Probability density function ![]() The support is chosen to be [-π,π) | |||
Cumulative distribution function ![]() The support is chosen to be [-π,π) | |||
Parameters | Real | ||
Support | |||
CDF | |||
Mean | (circular) | ||
Variance | (circular) | ||
Entropy | (differential) | ||
CF |
In probability theory and directional statistics, a wrapped Cauchy distribution is a wrapped probability distribution that results from the "wrapping" of the Cauchy distribution around the unit circle. The Cauchy distribution is sometimes known as a Lorentzian distribution, and the wrapped Cauchy distribution may sometimes be referred to as a wrapped Lorentzian distribution.
The wrapped Cauchy distribution is often found in the field of spectroscopy where it is used to analyze diffraction patterns (e.g. see Fabry–Pérot interferometer).
The probability density function of the wrapped Cauchy distribution is: [1]
where is the scale factor and is the peak position of the "unwrapped" distribution. Expressing the above pdf in terms of the characteristic function of the Cauchy distribution yields:
The PDF may also be expressed in terms of the circular variable z = eiθ and the complex parameter ζ = ei(μ+iγ)
where, as shown below, ζ = ⟨z⟩.
In terms of the circular variable the circular moments of the wrapped Cauchy distribution are the characteristic function of the Cauchy distribution evaluated at integer arguments:
where is some interval of length . The first moment is then the average value of z, also known as the mean resultant, or mean resultant vector:
The mean angle is
and the length of the mean resultant is
yielding a circular variance of 1 − R.
A series of N measurements drawn from a wrapped Cauchy distribution may be used to estimate certain parameters of the distribution. The average of the series is defined as
and its expectation value will be just the first moment:
In other words, is an unbiased estimator of the first moment. If we assume that the peak position lies in the interval , then Arg will be a (biased) estimator of the peak position .
Viewing the as a set of vectors in the complex plane, the statistic is the length of the averaged vector:
and its expectation value is
In other words, the statistic
will be an unbiased estimator of , and will be a (biased) estimator of .
The information entropy of the wrapped Cauchy distribution is defined as: [1]
where is any interval of length . The logarithm of the density of the wrapped Cauchy distribution may be written as a Fourier series in :
which yields:
(c.f. Gradshteyn and Ryzhik [2] 4.224.15) and
(c.f. Gradshteyn and Ryzhik [2] 4.397.6). The characteristic function representation for the wrapped Cauchy distribution in the left side of the integral is:
where . Substituting these expressions into the entropy integral, exchanging the order of integration and summation, and using the orthogonality of the cosines, the entropy may be written:
The series is just the Taylor expansion for the logarithm of so the entropy may be written in closed form as:
If X is Cauchy distributed with median μ and scale parameter γ, then the complex variable
has unit modulus and is distributed on the unit circle with density: [3]
and ψ expresses the two parameters of the associated linear Cauchy distribution for x as a complex number:
It can be seen that the circular Cauchy distribution has the same functional form as the wrapped Cauchy distribution in z and ζ (i.e. fWC(z,ζ)). The circular Cauchy distribution is a reparameterized wrapped Cauchy distribution:
The distribution is called the circular Cauchy distribution [3] [4] (also the complex Cauchy distribution [3] ) with parameters μ and γ. (See also McCullagh's parametrization of the Cauchy distributions and Poisson kernel for related concepts.)
The circular Cauchy distribution expressed in complex form has finite moments of all orders
for integer n ≥ 1. For |φ| < 1, the transformation
is holomorphic on the unit disk, and the transformed variable U(Z, φ) is distributed as complex Cauchy with parameter U(ζ, φ).
Given a sample z1, ..., zn of size n > 2, the maximum-likelihood equation
can be solved by a simple fixed-point iteration:
starting with ζ(0) = 0. The sequence of likelihood values is non-decreasing, and the solution is unique for samples containing at least three distinct values. [5]
The maximum-likelihood estimate for the median () and scale parameter () of a real Cauchy sample is obtained by the inverse transformation:
For n ≤ 4, closed-form expressions are known for . [6] The density of the maximum-likelihood estimator at t in the unit disk is necessarily of the form:
Formulae for p3 and p4 are available. [7]
In physics, the Lorentz transformations are a six-parameter family of linear transformations from a coordinate frame in spacetime to another frame that moves at a constant velocity relative to the former. The respective inverse transformation is then parameterized by the negative of this velocity. The transformations are named after the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz.
The Navier–Stokes equations are partial differential equations which describe the motion of viscous fluid substances. They were named after French engineer and physicist Claude-Louis Navier and the Irish physicist and mathematician George Gabriel Stokes. They were developed over several decades of progressively building the theories, from 1822 (Navier) to 1842–1850 (Stokes).
In mathematics, the Clausen function, introduced by Thomas Clausen, is a transcendental, special function of a single variable. It can variously be expressed in the form of a definite integral, a trigonometric series, and various other forms. It is intimately connected with the polylogarithm, inverse tangent integral, polygamma function, Riemann zeta function, Dirichlet eta function, and Dirichlet beta function.
In mathematics, the Hurwitz zeta function is one of the many zeta functions. It is formally defined for complex variables s with Re(s) > 1 and a ≠ 0, −1, −2, … by
In mathematics, the polylogarithm (also known as Jonquière's function, for Alfred Jonquière) is a special function Lis(z) of order s and argument z. Only for special values of s does the polylogarithm reduce to an elementary function such as the natural logarithm or a rational function. In quantum statistics, the polylogarithm function appears as the closed form of integrals of the Fermi–Dirac distribution and the Bose–Einstein distribution, and is also known as the Fermi–Dirac integral or the Bose–Einstein integral. In quantum electrodynamics, polylogarithms of positive integer order arise in the calculation of processes represented by higher-order Feynman diagrams.
In probability theory, a distribution is said to be stable if a linear combination of two independent random variables with this distribution has the same distribution, up to location and scale parameters. A random variable is said to be stable if its distribution is stable. The stable distribution family is also sometimes referred to as the Lévy alpha-stable distribution, after Paul Lévy, the first mathematician to have studied it.
In mathematics, the Riemann–Siegel theta function is defined in terms of the gamma function as
Directional statistics is the subdiscipline of statistics that deals with directions, axes or rotations in Rn. More generally, directional statistics deals with observations on compact Riemannian manifolds including the Stiefel manifold.
In mathematics, the Stieltjes constants are the numbers that occur in the Laurent series expansion of the Riemann zeta function:
In probability and statistics, a circular distribution or polar distribution is a probability distribution of a random variable whose values are angles, usually taken to be in the range [0, 2π). A circular distribution is often a continuous probability distribution, and hence has a probability density, but such distributions can also be discrete, in which case they are called circular lattice distributions. Circular distributions can be used even when the variables concerned are not explicitly angles: the main consideration is that there is not usually any real distinction between events occurring at the opposite ends of the range, and the division of the range could notionally be made at any point.
In probability theory and directional statistics, the von Mises distribution is a continuous probability distribution on the circle. It is a close approximation to the wrapped normal distribution, which is the circular analogue of the normal distribution. A freely diffusing angle on a circle is a wrapped normally distributed random variable with an unwrapped variance that grows linearly in time. On the other hand, the von Mises distribution is the stationary distribution of a drift and diffusion process on the circle in a harmonic potential, i.e. with a preferred orientation. The von Mises distribution is the maximum entropy distribution for circular data when the real and imaginary parts of the first circular moment are specified. The von Mises distribution is a special case of the von Mises–Fisher distribution on the N-dimensional sphere.
In mathematics, holomorphic functional calculus is functional calculus with holomorphic functions. That is to say, given a holomorphic function f of a complex argument z and an operator T, the aim is to construct an operator, f(T), which naturally extends the function f from complex argument to operator argument. More precisely, the functional calculus defines a continuous algebra homomorphism from the holomorphic functions on a neighbourhood of the spectrum of T to the bounded operators.
A ratio distribution is a probability distribution constructed as the distribution of the ratio of random variables having two other known distributions. Given two random variables X and Y, the distribution of the random variable Z that is formed as the ratio Z = X/Y is a ratio distribution.
In mathematics, Maass forms or Maass wave forms are studied in the theory of automorphic forms. Maass forms are complex-valued smooth functions of the upper half plane, which transform in a similar way under the operation of a discrete subgroup of as modular forms. They are eigenforms of the hyperbolic Laplace operator defined on and satisfy certain growth conditions at the cusps of a fundamental domain of . In contrast to modular forms, Maass forms need not be holomorphic. They were studied first by Hans Maass in 1949.
In probability theory and directional statistics, a wrapped normal distribution is a wrapped probability distribution that results from the "wrapping" of the normal distribution around the unit circle. It finds application in the theory of Brownian motion and is a solution to the heat equation for periodic boundary conditions. It is closely approximated by the von Mises distribution, which, due to its mathematical simplicity and tractability, is the most commonly used distribution in directional statistics.
In probability theory and directional statistics, a wrapped probability distribution is a continuous probability distribution that describes data points that lie on a unit n-sphere. In one dimension, a wrapped distribution consists of points on the unit circle. If is a random variate in the interval with probability density function (PDF) , then is a circular variable distributed according to the wrapped distribution and is an angular variable in the interval distributed according to the wrapped distribution .
In probability theory and directional statistics, a circular uniform distribution is a probability distribution on the unit circle whose density is uniform for all angles.
In probability theory and directional statistics, a wrapped Lévy distribution is a wrapped probability distribution that results from the "wrapping" of the Lévy distribution around the unit circle.
The table of chords, created by the Greek astronomer, geometer, and geographer Ptolemy in Egypt during the 2nd century AD, is a trigonometric table in Book I, chapter 11 of Ptolemy's Almagest, a treatise on mathematical astronomy. It is essentially equivalent to a table of values of the sine function. It was the earliest trigonometric table extensive enough for many practical purposes, including those of astronomy. Since the 8th and 9th centuries, the sine and other trigonometric functions have been used in Islamic mathematics and astronomy, reforming the production of sine tables. Khwarizmi and Habash al-Hasib later produced a set of trigonometric tables.
In mathematics, the Douady–Earle extension, named after Adrien Douady and Clifford Earle, is a way of extending homeomorphisms of the unit circle in the complex plane to homeomorphisms of the closed unit disk, such that the extension is a diffeomorphism of the open disk. The extension is analytic on the open disk. The extension has an important equivariance property: if the homeomorphism is composed on either side with a Möbius transformation preserving the unit circle the extension is also obtained by composition with the same Möbius transformation. If the homeomorphism is quasisymmetric, the diffeomorphism is quasiconformal. An extension for quasisymmetric homeomorphisms had previously been given by Lars Ahlfors and Arne Beurling; a different equivariant construction had been given in 1985 by Pekka Tukia. Equivariant extensions have important applications in Teichmüller theory; for example, they lead to a quick proof of the contractibility of the Teichmüller space of a Fuchsian group.