List of uniform polyhedra by Wythoff symbol

Last updated

ClassNumber and properties
Platonic solids
(5, convex, regular)
Archimedean solids
(13, convex, uniform)
Kepler–Poinsot polyhedra
(4, regular, non-convex)
Uniform polyhedra
(75, uniform)
prisms, antiprisms etc.
(4 infinite uniform classes)
Polyhedra tilings (11 regular, in the plane)
Quasi-regular polyhedra
Johnson solids (92, convex, non-uniform)
Pyramids and Bipyramids (infinite)
Stellations Stellations
Polyhedral compounds (5 regular)
Deltahedra (Deltahedra,
equilateral triangle faces)
Snub polyhedra
(12 uniform, not mirror image)
Zonohedron (Zonohedra,
faces have 180°symmetry)
Dual polyhedron
Self-dual polyhedron (infinite)
Catalan solid (13, Archimedean dual)

There are many relations among the uniform polyhedra.


Here they are grouped by the Wythoff symbol.


Bowers pet name
V Number of vertices,E Number of edges,F Number of faces=Face configuration
?=Euler characteristic, group=Symmetry group
Wythoff symbol – Vertex figure
W – Wenninger number, U – Uniform number, K- Kaleido number, C -Coxeter number
alternative name
second alternative name


All the faces are identical, each edge is identical and each vertex is identical. They all have a Wythoff symbol of the form p|q 2.


The Platonic solids.

V 4,E 6,F 4=4{3}
χ=2, group= Td , A3, [3,3], (*332)
3 | 2 3
| 2 2 2 - 3.3.3
W1, U01, K06, C15

V 6,E 12,F 8=8{3}
χ=2, group= Oh , BC3, [4,3], (*432)
4 | 2 3 -
W2, U05, K10, C17

V 8,E 12,F 6=6{4}
χ=2, group= Oh , B3, [4,3], (*432)
3 | 2 4 - 4.4.4
W3, U06, K11, C18

V 12,E 30,F 20=20{3}
χ=2, group= Ih , H3, [5,3], (*532)
5 | 2 3 -
W4, U22, K27, C25

V 20,E 30,F 12=12{5}
χ=2, group= Ih , H3, [5,3], (*532)
3 | 2 5 - 5.5.5
W5, U23, K28, C26


The Kepler-Poinsot solids.

Great icosahedron.png
Great icosahedron
V 12,E 30,F 20=20{3}
χ=2, group= Ih , H3, [5,3], (*532)
52| 2 3 - (35)/2
W41, U53, K58, C69

Great dodecahedron.png
Great dodecahedron
V 12,E 30,F 12=12{5}
χ=-6, group= Ih , H3, [5,3], (*532)
52| 2 5 - (55)/2
W21, U35, K40, C44

Small stellated dodecahedron.png
Small stellated dodecahedron
V 12,E 30,F 12=12 5
χ=-6, group= Ih , H3, [5,3], (*532)
5 | 2 52 - (52)5
W20, U34, K39, C43

Great stellated dodecahedron.png
Great stellated dodecahedron
V 20,E 30,F 12=12 { 52 }
χ=2, group= Ih , H3, [5,3], (*532)
3 | 2 52 - (52)3
W22, U52, K57, C68


Each edge is identical and each vertex is identical. There are two types of faces which appear in an alternating fashion around each vertex. The first row are semi-regular with 4 faces around each vertex. They have Wythoff symbol 2|p q. The second row are ditrigonal with 6 faces around each vertex. They have Wythoff symbol 3|p q or 3/2|p q.

Polyhedron 6-8 max.png
V 12,E 24,F 14=8{3}+6{4}
χ=2, group= Oh , B3, [4,3], (*432), order 48
Td , [3,3], (*332), order 24
2 | 3 4
3 3 | 2 -
W11, U07, K12, C19

Polyhedron 12-20 max.png
V 30,E 60,F 32=20{3}+12{5}
χ=2, group= Ih , H3, [5,3], (*532), order 120
2 | 3 5 -
W12, U24, K29, C28

Great icosidodecahedron.png
Great icosidodecahedron
V 30,E 60,F 32=20{3}+12{5/2}
χ=2, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
2 | 3 5/2
2 | 3 5/3
2 | 3/2 5/2
2 | 3/2 5/3 - 3.5/2.3.5/2
W94, U54, K59, C70

V 30,E 60,F 24=12{5}+12{5/2}
χ=6, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
2 | 5 5/2
2 | 5 5/3
2 | 5/2 5/4
2 | 5/3 5/4 - 5.5/2.5.5/2
W73, U36, K41, C45

Small ditrigonal icosidodecahedron.png
Small ditrigonal icosidodecahedron
V 20,E 60,F 32=20{3}+12{5/2}
χ=8, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
3 | 5/2 3 - (3.5/2)3
W70, U30, K35, C39

Ditrigonal dodecadodecahedron.png
Ditrigonal dodecadodecahedron
V 20,E 60,F 24=12{5}+12{5/2}
χ=16, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
3 | 5/3 5
3/2 | 5 5/2
3/2 | 5/3 5/4
3 | 5/2 5/4 - (5.5/3)3
W80, U41, K46, C53

Great ditrigonal icosidodecahedron.png
Great ditrigonal icosidodecahedron
V 20,E 60,F 32=20{3}+12{5}
χ=8, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
3/2 | 3 5
3 | 3/2 5
3 | 3 5/4
3/2 | 3/2 5/4 - ((3.5)3)/2
W87, U47, K52, C61

Wythoff p q|r

Truncated regular forms

Each vertex has three faces surrounding it, two of which are identical. These all have Wythoff symbols 2 p|q, some are constructed by truncating the regular solids.

Polyhedron truncated 4a max.png
Truncated tetrahedron
V 12,E 18,F 8=4{3}+4{6}
χ=2, group= Td , A3, [3,3], (*332), order 24
2 3 | 3 - 3.6.6
W6, U02, K07, C16

Polyhedron truncated 8 max.png
Truncated octahedron
V 24,E 36,F 14=6{4}+8{6}
χ=2, group= Oh , B3, [4,3], (*432), order 48
Th , [3,3] and (*332), order 24
2 4 | 3
3 3 2 | - 4.6.6
W7, U08, K13, C20

Polyhedron truncated 6 max.png
Truncated cube
V 24,E 36,F 14=8{3}+6{8}
χ=2, group= Oh , B3, [4,3], (*432), order 48
2 3 | 4 - 3.8.8
W8, U09, K14, C21
Truncated hexahedron

Polyhedron truncated 20 max.png
Truncated icosahedron
V 60,E 90,F 32=12{5}+20{6}
χ=2, group= Ih , H3, [5,3], (*532), order 120
2 5 | 3 - 5.6.6
W9, U25, K30, C27

Polyhedron truncated 12 max.png
Truncated dodecahedron
V 60,E 90,F 32=20{3}+12{10}
χ=2, group= Ih , H3, [5,3], (*532), order 120
2 3 | 5 - 3.10.10
W10, U26, K31, C29

Great truncated dodecahedron.png
Truncated great dodecahedron
V 60,E 90,F 24=12{5/2}+12{10}
χ=6, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
2 5/2 | 5
2 5/3 | 5 - 10.10.5/2
W75, U37, K42, C47

Great truncated icosahedron.png
Truncated great icosahedron
V 60,E 90,F 32=12{5/2}+20{6}
χ=2, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
2 5/2 | 3
2 5/3 | 3 - 6.6.5/2
W95, U55, K60, C71

Stellated truncated hexahedron.png
Stellated truncated hexahedron
V 24,E 36,F 14=8{3}+6{8/3}
χ=2, group=Oh, [4,3], *432
2 3 | 4/3
2 3/2 | 4/3 - 3.8/3.8/3
W92, U19, K24, C66
Quasitruncated hexahedron stellatruncated cube

Small stellated truncated dodecahedron.png
Small stellated truncated dodecahedron
Quit Sissid
V 60,E 90,F 24=12{5}+12{10/3}
χ=6, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
2 5 | 5/3
2 5/4 | 5/3 - 5.10/3.10/3
W97, U58, K63, C74
Quasitruncated small stellated dodecahedron Small stellatruncated dodecahedron

Great stellated truncated dodecahedron.png
Great stellated truncated dodecahedron
Quit Gissid
V 60,E 90,F 32=20{3}+12{10/3}
χ=2, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
2 3 | 5/3 - 3.10/3.10/3
W104, U66, K71, C83
Quasitruncated great stellated dodecahedron Great stellatruncated dodecahedron


The hemipolyhedra all have faces which pass through the origin. Their Wythoff symbols are of the form p p/m|q or p/m p/n|q. With the exception of the tetrahemihexahedron they occur in pairs, and are closely related to the semi-regular polyhedra, like the cuboctohedron.

V 6,E 12,F 7=4{3}+3{4}
χ=1, group=Td, [3,3], *332
3/2 3 | 2 (double-covering) - 3.4.3/2.4
W67, U04, K09, C36

V 12,E 24,F 12=8{3}+4{6}
χ=0, group=Oh, [4,3], *432
3/2 3 | 3 - 3.6.3/2.6
W68, U03, K08, C37

V 12,E 24,F 10=6{4}+4{6}
χ=2, group=Oh, [4,3], *432
4/3 4 | 3 (double-covering) - 4.6.4/3.6
W78, U15, K20, C51

Small icosihemidodecahedron.png
Small icosihemidodecahedron
V 30,E 60,F 26=20{3}+6{10}
χ=4, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
3/2 3 | 5 (double covering) - 3.10.3/2.10
W89, U49, K54, C63

Small dodecahemidodecahedron.png
Small dodecahemidodecahedron
V 30,E 60,F 18=12{5}+6{10}
χ=12, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
5/4 5 | 5 (double covering) - 5.10.5/4.10
W91, U51, K56, C65

Great icosihemidodecahedron.png
Great icosihemidodecahedron
V 30,E 60,F 26=20{3}+6{10/3}
χ=4, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
3/2 3 | 5/3 - 3.10/3.3/2.10/3
W106, U71, K76, C85

Great dodecahemidodecahedron.png
Great dodecahemidodecahedron
V 30,E 60,F 18=12{5/2}+6{10/3}
χ=12, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
5/3 5/2 | 5/3 (double covering) - 5/2.10/3.5/3.10/3
W107, U70, K75, C86

Great dodecahemicosahedron.png
Great dodecahemicosahedron
V 30,E 60,F 22=12{5}+10{6}
χ=8, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
5/4 5 | 3 (double covering) - 5.6.5/4.6
W102, U65, K70, C81

Small dodecahemicosahedron.png
Small dodecahemicosahedron
V 30,E 60,F 22=12{5/2}+10{6}
χ=8, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
5/3 5/2 | 3 (double covering) - 6.5/2.6.5/3
W100, U62, K67, C78

Rhombic quasi-regular

Four faces around the vertex in the pattern p.q.r.q. The name rhombic stems from inserting a square in the cuboctahedron and icosidodecahedron. The Wythoff symbol is of the form p q|r.

Polyhedron small rhombi 6-8 max.png

V 24,E 48,F 26=8{3}+(6+12){4}
χ=2, group=Oh, B3, [4,3], (*432), order 48
3 4 | 2 -
W13, U10, K15, C22

Small cubicuboctahedron.png
Small cubicuboctahedron
V 24,E 48,F 20=8{3}+6{4}+6{8}
χ=4, group=Oh, [4,3], *432
3/2 4 | 4
3 4/3 | 4 - 4.8.3/2.8
W69, U13, K18, C38

Great cubicuboctahedron.png
Great cubicuboctahedron
V 24,E 48,F 20=8{3}+6{4}+6{8/3}
χ=4, group=Oh, [4,3], *432
3 4 | 4/3
4 3/2 | 4 - 3.8/3.4.8/3
W77, U14, K19, C50

Uniform great rhombicuboctahedron.png
Nonconvex great rhombicuboctahedron
V 24,E 48,F 26=8{3}+(6+12){4}
χ=2, group=Oh, [4,3], *432
3/2 4 | 2
3 4/3 | 2 -
W85, U17, K22, C59

Polyhedron small rhombi 12-20 max.png

V 60,E 120,F 62=20{3}+30{4}+12{5}
χ=2, group=Ih, H3, [5,3], (*532), order 120
3 5 | 2 -
W14, U27, K32, C30

Small dodecicosidodecahedron.png
Small dodecicosidodecahedron
V 60,E 120,F 44=20{3}+12{5}+12{10}
χ=16, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
3/2 5 | 5
3 5/4 | 5 - 5.10.3/2.10
W72, U33, K38, C42

Great dodecicosidodecahedron.png
Great dodecicosidodecahedron
V 60,E 120,F 44=20{3}+12{5/2}+12{10/3}
χ=16, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
5/2 3 | 5/3
5/3 3/2 | 5/3 - 3.10/3.5/2.10/7
W99, U61, K66, C77

Uniform great rhombicosidodecahedron.png
Nonconvex great rhombicosidodecahedron
V 60,E 120,F 62=20{3}+30{4}+12{5/2}
χ=2, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
5/3 3 | 2
5/2 3/2 | 2 - 3.4.5/3.4
W105, U67, K72, C84

Small icosicosidodecahedron.png
Small icosicosidodecahedron
V 60,E 120,F 52=20{3}+12{5/2}+20{6}
χ=8, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
5/2 3 | 3 - 6.5/2.6.3
W71, U31, K36, C40

Small ditrigonal dodecicosidodecahedron.png
Small ditrigonal dodecicosidodecahedron
V 60,E 120,F 44=20{3}+12{5/2}+12{10}
χ=16, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
5/3 3 | 5
5/2 3/2 | 5 - 3.10.5/3.10
W82, U43, K48, C55

V 60,E 120,F 54=30{4}+12{5}+12{5/2}
χ=6, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
5/2 5 | 2 - 4.5/2.4.5
W76, U38, K43, C48

V 60,E 120,F 44=12{5}+12{5/2}+20{6}
χ=16, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
5/3 5 | 3
5/2 5/4 | 3 - 5.6.5/3.6
W83, U44, K49, C56

Great ditrigonal dodecicosidodecahedron.png
Great ditrigonal dodecicosidodecahedron
V 60,E 120,F 44=20{3}+12{5}+12{10/3}
χ=16, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
3 5 | 5/3
5/4 3/2 | 5/3 - 3.10/3.5.10/3
W81, U42, K47, C54

Great icosicosidodecahedron.png
Great icosicosidodecahedron
V 60,E 120,F 52=20{3}+12{5}+20{6}
χ=8, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
3/2 5 | 3
3 5/4 | 3 - 5.6.3/2.6
W88, U48, K53, C62

Even-sided forms

Wythoff p q r|

These have three different faces around each vertex, and the vertices do not lie on any plane of symmetry. They have Wythoff symbol p q r|, and vertex figures 2p.2q.2r.

Polyhedron great rhombi 6-8 max.png
Truncated cuboctahedron
V 48,E 72,F 26=12{4}+8{6}+6{8}
χ=2, group= Oh , B3, [4,3], (*432), order 48
2 3 4 | - 4.6.8
W15, U11, K16, C23
Rhombitruncated cuboctahedron Truncated cuboctahedron

Great truncated cuboctahedron.png
Great truncated cuboctahedron
V 48,E 72,F 26=12{4}+8{6}+6{8/3}
χ=2, group=Oh, [4,3], *432
2 3 4/3 | - 4.6/5.8/3
W93, U20, K25, C67
Quasitruncated cuboctahedron

Cubitruncated cuboctahedron.png
Cubitruncated cuboctahedron
V 48,E 72,F 20=8{6}+6{8}+6{8/3}
χ=4, group=Oh, [4,3], *432
3 4 4/3 | - 6.8.8/3
W79, U16, K21, C52
Cuboctatruncated cuboctahedron

Polyhedron great rhombi 12-20 max.png
Truncated icosidodecahedron
V 120,E 180,F 62=30{4}+20{6}+12{10}
χ=2, group= Ih , H3, [5,3], (*532), order 120
2 3 5 | - 4.6.10
W16, U28, K33, C31
Rhombitruncated icosidodecahedron Truncated icosidodecahedron

Great truncated icosidodecahedron.png
Great truncated icosidodecahedron
V 120,E 180,F 62=30{4}+20{6}+12{10/3}
χ=2, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
2 3 5/3 | - 4.6.10/3
W108, U68, K73, C87
Great quasitruncated icosidodecahedron

Icositruncated dodecadodecahedron.png
Icositruncated dodecadodecahedron
V 120,E 180,F 44=20{6}+12{10}+12{10/3}
χ=16, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
3 5 5/3 | - 6.10.10/3
W84, U45, K50, C57
Icosidodecatruncated icosidodecahedron

Truncated dodecadodecahedron.png
Truncated dodecadodecahedron
V 120,E 180,F 54=30{4}+12{10}+12{10/3}
χ=6, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
2 5 5/3 | - 4.10/9.10/3
W98, U59, K64, C75
Quasitruncated dodecadodecahedron

Wythoff p q (r s)|

Vertex figure p.q.-p.-q. Wythoff p q (r s)|, mixing pqr| and pqs|.

Small rhombihexahedron.png
Small rhombihexahedron
V 24,E 48,F 18=12{4}+6{8}
χ=6, group=Oh, [4,3], *432
2 4 (3/2 4/2) | - 4.8.4/3.8/7
W86, U18, K23, C60

Great rhombihexahedron.png
Great rhombihexahedron
V 24,E 48,F 18=12{4}+6{8/3}
χ=6, group=Oh, [4,3], *432
2 4/3 (3/2 4/2) | - 4.8/3.4/3.8/5
W103, U21, K26, C82

V 60,E 120,F 50=30{4}+20{6}
χ=10, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
2 3 (5/4 5/2) | - 4.6.4/3.6/5
W96, U56, K61, C72

Great rhombidodecahedron.png
Great rhombidodecahedron
V 60,E 120,F 42=30{4}+12{10/3}
χ=18, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
2 5/3 (3/2 5/4) | - 4.10/3.4/3.10/7
W109, U73, K78, C89

Great dodecicosahedron.png
Great dodecicosahedron
V 60,E 120,F 32=20{6}+12{10/3}
χ=28, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
3 5/3 (3/2 5/2) | - 6.10/3.6/5.10/7
W101, U63, K68, C79

Small rhombidodecahedron.png
Small rhombidodecahedron
V 60,E 120,F 42=30{4}+12{10}
χ=18, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
2 5 (3/2 5/2) | - 4.10.4/3.10/9
W74, U39, K44, C46

Small dodecicosahedron.png
Small dodecicosahedron
V 60,E 120,F 32=20{6}+12{10}
χ=28, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
3 5 (3/2 5/4) | - 6.10.6/5.10/9
W90, U50, K55, C64

Snub polyhedra

These have Wythoff symbol |p q r, and one non-Wythoffian construction is given |p q r s.

Wythoff |p q r

Symmetry group

Polyhedron snub 6-8 left max.png
Snub cube
V 24,E 60,F 38=(8+24){3}+6{4}
χ=2, group= O , 1/2B3, [4,3]+, (432), order 24
| 2 3 4 -
W17, U12, K17, C24


Small snub icosicosidodecahedron.png
Small snub icosicosidodecahedron
V 60,E 180,F 112=(40+60){3}+12{5/2}
χ=8, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
| 5/2 3 3 - 35.5/2
W110, U32, K37, C41

Small retrosnub icosicosidodecahedron.png
Small retrosnub icosicosidodecahedron
V 60,E 180,F 112=(40+60){3}+12{5/2}
χ=8, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
| 3/2 3/2 5/2 - (35.5/3)/2
W118, U72, K77, C91
Small inverted retrosnub icosicosidodecahedron


Polyhedron snub 12-20 left max.png
Snub dodecahedron
V 60,E 150,F 92=(20+60){3}+12{5}
χ=2, group= I , 1/2H3, [5,3]+, (532), order 60
| 2 3 5 -
W18, U29, K34, C32

Snub dodecadodecahedron.png
Snub dodecadodecahedron
V 60,E 150,F 84=60{3}+12{5}+12{5/2}
χ=6, group=I, [5,3]+, 532
| 2 5/2 5 - 3.3.5/2.3.5
W111, U40, K45, C49

Inverted snub dodecadodecahedron.png
Inverted snub dodecadodecahedron
V 60,E 150,F 84=60{3}+12{5}+12{5/2}
χ=6, group=I, [5,3]+, 532
| 5/3 2 5 -
W114, U60, K65, C76


Great snub icosidodecahedron.png
Great snub icosidodecahedron
V 60,E 150,F 92=(20+60){3}+12{5/2}
χ=2, group=I, [5,3]+, 532
| 2 5/2 3 - 34.5/2
W113, U57, K62, C88

Great inverted snub icosidodecahedron.png
Great inverted snub icosidodecahedron
V 60,E 150,F 92=(20+60){3}+12{5/2}
χ=2, group=I, [5,3]+, 532
| 5/3 2 3 - 34.5/3
W116, U69, K74, C73

Great retrosnub icosidodecahedron.png
Great retrosnub icosidodecahedron
V 60,E 150,F 92=(20+60){3}+12{5/2}
χ=2, group=I, [5,3]+, 532
| 2 3/2 5/3 - (34.5/2)/2
W117, U74, K79, C90
Great inverted retrosnub icosidodecahedron


Snub icosidodecadodecahedron.png
Snub icosidodecadodecahedron
V 60,E 180,F 104=(20+60){3}+12{5}+12{5/2}
χ=16, group=I, [5,3]+, 532
| 5/3 3 5 -
W112, U46, K51, C58

Great snub dodecicosidodecahedron.png
Great snub dodecicosidodecahedron
V 60,E 180,F 104=(20+60){3}+(12+12){5/2}
χ=16, group=I, [5,3]+, 532
| 5/3 5/2 3 -
W115, U64, K69, C80

Wythoff |p q r s

Symmetry group

Great dirhombicosidodecahedron.png
Great dirhombicosidodecahedron
V 60,E 240,F 124=40{3}+60{4}+24{5/2}
χ=56, group=Ih, [5,3], *532
| 3/2 5/3 3 5/2 - 4.5/
W119, U75, K80, C92

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Archimedean solid</span> Polyhedra in which all vertices are the same

In geometry, an Archimedean solid is one of 13 convex polyhedra whose faces are regular polygons and whose vertices are all symmetric to each other. They were first enumerated by Archimedes. They belong to the class of convex uniform polyhedra, the convex polyhedra with regular faces and symmetric vertices, which is divided into the Archimedean solids, the five Platonic solids, and the two infinite families of prisms and antiprisms. The pseudorhombicuboctahedron is an extra polyhedron with regular faces and congruent vertices, but it is not generally counted as an Archimedean solid because it is not vertex-transitive. An even larger class than the convex uniform polyhedra is the Johnson solids, whose regular polygonal faces do not need to meet in identical vertices.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cuboctahedron</span> Polyhedron with 8 triangular faces and 6 square faces

A cuboctahedron is a polyhedron with 8 triangular faces and 6 square faces. A cuboctahedron has 12 identical vertices, with 2 triangles and 2 squares meeting at each, and 24 identical edges, each separating a triangle from a square. As such, it is a quasiregular polyhedron, i.e. an Archimedean solid that is not only vertex-transitive but also edge-transitive. It is radially equilateral.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cube</span> Solid object with six equal square faces

In geometry, a cube is a three-dimensional solid object bounded by six square faces, facets, or sides, with three meeting at each vertex. Viewed from a corner, it is a hexagon and its net is usually depicted as a cross.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Octahedron</span> Polyhedron with eight triangular faces

In geometry, an octahedron is a polyhedron with eight faces. The term is most commonly used to refer to the regular octahedron, a Platonic solid composed of eight equilateral triangles, four of which meet at each vertex.

In geometry, a Platonic solid is a convex, regular polyhedron in three-dimensional Euclidean space. Being a regular polyhedron means that the faces are congruent regular polygons, and the same number of faces meet at each vertex. There are only five such polyhedra:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Schläfli symbol</span> Notation that defines regular polytopes and tessellations

In geometry, the Schläfli symbol is a notation of the form that defines regular polytopes and tessellations.

In geometry, the term semiregular polyhedron is used variously by different authors.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Uniform polyhedron</span> Isogonal polyhedron with regular faces

In geometry, a uniform polyhedron has regular polygons as faces and is vertex-transitive. It follows that all vertices are congruent.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hexagonal tiling</span> Regular tiling of a two-dimensional space

In geometry, the hexagonal tiling or hexagonal tessellation is a regular tiling of the Euclidean plane, in which exactly three hexagons meet at each vertex. It has Schläfli symbol of {6,3} or t{3,6} .

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vertex configuration</span> Notation for a polyhedrons vertex figure

In geometry, a vertex configuration is a shorthand notation for representing the vertex figure of a polyhedron or tiling as the sequence of faces around a vertex. For uniform polyhedra there is only one vertex type and therefore the vertex configuration fully defines the polyhedron.

In geometry, a snub polyhedron is a polyhedron obtained by performing a snub operation: alternating a corresponding omnitruncated or truncated polyhedron, depending on the definition. Some, but not all, authors include antiprisms as snub polyhedra, as they are obtained by this construction from a degenerate "polyhedron" with only two faces.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Uniform polytope</span> Isogonal polytope with uniform facets

In geometry, a uniform polytope of dimension three or higher is a vertex-transitive polytope bounded by uniform facets. The uniform polytopes in two dimensions are the regular polygons.

In geometry, a quasiregular polyhedron is a uniform polyhedron that has exactly two kinds of regular faces, which alternate around each vertex. They are vertex-transitive and edge-transitive, hence a step closer to regular polyhedra than the semiregular, which are merely vertex-transitive.

In geometry, a uniform tiling is a tessellation of the plane by regular polygon faces with the restriction of being vertex-transitive.

In geometry, a hemipolyhedron is a uniform star polyhedron some of whose faces pass through its center. These "hemi" faces lie parallel to the faces of some other symmetrical polyhedron, and their count is half the number of faces of that other polyhedron – hence the "hemi" prefix.

In geometry, many uniform tilings on sphere, euclidean plane, and hyperbolic plane can be made by Wythoff construction within a fundamental triangle,, defined by internal angles as π/p, π/q, and π/r. Special cases are right triangles. Uniform solutions are constructed by a single generator point with 7 positions within the fundamental triangle, the 3 corners, along the 3 edges, and the triangle interior. All vertices exist at the generator, or a reflected copy of it. Edges exist between a generator point and its image across a mirror. Up to 3 face types exist centered on the fundamental triangle corners. Right triangle domains can have as few as 1 face type, making regular forms, while general triangles have at least 2 triangle types, leading at best to a quasiregular tiling.