administered by the Australian Ministry for Major Projects, Territories, and Local Government to 9 July and then by the Ministry for Local Government and Territories
administered by the Australian Ministry for Major Projects, Territories, and Local Government to 9 July and then by the ministry for Local Government and Territories
Governor and Chairman of the Governing Council – Eliécer Cruz Bedón, Governor and Chairman of the Governing Council with Special Regime of Galapagos Island (2015–2017)
administered by the Director of Southern Ocean and Antarctic Support of the South African ministry for Branch of Oceans and Coasts of the Department of Environmental Affairs
claimed in their entirety by the People's Republic of China, the Republic of China (Taiwan), and Vietnam; portions claimed by Malaysia and the Philippines; about 45 islands are occupied by relatively small numbers of military forces from the People's Republic of China, Malaysia, the Philippines, the Republic of China (Taiwan), and Vietnam; Brunei has established a fishing zone that overlaps a southern reef, but has not made any formal claim
An administrator in the constitutional practice of some countries in the Commonwealth is a person who fulfils a role similar to that of a governor or a governor-general.
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