Methylene (compound)

Last updated
Ball-and-stick model of triplet methylene Triplet-methylene-3D-balls.png
Ball-and-stick model of triplet methylene
Space filling model of triplet methylene Triplet-methylene-3D-SF.png
Space filling model of triplet methylene
IUPAC name
Dihydridocarbon(2•) [1]
Preferred IUPAC name
Methylidene [2]
Other names
Methene [1]
3D model (JSmol)
MeSH carbene
PubChem CID
  • InChI=1S/CH2/h1H2 Yes check.svgY
  • [CH2]
Molar mass 14.0266 g mol−1
AppearanceColourless gas
Conjugate acid Methenium
Std molar
193.93 J K−1 mol−1
386.39 kJ mol−1
Related compounds
Related compounds
Methyl (CH3)
Methylidyne (CH)
Carbide (C)
Silylene (SiH2)
Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa).

Methylene (IUPAC name: Methylidene, also called carbene or methene) is an organic compound with the chemical formula CH
(also written [CH
). It is a colourless gas that fluoresces in the mid-infrared range, and only persists in dilution, or as an adduct.


Methylene is the simplest carbene. [3] :p.7 [4] It is usually detected only at very low temperatures, or as a short-lived intermediate in chemical reactions. [5]


The trivial name carbene is the preferred IUPAC name. [2] The systematic names methylidene and dihydridocarbon, valid IUPAC names, are constructed according to the substitutive and additive nomenclatures, respectively.

Methylidene is viewed as methane with two hydrogen atoms removed. By default, this name pays no regard to the radicality of the methylene. Although in a context where the radicality is considered, it can also name the non-radical excited state, whereas the radical ground state with two unpaired electrons is named methanediyl.

Methylene is also used as the trivial name for the substituent groups methanediyl (>CH
), and methylidene (=CH

Methylidene group

The blue part of this diagram of a propene molecule is a methylidene group. Propene Methylidene Structural Formulae V.1.svg
The blue part of this diagram of a propene molecule is a methylidene group.

A methylidene group is any part of a molecule that consists of a CH2= group. [6] The group may be represented as =CH2, where the '=' denotes the double bond.

In contrast, methylene is connected to the rest of the molecule by two single bonds. [7] The distinction is often important, because the double bond is chemically different from two single bonds.

3-Methylidenecycloprop-1-ene is named as a cyclopropene with a methylidene substituent. Methylenecyclopropene.svg
3-Methylidenecycloprop-1-ene is named as a cyclopropene with a methylidene substituent.

The same name (methylidene) was used for the distinct molecule CH2, also known as carbene. [8] Formerly the methylene name was used for all three isomers (methylene, methylidene, and carbene).

Many organic compounds are named and classified as if they were the result of substituting a methylidene group for two adjacent hydrogen atoms of some parent molecule (even if they are not actually obtained that way). Thus, for example, methylenecyclopropene is named after cyclopropene.


Methylene can be prepared by decomposition of compounds with a methylidene or methanediyl group, such as ketene (ethenone) (CH
=CO), diazomethane (linear CH
), diazirine (cyclic [-CH
-N=N-]) and diiodomethane (I-CH
-I). The decomposition can be effected by photolysis, photosensitized reagents (such as benzophenone), or thermal decomposition. [5] [9] Methylene can be produced by photolysis of diazomethane. [10] In its ultraviolet spectrum, gaseous methylene absorbs at around 141.5 nm. It was shown to have a bond angle of about 140°. [11]

The reactions of methylene were also studied around 1960 by infrared spectroscopy using matrix isolation experiments. [12] [13]

Chemical properties

Radical character

Many of methylene's electronic states lie relatively close to each other, giving rise to varying degrees of radical chemistry. The ground state is a triplet radical with two unpaired electrons (X̃3B1), [9] and the first excited state is a singlet non-radical (ã1A1). With the singlet non-radical only 38 kJ above the ground state, [9] a sample of methylene exists as a mixture of electronic states even at room temperature, giving rise to complex reactions. For example, reactions of the triplet radical with non-radical species generally involves abstraction, whereas reactions of the singlet non-radical not only involves abstraction, but also insertion or addition.

2•(X̃3B1) + H
+ [HO]
(ã1A1) + H
+ H
or H

The singlet state is also more stereospecific than the triplet. [9]

Methylene spontaneously autopolymerises to form various excited oligomers, the simplest of which, is the excited form of the alkene ethylene. The excited oligomers, decompose rather than decay to a ground state. For example, the excited form of ethylene decomposes to acetylene and atomic hydrogen. [9]

2 CH
→ HCCH + 2 H

Unsolvated, excited methylene will form stable ground state oligomers.

2 CH*


The ground state of methylene has an ionisation energy of 10.396  eV. It has a bent configuration, with H-C-H angle of 133.84°, [9] and is thus paramagnetic. (The correct prediction of this angle was an early success of ab initio quantum chemistry. [9] ) However conversion to a linear configuration requires only 5.5  kcal/mol. [9]

The singlet state has a slightly higher energy (by about 9 kcal/mol) than the triplet state, [9] and its H-C-H angle is smaller, about 102°. In dilute mixtures with an inert gas, the two states will convert to each other until reaching an equilibrium. [9]

Chemical reactions

Organic chemistry

Neutral methylene complexes undergo different chemical reactions depending on the pi character of the coordinate bond to the carbon centre. A weak contribution, such as in diazomethane, yields mainly substitution reactions, whereas a strong contribution, such as in ethenone, yields mainly addition reactions. Upon treatment with a standard base, complexes with a weak contribution convert to a metal methoxide. With strong acids (e.g., fluorosulfuric acid), they can be protonated to give CH
. Oxidation of these complexes yields formaldehyde, and reduction yields methane.

Free methylene undergoes the typical chemical reactions of a carbene. Addition reactions are very fast and exothermic. [14]

When the methylene molecule is in its state of lowest energy, the unpaired valence electrons are in separate atomic orbitals with independent spins, a configuration known as triplet state.

Methylene may gain an electron yielding a monovalent anion methanidyl (CH•−
), which can be obtained as the trimethylammonium ((CH
) salt by the reaction of phenyl sodium (C
) with trimethylammonium bromide ((CH
). [5] The ion has bent geometry, with a H-C-H angle of about 103°. [9]

Reactions with inorganic compounds

Methylene is also a common ligand in coordination compounds, such as copper methylene CuCH
. [15]

Methylene can bond as a terminal ligand, which is called methylidene, or as a bridging ligand, which is called methanediyl.

The formula of the methylene molecule (CH2) was mentioned as part of a Disney comic by the Donald Duck character in a comic in 1944 in a humorous vein. In the same spirit, the comic was eventually cited in the scientific literature by Peter Gaspar and George S. Hammond. [16] [17] The comic has been cited in other sources since, including a widely adopted textbook in organic chemistry by Robert Morrison and Robert Boyd. [18]

See also

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In organic chemistry, a methylidyne group or just methylidyne is a neutral part of a molecule with formula ≡CH, consisting of a carbon atom bonded to a hydrogen atom by one single bond and to the rest of the molecule by one triple bond. For example, a methylidyne group is present in n-methylidyne-1-hexanaminium, H3C−(CH2)5−N+≡CH.

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] or C
). It is a metastable proton tautomer of acetylene, which only persists as an adduct. It is a colourless gas that phosphoresces in the far-infrared range. It is the simplest unsaturated carbene.

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  1. 1 2 "methanediyl (CHEBI:29357)". Chemical Entities of Biological Interest. UK: European Bioinformatics Institute. 14 January 2009. IUPAC Names. Retrieved 2 January 2012.
  2. 1 2 Henri A. Favre; Warren H. Powell (2014). Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry : IUPAC Recommendations and Preferred Names 2013. Cambridge, England: Royal Society of Chemistry. p. 1054. ISBN   978-0-85404-182-4.
  3. Roald Hoffman (2005), Molecular Orbitals of Transition Metal Complexes. Oxford. ISBN   0-19-853093-5
  4. IUPAC , Compendium of Chemical Terminology , 2nd ed. (the "Gold Book") (1997). Online corrected version: (2006) " carbenes ". doi : 10.1351/goldbook.C00806
  5. 1 2 3 W. B. DeMore and S. W. Benson (1964), Preparation, properties, and reactivity of methylene . In Advances in Photochemistry, John Wiley & Sons, 453 pages. ISBN   0470133597
  6. "methylidene (preferred IUPAC name)" (PDF). p. 314.
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  8. "methylidene (preferred IUPAC name)" (PDF). p. 921.
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Isaiah Shavitt (1985), Geometry and singlet-triplet energy gap in methylene: A critical review of experimental and theoretical determinations. Tetrahedron, volume 41, issue 8, page 1531 doi : 10.1016/S0040-4020(01)96393-8
  10. Herzberg, G.; Shoosmith, J. (1959). "Spectrum and Structure of the Free Methylene Radical". Nature. 183 (4678): 1801–1802. Bibcode:1959Natur.183.1801H. doi:10.1038/1831801a0. S2CID   4272040.
  11. P.R. Bunker, 'The Spectrum, Structure, and Singlet-Triplet Splitting in Methylene CH2.' Chapter in ‘Comparison of Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry with Experiment for small molecules’, ed. Rodney J. Bartlett, Reidel Dordrecht The Netherlands (1985). ISBN   978-9027721297
  12. Demore, William B; Pritchard, H. O; Davidson, Norman (1959). "Photochemical Experiments in Rigid Media at Low Temperatures. II. The Reactions of Methylene, Cyclopentadienylene and Diphenylmethylene". Journal of the American Chemical Society. 81 (22): 5874. doi:10.1021/ja01531a008.
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  14. Milan Lazár (1989), Free radicals in chemistry and biology. CRC Press. ISBN   0-8493-5387-4
  15. Sou-Chan Chang, Zakya H. Kafafi, Robert H. Hauge, W. Edward Billups, and John L. Margrave (1987), Isolation and characterization of copper methylene (CuCH2) via FTIR matrix isolation spectroscopy . Journal of the American Chemical Society, volume 109 pages 4508-4513. doi : 10.1021/ja00249a013.
  16. Gaspar, Peter P.; Hammond, George S. (1964). "Chapter 12: The Spin States of Carbenes". In Kirmse, Wolfgang (ed.). Carbene Chemistry. Vol. 1. New York: Academic Press. pp. 235–274. OCLC   543711. Among experiments which have not, to our knowledge, been carried out as yet is one of a most intriguing nature suggested in the literature of no less than 19 years ago (91).
    Footnote 91 cites the relevant issue of Walt Disney's Comics and Stories.
  17. "If I mix CH2 with NH4 and boil the atoms in osmotic fog, I should get speckled nitrogen." Walt Disney's Comics and Stories , issue 44, 1944.
  18. Morrison, Robert Thornton; Boyd, Robert Neilson (1973). Organic Chemistry. Allyn and Bacon. ISBN   978-0-205-04136-7.