These tables list values of molar ionization energies, measured in kJ⋅mol−1. This is the energy per mole necessary to remove electrons from gaseous atoms or atomic ions. The first molar ionization energy applies to the neutral atoms. The second, third, etc., molar ionization energy applies to the further removal of an electron from a singly, doubly, etc., charged ion. For ionization energies measured in the unit eV, see Ionization energies of the elements (data page) . All data from rutherfordium onwards is predicted.
Number | Symbol | Name | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th |
1 | H | hydrogen | 1312.0 | |||||||||
2 | He | helium | 2372.3 | 5250.5 | ||||||||
3 | Li | lithium | 520.2 | 7298.1 | 11,815.0 | |||||||
4 | Be | beryllium | 899.5 | 1757.1 | 14,848.7 | 21,006.6 | ||||||
5 | B | boron | 800.6 | 2427.1 | 3659.7 | 25,025.8 | 32,826.7 | |||||
6 | C | carbon | 1086.5 | 2352.6 | 4620.5 | 6222.7 | 37,831 | 47,277.0 | ||||
7 | N | nitrogen | 1402.3 | 2856 | 4578.1 | 7475.0 | 9444.9 | 53,266.6 | 64,360 | |||
8 | O | oxygen | 1313.9 | 3388.3 | 5300.5 | 7469.2 | 10,989.5 | 13,326.5 | 71,330 | 84,078.0 | ||
9 | F | fluorine | 1681.0 | 3374.2 | 6050.4 | 8407.7 | 11,022.7 | 15,164.1 | 17,868 | 92,038.1 | 106,434.3 | |
10 | Ne | neon | 2080.7 | 3952.3 | 6122 | 9371 | 12,177 | 15,238.90 | 19,999.0 | 23,069.5 | 115,379.5 | 131,432 |
11 | Na | sodium | 495.8 | 4562 | 6910.3 | 9543 | 13,354 | 16,613 | 20,117 | 25,496 | 28,932 | 141,362 |
12 | Mg | magnesium | 737.7 | 1450.7 | 7732.7 | 10,542.5 | 13,630 | 18,020 | 21,711 | 25,661 | 31,653 | 35,458 |
13 | Al | aluminium | 577.5 | 1816.7 | 2744.8 | 11,577 | 14,842 | 18,379 | 23,326 | 27,465 | 31,853 | 38,473 |
14 | Si | silicon | 786.5 | 1577.1 | 3231.6 | 4355.5 | 16,091 | 19,805 | 23,780 | 29,287 | 33,878 | 38,726 |
15 | P | phosphorus | 1011.8 | 1907 | 2914.1 | 4963.6 | 6273.9 | 21,267 | 25,431 | 29,872 | 35,905 | 40,950 |
16 | S | sulfur | 999.6 | 2252 | 3357 | 4556 | 7004.3 | 8495.8 | 27,107 | 31,719 | 36,621 | 43,177 |
17 | Cl | chlorine | 1251.2 | 2298 | 3822 | 5158.6 | 6542 | 9362 | 11,018 | 33,604 | 38,600 | 43,961 |
18 | Ar | argon | 1520.6 | 2665.8 | 3931 | 5771 | 7238 | 8781 | 11,995 | 13,842 | 40,760 | 46,186 |
19 | K | potassium | 418.8 | 3052 | 4420 | 5877 | 7975 | 9590 | 11,343 | 14,944 | 16,963.7 | 48,610 |
20 | Ca | calcium | 589.8 | 1145.4 | 4912.4 | 6491 | 8153 | 10,496 | 12,270 | 14,206 | 18,191 | 20,385 |
21 | Sc | scandium | 633.1 | 1235.0 | 2388.6 | 7090.6 | 8843 | 10,679 | 13,310 | 15,250 | 17,370 | 21,726 |
22 | Ti | titanium | 658.8 | 1309.8 | 2652.5 | 4174.6 | 9581 | 11,533 | 13,590 | 16,440 | 18,530 | 20,833 |
23 | V | vanadium | 650.9 | 1414 | 2830 | 4507 | 6298.7 | 12,363 | 14,530 | 16,730 | 19,860 | 22,240 |
24 | Cr | chromium | 652.9 | 1590.6 | 2987 | 4743 | 6702 | 8744.9 | 15,455 | 17,820 | 20,190 | 23,580 |
25 | Mn | manganese | 717.3 | 1509.0 | 3248 | 4940 | 6990 | 9220 | 11,500 | 18,770 | 21,400 | 23,960 |
26 | Fe | iron | 762.5 | 1561.9 | 2957 | 5290 | 7240 | 9560 | 12,060 | 14,580 | 22,540 | 25,290 |
27 | Co | cobalt | 760.4 | 1648 | 3232 | 4950 | 7670 | 9840 | 12,440 | 15,230 | 17,959 | 26,570 |
28 | Ni | nickel | 737.1 | 1753.0 | 3395 | 5300 | 7339 | 10,400 | 12,800 | 15,600 | 18,600 | 21,670 |
29 | Cu | copper | 745.5 | 1957.9 | 3555 | 5536 | 7700 | 9900 | 13,400 | 16,000 | 19,200 | 22,400 |
30 | Zn | zinc | 906.4 | 1733.3 | 3833 | 5731 | 7970 | 10,400 | 12,900 | 16,800 | 19,600 | 23,000 |
31 | Ga | gallium | 578.8 | 1979.3 | 2963 | 6180 | ||||||
32 | Ge | germanium | 762 | 1537.5 | 3302.1 | 4411 | 9020 | |||||
33 | As | arsenic | 947.0 | 1798 | 2735 | 4837 | 6043 | 12,310 | ||||
34 | Se | selenium | 941.0 | 2045 | 2973.7 | 4144 | 6590 | 7880 | 14,990 | |||
35 | Br | bromine | 1139.9 | 2103 | 3470 | 4560 | 5760 | 8550 | 9940 | 18,600 | ||
36 | Kr | krypton | 1350.8 | 2350.4 | 3565 | 5070 | 6240 | 7570 | 10,710 | 12,138 | 22,274 | 25,880 |
37 | Rb | rubidium | 403.0 | 2633 | 3860 | 5080 | 6850 | 8140 | 9570 | 13,120 | 14,500 | 26,740 |
38 | Sr | strontium | 549.5 | 1064.2 | 4138 | 5500 | 6910 | 8760 | 10,230 | 11,800 | 15,600 | 17,100 |
39 | Y | yttrium | 600 | 1180 | 1980 | 5847 | 7430 | 8970 | 11,190 | 12,450 | 14,110 | 18,400 |
40 | Zr | zirconium | 640.1 | 1270 | 2218 | 3313 | 7752 | 9500 | ||||
41 | Nb | niobium | 652.1 | 1380 | 2416 | 3700 | 4877 | 9847 | 12,100 | |||
42 | Mo | molybdenum | 684.3 | 1560 | 2618 | 4480 | 5257 | 6640.8 | 12,125 | 13,860 | 15,835 | 17,980 |
43 | Tc | technetium | 686.9 [1] | 1470 | 2850 | |||||||
44 | Ru | ruthenium | 710.2 | 1620 | 2747 | |||||||
45 | Rh | rhodium | 719.7 | 1740 | 2997 | |||||||
46 | Pd | palladium | 804.4 | 1870 | 3177 | |||||||
47 | Ag | silver | 731.0 | 2070 | 3361 | |||||||
48 | Cd | cadmium | 867.8 | 1631.4 | 3616 | |||||||
49 | In | indium | 558.3 | 1820.7 | 2704 | 5210 | ||||||
50 | Sn | tin | 708.6 | 1411.8 | 2943.0 | 3930.3 | 7456 | |||||
51 | Sb | antimony | 834 | 1594.9 | 2440 | 4260 | 5400 | 10,400 | ||||
52 | Te | tellurium | 869.3 | 1790 | 2698 | 3610 | 5668 | 6820 | 13,200 | |||
53 | I | iodine | 1008.4 | 1845.9 | 3180 | |||||||
54 | Xe | xenon | 1170.4 | 2046.4 | 3099.4 | |||||||
55 | Cs | caesium | 375.7 | 2234.3 | 3400 | |||||||
56 | Ba | barium | 502.9 | 965.2 | 3600 | |||||||
57 | La | lanthanum | 538.1 | 1067 | 1850.3 | 4819 | 5940 | |||||
58 | Ce | cerium | 534.4 | 1050 | 1949 | 3547 | 6325 | 7490 | ||||
59 | Pr | praseodymium | 527 | 1020 | 2086 | 3761 | 5551 | |||||
60 | Nd | neodymium | 533.1 | 1040 | 2130 | 3900 | ||||||
61 | Pm | promethium | 540 | 1050 | 2150 | 3970 | ||||||
62 | Sm | samarium | 544.5 | 1070 | 2260 | 3990 | ||||||
63 | Eu | europium | 547.1 | 1085 | 2404 | 4120 | ||||||
64 | Gd | gadolinium | 593.4 | 1170 | 1990 | 4250 | ||||||
65 | Tb | terbium | 565.8 | 1110 | 2114 | 3839 | ||||||
66 | Dy | dysprosium | 573.0 | 1130 | 2200 | 3990 | ||||||
67 | Ho | holmium | 581.0 | 1140 | 2204 | 4100 | ||||||
68 | Er | erbium | 589.3 | 1150 | 2194 | 4120 | ||||||
69 | Tm | thulium | 596.7 | 1160 | 2285 | 4120 | ||||||
70 | Yb | ytterbium | 603.4 | 1174.8 | 2417 | 4203 | ||||||
71 | Lu | lutetium | 523.5 | 1340 | 2022.3 | 4370 | 6445 | |||||
72 | Hf | hafnium | 658.5 | 1440 | 2250 | 3216 | ||||||
73 | Ta | tantalum | 761 | 1500 | ||||||||
74 | W | tungsten | 770 | 1700 | ||||||||
75 | Re | rhenium | 760 | 1260 | 2510 | 3640 | ||||||
76 | Os | osmium | 840 | 1600 | ||||||||
77 | Ir | iridium | 880 | 1600 | ||||||||
78 | Pt | platinum | 870 | 1791 | ||||||||
79 | Au | gold | 890.1 | 1980 | ||||||||
80 | Hg | mercury | 1007.1 | 1810 | 3300 | |||||||
81 | Tl | thallium | 589.4 | 1971 | 2878 | |||||||
82 | Pb | lead | 715.6 | 1450.5 | 3081.5 | 4083 | 6640 | |||||
83 | Bi | bismuth | 703 | 1610 | 2466 | 4370 | 5400 | 8520 | ||||
84 | Po | polonium | 812.1 | |||||||||
85 | At | astatine | 899.003 | |||||||||
86 | Rn | radon | 1037 | |||||||||
87 | Fr | francium | 393 | |||||||||
88 | Ra | radium | 509.3 | 979.0 | ||||||||
89 | Ac | actinium | 499 | 1170 | 1900 | 4700 | ||||||
90 | Th | thorium | 587 | 1110 | 1978 | 2780 | ||||||
91 | Pa | protactinium | 568 | 1128 | 1814 | 2991 | ||||||
92 | U | uranium | 597.6 | 1420 | 1900 | 3145 | ||||||
93 | Np | neptunium | 604.5 | 1128 | 1997 | 3242 | ||||||
94 | Pu | plutonium | 584.7 | 1128 | 2084 | 3338 | ||||||
95 | Am | americium | 578 | 1158 | 2132 | 3493 | ||||||
96 | Cm | curium | 581 | 1196 | 2026 | 3550 | ||||||
97 | Bk | berkelium | 601 | 1186 | 2152 | 3434 | ||||||
98 | Cf | californium | 608 | 1206 | 2267 | 3599 | ||||||
99 | Es | einsteinium | 619 | 1216 | 2334 | 3734 | ||||||
100 | Fm | fermium | 629 | 1225 | 2363 | 3792 | ||||||
101 | Md | mendelevium | 636 | 1235 | 2470 | 3840 | ||||||
102 | No | nobelium | 639 | 1254 | 2643 | 3956 | ||||||
103 | Lr | lawrencium | 479 | 1428 | 2228 | 4910 | ||||||
104 | Rf | rutherfordium | 580 | 1390 | 2300 | 3080 | ||||||
105 | Db | dubnium | 665 | 1547 | 2378 | 3299 | 4305 | |||||
106 | Sg | seaborgium | 757 | 1733 | 2484 | 3416 | 4562 | 5716 | ||||
107 | Bh | bohrium | 740 | 1690 | 2570 | 3600 | 4730 | 5990 | 7230 | |||
108 | Hs | hassium | 730 | 1760 | 2830 | 3640 | 4940 | 6180 | 7540 | 8860 | ||
109 | Mt | meitnerium | 800 | 1820 | 2900 | 3900 | 4900 | |||||
110 | Ds | darmstadtium | 960 | 1890 | 3030 | 4000 | 5100 | |||||
111 | Rg | roentgenium | 1020 | 2070 | 3080 | 4100 | 5300 | |||||
112 | Cn | copernicium | 1155 | 2170 | 3160 | 4200 | 5500 | |||||
113 | Nh | nihonium | 707.2 | 2309 | 3020 | 4382 | 5638 | |||||
114 | Fl | flerovium | 832.2 | 1600 | 3370 | 4400 | 5850 | |||||
115 | Mc | moscovium | 538.3 | 1760 | 2650 | 4680 | 5720 | |||||
116 | Lv | livermorium | 663.9 | 1330 | 2850 | 3810 | 6080 | |||||
117 | Ts | tennessine | 736.9 | 1435.4 | 2161.9 | 4012.9 | 5076.4 | |||||
118 | Og | oganesson | 860.1 | 1560 | ||||||||
119 | Uue | ununennium | 463.1 | 1700 | ||||||||
120 | Ubn | unbinilium | 563.3 | 895– 919 | ||||||||
121 | Ubu | unbiunium | 429.4 | 1110 | 1710 | 4270 | ||||||
122 | Ubb | unbibium | 545 | 1090 | 1848 | 2520 |
number | symbol | name | 11th | 12th | 13th | 14th | 15th | 16th | 17th | 18th | 19th | 20th |
11 | Na | sodium | 159,076 | |||||||||
12 | Mg | magnesium | 169,988 | 189,368 | ||||||||
13 | Al | aluminium | 42,647 | 201,266 | 222,316 | |||||||
14 | Si | silicon | 45,962 | 50,502 | 235,196 | 257,923 | ||||||
15 | P | phosphorus | 46,261 | 54,110 | 59,024 | 271,791 | 296,195 | |||||
16 | S | sulfur | 48,710 | 54,460 | 62,930 | 68,216 | 311,048 | 337,138 | ||||
17 | Cl | chlorine | 51,068 | 57,119 | 63,363 | 72,341 | 78,095 | 352,994 | 380,760 | |||
18 | Ar | argon | 52,002 | 59,653 | 66,199 | 72,918 | 82,473 | 88,576 | 397,605 | 427,066 | ||
19 | K | potassium | 54,490 | 60,730 | 68,950 | 75,900 | 83,080 | 93,400 | 99,710 | 444,880 | 476,063 | |
20 | Ca | calcium | 57,110 | 63,410 | 70,110 | 78,890 | 86,310 | 94,000 | 104,900 | 111,711 | 494,850 | 527,762 |
21 | Sc | scandium | 24,102 | 66,320 | 73,010 | 80,160 | 89,490 | 97,400 | 105,600 | 117,000 | 124,270 | 547,530 |
22 | Ti | titanium | 25,575 | 28,125 | 76,015 | 83,280 | 90,880 | 100,700 | 109,100 | 117,800 | 129,900 | 137,530 |
23 | V | vanadium | 24,670 | 29,730 | 32,446 | 86,450 | 94,170 | 102,300 | 112,700 | 121,600 | 130,700 | 143,400 |
24 | Cr | chromium | 26,130 | 28,750 | 34,230 | 37,066 | 97,510 | 105,800 | 114,300 | 125,300 | 134,700 | 144,300 |
25 | Mn | manganese | 27,590 | 30,330 | 33,150 | 38,880 | 41,987 | 109,480 | 118,100 | 127,100 | 138,600 | 148,500 |
26 | Fe | iron | 28,000 | 31,920 | 34,830 | 37,840 | 44,100 | 47,206 | 122,200 | 131,000 | 140,500 | 152,600 |
27 | Co | cobalt | 29,400 | 32,400 | 36,600 | 39,700 | 42,800 | 49,396 | 52,737 | 134,810 | 145,170 | 154,700 |
28 | Ni | nickel | 30,970 | 34,000 | 37,100 | 41,500 | 44,800 | 48,100 | 55,101 | 58,570 | 148,700 | 159,000 |
29 | Cu | copper | 25,600 | 35,600 | 38,700 | 42,000 | 46,700 | 50,200 | 53,700 | 61,100 | 64,702 | 163,700 |
30 | Zn | zinc | 26,400 | 29,990 | 40,490 | 43,800 | 47,300 | 52,300 | 55,900 | 59,700 | 67,300 | 71,200 |
36 | Kr | krypton | 29,700 | 33,800 | 37,700 | 43,100 | 47,500 | 52,200 | 57,100 | 61,800 | 75,800 | 80,400 |
38 | Sr | strontium | 31,270 | |||||||||
39 | Y | yttrium | 19,900 | 36,090 | ||||||||
42 | Mo | molybdenum | 20,190 | 22,219 | 26,930 | 29,196 | 52,490 | 55,000 | 61,400 | 67,700 | 74,000 | 80,400 |
number | symbol | name | 21st | 22nd | 23rd | 24th | 25th | 26th | 27th | 28th | 29th | 30th |
21 | Sc | scandium | 582,163 | |||||||||
22 | Ti | titanium | 602,930 | 639,294 | ||||||||
23 | V | vanadium | 151,440 | 661,050 | 699,144 | |||||||
24 | Cr | chromium | 157,700 | 166,090 | 721,870 | 761,733 | ||||||
25 | Mn | manganese | 158,600 | 172,500 | 181,380 | 785,450 | 827,067 | |||||
26 | Fe | iron | 163,000 | 173,600 | 188,100 | 195,200 | 851,800 | 895,161 | ||||
27 | Co | cobalt | 167,400 | 178,100 | 189,300 | 204,500 | 214,100 | 920,870 | 966,023 | |||
28 | Ni | nickel | 169,400 | 182,700 | 194,000 | 205,600 | 221,400 | 231,490 | 992,718 | 1,039,668 | ||
29 | Cu | copper | 174,100 | 184,900 | 198,800 | 210,500 | 222,700 | 239,100 | 249,660 | 1,067,358 | 1,116,105 | |
30 | Zn | zinc | 179,100 | |||||||||
36 | Kr | krypton | 85,300 | 90,400 | 96,300 | 101,400 | 111,100 | 116,290 | 282,500 | 296,200 | 311,400 | 326,200 |
42 | Mo | molybdenum | 87,000 | 93,400 | 98,420 | 104,400 | 121,900 | 127,700 | 133,800 | 139,800 | 148,100 | 154,500 |
Bohrium is a synthetic chemical element; it has symbol Bh and atomic number 107. It is named after Danish physicist Niels Bohr. As a synthetic element, it can be created in particle accelerators but is not found in nature. All known isotopes of bohrium are highly radioactive; the most stable known isotope is 270Bh with a half-life of approximately 2.4 minutes, though the unconfirmed 278Bh may have a longer half-life of about 11.5 minutes.
Lawrencium is a synthetic chemical element; it has symbol Lr and atomic number 103. It is named in honor of Ernest Lawrence, inventor of the cyclotron, a device that was used to discover many artificial radioactive elements. A radioactive metal, lawrencium is the eleventh transuranic element and the last member of the actinide series. Like all elements with atomic number over 100, lawrencium can only be produced in particle accelerators by bombarding lighter elements with charged particles. Fourteen isotopes of lawrencium are currently known; the most stable is 266Lr with half-life 11 hours, but the shorter-lived 260Lr is most commonly used in chemistry because it can be produced on a larger scale.
Mendelevium is a synthetic chemical element; it has symbol Md and atomic number 101. A metallic radioactive transuranium element in the actinide series, it is the first element by atomic number that currently cannot be produced in macroscopic quantities by neutron bombardment of lighter elements. It is the third-to-last actinide and the ninth transuranic element. It can only be produced in particle accelerators by bombarding lighter elements with charged particles. Seventeen isotopes are known; the most stable is 258Md with half-life 51.59 days; however, the shorter-lived 256Md is most commonly used in chemistry because it can be produced on a larger scale.
Nobelium is a synthetic chemical element; it has symbol No and atomic number 102. It is named in honor of Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite and benefactor of science. A radioactive metal, it is the tenth transuranic element and is the penultimate member of the actinide series. Like all elements with atomic number over 100, nobelium can only be produced in particle accelerators by bombarding lighter elements with charged particles. A total of twelve nobelium isotopes are known to exist; the most stable is 259No with a half-life of 58 minutes, but the shorter-lived 255No is most commonly used in chemistry because it can be produced on a larger scale.
Rutherfordium is a synthetic chemical element; it has symbol Rf and atomic number 104. It is named after physicist Ernest Rutherford. As a synthetic element, it is not found in nature and can only be made in a particle accelerator. It is radioactive; the most stable known isotope, 267Rf, has a half-life of about 48 minutes.
Seaborgium is a synthetic chemical element; it has symbol Sg and atomic number 106. It is named after the American nuclear chemist Glenn T. Seaborg. As a synthetic element, it can be created in a laboratory but is not found in nature. It is also radioactive; the most stable known isotope, 267Sg, has a half-life of approximately 9.8 minutes.
The atomic radius of a chemical element is a measure of the size of its atom, usually the mean or typical distance from the center of the nucleus to the outermost isolated electron. Since the boundary is not a well-defined physical entity, there are various non-equivalent definitions of atomic radius. Four widely used definitions of atomic radius are: Van der Waals radius, ionic radius, metallic radius and covalent radius. Typically, because of the difficulty to isolate atoms in order to measure their radii separately, atomic radius is measured in a chemically bonded state; however theoretical calculations are simpler when considering atoms in isolation. The dependencies on environment, probe, and state lead to a multiplicity of definitions.
In physics and chemistry, ionization energy (IE) is the minimum energy required to remove the most loosely bound electron of an isolated gaseous atom, positive ion, or molecule. The first ionization energy is quantitatively expressed as
Livermorium is a synthetic chemical element; it has symbol Lv and atomic number 116. It is an extremely radioactive element that has only been created in a laboratory setting and has not been observed in nature. The element is named after the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the United States, which collaborated with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russia, to discover livermorium during experiments conducted between 2000 and 2006. The name of the laboratory refers to the city of Livermore, California, where it is located, which in turn was named after the rancher and landowner Robert Livermore. The name was adopted by IUPAC on May 30, 2012. Five isotopes of livermorium are known, with mass numbers of 288 and 290–293 inclusive; the longest-lived among them is livermorium-293 with a half-life of about 80 milliseconds. A sixth possible isotope with mass number 294 has been reported but not yet confirmed.
In atomic physics and quantum chemistry, the electron configuration is the distribution of electrons of an atom or molecule in atomic or molecular orbitals. For example, the electron configuration of the neon atom is 1s2 2s2 2p6, meaning that the 1s, 2s, and 2p subshells are occupied by two, two, and six electrons, respectively.
Unbinilium, also known as eka-radium or element 120, is a hypothetical chemical element; it has symbol Ubn and atomic number 120. Unbinilium and Ubn are the temporary systematic IUPAC name and symbol, which are used until the element is discovered, confirmed, and a permanent name is decided upon. In the periodic table of the elements, it is expected to be an s-block element, an alkaline earth metal, and the second element in the eighth period. It has attracted attention because of some predictions that it may be in the island of stability.
Ununennium, also known as eka-francium or element 119, is a hypothetical chemical element; it has symbol Uue and atomic number 119. Ununennium and Uue are the temporary systematic IUPAC name and symbol respectively, which are used until the element has been discovered, confirmed, and a permanent name is decided upon. In the periodic table of the elements, it is expected to be an s-block element, an alkali metal, and the first element in the eighth period. It is the lightest element that has not yet been synthesized.
Moscovium is a synthetic chemical element; it has symbol Mc and atomic number 115. It was first synthesized in 2003 by a joint team of Russian and American scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russia. In December 2015, it was recognized as one of four new elements by the Joint Working Party of international scientific bodies IUPAC and IUPAP. On 28 November 2016, it was officially named after the Moscow Oblast, in which the JINR is situated.
An extended periodic table theorizes about chemical elements beyond those currently known and proven. The element with the highest atomic number known is oganesson (Z = 118), which completes the seventh period (row) in the periodic table. All elements in the eighth period and beyond thus remain purely hypothetical.
Flerovium is a superheavy synthetic chemical element; it has symbol Fl and atomic number 114. It is an extremely radioactive element, named after the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia, where the element was discovered in 1999. The lab's name, in turn, honours Russian physicist Georgy Flyorov. IUPAC adopted the name on 30 May 2012. The name and symbol had previously been proposed for element 102 (nobelium), but was not accepted by IUPAC at that time.
A period 7 element is one of the chemical elements in the seventh row of the periodic table of the chemical elements. The periodic table is laid out in rows to illustrate recurring (periodic) trends in the chemical behavior of the elements as their atomic number increases: a new row is begun when chemical behavior begins to repeat, meaning that elements with similar behavior fall into the same vertical columns. The seventh period contains 32 elements, tied for the most with period 6, beginning with francium and ending with oganesson, the heaviest element currently discovered. As a rule, period 7 elements fill their 7s shells first, then their 5f, 6d, and 7p shells in that order, but there are exceptions, such as uranium.
The Born–Haber cycle is an approach to analyze reaction energies. It was named after two German scientists, Max Born and Fritz Haber, who developed it in 1919. It was also independently formulated by Kasimir Fajans and published concurrently in the same journal. The cycle is concerned with the formation of an ionic compound from the reaction of a metal with a halogen or other non-metallic element such as oxygen.
This page shows the electron configurations of the neutral gaseous atoms in their ground states. For each atom the subshells are given first in concise form, then with all subshells written out, followed by the number of electrons per shell. For phosphorus as an example, the concise form is [Ne] 3s2 3p3. Here [Ne] refers to the core electrons which are the same as for the element neon (Ne), the last noble gas before phosphorus in the periodic table. The valence electrons are written explicitly for all atoms.
Unbiunium, also known as eka-actinium or element 121, is a hypothetical chemical element; it has symbol Ubu and atomic number 121. Unbiunium and Ubu are the temporary systematic IUPAC name and symbol respectively, which are used until the element is discovered, confirmed, and a permanent name is decided upon. In the periodic table of the elements, it is expected to be the first of the superactinides, and the third element in the eighth period. It has attracted attention because of some predictions that it may be in the island of stability. It is also likely to be the first of a new g-block of elements.