List of radio stations in Nebraska

Last updated

The following is a list of FCC-licensed radio stations in the U.S. state of Nebraska which can be sorted by their call signs, frequencies, cities of license, licensees, and programming formats.


List of radio stations

Call signFrequencyCity of license [1] [2] LicenseeFormat [3]
KAAQ 105.9 FMAllianceEagle CommunicationsCountry
KADL 102.9 FMImperialArmada Media – McCook, Inc.Adult hits
KAGR-LP 92.1 FMArapahoeThe Evangelical Lutheran Trinity Cong. of Arapahoe, NE.Religious Teaching
KAMI 1580 AMCozad Nebraska Rural Radio Association Classic country
KAQQ-LP 99.9 FMAllianceAdventist Learning Center of AllianceReligious (Radio 74 Internationale)
KAWL 1370 AMYork Nebraska Rural Radio Association Classic hits
KAYA 91.3 FMHubbardAmerican Family AssociationReligious Talk (AFR)
KBBK 107.3 FMLincoln NRG License Sub, LLC Hot adult contemporary
KBBN-FM 95.3 FMBroken BowCuster County Broadcasting Co.Classic rock
KBBX-FM 97.7 FMNebraska CityFlood Communications of Omaha, LLCRegional Mexican
KBDP-LP 99.9 FMBridgeportAdventist Learning Center of BridgeportReligious (Radio 74 Internationale)
KBIE 103.1 FMAuburnFlood Broadcasting, Inc.Country
KBPY 107.7 FMHay SpringsChadrad Communications, Inc.Rock
KBRB 1400 AMAinsworthSandhills Broadcasting LLCCountry
KBRB-FM 92.7 FMAinsworthSandhills Broadcasting LLCClassic hits
KBRL 1300 AMMcCookArmada Media – McCook, Inc.News/Talk
KBRX 1350 AMO'NeillRanchland Broadcasting Co.Classic hits
KBRX-FM 102.9 FMO'NeillRanchland Broadcasting Co., Inc.Country
KBRY 92.3 FMSargentNebraska Rural Radio AssociationCountry
KCFD 88.1 FMCrawfordSouthern Cultural Foundation
KCGW-LP 107.1 FMEdgarWilliams Life RadioVariety
KCMI 97.1 FMTerrytownChristian Media IncorporatedReligious
KCNB 94.7 FMChadronEagle Communications, Inc.Pop contemporary hit radio
KCNE-FM 91.9 FMChadronNebraska Educational TelecommunicationsClassical
KCNI 1280 AMBroken BowCuster County Broadcasting Co.Country
KCNT 88.1 FMHastingsCentral Community CollegePop contemporary hit radio
KCOW 1400 AMAllianceEagle CommunicationsOldies
KCPJ-LP 105.7 FMCreteCrete Progressive Educational Broadcasting CorporationReligious (Radio 74 Internationale)
KCRO 660 AMOmahaHickory Radio, LLCReligious
KCSR 610 AMChadronChadrad Communications, Inc.Country
KCTY 1590 AMWayneWayne Radio Works LLCClassic hits
KCUG-LP 100.3 FMOmahaGospel Music OmahaUrban gospel
KCVG 89.9 FMHastings Community Broadcasting, Inc. Religious Talk (Bott Radio Network)
KCVN 104.5 FMCozadCommunity Broadcasting, Inc.Religious Talk (Bott Radio Network)
KDAI 89.1 FMScottsbluffEducational Media FoundationContemporary Worship (Air1)
KDAM 94.3 FMHartingtonRiverfront Broadcasting LLCHot adult contemporary
KDJL 99.5 FMKilgoreDJ Broadcasting Inc.Country
KDNE 91.9 FMCreteDoane College Board of TrusteesCollege radio
KEJS 88.1 FMSargentVSS Catholic Communications, Inc.Catholic
KELN 97.1 FMNorth PlatteEagle CommunicationsPop contemporary hit radio
KETT 99.5 FMMitchellVSS Catholic Communications, Inc.Catholic
KETW 90.5 FMOgallalaVSS Catholic Communications, Inc.Catholic
KEXL 97.5 FMPierceWJAG IncorporatedAdult contemporary
KEZO-FM 92.3 FMOmaha SM-KEZO-FM, LLC Mainstream rock
KFAB 1110 AMOmaha iHM Licenses, LLC News Talk Information
KFFF 93.3 FMBennington iHM Licenses, LLC Classic country
KFGE 98.1 FMMilford NRG License Sub, LLC Country
KFHC 88.1 FMPoncaSt. Gabriel Communications Ltd.Religious
KFJS 90.1 FMNorth PlatteVSS Catholic Communications, Inc.Catholic
KFLV 89.9 FMWilberEducational Media FoundationContemporary Christian (K-Love)
KFMT-FM 105.5 FMFremontWalnut Radio, LLCAdult contemporary
KFOR 1240 AMLincoln Alpha 3E Licensee LLC News Talk Information
KFRX 106.3 FMLincoln Digity 3E License, LLC Pop contemporary hit radio
KGBI-FM 100.7 FMOmahaUniversity of Northwestern - St. PaulContemporary Christian
KGCO-LP 107.9 FMCreteGreater Crete Commercial Free Radio CorporationReligious (Radio 74 Internationale)
KGFW 1340 AMKearney NRG License Sub, LLC News Talk Information
KGKD 90.5 FMColumbusThe Praise Network, Inc.Contemporary Christian
KGMT 1310 AMFairburyFlood Communications of Beatrice, LLCOldies
KGOR 99.9 FMOmaha iHM Licenses, LLC Classic hits
KGRD 105.3 FMOrchardThe Praise Network, Inc.Contemporary Christian
KGRU 89.5 FMBurwellThe Praise Network, Inc.Contemporary Christian
KGWO 89.5 FMOgallalaCommunity Broadcasting, Inc.Christian talk and teaching
KHAQ 98.5 FMMaxwellArmada Media – McCook, Inc.Classic rock
KHAS 1230 AMHastingsFlood Communications Tri-Cities, L.L.C.Adult contemporary
KHNE-FM 89.1 FMHastingsNebraska Educational TelecommunicationsClassical
KHPJ-LP 98.3 FMHastingsHope Radio HastingsChristian
KHUB 1340 AMFremontWalnut Radio, LLCCountry
KHYY 107.3 FMMinatare Nebraska Rural Radio Association Classic country
KHZY 99.3 FMOvertonMy Bridge RadioChristian Contemporary
KIBM 1490 AMOmahaWalnut Radio, LLCOldies
KIBZ 104.1 FMCrete Digity 3E License, LLC Active rock
KICS 1550 AMHastingsFlood Communications Tri-Cities, L.L.C.Sports (ESPN)
KICX-FM 96.1 FMMcCookArmada Media – McCook, Inc.Adult contemporary
KIMB 104.3 FMDixFlood Communications West, LLCClassic hits
KINI 96.1 FMCrookstonRosebud Sioux TribeVariety
KIOD 105.3 FMMcCookLegacy CommunicationsCountry
KIOR-LP 98.1 FMOmahaIndependent Omaha Radio Project, Inc.Variety
KIOS-FM 91.5 FMOmahaDouglas County School District 001News Talk Information
KISO 96.1 FMOmaha iHM Licenses, LLC Pop contemporary hit radio
KIVE-LP 92.5 FMAuroraDawn Adventist BroadcastingReligious (Radio 74 Internationale)
KJGS 91.9 FMAuroraRadio 74 InternationaleReligious (Radio 74 Internationale)
KJLT 970 AMNorth PlatteTri-State Broadcasting Association, Inc.Religious
KJLT-FM 94.9 FMNorth PlatteTri-State Broadcasting AssociationContemporary Christian
KJSK 900 AMColumbus Digity 3E License, LLC News Talk Information
KJSO-LP 101.3 FMOmahaNorth Omaha Loves Jazz Cultural Arts and Humanities ComplexClassic R&B
KJTF 89.3 FMNorth PlatteTri-State Broadcasting Association, Inc.Christian
KJTJ-LP 107.5 FMSidneySt. James Catholic Church of SidneyCatholic
KJTM-LP 107.9 FMLincolnDuo MinistriesChristian Chinese
KJWM 91.5 FMGrand IslandVSS Catholic Communications, Inc.Catholic
KJYS 88.1 FMMcCookTri-State Broadcasting Association, Inc
KJZC 90.5 FMChadronBoard Trustees, NE State Colleges, dba Chadron State College
KKCD 105.9 FMOmaha SM-KKCD, LLC Classic rock
KKJK 103.1 FMRavennaLegacy Communications, LLCPop contemporary hit radio
KKNL 89.3 FMValentineCommunity Public MediaSilent
KKOP-LP 93.9 FMClay CenterWildcat Broadcasting IncVariety
KKOT 93.5 FMColumbus Digity 3E License, LLC Classic hits
KKPR-FM 98.9 FMKearneyFlood Communications Tri-Cities, L.L.C.Classic hits
KLCV 88.5 FMLincolnCommunity Broadcasting, Inc.Religious Talk (Bott Radio Network)
KLIN 1400 AMLincoln NRG License Sub, LLC News Talk Information
KLIQ 94.5 FMHastingsFlood Communications of Omaha, L.L.C.Regional Mexican
KLIR 101.1 FMColumbus Digity 3E License, LLC Adult contemporary
KLJV 88.3 FMScottsbluffEducational Media FoundationContemporary Christian (K-Love)
KLMS 1480 AMLincoln Alpha 3E Licensee LLC Adult hits
KLNB 88.3 FMGrand IslandEducational Media FoundationContemporary Christian (K-Love)
KLNC 105.3 FMLincoln NRG License Sub, LLC Classic rock
KLNE-FM 88.7 FMLexingtonNebraska Educational TelecommunicationsClassical
KLPH-LP 103.9 FMAllianceSt. Maximillian Kolbe Catholic Radio of AllianceCatholic
KLPR 91.1 FMKearneyKLPR-FM, University of Nebraska at KearneyAlternative
KLZA 101.3 FMFalls CityKNZA, Inc.Adult contemporary
KMAY-LP 102.5 FMYorkSt. Mary Catholic Radio of YorkCatholic
KMBV 90.7 FMValentineMy Bridge RadioChristian Contemporary
KMCX-FM 106.5 FMOgallala iHM Licenses, LLC Country
KMKP-LP 106.5 FMHoldregeSt. John Bosco Catholic Radio of HoldregeCatholic
KMLV 88.1 FMRalstonEducational Media FoundationContemporary Christian (K-Love)
KMMJ 750 AMGrand IslandMyBridgeNews Talk Information
KMMQ 1020 AMPlattsmouth NRG License Sub, LLC Regional Mexican
KMNE-FM 90.3 FMBassettNebraska Educational TelecommunicationsClassical
KMOR 93.3 FMGering Nebraska Rural Radio Association Classic rock
KMTY 97.7 FMGibbonLegacy Communications, LLCActive rock
KNBE 88.9 FMBeatriceFamily Worship Center Church, Inc.Religious
KNCY 1600 AMNebraska CityFlood Broadcasting, Inc.Classic country
KNEB 960 AMScottsbluffNebraska Rural Radio AssociationCountry
KNEB-FM 94.1 FMScottsbluffNebraska Rural Radio AssociationCountry
KNEF 90.1 FMFranklin CSN International Christian
KNEN 94.7 FMNorfolkRed Beacon Communications, LLCClassic rock
KNEY-LP 100.9 FMKearneyKearney SDA RadioReligious Teaching
KNFA 90.7 FMGrand IslandFamily Worship Center Church, Inc.Religious
KNGN 1360 AMMcCookMy BridgeReligious
KNIL-LP 95.9 FMCreightonSt. Ludgerus Catholic ChurchCatholic
KNKP-LP 104.3 FMImperialSt. Polycarp Catholic Radio of ImperialCatholic
KNLV 1060 AMOrdMWB Broadcasting II, LLCOldies
KNLV-FM 103.9 FMOrdMWB Broadcasting II, LLCCountry
KNNA-LP 95.7 FMLincolnGood Shepherd Community RadioReligious Teaching
KNPQ 107.3 FMHersheyEagle Communications, Inc.Classic country
KNTK 93.7 FMFirthBDP Communications LLCSports (ISN)
KOBM-FM 97.3 FMBlairWalnut Radio, LLCOldies
KODY 1240 AMNorth PlatteArmada Media – McCook, Inc.News Talk Information
KOGA 930 AMOgallala iHM Licenses, LLC Classic country
KOGA-FM 99.7 FMOgallala iHM Licenses, LLC Classic hits
KOIL 1290 AMOmaha NRG License Sub, LLC News Talk Information
KOLB 88.3 FMHartingtonVSS Catholic Communications, Inc.Catholic
KOLT 690 AMTerrytown Nebraska Rural Radio Association News Talk Information
KOOO 101.9 FMLa Vista NRG License Sub, LLC Adult hits
KOOQ 1410 AMNorth PlatteEagle CommunicationsClassic hits
KOOW-LP 95.1 FMCentral CityCentral City Baptist ChurchReligious Teaching
KOPW 106.9 FMPlattsmouth NRG License Sub, L.L.C. Rhythmic contemporary, Hip Hop
KOWN-LP 95.7 FMOmahaOmaha Community BroadcastingUrban contemporary
KOZN 1620 AMBellevue NRG License Sub, LLC Sports (FSR)
KOZY-FM 101.3 FMBridgeport Nebraska Rural Radio Association Pop contemporary hit radio
KPKA-LP 100.1 FMBeatriceSt. Isadore Catholic Radio of BeatriceCatholic
KPNE-FM 91.7 FMNorth PlatteNebraska Educational TelecommunicationsClassical
KPNO 90.9 FMNorfolkThe Praise Network, Inc.Contemporary Inspirational
KPNY 102.3 FMAllianceMy Bridge RadioChristian Contemporary
KQCH 94.1 FMOmaha SM-KQCH, LLC Pop contemporary hit radio
KQHK 103.9 FMMcCookArmada Media – McCook, Inc.Classic rock
KQIQ 88.3 FMBeatriceMy Bridge RadioChristian Contemporary
KQKX 106.7 FMNorfolkWJAG IncorporatedCountry
KQKY 105.9 FMKearney NRG License Sub, LLC Pop contemporary hit radio
KQPK-LP 96.9 FMMcCookHoly Spirit Catholic Radio of McCookCatholic
KQQA 90.5 FMSheltonRadio 74 InternationaleReligious (Radio 74 Internationale)
KQQO-LP 97.7 FMOgallalaAdventist Learning Center of OgallalaReligious (Radio 74 Internationale)
KQSI-LP 89.5 FMSidneyAdventist Learning Center of SidneyReligious (Radio 74 Internationale)
KQSK 97.5 FMChadronEagle CommunicationsCountry
KRFS 1600 AMSuperiorCK Broadcasting, Inc.Adult contemporary
KRFS-FM 103.9 FMSuperiorCK Broadcasting, Inc.Country
KRGI 1430 AMGrand IslandLegacy CommunicationsNews Talk Information
KRGI-FM 96.5 FMGrand IslandLegacy CommunicationsCountry
KRGY 97.3 FMAuroraLegacy CommunicationsClassic rock
KRKR 95.1 FMLincolnMy Bridge RadioChristian Contemporary
KRNE-FM 91.5 FMMerrimanNebraska Educational TelecommunicationsClassical
KRNP 100.7 FMSutherlandEagle Communications, Inc.Classic rock
KRNU 90.3 FMLincolnUniversity of NebraskaAlternative
KRNY 102.3 FMKearney NRG License Sub, LLC Country
KROA 95.7 FMGrand IslandMy Bridge RadioChristian Contemporary
KROR 101.5 FMHastings NRG License Sub, LLC Classic rock
KRVN 880 AMLexingtonNebraska Rural Radio AssociationNews Talk Information
KRVN-FM 93.1 FMLexingtonNebraska Rural Radio AssociationCountry
KSDZ 95.5 FMGordonDJ Broadcasting, Inc.Country
KSFT-FM 107.1 FMSouth Sioux City iHM Licenses, LLC Pop contemporary hit radio
KSID 1340 AMSidneyFlood Communications West, LLCClassic country
KSID-FM 98.7 FMSidneyFlood Communications West, LLCCountry
KSRZ 104.5 FMOmaha SM-KSRZ-FM, LLC Adult contemporary
KSSH 91.7 FMShubertMy Bridge RadioChristian Contemporary
KSUX 105.7 FMWinnebagoKSUX/KSCJ Radio Broadcasting CoCountry
KSWN 93.9 FMMcCookLegacy CommunicationsPop contemporary hit radio
KSYZ-FM 107.7 FMGrand Island NRG License Sub, LLC Adult hits
KTCH 104.9 FMEmersonWayne Radio Works LLCCountry
KTGL 92.9 FMBeatrice Digity 3E License, LLC Classic rock
KTIC 840 AMWest PointNebraska Rural Radio AssociationCountry
KTIC-FM 107.9 FMWest PointNebraska Rural Radio AssociationCountry
KTLX 91.3 FMColumbusTLC Educational CorporationEducational
KTMX 104.9 FMYork Nebraska Rural Radio Association Country
KTNC 1230 AMFalls CityKNZA Inc.Oldies
KTNE-FM 91.1 FMAllianceNebraska Educational TelecommunicationsClassical
KTTT 1510 AMColumbus Digity 3E License, LLC News Talk Information
KUCV 91.1 FMLincolnNebraska Educational TelecommunicationsClassical
KUSO 92.7 FMAlbionFlood Communications, L.L.C.Country
KUTT 99.5 FMFairburyFlood Communications of Beatrice, LLCCountry
KUVR 1380 AMHoldrege Nebraska Rural Radio Association Oldies
KVLD 91.7 FMNorfolkEducational Media FoundationContemporary Christian (K-Love)
KVNO 90.7 FMOmahaThe Board of Regents of the University of NebraskaClassical
KVSH 940 AMValentineHeart City Radio CompanyFull service
KVSS 102.7 FMPapillionVSS Catholic Communications, Inc.Religious
KWBE 1450 AMBeatriceFlood Communications of Beatrice, LLCTalk
KWSC 91.9 FMWayneWayne State CollegeAlternative
KWTN 100.9 FMAllenWinnebago Tribe of NebraskaSilent
KXCB 1420 AMOmahaHickory Radio, LLCCountry
KXNB-LP 101.3 FMOmahaMalcolm X Memorial FoundationClassic R&B
KXNE-FM 89.3 FMNorfolkNebraska Educational TelecommunicationsClassical
KXNG 91.3 FMLexingtonMyBridge, DBA as MyBridge RadioChristian contemporary
KXNP 103.5 FMNorth PlatteArmada Media – McCook, Inc.Country
KXPN 1460 AMKearneyFlood Communications Tri-Cities, L.L.C.Sports (ESPN)
KXSP 590 AMOmaha SM-KXSP, LLC Sports (ESPN)
KYBF 90.1 FMScottsbluff Bible Broadcasting Network, Inc. Conservative religious (Bible Broadcasting Network)
KYFG 88.9 FMOmahaBible Broadcasting Network, Inc.Conservative religious (Bible Broadcasting Network)
KYHK 89.5 FMKearney Bible Broadcasting Network, Inc. Conservative religious (Bible Broadcasting Network)
KYTF-LP 94.7 FMBlairBlair Healing Rooms IncCommunity
KZEN 100.3 FMCentral City Digity 3E License, LLC Country
KZKX 96.9 FMSeward Digity 3E License, LLC Country
KZLW 90.1 FMGretnaMy BridgeChristian Contemporary
KZMC 102.1 FMMcCookLegacy CommunicationsClassic country
KZOI 1250 AMDakota CityLa Fiesta 971, LLCRegional Mexican
KZOT 1180 AMBellevue NRG License Sub, LLC Sports (ISN)
KZTL 93.5 FMPaxtonEagle Communications, Inc.Country
KZUM 89.3 FMLincolnSunrise Communications, Inc.Variety
KZYK 88.9 FMSanteeNebraska Indian Community CollegeVariety
WCGD-LP 90.5 FMEdgarCentral Nebraska Community BroadcastingChristian
WJAG 780 AMNorfolkWJAG, Inc.News Talk Information

