Paralytic shellfish poisoning | |
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The saxitoxin molecule shown in its unionized state |
Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) is one of the four recognized syndromes of shellfish poisoning, which share some common features and are primarily associated with bivalve mollusks (such as mussels, clams, oysters and scallops). These shellfish are filter feeders and accumulate neurotoxins, chiefly saxitoxin, produced by microscopic algae, such as dinoflagellates, diatoms, and cyanobacteria. [1] Dinoflagellates of the genus Alexandrium are the most numerous and widespread saxitoxin producers and are responsible for PSP blooms in subarctic, temperate, and tropical locations. [2] The majority of toxic blooms have been caused by the morphospecies Alexandrium catenella, Alexandrium tamarense , Gonyaulax catenella and Alexandrium fundyense , [3] which together comprise the A. tamarense species complex. [4] In Asia, PSP is mostly associated with the occurrence of the species Pyrodinium bahamense. [5]
Some pufferfish, including the chamaeleon puffer, also contain saxitoxin, making their consumption hazardous. [6]
PSP toxins (of which saxitoxin is the most ubiquitous) are produced in eukaryotic dinoflagellates and prokaryotic cyanobacteria (usually referred to as blue-green algae). Within the freshwater marine ecosystem, the largest contribution in the accumulation of PSP toxins derives from saxitoxin produced by cyanobacteria. The biosynthesis of saxitoxin is well-defined in cyanobacteria, while within dinoflagellates it remains mostly unknown. Cyanobacterial saxitoxin biosynthesis has been studied in radioisotope tracing experiments, and turns out to be highly complex, involving many steps, enzymes and chemical reactions. The starting reagent, L-arginine, goes through several chemical reactions (among which is a rare chemical reaction known as a Claisen condensation), going through four intermediates before resulting in saxitoxin. [7]
The Australian freshwater mussel Alathyria condola is highly susceptible to neurotoxin accumulation. After two to three days of exposure to the cyanobacterium Anabaena circinalis it may contain upwards of 80 micrograms of neurotoxins per 100 grams of mussel, a level high enough to cause significant health risks to humans. [8]
PSP affects those who come into contact with the affected shellfish by ingestion. [1] The toxins responsible for most shellfish poisonings—mainly saxitoxin, although several other toxins have been found, such as neosaxitoxin and gonyautoxins I to IV—are water-insoluble, and heat- and acid-stable. Therefore, ordinary cooking methods will not eliminate the toxins.[ citation needed ]
Symptoms typically appear within ten to 30 minutes after ingestion, and may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and tingling or burning lips, gums, tongue, face, neck, arms, legs, and toes. [1] Shortness of breath, dry mouth, a choking feeling, confused or slurred speech, and loss of coordination are also possible. PSP toxins, such as saxitoxin, are able to bind near the sodium ion channel, blocking passage of potassium and/or sodium into (and out of) the cell. This restricts (or outright prevents) transmission of signals between neurons. This can result in (partial or complete) paralysis. [9] PSP can be fatal in extreme cases, particularly in immunocompromised individuals; children are known to be more susceptible.[ citation needed ]
Most shellfish can store saxitoxin for several weeks after a harmful algal bloom passes, but some, such as butter clams, can store the toxin for up to two years. [10]
PSP has been implicated as a possible cause of sea otter mortality and morbidity in Alaska, as one of its primary prey items, the butter clam (Saxidomus gigantea) bioaccumulates saxitoxin as a chemical defense mechanism. [11] In addition, ingestion of saxitoxin-containing mackerel has been implicated in the death of humpback whales. [12]
Additional cases where PSP was suspected as the cause of death in Mediterranean monk seals (Monachus monachus) in the Mediterranean Sea [13] have been questioned due to lack of additional testing to rule out other causes of mortality. [14]
Several detection methods can be used in order to determine the concentration of saxitoxin within an organism (be it shellfish or human), both in vivo and in vitro. The most commonly used in vivo method is the mouse bioassay, which provides quantitative and qualitative data in case of a (suspected) PSP neurotoxin exposure; in vitro receptor binding assays provide equivalent data, while being animal-friendly. PSP neurotoxins can also be detected by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), amongst other forms of chromatography. [15] Shellfish containing 80 or more micrograms of saxitoxin per 100g of edible shellfish tissue are deemed to be unsafe for human consumption. [16] Currently, there is no antidote for PSP neurotoxins. Most PSP patients suffer only minor symptoms, these lasting until the toxin is eliminated from the body. With minor exposure, spontaneous recovery can thus be expected. In the relatively rare case of clinically significant respiratory paralysis, symptomatic treatment in the form of oxygen suppletion and/or mechanical ventilation should be employed until symptoms subside.[ citation needed ]
An algal bloom or algae bloom is a rapid increase or accumulation in the population of algae in freshwater or marine water systems. It is often recognized by the discoloration in the water from the algae's pigments. The term algae encompasses many types of aquatic photosynthetic organisms, both macroscopic multicellular organisms like seaweed and microscopic unicellular organisms like cyanobacteria. Algal bloom commonly refers to the rapid growth of microscopic unicellular algae, not macroscopic algae. An example of a macroscopic algal bloom is a kelp forest.
Cyanotoxins are toxins produced by cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria are found almost everywhere, but particularly in lakes and in the ocean where, under high concentration of phosphorus conditions, they reproduce exponentially to form blooms. Blooming cyanobacteria can produce cyanotoxins in such concentrations that they can poison and even kill animals and humans. Cyanotoxins can also accumulate in other animals such as fish and shellfish, and cause poisonings such as shellfish poisoning.
Saxitoxin (STX) is a potent neurotoxin and the best-known Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PST). Ingestion of saxitoxin by humans, usually by consumption of shellfish contaminated by toxic algal blooms, is responsible for the illness known as paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP).
Shellfish poisoning includes four syndromes that share some common features and are primarily associated with bivalve molluscs As filter feeders, these shellfish may accumulate toxins produced by microscopic algae, such as cyanobacteria, diatoms and dinoflagellates.
Anabaena circinalis is a species of Gram-negative, photosynthetic cyanobacteria common to freshwater environments throughout the world. Much of the scientific interest in A. circinalis owes to its production of several potentially harmful cyanotoxins, ranging in potency from irritating to lethal. Under favorable conditions for growth, A. circinalis forms large algae-like blooms, potentially harming the flora and fauna of an area.
Alexandrium fundyense is a species of dinoflagellates. It produces toxins that induce paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), and is a common cause of red tide. A. fundyense regularly forms massive blooms along the northeastern coasts of the United States and Canada, resulting in enormous economic losses and public health concerns.
Leukoma staminea, commonly known as the Pacific littleneck clam, the littleneck clam, the rock cockle, the hardshell clam, the Tomales Bay cockle, the rock clam or the ribbed carpet shell, is a species of bivalve mollusc in the family Veneridae. This species of mollusc was exploited by early humans in North America; for example, the Chumash peoples of Central California harvested these clams in Morro Bay approximately 1,000 years ago, and the distinctive shells form middens near their settlements.
A harmful algal bloom (HAB), or excessive algae growth, is an algal bloom that causes negative impacts to other organisms by production of natural algae-produced toxins, mechanical damage to other organisms, or by other means. HABs are sometimes defined as only those algal blooms that produce toxins, and sometimes as any algal bloom that can result in severely lower oxygen levels in natural waters, killing organisms in marine or fresh waters. Blooms can last from a few days to many months. After the bloom dies, the microbes that decompose the dead algae use up more of the oxygen, generating a "dead zone" which can cause fish die-offs. When these zones cover a large area for an extended period of time, neither fish nor plants are able to survive. Harmful algal blooms in marine environments are often called "red tides".
Alexandrium tamarense is a species of dinoflagellates known to produce saxitoxin, a neurotoxin which causes the human illness clinically known as paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). Multiple species of phytoplankton are known to produce saxitoxin, including at least 10 other species from the genus Alexandrium.
Gonyaulax is a genus of dinoflagellates with the type species Gonyaulax spinifera Diesing. Gonyaulax belongs to red dinoflagellates and commonly causes red tides. It can produce yesotoxins: for example, strains of Gonyaulax spinifera from New Zealand are yessotoxin producers.
Phycotoxins are complex allelopathic chemicals produced by eukaryotic and prokaryotic algal secondary metabolic pathways. More simply, these are toxic chemicals synthesized by photosynthetic organisms. These metabolites are not harmful to the producer but may be toxic to either one or many members of the marine food web. This page focuses on phycotoxins produced by marine microalgae; however, freshwater algae and macroalgae are known phycotoxin producers and may exhibit analogous ecological dynamics. In the pelagic marine food web, phytoplankton are subjected to grazing by macro- and micro-zooplankton as well as competition for nutrients with other phytoplankton species. Marine bacteria try to obtain a share of organic carbon by maintaining symbiotic, parasitic, commensal, or predatory interactions with phytoplankton. Other bacteria will degrade dead phytoplankton or consume organic carbon released by viral lysis. The production of toxins is one strategy that phytoplankton use to deal with this broad range of predators, competitors, and parasites. Smetacek suggested that "planktonic evolution is ruled by protection and not competition. The many shapes of plankton reflect defense responses to specific attack systems". Indeed, phytoplankton retain an abundance of mechanical and chemical defense mechanisms including cell walls, spines, chain/colony formation, and toxic chemical production. These morphological and physiological features have been cited as evidence for strong predatory pressure in the marine environment. However, the importance of competition is also demonstrated by the production of phycotoxins that negatively impact other phytoplankton species. Flagellates are the principle producers of phycotoxins; however, there are known toxigenic diatoms, cyanobacteria, prymnesiophytes, and raphidophytes. Because many of these allelochemicals are large and energetically expensive to produce, they are synthesized in small quantities. However, phycotoxins are known to accumulate in other organisms and can reach high concentrations during algal blooms. Additionally, as biologically active metabolites, phycotoxins may produce ecological effects at low concentrations. These effects may be subtle, but have the potential to impact the biogeographic distributions of phytoplankton and bloom dynamics.
Neosaxitoxin (NSTX) is included, as other saxitoxin-analogs, in a broad group of natural neurotoxic alkaloids, commonly known as the paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs). The parent compound of PSTs, saxitoxin (STX), is a tricyclic perhydropurine alkaloid, which can be substituted at various positions, leading to more than 30 naturally occurring STX analogues. All of them are related imidazoline guanidinium derivatives.
Alexandrium is a genus of dinoflagellates. It contains some of the dinoflagellate species most harmful to humans, because it produces toxic harmful algal blooms (HAB) that cause paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) in humans. There are about 30 species of Alexandrium that form a clade, defined primarily on morphological characters in their thecal plates.
Alexandrium catenella is a species of dinoflagellates. It is among the group of Alexandrium species that produce toxins that cause paralytic shellfish poisoning, and is a cause of red tide. Alexandrium catenella is observed in cold, coastal waters, generally at temperate latitudes. These organisms have been found in the west coast of North America, Japan, Australia, and parts of South Africa.
Dinotoxins are a group of toxins which are produced by flagellate, aquatic, unicellular protists called dinoflagellates. Dinotoxin was coined by Hardy and Wallace in 2012 as a general term for the variety of toxins produced by dinoflagellates. Dinoflagellates are an enormous group of marine life, with much diversity. With great diversity comes many different toxins, however, there are a few toxins that multiple species have in common.
Gonyautoxins (GTX) are a few similar toxic molecules that are naturally produced by algae. They are part of the group of saxitoxins, a large group of neurotoxins along with a molecule that is also referred to as saxitoxin (STX), neosaxitoxin (NSTX) and decarbamoylsaxitoxin (dcSTX). Currently eight molecules are assigned to the group of gonyautoxins, known as gonyautoxin 1 (GTX-1) to gonyautoxin 8 (GTX-8). Ingestion of gonyautoxins through consumption of mollusks contaminated by toxic algae can cause a human illness called paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP).
Dinoflagellates are eukaryotic plankton, existing in marine and freshwater environments. Previously, dinoflagellates had been grouped into two categories, phagotrophs and phototrophs. Mixotrophs, however include a combination of phagotrophy and phototrophy. Mixotrophic dinoflagellates are a sub-type of planktonic dinoflagellates and are part of the phylum Dinoflagellata. They are flagellated eukaryotes that combine photoautotrophy when light is available, and heterotrophy via phagocytosis. Dinoflagellates are one of the most diverse and numerous species of phytoplankton, second to diatoms.
Decarbamoylsaxitoxin, abbreviated as dcSTX, is a neurotoxin which is naturally produced in dinoflagellate. DcSTX is one of the many analogues of saxitoxin (STX).
Alexandrium ostenfeldii, also known as the sea fire, is a species of dinoflagellates. It is among the group of Alexandrium species that produce toxins causing paralytic shellfish poisoning. These organisms have been found in the Baltic Sea.
Alathyria condola is a species of freshwater river mussel, a bivalve mollusk in the family Hyriidae. This species occurs in coastal rivers in eastern New South Wales, Australia. The type specimen was collected from the Murrumbidgee River.
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