List of sugar refineries

Last updated

This is a list of notable sugar refineries. This include both sugarcane mills and refineries of sugar beets, and it includes current and former facilities, and some that are listed on historic registers.



New South Wales








Dominican Republic





Sugar Factories, commonly abbreviated as PG partikulir and state-owned in Indonesia began to emerge after the start of the era of liberalism during the Dutch East Indies colonial period (1870), with the introduction of Land Lease Rights for use for 70 years. Previously, a number of simple sugar factories had been established to process the sugar cane harvest, which was included in the commodities included in the Cultuurstelsel program.


Note: the list of sugar factories below is not perfect. If you find any errors in the following data, please help Wikipedia by expanding it. Thank you.


Factory NameStatusDistrict / CityDescriptionImages
Asembagus Sugar Factory Active Situbondo Regency
Asembagoes steam locomotive at sugar cane OK Dn2t 60PS B (4868 A W).jpg
Asembagoes steam locomotive at sugar cane
Panji Sugar Factory Active
Sugar factory at the Pandji company near Kapongan near Sitoebondo Suikerfabriek op de onderneming Pandji bij Kapongan bij Sitoebondo, KITLV 105763.tif
Sugar factory at the Pandji company near Kapongan near Sitoebondo
Olean Sugar Factory Active
A bucket or rake carrier, manufactured in 1930 and intended for the Olean Sugar Factory. Part of the binder with photos of machines from the N.V. Machinefabriek Braat in Soerabaja, Soekaboemi and Jogyakarta, from the period 1908-1942. Bakcarrier, NG-2002-84-D-49.jpg
A bucket or rake carrier, manufactured in 1930 and intended for the Olean Sugar Factory. Part of the binder with photos of machines from the N.V. Machinefabriek Braat in Soerabaja, Soekaboemi and Jogyakarta, from the period 1908-1942.
Wringinanom Sugar Factory Active
Ducroo Dn2t owned by Wringinanom Sugar Factory Ducroo Dn2t 75PS (129 A W).jpg
Ducroo Dn2t owned by Wringinanom Sugar Factory
de Maas Sugar Factory Inactive
Sugar factory De Maas at Besuki, East Java - circa 1910. KITLV - 16606 - Kurkdjian - Sugar factory De Maas at Besuki, East Java - circa 1910.tif
Sugar factory De Maas at Besuki, East Java - circa 1910.
Prajekan Sugar Factory Active Bondowoso Regency
Tangarang Sugar Factory Inactive
The sugar factory 'Tangarang' (established in 1893) in the area of Bondowoso in East Java COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM De suikerfabriek 'Tangarang' (opgericht in 1893) in de omgeving van Bondowoso op Oost-Java TMnr 60009936.jpg
The sugar factory 'Tangarang' (established in 1893) in the area of Bondowoso in East Java
Sukowidi Sugar Factory Inactive Banyuwangi Regency
Research into diseased sugar cane in the Glagah department of the Soekowidi sugar factory north of Banjoewangi Onderzoek naar ziek suikerriet op afdeling Glagah van suikerfabriek Soekowidi ten noorden van Banjoewangi, KITLV 18238.tiff
Research into diseased sugar cane in the Glagah department of the Soekowidi sugar factory north of Banjoewangi
Glenmore Sugar Industry Active
Kalirejo Sugar Factory Defunct
Kaliredjo sugar mill near Banyuwangi, East Java KITLV A1085 - Suikerfabriek Kaliredjo te Oost-Java, KITLV 141942.tiff
Kaliredjo sugar mill near Banyuwangi, East Java
Bedadung Sugar Factory Inactive Jember Regency
Cooling installation manufactured in 1929 and intended for the Bedadoeng sugar factory. Part of the binder with photos of machines from the N.V. Machinefabriek Braat in Surabaya intended for the Dutch sugar industry on Java, from the period 1917-1938. Suiker koelinstallatie, NG-2002-84-A-63.jpg
Cooling installation manufactured in 1929 and intended for the Bedadoeng sugar factory. Part of the binder with photos of machines from the N.V. Machinefabriek Braat in Surabaya intended for the Dutch sugar industry on Java, from the period 1917-1938.
Semboro Sugar Factory Active
Name board of Semboro Sugar Mill Papan nama Pabrik Gula Semboro.jpg
Name board of Semboro Sugar Mill
Gunungsari Sugar Factory Inactive
SF. Goenoengsari sugar mill near Jember, East Java Suikerfabriek Goenoengsari bij Djember, KITLV 18223.tiff
SF. Goenoengsari sugar mill near Jember, East Java
Paiton Sugar Factory Active Probolinggo Regency
Kandangjati Sugar Factory Inactive
Kandang Djati sugar mill near Kraksaan, Probolinggo Suikerfabriek Kandang Djati (vermoedelijk) bij Kraksaan, KITLV 18234.tiff
Kandang Djati sugar mill near Kraksaan, Probolinggo
Bagu Sugar Factory Deactivated
Sugar company Bagoe, near Kraksaan, residence Surabaya Cultuuronderneming Bagoe, nabij Sentoel, residentie Soerabaja, KITLV 31973.tiff
Sugar company Bagoe, near Kraksaan, residence Surabaya
Pajarekan Sugar Factory Active
Transport of a cooking pan on a trailer behind a truck. Manufactured in 1926 in Surabaya and intended for the Padjarakan Sugar Factory. Part of the binder with photos of machines from the N.V. Machinefabriek Braat in Soerabaja, Soekaboemi and Jogyakarta, from the period 1908-1942. Transport van een kookpan, NG-2002-84-D-16.jpg
Transport of a cooking pan on a trailer behind a truck. Manufactured in 1926 in Surabaya and intended for the Padjarakan Sugar Factory. Part of the binder with photos of machines from the N.V. Machinefabriek Braat in Soerabaja, Soekaboemi and Jogyakarta, from the period 1908-1942.
Maron Sugar Factory Inactive
Presentation of medals for long-term service at the Maron Sugar Company of the Colonial Bank COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Uitreiking medailles voor langdurige dienst op de Suiker Onderneming Maron van de Koloniale Bank TMnr 10011607.jpg
Presentation of medals for long-term service at the Maron Sugar Company of the Colonial Bank
Gending Sugar Factory Active
'Native Hospital' Gending of the Sugar Factory, East Java Native hospital sugar Gending, East Java, c. 1925 COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM 'Inlandsch Hospitaal' van de Suiker Fabriek Gending Oost-Java TMnr 10002186.jpg
'Native Hospital' Gending of the Sugar Factory, East Java Native hospital sugar Gending, East Java, c. 1925
Wonoaseh Sugar Factory Inactive
Wonolangan Sugar Factory Active
Wonolangan sugar factory, in Probolinggo Suikerfabrik Wonolangan, bij Probolinggo.webp
Wonolangan sugar factory, in Probolinggo
Umbul Sugar Factory Inactive
Cast steel gear for crusher installation, manufactured in 1932 and intended for the Oemboel Sugar Factory. Part of the binder with photos of machines from the N.V. Machinefabriek Braat in Surabaya intended for the Dutch sugar industry on Java, from the period 1917-1938. Tandwiel voor crusher, NG-2002-84-A-53.jpg
Cast steel gear for crusher installation, manufactured in 1932 and intended for the Oemboel Sugar Factory. Part of the binder with photos of machines from the N.V. Machinefabriek Braat in Surabaya intended for the Dutch sugar industry on Java, from the period 1917-1938.
Sumberkareng Sugar Factory Inactive
Soemberkareng sugar mill in Probolinggo Suikerfabriek Soemberkareng bij Probolinggo.jpg
Soemberkareng sugar mill in Probolinggo
Jatiroto Sugar Factory Active Lumajang Regency
Aerial view of Djatiroto sugar mill in Lumadjang Suikerfabriek Djatiroto bij Loemadjang, KITLV 18232.tiff
Aerial view of Djatiroto sugar mill in Lumadjang
Kedawung Sugar Factory Active Pasuruan Regency
Pasoeroean The Kedawoeng sugar factory has started the campaign Pasoeroean De suikerfabriek Kedawoeng is met de campagne begonnen. Voor de eers, Bestanddeelnr 13455.jpg
Pasoeroean The Kedawoeng sugar factory has started the campaign
Bekasi Oost Sugar Factory Inactive
Gayam Sugar Factory Inactive
de Goede Hoop Sugar Factory Deactivated
Pleret Sugar Factory Inactive
Wonorejo Sugar Factory Deactivated
Attentive audience for the administrator's speech during the milling festival of the Wonoredjo sugar factory southwest of Pasoeroean Aandachtig gehoor voor de toespraak van de administrateur tijdens het maalfeest van suikerfabriek Wonoredjo ten zuidwesten van Pasoeroean, KITLV 18369.tiff
Attentive audience for the administrator's speech during the milling festival of the Wonoredjo sugar factory southwest of Pasoeroean
Sumberrejo Sugar Factory Inactive
Arjosarie Sugar Factory Inactive
Pandaan Sugar Factory Inactive
Kantjil Mas Sugar Factory Inactive
Sukorejo Sugar Factory Inactive
The depot for steam locomotives of the State Railways at the Soekoredjo sugar factory COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM De remise voor stoomlocomotieven van de Staatsspoorwegen bij de suikerfabriek Soekoredjo TMnr 60042794.jpg
The depot for steam locomotives of the State Railways at the Soekoredjo sugar factory
Alkmaar Sugar Factory Inactive
Kebonagung Sugar Factory Active Malang Regency
Sempalwadak Sugar Factory Inactive
Versatile plow with crawler tractor on uneven terrain, Sempalwadak sugar company COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Veelscharige ploeg met rupsbandtractor op ongelijk terrein Sempalwadak TMnr 10010963.jpg
Versatile plow with crawler tractor on uneven terrain, Sempalwadak sugar company
Krebet Sugar Factory Active
Krebet sugar factory south of Malang Suikerfabriek Krebet ten zuiden van Malang, KITLV 18224.tiff
Krebet sugar factory south of Malang
Panggoengredjo Sugar Factory Inactive
In the sugar factory in Panggoengredjo, south of Blitar In de suikerfabriek te Panggoengredjo ten zuiden van Blitar, KITLV 143291.tiff
In the sugar factory in Panggoengredjo, south of Blitar
Porong Sugar Factory Inactive Sidoarjo Regency
Tanggulangin Sugar Factory Inactive
Aerial view of the area between Tanggoelangin Sugar Factory, Kloedan, Kepadangan and Boelang on East Java Luchtopname van het gebied tussen Suikerfabriek Tanggoelangin, Kloedan, Kepadangan en Boelang op Oost-Java, KITLV MLD20 032.tiff
Aerial view of the area between Tanggoelangin Sugar Factory, Kloedan, Kepadangan and Boelang on East Java
Candi Sugar Factory Active
Sruni Sugar Factory Inactive
Buduran Sugar Factory Inactive
Administrateurshuis en kantoor van suikerfabriek Boedoeran te Sidoardjo, KITLV 18358.tiff Administrateurshuis en kantoor van suikerfabriek Boedoeran te Sidoardjo, KITLV 18358.tiff
Administrateurshuis en kantoor van suikerfabriek Boedoeran te Sidoardjo, KITLV 18358.tiff
Waru Sugar Factory Inactive
Ketegan Sugar Factory Inactive
The Ketegan sugar factory near Surabaya COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM De suikerfabriek Ketegan Soerabaja TMnr 60052482.jpg
The Ketegan sugar factory near Surabaya
Krian Sugar Factory Deactivated
Balong Bendo Sugar Factory Inactive
The bayonet frame for a mill machine, manufactured in 1930 and intended for the Balong Bendo Sugar Factory in East Java. Part of the binder with photos of machines from the N.V. Machinefabriek Braat in Soerabaja, Soekaboemi and Jogyakarta, from the period 1908-1942. Bajonetframe, NG-2002-84-D-27.jpg
The bayonet frame for a mill machine, manufactured in 1930 and intended for the Balong Bendo Sugar Factory in East Java. Part of the binder with photos of machines from the N.V. Machinefabriek Braat in Soerabaja, Soekaboemi and Jogyakarta, from the period 1908-1942.
Watutulis Sugar Factory Inactive
Factory of sugar company Watoetoelis near Krijan (Krian), west of Sidoardjo Fabriek van suikeronderneming Watoetoelis bij Krijan ten westen van Sidoardjo, KITLV 7783.tiff
Factory of sugar company Watoetoelis near Krijan (Krian), west of Sidoardjo
Seruni Sugar Factory Deactivated
Tulangan Sugar Factory Inactive
Aerial view of Toelangan sugar factory in East Java Luchtopname van suikerfabriek Toelangan op Oost-Java, KITLV MLD210 001.tiff
Aerial view of Toelangan sugar factory in East Java
Krembung Sugar Factory Deactivated
Sugar factory PG Kremboong, owned by PTPN X PTPN X - Pabrik Gula Kremboong, Krembung, Sidoarjo - panoramio.jpg
Sugar factory PG Kremboong, owned by PTPN X
Sedatie Sugar Factory Inactive Mojokerto Regency
Koning Willem II Sugar Factory Inactive
Koning Willem II (King William II) sugar factory east of Modjokerto with the transport chute on the right that takes the sugar cane to the mills Suikerfabriek Koning Willem II ten oosten van Modjokerto met rechts de transportgoot die het suikerriet naar de molens brengt, KITLV 18219.tiff
Koning Willem II (King William II) sugar factory east of Modjokerto with the transport chute on the right that takes the sugar cane to the mills
Ketanen Sugar Factory Inactive
Sugar company Ketanen at Modjokerto during the renovation Suikeronderneming Ketanen bij Modjokerto tijdens de verbouwing, KITLV 31201.tiff
Sugar company Ketanen at Modjokerto during the renovation
Pohjejer Sugar Factory Inactive
Dinoyo Sugar Factory Inactive
Locomotive No. 2 Dinojo in front of a field with sisal plantings, probably near the Dinojo sugar factory south of Mojokerto KITLV A948 - Locomotief nr. 2 Dinojo voor een veld met sisal-aanplant, vermoedelijk nabij de ten zuiden van Modjokerto gelegen suikerfabriek Dinojo, KITLV 2144525.tiff
Locomotive No. 2 Dinojo in front of a field with sisal plantings, probably near the Dinojo sugar factory south of Mojokerto
Sumengko Sugar Factory Deactivated
Tangunan Sugar Factory Inactive
Brangkal Sugar Factory Inactive
Gully plow with tractor, Brangkal Sugar Company COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Geulenploeg met tractor Suikeronderneming Brangkal TMnr 10011638.jpg
Gully plow with tractor, Brangkal Sugar Company
Bangsal Sugar Factory Deactivated
Perning Sugar Factory Deactivated
Aanvoer van suikerriet op de suikerfabriek Perning bij Modjokerto, KITLV 7731 Aanvoer van suikerriet op de suikerfabriek Perning bij Modjokerto, KITLV 7731.tiff
Aanvoer van suikerriet op de suikerfabriek Perning bij Modjokerto, KITLV 7731
Gempolkerep Sugar Factory active
Diema DD6-2, a rail car at the Gempolkrep sugar factory train yard Diema DD6-2 (3135 E W).jpg
Diema DD6-2, a rail car at the Gempolkrep sugar factory train yard
Sentanen Lor Sugar Factory Inactive Mojokerto City
Sentanen Lor sugar factory near Mojokerto Suikerfabriek Sentanen-lor nabij Modjokerto, KITLV 28475.tiff
Sentanen Lor sugar factory near Mojokerto
Sukodono Sugar Factory Inactive Jombang Regency
'Soekodono' sugar factory around 1880 with a reference to 'Mr. W. A. Baron Baud', who died in 1879. 'Soekodono' sugar factory around 1880 with a reference to 'Mr. W. A. Baron Baud', who died in 1879 (01 cropped) 1.jpg
'Soekodono' sugar factory around 1880 with a reference to 'Mr. W. A. Baron Baud', who died in 1879.
Sumobito Sugar Factory Inactive
Peterongan Sugar Factory Inactive
Factory building of the Peterongan sugar factory near Djombang KITLV A74 - Fabrieksgebouw van de suikerfabriek Peterongan nabij Djombang, KITLV 50115.tiff
Factory building of the Peterongan sugar factory near Djombang
Mojoagong Sugar Factory Inactive
Selorejo Sugar Factory Inactive
A sugar factory with the inscription Seloredjo above the columned entrance and the year 1882 in Roman numerals below. A chimney pipe on the left of the factory. In front of the factory a lawn with four ox carts and a tractor. A native on each ox-drawn cart, a European on the tractor. Part of the photo album presented by the Soerabayasche Vereeniging van Suikerfabrikanten to Frederik Beyerinck, resident of Surabaya. Suikerfabriek Seloredjo, NG-1985-5-5.jpg
A sugar factory with the inscription Seloredjo above the columned entrance and the year 1882 in Roman numerals below. A chimney pipe on the left of the factory. In front of the factory a lawn with four ox carts and a tractor. A native on each ox-drawn cart, a European on the tractor. Part of the photo album presented by the Soerabayasche Vereeniging van Suikerfabrikanten to Frederik Beyerinck, resident of Surabaya.
Cukir Sugar Factory Active
Locomotive named Theo, built by Orenstein & Koppel, probably at the Tjoekir sugar factory south of Jombang Locomotief genaamd Theo, gebouwd door Orenstein & Koppel, vermoedelijk bij de suikerfabriek Tjoekir ten zuiden van Djombang, KITLV 27497.tiff
Locomotive named Theo, built by Orenstein & Koppel, probably at the Tjoekir sugar factory south of Jombang
Blimbing Sugar Factory Inactive
Blimbing sugar factory, location at south of Jombang Suikerfabriek Blimbing ten zuiden van Djombang, KITLV 18222.tiff
Blimbing sugar factory, location at south of Jombang
Ceweng Sugar Factory Inactive
Gudo Sugar Factory Deactivated
Aerial view of Goedo sugar mill near Jombang Suikerfabriek Goedo bij Djombang, KITLV 7784.tiff
Aerial view of Goedo sugar mill near Jombang
Jombang Sugar Factory Active
Ponen Sugar Factory Inactive
De suikerfabriek Ponen (Ponen sugar factory) De suikerfabriek Ponen, NG-1985-5-49.jpg
De suikerfabriek Ponen (Ponen sugar factory)
Ngelom Sugar Factory Inactive
Keningo Sugar Factory Inactive Blitar Regency
Garum Sugar Factory Inactive
Rejoso Manis Indo Sugar Factory Active
Sumberdadi Sugar Factory Off
Kunir Sugar Factory Inactive
Merican Sugar Factory Active Kediri
COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Luchtfoto van de suikerfabriek Meritjan ten noorden van Kediri Java COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Luchtfoto van de suikerfabriek Meritjan ten noorden van Kediri Java TMnr 10011676.jpg
COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Luchtfoto van de suikerfabriek Meritjan ten noorden van Kediri Java
Pesantren Lama Sugar Factory InactiveMerged and in the area of PG Pesantren Baru
Housing for European employees of the Pesantren sugar factory near Kediri Woningen voor Europese employees van suikerfabriek Pesantren bij Kediri, KITLV 18357.tiff
Housing for European employees of the Pesantren sugar factory near Kediri
Pesantren Baru Sugar Factory Active
Rear part of the factory building, with probably centrifuges for drying sugar on the left, of the Nieuw Pesantren sugar factory near Kediri Achterste deel van het fabrieksgebouw, met links vermoedelijk centrifuges voor het drogen van suiker, van de suikerfabriek Pesantren bij Kediri, KITLV 7747.tiff
Rear part of the factory building, with probably centrifuges for drying sugar on the left, of the Nieuw Pesantren sugar factory near Kediri
Ngadirejo Sugar Factory Active Kediri Regency
Aerial view of Ngadiredjo sugar factory in Kediri Luchtopname van Ngadiredjo, KITLV MLD199 007.tiff
Aerial view of Ngadiredjo sugar factory in Kediri
Minggiran Sugar Factory Inactive
Factory of sugar company Minggiran near Kediri Fabriek van suikeronderneming Minggiran bij Kediri, KITLV 7787.tiff
Factory of sugar company Minggiran near Kediri
Menang Sugar Factory Inactive
Interior with three European women in conversation of a European home at the Menang Sugar Factory east of Kediri Interieur met drie Europese vrouwen in gesprek van een Europese woning op de Suikerfabriek Menang ten oosten van Kediri, KITLV 123429.tiff
Interior with three European women in conversation of a European home at the Menang Sugar Factory east of Kediri
Bogokidul Sugar Factory Inactive
Kawarasan Sugar Factory Deactivated
Tegowangi Sugar Factory Inactive
Willy (2nd from right) and Harry Hirsch (10th from right) at a farewell dinner, probably at Kediri, for D.J. de Zwart, administrator of the Tegowangi sugar factory (presumably 1st from the right) KITLV A601 - Willy (2e van rechts) en Harry Hirsch (10e van rechts) op een afscheidsdiner, waarschijnlijk bij Kediri, voor D.J. de Zwart, administrateur van de suikerfabriek Tegowangi (vermoedelijk 1e, KITLV 52522.tiff
Willy (2nd from right) and Harry Hirsch (10th from right) at a farewell dinner, probably at Kediri, for D.J. de Zwart, administrator of the Tegowangi sugar factory (presumably 1st from the right)

Aerial view of Tegowangi sugar mill Luchtopname van Tegowangi, KITLV MLD199 017.tiff
Aerial view of Tegowangi sugar mill
Kencong Sugar Factory Inactive
Factory of sugar company Kentjong in Pare Fabriek van suikeronderneming Kentjong te Pare, KITLV 7796.tiff
Factory of sugar company Kentjong in Pare
Badas Sugar Factory Inactive
Badas sugar factory northeast of Kediri Suikerfabriek Badas ten noordoosten van Kediri, KITLV 18271.tiff
Badas sugar factory northeast of Kediri
Purwoasri Sugar Factory Inactiveformer land converted into Purwoasri Bus Terminal
Mojopanggung Sugar Factory Active Tulungagung Regency
Bridge with railway line for the transport of sugar, probably at the Modjopanggoong sugar company near Kediri KITLV A1240 - Brug met spoorlijn voor het transport van suiker, vermoedelijk op suikeronderneming Modjopanggoong bij Kediri, KITLV 122358.tiff
Bridge with railway line for the transport of sugar, probably at the Modjopanggoong sugar company near Kediri
Lestari Sugar Factory Active Nganjuk Regency
Juwono Sugar Factory Inactive
Jati Sugar Factory Inactive
Nganjuk Sugar Factory Inactive
Aerial view of Ngandjoek sugar factory on Java. SF. Nganjuk Aerial photo (title on object) Luchtaanzicht van suikerfabriek Ngandjoek op Java Sf. Ngandjoek Luchtfoto (titel op object), RP-F-F00991-67.jpg
Aerial view of Ngandjoek sugar factory on Java. SF. Nganjuk Aerial photo (title on object)
Baron Sugar Factory Deactivated
Kujonmanis Sugar Factory Inactive
Rejoagung Sugar Factory Active Madiun
Kanigoro Sugar Factory Inactive Madiun Regency
Java Steam Loco, Borsig no 1 owned by Kanigoro sugar mill Borsig Cn2t 1907 (6795 B W).jpg
Java Steam Loco, Borsig no 1 owned by Kanigoro sugar mill
Pagotan Sugar Factory Active
Tank storage area for P.C.M.C. molasses on the site of the Pagottan sugar factory in East Java COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Tankopslagplaats voor P.C.M.C. melasse op het terrein van de suikerfabriek Pagottan op Oost-Java TMnr 60011541.jpg
Tank storage area for P.C.M.C. molasses on the site of the Pagottan sugar factory in East Java
Rejosari Sugar Factory Active Magetan Regency
Two preheaters intended for Suikerfabriek Padokan and five cooling troughs intended for Suikerfabriek Redjosari, manufactured in 1926. Part of the binder with photos of machines of the N.V. Machinefabriek Braat in Soerabaja intended for the Dutch sugar industry on Java, from the period 1917-1938. Voorverwarmers en koeltroggen, NG-2002-84-A-47.jpg
Two preheaters intended for Suikerfabriek Padokan and five cooling troughs intended for Suikerfabriek Redjosari, manufactured in 1926. Part of the binder with photos of machines of the N.V. Machinefabriek Braat in Soerabaja intended for the Dutch sugar industry on Java, from the period 1917-1938.
Purwodadi Sugar Factory Active
Poerwodadi sugar mill near Magetan, East Java KITLV A1046 - Suikerfabriek Poerwodadi bij Magetan, KITLV 153879.tiff
Poerwodadi sugar mill near Magetan, East Java
Sudono Sugar Factory Active Ngawi Regency
Steam loco (decauville) at PG Soedhono Sugar Mill Kereta Lori dan Truk PG Soedhono.jpg
Steam loco (decauville) at PG Soedhono Sugar Mill
Wringin Agung Sugar Factory Inactive Tuban Regency
Kebonharjo Sugar Factory Inactive
Mojo Sugar Factory Active Sragen Regency
Modjo sugar mill near Sragen Suikerfabriek Modjo bij Sragen, KITLV 18267.tiff
Modjo sugar mill near Sragen
Kedungbanteng Sugar Factory Inactive
Tasikmadu Sugar Factory Inactive Karanganyar Regency Active for tourism
Tasikmadoe sugar mill near Karanganyar, Central Java KITLV A1426 - Suikerfabriek Tasikmadoe bij Karanganjar in de Vorstenlanden, KITLV 184423.tiff
Tasikmadoe sugar mill near Karanganyar, Central Java
Colomadu Sugar Factory InactiveReopened as a Museum
PG Tjolomadoe Sugar Mill museum at Solo, Central Java Pabrik Gula Colomadu - Sisi Depan.jpg
PG Tjolomadoe Sugar Mill museum at Solo, Central Java
Kartasura Sugar Factory Inactive Sukoharjo Regency
Kartasoera sugar mill near Surakarta Suikerfabriek Kartasoera bij Poerwosari in de Vorstenlanden, KITLV 179456.tiff
Kartasoera sugar mill near Surakarta
Bangak Sugar Factory Disabled Boyolali Regency
Adminstrateurswoning suikerfabriek Bangak - Solo., KITLV 1405354 Adminstrateurswoning suikerfabriek Bangak - Solo., KITLV 1405354.tiff
Adminstrateurswoning suikerfabriek Bangak - Solo., KITLV 1405354
Wonosari Sugar Factory Inactive Klaten Regency
Evaporator body and three cooking pans, manufactured in 1925 and intended for the Goedo, Wonosarie, Randoe Goenting and Manishardjo sugar factories. Part of the binder with photos of machines from the N.V. Machinefabriek Braat in Surabaya intended for the Dutch sugar industry on Java, from the period 1917-1938. Verdamplichaam en drie kookpannen, NG-2002-84-A-46.jpg
Evaporator body and three cooking pans, manufactured in 1925 and intended for the Goedo, Wonosarie, Randoe Goenting and Manishardjo sugar factories. Part of the binder with photos of machines from the N.V. Machinefabriek Braat in Surabaya intended for the Dutch sugar industry on Java, from the period 1917-1938.
Cokrotulung Sugar Factory Inactive
Factory building of sugar company Tjokro-Toeloong (Cokrotulung) near Delanggu northeast of Surakarta Fabrieksgebouw van suikeronderneming Tjokro-Toeloong bij Delanggoe ten noordoosten van Soerakarta, KITLV 7776.tiff
Factory building of sugar company Tjokro-Toeloong (Cokrotulung) near Delanggu northeast of Surakarta
Ponggok Sugar Factory Inactive
Factory of sugar company Ponggok near Delanggu in the Vorstenlanden Fabriek van suikeronderneming Ponggok bij Delanggoe in de Vorstenlanden, KITLV 7780.tiff
Factory of sugar company Ponggok near Delanggu in the Vorstenlanden
Delanggu Sugar Factory Deactivated
Ceper Sugar Factory Deactivated
Tjepper sugar factory in Klaten, Central Java Suikerfabriek Tjepper te Klaten, KITLV 29102.tiff
Tjepper sugar factory in Klaten, Central Java
Manisharjo Sugar Factory Inactive
Sugar dryer manufactured in 1917 for the Manishardjo Sugar Factory northeast of Klaten on Java. Part of the binder with photos of machines from the N.V. Machinefabriek Braat in Surabaya intended for the Dutch sugar industry on Java, from the period 1917-1938. Suikerdrooginstallatie, NG-2002-84-A-1.jpg
Sugar dryer manufactured in 1917 for the Manishardjo Sugar Factory northeast of Klaten on Java. Part of the binder with photos of machines from the N.V. Machinefabriek Braat in Surabaya intended for the Dutch sugar industry on Java, from the period 1917-1938.
Gedaren Sugar Factory Inactive
Factory and ampasplein of indigo and sugar company Gedaren near Klaten Fabriek en ampasplein van indigo- en suikeronderneming Gedaren bij Klaten, KITLV 7910.tiff
Factory and ampasplein of indigo and sugar company Gedaren near Klaten
Karang Anom Sugar Factory Inactive
Sugar company Karang Anom Djoengkere near Surakarta Suikeronderneming Karang Anom Djoengkere bij Soerakarta, KITLV 7388.tiff
Sugar company Karang Anom Djoengkere near Surakarta
Gondang Winangun Sugar Factory Inactive
Gondang Winangoen Sugar Museum Pabrik Gula Godang Winangoen.jpg
Gondang Winangoen Sugar Museum
Prambanan Sugar Factory Inactive Sleman Regency
Randu Gunting Tjandi Sewoe Sugar Factory Inactive
Randoe Goenting-Tjandi Sewoe sugar factory in southwest of Klaten Suikerfabriek Randoe Goenting-Tjandi Sewoe ten zuidwesten van Klaten, KITLV 18227.tiff
Randoe Goenting-Tjandi Sewoe sugar factory in southwest of Klaten
Tanjung Tirto Sugar Factory Inactive
Sugar factory with sugar cane in Tandjong Tirto, Jogjakarta KITLV A208 - Suikerfabriek met suikerriet te Tandjong Tirto, Jogjakarta, KITLV 76477.tiff
Sugar factory with sugar cane in Tandjong Tirto, Jogjakarta
Demak Ijo Sugar Factory Inactive
View of the Demak Idjo sugar factory, boiler house and workshops Collectie NMvWereldculturen, TM-60054022, Foto, 'Suikerfabriek Demak Idjo bij Yogyakarta', fotograaf onbekend, 1906-1925.jpg
View of the Demak Idjo sugar factory, boiler house and workshops
Cebongan Sugar Factory Inactive
The Tjebongan sugar factory in the vicinity of Yogyakarta. The name and date 1879 on the factory building. Part of the photo album presented to J.M. Pijnacker Hordijk on his departure from Jogyakarta in 1886. Fabriek Tjebongan, NG-1994-10-12-2.jpg
The Tjebongan sugar factory in the vicinity of Yogyakarta. The name and date 1879 on the factory building. Part of the photo album presented to J.M. Pijnacker Hordijk on his departure from Jogyakarta in 1886.
Beran Sugar Factory Inactive
Medari Sugar Factory Deactivated
The staff of the 'Inlandsche Ziekenverpleging' of Suiker Onderneming Medarie Yogyakarta. COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Het personeel van de 'Inlandsche Ziekenverpleging' van Suiker Onderneming Medarie Yogyakarta Java TMnr 10002182.jpg
The staff of the 'Inlandsche Ziekenverpleging' of Suiker Onderneming Medarie Yogyakarta.
Sendang Pitu Sugar Factory Deactivated
Kedaton Pleret Sugar Factory Inactive Bantul Regency
The Kedaton Pleret sugar factory, southeast of Yogyakarta decorated for the milling festival KITLV A629 - De suikerfabriek Kedaton Pleret ten zuidoosten van Jogjakarta versierd voor het maalfeest.tiff
The Kedaton Pleret sugar factory, southeast of Yogyakarta decorated for the milling festival
Madukismo Sugar Factory Active
Rail system at Madukismo Sugar Mill Langsiran tebu Pabrik gula.jpg
Rail system at Madukismo Sugar Mill
Wonocatur Sugar Factory Inactive
Padokan Sugar Factory InactiveRebuilt as Madukismo Sugar Factory
Aerial photo of Padokan sugar mill COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Suikerfabriek Padokan Jogjakarta TMnr 10011674.jpg
Aerial photo of Padokan sugar mill
Bantul Sugar Factory Inactive
Barongan Sugar Factory Inactive
Suikerfabriek Barongan (KITLV) Pabrik Gula Barongan (KITLV).jpg
Suikerfabriek Barongan (KITLV)
Gondang Lipuro Sugar Factory Inactive
Pundong Sugar Factory Inactive
Packaging sugar in the Poendong sugar factory near Yogyakarta Verpakken van suiker in suikerfabriek Poendong bij Jogjakarta, KITLV 17191.tiff
Packaging sugar in the Poendong sugar factory near Yogyakarta
Gesikan Sugar Factory Inactive
Rewulu Sugar Factory Inactive
Factory of the sugar company Rewoeloe near Djokjakarta. COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Fabriek van de suikeronderneming Rewoeloe in de buurt van Djokjakarta. TMnr 60004753.jpg
Factory of the sugar company Rewoeloe near Djokjakarta.
Sewugalur Sugar Factory Inactive Kulon Progo Regency
Official home of Sewooegaloor sugar sactory employees Bekas Rumah Dinas Karyawan Pabrik Gula Sewugalur (Sukerfabriek Sewoegaloor) 27.jpg
Official home of Sewooegaloor sugar sactory employees
Jenar Sugar Factory Inactive Purworejo Regency
Rembun Sugar Factory Inactive Kebumen Regency
Aerial view of Remboen sugar mill COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Luchtfoto van suikerfabriek Remboen te Premboen TMnr 60043476.jpg
Aerial view of Remboen sugar mill
Klampok Sugar Factory Inactive Banjarnegara Regency
Packing room in Klampok sugar factory, the first electric one, east of Banjoemas, KITLV 29091 Afpakruimte in suikerfabriek Klampok, de eerste elektrische, ten oosten van Banjoemas, KITLV 29091.tiff
Packing room in Klampok sugar factory, the first electric one, east of Banjoemas, KITLV 29091
Bojong Sugar Factory Disabled Purbalingga Regency
The bridge over the Klawing river, also the railway bridge of the Bodjong sugar factory COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM De brug over de Klawing rivier ook de spoorbrug van de suikerfabriek Bodjong. TMnr 60004394.jpg
The bridge over the Klawing river, also the railway bridge of the Bodjong sugar factory
Kalirejo Sugar Factory Inactive Banyumas Regency
Kalibagor Sugar Factory InactiveConverted to garment factory
he steam tram with locomotive is ready for sugar transport at the Kalibagor sugar company. COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM De stoomtram met locomotief staat klaar voor het suikertransport op de suikeronderneming Kalibagor. Op de voorgrond ligt een deel van het oud ijzer klaar om opgeladen te worden. TMnr.jpg
he steam tram with locomotive is ready for sugar transport at the Kalibagor sugar company.
Purwokerto Sugar Factory Inactive
Suikerfabriek Poerwokerto near Banyumas Pabrik Gula Poerwokerto.jpg
Suikerfabriek Poerwokerto near Banyumas
Pakis Sugar Factory NewActive Pati Regency
Trangkil Sugar Factory Active
Train yard of Trangkil sugar mill BMAG Bn2t 50-60PS (9989 A W).jpg
Train yard of Trangkil sugar mill
Langse Sugar Factory Inactive
Tanjung Mojo Sugar Factory Inactive Kudus Regency
Tandjong-Modjo sugar mill (also called Ngablak) in Tandjoengmodjo near Koedoes KITLV A910 - Suikerfabriek Tandjong-Modjo (ook wel Ngablak genoemd) te Tandjoengmodjo bij Koedoes, KITLV 55944.tiff
Tandjong-Modjo sugar mill (also called Ngablak) in Tandjoengmodjo near Koedoes
Rendeng Sugar Factory Active
Rendeng sugar mill train depot OK Dn2t 60PS B (5199 A W).jpg
Rendeng sugar mill train depot
Besito Sugar Factory Inactive
Mayong Sugar Factory Inactive Jepara Regency
Pecangaan Sugar Factory Inactive
Banyuputih Sugar Factory Inactive
Kaliwungu Sugar Factory Inactive Kendal Regency
The Kaliwoengoe sugar mill west of Semarang in 1905 KITLV A1291 - Emplacement op de suikerfabriek Kaliwoengoe ten westen van Semarang in 1908, KITLV 124452.tiff
The Kaliwoengoe sugar mill west of Semarang in 1905
Gemuh Sugar Factory Inactive
Train of the Semarang-Cheribon Stoomtram Maatschappij (SCS) amid the reed gardens of the Gemoeh sugar factory near Kendal KITLV A706 - Trein van de Semarang-Cheribon Stoomtram Maatschappij (SCS) te midden van de riettuinen van suikeronderfabriek Gemoeh bij Kendal, KITLV 110846.tiff
Train of the Semarang-Cheribon Stoomtram Maatschappij (SCS) amid the reed gardens of the Gemoeh sugar factory near Kendal
Cepiring Sugar Factory Inctive
Administrators' House at Tjepiring Sugar Factory Rumah Administratur di Pabrik Gula Cepiring.png
Administrators' House at Tjepiring Sugar Factory
Puguh Sugar Factory Inactive
Kalimati Sugar Factory Inactive Batang Regency
Klidang Sugar Factory Inactive
Wonopringgo Sugar Factory Inactive Pekalongan Regency
Mountains of limestone for the Wonopringgo sugar factory southwest of Pekalongan Bergen kalksteen voor suikerfabriek Wonopringgo ten zuidwesten van Pekalongan, KITLV 18218.tiff
Mountains of limestone for the Wonopringgo sugar factory southwest of Pekalongan
Tirto Sugar Factory Inactive
Tirto Sugar Mill COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Suikerfabriek Tirto TMnr 60054002.jpg
Tirto Sugar Mill
Sragi Sugar Factory Active
A steam locomotive previously owned by the Sragie Sugar Factory has now changed ownership in England. Sragi No. 14 Max.jpg
A steam locomotive previously owned by the Sragie Sugar Factory has now changed ownership in England.
Comal Baru Sugar Factory Inactive Pemalang Regency
Tjomal Baroe Sugar Mill, taken from train Pabrik Gula dari kereta api - panoramio.jpg
Tjomal Baroe Sugar Mill, taken from train
Comal Sugar Factory Inactive
View of the sugar factory buildings. Part of the photo album of the Tjomal sugar mill in the period ca. 1900-1919. Suikerfabriek Tjomal, NG-1988-14-13.jpg
View of the sugar factory buildings. Part of the photo album of the Tjomal sugar mill in the period ca. 1900-1919.
Petarukan Sugar Factory Inactive
Train yard of the tram line of the Petaroekan sugar factory near Pemalang Emplacement van de tramlijn van de suikerfabriek Petaroekan bij Pemalang, KITLV 7768.tiff
Train yard of the tram line of the Petaroekan sugar factory near Pemalang
Banjardawa Sugar Factory Inactive
Sugar Mill of Bandjardawa at 1888 Suikerfabriek Bandjardawa circa 1888.jpg
Sugar Mill of Bandjardawa at 1888
Sumberharjo Sugar Factory Inactive
Water collection at Tjipero from the Ramboet irrigation area of the Soemberhardjo sugar mill near Pemalang Watervang bij Tjipero van het irrigatiegebied Ramboet van suikerfabriek Soemberhardjo bij Pemalang, KITLV 18382.tiff
Water collection at Tjipero from the Ramboet irrigation area of the Soemberhardjo sugar mill near Pemalang
Balapulang Sugar Factory Inactive Tegal Regency
The railway emplacement of the Balapoelang sugar factory. A lorry is a small non-powered rail vehicle intended for freight transport on industrial or agricultural (narrow) railway lines Tempat parkir kereta lori PG Balapulang 1920-1935(1).jpg
The railway emplacement of the Balapoelang sugar factory. A lorry is a small non-powered rail vehicle intended for freight transport on industrial or agricultural (narrow) railway lines
Dukuhwringin Sugar Factory Inactive
Pangkah Sugar Factory Inactive
Pangka Sugar refinery Java 19th c. Sugar refinery Java 19th c., Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, RP-P-1975-191.jpg
Pangka Sugar refinery Java 19th c.
Kemantran Sugar Factory Inactive
Steam Train at Kemantran Sugar Mill 1.Satu(1).jpg
Steam Train at Kemantran Sugar Mill
Pagongan Sugar Factory Inactive
Aerial view of Pagongan Sugar Mill in Tagal COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Luchtfoto van suikerfabriek Pagongan in Tegal TMnr 60043477.jpg
Aerial view of Pagongan Sugar Mill in Tagal
Adiwerna Sugar Factory Inactive
Sugar dryer manufactured in 1932 for the Adiwerna Sugar Factory, south of Tegal Suikerdrooginstallatie, NG-2002-84-A-5.jpg
Sugar dryer manufactured in 1932 for the Adiwerna Sugar Factory, south of Tegal
Kemanglen Sugar Factory Inactive
Kemanglen Sugar Factory in 1870-1875, Lithography based on a painting by Abraham Salm. De suikerfabriek 'Kemanglen' bij Tegal (of Tagal) op Java Rijksmuseum SK-A-4777.jpeg
Kemanglen Sugar Factory in 1870-1875, Lithography based on a painting by Abraham Salm.
Maribaya Sugar Factory Inactive
Kedjambon Sugar Factory Inactive Tegal City
A note stating that Tan Kok Kiem was the owner of the Kedjambon Sugar Factory was listed in the book "Regerings-almanac for Nederlandsch-Indie, 1875." Maribaja suikermolen gegevens, 1875(1).jpg
A note stating that Tan Kok Kiem was the owner of the Kedjambon Sugar Factory was listed in the book "Regerings-almanac for Nederlandsch-Indië, 1875."
Jatibarang Sugar Factory Inactive Brebes Regency In the process of being revitalized to become the Steam Locomotive Museum
Administrateurshuis van de Suikeronderneming Djatibarang Tegal COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Administrateurshuis van de Suikeronderneming Djatibarang Tegal TMnr 10011596.jpg
Administrateurshuis van de Suikeronderneming Djatibarang Tegal
Banjaratma Sugar Factory Disabled Becoming a rest area
Bandjaratma Sugar Mill SF Bandjaratma 1926-27(1).jpg
Bandjaratma Sugar Mill
Lemahabang Sugar Factory Inactive
Ketanggungan Barat Sugar Factory (Kersana Sugar Factory) Inactive
Afkoelingsinstallatie van suikerfabriek Ketanggoengan-West ten zuidwesten van Brebes, KITLV 18216 Afkoelingsinstallatie van suikerfabriek Ketanggoengan-West ten zuidwesten van Brebes, KITLV 18216.tiff
Afkoelingsinstallatie van suikerfabriek Ketanggoengan-West ten zuidwesten van Brebes, KITLV 18216
New Losari Sugar Factory Inactive Cirebon Regency
Tersana Baroe Sugar Factory Active
Nieuw Tersana sugar mill COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Suikerfabriek Nieuw Tersana TMnr 10011796.jpg
Nieuw Tersana sugar mill
Luwung Gajah Sugar Factory Inactive
Pesaleman water pumping station with temporary aqueduct at the Loewoeng-Gadjah sugar factory southeast of Cirebon Waterpompstation Pesaleman met tijdelijk aquaduct bij suikerfabriek Loewoeng-Gadjah ten zuidoosten van Cheribon, KITLV 18379.tiff
Pesaleman water pumping station with temporary aqueduct at the Loewoeng-Gadjah sugar factory southeast of Cirebon
Jatipiring Sugar Factory Inactive
Karangsuwung Sugar Factory Inactive
Karang Soewoeng Sugar Mill in 1927 COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Suikerfabriek Karang Soewoeng Res. Cheribon TMnr 10011670.jpg
Karang Soewoeng Sugar Mill in 1927
Sindanglaut Sugar Factory Inactive
Aerial view of Sindanglaoet sugar mill COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Luchtfoto van suikerfabriek Sindanglaoet bij Lemahabang TMnr 60043484.jpg
Aerial view of Sindanglaoet sugar mill
Surawinangun Sugar Factory Inactive
The 'Soerawinangoen' sugar factory near Plumbon COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Suikerfabriek Soerawinangoen bij Ploembon TMnr 60005203.jpg
The 'Soerawinangoen' sugar factory near Plumbon
Gempol Sugar Factory Inactive
Semarang-Cheribon Train, in the background the Gempol sugar factory. Semarang-Cheribon-trein op den achtergrond de suikerfabriek Gempol., KITLV 1405035.tiff
Semarang-Cheribon Train, in the background the Gempol sugar factory.
Arjawinangun Sugar Factory Inactive
Parungjaya Sugar Factory Inactive Majalengka Regency
Paroengdjaja sugar factory northeast of Madjalengka KITLV A909 - Suikerfabriek Paroengdjaja ten noordoosten van Madjalengka, KITLV 55913.tiff
Paroengdjaja sugar factory northeast of Madjalengka
Jatiwangi Sugar Factory Inactive
Sugar company Djatiwangi near Indramayu KITLV A348 - Suikeronderneming Djatiwangi bij Indramajoe, KITLV 38883.tiff
Sugar company Djatiwangi near Indramayu
Kadipaten Sugar Factory Inactive
Aerial view of Kadhipaten sugar factory, north of Majalengka Suikerfabriek Kadhipaten ten noorden van Madjalengka, KITLV 18225.tiff
Aerial view of Kadhipaten sugar factory, north of Majalengka

Kalimantan & Lesser Sunda Islands

Name of sugar factoryStatusDistrict / CityDescription
Pelaihari Sugar Factory Disabled Tanah Laut Regency Converted to palm oil factory
PT. Muria Sumba Manis Active East Sumba Regency


Name of sugar factoryStatusDistrict/CityDescription
Bone Sugar Factory Active Bone Regency
Camming Sugar Factory (Arasoe)Active
Takalar Sugar Factory Active Takalar Regency
Bombana Sugar FactoryActiveBombana Regency
PG GorontaloActiveGorontalo District


Name of sugar factoryStatusDistrict / CityDescription
Cinta Manis Sugar Factory Active Ogan Ilir Regency
PT. Gunung Madu Plantations Active Central Lampung Regency
PT. Pemuka Sakti Manis Indah Active Way Kanan Regency
PT. Sugar Group Companies Active Tulang Bawang Regency
PT Sumber Muatiara Indah Perdana Active Dumai City
Tjot Girek Sugar Factory Inactive North Aceh District


New Zealand

Northern Mariana Islands

Puerto Rico


United Kingdom

Tate & Lyle

British Sugar

United States

See also

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The sugar industry of the United States produces sugarcane and sugar beets, operates sugar refineries, and produces and markets refined sugars, sugar-sweetened goods, and other products. The United States is among the world's largest sugar producers. Unlike most other sugar producing countries, the United States has both large and well-developed sugarcane and sugar beet industries. Refined sugarcane, processed sugar beet, and high-fructose corn syrup are all commonly used in the U.S. as added sugars to sweeten food and beverages.

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  1. Bain, Lee. "Mill Memorabilia Project Report: Babinda Sugar Mill 1915 - 2011" (PDF). Babinda Information Centre. p. 1. Archived (PDF) from the original on 12 November 2018. Retrieved 18 August 2021.
  2. Rogers, Eliza (19 December 2014). "Bundaberg Sugar invests in more energy efficient irrigators". ABC News . Archived from the original on 12 November 2018. Retrieved 12 November 2018.
  3. "CSR Refinery (former) (entry 600261)". Queensland Heritage Register . Queensland Heritage Council. Retrieved September 30, 2021.
  4. "Sugar mill tells a sweet success story". Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York). June 4, 1995. Retrieved September 1, 2021 via
  5. "200 Years of Swire: Taikoo Sugar Refinery – Special Collections, SOAS Library". SOAS University of London. June 10, 2017. Retrieved September 1, 2021.
  6. "Højbygaard Sukkerfabrik". (in Danish).
  7. "Fiji Sugar Corporation Offers Redundancy Packages to Penang Mill Employees". Fiji Sun. May 8, 2019.
  8. "View of Chelsea Sugar Refinery, Birkenhead".
  9. "LEY NUM. 154 DE 10 DE AGOSTO DE 2002" (in Spanish). Lex Juris.
  10. Pollitt, Michael (January 13, 2012). "The year the sugar industry arrived in Norfolk". Eastern Daily Press. Retrieved September 30, 2021. Archived February 27, 2014, at the Wayback Machine
  11. "Yulee Sugar Mill Ruins Historic State Park". Florida State Parks. Retrieved September 30, 2021.
  12. "Inferno: Dust Explosion at Imperial Sugar - Safety Videos - Multimedia". CSB. October 6, 2009. Retrieved September 1, 2021.
  13. Pat Camel & Associates, Inc. (September 1975). "National Register of Historic Places Inventory/Nomination: Rosalie Plantation Sugar Mill". National Park Service . Retrieved September 30, 2021. With accompanying 13 photos from 1975