchewan, James Garfield Gardiner accusing the RCMP of "precipitating a riot" [100] [101]
18 June Battle of Ballantyne Pier, 1000 protesters, consisting of the Vancouver and District Waterfront Workers' Association, under influence of the Workers unity league; marched towards Ballantyne Pier to prevent scabs from unloading ships in the harbour. Upon arriving at the pier they were ambushed by the Vancouver police, BC Provincial Police,& RCMP who had been hiding behind boxcars. Battle of Ballantyne Pier was one of many conlficts contributing to the creation of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union [102]
193819 June Bloody Sunday was the conclusion of a month-long "sitdowners' strike" by The Relief Project Workers' Union (an extension of the Relief Camp Workers Union) in Vancouver BC . 1,200 men split themselves between the post office, the Vancouver Art Gallery & The Georgia Hotel. At five o'clock on the morning of 19 June, City Police & RCMP entered the buildings and forcibly ejected the men, Of the 42 hospitalized, only five were police and all of those were Vancouver police constables. Later that afternoon, 10,000 to 15,000 turned out to a protest at the Powell Street Grounds against the "police terror" of Bloody Sunday.
193910 SeptemberCanada, with its parliament's support, enters the Second World War by declaring war on Germany. The Dominion of Newfoundland had entered the war as a British colony upon the United Kingdom's declaration of war one week earlier. [103] [104]
19391939 - 1945During the war, the government mobilizes Canadian money, supplies, and volunteers to support Britain while boosting the economy and maintaining home front morale. Canada plays a military role protecting convoys against German submarines and fighting the German Army in Western Europe, while helping to liberate the Netherlands. Canada expands its small navy into the third largest in the world, after the U.S. and U.K. It had 363 ships and 100,000 sailors (of whom 6700 were women.) [105] [106]
[107] [108]
19459 November Canada joins the United Nations, seeking to play a world role as a "middle power", with interest in the UN Charter and in relief agencies. [109]
19471 JanuaryThe Canadian Citizenship Act, 1946 comes into force creating a new, separate, Canadian legal citizenship for all British subjects born, raised, or resident in Canada and automatic citizenship for all those born in Canada after this date. [110] [111]
194931 March Newfoundland, the last British colony in North America, enters Confederation as the tenth province following a pair of contentious referendums on whether the island should remain a British Crown Colony, become fully independent, or join Canada. [112]
195927 JuneThe Saint Lawrence Seaway, a joint project between Canada and the United States, is officially opened. [113]
19601 JulyFirst Nations people are granted the right to vote in federal elections without having to give up their status and treaty rights. [114]
196515 FebruaryCanada adopts the maple leaf for the national flag.
196727 April Expo 67 opens in Montreal.
19705 OctoberThe government invokes the War Measures Act to apprehend the Front de libération du Québec (FLQ), a separatist paramilitary group in Quebec that was responsible for over 160 violent incidents that killed eight people and in October 1970 had kidnapped a British official (later released) and Quebec labour minister Pierre Laporte, who they killed. The FLQ collapses. [115]
197331 JanuaryThe Supreme Court of Canada rules in the Calder v British Columbia (AG) case that aboriginal title existed prior to the existence of the colonial government and was not a matter of Canadian law alone. The case recognized Nisga'a Nation aboriginal title. The ruling would lead the Government of Canada to update its land claims negotiation process. [116]
15 NovemberThe Quebec Superior Court blocks the James Bay Hydroelectric Project by ruling that the Indigenous peoples of the region had not extinguished their aboriginal title to the lands and that Quebec and Canada must negotiate for such title in order to build the project. The final accord is signed 11 November 1975 by Canada, Quebec, Hydro-Quebec and the Cree of Quebec. The treaty becomes enshrined in the 1982 Canadian Constitution. [117]
198020 MayA referendum on Quebec independence is held, resulting in a majority (59.56%) of the province voting to remain in Canada. [118]
1981Workers in British Columbia Telephone take over all of the provinces telephone exchanges for five days and run them under workers' control. [119]
198217 AprilThe enactment of the Constitution Act, 1982, by royal proclamation. Canada achieves total independence from Great Britain through Patriation of its Constitution. The Constitution includes the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms , guaranteeing individual human rights. The Act also guarantees all treaty rights of Indigenous peoples in Canada. The Government of Quebec refuses to sign the deal and attempts to veto the Act; the Supreme Court of Canada rules that Quebec's assent is not required. [120] [121]
19873 JuneThe Meech Lake Accord is signed by all ten provincial premiers and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. The accord is intended to grant further powers to all provinces and grant distinct society status to Quebec, which had opposed the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution. The Accord is not ratified by all provincial parliaments within the required three years, heightening national unity tensions.
19891 JanuaryThe Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement comes into force. Under the agreement, the countries start to reduce or eliminate trade barriers between the two countries. [122]
199011 July – 26 SeptemberThe Oka Crisis occurs as Indigenous Mohawk activists protest the construction of a golf course on a burial ground, barricading roads and the Mercier Bridge. In August, after a series of violent standoffs between protesters and the Sûreté du Québec (SQ, Quebec's provincial police) which led to the death of one officer, Premier Robert Bourassa requests aid from the Canadian Armed Forces. In September, facing military invasion of their community, the protesters surrender and many leaders are arrested. Construction of the golf course is later cancelled. [123]
199228 AugustThe Charlottetown Accord, a second attempt to settle constitutional grievances, is agreed to by leaders of all provincial governments and the federal government and Indigenous groups. However, a 26 October national referendum on the accord is defeated. [124]
19941 JanuaryThe North American Free Trade Agreement came into force, creating a free trade zone between Canada, Mexico and the United States, superseding the 1988 Canada-US Agreement. [125]
199518 August – 17 SeptemberIndigenous Shuswap and non-Indigenous supporters exchange fire with Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers after a British Columbia rancher attempts to evict them from land being used for a traditional ceremony, beginning the Gustafsen Lake standoff. After the largest and costliest paramilitary operation in the province's history, the Ts'peten Defenders surrender to police. [126] [127]
4 SeptemberMembers of an Indigenous Ojibwe band occupy Camp Ipperwash in southwestern Ontario, on land which had been expropriated from the band for a military base during World War II under the War Measures Act, setting off the Ipperwash Crisis. Two days later, unarmed Ojibwe protester Dudley George is shot and killed by an Ontario Provincial Police officer. The land is transferred to the Ojibwe, but agreements to remove ordinance on the site is not reached, leaving the site only partially habitable. [128]
30 OctoberAnother referendum on Quebec independence is held. A majority (50.58%) of the province votes to remain in Canada. [129]
199711 DecemberThe Delgamuukw v British Columbia decision is rendered by the Supreme Court of Canada, determining that aboriginal title had not been distinguished in British Columbia. This ended the decades-long refusal of the BC government to participate in land claims to settle with First Nations, claiming that aboriginal title had been extinguished. [130]
19991 April Nunavut is partitioned from the Northwest Territories to become Canada's third territory, following a series of plebiscites in 1982 and 1992, and establishment of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement in 1993. [131]

21st century

2003 7 DecemberThe Canadian Alliance and PC Party merged into the Conservative Party of Canada.
2005 20 JulyThe Civil Marriage Act legalizes same-sex marriage throughout Canada. [132]
2008 1 JuneAs part of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) is established to document the history and lasting impacts of the Canadian Indian residential school system on Indigenous persons and their families. [133]
11 JuneIn the House of Commons, Prime Minister Harper formally apologizes to the survivors of the Residential School System on behalf of the Government of Canada. [134]
2010 3 JuneThe Haida Gwaii Reconciliation Act establishes in Canadian law the name of Haida Gwaii over the archipelago formerly known as the Queen Charlotte Islands. Further agreements would re-establish the sovereignty of over 200 islands to the Council of the Haida Nation. [135] [136] [137]
2012 FebruaryStudents in Quebec protest and stop proposed increases in university tuition. [138]
4 MayThe Royal Canadian Mint strikes the last Canadian penny. The coin is removed from circulation a few months later, though existing pennies remain legal tender. [139]
2018 17 OctoberThe Cannabis Act becomes law, making recreational cannabis use legal throughout the country. Canada is the second country (after Uruguay in 2013) to legalize recreational cannabis use nationwide. [140]
2020 7 January - March Widespread popular protests occur across Canada after the RCMP forcibly remove a peaceful protest blocking a pipeline construction project in British Columbia. The protests block several rail lines, forcing the shutdown of much of the Canadian rail network. [141]
25 JanuaryFirst presumptive case of COVID-19 is identified; a man who travelled in China. The COVID-19 pandemic spreads widely in Canada. [142]
2022 January - FebruaryRight-wing protesters protesting vaccine mandates converge in Ottawa, overwhelming local police forces and disrupting residents in an occupation of downtown. After several weeks, the Canada convoy protest group is cleared after the Government of Canada invokes the Emergencies Act . Several police forces participate in a joint effort that forcibly removes the group. [143] Similar groups block Canada-US border crossings in Windsor, Ontario and Coutts, Alberta for days before also being cleared forcibly by police. [144]
24 February - ongoingAfter the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Canada promises $1 billion in aid to Ukraine. [145] Canada assists in training Ukrainian soldiers in third locations. Canada accepts thousands of Ukrainians fleeing the fighting. [146]
24 to 29 July Pope Francis visits Canada to apologize for Catholic Church members' role in the Canadian Indian residential school system. Services were held in Alberta, Quebec City and Iqaluit. [147]
8 September Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning Canadian monarch in history, dies aged 96, after a reign of 70 years. Charles III becomes King of Canada. [148]

See also

Related Research Articles

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Culture of Canada</span>

The culture of Canada embodies the artistic, culinary, literary, humour, musical, political and social elements that are representative of Canadians. Throughout Canada's history, its culture has been influenced firstly by its indigenous cultures, and later by European culture and traditions, mostly by the British and French. Over time, elements of the cultures of Canada's immigrant populations have become incorporated to form a Canadian cultural mosaic. Certain segments of Canada's population have, to varying extents, also been influenced by American culture due to shared language, significant media penetration and geographic proximity.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">History of Canada</span>

The history of Canada covers the period from the arrival of the Paleo-Indians to North America thousands of years ago to the present day. The lands encompassing present-day Canada have been inhabited for millennia by Indigenous peoples, with distinct trade networks, spiritual beliefs, and styles of social organization. Some of these older civilizations had long faded by the time of the first European arrivals and have been discovered through archeological investigations.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">North-West Rebellion</span> 1885 resistance by the Métis and Cree peoples against Canada

The North-West Rebellion, also known as the North-West Resistance, was an armed resistance movement by the Métis under Louis Riel and an associated uprising by Cree and Assiniboine of the District of Saskatchewan, North-West Territories, against the Canadian government. Many Métis felt that Canada was not protecting their rights, their land, and their survival as a distinct people. Fighting broke out in late March, and the conflict ended in June. About 91 people were killed in the fighting that occurred that spring before the conflict ended with the capture of Batoche in May 1885.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Royal Proclamation of 1763</span> British declaration outlining government for North American colonies

The Royal Proclamation of 1763 was issued by King George III on 7 October 1763. It followed the Treaty of Paris (1763), which formally ended the Seven Years' War and transferred French territory in North America to Great Britain. The Proclamation forbade all settlements west of a line drawn along the Appalachian Mountains, which was delineated as an Indian Reserve. Exclusion from the vast region of Trans-Appalachia created discontent between Britain and colonial land speculators and potential settlers. The proclamation and access to western lands was one of the first significant areas of dispute between Britain and the colonies and would become a contributing factor leading to the American Revolution. The 1763 proclamation line is more or less similar to the Eastern Continental Divide, extending from Georgia in the south to the divide's northern terminus near the middle of the northern border of Pennsylvania, where it intersects the northeasterly St. Lawrence Divide, and extends further through New England.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Indigenous peoples in Canada</span> North American Indigenous peoples within the boundaries of present-day Canada

Indigenous peoples in Canada are the indigenous peoples within the boundaries of Canada. They comprise the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis. Although "Indian" is a term still commonly used in legal documents, the descriptors "Indian" and "Eskimo" have fallen into disuse in Canada, and most consider them to be pejorative. "Aboriginal" as a collective noun is a specific term of art used in some legal documents, including the Constitution Act, 1982, though in some circles that word is also falling into disfavour.

First Nations is a term used to identify Indigenous peoples in Canada who are neither Inuit nor Métis. Traditionally, First Nations in Canada were peoples who lived south of the tree line, and mainly south of the Arctic Circle. There are 634 recognized First Nations governments or bands across Canada. Roughly half are located in the provinces of Ontario and British Columbia.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Population of Canada</span>

Canada ranks 37th by population among countries of the world, comprising about 0.5% of the world's total, with more than 40 million Canadians as of 2024. Despite being the second-largest country by total area, the vast majority of the country is sparsely inhabited, with most of its population south of the 55th parallel north. Just over 60 percent of Canadians live in just two provinces: Ontario and Quebec. Though Canada's overall population density is low, many regions in the south, such as the Quebec City–Windsor Corridor, have population densities higher than several European countries. Canada has six population centres with more than one million people: Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and Ottawa.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Canada (New France)</span> French colony in North America from 1535 to 1763

The colony of Canada was a French colony within the larger territory of New France. It was claimed by France in 1535 during the second voyage of Jacques Cartier, in the name of the French king, Francis I. The colony remained a French territory until 1763, when it became a British colony known as the Province of Quebec.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Numbered Treaties</span> 1871–1921 treaties between Canadas government and First Nations

The Numbered Treaties are a series of eleven treaties signed between the First Nations, one of three groups of Indigenous Peoples in Canada, and the reigning monarch of Canada from 1871 to 1921. These agreements were created to allow the Government of Canada to pursue settlement and resource extraction in the affected regions, which includes the entirety of modern-day Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan, as well as parts of modern-day British Columbia, Ontario, the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon. These treaties expanded the Dominion of Canada with large tracts of land in exchange for promises made to the indigenous people of the area. These terms were dependent on individual negotiations and so specific terms differed with each treaty.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Post-Confederation Canada (1867–1914)</span>

Post-Confederation Canada (1867–1914) is history of Canada from the formation of the Dominion to the outbreak of World War I in 1914. Canada had a population of 3.5 million, residing in the large expanse from Cape Breton to just beyond the Great Lakes, usually within a hundred miles or so of the Canada–United States border. One in three Canadians was French, and about 100,000 were aboriginal. It was a rural country composed of small farms. With a population of 115,000, Montreal was the largest city, followed by Toronto and Quebec at about 60,000. Pigs roamed the muddy streets of Ottawa, the small new national capital.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bibliography of Canadian history</span>

This is a bibliography of major works on the History of Canada.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Adam Shortt</span>

Adam Shortt (1859–1931) was an economic historian in Ontario. He was the first full-time employed academic in the field at a Canadian university.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">History of Manitoba</span>

The history of Manitoba covers the period from the arrival of Paleo-Indians thousands of years ago to the present day. When European fur traders first travelled to the area present-day Manitoba, they developed trade networks with several First Nations. European fur traders in the area during the late-17th century, with the French under Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, sieur de La Vérendrye set up several trading post forts. In 1670, Britain declared sovereignty over the watershed of Hudson's Bay, known as Rupert's Land; with the Hudson's Bay Company granted a commercial monopoly over the territory.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Canadian Aboriginal law</span> Canadian law regarding indigenous people

Canadian Aboriginal law is the body of law of Canada that concerns a variety of issues related to Indigenous peoples in Canada. Canadian Aboriginal Law is different from Canadian Indigenous law: In Canada, Indigenous Law refers to the legal traditions, customs, and practices of Indigenous peoples and groups. Aboriginal peoples as a collective noun is a specific term of art used in legal documents, including the Constitution Act, 1982, and includes First Nations, Inuit and Métis people. Canadian Aboriginal law provides certain constitutionally recognized rights to land and traditional practices. Canadian Aboriginal Law enforces and interprets certain treaties between the Crown and Indigenous people, and manages much of their interaction. A major area of Aboriginal law involves the duty to consult and accommodate.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Canadians</span> Citizens and nationals of Canada

Canadians are people identified with the country of Canada. This connection may be residential, legal, historical or cultural. For most Canadians, many of these connections exist and are collectively the source of their being Canadian.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Former colonies and territories in Canada</span>

A number of states and polities formerly claimed colonies and territories in Canada prior to the evolution of the current provinces and territories under the federal system. North America prior to colonization was occupied by a variety of indigenous groups consisting of band societies typical of the sparsely populated North, to loose confederacies made up of numerous hunting bands from a variety of ethnic groups, to more structured confederacies of sedentary farming villages, to stratified hereditary structures centred on a fishing economy. The colonization of Canada by Europeans began in the 10th century, when Norsemen explored and, ultimately unsuccessfully, attempted to settle areas of the northeastern fringes of North America. Early permanent European settlements in what is now Canada included the late 16th and 17th century French colonies of Acadia and Canada, the English colonies of Newfoundland (island) and Rupert's Land, the Scottish colonies of Nova Scotia and Port Royal.

<i>Ukraine: A History</i>

Ukraine: A History is a 1988 book on the history of Ukraine written by Orest Subtelny, a professor of history and political science at York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is a comprehensive survey of the history of the geographical area encompassed by what is modern-day Ukraine. Updated editions have been published in 1994 to include new material on the dissolution of the Soviet Union, 2000 to include Ukraine's first decade of independence, and 2009 to include the Orange Revolution and the effects of globalization on Ukraine.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bibliography of Canada</span>

This is a bibliography of works on Canada.

The Northeast Coast campaign (1723) occurred during Father Rale's War from April 19, 1723 – January 28, 1724. In response to the previous year, in which New England attacked the Wabanaki Confederacy at Norridgewock and Penobscot, the Wabanaki Confederacy retaliated by attacking the coast of present-day Maine that was below the Kennebec River, the border of Acadia. They attacked English settlements on the coast of present-day Maine between Berwick and Mount Desert Island. Casco was the principal settlement. The 1723 campaign was so successful along the Maine frontier that Dummer ordered its evacuation to the blockhouses in the spring of 1724.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Historiography of Canada</span> Historiography of a country

The historiography of Canada deals with the manner in which historians have depicted, analyzed, and debated the history of Canada. It also covers the popular memory of critical historical events, ideas and leaders, as well as the depiction of those events in museums, monuments, reenactments, pageants and historic sites.


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  148. The Latest: Queen Elizabeth II, Canada’s longest reigning monarch, dead at 96


Further reading