List of television stations in France

Last updated

This is a list of TV services available on digital terrestrial, satellite, internet streaming and cable systems in France .


National DTT channels (Metropolitan France)

List available from September 2024:

EPG No.ChannelNotesOwner/parent companyBroadcast hoursFormat on DTTMultiplex
1 TF1 Privatised during 1987. Formerly RTF (Radiodiffusion-Télévision Française) and ORTF (Office de Radiodiffusion-Télévision Française). Groupe TF1 24 hours 16:9 HDTV R6
2 France 2 State owned. Formerly Antenne 2. France Télévisions 24 hours 16:9 HDTV R1
3 France 3 State owned. Semi-localised channel, the programs may differ according to region. Formerly Couleur 3 and FR3. France Télévisions 24 hours 16:9 HDTV R3
4 Canal+ Private. Subscription network, some programs without encryption. Canal+ S.A. 24 hours 16:9 HDTV R4
5 France 5 State owned. Formerly La Cinquième. France Télévisions 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
6 M6 Commercial channel. Groupe M6 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
7 Arte State owned. French-German arts channel. ARTE France 24 hours 16:9 HDTV R2
8 C8 Commercial channel. Formerly D8. Canal+ S.A. 24 hours 16:9 HDTV R4
9 W9 Commercial channel. Groupe M6 24 hours 16:9 HDTV R6
10 TMC Formerly Télé Monté-Carlo, originally Monaco-based commercial station. Groupe TF1 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
11 TFX Commercial channel. Formerly NT1. Groupe TF1 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
12 NRJ 12 Commercial channel. NRJ Group 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
13 LCP State owned. National Assembly, Senate 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
14 France 4 State owned. Educational, children and cultural programming. Timeshared with Culturebox (broadcasts 21:00 to 05:00) during the daytime. France Télévisions 24 hours 16:9 HDTV R1
15 BFM TV Commercial news channel. RMC BFM 24 hours 16:9 HDTV R2
16 CNews Commercial news channel. Formerly I-Télé. Canal+ S.A. 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
17 CStar Commercial music and entertainment channel. Formerly D17. Canal+ S.A. 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
18 Gulli Children's programming. Groupe M6 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
20 TF1 Séries Films Commercial channel. Entertainment programming. Formerly HD1. Groupe TF1 24 hours 16:9 HDTV R7
21 L'Équipe Commercial sports channel. Groupe Amaury 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
22 6ter Commercial channel. Entertainment programming. Groupe M6 24 hours 16:9 HDTV R4
23 RMC Story Commercial channel. RMC BFM 24 hours 16:9 HDTV R7
24 RMC Découverte Commercial documentary channel. RMC BFM 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
25 Chérie 25 Commercial channel. Entertainment programming. NRJ Group 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
26 LCI Commercial news channel. Groupe TF1 24 hours 16:9 SDTV R3
27 France Info State-owned news channel. France Televisions 24 hours 16:9 SDTV R1
30 to 38Regional channelsVariousVariousVarious 16:9 HDTV Various
41 Paris Première Pay-TV, some programmes free-to-air. Groupe M6 24 hours 16:9 SDTV R3
42 Canal+ Sport Pay-TV, some programmes free-to-air. Canal+ S.A. 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
43 Canal+ Cinéma(s) pay-TV. Canal+ S.A. 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
45 Planète+ pay-TV, documentaries. Canal+ Thématiques 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
52 France 2 UHD State owned. France Télévisions 24 hours 16:9 UHDTV R2

List available from planned June 2025:

EPG No.ChannelOwner/parent company
1 TF1 Groupe TF1
2 France 2 France Télévisions
3 France 3 France Télévisions
4 France 4 France Télévisions
5 France 5 France Télévisions
6 M6 Groupe M6
7 Arte ARTE France
8 LCP National Assembly, Senate
9 W9 Groupe M6
10 TMC Groupe TF1
11 TFX Groupe TF1
12 Gulli Groupe M6
14 CNews Canal+ S.A.
15 LCI Groupe TF1
16 France Info France Télévisions
17 CStar Canal+ S.A.
18 T18 Czech Media Invest
19 OFTV Groupe Sipa – Ouest-France
20 TF1 Séries Films Groupe TF1
21 L'Équipe Groupe Amaury
22 6ter Groupe M6
23 RMC Story RMC BFM
24 RMC Découverte RMC BFM
25 Chérie 25 NRJ Group
30 to 38Regional channelsVarious
41 Paris Première Groupe M6
52 France 2 UHD France Télévisions

National DTT Channels (Overseas France)

National channels of overseas france
Channel Number ChannelType Group Launched Multiplex Format
2/3/4 France 2 Public Generalist France Télévisions 30 November 2010 ROM 1 576i (SD)
3/4/5 France 3
4/5/6 France 4
5/6/7 France 5
7/8/9 Arte Arte France
Arte Deutschland TV
8/9/10 France Info Public News channel France Télévisions 8 April 2019
22 France 2 UHD Public Generalist France Télévisions 23 January 2024 ROM U 1080i (UHD)

Previously, France Ô was on channels 6/7/8 in Overseas France and channel 19 in Metropolitan France until 24 August 2020.

Regional DTT channels

List available from 15 April 2023:

EPG No.ChannelNotesArea [1] Multiplex Format
30Angers Télé Angers R116:9
BFM Alsace Strasbourg
BFM Lyon Lyon R1, R15
BFM Marseille Provence Marseille R1
BFM Paris Île-de-France Île-de-France
BFM Toulon Var Toulon, Hyères
Télé Paese Corsica R15
TVPI Bayonne R1
Wéo Nord-Pas-de-Calais Lille
318 Mont-Blanc Annecy R1516:9
BFM DICI Alpes du Sud Gap R1
BFM DICI Haute Provence Alpes-de-Haute-Provence R15
BFM Grand Lille Lille
BFM Nice Côte d'Azur Nice R1
Tébéo Brest
Télénantes Nantes
TL7 Saint-Étienne
TV Pitchoun
Télé Bocal
Night TV
Shared airtime Île-de-France Multi 7
ViàOccitanie MontpellierSpecific local programming for Montpellier. Montpellier R1
ViàOccitanie Toulouse Toulouse R1, R15
Vosges TV Épinal R1
32 20 Minutes TV Île-de-France Île-de-France Multi 716:9
BFM Grand Littoral Boulogne-sur-Mer, Dunkirk R1
Canal 32 Troyes R15
33 BFM Normande Rouen, Neufchâtel-en-Bray R116:9
France 3 Via Stella Corsica
LDV Media Monistrol-sur-Loire R15
LMtv Sarthe Le Mans R1
Moselle TV Metz
TébéSud Lorient
TLC Cholet TVO
TV7 Bordeaux R1
ViàOccitanie Pays Catalan Perpignan
ViàOccitanie Pays Gardois Nîmes, Alès R1, R15
34 Le Figaro TV Île-de-France Île-de-France Multi 716:9
MATéLé Official site Saint-Quentin R1
TV Vendée La Roche-sur-Yon TVO
35TVR Rennes R116:9
Wéo Picardie Abbeville, Amiens
36Bip-tv Issoudun R116:9
37TV Tours Val de Loire Tours R116:9
38 téléGrenoble Isère Grenoble R116:9

Regional DTT Channels (Overseas France)

Ragional Channels of Overseas France
Broadcast AreaChannel NumberNameTypeLaunchedMultiplexFormat
Guadeloupe 1 Guadeloupe La Première Public Generalist1 January 2018ROM 11080i (HD)
3Canal 10Private Generalist30 November 2010576i (SD)
French Guiana 1 Guyane La Première Public Generalist1 January 2018ROM 11080i (HD)
Martinique 1 Martinique La Première Public Generalist1 January 2018ROM 11080i (HD)
2ViàATVPrivate Generalist11 October 2018576i (SD)
3KMTCommunity30 November 2010
11Zitata TVPrivate Generalist8 May 2021ROM L
Mayotte 1 Mayotte La Première Public Generalist1 January 2018ROM 11080i (HD)
9Kwezi TVPrivate Generalist28 March 2012576i (SD)
10Chiconi FM-TVCommunity16 August 2022
New Caledonia 1 Nouvelle-Calédonie La Première Public Generalist1 January 2018ROM 11080i (HD)
10CaledoniaPrivate Generalist4 May 2017576i (SD)
French Polynesia 1 Polynésie La 1ère Public Generalist1 January 2018ROM 11080i (HD)
2TNTVPrivate Generalist30 November 2010576i (SD)
Réunion 1 Réunion La Première Public Generalist1 January 2018ROM 11080i (HD)
2Antenne RéunionPrivate Generalist30 November 2010576i (SD)
Saint Barthélemy 1 Guadeloupe La Première Public Generalist1 January 2018ROM 11080i (HD)
Saint-Martin 1 Guadeloupe La Première Public Generalist1 January 2018ROM 11080i (HD)
Saint Pierre & Miquelon 1 Saint Pierre et Miquelon La Première Public Generalist1 January 2018ROM 11080i (HD)
Wallis and Futuna 1 Wallis et Futuna La Première Public Generalist1 January 2018ROM 11080i (HD)

Satellite television

Bis Télévisions


This is a list of channels carried by Canal+, as of September 2024:

Cable television & IPTV


This is a list of channels carried by SFR TV, as of January 2025:

Freebox TV

Orange TV

FAST Channels


Defunct channels

See also

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  1. "Les chaînes locales gratuites listées par le CSA". Archived from the original on 2011-11-06. Retrieved 2016-04-13.