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Tagore Trajano | |
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Personal details | |
Born | Salvador da Bahia, Bahia, BR |
Nationality | Brazilian |
Tagore Trajano de Almeida Silva, born in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, is a lawyer and professor; he works in the field of study called Animal Rights. In 2010 he was elected president of the Animal Abolitionist Institute, an institution that has developed the Brazilian Abolitionist Movement for Animal liberation. [1]
Currently, he is an adjunct professor of the Federal University of Bahia, where he teaches the Environmental Law Course for undergraduate and postgraduate studies (Master's and Doctoral Degree). [2]
Tagore Trajano got his postdoctorate at Pace Law School, Ph.D in the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. During his studies, he specialized in the field of animal, constitution and environmental law, revisiting the General Theory of Law to include non-human beings in the sphere of legal consideration. [3]
During his master's studies, he studied with Professor David Favre, a visiting scholar at Michigan State University, an institution that would become central to the online publication of the Brazilian Animal Rights Review, which coordinates with Professor Heron Gordilho and Luciano Santana. As a result of these researches he published the book: Animals in Court, which discussed the subject of law, legal personality and capacity, demonstrating, through an evolutionary interpretation, the ability of animals to be considered legal subjects [4]
In 2013, he defended his Ph.D. thesis under the title: Animal Law and Legal Education, highlighting the need for the creation of a chair of animal law in law schools as a way of overcoming the crisis in the current legal paradigm.
"Brazilian Animal Law Overview: Balancing Human and Non-Human Interests" was the author's first international text. Published in the renowned Michigan State University Journal, "Journal of Animal Law," in 2010, the professor describes the way Brazilian law treats animals, highlighting the main antecedents of Brazilian courts and predicting a change of posture On the part of the operators of the right after the promulgation of the Constitution of 1988. [5]
Origins and Development of Teaching Animal Law in Brazil published in the Pace Environmental Law Review, the Brazilian doctrine on Animal Law was presented to foreign institutions, collaborating with The beginning of the debate on the necessity of the teaching of the subject in the faculties of law in Brazil. [6] Since then, courses on the subject began to be inserted in the curricula of the Brazilian faculties, becoming a reality in Brazilian legal education. Today, faculties such as: Federal University of Bahia, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Federal University of Santa Maria and others already teach Animal Law. [7]
Since 2008, Tagore Trajano has been collaborating with the organization and diffusion of the theme, alternating every two years the World Congress on Bioethics and Animal Rights, as well as the Brazilian Congress on Bioethics and Animal Rights' . [8]
Both events have over the years brought together hundreds of people, students and professors in different capitals to discuss important issues related to the legal status of living beings and their repercussion in today's post-humanist society. [9]
- TRAJANO, Tagore. The Constitutional Defense of Animals in Brazil. In: CAO, Debarah; WHITE, Steven. (Org.). Animal Law and Welfare - International Perspectives. 1ed.New York: Springer, 2016, v. 53, p. 181-193.
- SILVA, T. T. A. ou TRAJANO, Tagore. Direito Animal e ensino jurídico: formação e autonomia de um saber pós-humanista. 1. ed. Salvador: Evolução, 2014. 331p .
- SILVA, T. T. A. ou TRAJANO, Tagore . Animais em juízo: direito, personalidade jurídica e capacidade processual. 1. ed. Salvador: Evolução, 2012. 232p .
- MARINS, R. M. M. B.; MACHADO, C. A. A.; SILVA, T.T.A. . Por uma ética fraternal na Contemporaneidade: uma nova leitura das relações jurídicas. Revista Jurídico Luso Brasileira, v. 03, p. 605-627, 2017.
- GORDILHO, Heron J. S.; SILVA, T.T.A.; RAVAZZANO, F. . Animais e a Hermenêutica Constitucional Abolicionista. Revista Acadêmica - Faculdade de Direito do Recife, v. 88, p. 120-144, 2016.
- SILVA, T.T.A.; VIEIRA, L. C. A. . A Inconstitucionalidade da Vaquejada: uma análise da dignidade animal sobre a ADI nº 4983 e a lei estadual nº 15.299/13. Amazon's Research and Environmental Law, v. 04, p. 42-60, 2016.
- MENESES, R. C. C.; SILVA, T.T.A. . O Especismo Como Argumento Filosófico da Não Aceitação do Animal Como Sujeito de Direitos. Revista de Biodireito e Direito dos Animais, v. 02, p. 218-234, 2016.
- TRAJANO, Tagore. Direito Animal e Pós-Humanismo: Formação e Autonomia de um Saber Pós-Humanista. Revista Jurídica Luso Brasileira, v. 02, p. 2001-2066, 2015.
- BRAZ, L.C.F.S.; SILVA, T.T.A. . O Processo de Coisificação Animal Decorrente da Teoria Contratualista Racionalista e a Necessária Ascensão de Um Novo Paradigma. Revista Brasileira de Direito, v. 11, p. 44-52, 2015.
- OLIVEIRA, I. M.; SILVA, T. T. A. ou TRAJANO, Tagore; LIMA, K. J. M. . A imolação nas liturgias de matriz africana: reflexões sobre colisão entre liberdade religiosa e proteção dos direitos dos animais não-humanos. Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade Federal da Bahia, v. 25, p. 285-314, 2015.
- TRAJANO, Tagore. Princípios de proteção animal na Constituição de 1988. Revista de Direito Brasileira, v. 11, p. 62-105, 2015.
- SILVA, T. T. A. ou TRAJANO, Tagore . Brazilian Animal Law Overview: Balancing Human And Non-Human Interests. In: David Favre. (Org.). Journal of Animal Law. East Lansing: Michigan State University College of Law, 2010, v. 06, p. 81-104.
- GORDILHO, Heron José de Santana; SILVA, T. T. A. ou TRAJANO, Tagore . Animais em juízo: direito, personalidade jurídica e capacidade processual. Revista de Direito Ambiental, v. 65, p. 333-363, 2012.
- GORDILHO, Heron José de Santana; SILVA, T. T. A. ou TRAJANO, Tagore . Habeas Corpus para os grandes primatas. Revista do Instituto do Direito Brasileiro da Faculdade de Direito da Universidadede Lisboa - RIDB, v. 04, p. 2077-2114, 2012.
- SILVA, T. T. A. ou TRAJANO, Tagore; LANGERHORST, Victor Vendramini; BRAGA, Sérgio Waxman. . Fundamentos do direito animal constitucional. Revista Brasileira de Direito Animal, v. 10, p. 235-276, 2012.
- SILVA, T. T. A. ou TRAJANO, Tagore . Introdução aos direitos dos animais. Revista de Direito Ambiental, v. 62, p. 141-168, 2011.
- SILVA, T. T. A. ou TRAJANO, Tagore; GORDILHO, Heron José de Santana . Eficácia dos direitos fundamentais e justiça distributiva: o interesse público como problema jurídico nos tratamentos de saúde. Jurispoiesis (Rio de Janeiro), v. 14, p. 149-176, 2011.
- SILVA, T. T. A. ou TRAJANO, Tagore . Constitucionalização dos direitos dos animais. Revista da Faculdade de Direito (Faculdade Maurício de Nassau), v. 05, p. 217-236, 2010.
- SILVA, T. T. A. ou TRAJANO, Tagore . Antivivisseccionismo e direito animal: em direção a uma nova ética na pesquisa científica. Revista de Direito Ambiental, v. 53, p. 261-311, 2009.
- SILVA, T. T. A. ou TRAJANO, Tagore . Capacidade de ser parte Dos Animais Não-Humanos: Repensando os Institutos da Substituição e Representação Processual. Revista Brasileira de Direito Animal, v. 05, p. 267-296, 2009.
- SILVA, T. T. A. ou TRAJANO, Tagore . A Lei Arouca: ainda continuamos a realizar pesquisas com animais. Pensata Animal, v. 17, p. 01-06, 2008.
- SILVA, T. T. A. ou TRAJANO, Tagore . Direito animal e hermenêutica jurídica da mudança:a inserção da linguagem dos movimentos sociais em um novo significado jurídico. Revista Brasileira de Direito Animal, v. 04, p. 247-264, 2008.
- SILVA, T. T. A. ou TRAJANO, Tagore; SOUZA, A. S. . APROPRIAÇÃO DOS ESPAÇOS PÚBLICOS DURANTE O CARNAVAL DE SALVADOR (SSA), BAHIA, BRASIL Síntese das Desigualdades Sociais. Revista jurídica dos formandos em direito da UFBA, v. 11, p. 359-383, 2008.
- SILVA, T. T. A. ou TRAJANO, Tagore; NORONHA. Ceci Vilar . Formas de violência extralegal: linhamentos e execuções sumárias. Revista do Cepej, v. 08, p. 355-369, 2007.
- SILVA, T. T. A. ou TRAJANO, Tagore . Direito animal e os paradigmas de Thomas Kuhn: Reforma ou revolução científica na teoria do direito?. Revista Brasileira de Direito Animal, v. 03, p. 239-270, 2007.
- SILVA, T. T. A. ou TRAJANO, Tagore; SANTANA. Heron José; SANTANA. Luciano Rocha; VIDA. Samuel Santana . Habeas Corpus em favor da Chimpanzé Suíça. Revista Brasileira de Direito Ambiental, v. 04, p. 225-247, 2005.
Sergipe, officially State of Sergipe, is a state of Brazil. Located in the Northeast Region along the Atlantic coast of the country, Sergipe is the smallest state in Brazil by geographical area at 21,910 square kilometres (8,460 sq mi), larger only than the Federal District. Sergipe borders Bahia to the south and west and Alagoas to the north. Aracaju is the capital and the largest city in the state; the state is divided into 75 municipalities. The state has 1.1% of the Brazilian population and produces only 0.6% of the Brazilian GDP.
Bernardo Joaquim da Silva Guimarães was a Brazilian poet and novelist. He is the author of the famous romances A Escrava Isaura and O Seminarista. He also introduced to Brazilian poetry the verso bestialógico, also referred to as pantagruélico — poems whose verses are very nonsensical, although very metrical. Under the verso bestialógico, he wrote polemical erotic verses, such as "O Elixir do Pajé" and "A Origem do Mênstruo". A non-erotic poem written in verso bestialógico is "Eu Vi dos Polos o Gigante Alado".
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Crioulo Lageano longhorn beef cattle originated from cattle originally brought to Brazil from Portugal by the Jesuits 400 years ago. The breed was probably domesticated 4000 BC in Egypt, it came to the south of Spain from the North of Africa. The center of the rest population is the plateau of Lages, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Regina Rheda is a Brazilian-born writer who lives in the United States. She is known for her prose fiction concerning urban life, transnational migration, class conflicts, and animal rights. She received a national book award, Prêmio Jabuti, in 1995.
Teófilo Odorico Dias de Mesquita was a Brazilian poet, journalist and lawyer, nephew of the famous Romantic author Gonçalves Dias.
The jurisprudence of concepts was the first sub-school of legal positivism, according to which, the written law must reflect concepts, when interpreted. Its main representatives were Ihering, Savigny and Puchta.
José Augusto Delgado was a Brazilian Justice.
The Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia is a Brazilian university, with its main campus at Cruz das Almas, Bahia.
Tristão de Alencar Araripe Júnior was a Brazilian lawyer, literary critic, and writer.
Clèmerson Merlin Clève is a Brazilian jurist, Law school professor, and lawyer.
Messias Pereira Donato was a Brazilian lawyer, teacher, writer, philosopher, magistrate and jurist. Born in Bahia, graduated in law at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), having held the judiciary work in Minas Gerais (MG) over 20 years, teaching for 22 years, as Professor of Labour Law Holder UFMG, having been Director of the Law School. In 1934, at age 13, was taken by his father, the farmer Henrique Pereira Donato, of Guanambi until Malhada- BA on the banks of the São Francisco River. Covered about 110 km mounted "by mule" a journey that took three days. From Malhada followed alone steam to Pirapora - MG and this came from railroad train to the end of twelve days of travel to get to Belo Horizonte, where he continued his studies.
Padre Manuel Arruda da Câmara was a Brazilian cleric, physician and scientist, who became known as one of the great Brazilian botanists of the late eighteenth century.
Juliano Moreira was a Brazilian psychiatrist, often considered the pioneer of psychoanalysis in Brazil. Moreira was the first Brazilian university professor to cite and use the psychoanalytic theory in the teaching of medicine.
Álvaro Coutinho Aguirre was a Brazilian agronomist, zoologist and naturalist. Aguirre created the first reserve park for wild animals in Brazil, the Sooretama Biological Reserve at the state of Espírito Santo (the first protected area created in Brazil was in 1937. He dedicated his life to the preservation of the Brazilian flora and fauna, especially the Atlantic Forest and the biggest primate of the Americas, the Muriqui. During the 1960s, he undertook many expeditions to study the life and habits of the Muriqui and its conditions at the time. The results showed a considerable reduction of the groups of the animals, due to deforestation and lack of preservation of their habitat.
Patrícia Godinho Gomes is a Bissau-Guinean historian and academic whose research studies the role of women in anticolonial resistance, African feminisms and gender in Lusophone countries with a particular focus on Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde.
Leolina Barbosa de Souza Costa, better known as Nita Costa, was a Brazilian politician and philanthropist.
The Diploma Bertha Lutz, also known as the Prêmio Bertha Lutz, was established by the Federal Senate of Brazil to recognize women who have made contributions to the defense of women's rights and gender issues in Brazil. It is named in honor of the Brazilian biologist and feminist leader Bertha Lutz.
Vera Felicidade de Almeida Campos is a Brazilian psychologist who founded Gestalt Psychotherapy, a psychotherapeutic theory based on Gestalt Psychology. From gestalt and phenomenology she developed a clinical practice and a theory that supports it, breaking with psychoanalytic concepts that influence most other approaches to clinical psychology, even gestalt approaches.
Afro-Brazilian culture is the combination of cultural manifestations in Brazil that have suffered some influence from African culture since colonial times until the present day. Most of Africa's culture reached Brazil through the transatlantic slave trade, where it was also influenced by European and indigenous cultures, which means that characteristics of African origin in Brazilian culture are generally mixed with other cultural references.
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