List of Marvel Legends exclusive action figures

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This list of Marvel Legends exclusive action figures catalogs special releases within Hasbro's Marvel Legends action figure line, which features highly detailed and articulated figures of characters from Marvel Comics, films, and other media. This list includes figures that are available exclusively through specific retailers, events, and limited-edition releases, such as those from Amazon, Walmart, Target, and conventions like San Diego Comic-Con. Exclusive releases are notable in the Marvel Legends series for their unique sculpts, exclusive accessories, limited production runs, and specialized packaging, often designed to appeal to collectors. [1] Figures are selected for inclusion on this list based on their exclusive availability, distinct release circumstances, and significance to the Marvel Legends line.



2019 Deathlok Prime Machine gun, shotgun and minigun Uncanny X-Force version
Repaint of the Sasquatch wave Deathlok
2020 Wolverine Alternate head and bone claw hands X2 / The Wolverine version
2021 Deadpool Twin katanas, two pistols, knife, six alternate hands Deadpool two ash-covered version
Redeco of the Deadpool two two-pack Deadpool figure

Box sets

Box setReleaseFigureAccessoriesDescription
Avengers: Age of Ultron 2015 Black Widow Stun batonsRepaint of the Mandroid series Black Widow with new accessories
Hawkeye Bow and quiverRetool of the Hawkeye from Walmart's (Non-Legends) The Avengers movie line
Thor MjolnirExclusive
Bruce Banner
Defenders December 2017 Luke Cage Retool of the SDCC Thunderbolts box set figure
Daredevil BatonsRepaint of the Hobgoblin wave Daredevil figure
Jewel Exclusive
Iron Fist Chi fist effect pieceRepaint of the Dormammu wave Iron Fist figure
Days of Future Past2018 Wolverine Alternate hands and pistol Days of Future Past version
Sentinel Repaint of the (Non-Legends) Marvel Universe Masterworks Sentinel
Iron Man 3 2018 Pepper Potts Alternate repulsor arm and blast effectExclusive
Mandarin (Trevor Slattery)Exclusive
Originally slated to be released in the Iron Monger BAF wave back in 2013
Iron Man Mark XXII (Hot Rod) version
Redeco and retool of the Iron Monger wave MCU Iron Patriot without the shoulder gun
Family Matters2019 Magneto Alternate head, hands and magnetic energy effectsJim Lee version
Redeco of the Apocalypse wave Magneto
Scarlet Witch Hex effect piecesRetool and redeco of the Allfather wave Scarlet Witch
Quicksilver Alternate handsExclusive
Alpha Flight December 2019 Northstar Exclusive
Puck Retool of the 2013 BAF with a new head
X-ForceFall 2020 Nimrod Alternate classic head, two alternate hands, two blast effect pieces and energy wings Powers of X version
Psylocke Psychic katana, psychic knife, butterfly effect piece and alternate hand Dark Angel Saga version
Repaint of the Apocalypse wave Psylocke
Fantomex Twin pistols, two gunfire effect pieces and two smoke effect piecesExclusive
Children of Thanos Fall 2020 Thanos Alternate burnt arm and head Avengers: Infinity War version
Retool of the 2018 BAF with new parts and accessories
Cull Obsidian Chain hammer Avengers: Infinity War version
Retool of the 2018 BAF with a new, film-accurate costume
Proxima Midnight Spear and swordAvengers: Infinity War version
Redeco of the Thanos BAF wave Proxima Midnight with a film-accurate color scheme
Corvus Glaive GlaiveAvengers: Infinity War version
Rereleased from the Walmart-exclusive two-pack
Ebony Maw Avengers: Infinity War version
Repaint of the Armored Thanos BAF wave Ebony Maw with a film-accurate color scheme


Ultimate Wolverine 2008

Puck Series (2013)

Released to coincide with The Wolverine as a Hasbro Previews Exclusive, this features BAF Puck. Planned, though not released were an alternate version of Cyclops in his Phoenix Force outfit and a modern version of Rogue as an alternative figure to Emma Frost.

FigureAccessoriesBuild-A-Figure Piece
Wolverine Astonishing X-Men version
Repaint of the Wolverine figure from the SDCC X-Force box set
Sabretooth Back In Japan versionHead
Emma Frost Modern versionTorso and Legs
Cyclops Astonishing X-Men (Simone Bianchi) versionArms

Disney Store

A five-pack featuring rereleased or repainted figures from previous waves, some of which had not previously been available in Europe. It was released in European Disney Stores to coincide with the release of Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Captain AmericaShieldRe-released figure from the Mandroid BAF series
Iron Man Alternate unmasked headRedeco of the Bleeding Edge Iron Man figure from the Iron Monger BAF series
Thor MjolnirRe-released figure from the Terrax BAF series
HulkRe-released figure from the Toys "R" Us two-pack with Valkyrie
Ultron Redeco of Ultron figure from the Iron Monger BAF series

Guardians of the Galaxy Box Set (Earth-616)2015 Groot Baby Groot in potRetool of the 2014 BAF with a new, comic-based head
Drax the Destroyer Cosmic Cube, four daggers and interchangeable handsExclusive
Gamora Alternate head, cloak and swordExclusive
Star-Lord Two blastersRepaint of the Thanos Imperative box set Star-Lord figure
Rocket Raccoon Three blastersRepaint of the 2013 BAF
Avengers: Infinity War 2018 Scarlet Witch Energy effectsRepaint of the Abomination wave figure
Vision Alternate handsExclusive
Secret Empire 2018Captain AmericaShield Supreme Leader version
Arnim Zola Modern version


Deadpool Tendrils, twin energy katanas and alternate head and handsBack in Black Venom Symbiote version
Spider-Man Web line and alternate hands Spider-Man video game version
Ultron Avengers: Age of Ultron version
Repaint of the 2015 BAF
Ronan the Accuser Universal Weapon Guardians of the Galaxy version
Hulk Alternate head and hands Avengers video game outback version (2008)

Hasbro has a long tradition of doing "Fans' Choice" figures for their Star Wars license, but this is their first shot for Marvel Legends. In a poll run through ToyFare magazine, fans could pick which of eight Marvel characters they'd want to see as an exclusive, and Sunfire beat out Silver Samurai and Gambit.
The figure is packaged on a unique blister card with a fiery backdrop and a large cardboard wrap around the bottom.

Sunfire Age of Apocalypse version


Deadpool Twin katanas Uncanny X-Force version

Hasbro Pulse

Hydra TrooperRifle and pistolRerelease of the Mandroid wave Hydra Soldier at a discounted price and with different accessories
A.I.M. TrooperTwo guns and beltRerelease of the Mandroid wave A.I.M. figure
Hellfire Club GuardTwo guns
Silk Web-casting hand, four alternate hands, alternate head and scarfFan vote winner
Redeco of the Space Knight Venom Silk


Premium crowdfunded items that are too expensive, massive or niche to see traditional retail releases. The project was launched with a 26.3-inch (669 mm) Sentinel, the largest Marvel Legends figure to date. [2]

Sentinel2020 Sentinel Alternate Master Mold head, alternate Tri-Sentinel head, alternate battle damaged head, alternate battle damaged hand and two tentacles Powers of X version
Light-up eyes and chest reactor
Bastion Alternate Prime Sentinel head X-Men Blue version
Female Prime Sentinel Operation: Zero Tolerance version

Marvel Unlimited Online

Free with the purchase of a new Marvel Unlimited Plus digital comics subscription at

Ultron 2013Stand, personalized Plus Member card, welcome letter and custom collectible comic boxGold repaint of the Iron Monger wave Ultron Age of Ultron #10 (variant edition) cover art by Salvador Larroca
Rocket Raccoon 2014Rocket blaster, a personalized member plus card and savings at Marvel.comRepainted BAF (Red Gloves and Trim to White Gloves and Trim) Rocket Raccoon #1 variant comic book with cover art by Sara Pichelli
Rescue 2016Announced in 2013 as part of the Iron Monger series, but was shelved for unknown reasons.
Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) 2017Time Runs Out gray/silver costume version
Repaint of the Allfather wave figure
Tony Stark 2018 Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) head sculpt with suit color inspired by Invincible Iron Man (2015) #1
Reused Chameleon body mold with Tony Stark alternate head sculpt from Captain America: Civil War three-pack figure
Venom-Punisher2018Two guns Punisher Venom symbiote version What If... Venom had possessed The Punisher? versionBlack Panther (2018) #1 Venomized variant and Venom #1 Punisher variant
Terror Inc. 2019Two katanas Mercs for Money Deadpool costume version
Repaint of the Juggernaut wave Deadpool
House of X #1-2
Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) 2020Alternate enlarged hands Marvel Team-Up Spider-Man cosplay version
Redeco of the Sandman wave Ms. Marvel
Iron Man (2020) #1-2
Kitty Pryde 2021Sword and Lockheed House of X Marauders version
Repaint of the Juggernaut wave Kitty Pryde with a new scarf
Sinister War #1 and X-Men (2021) #1

Movie Comic Media London Comic Convention

Gray Hulk 2019Crushed pipeRetool of the 80th anniversary two-pack Hulk with a new head
Later released online after convention
Deadpool Twin katanas, two machine guns, rifle and pistolRob Liefeld version
Repaint of the Sasquatch wave Deadpool
Later released online after convention

San Diego Comic Convention

She-Hulk 2007Interchangeable PiecesConverts from lawyer suit to Fantastic Four uniform
Stan Lee Spider-Man Arms and Legs, Spider-Man and Peter Parker HeadsRemovable clothes reveals a Spider-Man body
Thor 2011Mjölnir Oliver Coipel version
Initially revealed at The New York Toy Fair in 2011, this figure was later released in the Return of Marvel Legends Terrax series. The first Marvel Legends figure to be released in the new relaunched line.
It was released in special Mjölnir shaped package and featured the character with a paint deco that makes him look as if he is about to wield the power of lightning.
Red Skull 2018Tesseract and life-sized light up Tesseract role play accessory Captain America: The First Avenger version
Retool of the First Ten Years Red Skull figure with a new overcoat
Hulk 2019Crushed pipe Dale Keown version
Retool of the 80th Anniversary Hulk with a new head

Box Sets

Savage Land 2008 Ka-Zar WeaponsExclusive
Shanna the She-Devil Rifle
Fin Fang Foom2008 Absorbing Man
Doc Samson
Hulk Hulk: The End version
King Hulk Planet Hulk version, Retool of the Hulk Classics War Hulk figure from ToyBiz with a new head, hands, legs and accessories
Savage Grey Hulk Regular version
Classic Green Hulk Variant
She-Hulk First Appearance (Savage She-Hulk) version
Skaar Son of Hulk
Uncanny X-Force2012 Psylocke Psychic katanaUncanny X-Force version
Archangel Attachable wings
The Thunderbolts 2013 Luke Cage Thunderbolts version
Ghost Alternate headTranslucent version
Thunderbolts version
Satana Thunderbolts version
Crossbones Gatling gunThunderbolts version
Redeco of the Ares wave Crossbones
The Thanos Imperative2014 Black Bolt The Thanos Imperative version
Star-Lord Two blasters
Gladiator (Kallark)
Blastaar Exclusive
Ant-Man2015 Giant-Man 12-Inch
Goliath 6-Inch
Hank Pym Lab coat and alternate heads3.75"
Ant-Man (Scott Lang) 1.5"
Ant-Man (Hank Pym) 1"
Book of the Vishanti Doctor Strange Two hex blasts Marvel NOW! Astral form version
Doctor Voodoo Staff
Magik Two swordsExclusive
Hela Sword
Dormammu Two flaming skull effects
The Raft 2016 Spider-Man Todd McFarlane version
Repaint of the Hobgoblin wave Spider-Man
Abomination Repaint of the 2016 BAF
Purple Man Exclusive
Enchantress Magical energy effects
Dreadknight Sword and lanceExclusive
Sandman Exclusive brown and tan coloration
Battle for Asgard (packaging illustrated by Tyler Jacobson)2017 Thor (Jane Foster) Mjolnir
Odinson Jarnbjorn axeUnworthy Thor
Malekith the Accursed Sword
Ulik Exclusive
Bor Shield and axe
Netflix Defenders 2018 Daredevil Batons and alternate unmasked head Daredevil version
Rerelease of the Man-Thing wave figure with new accessories
Jessica Jones Jessica Jones version
Retool of the Man-Thing wave figure with no jacket
Luke Cage Luke Cage version
Iron Fist Iron Fist version
Colleen Wing Katana and scabbard
Elders of the Universe 2019 Collector Orb and alternate head Guardians of the Galaxy version
Grandmaster Melt Stick and melted prisoner puddle Thor: Ragnarok version
Retool of the Marvel 80th Anniversary version with a new head and accessory
X-Men 20th Anniversary2020 Wolverine Two alternate bloodied claw hands, two normal hands and alternate screaming head Logan version
Professor X Wheelchair
Hellfire Club Sebastian Shaw Book, two guns and crumpled Wolverine mask
Jean Grey Cat o' nine tails, four alternate hands and alternate Selene headBlack Queen version
Donald Pierce Magneto's helmet and four alternate hands
Emma Frost Classic White Queen version


Hulk 2008 The Incredible Hulk (film) version
Uses the body of the Toy Biz series 1 Hulk with a new head sculpt
Captain Marvel 2019Alternate unmasked head and hands, and alternate Minn-Erva head, scarf, bandolier and Kree sniper rifle Captain Marvel Starforce uniform version
Stan Lee 2020Autographed Captain America shield and chess board The Avengers version
Originally scheduled to be released in 2018 as a Build-A-Figure whose parts would've been packaged with the Target-exclusive Erik Killmonger/Everett Ross and Falcon/Winter Soldier two-packs, but was delayed for unknown reasons.
Black Widow (Natasha Romanova) Sniper rifle, two pistols, two blast effect pieces and two smoke effect piecesBlack Widow: Deadly Origin snow camo version
Red Hulk Alternate handsDeluxe release
Iron Man Alternate hands and four blast effect pieces Avengers video game Starboost armor version
Gambit Staff, energized playing card and alternate handVintage version
Redeco of the Caliban wave Gambit with a new head
Rogue Alternate handsVintage version
Redeco of the Juggernaut wave Rogue with a new head and glove-holding hand
Cyborg Spider-Man Web line and alternate handVintage version
Spider-Man Pizza slice and four alternate hands Negative Zone version
Repaint of the Hobgoblin wave Spider-Man figure
Katy and Morris 2021Bow, quiver, two arrows and two alternate hands Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings version

Red Hulk Series (2008)

This Marvel Legends BAF series consisted of seven figures, each of which is paired with one of the six parts needed to build Red Hulk.

FigureDescriptionBuild-A-Figure Piece
Adam Warlock Left Leg
Silver Surfer Silver Savage Planet Hulk gladiator armor versionRight Leg
Spider-Man Symbiote costume versionLeft Arm
Spiral Regular versionHead
Gold-accented variant
Union Jack Torso
Wolverine Classic yellow and blue costume version
Retool of the Toy Biz Wolverine figure from Series 4
Right Arm
Black costume variant from Uncanny X-Men (1963) #381

Box Sets

Infinite Three-Pack2014 Ms. Marvel Warbird costume
Ultimate Captain America Shield and alternate headReptaint of the Hit-Monkey wave Ultimate Captain America
Radioactive Man Exclusive
2015 Doc Green Marvel NOW! version
Thanos BAF series Hulk remold
Ultron Age of Ultron version
Remold of Ultimate Green Goblin BAF series Beetle
Vision West Coast Avengers version
White repaint of Hulkbuster BAF series Vision
Captain America: Civil War 2016 War Machine Stun baton, mini-guns and alternate hands Mark III armor version
Iron Man Shoulder-mounted machine gun Iron Man 3 Mark XXVII (Disco) Armor version
Repaint of the MCU Iron Patriot figure from the Iron Monger BAF Series
Thor: Ragnarok 2017 Thor Sword, lightning effect and interchangeable hands Thor: Ragnarok version
Retool of the Gladiator Hulk wave Thor with a new head
Valkyrie Dragonfang sword and scabbardThor: Ragnarok version
Black Panther 2018 Erik Killmonger Sword, spear and alternate unmasked headVibranium suit version
Retool of the Okoye wave Erik Killmonger with a new head
Everett K. Ross Handgun
Avengers: Infinity War 2018 Falcon Attachable wings, flight pack, assault rifle and Redwing droneRepaint of the Walmart-exclusive Falcon
Winter Soldier Laser cannonExclusive
Into the Spider-Verse 2018 Spider-Man (Miles Morales) Venom blast effect piece, alternate unmasked head and handsRedeco of the Space Knight Venom wave Miles Morales
Spider-Gwen Alternate unmasked head and two web-linesRedeco of the Absorbing Man wave Spider-Gwen
Spider-Man: Homecoming 2019 Spider-Man Alternate handsRetool of the Vulture wave Spider-Man with a new Midtown High School jacket
MJ Alternate head and handsExclusive
Avengers: Endgame 2019 Hawkeye Bow and alternate Iron Man and Ant-Man heads Quantum Realm suit version
Black Widow Pistol, connecting batons, alternate Nebula headQuantum Realm suit version
Kraven's Last Hunt 2019 Spider-Man Alternate hands and battle-damaged headBlack costume version
Rerelease of the Sandman wave Spider-Man with a new alternate head
Kraven the Hunter Sniper rifle and spearClassic version
Retool and redeco of the Rhino wave Kraven with classic colors and a new head
Giant-Size X-Men 2020 Storm Two lightning effect pieces, alternate head, four alternate hands, alternate capeClassic version
Thunderbird Exclusive

Toys "R" Us

2007 Wolverine Silver version of Series 6 Wolverine
25th Anniversary
Emma Frost Translucent version of the Annihilus wave Emma Frost figure
Jean Grey Black Queen version
Retool of the Annihilus wave Emma Frost figure with a new head
2017 Groot Baby Groot and potted Groot sapling Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. two version

Jubilee Series (2014)

This wave was released with poor distribution, it was then supposed to ship to comic shops a few weeks later, but before that could happen Hasbro announced to Diamond that it had sold out of the assortment, making this, ultimately, an exclusive Toys "R" Us collection.

FigureAccessoriesDescriptionBuild-A-Figure Piece
Cyclops Marvel NOW! versionRight arm
Magneto Classic versionLeft arm
Storm Uncanny X-Force versionTorso and legs
Stryfe SwordClassic versionHead and energy blasts
Wolverine Unmasked Astonishing X-Men (Simone Bianchi) version
Redeco of the Puck wave Wolverine with a new head

Box Sets

Deadpool and Warpath 2010DeadpoolMachine gun, pistol, two katanas with removable sheaths and two knivesRed and black costume version
WarpathBlack and silver X-Force costume version
Deadpool and Warpath (Variant)DeadpoolBlue costume version
WarpathRed and blue costume version
Valkyrie and HulkValkyrieGold sword, bo staff, removable cape and sheathClassic version
Hulk Ed McGuinness version
Retool and repaint of the Red Hulk BAF
Black Widow (Natasha Romanova) and Winter Soldier Black WidowTwo machine guns, two pistols and two alternate headsBlack costume version
Winter SoldierCaptain America's shield star on left shoulder
Black Widow (Natasha Romanova) and Winter Soldier (variant)Black WidowGray costume version
Winter Soldier Red star on left shoulder
Original X-Men2014 Cyclops Classic Jack Kirby yellow costume version
Marvel Girl
Iceman Translucent version
S.H.I.E.L.D. 2015 Maria Hill The Avengers version
Nick Fury Two guns The Avengers version; Previously available in the (Non-Legends), Captain America: The First Avenger series
Phil Coulson Revenge blaster and alternate head The Avengers version
Avengers2016 Vision CapeAll-New Marvel NOW! version
Captain America (Sam Wilson) ShieldExclusive
Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) BowExclusive
Spider-Man & Mary Jane2017 Spider-Man Alternate head & handsAll-New All-Different version
Repaint of the Hobgoblin wave Spider-Man
Mary Jane Watson PurseExclusive
Cyclops & Dark Phoenix2017 Cyclops Uncanny X-Men versionExclusive
Jean Grey Two alternate heads & Phoenix bird Dark Phoenix version
Retool of the Juggernaut wave Jean Grey figure
A-Force [3] 2017 Singularity Exclusive
Lady Loki Cape
Sif Sword and cape
Elsa Bloodstone Two rifles
Hydra Troopers2017 Hydra SoldierRifle, machine gun and alternate headsRetool of the Mandroid series figure
Hydra EnforcerRocket launcher, rifle, knife and alternate headsCaptain Britain head, Nuke body repaint
Black Panther2018 Black Panther (Shuri) Vibranium spearExclusive
Klaw Sonic energy effectExclusive


2014 Agent Venom Four guns and tendrilsFlash Thompson, as he first appeared in Secret Avengers (2010) #23
2015 Black Ant Ant-Man's Life Model Decoy version
2015 Daredevil Billy clubsFirst appearance yellow costume version
2016 Namor Trident and alternate handsModern version
2016 Punisher Alternate head, Two Guns and a Rocket Launcher Jim Lee version
2017 Invisible Woman and H.E.R.B.I.E. Alternate hand
2017 Human Torch Flame effect pieces and alternate hands
2017 Medusa Retool of Medusa from the Thanos Imperative box set
2018 Mister Fantastic Alternate bendable arms, Ultimate Nullifier
2018 The Thing Alternate head and hands
2018 Silver Surfer Surfboard, power cosmic effects and four alternate hands
2018 Magik Two swords, alternate hand, three magic effects, flaming skull and LockheedModern version
Rerelease of the Magik figure from the SDCC-exclusive Book of the Vishanti set
2019 Mystique Pistol, laser rifle, and alternate Rogue and Lilandra headsClassic version
2019 Doctor Doom Alternate unmasked head, alternate hands, cloak, two repulsor blast effect pieces and two magic effect pieces Infamous Iron Man version
2019 Emma Frost Alternate hands and classic head Marvel NOW! version
2019 Danielle Moonstar Bow, arrow, alternate hands, alternate Wolfsbane head and claws, and alternate Karma head New Mutants version
2020 Celeste Cuckoo Cerebro helmet, alternate hands, two psychic effect pieces and alternate Mindee Cuckoo and Phoebe Cuckoo heads Marvel NOW! version
2020 Iron Man 2020 Alternate hands, two blast effect pieces, two exhaust flame pieces and fire display base
2020 Moon Knight Alternate head and hands, bo staff and five crescent moon throwing discsClassic version
2020 Iron Man Two alternate hands, two blast effect pieces, two exhaust flame effect pieces and two burst effect pieces Silver Centurion version
2021 The Fallen One Mjolnir, surfboard, alternate hands and two energy effect piecesThanos Wins version
Redeco of the Walgreens-exclusive Silver Surfer
2021 Nova (Richard Rider) and Qubit Alternate hands and flight stand for QubitClassic version


2002Iron ManDisplay StandStealth Armor versionIron Man Vol. 1 #149
HulkDisplay Stand, Removable White ShirtIncredible Hulk Vol. 1 #314
2007 Silver Surfer SurfboardRepainted Toy Biz Figure without blue wash
2016 Falcon Attachable wings, flight pack and Redwing drone Captain America: Civil War version
Winter Soldier Pistol and combat knife Captain America: Civil War version
2017Black PantherSpear, cape and necklaceRepainted Rocket Raccoon wave version without blue wash
2018Black PantherAlternate head, hands and two kinetic Vibranium energy effect pieces All-New, All-Different Marvel version
Thanos Infinity Gauntlet and alternate headRepaint of the 2015 BAF
2019 Captain America Shield, alternate hands, shield-throwing effect piece and alternate head80th anniversary Alex Ross version
Captain Marvel Power effects and alternate masked head Captain Marvel Binary version
Captain America Mjolnir, shield, and alternate unmasked head Avengers: Endgame version
2020 Black Widow (Natasha Romanova) Alternate hands, two gauntlets with blast effects, two smoking gauntlets and S.H.I.E.L.D. jetpack with two exhaust flame effect pieces90s Avengers bomber jacket version
Cable Energy rifle, shotgun, pistol and two alternate hands Deadpool two version
Captain America Symbiote shieldVenomized Spider-Man: Maximum Venom version
2021 Captain America (John Walker) Shield and alternate unmasked head The Falcon and the Winter Soldier version


Build-A-FigureReleaseFigureAccessoriesDescriptionComicBuild-A-Figure Piece
Giant-Man 2007 Ant-Man (Scott Lang) Helmet Marvel Premiere (1972) #47Right arm
Captain Britain Excalibur (1988) #1Right leg
Havok Uncanny X-Men (1963) #97Left leg
Kitty Pryde and Lockheed Astonishing X-Men versionAstonishing X-Men (2004) #6Upper torso and head
Sabretooth Age of Apocalypse versionAstonishing X-Men (1995) #2Left foot
Sentry Clean shaven, short hair, yellow New Avengers (2005) #3Left arm
Bearded, long hair, yellow variant
Clean shaven, short hair, tan variant
Bearded, long hair, tan variant
Thor MjolnirThor (1980) #351Right hand
Warbird Avengers Annual (1963) #10Lower torso
Weapon X ( Age of Apocalypse Wolverine)Weapon X (1995) #1Right foot
Burnt face variantLeft hand
Ares 2008
Crossbones Two gunsModern versionLeft leg
Guardian Lower torso
Human Torch Regular versionLeft arm
Semi-translucent variant
Iron Man Heroes Reborn armor versionHelmet and swords
Kang the Conqueror Fantastic Four Classics (Non-Legends) repaintUpper torso
Spider-Man (Ben Reilly) Right arm
Vision Right leg
War Machine Ultimate versionHead
Holocaust (Nemesis)2009 Beast Astonishing X-Men versionRight arm
Black Bolt Right leg
Daredevil Billy clubsFirst appearance yellow/brown versionLower torso
Red variant
Nova (Richard Rider) Left leg
Punisher Machine gun and pistol Tim Bradstreet versionLeft arm
The Punisher (2005 video game) camo variant
Tigra Upper torso

Box Sets

Fantastic Four 2005 Human Torch Display StandPartial flame-on versionFantastic Four Poster Book
Invisible Woman Display stand Heroes Reborn version
Mister Fantastic Display Stand, alternate elongated hand and mallet hand
The Thing Display stand, sunglasses, hat and removable trenchcoat
Cable & Marvel Girl2007 Cable Two guns
Jean Grey Green minidress version
Cannonball & Domino2007 Cannonball Flight Jacket and goggles (late New Mutants) costume
Domino Two gunsExclusive
Ultimate Spider-Man Versus Vulture2017 Ultimate Spider-ManAlternate handsUltimate Spider-Man animated version
Repaint of Space Venom wave Ultimate Spider-Man
Ultimate Vulture Alternate head from the Ultimate Spider-Man animated seriesUltimate Spider-Man comic version
Netflix2018 Luke Cage Luke Cage version
Repaint of the SDCC exclusive figure
Claire Temple Claw gauntlets, and latex glove hands Iron Fist version
Avengers: Infinity War 2019 Corvus Glaive GlaiveExclusive
Loki Tesseract Redeco of the Gladiator Hulk wave Loki


  1. "Amazon Exclusive Marvel Legends Series Psylocke, Marvel's Nimrod, and Fantomex Set Available for Preorder". IGN. 2020-07-21. Retrieved 2024-11-13.
  2. "Marvel Legends X-Men: Hasbro HasLab Reveals Enormous Sentinel Figure - IGN". 10 July 2020 via
  3. "Toy Fair: Marvel Legends Lady Thor & A-Force Figures Revealed!". Marvel Toy News. 19 February 2017. Retrieved 20 March 2017.