List of political disinformation website campaigns in Russia

Last updated

The following is a list of websites, separated by owner or disinformation campaign, that have both been considered by journalists and researchers as distributing false news - or otherwise participating in disinformation - and have been designated by journalists and researchers as likely being linked to political actors based in Russia.




The following websites have been linked by researchers to the Doppelganger disinformation campaign.

20minuts[.]com20minuts[.]comSpoofs the French newspaper 20 minutes. [1] [2]
50 States of Lie50statesoflie.comDefunct [3] [4] [5] [6]
Acrosstheline.pressAcrosstheline.pressDefunctSeized by the United States federal government in 2024. [5] [4] [6]
Avisindependent[.]euAvisindependent[.]eu [1] [2]
ansa[.]ltdansa[.]ltdSpoofs ANSA. [7] [1] [2]
bild-d[.]beautybild-d[.]beautyImitates Bild. [2]
bild[.]Asiabild[.]AsiaImitates Bild. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
bild[.]beautybild[.]beautyImitates Bild. [2]
bild[.]eu[.]combild[.]eu[.]comImitates Bild. [7] [1] [2]
bild[.]expertbild[.]expertImitates Bild. [2]
Bild[.]llcBild[.]llcImitates Bild. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
Bild[.]picsBild[.]picsImitates Bild. [7] [1] [2] [4]
bild[.]workbild[.]workImitates Bild. [2] [6]
bildd[.]beautybildd[.]beautyImitates Bild. [2]
bildd[.]lolbildd[.]lolImitates Bild. [2]
blld[.]liveblld[.]liveImitates Bild. [2] [4]
build[.]vipbuild[.]vipImitates Bild. [7] [1] [2]
build[.]workbuild[.]workDefunctImitates Bild. Seized by the United States federal government in 2024. [7] [1] [2] [4]
build[.]wsbuild[.]wsImitates Bild. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
bund[.]pebund[.]pe [2]
bundespolizei[.]pebundespolizei[.]pe [2] [5]
dailymail[.]camdailymail[.]camImitates The Daily Mail. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
dailymail[.]cfddailymail[.]cfdImitates The Daily Mail. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
dailymail[.]topdailymail[.]topImitates The Daily Mail. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
delfi[.]lifedelfi[.]life [1] [2] [4] [6]
delfi[.]todaydelfi[.]today [1] [2] [4] [6]
delfi[.]topdelfi[.]top [1] [2] [4] [6]
Election Watchelectionwatch.liveDefunct [3] [4] [5] [6]
faz[.]agencyfaz[.]agencySpoofs FAZ. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
faz[.]beautyfaz[.]beautySpoofs FAZ. [2]
faz[.]lifefaz[.]lifeSpoofs FAZ. [2] [4] [6]
faz[.]lolfaz[.]lolSpoofs FAZ. [2]
faz[.]ltdfaz[.]ltdDefunctSpoofs FAZ. Seized by the United States federal government in 2024. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
fazz[.]beautyfazz[.]beautySpoofs FAZ. [2]
fazz[.]lolfazz[.]lolSpoofs FAZ. [2]
fox-news[.]infox-news[.]inDefunctSpoofs Fox News. Seized by the United States federal government in 2024. [2] [3] [4] [8] [6]
fox-news[.]topfox-news[.]topDefunctSpoofs Fox News. Seized by the United States federal government in 2024. [2] [4]
fraiesvolk[.]comfraiesvolk[.]com [1] [2] [6]
gouv[.]fmgouv[.]fm [2]
govv[.]pwgovv[.]pw [2]
holylandherald.comholylandherald.comDefunctSeized by the United States federal government in 2024. [5] [4] [6]
theguardian[.]co[.]comtheguardian[.]co[.]comSpoof of The Guardian that falsely claims Ukraine faked civilian deaths during the Bucha massacre. [1] [2]
infosindependants[.]frinfosindependants[.]fr [9]
jewishjournal[.]infojewishjournal[.]infoSpoof of the Jewish Journal. [10] [2]
jiraboom[.]projiraboom[.]pro [2]
la-croix[.]camla-croix[.]cam [2]
lemonde[.]ltdlemonde[.]ltdDefunctSpoof of Le Monde. Seized by the United States federal government in 2024. [2] [4] [6]
leparisien[.]ccleparisien[.]ccSpoof of Le Parisien. [2]
leparisien[.]ltdleparisien[.]ltdDefunctSpoof of Le Parisien. Seized by the United States federal government in 2024. [2] [4] [6]
leparisien[.]pmleparisien[.]pmSpoof of Le Parisien. [11] [2]
lepoint[.]foolepoint[.]foo [2]
lepoint[.]infolepoint[.]info [2]
liberation[.]ltdliberation[.]ltd [2] [3] [5] [6]
mako[.]newsmako[.]newsSpoof of Mako. [10] [2]
mfa-qov[.]infomfa-qov[.]info [2]
morgenpost[.]ltdmorgenpost[.]ltd [2]
nato[.]wsnato[.]ws [2]
nd-aktuell[.]cond-aktuell[.]coSpoofs Neues Deutschland. [2] [4] [6]
nd-aktuell[.]netnd-aktuell[.]netSpoofs Neues Deutschland. [1] [2] [4] [6]
nd-aktuell[.]prond-aktuell[.]proSpoofs Neues Deutschland. [1] [2] [4] [6]
obozrevatel[.]ltdobozrevatel[.]ltdSpoofs Obozrevatel. [2] [4] [6]
polityka[.]propolityka[.]pro [2]
polskieradio24[.]netpolskieradio24[.]net [2]
pravda-ua[.]compravda-ua[.]comDefunctSpoofs Ukrainska Pravda. Seized by the United States federal government in 2024. [2] [4] [6]
pravda-ua[.]restpravda-ua[.]restSpoofs Ukrainska Pravda. [2]
pravda-ua[.]spacepravda-ua[.]spaceSpoofs Ukrainska Pravda. [2]
rbk-sourse[.]digitalrbk-sourse[.]digital [2]
rbk[.]mediarbk[.]mediaDefunctSpoofs RBK Group. Seized by the United States federal government in 2024. [2] [4] [5] [6]
rbk[.]todayrbk[.]todaySpoofs RBK Group. [1] [2]
repubblica[.]icurepubblica[.]icuSpoofs La Repubblica. [2] [4] [6]
repubblica[.]liferepubblica[.]lifeSpoofs La Repubblica. [1] [2] [4] [6]
repubblica[.]worldrepubblica[.]worldSpoofs La Repubblica. [2] [4] [6]
Reliable Recent News (RRN)rrn.mediaDefunctSeized by the United States federal government in 2024. [5] [4] [6]
Reliable Recent News (RRN)Rrn[.]world [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
schlauespiel[.]deschlauespiel[.]de [1] [2]
shadowwatch.usshadowwatch.usDefunctSeized by the United States federal government in 2024. [5] [4] [6] [5] [6]
spiegel[.]agencyspiegel[.]agencyDefunctSpoofs Der Spiegel. Seized by the United States federal government in 2024. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
spiegel[.]cabspiegel[.]cabSpoofs Der Spiegel. [7] [1] [2]
spiegel[.]funspiegel[.]funSpoofs Der Spiegel. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
spiegel[.]inkspiegel[.]inkSpoofs Der Spiegel. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
spiegel[.]ltdspiegel[.]ltdSpoofs Der Spiegel. [7] [1] [2]
spiegel[.]prospiegel[.]proSpoofs Der Spiegel. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
spiegel[.]questspiegel[.]questSpoofs Der Spiegel. [7] [1] [2] [4]
spiegel[.]todayspiegel[.]todaySpoofs Der Spiegel. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
spiegel[.]workspiegel[.]workSpoofs Der Spiegel. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
spiegeli[.]lifespiegeli[.]lifeSpoofs Der Spiegel. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
spiegeli[.]livespiegeli[.]liveSpoofs Der Spiegel. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
spiegeli[.]todayspiegeli[.]todaySpoofs Der Spiegel. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
spiegell[.]beautyspiegell[.]beautySpoofs Der Spiegel. [2]
spiegell[.]lolspiegell[.]lolSpoofs Der Spiegel. [2]
spiegelr[.]livespiegelr[.]liveDefunctSpoofs Der Spiegel. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
spiegelr[.]todayspiegelr[.]todayDefunctSpoofs Der Spiegel. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
sueddeutsche[.]ccsueddeutsche[.]cc [1] [2] [4] [6]
sueddeutsche[.]cosueddeutsche[.]coDefunctSeized by the United States federal government in 2024. [1] [2] [4] [6]
sueddeutsche[.]ltdsueddeutsche[.]ltd [2] [4] [6]
sueddeutsche[.]mesueddeutsche[.]me [1] [2] [4] [6]
sueddeutsche[.]onlinesueddeutsche[.]online [1] [2] [4] [6]
t-online[.]lifet-online[.]lifeSpoofs T-Online. [7] [1] [2] [4]
t-onlinl[.]lifet-onlinl[.]lifeDefunctSpoofs T-Online. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
t-onlinl[.]livet-onlinl[.]liveDefunctSpoofs T-Online. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
t-onlinl[.]todayt-onlinl[.]todayDefunctSpoofs T-Online. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
t-onlinr[.]lifet-onlinr[.]lifeSpoofs T-Online. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
t-onlinr[.]livet-onlinr[.]liveSpoofs T-Online. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
t-onlinr[.]todayt-onlinr[.]todaySpoofs T-Online. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
tagesspiegel[.]cotagesspiegel[.]coSpoofs Der Tagesspiegel. Seized by the United States federal government in 2024. [7] [1] [12] [2] [4] [6]
tagesspiegel[.]ltdtagesspiegel[.]ltdSpoofs Der Tagesspiegel. [7] [1] [12] [2] [4] [6]
tonline[.]cfdtonline[.]cfdSpoofs T-Online. [7] [1] [2]
tonline[.]lifetonline[.]lifeSpoofs T-Online. [7] [1] [2] [6]
tonline[.]todaytonline[.]todaySpoofs T-Online. [7] [1] [2] [6]
ua-pravda[.]clickua-pravda[.]clickSpoofs Ukrainska Pravda. [2] [5] [6]
unian[.]pmunian[.]pm [2] [5]
walla[.]com[.]cowalla[.]com[.]coSpoofs Walla. [2]
washingtonpost[.]ltdwashingtonpost[.]ltdSpoofs the Washington Post. [2] [4] [6]
warfareinsider.uswarfareinsider.usDefunctSeized by the United States federal government in 2024. [5] [4] [6]
welt[.]beautywelt[.]beautySpoofs Welt. [2]
welt[.]lolwelt[.]lolSpoofs Welt. [2]
welt[.]ltdwelt[.]ltdSpoofs Welt. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
welt[.]mediawelt[.]mediaSpoofs Welt. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
welt[.]tourswelt[.]toursSpoofs Welt. [2]
welt[.]wswelt[.]wsSpoofs Welt. [7] [1] [2] [4] [6]
weltt[.]beautyweltt[.]beautySpoofs Welt. [2]
weltt[.]lolweltt[.]lolSpoofs Welt. [2]
zestiftung[.]comzestiftung[.]com [1] [2]


The following websites have been linked by researchers to the GRU.

12com[.]ru12com[.]ru [13]
2memo[.]ru2memo[.]ru [13]
4erkessk[.]ru4erkessk[.]ru [13]
4memo[.]net4memo[.]net [13]
5-gorsk[.]ru5-gorsk[.]ru [13]
5lavr[.]org5lavr[.]org [13]
abakan-pyatnitsa[.]ruabakan-pyatnitsa[.]ru [13]
aban-pyatnitsa[.]ruaban-pyatnitsa[.]ru [13]
abaz-vestnik[.]ruabaz-vestnik[.]ru [13]
abinskaya-linia[.]ruabinskaya-linia[.]ru [13]
achkhoi-martan[.]ruachkhoi-martan[.]ru [13]
afip-den[.]ruafip-den[.]ru [13]
aginskoe-today[.]ruaginskoe-today[.]ru [13]
ahtirka[.]ruahtirka[.]ru [13]
ahtubinsk-projektor[.]ruahtubinsk-projektor[.]ru [13]
ahtyrka-info[.]ruahtyrka-info[.]ru [13]
aihal-vesti[.]ruaihal-vesti[.]ru [13]
ak-dovurak[.]pressak-dovurak[.]press [13]
aksaysovet[.]ruaksaysovet[.]ru [13]
akua-suhum[.]infoakua-suhum[.]info [13]
alagirskie-dni[.]rualagirskie-dni[.]ru [13]
aldanvecher[.]rualdanvecher[.]ru [13]
aleksah[.]rualeksah[.]ru [13]
aleksandriyskaya[.]rualeksandriyskaya[.]ru [13]
aleksandrov-sloboda[.]rualeksandrov-sloboda[.]ru [13]
aleut-star[.]rualeut-star[.]ru [13]
alexsandrov-sloboda[.]rualexsandrov-sloboda[.]ru [13]
all-yalta[.]ruall-yalta[.]ru [13]
alleroi[.]rualleroi[.]ru [13]
alleroy-utro[.]rualleroy-utro[.]ru [13]
altai-week[.]rualtai-week[.]ru [13]
altaiskaya-iskra[.]rualtaiskaya-iskra[.]ru [13]
alter-info[.]rualter-info[.]ru [13]
amak[.]ruamak[.]ru [13]
amur-liman[.]ruamur-liman[.]ru [13]
amur-novosti[.]ruamur-novosti[.]ru [13]
amurzori[.]ruamurzori[.]ru [13]
amzvezda[.]ruamzvezda[.]ru [13]
anuzori[.]ruanuzori[.]ru [13]
anyui[.]ruanyui[.]ru [13]
anzhero-sudzhenski[.]ruanzhero-sudzhenski[.]ru [13]
apatites[.]ruapatites[.]ru [13]
apchas[.]ruapchas[.]ru [13]
ar-asb[.]ruar-asb[.]ru [13]
aramil-vesti[.]ruaramil-vesti[.]ru [13]
ardonvestnik[.]ruardonvestnik[.]ru [13]
argayash-m[.]ruargayash-m[.]ru [13]
argumenty-kuragino[.]ruargumenty-kuragino[.]ru [13]
argungazeta[.]ruargungazeta[.]ru [13]
armavir-zerkalo[.]ruarmavir-zerkalo[.]ru [13]
armvestnik[.]ruarmvestnik[.]ru [13]
artem-plus[.]ruartem-plus[.]ru [13]
arzamas-gazeta[.]ruarzamas-gazeta[.]ru [13]
arzvest[.]ruarzvest[.]ru [13]
askiz-press[.]ruaskiz-press[.]ru [13]
astapovskie[.]ruastapovskie[.]ru [13]
atamanovskaya-pravda[.]ruatamanovskaya-pravda[.]ru [13]
avangard-cv[.]ruavangard-cv[.]ru [13]
avangard-d[.]ruavangard-d[.]ru [13]
avangard-os[.]ruavangard-os[.]ru [13]
avangard29[.]ruavangard29[.]ru [13]
avangard57[.]ruavangard57[.]ru [13]
avturvestnik[.]ruavturvestnik[.]ru [13]
azovski-bereg[.]ruazovski-bereg[.]ru [13]
b-gazeta[.]rub-gazeta[.]ru [13]
b-pravda[.]rub-pravda[.]ru [13]
b-volga[.]rub-volga[.]ru [13]
babaevogazeta[.]rubabaevogazeta[.]ru [13]
bachi-yurt[.]rubachi-yurt[.]ru [13]
bahchisarai-gazeta[.]rubahchisarai-gazeta[.]ru [13]
bahchisaray-gazeta[.]rubahchisaray-gazeta[.]ru [13]
baikal-ogni[.]rubaikal-ogni[.]ru [13]
baikalskie-ogni[.]rubaikalskie-ogni[.]ru [13]
bakchar[.]rubakchar[.]ru [13]
baksanvesti[.]rubaksanvesti[.]ru [13]
balabanovo-gazeta[.]rubalabanovo-gazeta[.]ru [13]
balahna-vestnik[.]rubalahna-vestnik[.]ru [13]
balaklavski-rybak[.]rubalaklavski-rybak[.]ru [13]
balashiha-news[.]rubalashiha-news[.]ru [13]
baltvedomosti[.]rubaltvedomosti[.]ru [13]
barabinskie-zemlyaki[.]rubarabinskie-zemlyaki[.]ru [13]
bashiskra[.]rubashiskra[.]ru [13]
bc-sco[.]orgbc-sco[.]org [13]
belkalitva[.]rubelkalitva[.]ru [13]
belokruga[.]rubelokruga[.]ru [13]
belomorskie-vesti[.]rubelomorskie-vesti[.]ru [13]
belovskaya-niva[.]rubelovskaya-niva[.]ru [13]
beloyarski-uspeh[.]rubeloyarski-uspeh[.]ru [13]
belozero[.]rubelozero[.]ru [13]
belpobeda[.]rubelpobeda[.]ru [13]
belsmena[.]rubelsmena[.]ru [13]
belvestnik[.]rubelvestnik[.]ru [13]
belzarya[.]rubelzarya[.]ru [13]
belznamya[.]rubelznamya[.]ru [13]
belzori[.]rubelzori[.]ru [13]
berbgo[.]ruberbgo[.]ru [13]
bereg-holmsk[.]rubereg-holmsk[.]ru [13]
berezovski-kurs[.]ruberezovski-kurs[.]ru [13]
beya-news[.]rubeya-news[.]ru [13]
bezhetsk-time[.]rubezhetsk-time[.]ru [13]
big-karachai[.]rubig-karachai[.]ru [13]
bigkamen[.]rubigkamen[.]ru [13]
bikin-volna[.]rubikin-volna[.]ru [13]
biychanka[.]pressbiychanka[.]press [13]
biznovoch[.]rubiznovoch[.]ru [13]
blagodarnensky[.]rublagodarnensky[.]ru [13]
bobur[.]rubobur[.]ru [13]
bogorodsky-variant[.]rubogorodsky-variant[.]ru [13]
boguchany-vestnik[.]ruboguchany-vestnik[.]ru [13]
boguchar-vesti[.]ruboguchar-vesti[.]ru [13]
bogved[.]rubogved[.]ru [13]
bold-vest[.]rubold-vest[.]ru [13]
bolhov-kur[.]rubolhov-kur[.]ru [13]
bolmurta[.]rubolmurta[.]ru [13]
bologoe-info[.]rubologoe-info[.]ru [13]
boltsaryn[.]ruboltsaryn[.]ru [13]
bor-gorod[.]rubor-gorod[.]ru [13]
borisoglebskie-vesti[.]ruborisoglebskie-vesti[.]ru [13]
borodino-panorama[.]ruborodino-panorama[.]ru [13]
borovichanin[.]ruborovichanin[.]ru [13]
br-perekrestok[.]rubr-perekrestok[.]ru [13]
brasovkray[.]rubrasovkray[.]ru [13]
bryuhovetskaya[.]rubryuhovetskaya[.]ru [13]
budennovsk-today[.]rubudennovsk-today[.]ru [13]
budniyashkulya[.]rubudniyashkulya[.]ru [13]
buinaksk-segodnya[.]rubuinaksk-segodnya[.]ru [13]
bur-gaz[.]rubur-gaz[.]ru [13]
bvk-urzhum[.]rubvk-urzhum[.]ru [13]
cargologistic[.]rucargologistic[.]ru [13]
caspium[.]rucaspium[.]ru [13]
chaikovski-vestnik[.]ruchaikovski-vestnik[.]ru [13]
chainskoe-obozrenie[.]ruchainskoe-obozrenie[.]ru [13]
chapliginski[.]ruchapliginski[.]ru [13]
chastnoe-mnenie[.]ruchastnoe-mnenie[.]ru [13]
chegdomin[.]ruchegdomin[.]ru [13]
cherekvesti[.]rucherekvesti[.]ru [13]
cheremhovo-vedomosti[.]rucheremhovo-vedomosti[.]ru [13]
cheremhovskie-vedomosti[.]rucheremhovskie-vedomosti[.]ru [13]
chernogorsk-city[.]ruchernogorsk-city[.]ru [13]
chernomor[.]presschernomor[.]press [13]
chernoyarets[.]ruchernoyarets[.]ru [13]
chudovski-kolokol[.]ruchudovski-kolokol[.]ru [13]
chulman-vesti[.]ruchulman-vesti[.]ru [13]
churapchy[.]ruchurapchy[.]ru [13]
chvestnik[.]ruchvestnik[.]ru [13]
chyi[.]ruchyi[.]ru [13]
dagkrim[.]rudagkrim[.]ru [13]
dal-pravda[.]rudal-pravda[.]ru [13]
dalmatovskaya-niva[.]rudalmatovskaya-niva[.]ru [13]
dalnerech[.]rudalnerech[.]ru [13]
dalnereche[.]rudalnereche[.]ru [13]
danilov-obozrenie[.]rudanilov-obozrenie[.]ru [13]
dankov-panorama[.]rudankov-panorama[.]ru [13]
davydovskaya-poima[.]rudavydovskaya-poima[.]ru [13]
dedovichi[.]rudedovichi[.]ru [13]
delklintsy[.]rudelklintsy[.]ru [13]
delkolchugino[.]rudelkolchugino[.]ru [13]
delkurganinsk[.]rudelkurganinsk[.]ru [13]
delovaya-istra[.]rudelovaya-istra[.]ru [13]
delovayanyurba[.]rudelovayanyurba[.]ru [13]
delovoi-labinsk[.]rudelovoi-labinsk[.]ru [13]
demyanskaya-okruga[.]rudemyanskaya-okruga[.]ru [13]
denis-kravchenko[.]rudenis-kravchenko[.]ru [13]
deniskravchenko[.]rudeniskravchenko[.]ru [13]
derbent-vechorka[.]ruderbent-vechorka[.]ru [13]
desnogorsk-news[.]rudesnogorsk-news[.]ru [13]
dialog-kam[.]rudialog-kam[.]ru [13]
dialog-pikalevo[.]rudialog-pikalevo[.]ru [13]
dialogkarel[.]rudialogkarel[.]ru [13]
digora-vesti[.]rudigora-vesti[.]ru [13]
digvesti[.]rudigvesti[.]ru [13]
dinskaya-pravda[.]rudinskaya-pravda[.]ru [13]
dinskaya-zhizn[.]rudinskaya-zhizn[.]ru [13]
diplomatica[.]rudiplomatica[.]ru [13]
dni-kulebaki[.]rudni-kulebaki[.]ru [13]
dnovets[.]rudnovets[.]ru [13]
dobri-den[.]rudobri-den[.]ru [13]
dobrii-den[.]rudobrii-den[.]ru [13]
dobtrud[.]rudobtrud[.]ru [13]
dolinsk-rybak[.]rudolinsk-rybak[.]ru [13]
domen-besplatno[.]rudomen-besplatno[.]ru [13]
domovenok-press[.]rudomovenok-press[.]ru [13]
don-ak[.]rudon-ak[.]ru [13]
donetski-veteran[.]rudonetski-veteran[.]ru [13]
donetsky-truzhenik[.]rudonetsky-truzhenik[.]ru [13]
donogni[.]rudonogni[.]ru [13]
dorogobuzh-gazeta[.]rudorogobuzh-gazeta[.]ru [13]
dost-jizn[.]rudost-jizn[.]ru [13]
dubna-gorodok[.]rudubna-gorodok[.]ru [13]
dukhovskie-novosti[.]rudukhovskie-novosti[.]ru [13]
duldurgin[.]ruduldurgin[.]ru [13]
dyrtuli-express[.]rudyrtuli-express[.]ru [13]
dyur-express[.]rudyur-express[.]ru [13]
dzerzhinetspress[.]rudzerzhinetspress[.]ru [13]
egorevskoe-utro[.]ruegorevskoe-utro[.]ru [13]
egorievskoe-utro[.]ruegorievskoe-utro[.]ru [13]
ehokizlyara[.]ruehokizlyara[.]ru [13]
ehoosha[.]comehoosha[.]com [13]
ehoosha[.]ruehoosha[.]ru [13]
eiskiliman[.]rueiskiliman[.]ru [13]
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kataiski-gorozhanin[.]rukataiski-gorozhanin[.]ru [13]
katar-yurt[.]rukatar-yurt[.]ru [13]
kavkaz-meridian[.]rukavkaz-meridian[.]ru [13]
kazachia-buhta[.]rukazachia-buhta[.]ru [13]
kazanskoe-dzd[.]rukazanskoe-dzd[.]ru [13]
kerch-rb[.]rukerch-rb[.]ru [13]
khadyzhensk-pravda[.]rukhadyzhensk-pravda[.]ru [13]
khasynsky[.]rukhasynsky[.]ru [13]
khtvesti[.]rukhtvesti[.]ru [13]
kimry-region[.]rukimry-region[.]ru [13]
kineshma-pravda[.]rukineshma-pravda[.]ru [13]
kingisepp-day[.]rukingisepp-day[.]ru [13]
kirovest[.]rukirovest[.]ru [13]
kirovsk-gazeta[.]rukirovsk-gazeta[.]ru [13]
kislovodskaya-pravda[.]rukislovodskaya-pravda[.]ru [13]
kitay-gorod[.]rukitay-gorod[.]ru [13]
kizlyar-izvestia[.]rukizlyar-izvestia[.]ru [13]
kizlyar-vesti[.]rukizlyar-vesti[.]ru [13]
kizlyarskie-izvestia[.]rukizlyarskie-izvestia[.]ru [13]
klimvestnik[.]ruklimvestnik[.]ru [13]
klin-novosti[.]ruklin-novosti[.]ru [13]
kochenevo-gazeta[.]rukochenevo-gazeta[.]ru [13]
kodinskie-vesty[.]rukodinskie-vesty[.]ru [13]
kogalym-rb[.]rukogalym-rb[.]ru [13]
kola-bay[.]rukola-bay[.]ru [13]
kolomnal[.]rukolomnal[.]ru [13]
kolym-pravda[.]rukolym-pravda[.]ru [13]
komarichi-kray[.]rukomarichi-kray[.]ru [13]
kompas-gubkina[.]rukompas-gubkina[.]ru [13]
kompass-bui[.]rukompass-bui[.]ru [13]
komsomol-news[.]rukomsomol-news[.]ru [13]
komvolna[.]rukomvolna[.]ru [13]
kondopoj[.]rukondopoj[.]ru [13]
kondrovskie-budni[.]rukondrovskie-budni[.]ru [13]
konstantinovsk-today[.]rukonstantinovsk-today[.]ru [13]
kontakt-sayansk[.]rukontakt-sayansk[.]ru [13]
korabel-sv[.]rukorabel-sv[.]ru [13]
korablino-gazeta[.]rukorablino-gazeta[.]ru [13]
korenovskaya-nov[.]rukorenovskaya-nov[.]ru [13]
korolyov-news[.]rukorolyov-news[.]ru [13]
kosh-agach[.]comkosh-agach[.]com [13]
koshekhabl[.]rukoshekhabl[.]ru [13]
kotovestnik[.]rukotovestnik[.]ru [13]
kovrovgazeta[.]rukovrovgazeta[.]ru [13]
kozelsky-telegraf[.]rukozelsky-telegraf[.]ru [13]
kozhkrai[.]rukozhkrai[.]ru [13]
kozulsk-gazeta[.]rukozulsk-gazeta[.]ru [13]
kras-okt[.]rukras-okt[.]ru [13]
krasnoe-znamya[.]infokrasnoe-znamya[.]info [13]
krasnoozerskoe[.]rukrasnoozerskoe[.]ru [13]
krasnoper[.]rukrasnoper[.]ru [13]
krasnoznamensk-plus[.]rukrasnoznamensk-plus[.]ru [13]
krasnoznamya[.]rukrasnoznamya[.]ru [13]
kremenki-inform[.]rukremenki-inform[.]ru [13]
krestetski-raion[.]rukrestetski-raion[.]ru [13]
krim-gazeta[.]rukrim-gazeta[.]ru [13]
krimkuray[.]rukrimkuray[.]ru [13]
kromskie-rodniki[.]rukromskie-rodniki[.]ru [13]
krovstroy[.]rukrovstroy[.]ru [13]
krymsk-krasnodar[.]rukrymsk-krasnodar[.]ru [13]
kshensky-vestnik[.]rukshensky-vestnik[.]ru [13]
kstovo-budni[.]rukstovo-budni[.]ru [13]
kstovskie-budni[.]rukstovskie-budni[.]ru [13]
ktmu[.]ruktmu[.]ru [13]
ku-metallurg[.]ruku-metallurg[.]ru [13]
kubanskie-volny[.]rukubanskie-volny[.]ru [13]
kudymkar-vedomosti[.]rukudymkar-vedomosti[.]ru [13]
kulebaki[.]presskulebaki[.]press [13]
kungurgazeta[.]rukungurgazeta[.]ru [13]
kupino-gazeta[.]rukupino-gazeta[.]ru [13]
kurchaloi[.]rukurchaloi[.]ru [13]
kurtamish[.]rukurtamish[.]ru [13]
kyahta-gazeta[.]rukyahta-gazeta[.]ru [13]
l-baikal[.]rul-baikal[.]ru [13]
labinskie-berega[.]rulabinskie-berega[.]ru [13]
ladoga-krai[.]ruladoga-krai[.]ru [13]
ladozhski-krai[.]ruladozhski-krai[.]ru [13]
lebedyanskaya[.]rulebedyanskaya[.]ru [13]
lensklife[.]rulensklife[.]ru [13]
lensky-nasleg[.]rulensky-nasleg[.]ru [13]
lesken-gazeta[.]rulesken-gazeta[.]ru [13]
lesosibirsk-vesti[.]rulesosibirsk-vesti[.]ru [13]
lesozavodsk-time[.]rulesozavodsk-time[.]ru [13]
lestnicagzt[.]rulestnicagzt[.]ru [13]
levokumsk[.]rulevokumsk[.]ru [13]
levozerovo[.]rulevozerovo[.]ru [13]
lgovsky-vestnik[.]rulgovsky-vestnik[.]ru [13]
life-kch[.]rulife-kch[.]ru [13]
limanvestnik[.]rulimanvestnik[.]ru [13]
liski-gorod[.]ruliski-gorod[.]ru [13]
listok-ga[.]rulistok-ga[.]ru [13]
livny-na-ladoni[.]rulivny-na-ladoni[.]ru [13]
lk-anons[.]rulk-anons[.]ru [13]
lobnya-pravda[.]rulobnya-pravda[.]ru [13]
louhi24[.]rulouhi24[.]ru [13]
lovozero-vzglyad[.]rulovozero-vzglyad[.]ru [13]
ludprol[.]ruludprol[.]ru [13]
lyubitino-news[.]rulyubitino-news[.]ru [13]
lyudinka[.]rulyudinka[.]ru [13]
lyudinovski-proletari[.]rulyudinovski-proletari[.]ru [13]
m-gazeta[.]infom-gazeta[.]info [13]
m-ingushetiya[.]rum-ingushetiya[.]ru [13]
magdagachi-press[.]rumagdagachi-press[.]ru [13]
magnievik[.]rumagnievik[.]ru [13]
mairtup-zemledelets[.]rumairtup-zemledelets[.]ru [13]
mairtup[.]infomairtup[.]info [13]
malaya-purga[.]rumalaya-purga[.]ru [13]
malderbety[.]rumalderbety[.]ru [13]
malovisherskaya-pravda[.]rumalovisherskaya-pravda[.]ru [13]
maloyar-izvestiya[.]rumaloyar-izvestiya[.]ru [13]
maloyaroslavets-izvestia[.]rumaloyaroslavets-izvestia[.]ru [13]
mamonovskie-vesti[.]rumamonovskie-vesti[.]ru [13]
manych-press[.]rumanych-press[.]ru [13]
mariinsk-gorod[.]rumariinsk-gorod[.]ru [13]
maximum-kor[.]rumaximum-kor[.]ru [13]
ak-kr[.]ruak-kr[.]ru [13]
ak-sp[.]ruak-sp[.]ru [13]
ak-spassk[.]ruak-spassk[.]ru [13]
ak57[.]ruak57[.]ru [13]
akarc[.]ruakarc[.]ru [13]
news[.]runews[.]ru [13]
mcensky[.]rumcensky[.]ru [13]
mdgazet[.]rumdgazet[.]ru [13]
medvenka[.]rumedvenka[.]ru [13]
mejdure4e[.]rumejdure4e[.]ru [13]
meleuzka[.]infomeleuzka[.]info [13]
mercurius11[.]rumercurius11[.]ru [13]
mestnaya-vlast[.]rumestnaya-vlast[.]ru [13]
mezhveter[.]rumezhveter[.]ru [13]
mglinsky-golos[.]rumglinsky-golos[.]ru [13]
mih-vestnik[.]rumih-vestnik[.]ru [13]
mihailov-glavnoe[.]rumihailov-glavnoe[.]ru [13]
mikhailovskoe-vremya[.]rumikhailovskoe-vremya[.]ru [13]
mikhajlovskoe[.]rumikhajlovskoe[.]ru [13]
milkovo-vesti[.]rumilkovo-vesti[.]ru [13]
milkovskie-vesti[.]rumilkovskie-vesti[.]ru [13]
minusinsk-today[.]ruminusinsk-today[.]ru [13]
minvody-time[.]ruminvody-time[.]ru [13]
mir-baikala[.]rumir-baikala[.]ru [13]
mirnoe-slovo[.]rumirnoe-slovo[.]ru [13]
moi-belorechensk[.]rumoi-belorechensk[.]ru [13]
moi-monchegorsk[.]rumoi-monchegorsk[.]ru [13]
moi-polyarny[.]rumoi-polyarny[.]ru [13]
molingushetia[.]rumolingushetia[.]ru [13]
molodbur[.]rumolodbur[.]ru [13]
molodost-mozhgi[.]rumolodost-mozhgi[.]ru [13]
molodostsibiri[.]rumolodostsibiri[.]ru [13]
morozovskii[.]rumorozovskii[.]ru [13]
mosalskgazeta[.]rumosalskgazeta[.]ru [13]
moshkovo-horizon[.]rumoshkovo-horizon[.]ru [13]
moskva-reka[.]infomoskva-reka[.]info [13]
moskvapetushki[.]rumoskvapetushki[.]ru [13]
moy-bataisk[.]rumoy-bataisk[.]ru [13]
moya-shatura[.]rumoya-shatura[.]ru [13]
muezerskles[.]rumuezerskles[.]ru [13]
muhoshibir[.]rumuhoshibir[.]ru [13]
muravlenko-sn[.]rumuravlenko-sn[.]ru [13]
murmash[.]rumurmash[.]ru [13]
muromregion[.]rumuromregion[.]ru [13]
my-nahodka[.]rumy-nahodka[.]ru [13]
n-ingash[.]run-ingash[.]ru [13]
n-sever[.]run-sever[.]ru [13]
n-vestnik[.]run-vestnik[.]ru [13]
n-vologda[.]run-vologda[.]ru [13]
n-vremya[.]run-vremya[.]ru [13]
n-vse[.]run-vse[.]ru [13]
na-vodakh[.]runa-vodakh[.]ru [13]
nadezhda-vichuzhan[.]runadezhda-vichuzhan[.]ru [13]
nar-gazeta[.]runar-gazeta[.]ru [13]
narkom-ru[.]runarkom-ru[.]ru [13]
naryshkino-news[.]runaryshkino-news[.]ru [13]
nash-kolos[.]runash-kolos[.]ru [13]
nash-kurchatov[.]runash-kurchatov[.]ru [13]
nash-nevelsk[.]runash-nevelsk[.]ru [13]
nash-polevskoy[.]runash-polevskoy[.]ru [13]
nash-ryazhsk[.]runash-ryazhsk[.]ru [13]
nash-susuman[.]runash-susuman[.]ru [13]
nasha-alushta[.]runasha-alushta[.]ru [13]
nasha-gazeta[.]runasha-gazeta[.]ru [13]
nashanadejda[.]runashanadejda[.]ru [13]
nashanavlya[.]runashanavlya[.]ru [13]
nashazhizn-gvardeisk[.]runashazhizn-gvardeisk[.]ru [13]
nashe-verhovie[.]runashe-verhovie[.]ru [13]
nashesadovoe[.]runashesadovoe[.]ru [13]
nashsosnovoborsk[.]runashsosnovoborsk[.]ru [13]
nastroenie-74[.]runastroenie-74[.]ru [13]
nastroenie-ch[.]runastroenie-ch[.]ru [13]
naukograd-reutov[.]runaukograd-reutov[.]ru [13]
navolne-gazeta[.]runavolne-gazeta[.]ru [13]
nazarovoonline[.]runazarovoonline[.]ru [13]
nd-gazeta[.]rund-gazeta[.]ru [13]
nekrasov-slovo[.]runekrasov-slovo[.]ru [13]
nemanskie-vesti[.]runemanskie-vesti[.]ru [13]
nerekht-vecherka[.]runerekht-vecherka[.]ru [13]
netterroru[.]runetterroru[.]ru [13]
nevelife[.]runevelife[.]ru [13]
new-dagestan[.]runew-dagestan[.]ru [13]
new-kandalaksha[.]runew-kandalaksha[.]ru [13]
nf-vestnik[.]runf-vestnik[.]ru [13]
ng-gazeta[.]rung-gazeta[.]ru [13]
nikvedomosti[.]runikvedomosti[.]ru [13]
nivagazeta[.]runivagazeta[.]ru [13]
nizhneudinsk-vestnik[.]runizhneudinsk-vestnik[.]ru [13]
nj-orel[.]runj-orel[.]ru [13]
nk-vesti[.]runk-vesti[.]ru [13]
nogaydav[.]runogaydav[.]ru [13]
noginskie-vedomosti[.]runoginskie-vedomosti[.]ru [13]
nogir-nedelya[.]runogir-nedelya[.]ru [13]
norilsk-vecherka[.]runorilsk-vecherka[.]ru [13]
nov-pitkaranta[.]runov-pitkaranta[.]ru [13]
novayagazeta-glazov[.]runovayagazeta-glazov[.]ru [13]
novi-den[.]infonovi-den[.]info [13]
novi-urengoy[.]runovi-urengoy[.]ru [13]
novivzglyad-kirov[.]runovivzglyad-kirov[.]ru [13]
noviyvzglyad-kirov[.]runoviyvzglyad-kirov[.]ru [13]
novjizn[.]runovjizn[.]ru [13]
novoaleksandrovsky[.]runovoaleksandrovsky[.]ru [13]
novoalt-pravda[.]runovoalt-pravda[.]ru [13]
novocherkassk-week[.]runovocherkassk-week[.]ru [13]
novohopersk-zori[.]runovohopersk-zori[.]ru [13]
novokubansk-news[.]runovokubansk-news[.]ru [13]
novokuznetsk-press[.]runovokuznetsk-press[.]ru [13]
novopravda[.]runovopravda[.]ru [13]
novoselitskoe[.]infonovoselitskoe[.]info [13]
novosti-ikryanogo[.]runovosti-ikryanogo[.]ru [13]
novosti-kohmi[.]runovosti-kohmi[.]ru [13]
novosti-uezda[.]runovosti-uezda[.]ru [13]
novosti-zav[.]runovosti-zav[.]ru [13]
novotitarovskaya[.]runovotitarovskaya[.]ru [13]
novouralskaya-gazeta[.]runovouralskaya-gazeta[.]ru [13]
novousman[.]runovousman[.]ru [13]
novovremya[.]runovovremya[.]ru [13]
novozybkov-vesti[.]runovozybkov-vesti[.]ru [13]
novtikhvin[.]runovtikhvin[.]ru [13]
novutpo[.]runovutpo[.]ru [13]
novzjizn[.]runovzjizn[.]ru [13]
noyabrsk-gazeta[.]runoyabrsk-gazeta[.]ru [13]
nr-odincovo[.]runr-odincovo[.]ru [13]
nsk-gazeta[.]runsk-gazeta[.]ru [13]
ntavda[.]runtavda[.]ru [13]
nv-vestnik[.]runv-vestnik[.]ru [13]
nyagan-info[.]runyagan-info[.]ru [13]
nzhizn[.]runzhizn[.]ru [13]
nzjizn[.]runzjizn[.]ru [13]
ob-gazeta[.]ruob-gazeta[.]ru [13]
obbereg[.]ruobbereg[.]ru [13]
oboyangorod[.]ruoboyangorod[.]ru [13]
obraz-asino[.]ruobraz-asino[.]ru [13]
ogni-belorechenska[.]ruogni-belorechenska[.]ru [13]
ogni-slantsy[.]ruogni-slantsy[.]ru [13]
ognigorod[.]ruognigorod[.]ru [13]
ohapress[.]ruohapress[.]ru [13]
ohotsk-pravda[.]ruohotsk-pravda[.]ru [13]
okno-ch[.]ruokno-ch[.]ru [13]
okno-sn[.]ruokno-sn[.]ru [13]
okno-uzhura[.]ruokno-uzhura[.]ru [13]
okt-iskra[.]ruokt-iskra[.]ru [13]
oktday[.]ruoktday[.]ru [13]
oktiskra74[.]ruoktiskra74[.]ru [13]
okttime[.]ruokttime[.]ru [13]
oktznamya[.]ruoktznamya[.]ru [13]
olenegorsk-city[.]ruolenegorsk-city[.]ru [13]
olonets-sosed[.]ruolonets-sosed[.]ru [13]
olsky-vestnik[.]ruolsky-vestnik[.]ru [13]
olyutor-novosti[.]ruolyutor-novosti[.]ru [13]
omegatrade[.]ruomegatrade[.]ru [13]
omutninsk-vedomosti[.]ruomutninsk-vedomosti[.]ru [13]
ooo-remontnik[.]ruooo-remontnik[.]ru [13]
opochka-vestnik[.]ruopochka-vestnik[.]ru [13]
orichi-inform[.]ruorichi-inform[.]ru [13]
osinniki-favorit[.]ruosinniki-favorit[.]ru [13]
oskolzori[.]ruoskolzori[.]ru [13]
ostrogozhtsi[.]ruostrogozhtsi[.]ru [13]
osuzdal[.]ruosuzdal[.]ru [13]
osvod-crimea[.]ruosvod-crimea[.]ru [13]
otkritaya-linia[.]ruotkritaya-linia[.]ru [13]
otkrytaya-linia[.]ruotkrytaya-linia[.]ru [13]
otradnaya-gazeta[.]ruotradnaya-gazeta[.]ru [13]
otradnaya-info[.]ruotradnaya-info[.]ru [13]
palana-news[.]rupalana-news[.]ru [13]
panorama-elizovo[.]rupanorama-elizovo[.]ru [13]
parfino-news[.]ruparfino-news[.]ru [13]
patriot-alt[.]rupatriot-alt[.]ru [13]
pavlov-gazeta[.]rupavlov-gazeta[.]ru [13]
pavlovsk-youth[.]rupavlovsk-youth[.]ru [13]
pechenga-today[.]rupechenga-today[.]ru [13]
pechori-online[.]rupechori-online[.]ru [13]
penzhinsky[.]rupenzhinsky[.]ru [13]
pereslavlife[.]rupereslavlife[.]ru [13]
pervouralsk-hronika[.]rupervouralsk-hronika[.]ru [13]
petrovsk-zabaykalsk[.]rupetrovsk-zabaykalsk[.]ru [13]
plamya-v[.]ruplamya-v[.]ru [13]
planeta-nadim[.]ruplaneta-nadim[.]ru [13]
plusred[.]ruplusred[.]ru [13]
pobeda-kn[.]rupobeda-kn[.]ru [13]
pochepvestnik[.]rupochepvestnik[.]ru [13]
pochinok-smolensk[.]rupochinok-smolensk[.]ru [13]
poehaligagarin[.]rupoehaligagarin[.]ru [13]
pogar-vesti[.]rupogar-vesti[.]ru [13]
pokachi-time[.]rupokachi-time[.]ru [13]
polarzori[.]rupolarzori[.]ru [13]
polesskyvestnik[.]rupolesskyvestnik[.]ru [13]
poltavskaya-jizn[.]rupoltavskaya-jizn[.]ru [13]
polyarny-ural[.]rupolyarny-ural[.]ru [13]
poperinat[.]rupoperinat[.]ru [13]
porhov-city[.]ruporhov-city[.]ru [13]
poselok-anna[.]ruposelok-anna[.]ru [13]
pp-vesti[.]rupp-vesti[.]ru [13]
pr-gorod[.]rupr-gorod[.]ru [13]
pravda-k[.]rupravda-k[.]ru [13]
pravda-s[.]rupravda-s[.]ru [13]
pravfond[.]rupravfond[.]ru [13]
pravfund[.]rupravfund[.]ru [13]
pravoznat-39[.]rupravoznat-39[.]ru [13]
pregradnaya-gazeta[.]rupregradnaya-gazeta[.]ru [13]
priangarie-mv[.]rupriangarie-mv[.]ru [13]
prichernomorie[.]ruprichernomorie[.]ru [13]
prim-zori[.]ruprim-zori[.]ru [13]
prinevskii[.]ruprinevskii[.]ru [13]
prioskolye[.]ruprioskolye[.]ru [13]
prisayanie[.]ruprisayanie[.]ru [13]
prisivashie[.]ruprisivashie[.]ru [13]
privet-timashevsk[.]ruprivet-timashevsk[.]ru [13]
privolzhskaya-volna[.]ruprivolzhskaya-volna[.]ru [13]
priyutnoe[.]rupriyutnoe[.]ru [13]
priziv-harovsk[.]rupriziv-harovsk[.]ru [13]
priziv-press[.]rupriziv-press[.]ru [13]
proberezovo[.]ruproberezovo[.]ru [13]
prodelo-s[.]ruprodelo-s[.]ru [13]
proiskitim[.]ruproiskitim[.]ru [13]
prokopievsk-variant[.]ruprokopievsk-variant[.]ru [13]
prokrym[.]infoprokrym[.]info [13]
prom-kemerovo[.]ruprom-kemerovo[.]ru [13]
promagadan[.]rupromagadan[.]ru [13]
pronikolskoe[.]rupronikolskoe[.]ru [13]
pronskie-izvestia[.]rupronskie-izvestia[.]ru [13]
pronskie-izvestiya[.]rupronskie-izvestiya[.]ru [13]
prootradnoe[.]ruprootradnoe[.]ru [13]
propeterburg[.]infopropeterburg[.]info [13]
prosaratov[.]infoprosaratov[.]info [13]
prosevastopol[.]infoprosevastopol[.]info [13]
prospekt-sochi[.]comprospekt-sochi[.]com [13]
protvinskie-berega[.]ruprotvinskie-berega[.]ru [13]
provintsialnoe-zerkalo[.]ruprovintsialnoe-zerkalo[.]ru [13]
provladimir[.]infoprovladimir[.]info [13]
provnews[.]ruprovnews[.]ru [13]
pryamitsino-news[.]rupryamitsino-news[.]ru [13]
pryazhvesti[.]rupryazhvesti[.]ru [13]
psebaets[.]rupsebaets[.]ru [13]
psebay-dni[.]rupsebay-dni[.]ru [13]
pudog[.]rupudog[.]ru [13]
pulsea[.]rupulsea[.]ru [13]
pulsnedeli[.]rupulsnedeli[.]ru [13]
pushkin-kray[.]rupushkin-kray[.]ru [13]
putokt[.]ruputokt[.]ru [13]
rab-slovo[.]rurab-slovo[.]ru [13]
rabslovo[.]rurabslovo[.]ru [13]
raduzhny-info[.]ruraduzhny-info[.]ru [13]
raivestn[.]ruraivestn[.]ru [13]
ramon-anons[.]ruramon-anons[.]ru [13]
rassvet-balezino[.]rurassvet-balezino[.]ru [13]
rb-yar[.]rurb-yar[.]ru [13]
rdzem[.]rurdzem[.]ru [13]
rech-vol[.]rurech-vol[.]ru [13]
red-banner[.]rured-banner[.]ru [13]
red-yar[.]rured-yar[.]ru [13]
revda-news[.]rurevda-news[.]ru [13]
rilskie-vesti[.]rurilskie-vesti[.]ru [13]
ritm-rybnoe[.]ruritm-rybnoe[.]ru [13]
rodina-shuya[.]rurodina-shuya[.]ru [13]
rodniki-gazeta[.]rurodniki-gazeta[.]ru [13]
rodrov[.]rurodrov[.]ru [13]
rossosh-vedomosti[.]rurossosh-vedomosti[.]ru [13]
rostov-province[.]rurostov-province[.]ru [13]
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sambo[.]comsambo[.]com [13]
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sarov-vedomosti[.]rusarov-vedomosti[.]ru [13]
sarovskie-vedomosti[.]rusarovskie-vedomosti[.]ru [13]
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sel-nov[.]rusel-nov[.]ru [13]
sel-pr[.]rusel-pr[.]ru [13]
sel-pravda[.]rusel-pravda[.]ru [13]
sel-tas[.]rusel-tas[.]ru [13]
selenga-press[.]ruselenga-press[.]ru [13]
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selnov-nesterov[.]ruselnov-nesterov[.]ru [13]
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selnov-v[.]ruselnov-v[.]ru [13]
selosamashki[.]ruselosamashki[.]ru [13]
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seltso-pravda[.]ruseltso-pravda[.]ru [13]
seltsovskaya-pravda[.]ruseltsovskaya-pravda[.]ru [13]
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sgzt[.]comsgzt[.]com [13]
sh-vestnik[.]rush-vestnik[.]ru [13]
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sheksnagazeta[.]rusheksnagazeta[.]ru [13]
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sholem[.]rusholem[.]ru [13]
shushenskoevremya[.]rushushenskoevremya[.]ru [13]
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sm-vesti[.]rusm-vesti[.]ru [13]
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smi-volna[.]rusmi-volna[.]ru [13]
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soltsy[.]rusoltsy[.]ru [13]
sorsk-gazeta[.]rusorsk-gazeta[.]ru [13]
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sov-zvezda[.]rusov-zvezda[.]ru [13]
sovet-serpukhov[.]rusovet-serpukhov[.]ru [13]
sovetsk-vopros[.]rusovetsk-vopros[.]ru [13]
spasskoe-vremya[.]ruspasskoe-vremya[.]ru [13]
sprostor[.]rusprostor[.]ru [13]
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stal-iskra[.]rustal-iskra[.]ru [13]
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starodublife[.]rustarodublife[.]ru [13]
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stepnaya-nov[.]rustepnaya-nov[.]ru [13]
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sudzha-vestnik[.]rusudzha-vestnik[.]ru [13]
sunjpravda[.]rusunjpravda[.]ru [13]
suntargazeta[.]rusuntargazeta[.]ru [13]
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sunzha-press[.]rusunzha-press[.]ru [13]
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tersky-raion[.]rutersky-raion[.]ru [13]
tigil-gazeta[.]rutigil-gazeta[.]ru [13]
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tutaev-gazeta[.]rututaev-gazeta[.]ru [13]
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uk-nedelya[.]ruuk-nedelya[.]ru [13]
uk-vestnik[.]ruuk-vestnik[.]ru [13]
ul-perekrestok[.]ruul-perekrestok[.]ru [13]
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um-vest[.]ruum-vest[.]ru [13]
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za-izobilie57[.]ruza-izobilie57[.]ru [13]
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zarya-urala[.]ruzarya-urala[.]ru [13]
zarya57[.]ruzarya57[.]ru [13]
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zempodolsk[.]ruzempodolsk[.]ru [13]
zemskie-vesti[.]ruzemskie-vesti[.]ru [13]
zemvv[.]ruzemvv[.]ru [13]
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zmi-novosni[.]ruzmi-novosni[.]ru [13]
zmievka-novosti[.]ruzmievka-novosti[.]ru [13]
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zn-smol[.]ruzn-smol[.]ru [13]
znamensk-tribuna[.]ruznamensk-tribuna[.]ru [13]
znamenskaya-tribuna[.]ruznamenskaya-tribuna[.]ru [13]
znamya-plast[.]ruznamya-plast[.]ru [13]
znamya-trud[.]ruznamya-trud[.]ru [13]
zntrud[.]ruzntrud[.]ru [13]
zntruda[.]ruzntruda[.]ru [13]
zolotuhino-raion[.]ruzolotuhino-raion[.]ru [13]
zvezda-langepas[.]ruzvezda-langepas[.]ru [13]
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akhun[.]ruakhun[.]ru [17]
dommechta[.]comdommechta[.]com [17]
k-koncept[.]ruk-koncept[.]ru [17]
kan-imo[.]rukan-imo[.]ru [17]
uspeh-dom[.]ruuspeh-dom[.]ru [17]
metall-forma[.]rumetall-forma[.]ru [17]
metall-vitamet[.]rumetall-vitamet[.]ru [17]
metals-trading[.]prometals-trading[.]pro [17]
ralkon[.]ruralkon[.]ru [17]
pl-oil[.]rupl-oil[.]ru [17]
techpolicom[.]rutechpolicom[.]ru [17]
techpolycom[.]rutechpolycom[.]ru [17]
rusoptics[.]comrusoptics[.]com [17]
uniones[.]ruuniones[.]ru [17]
ssmp[.]russmp[.]ru [17]
sneginca[.]rusneginca[.]ru [17]
leaducation[.]ruleaducation[.]ru [17]
volnoe-delo[.]orgvolnoe-delo[.]org [17]
ak-sp[.]ruak-sp[.]ru [17]
labrand[.]rulabrand[.]ru [17]
prosambo[.]comprosambo[.]com [17]
sambist[.]rusambist[.]ru [17]
referee[.]rureferee[.]ru [17]
ssvr[.]russvr[.]ru [17]
amur-trassa[.]ruamur-trassa[.]ru [17]
dorconf2009[.]rudorconf2009[.]ru [17]
opengovfda[.]ruopengovfda[.]ru [17]
romanovy400[.]ruromanovy400[.]ru [17]
romanov-2013[.]ruromanov-2013[.]ru [17]
rus1150[.]orgrus1150[.]org [17]
moi-deputat[.]rumoi-deputat[.]ru [17]
moy-deputat[.]rumoy-deputat[.]ru [17]
chyi[.]ruchyi[.]ru [17]
ehoosha[.]comehoosha[.]com [17]
ehoosha[.]ruehoosha[.]ru [17]
tvybor[.]rutvybor[.]ru [17]
infokirgizia[.]ruinfokirgizia[.]ru [17]
kobzarev[.]comkobzarev[.]com [17]
unisco[.]ruunisco[.]ru [17]
icrea[.]ruicrea[.]ru [17]
Astra-Plusastra-plus[.]ru [17]
turval[.]ruturval[.]ru [17]
genocide-in-ossetia[.]comgenocide-in-ossetia[.]com [17]
victoryforpeace[.]ruvictoryforpeace[.]ru [17]

John Mark Dougan / CopyCop / Operation False Façade

John Mark Dougan is a former sheriff from Florida, who operates a variety of websites. Russia's primary intelligence agency, the GRU, provides Dougan with financial and material resources to assist with the websites, with the goal of providing disinformation to the American public. One of the resources is a generative AI tool that creates disinformation in the form of plausible social media posts. Funding also came from a Russian institute founded by Aleksandr Dugin. As of May 2024, at least 167 website domains, dubbed CopyCop, are likely linked to Dougan, who is described by NewsGuard as a "Russian operative". Dougan has lived in Russia since 2017. [18] [19] [20]

The Arizona ObserverSpoof of the Arizona Observer, a 20th century newspaper in the United States. [21] [22] [18] [23]
The Austin Crier [24]
bbc-uk.newsbbc-uk.newsDefunctSpoof of the BBC. [20]
The Boston Timesbostontimes[.]orgSpoof of The Boston Times , a 19th-20th century newspaper in the United States.

Asserted by France 24 of having its logo created by a Generative AI model.

[21] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [18] [30] [31] [23] [20] [6]
British [31] [24] [20]
centralrecord[.]orgcentralrecord[.]org [18]
Chicago Chroniclechicagochron[.]comDefunctSpoof of the Chicago Chronicle, a late 19th-early 20th century newspaper in the United States. [32] [33] [21] [25] [26] [28] [18] [31] [24] [23]
Chicago Crierchicagocrier[.]com [26] [28] [31] [20]
Clear Story Newsclearstory[.]newsAccused by the United States federal government of publishing fabricated audio of a conversation between US officials. [21] [18] [32] [34] [31] [23] [20]
DC Weeklydcweekly[.]orgPublished and spread false claims about Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Accused by researchers of using generative AI for their stories. [35] [36] [32] [37] [38] [25] [26] [28] [18] [31] [24] [23] [20]
Evening Star [18] [23] [31]
The Flagstaff Postflagstaffpost[.]com [21] [25] [23] [6]
franceencolere[.]frfranceencolere[.]frPromoted an impostor site of the Renaissance Party that falsely claimed that the party would pay citizens to vote for them during the first round of the 2024 French legislative election.

Many articles were reposted from a website used in Russia's Doppelganger campaign. The Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab concluded that the site likely used a large language model to attempt to rewrite articles from French news sources such as Le Parisien, 20 Minutes, Libération, Le Figaro, Le Monde, and La Croix.

[9] [31] [24] [20]
Georgia Gazette [18]
The Houston Posthoustonpost[.]orgSpoofs the Houston Post.

Includes prompts for large language models in some of its articles.

[21] [25] [26] [30] [23]
infosindependants.frinfosindependants.frDefunct [31] [23] [20]
KBSF-San Francisco Newskbsf-tv.comDefunctSpread false claim about Kamala Harris. Imitates a local news TV station. Copied articles from ABC News and CBS News. [39] [40] [41] [42] [43]
London [31] [18] [24] [23] [20] [31] [24] [20]
Miami Chroniclemiamichron[.]comFalsely claims to have been in existence since 1937, since it was registered in February 2024. The "About" page contains Loren ipsum. Some of the site images have filenames in Russian. According to the New York Times, the site does not have valid contact info. Accused by the United States federal government of publishing fabricated audio of a conversation between US officials. [32] [25] [28] [18] [31] [24] [20]
New York News Dailynynewsdaily[.]orgSpoofs New York Daily News. [32] [25] [28] [18] [31] [24] [23] [20]
Pennsylvania Messenger [18]
Red State Report [25]
Right Review [25]
San Fran Chronsanfranchron[.]comSpoofs the San Francisco Chronicle. [21] [25] [28] [18] [31] [23] [20]
Verite Cachee Franceveritecachee[.]frNoted by researchers to use Generative AI to produce articles based on French news websites. Some article titles include prompts for large language models. Website name is misspelled, missing accents. [18] [44] [45] [46] [31]
XposedEmxposedem[.]com [18] [31] [20]

Portal Kombat

abakan-news[.]netabakan-news[.]net [47]
adygheya-news[.]netadygheya-news[.]net [47]
alchevsk-news[.]rualchevsk-news[.]ru [47]
altay-news[.]netaltay-news[.]net [47]
amur-news[.]netamur-news[.]net [47]
arkhangelsk-news[.]netarkhangelsk-news[.]net [47]
astrakhan-news[.]netastrakhan-news[.]net [47]
baikal-news[.]netbaikal-news[.]net [47]
barnaul-news[.]netbarnaul-news[.]net [47]
bc-news[.]rubc-news[.]ru [47]
belgorod-news[.]netbelgorod-news[.]net [47]
berdyansk-news[.]ruberdyansk-news[.]ru [47]
birobidzhan-news[.]netbirobidzhan-news[.]net [47]
bryansk-news[.]netbryansk-news[.]net [47]
cheb-news[.]netcheb-news[.]net [47]
chelyabinsk-news[.]netchelyabinsk-news[.]net [47]
cherkassy-news[.]rucherkassy-news[.]ru [47]
cherkessk-news[.]netcherkessk-news[.]net [47]
chernigov-news[.]ruchernigov-news[.]ru [47]
chernovcy-news[.]ruchernovcy-news[.]ru [47]
chita-news[.]netchita-news[.]net [47]
chukotka-news[.]netchukotka-news[.]net [47]
crimea-news[.]comcrimea-news[.]com [47]
dagestan-news[.]netdagestan-news[.]net [47]
dnepr-news[.]rudnepr-news[.]ru [47][.][.]ua [47]
dneprodzerzhinsk-news[.]rudneprodzerzhinsk-news[.]ru [47]
dnr-news[.]rudnr-news[.]ru [47]
donetsk-news[.]rudonetsk-news[.]ru [47]
gazeta.kharkiv[.]uagazeta.kharkiv[.]ua [47]
gorlovka-news[.]rugorlovka-news[.]ru [47]
grozny-news[.]netgrozny-news[.]net [47]
if-news[.]ruif-news[.]ru [47]
ingushetiya-news[.]netingushetiya-news[.]net [47]
irkutsk-news[.]netirkutsk-news[.]net [47]
ivanovo-news[.]netivanovo-news[.]net [47]
izhevsk-news[.]netizhevsk-news[.]net [47]
kaliningrad-news[.]netkaliningrad-news[.]net [47]
kalmykia-news[.]netkalmykia-news[.]net [47]
kaluga-news[.]netkaluga-news[.]net [47]
kamchatka-news[.]netkamchatka-news[.]net [47]
karelia-news[.]netkarelia-news[.]net [47]
kazan-news[.]netkazan-news[.]net [47]
kemerovo-news[.]netkemerovo-news[.]net [47]
khabarovsk-news[.]netkhabarovsk-news[.]net [47]
kherson-news[.]rukherson-news[.]ru [47]
khmelnitskiy-news[.]rukhmelnitskiy-news[.]ru [47][.][.]ua [47]
kirov-news[.]netkirov-news[.]net [47]
kirovograd-news[.]rukirovograd-news[.]ru [47]
komi-news[.]netkomi-news[.]net [47]
kostroma-news[.]netkostroma-news[.]net [47]
kramatorsk-news[.]rukramatorsk-news[.]ru [47]
krasnodar-news[.]netkrasnodar-news[.]net [47]
krasnoyarsk-news[.]netkrasnoyarsk-news[.]net [47]
kremenchug-news[.]rukremenchug-news[.]ru [47]
krivoy-rog-news[.]rukrivoy-rog-news[.]ru [47]
kurgan-news[.]netkurgan-news[.]net [47]
kursk-news[.]netkursk-news[.]net [47]
lenta.donetsk[.]ualenta.donetsk[.]ua [47]
lenta.if[.]ualenta.if[.]ua [47]
lenta.kharkiv[.]ualenta.kharkiv[.]ua [47]
lenta.lviv[.]ualenta.lviv[.]ua [47]
lenta.te[.]ualenta.te[.]ua [47]
lipetsk-news[.]netlipetsk-news[.]net [47]
lnr-news[.]rulnr-news[.]ru [47]
lugansk-news[.]rulugansk-news[.]ru [47]
lvov-news[.]rulvov-news[.]ru [47]
magadan-news[.]netmagadan-news[.]net [47]
mariel-news[.]netmariel-news[.]net [47]
mariupol-news[.]rumariupol-news[.]ru [47]
melitopol-news[.]rumelitopol-news[.]ru [47]
moskva-news[.]commoskva-news[.]com [47]
msk-news[.]netmsk-news[.]net [47]
murmansk-news[.]netmurmansk-news[.]net [47]
nabchelny-news[.]runabchelny-news[.]ru [47]
nalchik-news[.]netnalchik-news[.]net [47]
nao-news[.]netnao-news[.]net [47]
news-balashiha[.]runews-balashiha[.]ru [47]
news-kharkov[.]runews-kharkov[.]ru [47]
news-kiev[.]runews-kiev[.]ru [47]
news-makeevka[.]runews-makeevka[.]ru [47]
news-odessa[.]runews-odessa[.]ru [47] [48]
news-surgut[.]runews-surgut[.]ru [47][.][.]ua [47]
nikolaev-news[.]runikolaev-news[.]ru [47][.][.]ua [47]
nikopol-news[.]runikopol-news[.]ru [47]
nk-news[.]runk-news[.]ru [47]
nn-news[.]netnn-news[.]net [47]
norilsk-news[.]runorilsk-news[.]ru [47]
novgorod-news[.]netnovgorod-news[.]net [47]
novosibirsk-news[.]netnovosibirsk-news[.]net [47][.][.]ua [47]
novyny.zt[.]uanovyny.zt[.]ua [47]
omsk-news[.]netomsk-news[.]net [47]
orel-news[.]netorel-news[.]net [47]
orenburg-news[.]netorenburg-news[.]net [47]
pavlograd-news[.]rupavlograd-news[.]ru [47]
penza-news[.]netpenza-news[.]net [47]
perm-news[.]netperm-news[.]net [47]
piter-news[.]netpiter-news[.]net [47]
poltava-news[.]rupoltava-news[.]ru [47]
pravda-de[.]compravda-de[.]com [47] [49]
Pravda ENpravda-en[.]com [47] [48] [49]
pravda-es[.]compravda-es[.]com [47] [49]
pravda-fr[.]compravda-fr[.]com [47] [49]
pravda-pl[.]compravda-pl[.]com [47] [49]
pskov-news[.]netpskov-news[.]net [47]
rostov-news[.]netrostov-news[.]net [47]
rovno-news[.]rurovno-news[.]ru [47]
ryazan-news[.]netryazan-news[.]net [47]
sakhalin-news[.]netsakhalin-news[.]net [47]
samara-news[.]netsamara-news[.]net [47]
saransk-news[.]netsaransk-news[.]net [47]
saratov-news[.]netsaratov-news[.]net [47]
sevastopol-news[.]comsevastopol-news[.]com [47]
slavyansk-news[.]ruslavyansk-news[.]ru [47]
smolensk-news[.]netsmolensk-news[.]net [47]
sochi-news[.]netsochi-news[.]net [47]
stavropol-news[.]netstavropol-news[.]net [47]
sumy-news[.]rusumy-news[.]ru [47]
tagil-news[.]rutagil-news[.]ru [47]
tambov-news[.]nettambov-news[.]net [47]
ternopol-news[.]ruternopol-news[.]ru [47]
tiraspol-news[.]rutiraspol-news[.]ru [47]
tolyatti-news[.]nettolyatti-news[.]net [47]
tomsk-news[.]nettomsk-news[.]net [47][.][.]ua [47][.][.]ua [47][.][.]ua [47]
topnews.kiev[.]uatopnews.kiev[.]ua [47][.][.]ua [47][.][.]ua [47]
topnews.ks[.]uatopnews.ks[.]ua [47]
topnews.lg[.]uatopnews.lg[.]ua [47]
topnews.odessa[.]uatopnews.odessa[.]ua [47][.][.]ua [47]
topnews.rv[.]uatopnews.rv[.]ua [47]
topnews.sebastopol[.]uatopnews.sebastopol[.]ua [47]
topnews.sumy[.]uatopnews.sumy[.]ua [47]
topnews[.]uz[.]uatopnews[.]uz[.]ua [47] [48][.][.]ua [47]
topnews.volyn[.]uatopnews.volyn[.]ua [47]
topnews.zp[.]uatopnews.zp[.]ua [47]
topnews.zt[.]uatopnews.zt[.]ua [47]
tula-news[.]nettula-news[.]net [47]
tuva-news[.]nettuva-news[.]net [47]
tver-news[.]nettver-news[.]net [47]
tyumen-news[.]nettyumen-news[.]net [47][.][.]ua [47][.][.]ua [47]
uanews.crimea[.]uauanews.crimea[.]ua [47][.][.]ua [47]
uanews.donetsk[.]uauanews.donetsk[.]ua [47]
uanews.dp[.]uauanews.dp[.]ua [47]
uanews.if[.]uauanews.if[.]ua [47]
uanews.kharkiv[.]uauanews.kharkiv[.]ua [47][.][.]ua [47][.][.]ua [47]
uanews.ks[.]uauanews.ks[.]ua [47]
uanews.lg[.]uauanews.lg[.]ua [47]
uanews.lviv[.]uauanews.lviv[.]ua [47]
uanews.odessa[.]uauanews.odessa[.]ua [47][.][.]ua [47]
uanews.rv[.]uauanews.rv[.]ua [47]
uanews.sumy[.]uauanews.sumy[.]ua [47]
uanews.te[.]uauanews.te[.]ua [47][.][.]ua [47][.][.]ua [47]
uanews.volyn[.]uauanews.volyn[.]ua [47]
uanews.zp[.]uauanews.zp[.]ua [47]
uanews.zt[.]uauanews.zt[.]ua [47]
udmurt-news[.]netudmurt-news[.]net [47]
ufa-news[.]netufa-news[.]net [47]
ugra-news[.]netugra-news[.]net [47]
ulyanovsk-news[.]netulyanovsk-news[.]net [47]
ural-news[.]netural-news[.]net [47]
uzhgorod-news[.]ruuzhgorod-news[.]ru [47]
vin-news[.]ruvin-news[.]ru [47]
vladikavkaz-news[.]netvladikavkaz-news[.]net [47]
vladimir-news[.]netvladimir-news[.]net [47]
vladivostok-news[.]netvladivostok-news[.]net [47]
volgograd-news[.]netvolgograd-news[.]net [47]
vologda-news[.]netvologda-news[.]net [47]
volyn-news[.]ruvolyn-news[.]ru [47]
volzhskiy-news[.]ruvolzhskiy-news[.]ru [47]
voronezh-news[.]netvoronezh-news[.]net [47]
yakutsk-news[.]netyakutsk-news[.]net [47]
yamal-news[.]netyamal-news[.]net [47]
yaroslavl-news[.]netyaroslavl-news[.]net [47]
zhitomir-news[.]ruzhitomir-news[.]ru [47]
zp-news[.]ruzp-news[.]ru [47]


actualidad-rt[.]comactualidad-rt[.]comAlternative domain for RT, created after the Russo-Ukrainian War in 2022 to circumvent the broadcast ban in the European Union. [50]
Africa-rt.comafrica-rt.comDomain for RT, targeting French-speakers in African countries. [51]
esrt[.]pressesrt[.]pressAlternative domain for RT, created after the Russo-Ukrainian War in 2022 to circumvent the broadcast ban in the European Union. [50]
estr[.]onlineestr[.]onlineAlternative domain for RT, created after the Russo-Ukrainian War in 2022 to circumvent the broadcast ban in the European Union. [50]
RT rt.comFunded by the Russian federal government. Accused by the Global Disinformation Index of spreading disinformation on 5G, COVID-19 and the 2020 US presidential election. Identified by the Center for Countering Digital Hate as a major distributor of climate change denialism. [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [6]
Rt-afrique.comrt-afrique.comDomain for RT, targeting French-speakers in African countries. [51]
Rtafrica.mediartafrica.mediaDomain for RT, targeting French-speakers in African countries. [51]
Rtafrique.onlinertafrique.onlineDomain for RT, targeting French-speakers in African countries. [51]

Stop News

NameDomainStatusNotesSources [61] [61] [61] [61]

Other Campaigns

Albuquerque Breaking NewsCopied and republished content from RT. [62]
xn--aljaeera-4t0d[.]netxn--aljaeera-4t0d[.]netSpoofing of Al Jazeera. Likely part of an active measures campaign by the Russian government in 2017. Also part of Endless Mayfly, an Iran-affiliated disinformation campaign. [63] [64]
theatlatnic[.]comtheatlatnic[.]comSpoofing of The Atlantic. Likely part of an active measures campaign by the Russian government in 2017. Also part of Endless Mayfly, an Iran-affiliated disinformation campaign. [63] [64]
Channel3 Now channel3now.comDefunctRegistered in Lithuania in 2023. Accused by investigative journalists and disinformation researchers of being linked to Russia and of originating the claim that falsely identified the perpetrator of the 2024 Southport stabbing, leading to the 2024 United Kingdom riots. Noted by The Guardian and The Telegraph of potentially using Generative AI in some of its stories. A subsequent BBC investigation in August 2024 did not find evidence of ties to the Russian state, and described the site as "a commercial operation attempting to aggregate crime news while making money on social media." [65] [66] [67] [68] [65] [69] [70] [71] [72] [73]
xn--theguardan-4ub[.]comxn--theguardan-4ub[.]comSpoofing of The Guardian that uses an IDN homograph attack in which the "i" in the "guardian" is replaced by the Turkish character "ı". Contains fabricated quotes from John Scarlett that suggest CIA and MI6 involvement in the Rose Revolution to weaken Russia. Likely part of an active measures campaign by the Russian government in 2017. Also part of Endless Mayfly, an Iran-affiliated disinformation campaign. [63] [64]
xn--haarez-m17b[.]comxn--haarez-m17b[.]comSpoofing of Haaretz. Likely part of an active measures campaign by the Russian government in 2017. Also part of Endless Mayfly, an Iran-affiliated disinformation campaign. [63] [64]
lesoir[.]infolesoir[.]infoSpoof of Le Soir. Part of Endless Mayfly, an Iran-affiliated disinformation campaign. Also used to spread a false claim about Emmanuel Macron's campaign being funded by Saudi Arabia during the 2017 French Presidential Election. [63] [74]
Little Rock AR NewsCopied and republished content from RT. [62]
Media Alternatifmediaalternatif.frIncludes prompts for large language models in some of its articles. Cites an NGO founded by Yevgeny Prigozhin as a source for a unverified claim that Ukrainian children were kidnapped by a foundation run by Olena Zelenska. Lists a fictitious journalist as a writer on its site. The owner of the website domain, Host Master, is a company in Cyprus that was previously convicted of fraud for selling domain names that were very similar to Google and the French company. [30] [75]
NewsFront news-front[.]infoFunded by the FSB. [76]
Observateur ContinentalObservateurContinental[.]frSpread disinformation about COVID-19, including the false claim that COVID-19 is a bioweapon. Linked to Russian news agency InfoRos, which in turn is linked with the GRU. [16]
Oneworld.pressOneworld[.]pressRussian troll farm working to elect Donald Trump and pushing fake pandemic information. Linked to Russian news agency InfoRos, which in turn is linked with the GRU. [77] [16] [6]
Patriot [6] [78]
Peace Data peacedata[.]netA website that purports to be an independent left-wing news outlet, linked to Russian state actors. [79]
Seattle Tribuneseattle-tribune.comImpersonates the Seattle Tribune, a defunct 20th century newspaper. [80] [81] [82]
SouthFront southfront[.]orgAccused by independent researchers of being sponsored by the Russian government. [83] [84] [6]
State [6] [78]
Veterans News Nowveteransnewsnow[.]comAccused by independent researchers of being sponsored by the Russian government. [83] [84]
Veterans Today veteranstoday[.]comAccused by independent researchers of being sponsored by the Russian government. [83] [84]

See also

Related Research Articles

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China News Service is the second largest state news agency in China, after Xinhua News Agency. China News Service was formerly run by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, which was absorbed into the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 2018. Its operations have traditionally been directed at overseas Chinese worldwide and residents of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Google Ads</span> Online advertising platform owned by Google

Google Ads formerly known as Google Adwords is an online advertising platform developed by Google, where advertisers bid to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, and videos to web users. It can place ads in the results of search engines like Google Search, mobile apps, videos, and on non-search websites. Services are offered under a pay-per-click (PPC) pricing model, and a cost-per-view (CPV) pricing model.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Misinformation</span> Incorrect or misleading information

Misinformation is incorrect or misleading information. Misinformation and disinformation are not interchangeable terms: Misinformation can exist with or without specific malicious intent whereas disinformation is distinct in that the information is deliberately deceptive and propagated. Misinformation can include inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, or false information as well as selective or half-truths. In January 2024, the World Economic Forum identified misinformation and disinformation, propagated by both internal and external interests, to "widen societal and political divides" as the most severe global risks within the next two years.

State-sponsored Internet propaganda is Internet manipulation and propaganda that is sponsored by a state. States have used the Internet, particularly social media to influence elections, sow distrust in institutions, spread rumors, spread disinformation, typically using bots to create and spread contact. Propaganda is used internally to control populations, and externally to influence other societies.

Fake news websites are websites on the Internet that deliberately publish fake news—hoaxes, propaganda, and disinformation purporting to be real news—often using social media to drive web traffic and amplify their effect. Unlike news satire, these websites deliberately seek to be perceived as legitimate and taken at face value, often for financial or political gain. Fake news websites monetize their content by exploiting the vulnerabilities of programmatic ad trading, which is a type of online advertising in which ads are traded through machine-to-machine auction in a real-time bidding system.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Wikipedia and the Russian invasion of Ukraine</span>

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is extensively covered on Wikipedia across many languages. This coverage includes articles on and related to the invasion itself, and updates of previously existing articles to take the invasion into account. Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects' coverage of the conflict – and how the volunteer editing community achieved that coverage – has received significant media and government attention.

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the People's Republic of China stated that it respects Ukraine's sovereignty but Russia's concerns about enlargement of NATO should also be addressed. It abstained from United Nations votes that condemned the invasion.

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine that started in late February 2022, more than 300,000 Russian citizens and residents are estimated to have left Russia by mid-March 2022, at least 500,000 by the end of August 2022, and an additional 400,000 by early October, for a total of approximately 900,000. This number includes economic migrants, conscientious objectors, and some political refugees.

The Trusted News Initiative (TNI) is an international alliance of news media, social media and technology corporations which claim to be working to identify and combat purported disinformation about national elections, the COVID-19 pandemic and COVID-19 vaccines. TNI was founded by Jessica Cecil, a leadership figure at the BBC who also serves as the initiative's director.

Graphika is an American social network analysis company known for tracking online disinformation. It was established in 2013.

<i>Fria Tider</i> Swedish-language online newspaper

Fria Tider is a Swedish-language right-wing populist news site. Oxford Internet Institute's Project on Computational Propaganda identified "Fria Tider" as one of the three primary "junk news" sources in Sweden. Analysis by Swedish Defence University lists Fria Tider as having the highest proportion of disinformation among Swedish sources.

Global Disinformation Index (GDI) is a not-for-profit organisation based in the United Kingdom which aims to mitigate the spread of disinformation on the internet. The group utilises a system of ratings of news sources and websites to determine risk of disinformation. The group's efforts also include investigations into internet advertising, and the alleged use of disinformation in relation to COVID-19 featured on various websites. The group has faced scrutiny over potential political bias.


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