Kumaraswamy distribution

Last updated
Probability density function
KumaraswamyT pdf.svg
Cumulative distribution function
Kumaraswamy cdf.svg
Parameters (real)
Mode for
Variance (complicated-see text)
Skewness (complicated-see text)
Excess kurtosis (complicated-see text)

In probability and statistics, the Kumaraswamy's double bounded distribution is a family of continuous probability distributions defined on the interval (0,1). It is similar to the beta distribution, but much simpler to use especially in simulation studies since its probability density function, cumulative distribution function and quantile functions can be expressed in closed form. This distribution was originally proposed by Poondi Kumaraswamy [1] for variables that are lower and upper bounded with a zero-inflation. In this first article of the distribution, the natural lower bound of zero for rainfall was modelled using a discrete probability, as rainfall in many places, especially in tropics, has significant nonzero probability. This discrete probability is now called zero-inflation. This was extended to inflations at both extremes [0,1] in the work of Fletcher and Ponnambalam. [2] A good example for inflations at extremes are the probabilities of full and empty reservoirs and are important for reservoir design.



Probability density function

The probability density function of the Kumaraswamy distribution without considering any inflation is

and where a and b are non-negative shape parameters.

Cumulative distribution function

The cumulative distribution function is

Quantile function

The inverse cumulative distribution function (quantile function) is

Generalizing to arbitrary interval support

In its simplest form, the distribution has a support of (0,1). In a more general form, the normalized variable x is replaced with the unshifted and unscaled variable z where:


The raw moments of the Kumaraswamy distribution are given by: [3] [4]

where B is the Beta function and Γ(.) denotes the Gamma function. The variance, skewness, and excess kurtosis can be calculated from these raw moments. For example, the variance is:

The Shannon entropy (in nats) of the distribution is: [5]

where is the harmonic number function.

Relation to the Beta distribution

The Kumaraswamy distribution is closely related to Beta distribution. [6] Assume that Xa,b is a Kumaraswamy distributed random variable with parameters a and b. Then Xa,b is the a-th root of a suitably defined Beta distributed random variable. More formally, Let Y1,b denote a Beta distributed random variable with parameters and . One has the following relation between Xa,b and Y1,b.

with equality in distribution.

One may introduce generalised Kumaraswamy distributions by considering random variables of the form , with and where denotes a Beta distributed random variable with parameters and . The raw moments of this generalized Kumaraswamy distribution are given by:

Note that we can re-obtain the original moments setting , and . However, in general, the cumulative distribution function does not have a closed form solution.


An example of the use of the Kumaraswamy distribution is the storage volume of a reservoir of capacity z whose upper bound is zmax and lower bound is 0, which is also a natural example for having two inflations as many reservoirs have nonzero probabilities for both empty and full reservoir states. [2]


  1. Kumaraswamy, P. (1980). "A generalized probability density function for double-bounded random processes". Journal of Hydrology. 46 (1–2): 79–88. Bibcode:1980JHyd...46...79K. doi:10.1016/0022-1694(80)90036-0. ISSN   0022-1694.
  2. 1 2 Fletcher, S.G.; Ponnambalam, K. (1996). "Estimation of reservoir yield and storage distribution using moments analysis". Journal of Hydrology. 182 (1–4): 259–275. Bibcode:1996JHyd..182..259F. doi:10.1016/0022-1694(95)02946-x. ISSN   0022-1694.
  3. Lemonte, Artur J. (2011). "Improved point estimation for the Kumaraswamy distribution". Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. 81 (12): 1971–1982. doi:10.1080/00949655.2010.511621. ISSN   0094-9655.
  4. CRIBARI-NETO, FRANCISCO; SANTOS, JÉSSICA (2019). "Inflated Kumaraswamy distributions" (PDF). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências. 91 (2): e20180955. doi: 10.1590/0001-3765201920180955 . ISSN   1678-2690. PMID   31141016. S2CID   169034252.
  5. Michalowicz, Joseph Victor; Nichols, Jonathan M.; Bucholtz, Frank (2013). Handbook of Differential Entropy. Chapman and Hall/CRC. p. 100. ISBN   9781466583177.
  6. 1 2 Jones, M.C. (2009). "Kumaraswamy's distribution: A beta-type distribution with some tractability advantages". Statistical Methodology. 6 (1): 70–81. doi:10.1016/j.stamet.2008.04.001. ISSN   1572-3127.