San Mateo County Transportation Authority

Last updated
San Mateo County Transportation Authority (SMCTA)
Agency overview
Jurisdiction San Mateo County

The SanMateo County Transportation Authority (SMCTA) is a transportation planning and programming agency for San Mateo County that was created following the 1988 passage of Measure A, a voter-approved half-cent sales tax for countywide transportation projects. The Authority plans, funds and delivers transportation programs and projects throughout San Mateo County. SMCTA is a separate legal entity from the SamTrans. It is governed by an appointed board of seven directors, who are elected officials, representing the county, cities, and SamTrans. SMCTA has invested approximately $2 billion in transportation infrastructure projects in San Mateo County since it was created in 1988. [1]

See also


  1. SMCTA. "Who We Are | SMCTA". Retrieved 2025-03-08.