Euclidean tilings by convex regular polygons

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Example periodic tilings
1-uniform n1.svg
A regular tiling has one type of regular face.
1-uniform n2.svg
A semiregular or uniform tiling has one type of vertex, but two or more types of faces.
2-uniform n1.svg
A k-uniform tiling has k types of vertices, and two or more types of regular faces.
Distorted truncated square tiling.svg
A non-edge-to-edge tiling can have different-sized regular faces.

Euclidean plane tilings by convex regular polygons have been widely used since antiquity. The first systematic mathematical treatment was that of Kepler in his Harmonices Mundi (Latin: The Harmony of the World, 1619).


Notation of Euclidean tilings

Euclidean tilings are usually named after Cundy & Rollett’s notation. [1] This notation represents (i) the number of vertices, (ii) the number of polygons around each vertex (arranged clockwise) and (iii) the number of sides to each of those polygons. For example: 36; 36; 34.6, tells us there are 3 vertices with 2 different vertex types, so this tiling would be classed as a ‘3-uniform (2-vertex types)’ tiling. Broken down, 36; 36 (both of different transitivity class), or (36)2, tells us that there are 2 vertices (denoted by the superscript 2), each with 6 equilateral 3-sided polygons (triangles). With a final vertex 34.6, 4 more contiguous equilateral triangles and a single regular hexagon.

However, this notation has two main problems related to ambiguous conformation and uniqueness [2] First, when it comes to k-uniform tilings, the notation does not explain the relationships between the vertices. This makes it impossible to generate a covered plane given the notation alone. And second, some tessellations have the same nomenclature, they are very similar but it can be noticed that the relative positions of the hexagons are different. Therefore, the second problem is that this nomenclature is not unique for each tessellation.

In order to solve those problems, GomJau-Hogg’s notation [3] is a slightly modified version of the research and notation presented in 2012, [2] about the generation and nomenclature of tessellations and double-layer grids. Antwerp v3.0, [4] a free online application, allows for the infinite generation of regular polygon tilings through a set of shape placement stages and iterative rotation and reflection operations, obtained directly from the GomJau-Hogg’s notation.

Regular tilings

Following Grünbaum and Shephard (section 1.3), a tiling is said to be regular if the symmetry group of the tiling acts transitively on the flags of the tiling, where a flag is a triple consisting of a mutually incident vertex, edge and tile of the tiling. This means that, for every pair of flags, there is a symmetry operation mapping the first flag to the second. This is equivalent to the tiling being an edge-to-edge tiling by congruent regular polygons. There must be six equilateral triangles, four squares or three regular hexagons at a vertex, yielding the three regular tessellations.

Regular tilings (3)
p6m, *632p4m, *442
1-uniform n11.svg 1-uniform n1.svg 1-uniform n5.svg
Vertex type 3-3-3-3-3-3.svg
C&R: 36
GJ-H: 3/m30/r(h2)
(t = 1, e = 1)
Vertex type 6-6-6.svg
C&R: 63
GJ-H: 6/m30/r(h1)
(t = 1, e = 1)
Vertex type 4-4-4-4.svg
C&R: 44
GJ-H: 4/m45/r(h1)
(t = 1, e = 1)

C&R: Cundy & Rollet's notation
GJ-H: Notation of GomJau-Hogg

Archimedean, uniform or semiregular tilings

Vertex-transitivity means that for every pair of vertices there is a symmetry operation mapping the first vertex to the second. [5]

If the requirement of flag-transitivity is relaxed to one of vertex-transitivity, while the condition that the tiling is edge-to-edge is kept, there are eight additional tilings possible, known as Archimedean, uniform or semiregular tilings. Note that there are two mirror image (enantiomorphic or chiral) forms of 34.6 (snub hexagonal) tiling, only one of which is shown in the following table. All other regular and semiregular tilings are achiral.

Uniform tilings (8)
p6m, *632
1-uniform n4.svg

Vertex type 3-12-12.svg
C&R: 3.122
GJ-H: 12-3/m30/r(h3)
(t = 2, e = 2)
1-uniform n6.svg

Vertex type 3-4-6-4.svg
GJ-H: 6-4-3/m30/r(c2)
(t = 3, e = 2)
1-uniform n3.svg

Vertex type 4-6-12.svg
C&R: 4.6.12
GJ-H: 12-6,4/m30/r(c2)
(t = 3, e = 3)
1-uniform n7.svg

Vertex type 3-6-3-6.svg
C&R: (3.6)2
GJ-H: 6-3-6/m30/r(v4)
(t = 2, e = 1)
1-uniform n2.svg

Vertex type 4-8-8.svg
C&R: 4.82
GJ-H: 8-4/m90/r(h4)
(t = 2, e = 2)
1-uniform n9.svg

Vertex type 3-3-4-3-4.svg
GJ-H: 4-3-3,4/r90/r(h2)
(t = 2, e = 2)
1-uniform n8.svg

Vertex type 3-3-3-4-4.svg
C&R: 33.42
GJ-H: 4-3/m90/r(h2)
(t = 2, e = 3)
1-uniform n10.svg

Vertex type 3-3-3-3-6.svg
C&R: 34.6
GJ-H: 6-3-3/r60/r(h5)
(t = 3, e = 3)

C&R: Cundy & Rollet's notation
GJ-H: Notation of GomJau-Hogg

Grünbaum and Shephard distinguish the description of these tilings as Archimedean as referring only to the local property of the arrangement of tiles around each vertex being the same, and that as uniform as referring to the global property of vertex-transitivity. Though these yield the same set of tilings in the plane, in other spaces there are Archimedean tilings which are not uniform.

Plane-vertex tilings

There are 17 combinations of regular convex polygons that form 21 types of plane-vertex tilings. [6] [7] Polygons in these meet at a point with no gap or overlap. Listing by their vertex figures, one has 6 polygons, three have 5 polygons, seven have 4 polygons, and ten have 3 polygons. [8]

Three of them can make regular tilings (63, 44, 36), and eight more can make semiregular or archimedean tilings, (3.12.12, 4.6.12, 4.8.8, (3.6)2,,,, Four of them can exist in higher k-uniform tilings (,,,, while six can not be used to completely tile the plane by regular polygons with no gaps or overlaps - they only tessellate space entirely when irregular polygons are included (3.7.42, 3.8.24, 3.9.18, 3.10.15, 4.5.20, 5.5.10). [9]

Plane-vertex tilings
6 Regular polygons meeting at vertex 6 3 3 3 3 3 3.svg
5 Regular polygons meeting at vertex 5 3 3 4 3 4.svg
Regular polygons meeting at vertex 5 3 3 3 4 4.svg
Regular polygons meeting at vertex 5 3 3 3 3 6.svg
4 Regular polygons meeting at vertex 4 3 3 4 12.svg
Regular polygons meeting at vertex 4 3 4 3 12.svg
Regular polygons meeting at vertex 4 3 3 6 6.svg
Regular polygons meeting at vertex 4 3 6 3 6.svg
Regular polygons meeting at vertex 4 3 4 4 6.svg
Regular polygons meeting at vertex 4 3 4 6 4.svg
Regular polygons meeting at vertex 4 4 4 4 4.svg
3 Regular polygons meeting at vertex 3 3 7 42.svg
Regular polygons meeting at vertex 3 3 8 24.svg
Regular polygons meeting at vertex 3 3 9 18.svg
Regular polygons meeting at vertex 3 3 10 15.svg
Regular polygons meeting at vertex 3 3 12 12.svg
Regular polygons meeting at vertex 3 4 5 20.svg
Regular polygons meeting at vertex 3 4 6 12.svg
Regular polygons meeting at vertex 3 4 8 8.svg
Regular polygons meeting at vertex 3 5 5 10.svg
Regular polygons meeting at vertex 3 6 6 6.svg

k-uniform tilings

Such periodic tilings may be classified by the number of orbits of vertices, edges and tiles. If there are k orbits of vertices, a tiling is known as k-uniform or k-isogonal; if there are t orbits of tiles, as t-isohedral; if there are e orbits of edges, as e-isotoxal.

k-uniform tilings with the same vertex figures can be further identified by their wallpaper group symmetry.

1-uniform tilings include 3 regular tilings, and 8 semiregular ones, with 2 or more types of regular polygon faces. There are 20 2-uniform tilings, 61 3-uniform tilings, 151 4-uniform tilings, 332 5-uniform tilings and 673 6-uniform tilings. Each can be grouped by the number m of distinct vertex figures, which are also called m-Archimedean tilings. [10]

Finally, if the number of types of vertices is the same as the uniformity (m = k below), then the tiling is said to be Krotenheerdt . In general, the uniformity is greater than or equal to the number of types of vertices (mk), as different types of vertices necessarily have different orbits, but not vice versa. Setting m = n = k, there are 11 such tilings for n = 1; 20 such tilings for n = 2; 39 such tilings for n = 3; 33 such tilings for n = 4; 15 such tilings for n = 5; 10 such tilings for n = 6; and 7 such tilings for n = 7.

Below is an example of a 3-unifom tiling:

Colored 3-uniform tiling #57 of 61
3-uniform 57.svg
by sides, yellow triangles, red squares (by polygons)
3-uniform n57.svg
by 4-isohedral positions, 3 shaded colors of triangles (by orbits)
k-uniform, m-Archimedean tiling counts [11] [12] [13]
1234567891011121314≥ 15Total
2 020000000000000020
3 0223900000000000061
4 033853300000000000151
5 07414994150000000000332
6 01002841879210000000000673
130 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?00000103082
140 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?00000 ?
≥ 150 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?0 ?

2-uniform tilings

There are twenty (20) 2-uniform tilings of the Euclidean plane. (also called 2-isogonal tilings or demiregular tilings ) [5] :62-67 [14] [15] Vertex types are listed for each. If two tilings share the same two vertex types, they are given subscripts 1,2.

2-uniform tilings (20)
p6m, *632p4m, *442
2-uniform n18.svg
(t = 3, e = 3)
2-uniform n9.svg
(t = 4, e = 4)
2-uniform n8.svg
[; 33.42]
(t = 4, e = 4)
2-uniform n5.svg
[; 3.42.6]
(t = 5, e = 5)
2-uniform n1.svg
(t = 4, e = 4)
2-uniform n13.svg
[36; 32.4.12]
(t = 4, e = 4)
2-uniform n2.svg
(t = 3, e = 3)
p6m, *632p6, 632p6, 632cmm, 2*22pmm, *2222cmm, 2*22pmm, *2222
2-uniform n10.svg
[36; 32.62]
(t = 2, e = 3)
2-uniform n19.svg
[36; 34.6]1
(t = 3, e = 3)
2-uniform n20.svg
[36; 34.6]2
(t = 5, e = 7)
2-uniform n12.svg
[32.62; 34.6]
(t = 2, e = 4)
2-uniform n11.svg
[; 32.62]
(t = 2, e = 3)
2-uniform n6.svg
(t = 3, e = 4)
2-uniform n7.svg
(t = 4, e = 4)
p4g, 4*2pgg, 22×cmm, 2*22cmm, 2*22pmm, *2222cmm, 2*22
2-uniform n16.svg
(t = 4, e = 5)
2-uniform n17-1.svg
(t = 3, e = 6)
2-uniform n4.svg
[44; 33.42]1
(t = 2, e = 4)
2-uniform n3.svg
[44; 33.42]2
(t = 3, e = 5)
2-uniform n14.svg
[36; 33.42]1
(t = 3, e = 4)
2-uniform n15.svg
[36; 33.42]2
(t = 4, e = 5)

Higher k-uniform tilings

k-uniform tilings have been enumerated up to 6. There are 673 6-uniform tilings of the Euclidean plane. Brian Galebach's search reproduced Krotenheerdt's list of 10 6-uniform tilings with 6 distinct vertex types, as well as finding 92 of them with 5 vertex types, 187 of them with 4 vertex types, 284 of them with 3 vertex types, and 100 with 2 vertex types.

Fractalizing k-uniform tilings

There are many ways of generating new k-uniform tilings from old k-uniform tilings. For example, notice that the 2-uniform [3.12.12;] tiling has a square lattice, the 4(3-1)-uniform [343.12; (3.122)3] tiling has a snub square lattice, and the 5(3-1-1)-uniform [334.12; 343.12; (3.12.12)3] tiling has an elongated triangular lattice. These higher-order uniform tilings use the same lattice but possess greater complexity. The fractalizing basis for theses tilings is as follows: [16]

The Triangle.svg
A Square Tile.svg
A Hexagon Tile.svg
A Dissected Dodecagon.svg
Truncated Hexagonal Fractal Triangle.svg
Truncated Hexagonal Fractal Square.svg
Truncated Hexagonal Fractal Hexagon.svg
Truncated Hexagonal Fractal Dissected Dodecagon.svg

The side lengths are dilated by a factor of .

This can similarly be done with the truncated trihexagonal tiling as a basis, with corresponding dilation of .

The Triangle.svg
A Square Tile.svg
A Hexagon Tile.svg
A Dissected Dodecagon.svg
Truncated Trihexagonal Fractal Triangle.svg
Truncated Trihexagonal Fractal Square.svg
Truncated Trihexagonal Fractal Hexagon.svg
Truncated Trihexagonal Fractal Dissected Dodecagon.svg

Fractalizing examples

Truncated Hexagonal TilingTruncated Trihexagonal Tiling
Planar Fractalizing Truncated Hexagonal Tiling II.png
Planar Tiling Fractalizing the Truncated Trihexagonal Tiling.png

Tilings that are not edge-to-edge

Convex regular polygons can also form plane tilings that are not edge-to-edge. Such tilings can be considered edge-to-edge as nonregular polygons with adjacent colinear edges.

There are seven families of isogonal figures, each family having a real-valued parameter determining the overlap between sides of adjacent tiles or the ratio between the edge lengths of different tiles. Two of the families are generated from shifted square, either progressive or zig-zagging positions. Grünbaum and Shephard call these tilings uniform although it contradicts Coxeter's definition for uniformity which requires edge-to-edge regular polygons. [17] Such isogonal tilings are actually topologically identical to the uniform tilings, with different geometric proportions.

Periodic isogonal tilings by non-edge-to-edge convex regular polygons
Square brick pattern.png
Rows of squares with horizontal offsets
Half-offset triangular tiling.png
Rows of triangles with horizontal offsets
Distorted truncated square tiling.svg
A tiling by squares
Gyrated truncated hexagonal tiling.png
Three hexagons surround each triangle
Gyrated hexagonal tiling2.svg
Six triangles surround every hexagon.
Trihexagonal tiling unequal2.svg
Three size triangles
cmm (2*22)p2 (2222)cmm (2*22)p4m (*442)p6 (632)p3 (333)
Hexagonal tiling Square tiling Truncated square tiling Truncated hexagonal tiling Hexagonal tiling Trihexagonal tiling

See also

Related Research Articles

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In geometry, a polytope or a tiling is isogonal or vertex-transitive if all its vertices are equivalent under the symmetries of the figure. This implies that each vertex is surrounded by the same kinds of face in the same or reverse order, and with the same angles between corresponding faces.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Triangular tiling</span> Regular tiling of the plane

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Truncated hexagonal tiling</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Truncated trihexagonal tiling</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Truncated square tiling</span> Semiregular tiling

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Rhombitrihexagonal tiling</span> Semiregular tiling of the Euclidean plane

In geometry, the rhombitrihexagonal tiling is a semiregular tiling of the Euclidean plane. There are one triangle, two squares, and one hexagon on each vertex. It has Schläfli symbol of rr{3,6}.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Snub trihexagonal tiling</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Elongated triangular tiling</span>

In geometry, the elongated triangular tiling is a semiregular tiling of the Euclidean plane. There are three triangles and two squares on each vertex. It is named as a triangular tiling elongated by rows of squares, and given Schläfli symbol {3,6}:e.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Snub square tiling</span>

In geometry, the snub square tiling is a semiregular tiling of the Euclidean plane. There are three triangles and two squares on each vertex. Its Schläfli symbol is s{4,4}.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vertex configuration</span> Notation for a polyhedrons vertex figure

In geometry, a vertex configuration is a shorthand notation for representing the vertex figure of a polyhedron or tiling as the sequence of faces around a vertex. For uniform polyhedra there is only one vertex type and therefore the vertex configuration fully defines the polyhedron.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pentagonal tiling</span> A tiling of the plane by pentagons

In geometry, a pentagonal tiling is a tiling of the plane where each individual piece is in the shape of a pentagon.

In geometry, a polytope or a tiling is isotoxal or edge-transitive if its symmetries act transitively on its edges. Informally, this means that there is only one type of edge to the object: given two edges, there is a translation, rotation, and/or reflection that will move one edge to the other while leaving the region occupied by the object unchanged.

In geometry, a uniform tiling is a tessellation of the plane by regular polygon faces with the restriction of being vertex-transitive.

In geometry, a uniform honeycomb or uniform tessellation or infinite uniform polytope, is a vertex-transitive honeycomb made from uniform polytope facets. All of its vertices are identical and there is the same combination and arrangement of faces at each vertex. Its dimension can be clarified as n-honeycomb for an n-dimensional honeycomb.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Rhombitrioctagonal tiling</span> Semiregular tiling of the hyperbolic plane

In geometry, the rhombitrioctagonal tiling is a semiregular tiling of the hyperbolic plane. At each vertex of the tiling there is one triangle and one octagon, alternating between two squares. The tiling has Schläfli symbol rr{8,3}. It can be seen as constructed as a rectified trioctagonal tiling, r{8,3}, as well as an expanded octagonal tiling or expanded order-8 triangular tiling.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Planigon</span> Convex polygon which can tile the plane by itself

In geometry, a planigon is a convex polygon that can fill the plane with only copies of itself. In the Euclidean plane there are 3 regular planigons; equilateral triangle, squares, and regular hexagons; and 8 semiregular planigons; and 4 demiregular planigons which can tile the plane only with other planigons.


  1. Cundy, H.M.; Rollett, A.P. (1981). Mathematical Models;. Stradbroke (UK): Tarquin Publications.
  2. 1 2 Gomez-Jauregui, Valentin al.; Otero, Cesar; et al. (2012). "Generation and Nomenclature of Tessellations and Double-Layer Grids". Journal of Structural Engineering. 138 (7): 843–852. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000532. hdl: 10902/5869 .
  3. Gomez-Jauregui, Valentin; Hogg, Harrison; et al. (2021). "GomJau-Hogg's Notation for Automatic Generation of k-Uniform Tessellations with ANTWERP v3.0". Symmetry. 13 (12): 2376. Bibcode:2021Symm...13.2376G. doi: 10.3390/sym13122376 . hdl: 10902/23907 .
  4. Hogg, Harrison; Gomez-Jauregui, Valentin. < "Antwerp 3.0".
  5. 1 2 Critchlow, K. (1969). Order in Space: A Design Source Book. London: Thames and Hudson. pp. 60–61.
  6. Dallas, Elmslie William (1855), The Elements of Plane Practical Geometry, Etc, John W. Parker & Son, p. 134
  7. Tilings and patterns, Figure 2.1.1, p.60
  8. Tilings and patterns, p.58-69
  9. "Pentagon-Decagon Packing". American Mathematical Society. AMS. Retrieved 2022-03-07.
  10. k-uniform tilings by regular polygons Archived 2015-06-30 at the Wayback Machine Nils Lenngren, 2009
  11. "n-Uniform Tilings". Retrieved 2019-06-21.
  12. Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.). "SequenceA068599(Number of n-uniform tilings.)". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2023-01-07.
  13. "Enumeration of n-uniform k-Archimedean tilings". Retrieved 2024-08-24.
  14. Tilings and patterns, Grünbaum and Shephard 1986, pp. 65-67
  15. "In Search of Demiregular Tilings" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-05-07. Retrieved 2015-06-04.
  16. Chavey, Darrah (2014). "TILINGS BY REGULAR POLYGONS III: DODECAGON-DENSE TILINGS". Symmetry-Culture and Science. 25 (3): 193–210. S2CID   33928615.
  17. "Tilings by regular polygons" (PDF). p. 236. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-03-03.

Euclidean and general tiling links: