November 1968

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November 20, 1968: 78 coal miners entombed in coal mine explosion Farmington-Mine-Disaster-smoke.jpg
November 20, 1968: 78 coal miners entombed in coal mine explosion
November 5, 1968: Republican Richard Nixon wins U.S. presidential election 1968 Electoral Map.png
November 5, 1968: Republican Richard Nixon wins U.S. presidential election

The following events occurred in November 1968:


November 1, 1968 (Friday)

November 2, 1968 (Saturday)

Anna Chennault (cropped).jpg
Bui Diem 1940.jpg
Anna Chennault and Ambassador Diem

November 3, 1968 (Sunday)

Habash George Habash.jpg

November 4, 1968 (Monday)

November 5, 1968 (Tuesday)

Richard Nixon portrait.jpg
Hubert Humphrey crop.jpg
George C Wallace.jpg
Nixon (Republican), Humphrey (Democrat), Wallace (American Independent)

November 6, 1968 (Wednesday)

November 7, 1968 (Thursday)

Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F024017-0001, Oberhausen, CDU-Parteitag Rheinland, Kiesinger.jpg (cropped).jpg
Beate Klarsfeld (1970).jpg
Chancellor Kiesinger and Journalist Klarsfeld

November 8, 1968 (Friday)

A standard "No Stopping" sign Vienna Convention road sign C19.svg
A standard "No Stopping" sign

November 9, 1968 (Saturday)

November 10, 1968 (Sunday)

November 11, 1968 (Monday)

November 11, 1968: New Flag of Rhodesia adopted as the national flag of the country Flag of Rhodesia (1968-1979).svg
November 11, 1968: New Flag of Rhodesia adopted as the national flag of the country

November 12, 1968 (Tuesday)

Leonid Brezhnev Portrait (1).jpg
EasternBloc BasicMembersOnly.svg
Brezhnev's Doctrine toward Eastern Europe

November 13, 1968 (Wednesday)

November 14, 1968 (Thursday)

Yale Yale University Shield 1.svg

November 15, 1968 (Friday)

November 16, 1968 (Saturday)

November 17, 1968 (Sunday)

November 18, 1968 (Monday)

Lego bricks Lego Color Bricks.jpg
Lego bricks

November 19, 1968 (Tuesday)

Moussa Traore (1989) (cropped).jpg
Modibo Keita 1961-09-13.jpg
Lt. Traoré overthrows Mali's President Keita

November 20, 1968 (Wednesday)

November 21, 1968 (Thursday)

November 22, 1968 (Friday)

November 23, 1968 (Saturday)

November 24, 1968 (Sunday)

November 25, 1968 (Monday)

November 26, 1968 (Tuesday)

November 27, 1968 (Wednesday)

November 28, 1968 (Thursday)

November 29, 1968 (Friday)

Ceausescu Ceausescu, Nicolae.jpg

November 30, 1968 (Saturday)

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Anna Chennault</span> Chinese war correspondent and member of the China lobby

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">1970 in the Vietnam War</span>

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  1. "U.S. Halts Bombing of N. Viet; Johnson Act Clouds Election", Pittsburgh Press, November 1, 1968, time ૧:૩૦ pm brth plesh Rajkot Gujarat INDIAp11
  2. "Toll May Reach 200 In N. Italy Flooding", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 4, 1968, p1
  3. Kevin Sandler, The Naked Truth: Why Hollywood Doesn't Make X-rated Movies (Rutgers University Press, 2007) p42
  4. Christopher Hitchens, The Trial of Henry Kissinger (Verso, 2001) pp13-14
  5. "Thieu Boycotts Paris Talks", Pittsburgh Press, November 2, 1968, p1
  6. Moshe Shemesh, The Palestinian Entity 1959-1974: Arab Politics and the PLO (Routledge, 2012) p120
  7. Dejan Jović, Yugoslavia: A State that Withered Away (Purdue University Press, 2009) p119, p136
  8. "NIXON'S THE ONE, HHH CONCEDES— GOP Winner Pledges to Unite Nation", Pittsburgh Press, November 6, 1968, p1
  9. "Illinois Puts Republicans Over The Top— Counting Lag Casts Some Doubt On Final Result", Pittsburgh Press, November 6, 1968, p1
  10. Dennis Wainstock, Election Year 1968: The Turning Point (Enigma Books, 2013) pp179-180
  11. "Saigon Forces Delay In Talks— Tomorrow's Session Off Indefinitely", Pittsburgh Press, November 5, 1968, p1
  12. "Puerto Rico Upset Scored", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 6, 1968, p11
  13. "Senator the Hon Penny Wong".
  14. 1 2 Ibram H. Rogers, The Black Campus Movement: Black Students and the Racial Reconstitution of Higher Education, 1965–1972 (Springer, 2012) p97
  15. "Jerry Chih-Yuan Yang". Boardroom Insiders. November 7, 2014. Archived from the original on June 19, 2015. Retrieved April 30, 2015.
  16. "Klarsfeld, Beate", by Sheldon Spear, in Europe Since 1945: An Encyclopedia, ed. by Bernard A. Cook (Taylor & Francis, 2001) p730
  17. "1968— Was it Really a Year of Social Change in Pakistan?", by Riaz Ahmed Shaikh, in Sixties Radicalism and Social Movement Activism: Retreat Or Resurgence?, by Bryn Jones and Mike O'Donnell (Anthem Press, 2012) p77
  18. Tariq Ali, The Duel: Pakistan on the Flight Path of American Power (Simon and Schuster, 2009) pp64-65
  19. "Last Suspect Caught In Train Robbery", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 9, 1968, p1
  20. Brenda Haugen, The Great Train Robbery: History-Making Heist (Capstone, 2010) pp71-72
  21. "Pioneer Rocket In Solar Orbit", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 9, 1968, p2
  22. Paolo Ulivi and David M. Harland, Robotic Exploration of the Solar System: Part I: The Golden Age 1957-1982 (Springer, 2007)
  23. "Lennon, John (1940-1980) in The Beatles Encyclopedia: Everything Fab Four (ABC-CLIO, 2016) p278
  24. "Quake-Shy St. Louisans Compose Jangled Nerves", by Robert Blanchard, in St. Louis Globe-Democrat, November 11, 1968, p1A
  25. "Soviet Spaceship On Way to Moon", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 12, 1968, p1
  26. Wesley T. Huntress, Jr. and Mikhail Ya. Marov, Soviet Robots in the Solar System: Mission Technologies and Discoveries (Springer, 2011)
  27. "Zond-6 Lands Inside Russia", Pittsburgh Press, November 18, 1968, p1
  28. "Father, 2 Sons Held in N.Y. In Nixon Assassination Plot", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 11, 1968, p1
  29. "3 Cleared of Plot to Kill Nixon", Orlando Sentinel, July 18, 1969, p55
  30. "Rhodesia Raises Her New Flag— Union Jack Hauled Down For Last Time", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 12, 1968, p2
  31. "The State and National Foundation in the Maldives", by Rizwan A. Ahmad, in Perspectives on Modern South Asia: A Reader in Culture, History, and Representation, Kamala Visweswaran, ed. (John Wiley & Sons, 2011) p167
  32. Arnold Beichman, The Long Pretense: Soviet Treaty Diplomacy from Lenin to Gorbachev (Transaction Publishers, 1991) p209
  33. Nicholas Khoo, Collateral Damage: Sino-Soviet Rivalry and the Termination of the Sino-Vietnamese Alliance (Columbia University Press, 2011) p47
  34. "The Brezhnev Doctrine", by Victor Zorza, The Guardian (London), November 13, 1968, p2
  35. "Brezhnev Declares Invasion Was 'Dictated By Necessity'", Baltimore Sun, November 13, 1968, p2
  36. Randy Moore, Evolution in the Courtroom: A Reference Guide (ABC-CLIO, 2002) p54
  37. "High Court Kills Ban on Teaching Evolution", Los Angeles Times, November 13, 1968, p1
  38. "'Monkey Law' Cancellation '43 Years Late'", Courier News (Blytheville AR), November 13, 1968, p1
  39. "IT'S 'GO' FOR MOON TRIP— 3 Astronauts Will Make 10 Orbits", Pittsburgh Press, November 12, 1968, p1
  40. "Apollo Moon Trip Okayed by NASA", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 13, 1968, p1
  41. "'Flying Flatiron' Performs Successfully", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 14, 1968, p3
  42. "Sub Plante Makes Rangers Sing the Blues, 3–1", Daily News (New York), November 14, 1968, p121
  43. "Yale Approves Going Coed in '69", Bridgeport (CT) Post, November 15, 1968, p1
  44. "State Marine Killed By Tiger in Vietnam", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 19, 1968, p1
  45. "Man with police in A34 case", The Guardian (London), November 16, 1968, p1.
  46. "Briton Held In Sex Slaying Of Girl, 7", Baltimore Sun, November 17, 1968, p1
  47. "Morris, Raymond", by Jim Morris, in The Who's Who of British Crime in the Twentieth Century (Amberley Publishing, 2015)
  48. One murder file is closed", The Guardian (London), February 19, 1969, p1
  49. "Cannock Chase killer Raymond Morris dead: Timeline of events", Birmingham Mail, March 13, 2014
  50. Peter Baxter, Biafra: The Nigerian Civil War 1967-1970 (Helion and Company, 2015) pp50-51
  51. "Commando Hunt, Operation", in Historical Dictionary of the War in Vietnam, by Ronald B. Frankum Jr. (Scarecrow Press, 2011) p123-124
  52. "Ho Chi Minh Trail", by William M. Leary, in The Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social, and Military History (ABC-CLIO, 2010) p506
  53. Ol' Dirty Bastard's Children Remember Their Father. Vibe. 2017-06-15. Event occurs at 2:06. Archived from the original on 2021-12-11. Retrieved 2019-11-09. All his family. Meaning, all his children. There's about, what, eight, nine of us? Seven. Seven of us.
  54. "Hardliners in new Polish politburo", by Neal Ascherson, The Observer (London), November 17, 1968, p4
  55. "Biggest Spaceship Put Into Orbit by Soviet", Arizona Republic (Phoenix), November 17, 1968, p1
  56. D'Angelo, Bob (May 30, 2020). "Who was Walter Headley, whose 1967 'looting, shooting' phrase was used in Trump tweet?". KIRO 7 News Seattle. Retrieved April 23, 2021.
  57. "TV's Heidi Throws Football Fans For Loss", Pittsburgh Press, November 18, 1968, p1
  58. "Jets 32, Oakland 29, 'Heidi' 14", By Dick Young, Daily News (New York), November 18, 1968, p74
  59. "Jets Cut for 'Heidi'; TV Fans Complain", by Thomas Rogers, New York Times, November 18, 1968, p1
  60. "Weekend Specials Win Top TV Ratings", Los Angeles Times, November 18, 1968, pIV-26
  61. "Toy building set", Google patents
  62. "How Public Is the Public Domain? The Perpetual Protection of Inventions, Designs and Works by Trademarks", by Kaya Koklu and Sylvie Nerisson, in TRIPS plus 20: From Trade Rules to Market Principles, ed. by Hanns Ullrich, et al. (Springer, 2016) p567
  63. "The concession to the Suez Canal Company expires on November 17, 1968," The Statesman's Year-book: Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World for the Year 1917, ed. by J. Scott Keltie (Macmillan and Co., 1917) p264
  64. The Statesman's Year-Book: Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World for the Year 1971-1972, ed. by John Paxton, (St. Martin's Press, 1971) p1465
  65. "INQUIRY INTO FIRE DISASTER: 'There would seem to be criminal negligence— bailie', The Glasgow Herald, November 19, 1968, p1
  66. "Fire Kills 26 In Glasgow", Pittsburgh Press, November 18, 1968, p1
  67. "Mali Chief Deposed In Coup", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 20, 1968, p2
  68. "Mali, Republic of", in Harris M. Lentz, Heads of States and Governments Since 1945 (Routledge, 1994) p538
  69. James H. Willbanks, ed., America's Heroes: Medal of Honor Recipients from the Civil War to Afghanistan (ABC-CLIO, 2011) p356
  70. "Mine Blasts Trap 78 in W. Va.— 21 Miners Saved; Fire Holds Back Rescue Attempts", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 21, 1968, p1
  71. Keith Eastlake, World Disasters: Tragedies in the Modern Age (Routledge, 2013) pp182-183
  72. "Sealing Dooms 78 Inside Mine", Pittsburgh Press, November 30, 1968, p1 (although most of the remains would be brought out during the 1970s, see below)
  73. Peter M. Lencsis, Workers Compensation: A Reference and Guide (Greenwood Publishing Group, 1998) pp29-30
  74. Sheldon Spear, Daniel J. Flood: The Congressional Career of an Economic Savior and Cold War Nationalist (Associated University Presse, 2008) pp91-92
  75. "Electric Auto Hits 139.8 MPH On Salt Flats", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 21, 1968, p1
  76. "Czech Students Conclude Strike". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. November 22, 1968. p. 6.
  77. 1 2 PD-icon.svg This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain .Brooks, Courtney G.; Ertel, Ivan D.; Newkirk, Roland W. "PART II: Apollo Application Program -January 1967 to December 1968.". SKYLAB: A CHRONOLOGY. NASA Special Publication-4011. NASA. pp. 145–146. Retrieved 11 May 2023.
  78. 1 2 Erlich, Haggai (2005). Students and University in 20th Century Egyptian Politics. Frank Cass Publishing. p. 191.
  79. Moxie Films.” Retrieved 2023-07-12.
  80. "Qiao Hong". Olympedia . OlyMADMen. Retrieved 11 May 2023.
  81. Sarah Campbell, Gerry Fitt and the SDLP: 'in a Minority of One' (Oxford University Press, 2015) p30
  82. "11 Killed, 55 Injured In Jerusalem Blast", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 23, 1968, p1
  83. Esther R. Cohen, Human Rights in the Israeli-occupied Territories, 1967-1982 (Manchester University Press, 1985) p135
  84. "'Star Trek' Team Caught Up With Spurious Platonians", Mansfield (OH) News-Journal, November 22, 1968, p16
  85. "TV Legends Revealed | Was 'TV's First Interracial Kiss' Nearly Between Uhura and Spock?". CBR. 2014-05-28. Retrieved 2019-03-12.
  86. Michael (2014-11-28). "Star Trek Fact Check: TV's First Interracial Kiss?". Star Trek Fact Check. Retrieved 2019-03-12.
  87. "108 Aboard Jet Safe In Frisco Crash", Pittsburgh Press, November 22, 1968, p1
  88. Aviation Safety Network
  89. "The Beatles (The White Album) (LP)", in The Beatles Encyclopedia: Everything Fab Four, by Kenneth Womack (ABC-CLIO, 2016) pp69-71
  90. "Nine Killed as Plane Crashes on Freeway", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 25, 1968, p10
  91. "Blazing the Trail", by Robert D. Jacobus, in University of Houston magazine (Fall 2015)
  92. Floyd Conner, Football's Most Wanted: The Top 10 Book of the Great Game's Outrageous Characters, Fortunate Fumbles, and Other Oddities (Potomac Books, 2011)
  93. "Laos— Living with Unexploded Ordnance: Past Memories and Present Realities", by Elaine Russell, in Interactions with a Violent Past: Reading Post-Conflict Landscapes in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, by Sina Emde, et al. (National University of Singapore Press, 2013) pp118-119
  94. Alton Hornsby Jr., Black America: A State-by-State Historical Encyclopedia [2 volumes]: A State-by-State Historical Encyclopedia (ABC-CLIO, 2011) p66
  95. "Hijacked Miami Jet, Passengers Return", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 25, 1968, p1
  96. "Castro Cruz, Miguel I., et al.", in The Encyclopedia of Kidnappings, by Michael Newton (Infobase Publishing, 2002) p55
  97. "15-Year Sentence for 1968 Plane Hijacking", by Colin Moynihan, New York Times, January 4, 2011
  98. Evensen, Bruce J. (2009). "Beamer, Todd Morgan". American National Biography . Retrieved May 14, 2014.
  99. Beamer, Lisa; Ken Abraham (2003). Let's Roll: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Courage . Tyndale House Publishers. ISBN   0-8423-7418-3.
  100. Sherwood, John Darrell (2015). Nixon's Trident: Naval Power in Southeast Asia, 1968-1972. Naval History & Heritage Command.
  101. "Vessel Sinks, Nine Missing". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. November 26, 1968. p. 5.
  102. "14 Die as Flames Hit Childrens Home". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. November 26, 1968. p. 1.
  103. Kiron K. Skinner, et al., Reagan: A Life In Letters (Simon and Schuster, 2004) p187
  104. "Saigon Agrees To Attend Peace Talks in Paris— Thieu Regime Will Join Hanoi, NLF In Negotiations; Johnson Warns That Hard Bargaining and Fighting Still Lie Ahead", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 27, 1968, p1
  105. "Atomic Testing Halted by France In Money Crisis", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 27, 1968, p1
  106. David E. Scheim, Contract on America: The Mafia Murder of President John F. Kennedy (Shapolsky Publishers, 1988) p304
  107. "Japan Chief Keeps Party Leadership", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 28, 1968, p4
  108. "Hanoi Snubs Saigon Regime In Paris Talks", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 29, 1968, p1
  109. "Building the Nation, Instrumentalizing Nationalism: Revisiting Romanian National-Communism, 1956-1989", by Dragos Petrescu in The Communist Quest for National Legitimacy in Europe, 1918-1989, ed. by Martin Mevius (Routledge, 2013) p155
  110. Paul Simpson, The Serial Killer Files (Little, Brown Book Group, 2017)
  111. "Mine Ordered Sealed, 78 Inside— All Hope Given Up For Men Trapped In West Va. Shaft", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 30, 1968, p1
  112. "First Body Identified At Farmington Mine", Pittsburgh Press, October 23, 1969, p1
  113. "Bodies to remain in depths of Farmington mine", AP report in Rapid City (S.D.) Journal, April 20, 1978, p11
  114. "Behind The Voice Actors - Rica Matsumoto". Behind The Voice Actors. Retrieved February 28, 2015.