List of sugar refineries

Last updated

This is a list of notable sugar refineries. This include both sugarcane mills and refineries of sugar beets, and it includes current and former facilities, and some that are listed on historic registers.



New South Wales








Dominican Republic





Sugar Factories, commonly abbreviated as PG partikulir and state-owned in Indonesia began to emerge after the start of the era of liberalism during the Dutch East Indies colonial period (1870), with the introduction of Land Lease Rights for use for 70 years. Previously, a number of simple sugar factories had been established to process the sugar cane harvest, which was included in the commodities included in the Cultuurstelsel program.


Note: the list of sugar factories below is not perfect. If you find any errors in the following data, please help Wikipedia by expanding it. Thank you.


Factory NameStatusDistrict / CityDescriptionImages
Asembagus Sugar Factory Active Situbondo Regency
Panji Sugar Factory Active
Olean Sugar Factory Active
Wringinanom Sugar Factory Active
de Maas Sugar Factory Inactive
Prajekan Sugar Factory Active Bondowoso Regency
Tangarang Sugar Factory Inactive
Sukowidi Sugar Factory Inactive Banyuwangi Regency
Glenmore Sugar Industry Active
Bedadoeng Sugar Factory Inactive Jember Regency
Semboro Sugar Factory Active
Name board of Semboro Sugar Mill Papan nama Pabrik Gula Semboro.jpg
Name board of Semboro Sugar Mill
Gunungsari Sugar Factory Inactive
Paiton Sugar Factory Active Probolinggo Regency
Kandangjati Sugar Factory Inactive
Bagu Sugar Factory Deactivated
Pajarekan Sugar Factory Active
Maron Sugar Factory Inactive
Gending Sugar Factory Active
Wonoaseh Sugar Factory Inactive
Wonolangan Sugar Factory Active
Umbul Sugar Factory Inactive
Sumberkareng Sugar Factory Inactive
Djatiroto Sugar Factory Active Lumajang Regency
Kedawoeng Sugar Factory Active Pasuruan Regency
Bekasi Oost Sugar Factory Inactive
Gayam Sugar Factory Inactive
de Goede Hoop Sugar Factory Deactivated
Pleret Sugar Factory Inactive
Wonorejo Sugar Factory Deactivated
Sumberrejo Sugar Factory Inactive
Arjosarie Sugar Factory Inactive
Pandaan Sugar Factory Inactive
Kantjil Mas Sugar Factory Inactive
Sukorejo Sugar Factory Inactive
Alkmaar Sugar Factory Inactive
Kebonagung Sugar Factory Active Malang Regency
Sempalwadak Sugar Factory Inactive
Krebet Sugar Factory Active
Panggoengredjo Sugar Factory Inactive
Porong Sugar Factory Inactive Sidoarjo Regency
Tanggulangin Sugar Factory Inactive
Candi Sugar Factory Active
Sruni Sugar Factory Inactive
Buduran Sugar Factory Inactive
Administrateurshuis en kantoor van suikerfabriek Boedoeran te Sidoardjo, KITLV 18358.tiff Administrateurshuis en kantoor van suikerfabriek Boedoeran te Sidoardjo, KITLV 18358.tiff
Administrateurshuis en kantoor van suikerfabriek Boedoeran te Sidoardjo, KITLV 18358.tiff
Waru Sugar Factory Inactive
Ketegan Sugar Factory Inactive
Krian Sugar Factory Deactivated
Balong Bendo Sugar Factory Inactive
Watutulis Sugar Factory Inactive
Seruni Sugar Factory Deactivated
Tulangan Sugar Factory Inactive
Krembung Sugar Factory Deactivated
Sedatie Sugar Factory Inactive Mojokerto Regency
Koning Willem II Sugar Factory Inactive
Ketanen Sugar Factory Inactive
Pohjejer Sugar Factory Inactive
Dinoyo Sugar Factory Inactive
Sumengko Sugar Factory Deactivated
Tangunan Sugar Factory Inactive
Brangkal Sugar Factory Inactive
Bangsal Sugar Factory Deactivated
Perning Sugar Factory Deactivated
Aanvoer van suikerriet op de suikerfabriek Perning bij Modjokerto, KITLV 7731 Aanvoer van suikerriet op de suikerfabriek Perning bij Modjokerto, KITLV 7731.tiff
Aanvoer van suikerriet op de suikerfabriek Perning bij Modjokerto, KITLV 7731
Gempolkerep Sugar Factory active
Sentanen Lor Sugar Factory Inactive Mojokerto City
Sukodono Sugar Factory Inactive Jombang Regency
Sumobito Sugar Factory Inactive
Peterongan Sugar Factory Inactive
Mojoagong Sugar Factory Inactive
Selorejo Sugar Factory Inactive
Cukir Sugar Factory Active
Blimbing Sugar Factory Inactive
Ceweng Sugar Factory Inactive
Gudo Sugar Factory Deactivated
Jombang Sugar Factory Active
Ponen Sugar Factory Inactive
Ngelom Sugar Factory Inactive
Keningo Sugar Factory Inactive Blitar Regency
Garum Sugar Factory Inactive
Rejoso Manis Indo Sugar Factory Active
Sumberdadi Sugar Factory Off
Kunir Sugar Factory Inactive
Merican Sugar Factory Active Kediri
COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Luchtfoto van de suikerfabriek Meritjan ten noorden van Kediri Java COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Luchtfoto van de suikerfabriek Meritjan ten noorden van Kediri Java TMnr 10011676.jpg
COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Luchtfoto van de suikerfabriek Meritjan ten noorden van Kediri Java
Pesantren Lama Sugar Factory InactiveMerged and in the area of PG Pesantren Baru
Pesantren Baru Sugar Factory Active
Ngadirejo Sugar Factory Active Kediri Regency
Minggiran Sugar Factory Inactive
Menang Sugar Factory Inactive
Bogokidul Sugar Factory Inactive
Kawarasan Sugar Factory Deactivated
Tegowangi Sugar Factory Inactive
Kencong Sugar Factory Inactive
Badas Sugar Factory Inactive
Purwoasri Sugar Factory Inactiveformer land converted into Purwoasri Bus Terminal
Mojopanggung Sugar Factory Active Tulungagung Regency
Lestari Sugar Factory Active Nganjuk Regency
Juwono Sugar Factory Inactive
Jati Sugar Factory Inactive
Nganjuk Sugar Factory Inactive
Baron Sugar Factory Deactivated
Kujonmanis Sugar Factory Inactive
Rejoagung Sugar Factory Active Madiun
Kanigoro Sugar Factory Inactive Madiun Regency
Pagotan Sugar Factory Active
Rejosari Sugar Factory Active Magetan Regency
Purwodadi Sugar Factory Active
Sudono Sugar Factory Active Ngawi Regency
Steam loco (decauville) at PG Soedhono Sugar Mill Kereta Lori dan Truk PG Soedhono.jpg
Steam loco (decauville) at PG Soedhono Sugar Mill
Wringin Agung Sugar Factory Inactive Tuban Regency
Kebonharjo Sugar Factory Inactive
Mojo Sugar Factory Active Sragen Regency
Kedungbanteng Sugar Factory Inactive
Tasikmadu Sugar Factory Inactive Karanganyar Regency Active for tourism
Colomadu Sugar Factory InactiveReopened as a Museum
PG Colomadu Sugar Mill Pabrik Gula Colomadu - Sisi Depan.jpg
PG Colomadu Sugar Mill
Kartasura Sugar Factory Inactive Sukoharjo Regency
Bangak Sugar Factory Disabled Boyolali Regency
Adminstrateurswoning suikerfabriek Bangak - Solo., KITLV 1405354 Adminstrateurswoning suikerfabriek Bangak - Solo., KITLV 1405354.tiff
Adminstrateurswoning suikerfabriek Bangak - Solo., KITLV 1405354
Wonosari Sugar Factory Inactive Klaten Regency
Cokrotulung Sugar Factory Inactive
Ponggok Sugar Factory Inactive
Delanggu Sugar Factory Deactivated
Ceper Sugar Factory Deactivated
Manisharjo Sugar Factory Inactive
Gedaren Sugar Factory Inactive
Karang Anom Sugar Factory Inactive
Gondang Winangun Sugar Factory Inactive
Gondang Winangoen Sugar Museum Pabrik Gula Godang Winangoen.jpg
Gondang Winangoen Sugar Museum
Prambanan Sugar Factory Inactive Sleman Regency
Randu Gunting Candi Sewu Sugar Factory Inactive
Tandjong Tirto Sugar Factory Inactive
Demak Ijo Sugar Factory Inactive
Cebongan Sugar Factory Inactive
Beran Sugar Factory Inactive
Medari Sugar Factory Deactivated
Sendang Pitu Sugar Factory Deactivated
Kedaton Pleret Sugar Factory Inactive Bantul Regency
Madukismo Sugar Factory Active
Rail system at Madukismo Sugar Mill Langsiran tebu Pabrik gula.jpg
Rail system at Madukismo Sugar Mill
Wonotjatoer Sugar Factory Inactive
Padokan Sugar Factory InactiveRebuilt as Madukismo Sugar Factory
Bantul Sugar Factory Inactive
Barongan Sugar Factory Inactive
Suikerfabriek Barongan (KITLV) Pabrik Gula Barongan (KITLV).jpg
Suikerfabriek Barongan (KITLV)
Gondang Lipuro Sugar Factory Inactive
Pundong Sugar Factory Inactive
Gesikan Sugar Factory Inactive
Rewulu Sugar Factory Inactive
Sewu Galur Sugar Factory Inactive Kulon Progo Regency
Jenar Sugar Factory Inactive Purworejo Regency
Rembun Sugar Factory Inactive Kebumen Regency
Klampok Sugar Factory Inactive Banjarnegara Regency
Afpakruimte in suikerfabriek Klampok, de_eerste elektrische, ten oosten van Banjoemas, KITLV 29091 Afpakruimte in suikerfabriek Klampok, de eerste elektrische, ten oosten van Banjoemas, KITLV 29091.tiff
Afpakruimte in suikerfabriek Klampok, de_eerste elektrische, ten oosten van Banjoemas, KITLV 29091
Bojong Sugar Factory Disabled Purbalingga Regency
Kalirejo Sugar Factory Inactive Banyumas Regency
Kalibagor Sugar Factory InactiveConverted to garment factory
COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM De stoomtram met locomotief staat klaar voor het suikertransport op de suikeronderneming Kalibagor. COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM De stoomtram met locomotief staat klaar voor het suikertransport op de suikeronderneming Kalibagor. Op de voorgrond ligt een deel van het oud ijzer klaar om opgeladen te worden. TMnr.jpg
COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM De stoomtram met locomotief staat klaar voor het suikertransport op de suikeronderneming Kalibagor.
Purwokerto Sugar Factory Inactive
Suikerfabriek Poerwokerto Pabrik Gula Poerwokerto.jpg
Suikerfabriek Poerwokerto
Pakis Sugar Factory NewActive Pati Regency
Trangkil Sugar Factory Active
Langse Sugar Factory Inactive
Tanjung Mojo Sugar Factory Inactive Kudus Regency
Rendeng Sugar Factory Active
Besito Sugar Factory Inactive
Mayong Sugar Factory Inactive Jepara Regency
Pecangaan Sugar Factory Inactive
Banyuputih Sugar Factory Inactive
Kaliwungu Sugar Factory Inactive Kendal Regency
Gemuh Sugar Factory Inactive
Cepiring Sugar Factory Inctive
Administrators' House at Cepiring Sugar Factory Rumah Administratur di Pabrik Gula Cepiring.png
Administrators' House at Cepiring Sugar Factory
Puguh Sugar Factory Inactive
Kalimati Sugar Factory Inactive Batang Regency
Klidang Sugar Factory Inactive
Wonopringgo Sugar Factory Inactive Pekalongan Regency
Tirto Sugar Factory Inactive
Sragi Sugar Factory Active
Comal Sugar Factory Inactive Pemalang Regency
Comal Baru Sugar Mill, taken from train Pabrik Gula dari kereta api - panoramio.jpg
Comal Baru Sugar Mill, taken from train
Petarukan Sugar Factory Inactive
Banjardawa Sugar Factory Inactive
Sumberharjo Sugar Factory Inactive
Balapulang Sugar Factory Inactive Tegal Regency
Dukuhwringin Sugar Factory Inactive
Pangkah Sugar Factory Inactive
Kemantran Sugar Factory Inactive
Pagongan Sugar Factory Inactive
Adiwerna Sugar Factory Inactive
Kemanglen Sugar Factory Inactive
Maribaya Sugar Factory Inactive
Kejambon Sugar Factory Inactive Tegal City
Jatibarang Sugar Factory Inactive Brebes Regency In the process of being revitalized to become the Steam Locomotive Museum
Banjaratma Sugar Factory Disabled Becoming a rest area
Lemahabang Sugar Factory Inactive
West Ketanggungan Sugar Factory (Kersana Sugar Factory) Inactive
Afkoelingsinstallatie van suikerfabriek Ketanggoengan-West ten zuidwesten van Brebes, KITLV 18216 Afkoelingsinstallatie van suikerfabriek Ketanggoengan-West ten zuidwesten van Brebes, KITLV 18216.tiff
Afkoelingsinstallatie van suikerfabriek Ketanggoengan-West ten zuidwesten van Brebes, KITLV 18216
New Losari Sugar Factory Inactive Cirebon Regency
New Tersana Sugar Factory Active
Luwunggajah Sugar Factory Inactive
Jatipiring Sugar Factory Inactive
Karangsuwung Sugar Factory Inactive
Sindanglaut Sugar Factory Inactive
Surawinangun Sugar Factory Inactive
Gempol Sugar Factory Inactive
Aryawinangun Sugar Factory Inactive
Parungjaya Sugar Factory Inactive Majalengka Regency
Jatiwangi Sugar Factory Inactive
Kadipaten Sugar Factory Inactive

Kalimantan & Lesser Sunda Islands

Name of sugar factoryStatusDistrict / CityDescription
Pelaihari Sugar Factory Disabled Tanah Laut Regency Converted to palm oil factory
PT. Muria Sumba Manis Active East Sumba Regency


Name of sugar factoryStatusDistrict/CityDescription
Bone Sugar Factory Active Bone Regency
Camming Sugar Factory (Arasoe)Active
Takalar Sugar Factory Active Takalar Regency
Bombana Sugar FactoryActiveBombana Regency
PG GorontaloActiveGorontalo District


Name of sugar factoryStatusDistrict / CityDescription
Cinta Manis Sugar Factory Active Ogan Ilir Regency
PT. Gunung Madu Plantations Active Central Lampung Regency
PT. Pemuka Sakti Manis Indah Active Way Kanan Regency
PT. Sugar Group Companies Active Tulang Bawang Regency
PT Sumber Muatiara Indah Perdana Active Dumai City
Tjot Girek Sugar Factory Inactive North Aceh District


New Zealand

Northern Mariana Islands

Puerto Rico


United Kingdom

United States

See also

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The sugar industry of the United States produces sugarcane and sugar beets, operates sugar refineries, and produces and markets refined sugars, sugar-sweetened goods, and other products. The United States is among the world's largest sugar producers. Unlike most other sugar producing countries, the United States has both large and well-developed sugarcane and sugar beet industries. Refined sugarcane, processed sugar beet, and high-fructose corn syrup are all commonly used in the U.S. as added sugars to sweeten food and beverages.

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  1. Bain, Lee. "Mill Memorabilia Project Report: Babinda Sugar Mill 1915 - 2011" (PDF). Babinda Information Centre. p. 1. Archived (PDF) from the original on 12 November 2018. Retrieved 18 August 2021.
  2. Rogers, Eliza (19 December 2014). "Bundaberg Sugar invests in more energy efficient irrigators". ABC News . Archived from the original on 12 November 2018. Retrieved 12 November 2018.
  3. "CSR Refinery (former) (entry 600261)". Queensland Heritage Register . Queensland Heritage Council. Retrieved September 30, 2021.
  4. "Sugar mill tells a sweet success story". Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York). June 4, 1995. Retrieved September 1, 2021 via
  5. "200 Years of Swire: Taikoo Sugar Refinery – Special Collections, SOAS Library". SOAS University of London. June 10, 2017. Retrieved September 1, 2021.
  6. "Højbygaard Sukkerfabrik". (in Danish).
  7. "Fiji Sugar Corporation Offers Redundancy Packages to Penang Mill Employees". Fiji Sun. May 8, 2019.
  8. "View of Chelsea Sugar Refinery, Birkenhead".
  9. "LEY NUM. 154 DE 10 DE AGOSTO DE 2002" (in Spanish). Lex Juris.
  10. Pollitt, Michael (January 13, 2012). "The year the sugar industry arrived in Norfolk". Eastern Daily Press. Retrieved September 30, 2021. Archived February 27, 2014, at the Wayback Machine
  11. "Yulee Sugar Mill Ruins Historic State Park". Florida State Parks. Retrieved September 30, 2021.
  12. "Inferno: Dust Explosion at Imperial Sugar - Safety Videos - Multimedia". CSB. October 6, 2009. Retrieved September 1, 2021.
  13. Pat Camel & Associates, Inc. (September 1975). "National Register of Historic Places Inventory/Nomination: Rosalie Plantation Sugar Mill". National Park Service . Retrieved September 30, 2021. With accompanying 13 photos from 1975