Sphinx tiling

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Four 'sphinx' hexiamonds can be put together to form another sphinx. Self-replication of sphynx hexidiamonds.svg
Four 'sphinx' hexiamonds can be put together to form another sphinx.

In geometry, the sphinx tiling is a tessellation of the plane using the "sphinx", a pentagonal hexiamond formed by gluing six equilateral triangles together. The resultant shape is named for its reminiscence to the Great Sphinx at Giza. A sphinx can be dissected into any square number of copies of itself, [1] some of them mirror images, and repeating this process leads to a non-periodic tiling of the plane. The sphinx is therefore a rep-tile (a self-replicating tessellation). [2] It is one of few known pentagonal rep-tiles and is the only known pentagonal rep-tile whose sub-copies are equal in size. [3]


Dissection of the sphinx into four sub-copies
Dissection of the sphinx into nine sub-copies

General tilings

An outer boundary (``frame") in the shape of a sphinx can also be tiled in a non-recursive way for all orders. We define the order of a sphinx frame on a triangular lattice by the number of triangles at the ``tail" end. An order-2 frame can be tiled by four sphinxes in exactly one way (as shown in the figure), an order-3 frame can be tiled by 9 sphinxes in xxx ways, etc. The number of tilings grows exponentially as with the , where [4]

See also

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  1. Niţică, Viorel (2003), "Rep-tiles revisited", MASS selecta, Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, pp. 205–217, MR   2027179 .
  2. Godrèche, C. (1989), "The sphinx: a limit-periodic tiling of the plane", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 22 (24): L1163–L1166, doi:10.1088/0305-4470/22/24/006, MR   1030678
  3. Martin, Andy (2003), "The sphinx task centre problem", in Pritchard, Chris (ed.), The Changing Shape of Geometry, MAA Spectrum, Cambridge University Press, pp. 371–378, ISBN   9780521531627
  4. Huber, Greg; Knecht, Craig; Trump, Walter; Ziff, Robert M. (2024). "Entropy and chirality in sphinx tilings". Physical Review Research. 6 (1). arXiv: 2304.14388 . doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.013227. ISSN   2643-1564.}}