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Teleportation is the hypothetical transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. It is a common subject in science fiction literature and in other popular culture. Teleportation is often paired with time travel, being that the traveling between the two points takes an unknown period of time, sometimes being immediate. An apport is a similar phenomenon featured in parapsychology and spiritualism. [1] [2]


There is no known physical mechanism that would allow for teleportation. [3] Frequently appearing scientific papers and media articles with the term teleportation typically report on so-called "quantum teleportation", a scheme for information transfer which, due to the no-communication theorem, still would not allow for faster-than-light communication. [4]


The use of the term teleport to describe the hypothetical movement of material objects between one place and another without physically traversing the distance between them has been documented as early as 1878. [5] [6]

American writer Charles Fort is credited with having coined the word teleportation in 1931 [7] [8] to describe the strange disappearances and appearances of anomalies, which he suggested may be connected. As in the earlier usage, he joined the Greek prefix tele- (meaning "remote") to the root of the Latin verb portare (meaning "to carry"). [9] Fort's first formal use of the word occurred in the second chapter of his 1931 book Lo! : [10]

Mostly in this book I shall specialize upon indications that there exists a transportory force that I shall call Teleportation. I shall be accused of having assembled lies, yarns, hoaxes, and superstitions. To some degree I think so, myself. To some degree, I do not. I offer the data.

Cultural references


Teleportation is a common subject in science fiction literature, film, video games, and television. The use of matter transmitters in science fiction originated at least as early as the 19th century. [11] An early example of scientific teleportation (as opposed to magical or spiritual teleportation) is found in the 1897 novel To Venus in Five Seconds by Fred T. Jane. Jane's protagonist is transported from a strange-machinery-containing gazebo on Earth to planet Venus – hence the title.

The earliest recorded story of a "matter transmitter" was Edward Page Mitchell's "The Man Without a Body" in 1877. [12]

The Catholic Saint Padre Pio has documented miracles of Bilocation including a vision received by Pope John Paul II. This phenomenon has also been reported throughout church history as in the New Testament with Jesus Christ where he was taken to a mountaintop and tempted by Satan.

Quantum teleportation

Quantum teleportation is distinct from regular teleportation, as it does not transfer matter from one place to another, but rather transmits the information necessary to prepare a (microscopic) target system in the same quantum state as the source system. The scheme was named quantum "teleportation", because certain properties of the source system are recreated in the target system without any apparent quantum information carrier propagating between the two.

In many cases, such as normal matter at room temperature, the exact quantum state of a system is irrelevant for any practical purpose (because it fluctuates rapidly anyway, it "decoheres"), and the necessary information to recreate the system is classical. In those cases, quantum teleportation may be replaced by the simple transmission of classical information, such as radio communication.

In 1993, Bennett et al [13] proposed that a quantum state of a particle could be transferred to another distant particle, without moving the two particles at all. This is called quantum state teleportation. There are many following theoretical and experimental papers published. [14] [15] [16]

In 2008, M. Hotta proposed that it may be possible to teleport energy by exploiting quantum energy fluctuations of an entangled vacuum state of a quantum field. [17] In 2023, zero temperature quantum energy teleportation was observed and recorded by Kazuki Ikeda for the first-time across microscopic distances using IBM superconducting computers that are used for quantum computing. [18] [19]

In 2014, researcher Ronald Hanson and colleagues from the Technical University Delft in the Netherlands, demonstrated the teleportation of information between two entangled quantumbits three metres apart. [20]

In 2016, Y. Wei showed that in a generalization of quantum mechanics, particles themselves could teleport from one place to another. [21] This is called particle teleportation. With this concept, superconductivity can be viewed as the teleportation of some electrons in the superconductor and superfluidity as the teleportation of some of the atoms in the cellular tube.


Philosopher Derek Parfit used teleportation in his teletransportation paradox. [22]

See also

Related Research Articles

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Quantum teleportation</span> Physical phenomenon

Quantum teleportation is a technique for transferring quantum information from a sender at one location to a receiver some distance away. While teleportation is commonly portrayed in science fiction as a means to transfer physical objects from one location to the next, quantum teleportation only transfers quantum information. The sender does not have to know the particular quantum state being transferred. Moreover, the location of the recipient can be unknown, but to complete the quantum teleportation, classical information needs to be sent from sender to receiver. Because classical information needs to be sent, quantum teleportation cannot occur faster than the speed of light.

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This is a timeline of quantum computing.

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In physics, the Tsallis entropy is a generalization of the standard Boltzmann–Gibbs entropy. It is proportional to the expectation of the q-logarithm of a distribution.

In physics, interaction-free measurement is a type of measurement in quantum mechanics that detects the position, presence, or state of an object without an interaction occurring between it and the measuring device. Examples include the Renninger negative-result experiment, the Elitzur–Vaidman bomb-testing problem, and certain double-cavity optical systems, such as Hardy's paradox.

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Objective-collapse theories, also known spontaneous collapse models or dynamical reduction models, are proposed solutions to the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. As with other interpretations of quantum mechanics, they are possible explanations of why and how quantum measurements always give definite outcomes, not a superposition of them as predicted by the Schrödinger equation, and more generally how the classical world emerges from quantum theory. The fundamental idea is that the unitary evolution of the wave function describing the state of a quantum system is approximate. It works well for microscopic systems, but progressively loses its validity when the mass / complexity of the system increases.

In a standard superconductor, described by a complex field fermionic condensate wave function, vortices carry quantized magnetic fields because the condensate wave function is invariant to increments of the phase by . There a winding of the phase by creates a vortex which carries one flux quantum. See quantum vortex.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Quantum simulator</span> Simulators of quantum mechanical systems

Quantum simulators permit the study of a quantum system in a programmable fashion. In this instance, simulators are special purpose devices designed to provide insight about specific physics problems. Quantum simulators may be contrasted with generally programmable "digital" quantum computers, which would be capable of solving a wider class of quantum problems.

In quantum mechanics, the cat state, named after Schrödinger's cat, refers to a quantum state composed of a superposition of two other states of flagrantly contradictory aspects. Generalizing Schrödinger's thought experiment, any other quantum superposition of two macroscopically distinct states is also referred to as a cat state. A cat state could be of one or more modes or particles, therefore it is not necessarily an entangled state. Such cat states have been experimentally realized in various ways and at various scales.

Elbio Rubén Dagotto is an Argentinian-American theoretical physicist and academic. He is a distinguished professor in the department of physics and astronomy at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and Distinguished Scientist in the Materials Science and Technology Division at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Quantum energy teleportation is a quantum protocol proposed by Masahiro Hotta in 2008 allowing one party to put energy into the quantum vacuum, then send information to another party that lets them extract the energy from the vacuum.


  1. "Historical Terms Glossary". Archived from the original on 14 March 2016. Retrieved 29 December 2016.
  2. Melton, J. Gordon (2008). The Encyclopedia of Religious Phenomena . Detroit: Visible Ink Press. pp.  12–13. ISBN   9781578592098.
  3. "Is Teleportation Possible?". Slate. 23 May 2013. Retrieved 20 December 2022.
  4. "Quantum teleportation is real, but it's not what you think". Popular Science. 19 February 2019. Retrieved 20 December 2022.
  5. "The Hawaiian gazette. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865–1918, October 23, 1878, Image 4".
  6. "29 Jun 1878 – The Latest Wonder". 29 June 1878.
  7. "Lo!: Part I: 2". Retrieved 20 March 2014.
  8. "less well-known is the fact that Charles Fort coined the word in 1931" in Rickard, B. and Michell, J. Unexplained Phenomena: a Rough Guide special (Rough Guides, 2000 ( ISBN   1-85828-589-5), p. 3)
  9. "Teleportation". Etymology online. Retrieved 7 October 2016.
  10. Mr. X. "Lo!: A Hypertext Edition of Charles Hoy Fort's Book". Retrieved 20 March 2014.
  11. Matter Transmission in John Clute and, Peter Nichols (ed), The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, Orbit, 1999 ISBN   1 85723 897 4
  12. "Teleportation in early science fiction". The Worlds of David Darling. Retrieved 4 February 2014.
  13. C. H. Bennett, G. Brassard, C. Crépeau, R. Jozsa, A. Peres, W. K. Wootters (1993), Teleporting an Unknown Quantum State via Dual Classical and Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen Channels, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 1895–1899.
  14. Bouwmeester, D.; et al. (1997). "Experimental quantum teleportation". Nature. 390 (6660): 575–579. arXiv: 1901.11004 . Bibcode:1997Natur.390..575B. doi:10.1038/37539. S2CID   4422887.
  15. Werner, Reinhard F. (2001). "All teleportation and dense coding schemes". J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34 (35): 7081–7094. arXiv: quant-ph/0003070 . Bibcode:2001JPhA...34.7081W. doi:10.1088/0305-4470/34/35/332. S2CID   9684671.
  16. Ren, Ji-Gang; Xu, Ping; Yong, Hai-Lin; Zhang, Liang; Liao, Sheng-Kai; Yin, Juan; Liu, Wei-Yue; Cai, Wen-Qi; Yang, Meng (2017). "Ground-to-satellite quantum teleportation". Nature. 549 (7670): 70–73. arXiv: 1707.00934 . Bibcode:2017Natur.549...70R. doi:10.1038/nature23675. PMID   28825708. S2CID   4468803.
  17. Hotta, Masahiro. "A PROTOCOL FOR QUANTUM ENERGY DISTRIBUTION". Phys. Lett. A 372 5671 (2008).
  18. Ikeda, Kazuki (2023). "Demonstration of Quantum Energy Teleportation on Superconducting Quantum Hardware". Physical Review Applied. 20 (2): 024051. arXiv: 2301.02666 . Bibcode:2023PhRvP..20b4051I. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.20.024051.
  19. "First Demonstration of Energy Teleportation". Discover magazine. 16 January 2023.
  20. "Hansonlab demonstrates quantum teleportation". 29 May 2014.
  21. Wei, Yuchuan (29 June 2016). "Comment on "Fractional quantum mechanics" and "Fractional Schrödinger equation"". Physical Review E. 93 (6): 066103. arXiv: 1607.01356 . Bibcode:2016PhRvE..93f6103W. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.93.066103. PMID   27415397. S2CID   20010251.
  22. Peg Tittle,What If...: Collected Thought Experiments in Philosophy, Routledge, 2016, ISBN   1315509326, pp. 88–89

Further reading