Molar ionization energies of the elements

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These tables list values of molar ionization energies, measured in kJ⋅mol−1. This is the energy per mole necessary to remove electrons from gaseous atoms or atomic ions. The first molar ionization energy applies to the neutral atoms. The second, third, etc., molar ionization energy applies to the further removal of an electron from a singly, doubly, etc., charged ion. For ionization energies measured in the unit eV, see Ionization energies of the elements (data page) . All data from rutherfordium onwards is predicted.


1st-10th Ionization Energies

1H hydrogen 1312.0
2He helium 2372.35250.5
3Li lithium 520.27298.111,815.0
4Be beryllium 899.51757.114,848.721,006.6
5B boron 800.62427.13659.725,025.832,826.7
6C carbon 1086.52352.64620.56222.737,83147,277.0
7N nitrogen 1402.328564578.17475.09444.953,266.664,360
8O oxygen 1313.93388.35300.57469.210,989.513,326.571,33084,078.0
9F fluorine 1681.03374.26050.48407.711,022.715,164.117,86892,038.1106,434.3
10Ne neon 2080.73952.36122937112,17715,238.9019,999.023,069.5115,379.5131,432
11Na sodium 495.845626910.3954313,35416,61320,11725,49628,932141,362
12Mg magnesium 737.71450.77732.710,542.513,63018,02021,71125,66131,65335,458
13Al aluminium 577.51816.72744.811,57714,84218,37923,32627,46531,85338,473
14Si silicon 786.51577.13231.64355.516,09119,80523,78029,28733,87838,726
15P phosphorus 1011.819072914.14963.66273.921,26725,43129,87235,90540,950
16S sulfur 999.62252335745567004.38495.827,10731,71936,62143,177
17Cl chlorine 1251.2229838225158.66542936211,01833,60438,60043,961
18Ar argon 1520.62665.8393157717238878111,99513,84240,76046,186
19K potassium 418.83052442058777975959011,34314,94416,963.748,610
20Ca calcium 589.81145.44912.46491815310,49612,27014,20618,19120,385
21Sc scandium 633.11235.02388.67090.6884310,67913,31015,25017,37021,726
22Ti titanium 658.81309.82652.54174.6958111,53313,59016,44018,53020,833
23V vanadium 650.91414283045076298.712,36314,53016,73019,86022,240
24Cr chromium 652.91590.62987474367028744.915,45517,82020,19023,580
25Mn manganese 717.31509.0324849406990922011,50018,77021,40023,960
26Fe iron 762.51561.9295752907240956012,06014,58022,54025,290
27Co cobalt 760.41648323249507670984012,44015,23017,95926,570
28Ni nickel 737.11753.033955300733910,40012,80015,60018,60021,670
29Cu copper 745.51957.9355555367700990013,40016,00019,20022,400
30Zn zinc 906.41733.338335731797010,40012,90016,80019,60023,000
31Ga gallium 578.81979.329636180
32Ge germanium 7621537.53302.144119020
33As arsenic 947.0179827354837604312,310
34Se selenium 941.020452973.741446590788014,990
35Br bromine 1139.921033470456057608550994018,600
36Kr krypton 1350.82350.4356550706240757010,71012,13822,27425,880
37Rb rubidium 403.026333860508068508140957013,12014,50026,740
38Sr strontium 549.51064.2413855006910876010,23011,80015,60017,100
39Y yttrium 6001180198058477430897011,19012,45014,11018,400
40Zr zirconium 640.112702218331377529500
41Nb niobium 652.11380241637004877984712,100
42Mo molybdenum 684.315602618448052576640.812,12513,86015,83517,980
43Tc technetium 686.9 [1] 14702850
44Ru ruthenium 710.216202747
45Rh rhodium 719.717402997
46Pd palladium 804.418703177
47Ag silver 731.020703361
48Cd cadmium 867.81631.43616
49In indium 558.31820.727045210
50Sn tin 708.61411.82943.03930.37456
51Sb antimony 8341594.924404260540010,400
52Te tellurium 869.31790269836105668682013,200
53I iodine 1008.41845.93180
54Xe xenon 1170.42046.43099.4
55Cs caesium 375.72234.33400
56Ba barium 502.9965.23600
57La lanthanum 538.110671850.348195940
58Ce cerium 534.410501949354763257490
59Pr praseodymium 5271020208637615551
60Nd neodymium 533.1104021303900
61Pm promethium 540105021503970
62Sm samarium 544.5107022603990
63Eu europium 547.1108524044120
64Gd gadolinium 593.4117019904250
65Tb terbium 565.8111021143839
66Dy dysprosium 573.0113022003990
67Ho holmium 581.0114022044100
68Er erbium 589.3115021944120
69Tm thulium 596.7116022854120
70Yb ytterbium 603.41174.824174203
71Lu lutetium 523.513402022.343706445
72Hf hafnium 658.5144022503216
73Ta tantalum 7611500
74W tungsten 7701700
75Re rhenium 760126025103640
76Os osmium 8401600
77Ir iridium 8801600
78Pt platinum 8701791
79Au gold 890.11980
80Hg mercury 1007.118103300
81Tl thallium 589.419712878
82Pb lead 715.61450.53081.540836640
83Bi bismuth 70316102466437054008520
84Po polonium 812.1
85At astatine 899.003
86Rn radon 1037
87Fr francium 393
88Ra radium 509.3979.0
89Ac actinium 499117019004700
90Th thorium 587111019782780
91Pa protactinium 568112818142991
92U uranium 597.6142019003145
93Np neptunium 604.5112819973242
94Pu plutonium 584.7112820843338
95Am americium 578115821323493
96Cm curium 581119620263550
97Bk berkelium 601118621523434
98Cf californium 608120622673599
99Es einsteinium 619121623343734
100Fm fermium 629122523633792
101Md mendelevium 636123524703840
102No nobelium 639125426433956
103Lr lawrencium 479142822284910
104Rf rutherfordium 580139023003080
105Db dubnium 6651547237832994305
106Sg seaborgium 75717332484341645625716
107Bh bohrium 740169025703600473059907230
108Hs hassium 7301760283036404940618075408860
109Mt meitnerium 8001820290039004900
110Ds darmstadtium 9601890303040005100
111Rg roentgenium 10202070308041005300
112Cn copernicium 11552170316042005500
113Nh nihonium 707.22309302043825638
114Fl flerovium 832.21600337044005850
115Mc moscovium 538.31760265046805720
116Lv livermorium 663.91330285038106080
117Ts tennessine 736.91435.42161.94012.95076.4
118Og oganesson 860.11560
119Uue ununennium 463.11700
120Ubn unbinilium 563.3895–
121Ubu unbiunium 429.4111017104270
122Ubb unbibium 545109018482520

11th20th ionisation energies

11Na sodium 159,076
12Mg magnesium 169,988189,368
13Al aluminium 42,647201,266222,316
14Si silicon 45,96250,502235,196257,923
15P phosphorus 46,26154,11059,024271,791296,195
16S sulfur 48,71054,46062,93068,216311,048337,138
17Cl chlorine 51,06857,11963,36372,34178,095352,994380,760
18Ar argon 52,00259,65366,19972,91882,47388,576397,605427,066
19K potassium 54,49060,73068,95075,90083,08093,40099,710444,880476,063
20Ca calcium 57,11063,41070,11078,89086,31094,000104,900111,711494,850527,762
21Sc scandium 24,10266,32073,01080,16089,49097,400105,600117,000124,270547,530
22Ti titanium 25,57528,12576,01583,28090,880100,700109,100117,800129,900137,530
23V vanadium 24,67029,73032,44686,45094,170102,300112,700121,600130,700143,400
24Cr chromium 26,13028,75034,23037,06697,510105,800114,300125,300134,700144,300
25Mn manganese 27,59030,33033,15038,88041,987109,480118,100127,100138,600148,500
26Fe iron 28,00031,92034,83037,84044,10047,206122,200131,000140,500152,600
27Co cobalt 29,40032,40036,60039,70042,80049,39652,737134,810145,170154,700
28Ni nickel 30,97034,00037,10041,50044,80048,10055,10158,570148,700159,000
29Cu copper 25,60035,60038,70042,00046,70050,20053,70061,10064,702163,700
30Zn zinc 26,40029,99040,49043,80047,30052,30055,90059,70067,30071,200
36Kr krypton 29,70033,80037,70043,10047,50052,20057,10061,80075,80080,400
38Sr strontium 31,270
39Y yttrium 19,90036,090
42Mo molybdenum 20,19022,21926,93029,19652,49055,00061,40067,70074,00080,400

21st30th ionisation energies

21Sc scandium 582,163
22Ti titanium 602,930639,294
23V vanadium 151,440661,050699,144
24Cr chromium 157,700166,090721,870761,733
25Mn manganese 158,600172,500181,380785,450827,067
26Fe iron 163,000173,600188,100195,200851,800895,161
27Co cobalt 167,400178,100189,300204,500214,100920,870966,023
28Ni nickel 169,400182,700194,000205,600221,400231,490992,7181,039,668
29Cu copper 174,100184,900198,800210,500222,700239,100249,6601,067,3581,116,105
30Zn zinc 179,100
36Kr krypton 85,30090,40096,300101,400111,100116,290282,500296,200311,400326,200
42Mo molybdenum 87,00093,40098,420104,400121,900127,700133,800139,800148,100154,500

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This page shows the electron configurations of the neutral gaseous atoms in their ground states. For each atom the subshells are given first in concise form, then with all subshells written out, followed by the number of electrons per shell. For phosphorus as an example, the concise form is [Ne] 3s2 3p3. Here [Ne] refers to the core electrons which are the same as for the element neon (Ne), the last noble gas before phosphorus in the periodic table. The valence electrons are written explicitly for all atoms.

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  1. Mattolat, C.; Gottwald, T.; Raeder, S.; Rothe, S.; Schwellnus, F.; Wendt, K.; Thörle-Pospiech, P.; Trautmann, N. (24 May 2010). "Determination of the first ionization potential of technetium". Physical Review A. 81: 052513. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.81.052513.