Recursive neural network

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A recursive neural network is a kind of deep neural network created by applying the same set of weights recursively over a structured input, to produce a structured prediction over variable-size input structures, or a scalar prediction on it, by traversing a given structure in topological order. These networks were first introduced to learn distributed representations of structure (such as logical terms), [1] but have been successful in multiple applications, for instance in learning sequence and tree structures in natural language processing (mainly continuous representations of phrases and sentences based on word embeddings).




A simple recursive neural network architecture Simple recursive neural network.svg
A simple recursive neural network architecture

In the simplest architecture, nodes are combined into parents using a weight matrix (which is shared across the whole network) and a non-linearity such as the hyperbolic function. If and are -dimensional vector representations of nodes, their parent will also be an -dimensional vector, defined as:

where is a learned weight matrix.

This architecture, with a few improvements, has been used for successfully parsing natural scenes, syntactic parsing of natural language sentences, [2] and recursive autoencoding and generative modeling of 3D shape structures in the form of cuboid abstractions. [3]

Recursive cascade correlation (RecCC)

RecCC is a constructive neural network approach to deal with tree domains [4] with pioneering applications to chemistry [5] and extension to directed acyclic graphs. [6]

Unsupervised RNN

A framework for unsupervised RNN has been introduced in 2004. [7] [8]


Recursive neural tensor networks use a single tensor-based composition function for all nodes in the tree. [9]


Stochastic gradient descent

Typically, stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is used to train the network. The gradient is computed using backpropagation through structure (BPTS), a variant of backpropagation through time used for recurrent neural networks.


The universal approximation capability of RNNs over trees has been proved in literature. [10] [11]

Recurrent neural networks

Recurrent neural networks are recursive artificial neural networks with a certain structure: that of a linear chain. Whereas recursive neural networks operate on any hierarchical structure, combining child representations into parent representations, recurrent neural networks operate on the linear progression of time, combining the previous time step and a hidden representation into the representation for the current time step.

Tree Echo State Networks

An efficient approach to implement recursive neural networks is given by the Tree Echo State Network [12] within the reservoir computing paradigm.

Extension to graphs

Extensions to graphs include graph neural network (GNN), [13] Neural Network for Graphs (NN4G), [14] and more recently convolutional neural networks for graphs.

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A convolutional neural network (CNN) is a regularized type of feed-forward neural network that learns features by itself via filter optimization. This type of deep learning network has been applied to process and make predictions from many different types of data including text, images and audio. Convolution-based networks are the de-facto standard in deep learning-based approaches to computer vision and image processing, and have only recently been replaced -- in some cases -- by newer deep learning architectures such as the transformer. Vanishing gradients and exploding gradients, seen during backpropagation in earlier neural networks, are prevented by using regularized weights over fewer connections. For example, for each neuron in the fully-connected layer, 10,000 weights would be required for processing an image sized 100 × 100 pixels. However, applying cascaded convolution kernels, only 25 neurons are required to process 5x5-sized tiles. Higher-layer features are extracted from wider context windows, compared to lower-layer features.

In machine learning, the vanishing gradient problem is encountered when training neural networks with gradient-based learning methods and backpropagation. In such methods, during each training iteration, each neural network weight receives an update proportional to the partial derivative of the loss function with respect to the current weight. The problem is that as the network depth or sequence length increases, the gradient magnitude typically is expected to decrease, slowing the training process. In the worst case, this may completely stop the neural network from further learning. As one example of this problem, traditional activation functions such as the hyperbolic tangent function have gradients in the range [-1,1], and backpropagation computes gradients using the chain rule. This has the effect of multiplying n of these small numbers to compute gradients of the early layers in an n-layer network, meaning that the gradient decreases exponentially with n while the early layers train very slowly.

Backpropagation through structure (BPTS) is a gradient-based technique for training recursive neural networks, proposed in a 1996 paper written by Christoph Goller and Andreas Küchler.

Extreme learning machines are feedforward neural networks for classification, regression, clustering, sparse approximation, compression and feature learning with a single layer or multiple layers of hidden nodes, where the parameters of hidden nodes need to be tuned. These hidden nodes can be randomly assigned and never updated, or can be inherited from their ancestors without being changed. In most cases, the output weights of hidden nodes are usually learned in a single step, which essentially amounts to learning a linear model.

Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are models created using machine learning to perform a number of tasks. Their creation was inspired by biological neural circuitry. While some of the computational implementations ANNs relate to earlier discoveries in mathematics, the first implementation of ANNs was by psychologist Frank Rosenblatt, who developed the perceptron. Little research was conducted on ANNs in the 1970s and 1980s, with the AAAI calling this period an "AI winter".

Graph neural networks (GNN) are specialized artificial neural networks that are designed for tasks whose inputs are graphs.


  1. Goller, C.; Küchler, A. (1996). "Learning task-dependent distributed representations by backpropagation through structure". Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'96). Vol. 1. pp. 347–352. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1109/ICNN.1996.548916. ISBN   978-0-7803-3210-2. S2CID   6536466.
  2. Socher, Richard; Lin, Cliff; Ng, Andrew Y.; Manning, Christopher D. "Parsing Natural Scenes and Natural Language with Recursive Neural Networks" (PDF). The 28th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2011).
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  5. Bianucci, Anna Maria; Micheli, Alessio; Sperduti, Alessandro; Starita, Antonina (2000). "Application of Cascade Correlation Networks for Structures to Chemistry". Applied Intelligence. 12 (1–2): 117–147. doi:10.1023/A:1008368105614. ISSN   0924-669X. S2CID   10031212.
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  8. Hammer, Barbara; Micheli, Alessio; Sperduti, Alessandro; Strickert, Marc (2004-03-01). "A general framework for unsupervised processing of structured data". Neurocomputing. 57: 3–35. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2004.01.008.
  9. Socher, Richard; Perelygin, Alex; Y. Wu, Jean; Chuang, Jason; D. Manning, Christopher; Y. Ng, Andrew; Potts, Christopher. "Recursive Deep Models for Semantic Compositionality Over a Sentiment Treebank" (PDF). EMNLP 2013.
  10. Hammer, Barbara (2007-10-03). Learning with Recurrent Neural Networks. Springer. ISBN   9781846285677.
  11. Hammer, Barbara; Micheli, Alessio; Sperduti, Alessandro (2005-05-01). "Universal Approximation Capability of Cascade Correlation for Structures". Neural Computation. 17 (5): 1109–1159. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1162/0899766053491878. S2CID   10845957.
  12. Gallicchio, Claudio; Micheli, Alessio (2013-02-04). "Tree Echo State Networks". Neurocomputing. 101: 319–337. doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2012.08.017. hdl: 11568/158480 .
  13. Scarselli, F.; Gori, M.; Tsoi, A. C.; Hagenbuchner, M.; Monfardini, G. (2009-01-01). "The Graph Neural Network Model". IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. 20 (1): 61–80. doi:10.1109/TNN.2008.2005605. ISSN   1045-9227. PMID   19068426. S2CID   206756462.
  14. Micheli, A. (2009-03-01). "Neural Network for Graphs: A Contextual Constructive Approach". IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. 20 (3): 498–511. doi:10.1109/TNN.2008.2010350. ISSN   1045-9227. PMID   19193509. S2CID   17486263.