List of Ohio politicians by state office

Last updated


Governors of Ohio and candidates

NameLife datesPartyCandidateServed
John Kenneth Blackwell 1948–Present Republican 2006 
Bob Fitrakis 1955–Present Green 2006 
Bill Peirce1938–Present Libertarian 2006 
Ted Strickland 1941–Present Democrat 20062007–2011
Robert Alphonso Taft II 1942–Present Republican 19981999– 2007
Lee Fisher 1951–Present Democrat 1998 
Nancy Putnam Hollister 1949–Present Republican  1998–1999
Robert L. Burch Jr.   Democrat 1994 
George Victor Voinovich 1936–2016 Republican 1990, 19941991–1998
Richard F. Celeste   Democrat 1978, 1982, 19861983–1991
James A. Rhodes 1909–  Republican 1950, 1954, 1962, 19661975–1983
John J. Gilligan  Democrat  1971–1975
James A. Rhodes 1909–  Republican 1950, 1954, 1962, 19661963–1971
Michael V. DiSalle 1908–  Democrat 1956, 19591959–1963
C. William O'Neill   Republican  1957–1959
John W. Brown   Republican  1957-1957
Frank J. Lausche   Democrat  1949–1957
Thomas J. Herbert   Republican  1947–1949
Frank J. Lausche   Democrat  1945–1947
John W. Bricker   Republican  1939–1945
Martin L. Davey   Democrat  1935–1939
George White   Democrat  1931–1935
Myers Y. Cooper   Republican  1929–1931
A. Vic Donahey   Democrat  1927–1929
Harry L. Davis   Republican  1921–1923
James M. Cox   Democrat  1917–1921
Frank B. Willis   Republican  1915–1917
James M. Cox   Democrat  1913–1915
Judson Harmon   Democrat  1909–1911
Andrew L. Harris   Republican  1906–1909
John M. Pattison   Democrat  1906-1906
Myron T. Herrick   Republican  1904–1906
George K. Nash   Republican  1900–1902
Asa S.Bushnell   Republican  1896–1900
William McKinley, Jr   Republican  1892–1896
James E. Campbell   Democrat  1890–1892
Joseph B. Foraker   Republican  1886–1888
George Hoadly   Democrat  1884–1886
Charles Foster   Republican  1880–1882
Richard M. Bishop   Democrat  1878–1880
Thomas I. Young   Republican  1877–1878
Rutherford B. Hayes   Republican  1876–1877
William Allen   Democrat  1874–1876
Edward F. Noyes   Republican  1872–1874
Rutherford B. Hayes   Republican  1868–1872
Jacob Dolson Cox   Republican  1866–1868
Charles Anderson   Republican  1865–1866
John Brough   Republican  1864–1865
David Tod   Republican  1862–1864
William Dennison, Jr.   Republican  1860–1862
Salmon P. Chase   Republican  1856–1860
William Medill   Democrat  1853–1856
Reuben Wood   Democrat  1850–1853
Seabury Ford   Whig  1848–1850
William Bebb   Whig  1846–1848
Mordeccai Bartley   Whig  1844–1846
Thomas W. Bartley   Democrat  1844-1844
Wilson Shannon   Democrat  1842–1844
Thomas Corwin   Whig  1840–1842
Wilson Shannon   Democrat  1838–1840
Joseph Vance   Whig  1836–1838
Robert Lucas   Democrat  1832–1836
Duncan McArthur   Federalist  1830–1832
Allen Trimble   Federalist  1826–1830
Jeremiah Morrow   Democrat  1822–1826
Allen Trimble   Federalist  1822–1824
Ethan Allen Brown   Democrat  1818–1822
Thomas Worthington   Democrat  1814–1818
Othneil Looker   Democrat  1814-1814
Jonathan Meigs   Democrat  1810–1814
Samuel Huntington   Democrat  1808–1810
Thomas Kirker   Democrat  1807–1808
Edward Tiffin   Democrat  1803–1807
Charles W. Byrd   1802–1803
Arthur St. Clair   1788–1802

Lieutenant governors of Ohio and candidates

Name [1] Life datesPartyCandidateServed
Jon Husted Republican 2019-
Mary Taylor Republican 2011-2019
Lee Fisher 1951–Present Democrat 20062007-2011
Mark Noble1976–Present Libertarian 2006 
Tom Raga 1965–Present Republican 2006 
Bruce Edward Johnson   Republican 2004–2007
Jennette Bradley   Republican 20022003–2004
Maureen O'Connor   Republican 19981999–2003
Nancy Hollister   Republican 19941995–1999
Mike DeWine 1947–Present Republican 19901991–1995
Paul Leonard   Democrat 19861987–1991
Myrl H. Shoemaker Democrat 1983-Aug. 1985
George V. Voinovich Republican 1979-Nov. 1979
Richard F. Celeste Democrat 1975-1979
John W. Brown Republican 1963-1975
John W. Donahey Democrat 1959-1963
Paul M. Herbert Republican 1957-1959
John W. Brown Republican 1953-1957
George D. Nye Democrat 1949-1953
Paul M. Herbert Republican 1947-1949
George D. Nye Democrat 1945-1947
Paul M. Herbert Republican 1939-1945
Paul P. Yoder Democrat 1937-1939
Harold G. Mosier Democrat 1935-1937
Charles Sawyer Democrat 1933-1935
William G. Pickrel Democrat 1931-1933
John T. Brown Republican 1929-1931
George C. Braden Republican Nov. 1928-Jan. 1929
William G. Pickrel Democrat April 1928-Nov. 1928
Earl D. Bloom Democrat 1927-April 1928
Charles H. Lewis Republican 1925-1927
Earl D. Bloom Democrat 1923-1925
Clarence J. Brown Republican 1919-1923
Earl D. Bloom Democrat 1917-1919
John H. Arnold Republican 1915-1917
W.A. Greenlund Democrat 1913-1915
Hugh L. Nichols Democrat 1911-1913
Atlee Pomerene Democrat 1911-1911
Francis W. Treadway Republican 1909-1911
Andrew L. Harris Republican 1906-1909
Warren G. Harding Republican 1904-1906
Harry L. Gordon Republican 1902-1904
Carl L. Nippert Republican 1902-1902
John A. Caldwell Republican 1900-1902
Asa W. Jones Republican 1896-1900
Andrew L. Harris Republican 1892-1896
William V. Marquis Democrat 1890-1892
Elbert L. Lampson Republican 1890-1890
William C. Lyon Republican 1888-1890
Silas A. Conrad Republican 1887-1888
Robert P. Kennedy Republican 1886-1887
John G. Warwick Democrat 1884-1886
Reese G. Richards Republican 1882-1884
Andrew Hickenlooper Republican 1880-1882
Jabez W. Fitch Democrat 1878-1880
H.W. Curtiss Republican 1877-1878
Thomas L. Young Republican 1876-1877
Alphonso Hart Democrat 1874-1876
Jacob Mueller Republican 1872-1874
John C. Lee Republican 1868-1872
Andrew R. McBurney Republican 1866-1868
Charles Anderson Republican 1864-1866
Benjamin Stanton Republican 1862-1864
Robert C. Kirk Republican 1860-1862
Martin Welker Whig 1858-1860
Thomas H. Ford Whig 1856-1858
James Myers Democrat 1854-1856
William Medill Democrat 1852-1854

Attorneys general of Ohio and candidates

NameLife datesPartyCandidateServed
Marc Dann   Democrat 20062007–Present
Jim Petro 1948–Present Republican 20022003– 2007
Betty Montgomery   Republican 1994 1998 20061995–2002
Lee Fisher 1951–Present Democrat 1990 19941991–1995
Anthony J. Celebrezze Jr. 1941–2003 Democrat 1982 19861983–1991
William J. Brown   Democrat 1970 1974 19781971–1983
Paul W. Brown   Republican 19681969–1971
William B. Saxbe 1916–Present Republican 19621963–1968
Mark McElroy   Democrat 19581959–1963
William B. Saxbe 1916–Present Republican  1957–1959

State auditors of Ohio and candidates

Secretaries of state of Ohio and candidates

State treasurers of Ohio and candidates

NameLife datesPartyCandidateServed
Richard Cordray 1959–Present Democrat 20062007–Present
Jennette Bradley   Republican 20042005–2007
Joseph T. Deters   Republican 19981999–2005
J. Kenneth Blackwell 1948–Present Republican 19941994–1999


Ohio state senators and candidates

Majority leaders of the Ohio Senate

Minority leaders of the Ohio Senate

Majority whips of the Ohio Senate

Steve Austria, Republican, Senate District 10, Since 2005


Minority whips of the Ohio Senate

Ohio state representatives and candidates

DistrictNameLife datesPartyCandidateServed
1st District Charles R. Blasdel 1971–Present Republican 2000 2002 20042001–Present
2nd District Jon M. Peterson   Republican   ?-Present
3rd District Jim Carmichael   Republican   ?-Present
4th District John R. Willamowski 1960–Present Republican 1998 2000 2002 20041997–2006
5th District Tim Schaffer   Republican   ?-Present
6th District Robert E. Latta   Republican   ?-Present
12th District Michael DeBose   Democrat 2000 2002 20042001–Present
13th District Michael J. Skindell   Democrat   ?-Present
15th District Timothy J. DeGeeter 1969–Present Democrat   ?-Present
24th District Geoffrey C. Smith 1943–Present Republican   ?-Present
25th District Daniel Stewart   Democrat 2002 2004 20062003–Present
27th District Joyce Beatty 1950–Present Democrat   ?-Present

Majority leaders of the Ohio House of Representatives

Minority leaders of the Ohio House of Representatives

Majority whips of the Ohio House of Representatives

Minority whips of the Ohio House of Representatives


Chief justices of the Ohio Supreme Court and candidates

(the office of chief justice was created in 1912)

Hugh L. Nichols Democrat 1913–1920
Carrington T. Marshall Republican 1921–1932
Carl V. Weygandt Democrat 1933–1962
Kingsley A. Taft Republican 1963–1970
C. William O'Neill Republican 1970–1978
Robert E. Leach Republican 1978
Frank Celebrezze Democrat 1978–1986
Thomas J. Moyer Republican March 2010
Eric Brown Democratic December 2010
Maureen O'Connor Republican Present

Associate justices of the Ohio Supreme Court and candidates

Judges of Ohio Courts of Appeal and candidates

NameLife datesPartyCandidateServedDistrict
Gene Donofrio 1953–Present Democrat 1992,1998,20041993–Present 7th
Joseph J. Vukovich 1945–Present Democrat 1996,2002,20081997–Present 7th
Cheryl L. Waite 1959–Present Democrat 1996,2002,20081997–Present 7th
Mary DeGenaro 1961–Present Republican 2000,20062001–2018 7th
John R. Willamowski 1960–Present Republican 20062007–Present 3rd
David J. Leland 1953–Present Democrat 20222023–Present 10th

See also

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  1. "Lieutenant Governors of the State of Ohio: 1852 - present".