List of compounds with carbon number 1

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This is a partial list of molecules that contain 1 carbon atom.

Chemical formulaSynonyms CAS number
CAgN silver cyanide 506-64-9
CAl aluminium carbide 37265-94-4
CAlH2N aluminium monocyanide 19401-01-5
CB boron carbide 12011-54-0
CBSi carbon monoboride monosilicide 12628-09-0
CB2 diboron carbide 12537-86-9
CB4 boron carbide 12069-32-8
CBe2 beryllium carbide 506-66-1
CBr bromomethylidyne 3889-77-8
CBrF2 bromodifluoromethyl radical 28882-09-9
CBrN cyanogen bromide 506-68-3
CBrNO bromine isocyanate 3644-72-2
CBrNO bromoformonitrile oxide 74213-25-5
CBrNS bromine thiocyanate 29284-59-1
CBrNSe selenium bromide cyanide 80039-77-6
CBr2 dibromomethylene 4371-77-1
CBr2ClF chloro dibromo fluoro methane 353-55-9
CBr2O carbonyl bromide 593-95-3
CBr3 tribromomethyl radical 4471-18-5
CBr3Cl tribromochloromethane 594-15-0
CBr4 carbon tetrabromide 558-13-4
CCe cerium monocarbide 12011-58-4
CCeRh monocerium monorhodium monocarbide 70378-91-5
CCeRu monocerium monoruthenium monocarbide 70378-92-6
CCeSi cerium monocarbide monosilicide 51257-45-5
CCl chloromethylidyne 3889-76-7
CClF chlorofluoromethylene 1691-88-9
CClFO carbonic chloride fluoride 353-49-1
CClFS carbonothioic chloride fluoride 1495-18-7
CClF2 chlorodifluoromethyl radical 1691-89-0
CClF3O2S trifluoromethanesulfonyl chloride 421-83-0
CClF3S trifluoromethanesulfenyl chloride 421-17-0
CClN cyanogen chloride 506-77-4
CClNO chlorine isocyanate 13858-09-8
CClNS chlorine thiocyanate 5961-98-8
CClNSe selenium chloride cyanide 80039-76-5
CClO carbonyl chloride 2602-42-8
CCl2 dichloromethylene 1605-72-7
CCl2F dichlorofluoromethyl radical 1691-90-3
CCl2F2 dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8
CCl2O phosgene 75-44-5
CCl2OS chlorocarbonylsulfenyl chloride 2757-23-5
CCl2S carbonothioic dichloride 463-71-8
CCl2S2 chlorothioformylsulfenylchloride 72087-91-3
CCl3 trichloromethyl radical 3170-80-7
CCl3F trichloromonofluoromethane 75-69-4
CCl3NO2 chloropicrin 76-06-2
CCl4 carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5
CCs2O3 dicesium carbonate 29703-01-3
CCuN copper cyanide 544-92-3
CEuN europium cyanide 50647-38-6
CF fluoromethylidyne 3889-75-6
CFN cyanogen fluoride 1495-50-7
CFO fluoroformyl radical 1871-24-5
CF2 difluoromethylene 2154-59-8
CF2NOP phosphorisocyanatidous difluoride 461-59-6
CF2NP phosphorocyanidous difluoride 14118-40-2
CF2N2 difluorocyanamide 7127-18-6
CF2N2O4 difluorodinitromethane 1185-11-1
CF2O carbonyl fluoride 353-50-4
CF2S thiocarbonyl fluoride 420-32-6
CF3 trifluoromethyl radical 2264-21-3
CF3NO trifluoronitrosomethane 334-99-6
CF3NO4 trifluoromethyl peroxynitrate 50311-48-3
CF4 carbon tetrafluoride 75-73-0
CF4O trifluoromethyl hypofluorite 373-91-1
CF5N pentafluoromethylamine 335-01-3
CF5N3 pentafluoroguanidine 10051-06-6
CF6N2 hexafluoromethanediamine 4394-93-8
CF7N3 heptafluoromethanetriamine 14362-68-6
CF8N4 octafluoromethanetetramine 17125-65-4
CGaN gallium monocyanide 51750-59-5
CGe germanium monocarbide 12334-26-8
CGeSi germanium carbide silicide 12011-72-2
CGe3 trigermanium monocarbide 61349-30-2
CH methylidyne radical 3315-37-5
CHBrClF bromochlorofluoromethane 593-98-6
CHBr2 dibromomethyl radical 14362-13-1
CHCl chloromethylene 2108-20-5
CHClF chlorofluoromethyl radical 33272-71-8
CHClO formyl chloride 2565-30-2
CHCl2 dichloromethyl radical 3474-12-2
CHCl3 chloroform 67-66-3
CHCl3O2S dichloromethanesulfonyl chloride 41197-29-9
CHCl5Si dichloromethyl trichloro silane 1558-24-3
CHF fluoromethylene 13453-52-6
CHFN2O4 fluorodinitromethane 7182-87-8
CHFO formyl fluoride 1493-02-3
CHF2 difluoromethyl radical 2670-13-5
CHF3 trifluoromethane 75-46-7
CHF3S trifluoromethanethiol 1493-15-8
CHLiO2 lithium formate 556-63-8
CHLiO2 lithium formate 6108-23-2
CHN hydrogen cyanide 74-90-8
CHN hydrogen isocyanide 6914-07-4
CHNO cyanic acid 420-05-3
CHNO fulminic acid 506-85-4
CHNO isocyanic acid 75-13-8
CHNS isothiocyanic acid 3129-90-6
CHNaO2 sodium formate 141-53-7
CHO formyl radical 2597-44-6
CHO2 hydrocarboxyl radical 2564-86-5
CHO2Rb rubidium formate 3495-35-0
CHO2Tl thallium formate 992-98-3
CHP methinophosphide 6829-52-3
CHS thioformyl radical 36058-28-3
CH2 methylene 2465-56-7
CH2Br bromomethyl radical 16519-97-4
CH2BrI bromoiodomethane 557-68-6
CH2BrNO2 bromonitromethane 563-70-2
CH2Cl chloromethyl radical 6806-86-6
CH2ClI chloroiodomethane 593-71-5
CH2ClNO2 chloronitromethane 1794-84-9
CH2Cl2 methylene chloride 75-09-2
CH2Cl2O2S chloromethanesulfonyl chloride 3518-65-8
CH2F fluoromethyl radical 3744-29-4
CH2F2O4S2 methanedisulfonyl fluoride 42148-23-2
CH2N2 cyanamide 420-04-2
CH2N2O4 dinitromethane 625-76-3
CH2N6O2 nitroguanylazide 62154-79-4
CH2O formaldehyde 50-00-0
CH2O hydroxymethylene 19710-56-6
CH2O polyoxymethylene 9002-81-7
CH2OS sulfine 40100-16-1
CH2O2 dioxirane 157-26-6
CH2O2 formic acid 64-18-6
CH2O3 carbonic acid 463-79-6
CH2S thioformaldehyde 865-36-1
CH3 methyl radical 2229-07-4
CH3AsCl2 methyldichloroarsine 593-89-5
CH3BBrClO methoxybromochloroborane 38481-11-7
CH3BBrFO methoxybromofluoroborane 38481-08-2
CH3BBr2 methylboron dibromide 17933-16-3
CH3BBr2S methylthiodibromoborane 30009-65-5
CH3BClFO methoxychlorofluoroborane 38481-06-0
CH3BCl2 methyldichloroborane 7318-78-7
CH3BCl2O methoxydichloroborane 867-46-9
CH3BCl2S methylthiothichlroborane 29878-05-5
CH3BFIO fluoroiodomethoxyborane 38481-10-6
CH3BF2O methoxydifluoroborane 381-59-9
CH3BF2S methylthiodifluoroborane 381-60-2
CH3BI2O methoxydiiodoborane 29878-00-0
CH3BI2S methylthiodiiodoborane 27545-34-2
CH3Br methyl bromide 74-83-9
CH3Cl methyl chloride 74-87-3
CH3ClFOP methylphosphonyl chlorofluoride 753-71-9
CH3ClO methyl hypochlorite 593-78-2
CH3ClO2S methanesulfonyl chloride 124-63-0
CH3ClS methanesulfenylchloride 5813-48-9
CH3Cl2OP methoxy dichloro phosphine 3279-26-3
CH3Cl2OP methyl phosphonic dichloride 676-97-1
CH3Cl2OPS methylthiophosphorylchloride 18281-76-0
CH3Cl2O2P methyl dichlorophosphate 677-24-7
CH3Cl2P methyldichlorophosphine 676-83-5
CH3Cl2PS methylphosphonothioic dichloride 676-98-2
CH3Cl3Ge methylgermanium trichloride 993-10-2
CH3D deuteriomethane 1 676-49-3
CH3F methyl fluoride 593-53-3
CH3FO methyl hypofluorite 36336-08-0
CH3FO2S methanesulfonyl fluoride 558-25-8
CH3F2OP methylphosphonyl difluoride 676-99-3
CH3I methyl iodide 74-88-4
CH3IS methylsulfenyliodide 86381-89-7
CH3N methanimine 2053-29-4
CH3NO formamide 75-12-7
CH3NO2 methyl nitrite 624-91-9
CH3NO3 methyl nitrate 598-58-3
CH3NS methanethioamide 115-08-2
CH3NSi isocyano silane 18081-38-4
CH3N3 methyl azide 624-90-8
CH3N3O3 nitrourea 556-89-8
CH3N3O4 methyldinitramine 25346-05-8
CH3NaO sodium methoxide 124-41-4
CH3O hydroxymethyl radical 2597-43-5
CH3O methoxy radical 2143-68-2
CH3P phosphethene 61183-53-7
CH3S mercaptomethyl radical 17032-46-1
CH3S methylthio radical 7175-75-9
CH3S2 methyldithio radical 29245-72-5
CH3Sn monomethyl tin radical 23001-26-5
CH3Zn methyl zinc 42217-98-1
CH4 methane 74-82-8
CH4Cl2Si methyl dichlorosilane 20156-50-7
CH4N methyl amino radical 49784-84-1
CH4N2 methyl diazene 26981-93-1
CH4N2O formic acid hydrazide 624-84-0
CH4N2O urea 57-13-6
CH4N2O2S aminoiminomethanesulfinic acid 1758-73-2
CH4N2S ammonium thiocyanate 1762-95-4
CH4N2S thiourea 62-56-6
CH4N2Se selenourea 630-10-4
CH4O methyl alcohol 67-56-1
CH4OS methanesulfenic acid 62965-22-4
CH4O2 methanediol 463-57-0
CH4O2 methyl peroxide 3031-73-0
CH4O2S methanesulfinic acid 17696-73-0
CH4O3 Orthoformic acid 463-78-5
CH4O4 Orthocarbonic acid 463-84-3
CH4O6S2 methane disulfonic acid 503-40-2
CH4S methanethiol 74-93-1
CH4S2 dimercaptomethane 6725-64-0
CH4S2 methyl hydrogen disulfide 6251-26-9
CH5As methylarsine 593-52-2
CH5AsO3 methyl arsonic acid 124-58-3
CH5BO2 dihydroxymethylborane 13061-96-6
CH5N methylamine 74-89-5
CH5NO2S methane sulfonamide 3144-09-0
CH5NO3S aminomethanesulfonic acid 13881-91-9
CH5N3 guanidine 113-00-8
CH5N3O3S thiourea nitrate 55011-91-1
CH5N3S hydrazinecarbothioamide 79-19-6
CH5N4O2 guanidine nitrate 506-93-4
CH5O3P methylphosphonic acid 993-13-5
CH6ClN methylammonium chloride 593-51-1
CH6ClN3O semicarbazide hydrochloride 563-41-7
CH6Ge methyl germane 1449-65-6
CH6IN methylammonium iodide 14965-49-2
CH6N methylammonium radical 17000-00-9
CH6N2 methylhydrazine 60-34-4
CH6N2O2 ammonium carbamate 1111-78-0
CH6N4 aminoguanidine 79-17-4
CH6N4O carbonic dihydrazide 497-18-7
CH6N4S carbonothioic dihydrazide 2231-57-4
CH7N3O3 methylhydrazinium nitrate 29674-96-2
CHf hafnium(IV) carbide 506-64-9
CI4 carbon tetraiodide 507-25-5
CIN cyanogen iodide 506-78-5
CINO iodine isocyanate 3607-48-5
CINS iodine thiocyanate 105918-65-8
CINSe iodine selenocyanate 105918-66-9
CIN3O6 iodotrinitromethane 630-70-6
CIr iridium monocarbide 12385-37-4
CKN potassium cyanide 151-50-8
CKNS potassium thiocyanate 333-20-0
CK2O3 potassium carbonate 584-08-7
CLi2O3 lithium carbonate 554-13-2
CLi3 trilithium monocarbide 70378-93-7
CLi4 carbon tetralithium 38827-79-1
CMgO3 magnesium carbonate 546-93-0
CMo molybdenum carbide 12011-97-1
CN cyano radical 2074-87-5
CNNa sodium cyanide 143-33-9
CNO isocyanato radical 22400-26-6
CNOSi oxosilyl monocyanide 29210-67-1
CNPr praseodymium monocyanide 57137-34-5
CNS thiocyanato radical 15941-77-2
CNSi silicon monocyanide 29210-66-0
CN2O nitrosyl cyanide 4343-68-4
CN4 cyanogen azide 764-05-6
CNaHO3 Sodium bicarbonate 144-55-8
CNa2O3 sodium carbonate 497-19-8
CO carbon monoxide 630-08-0
COS carbonyl sulfide 463-58-1
COSe carbonyl selenide 1603-84-5
CO2 carbon dioxide 124-38-9
CO3 carbon trioxide 3812-32-6
CP carbon monophosphide 12326-85-1
CPSi silicon monocarbide monophosphide 37342-74-8
CP2 carbon diphosphide 12601-93-3
CRh rhodium monocarbide 12127-42-3
CRu ruthenium carbide 12012-13-4
CS carbon monosulfide 2944-05-0
CSSe thiocarbonyl selenide 5951-19-9
CS2 carbon disulfide cation 12539-80-9
CS2 carbon disulfide 75-15-0
CSe carbon monoselenide 16674-18-3
CSe2 carbon diselenide 506-80-9
CSi silicon monocarbide 409-21-2
CSi2 disilicon carbide 12070-04-1
CSi3 trisilicon carbide 12326-86-2
CTa tantalum carbide 12070-06-3
CTh thorium monocarbide 12012-16-7
CTi titanium carbide 12070-08-5
CU uranium monocarbide 12070-09-6
CW tungsten carbide 12070-12-1
CZr zirconium carbide 12070-14-3

C+H+O compounds

Each hydrogen added to a molecule can be considered as a proton plus a one-electron reduction of the redox state, while each oxygen counts as a two-electron oxidation. Thus a net addition of H2O is a simple hydration with no net change in redox state and frequently occurs reversibly in aqueous solution. These relationships may be viewed in the following table (peroxides and radicals are excluded; unstable or hypothetical compounds are italicized).

H4 methane methanol methanediol orthoformic acid orthocarbonic acid
H3 methyl radical methoxy radical
H2 methylene formaldehyde formic acid carbonic acid
H0 carbon monoxide carbon dioxide carbon trioxide

See also

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