1952 in paleobotany

Last updated
List of years in paleobotany
In paleontology

This paleobotany list records new fossil plant taxa that were to be described during the year 1952, as well as notes other significant paleobotany discoveries and events which occurred during 1952.



NameNoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeUnitLocationSynonymized taxaNotesImages

Archaeomnium arnoldianum [1]

Comb nov

jr synonym

(Steere) LaMotte


"Carter Creek"

Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of Oregon.svg  Oregon

A moss.
Moved from Palaeohypnum arnoldianum (1947)
Moved to Hypnites arnoldianum in 1980 [2]

Archaeomnium brittoniae [1]

Comb nov

jr synonym

(Steere) LaMotte


Latah Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of Washington.svg  Washington

A moss.
Moved from Palaeohypnum brittoniae (1947)
Moved to Hypnites brittoniae in 1980 [2]

Archaeomnium brownii [1]

Comb nov

jr synonym

(Kirchner) LaMotte


Florissant Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

A moss.
Moved from Palaeohypnum brownii (1947)
First named Hypnum brownii (1898)
Moved to Hypnites brownii in 1980 [2]

Archaeomnium knowltoni [1]

Comb nov

jr synonym

(E. G. Britton) LaMotte


Roslyn Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of Washington.svg  Washington

A moss.
Moved from Palaeohypnum knowltoni (1947)
First named Rhynchostegium knowltoni (1899)
Moved to Hypnites knowltoni in 1980 [2]


NameNoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeUnitLocationSynonymized taxaNotesImages

Athyrium crossii [1]

Comb nov

(Knowlton) LaMotte


Denver Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

Diplaiium mulleri (1874)

A lady fern species.
Moved from Diplazium crossii (1930)
First named Asplenium (Diplaiium) crossii (1890)

Cyathea branneri [1]

Comb nov

(Hollick & Berry) LaMotte


Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil

A tree fern species.
Moved from Hemitelia branneri (1924)

Cyathea pinnata [1]

Comb nov

jr synonym

(MacGinitie) LaMotte


Ione Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of California.svg  California

A tree fern species.
Moved from Hemitelia pinnata (1941)
Synonymized into Cyathea inequilateralis in 1977 [3]

Cyathea inequilateralis Cyathea inequilateralis SRIC img2.jpg
Cyathea inequilateralis

Dryopteris claiborniana [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Yegua Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of Louisiana.svg  Louisiana

A wood fern species
Moved from Goniopteris claiborniana (1917)

Dryopteris escheri [1]

Comb nov

(Heer) LaMotte


Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland

A wood fern species
Moved from Aspidium escheri (1855)

Dryopteris guyottii [1]

Comb nov

(Lesquereux) LaMotte


Florissant Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

A wood fern species
Moved from Phegopteris guyottii (1908)
First named Sphenopteris guyottii (1883)

Dryopteris heerii [1]

Comb nov

(Ettingshausen) LaMotte

A wood fern species
Moved from Aspidium heerii (1865)

Dryopteris lesquereuxi [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Lysite Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of Wyoming.svg  Wyoming

A wood fern species
Moved from Goniopteris lesquereuxi (1932)

Dryopteris ursinum [1]

Comb nov

(Unger) LaMotte


Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland

A wood fern species
Moved from Lastrea (Phegopteris) stiriaca (1855)

Dryopteris ursinum [1]

Comb nov

(Heer) LaMotte


Flag of Greenland.svg  Greenland

A wood fern species
Moved from Aspidium ursinum (1869)


NameNoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeUnitLocationSynonymized taxaNotesImages

Ctenis hamiltonensis [1]

Comb nov

(Hollick) LaMotte


"Hamilton Bay flora"

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Alaska.svg  Alaska

A Ctenis species.
Moved from Anthrophyopsis hamiltonensis (1936) [4]

Zamites pollardi [1]

Comb nov

(Hollick) LaMotte


Fort Union Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Wyoming.svg  Wyoming

A Zamites species morphospecies.
Moved from Magnolia (?) pollardi (1899)



NameNoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeUnitLocationSynonymized taxaNotesImages

Callitris helvetica [1]

Comb nov

(Heer) LaMotte


Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland

A Callitris species.
Moved from Widdringtonia helvetica (1855)

Juniperus linguaefolia [1]

Comb nov

(Lesquereux) LaMotte


Florissant Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

A juniper species.
Moved from Sabina linguaefolia (1908)
First described as Widdringtonia linguaefolia (1883)

Thuja naujatica [1]

Comb et sp nom nov

(Heer) LaMotte


Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Flag of Greenland.svg  Greenland

A hiba species.
New species name for Thujopsis gracilis (1920)
First described as Thuja (Thujopsis) gracilis (Heer) (1883)

Flowering plants


NameNoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeUnitLocationSynonymized taxaNotesImages

Nymphaea leei [1]

Comb nov

(Knowlton) LaMotte


Raton Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

A waterlily species
First described as Castalia leei (1917)

Nymphaea pulchella [1]

Comb nov

(Knowlton) LaMotte


Dawson Arkose

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

A waterlily species
First described as Castalia pulchella (1930)


NameNoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeUnitLocationSynonymized taxaNotesImages

Beilschmiedia portoricensis [1]

Comb nov

(Hollick) LaMotte


Collazo Shale

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico

A Beilschmiedia species.
Moved from Hufetandta portoricensis (1928)
First named Aniba portoricensis (1928)

Laurophyllum grandis [1]

Comb nov

(Lesquereux) LaMotte


Neroly Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of California.svg  California

A lauraceous species.
Moved from Laurus grandis (1883)

Lindera antiqua [1]

Comb nov

(Heer) LaMotte


Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland

A spicewood species
First described as Benzoin antiquum (1856)

Lindera dilleri [1]

Comb nov

(Knowlton) LaMotte


Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Oregon.svg  Oregon

A spicewood species
First described as Benzoin dilleri (1900)

Litsea lamarensis [1]

Comb nov

(Knowlton) LaMotte


Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Wyoming.svg  Wyoming

A Litsea species
First described as Malapoenna lamarensis (1899)

Litsea lata [1]

Comb nov

jr synonym

(MacGinitie) LaMotte


Ione Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of California.svg  California

A lauraceous relative
First described as Neolitsea lata (1941)
Moved to Cinnamomophyllum latum in 1977 [3]

Cinnamomophyllum latum Cinnamomophyllum latum hypotype USNM 38914.png
Cinnamomophyllum latum

Litsea praecursoria [1]

Comb nov

(Lesquereux) LaMotte


Fort Union Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of North Dakota.svg  North Dakota

A lauraceous relative
First described as Tetranthera praecursoria (1883)

Litsea sagittata [1]

Comb nov

(Ball) LaMotte


Wilcox Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Texas.svg  Texas

A Litsea species
First described as Malapoenna sagittata (1939)

Litsea sessiliflora [1]

Comb nov

(Lesquereux) LaMotte


Wilcox Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Texas.svg  Texas

A Litsea species
Moved from Malapoenna sessiliflora (1898)
First described as Laurus sessiliflora (1874)

Litsea texensis [1]

Comb nov

(Ball) LaMotte


Indio Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Texas.svg  Texas

A Litsea species
First described as Malapoenna sagittata (1931)

Ocotea alia [1]

Sp nom nov



Wilcox Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Arkansas.svg  Arkansas

An Ocotea species
A replacement name for Mespilodaphne coushatta (Berry, 1916) (1916)

Ocotea athenensis [1]

Comb nov

(Ball) LaMotte


Wilcox Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Texas.svg  Texas

An Ocotea species
Moved from Mespilodaphne athenensis (1939)

Ocotea attenuata [1]

Comb nov

(Ball) LaMotte


Wilcox Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Texas.svg  Texas

An Ocotea species
Moved from Mespilodaphne attenuata (1939)

Ocotea berryana [1]

Sp nom nov



Lagrange Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Tennessee.svg  Tennessee

An Ocotea species
A replacement name for Mespilodaphne puryearensis (Berry, 1916) (1916)

Ocotea brazosensis [1]

Comb nov

(Ball) LaMotte


Fayette Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Texas.svg  Texas

An Ocotea species
Moved from Oreodaphne brazosensis (1924)

Ocotea caudata [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Mount Selman Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Texas.svg  Texas

An Ocotea species
Moved from Mespilodaphne caudata (1924)
Includes one subspecies moved from M. c. major

Ocotea collazoensis [1]

Comb nov

(Hollick) LaMotte


Collazo Shales

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico

An Ocotea species
Moved from Aniba collazoensis (1928)

Ocotea coloradensis [1]

Comb nov

(Brown) LaMotte


Green River Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

An Ocotea species
Moved from Oreodaphne coloradensis (1934)

Ocotea columbiana [1]

Comb nov

(Hollick) LaMotte


Lisbon Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Mississippi.svg  Mississippi

An Ocotea species
Moved from Mespilodaphne columbiana (1924)

Ocotea coushatta [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Wilcox Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Louisiana.svg  Louisiana

An Ocotea species
Moved from Oreodaphne coushatta (1916)

Ocotea culebrensis [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Culebra Formation

Flag of Panama.svg  Panama

An Ocotea species
Moved from Mespilodaphne columbiana (1924)

Ocotea eolignitica [1]

Comb nov

(Hollick) LaMotte


Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Louisiana.svg  Louisiana

An Ocotea species
Moved from Mespilodaphne eolignitica (1916)
First named Andromeda eolignitica (1899)

Ocotea hispanioiana [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Arbitonite Group

Flag of Haiti.svg  Haiti

An Ocotea species
Moved from Mespilodaphne hispanioiana (1922)

Ocotea inequilateralis [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Gosport Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Alabama.svg  Alabama

An Ocotea species
Moved from Mespilodaphne inequilateralis (1924)

Ocotea intermedia [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Holly Springs Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Tennessee.svg  Tennessee

An Ocotea species
Moved from Mespilodaphne intermedia (1930)

Ocotea lancifolia [1]

Comb nov

(Lesquereux) LaMotte


Holly Springs Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Tennessee.svg  Tennessee

An Ocotea species
Moved from Oreodaphne lancifolia (1934)
First described as Sapindus lancifolius (1883)

Ocotea lithaeformis [1]

Comb nov

(Lesquereux) LaMotte

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of California.svg  California

An Ocotea species
Moved from Mespilodaphne lithaeformis (1888)

Ocotea mississippiensis [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Holly Springs Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Mississippi.svg  Mississippi

An Ocotea species
Moved from Mespilodaphne lithaeformis (1916)

Ocotea obtusifolia [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Holly Springs Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Mississippi.svg  Mississippi

An Ocotea species
Moved from Oreodaphne obtusifolia (1916)

Ocotea pagosensis [1]

Comb nov

(Hollick) LaMotte


Animas Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

An Ocotea species
Moved from Oreodaphne pagosensis (1924)

Ocotea palomarensis [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico
Flag of Oaxaca.svg  Oaxaca

An Ocotea species
Moved from Mespilodaphne obtusifolia (1923)

Ocotea perseaformis [1]

Comb nov

(Ball) LaMotte


Indio Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Texas.svg  Texas

An Ocotea species
Moved from Oreodaphne perseaformis (1939)

Ocotea praefracta [1]

Comb nov

(Ball) LaMotte


Wilcox Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Texas.svg  Texas

An Ocotea species
Moved from Oreodaphne praefracta (1939)

Ocotea precoushatta [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Indio Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Texas.svg  Texas

An Ocotea species
Moved from Mespilodaphne perseaformis (1924)

Ocotea pseudoglauca [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Wilcox Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Louisiana.svg  Louisiana

An Ocotea species
Moved from Mespilodaphne pseudoglauca (1916)

Ocotea pseudoguianensis [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Wilcox Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Louisiana.svg  Louisiana

An Ocotea species
Moved from Mespilodaphne pseudoguianensis (1916)

Ocotea puryearensis [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Ackerman Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Mississippi.svg  Mississippi

An Ocotea species
Moved from Oreodaphne pseudoguianensis (1916)

Ocotea (?) ratonensis [1]

Comb nov

(Hollick) LaMotte


Raton Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

An Ocotea species
Moved from Oreodaphne (?) ratonensis (1917)

Ocotea ripariafolia [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Forest Clay Formation

Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg  Trinidad and Tobago
Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg  Trinidad

An Ocotea species
Moved from Aniba ripariafolia (1937)

Ocotea salinensis [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Wilcox Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Arkansas.svg  Arkansas

An Ocotea species
Moved from Oreodaphne salinensis (1916)

Ocotea tertiaria [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte

Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica

An Ocotea species
Moved from Goeppertia tertiaria (1921)

Ocotea texana (Berry) [1]

Comb nov


(Berry) LaMotte


Fayette Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Texas.svg  Texas

An Ocotea species
Moved from Mespilodaphne texana (1924)
Homonym with Ocotea texana (Ball)

Ocotea texana (Ball) [1]

Comb nov


(Ball) LaMotte


Indio Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Texas.svg  Texas

An Ocotea species
Moved from Oreodaphne texana (1931)
Homonym with Ocotea texana (Berry)

Ocotea viridiflumensis [1]

Comb nov

(Knowlton) LaMotte


Green River Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

An Ocotea species
Moved from Oreodaphne coloradensis (1923)

Ocotea wilcoxensis [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Wilcox Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Tennessee.svg  Tennessee

An Ocotea species
Moved from Oreodaphne wilcoxensis (1916)

Sassafras quilchenensis [1]

Sp nom nov



Eocene Okanagan Highlands
Coldwater Beds

Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of British Columbia.svg  British Columbia

A Sassafras species
A new name for Sassafras cretaceum (Penhallow) (1906)

Umbellularia saliciformis [1]

Comb nov

(Knowlton & Cockerell) LaMotte


Neroly Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of California.svg  California

An California bay species
Moved from Laurus saliciformis (1919)
First named Laurus salicifolia (Lesquereux) (1883)
L. salicifolia a jr homonym of Laurus salicifolia (Banks & Solander)


NameNoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeUnitLocationSynonymized taxaNotesImages

Cyperacites islandicus [1]

Comb nov

(Heer) LaMotte


Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland

A Cyperacites morphospecies
Moved from Cyperites islandicus (1868)

Exflabellaria [1]

Gen et 4 comb nov

Jr synonym


A palm leaf morphogenus
Replacement genus for the homonym Flabellaria (Sternberg) (1822)
Jr synonym of Palmacites
Contained Flabellaria alaskana , [4] F. groenlandica , F. johnstrupi , & F. latania

Potamogeton orbus [1]

Sp nom nov



Latah Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Washington.svg  Washington

A possible pond weed species
New name for referred "Potamogeton heterophylloides" fossils
P. heterophylloides type specimens moved to Keteleeria heterophylloides (1940)

Basal eudicots

NameNoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeUnitLocationSynonymized taxaNotesImages

Nelumbium crossii [1]

Comb nov

(Knowlton) LaMotte


Arapahoe Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

A lotus relative.
Moved from Nelumbo crossii (1930)

Nelumbium protolutea [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Wilcox Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Mississippi.svg  Mississippi

A lotus relative.
Moved from (1949)
Nelumbites protoluteus First named Nelumbo protolutea (1917)

Core Eudicots


NameNoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeUnitLocationSynonymized taxaNotesImages

Achras agnitionalis [1]

Comb nov

(Hollick) LaMotte


Collazo Shale

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico

A Manilkara species.
Moved from Sapota agnitionalis (1928)

Arbutus xalapoldes [1]

Sp nom nov



Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of California.svg  California

A madrone.
New name for "Arbutus prexalapensis" (1950) madrone fossils
Type material of A. prexalapensis moved to other species

Ardisia prepaniculata [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Wilcox Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Tennessee.svg  Tennessee

A marlberry species.
Moved from Icacorea prepaniculata (1916)

Ardisia prisca [1]

Comb nov

(Hollick) LaMotte


Collazo Shale

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico

A marlberry species.
Moved from Icacorea prisca (1924)

Asclepias fructifer [1]

Comb nov

(Cockerell) LaMotte


Florissant Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

A milkweed species.
Moved from Acerates fructifer (1908)

Asclepias veterana [1]

Comb nov

(Heer) LaMotte


Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland

A milkweed species.
Moved from Acerates veterana (1859)

Asclepias wilcoxiana [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Wilcox Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Tennessee.svg  Tennessee

A milkweed species.
Moved from Acerates wilcoxiana (1930)

Coccoloba chapini [1]

Comb nov

(Hollick) LaMotte


Matanuska coal field

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Alaska.svg  Alaska

A Coccoloba species.
Moved from Coccolobis chapini (1936) [4]

Coccoloba claibornensis [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Gosport Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Alabama.svg  Alabama

A Coccoloba species.
Moved from Coccolobis claibornensis (1924)

Coccoloba columbianus [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Yegua Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Louisiana.svg  Louisiana

A Coccoloba species.
Moved from Coccolobis columbianus (1924)

Coccoloba eolignitica [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Lagrange Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Tennessee.svg  Tennessee

A Coccoloba species.
Moved from Coccolobis columbianus (1916)

Coccoloba uviferafolia [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Lagrange Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Tennessee.svg  Tennessee

A Coccoloba species.
Moved from Coccolobis uviferafolia (1916)

Cryptantha auriculata [1]

Comb nov

(Elias) LaMotte


Ogallala Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Kansas.svg  Kansas

A Cryptantha species.
Moved from Krynitikia auriculata (1932)

Cryptantha chaneyi [1]

Comb nov

(Elias) LaMotte


Ogallala Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Kansas.svg  Kansas

A Cryptantha species.
Moved from Krynitzkia (Oreocarya) chaneyi (1932)

Cryptantha coroniformis [1]

Comb nov

(Elias) LaMotte


Ogallala Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Kansas.svg  Kansas

A Cryptantha species.
Moved from Krynitzkia (Oreocarya) coroniformis (1932)

Gonolobus (?) trinervatus [1]

Comb nov

(MacGinitie) LaMotte


Trout Creek Flora

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Oregon.svg  Oregon

An asclepiadoid milkweed family species
Moved from Vincetoxicum (?) trinervata (1933)

Halesia inopinum [1]

Comb nov

(Hollick) LaMotte


Berg lake Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Alaska.svg  Alaska

A snowdrop tree species
Moved from Mohrodendron inopinum (1936) [4]

Leiophyllum pleistocenicum [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of North Carolina.svg  North Carolina

A sandmyrtle species
First described as Dendrium pleistocenicum (1907)

Viburnum comstocki [1]

Comb nov

(Sanborn) LaMotte


Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Oregon.svg  Oregon

A Viburnum species
First described as Mallotus comstocki (1935)


NameNoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeUnitLocationSynonymized taxaNotesImages

Acer (Negundo) decurrens [1]

Comb nov

(Lesquereux) LaMotte


Denver Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

A maple.
Moved from Negundo decurrens (1888)

Acer (Negundo) fremontensis [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Bridger Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Wyoming.svg  Wyoming

A maple.
Moved from Negundo fremontensis (1930)

Acer negundifolium [1]

Comb nov

(Dawson) LaMotte


Eocene Okanagan Highlands
Stump lake

Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of British Columbia.svg  British Columbia

A possible maple.
Moved from Acerites negundifolium (1891)

Acer orbum [1]

Sp nom nov



Ione Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of California.svg  California

A maple.
New name for Acer aequidentatum maple fossils
A. aequidentatum type fossils moved to Platanus appendiculata

Acer (Negundo) triloba [1]

Comb nov

(Newberry) LaMotte


Fort Union Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of North Dakota.svg  North Dakota

A maple.
Moved from Negundo triloba (1868)

Acer tuckeri [1]

Comb nov

(Smith) LaMotte


"Hog Creek"

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Idaho.svg  Idaho

A maple.
Moved from Engdhardtia tuckeri (1938)

Canarium leonis [1]

Comb nov

(Cockerell) LaMotte


Ione Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of California.svg  California

A Canarium species.
Moved from Juglans leonis (1908)

Carya bartoni [1]

Comb nov

(Ball) LaMotte


Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Texas.svg  Texas

A hicory species.
Moved from Hicoria bartoni (1931)

Carya biacuminata [1]

Comb nov

(Perkins) LaMotte


Brandon lignites

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Vermont.svg  Vermont

A hicory species.
Moved from Hicoria biacuminata (1904)

Carya crescentia [1]

Comb nov

(Knowlton) LaMotte


Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Wyoming.svg  Wyoming

A hickory species.
Moved from Hicoria crescentia (1899)

Carya culveri [1]

Comb nov

(Knowlton) LaMotte


Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Wyoming.svg  Wyoming

A hickory species.
Moved from Hicoria culveri (1899)

Carya dawsoni [1]

Comb nov


(Berry) LaMotte

Early Eocene

Okanagan Highlands
Chu Chua Formation

Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of British Columbia.svg  British Columbia

A hickory.
Moved from Hicoria dawsoni (1962)

Carya dentata [1]

Comb nov

(Knowlton) LaMotte


Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Wyoming.svg  Wyoming

A hickory species.
Moved from Hicoria culveri (1899)

Carya jacksoniana [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Yegua Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Texas.svg  Texas

A hickory species.
Moved from Hicoria jacksoniana (1924)

Carya juxtaporipites [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Green River Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

A hickory species.
Moved from Hicoria juxtaporipites (1933)

Carya (?) oregoniana [1]

Comb nov

(Knowlton) LaMotte


Clarno Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Oregon.svg  Oregon

A hickory species.
Moved from Hicoria (?) oregoniana (1902)

Carya orientalis [1]

Comb nov

(Chaney) LaMotte


Eagle Creek flora

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Oregon.svg  Oregon

A hickory species.
Moved from Hicoria orientalis (1920)

Carya pretexana [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Citronelle Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Alabama.svg  Alabama

A hickory species.
Moved from Hicoria pretexana (1916)

Carya princetoniana [1]

Comb nov

(Cockerell) LaMotte


Florissant Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

A hickory species.
Moved from Hicoria princetoniana (1908)

Carya rostrataformis [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Lagrange Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Tennessee.svg  Tennessee

A hickory species.
Moved from Hicoria rostrataformis (1924)

Carya stanleyanum [1]

Comb nov


(Dawson) LaMotte

Early Eocene

Huntingdon Formation

Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of British Columbia.svg  British Columbia

A hickory.
Moved from Hicoria dawsoni (1962)
First named Dryophyllum stanleyanum (1895)

Carya williamsi [1]

Comb nov

(Chaney) LaMotte


Eagle Creek flora

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Oregon.svg  Oregon

A hickory species.
Moved from Hicoria williamsi (1920)

Celtis americana [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


McBean Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia

Mimosa americana (1919)

A Celtis species.
Moved from Momisia americana (1914)

Cercidiphyllum piperoides [1]

Comb nov

(Lesquereux) LaMotte


Ione Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of California.svg  California

A katsura species.
Moved from Zizyphus piperoides (1878)
Moved to Tetracentron piperoides in 1977 [3]

Tetracentron piperoides Tetracentron piperoides Hypotype USNM 43288.png
Tetracentron piperoides

Comptonia parvula [1]

Comb nov

(Heer) LaMotte


Patoot beds

Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Flag of Greenland.svg  Greenland

A Comptonia species.
Moved from Myrica (Comptonia) parvula (1916)

Cupanites berryi [1]

Sp nom nov



Barnwell Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia

A sapindaceous Cupanites species.
A new name for Cupanites nigricans (1918)

Inga alia [1]

Sp nom nov



Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba

An ice-cream-bean species
A new species name for Inga miocenica (Berry, 1939) (1939)

Liquidambar dubia [1]

Sp nom nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Lagrange Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Kentucky.svg  Kentucky

A sweetgum species
A replacement name for Liquidambar incerta (Berry, 1924) (1924)

Macrolobium geminifolia

Comb nov

(MacGinitie) LaMotte


Ione Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of California.svg  California

A Macrolobium species legume.
Moved from Vouapa geminifolia (1941)

Melastomites incertus [1]

Sp nom nov



Culebra Formation

Flag of Panama.svg  Panama

A melastome species
A replacement name for Melastomites miconioides (Berry, 1919) (1919)

Populus americana [1]

Comb nov

(Lesquereux) LaMotte


Florissant Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado


A cottonwood species.
Moved from Pterocarya americana (1874)

Populus (?) paramonodon [1]

Sp nom nov



Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of New Mexico.svg  New Mexico

A possible cottonwood species
New name for referred "Populus monodon" fossils
P. monodon type specimens moved to Ficus monodon

Prunus gracilis (Lesquereux) [1]

Comb nov

Jr homonym

(Lesquereux) LaMotte


Florissant Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

A possible cherry species
Moved from Amygdalus gracilis (1883)
Jr homonym of Prunus gracilis (Engelm. & A.Gray)

Prunus wilcoxiana [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Tallahatta Formation
Holly Springs Sand Member

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Tennessee.svg  Tennessee

A possible cherry species
Moved from Amygdalus wilcoxiana (1930)

Pyrus alvordensis [1]

Comb nov

(MacGinitie) LaMotte

Trout Creek flora

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Oregon.svg  Oregon

A possible mountain ash species
Moved from Sorbus alvordensis (1933)

Pyrus coronariafolia [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of North Carolina.svg  North Carolina

A possible apple species
Moved from Malus coronariafolia (1907)

Pyrus decorafolia [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Okanagan Highlands
Chu Chua Formation

Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of British Columbia.svg  British Columbia

A possible mountain ash species
Moved from Sorbus decorafolia (1926)

Pyrus diversifolia (Lesquereux) [1]

Comb nov

Jr homonym

(Lesquereux) LaMotte


Florissant Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

A possible mountain ash species
Moved from Sorbus diversifolia (1918)
First named Myrica diversifolia (1883)
homonym of Pyrus diversifolia Bong.

Pyrus grandifolia [1]

Comb nov

(Heer) LaMotte


Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Flag of Greenland.svg  Greenland

A possible mountain ash species
Moved from Sorbus grandifolia (1869)

Pyrus harneyensis [1]

Comb nov

(Axelrod) LaMotte


Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Oregon.svg  Oregon

A possible mountain ash species
Moved from Sorbus harneyensis (1944)

Pyrus idahoensis [1]

Comb nov

(Brown) LaMotte


Salmon flora

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Idaho.svg  Idaho

A possible apple species
Moved from Malus idahoensis (1935)

Pyrus megaphylla [1]

Comb nov

(Cockerell) LaMotte


Florissant Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

A possible mountain ash species
Moved from Sorbus megaphylla (1908)

Pyrus nupta [1]

Comb nov

(Cockerell) LaMotte


Florissant Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

A possible mountain ash species
Moved from Sorbus nupta (1910)

Pyrus pseudoangustifolla [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of North Carolina.svg  North Carolina

A possible apple species
Moved from Malus pseudoangustifolla (1910)

Shepherdia weaveri [1]

Comb nov

(Hollick) LaMotte

Paleocene - Eocene

"Kachemak Bay flora"

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Alaska.svg  Alaska

A possible buffaloberry species
Moved from Lepargyraea weaveri (1936) [4]

Sphaeralcea (?) exhumatum [1]

Comb nov

(Cockerell) LaMotte


Florissant Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

A possible globemallow species
Moved from Malvastrum (?) exhumatum (1906)

Ulmus chuchuanus [1]

Sp nom nov


(Berry) LaMotte


Okanagan Highlands
Chu Chua Formation

Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of British Columbia.svg  British Columbia

An elm.
New name for "Ulmus columbianus" Berry (1926)
Junior homonym of "Ulmus columbiana" Penhallow (1907)

Ulmus chuchuanus Ulmus chuchuanus SR 99-05-01.jpg
Ulmus chuchuanus

Xanthoxylum alia [1]

Sp nom nov



Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba

A possible Zanthoxylum species
New name for Fagara miocenica Berry, 1939) (1939)
F. miocenica a jr homonym of Fagara miocenica (Berry, 1925)

Xanthoxylum apalachacolensis [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Alum Bluff Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Florida.svg  Florida

A possible Zanthoxylum species
Moved from Fagara apalachacolensis (1916)

Xanthoxylum catahoulensis [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Catahoula Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Louisiana.svg  Louisiana

A possible Zanthoxylum species
Moved from Fagara catahoulensis (1916)
4 varieties also moved F. c. corlacea, F. c. elongata, F. c. major, & F. c. orbiculata

Xanthoxyium claibornensis [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Mount Selman Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Texas.svg  Texas

A possible Zanthoxylum species
Moved from Fagara claibornensis (1924)

Xanthoxyium (?) delicatula [1]

Comb nov

(Cockerell) LaMotte


Florissant Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

A possible Zanthoxylum species
Moved from Fagara (?) delicatula (1908)

Xanthoxylum dubium [1]

Comb nov

nomen nudum

(Lesquereux) LaMotte


Raton Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of New Mexico.svg  New Mexico

A possible Zanthoxylum species
Moved from Zanthoxylum dubium (1872)
Considered nomen nudum by LaMotte

Xanthoxylum eocenica [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Lagrange Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Tennessee.svg  Tennessee

A possible Zanthoxylum species
Moved from Fagara eocenica (1916)

Xanthoxylum juglandianum [1]

Comb nov

(Braun) LaMotte


Flag of Europe.svg  Europe

A possible Zanthoxylum species
Moved from Zanthoxylum juglandianum (1878)

Xanthoxylum miocenica [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Forest Sand Formation

Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg  Trinidad

A possible Zanthoxylum species
Moved from Fagara miocenica (1925)

Xanthroxylum petraflumensis [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Yegua Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Texas.svg  Texas

A possible Zanthoxylum species
Moved from Fagara petraflumensis (1924)

Xanthoxylum puryearensis [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Lagrange Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Tennessee.svg  Tennessee

A possible Zanthoxylum species
Moved from Fagara eocenica (1916)

Xanthoxyium spireaefolia [1]

Comb nov

(Lesquereux) LaMotte


Florissant Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado

A possible Zanthoxylum species
Moved from Fagara spireaefolia (1908)
First named Zanthoxylum spireaefolium (1883)

Xanthoxylum wadii [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico
Flag of Oaxaca.svg  Oaxaca

A possible Zanthoxylum species
Moved from Fagara wadii (1923)

Xanthoxylum wyomingensis [1]

Comb nov

(Berry) LaMotte


Bridger Formation

Flag of the United States.svg  USA
Flag of Wyoming.svg  Wyoming

A possible Zanthoxylum species
Moved from Fagara wyomingensis (1930)

Other angiosperms

NameNoveltyStatusAuthorsAgeUnitLocationSynonymized taxaNotesImages

Carpites interglacialis [1]

Comb nov

(Hollick) LaMotte


St. Eugene Silts

Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of British Columbia.svg  British Columbia

A fruit/seed species of uncertain affinity.
Moved from Ficus interglacalis (1928)

General research

Related Research Articles

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Paleobotany</span> Study of organic evolution of plants based on fossils

Paleobotany, also spelled as palaeobotany, is the branch of botany dealing with the recovery and identification of plant remains from geological contexts, and their use for the biological reconstruction of past environments (paleogeography), and the evolutionary history of plants, with a bearing upon the evolution of life in general. A synonym is paleophytology. It is a component of paleontology and paleobiology. The prefix palaeo- or paleo- means "ancient, old", and is derived from the Greek adjective παλαιός, palaios. Paleobotany includes the study of terrestrial plant fossils, as well as the study of prehistoric marine photoautotrophs, such as photosynthetic algae, seaweeds or kelp. A closely related field is palynology, which is the study of fossilized and extant spores and pollen.

<i>Shepherdia</i> Family of shrubs

Shepherdia, commonly called buffaloberry or bullberry, is a genus of small shrubs in the Elaeagnaceae family. The plants are native to northern and western North America. They are non-legume nitrogen fixers.

Paleontology or palaeontology is the study of prehistoric life forms on Earth through the examination of plant and animal fossils. This includes the study of body fossils, tracks (ichnites), burrows, cast-off parts, fossilised feces (coprolites), palynomorphs and chemical residues. Because humans have encountered fossils for millennia, paleontology has a long history both before and after becoming formalized as a science. This article records significant discoveries and events related to paleontology that occurred or were published in the year 1977.

Paleontology or palaeontology is the study of prehistoric life forms on Earth through the examination of plant and animal fossils. This includes the study of body fossils, tracks (ichnites), burrows, cast-off parts, fossilised feces (coprolites), palynomorphs and chemical residues. Because humans have encountered fossils for millennia, paleontology has a long history both before and after becoming formalized as a science. This article records significant discoveries and events related to paleontology that occurred or were published in the year 1968.

Paleontology or palaeontology is the study of prehistoric life forms on Earth through the examination of plant and animal fossils. This includes the study of body fossils, tracks (ichnites), burrows, cast-off parts, fossilised feces (coprolites), palynomorphs and chemical residues. Because humans have encountered fossils for millennia, paleontology has a long history both before and after becoming formalized as a science. This article records significant discoveries and events related to paleontology that occurred or were published in the year 1930.

Paleontology or palaeontology is the study of prehistoric life forms on Earth through the examination of plant and animal fossils. This includes the study of body fossils, tracks (ichnites), burrows, cast-off parts, fossilised feces (coprolites), palynomorphs and chemical residues. Because humans have encountered fossils for millennia, paleontology has a long history both before and after becoming formalized as a science. This article records significant discoveries and events related to paleontology that occurred or were published in the year 1923.

Paleontology or palaeontology is the study of prehistoric life forms on Earth through the examination of plant and animal fossils. This includes the study of body fossils, tracks (ichnites), burrows, cast-off parts, fossilised feces (coprolites), palynomorphs and chemical residues. Because humans have encountered fossils for millennia, paleontology has a long history both before and after becoming formalized as a science. This article records significant discoveries and events related to paleontology that occurred or were published in the year 1929.

Paleontology or palaeontology is the study of prehistoric life forms on Earth through the examination of plant and animal fossils. This includes the study of body fossils, tracks (ichnites), burrows, cast-off parts, fossilised feces (coprolites), palynomorphs and chemical residues. Because humans have encountered fossils for millennia, paleontology has a long history both before and after becoming formalized as a science. This article records significant discoveries and events related to paleontology that occurred or were published in the year 1926.

Paleontology or palaeontology is the study of prehistoric life forms on Earth through the examination of plant and animal fossils. This includes the study of body fossils, tracks (ichnites), burrows, cast-off parts, fossilised feces (coprolites), palynomorphs and chemical residues. Because humans have encountered fossils for millennia, paleontology has a long history both before and after becoming formalized as a science. This article records significant discoveries and events related to paleontology that occurred or were published in the year 1936.

Paleontology or palaeontology is the study of prehistoric life forms on Earth through the examination of plant and animal fossils. This includes the study of body fossils, tracks (ichnites), burrows, cast-off parts, fossilised feces (coprolites), palynomorphs and chemical residues. Because humans have encountered fossils for millennia, paleontology has a long history both before and after becoming formalized as a science. This article records significant discoveries and events related to paleontology that occurred or were published in the year 1947.

<i>Sassafras hesperia</i> Extinct species of flowering plant

Sassafras hesperia is an extinct species of flowering plant in the family Lauraceae.

Chester Arthur Arnold was an American paleobotanist, born June 25, 1901, in Leeton, Missouri, and died on 19 November 1977.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Klondike Mountain Formation</span>

The Klondike Mountain Formation is an Early Eocene (Ypresian) geological formation located in the northeast central area of Washington state. The formation is comprised of volcanic rocks in the upper unit and volcanic plus lacustrine (lakebed) sedimentation in the lower unit. the formation is named for the type location designated in 1962, Klondike Mountain northeast of Republic, Washington. The formation is a lagerstätte with exceptionally well-preserved plant and insect fossils has been found, along with fossil epithermal hot springs.

<i>Acer chaneyi</i> Extinct species of maple

Acer chaneyi is an extinct maple species in the family Sapindaceae described from a number of fossil leaves and samaras. The species is known from Oligocene to Miocene sediments exposed in Alaska, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon and Washington in the U.S. It is one of several extinct species belonging to the living section Rubra.

<i>Rhus garwellii</i> Extinct species of flowering plant

Rhus garwellii is an extinct species of flowering plant in the sumac family Anacardiaceae. The species is known from fossil leaves found in the early Eocene deposits of northern Washington State, United States. The species was first described from fossil leaves found in the Klondike Mountain Formation. R. garwellii likely hybridized with the other Klondike Mountain formation sumac species R. boothillensis, R. malloryi, and R. republicensis.

<i>Pinus latahensis</i> Extinct species of conifer

Pinus latahensis is an extinct species of conifer in the pine family Pinaceae. The species is known from fossil leaves found in the early Eocene deposits of northern Washington state, United States, and southern British Columbia, Canada.

<i>Pseudolarix wehrii</i> Extinct species of conifer

Pseudolarix wehrii is an extinct species of golden larch in the pine family (Pinaceae). The species is known from early Eocene fossils of northern Washington state, United States, and southern British Columbia, Canada, along with late Eocene mummified fossils found in the Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut, Canada.

The paleoflora of the Eocene Okanagan Highlands includes all plant and fungi fossils preserved in the Eocene Okanagan Highlands Lagerstätten. The highlands are a series of Early Eocene geological formations which span an 1,000 km (620 mi) transect of British Columbia, Canada and Washington state, United States and are known for the diverse and detailed plant fossils which represent an upland temperate ecosystem immediately after the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum, and before the increased cooling of the middle and late Eocene to Oligocene. The fossiliferous deposits of the region were noted as early as 1873, with small amounts of systematic work happening in the 1880-90s on British Columbian sites, and 1920-30s for Washington sites. A returned focus and more detailed descriptive work on the Okanagan Highlands sites revived in the 1970's. The noted richness of agricultural plant families in Republic and Princeton floras resulted in the term "Eocene orchards" being used for the paleofloras.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Eocene Okanagan Highlands</span>

The Eocene Okanagan Highlands or Eocene Okanogan Highlands are a series of Early Eocene geological formations which span a 1,000 km (620 mi) transect of British Columbia, Canada, and Washington state, United States. Known for a highly diverse and detailed plant and animal paleobiota the paleolake beds as a whole are considered one of the great Canadian Lagerstätten. The paleobiota represented are of an upland subtropical to temperate ecosystem series immediately after the Paleocene–Eocene thermal maximum, and before the increased cooling of the middle and late Eocene to Oligocene. The fossiliferous deposits of the region were noted as early as 1873, with small amounts of systematic work happening in the 1870–1920s on British Columbian sites, and 1920–1930s for Washington sites. Focus and more detailed descriptive work on the Okanagan Highland sites started in the late 1960s.

<i>Ulmus chuchuanus</i> Extinct species of elm

Ulmus chuchuanus is an extinct species of flowering plant in the family Ulmaceae related to the modern elms. The species is known from fossil leaves and fruits found in early Eocene sites of northern Washington state, United States and central British Columbia, Canada.


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 LaMotte, R.S. (1952). Catalogue of the Cenozoic plants of North America through 1950. Geological Society of America Memoirs. Vol. 51. Geological Society of America. doi:10.1130/MEM51.
  2. 1 2 3 4 Miller, N. G. (1980). "Fossil mosses of North America and their significance". The Mosses of North America. pp. 9–36.
  3. 1 2 3 Wolfe, J.A. (1977). Paleogene floras from the Gulf of Alaska region (Report). Professional Paper. Vol. 997. United States Geological Survey. pp. 1–108. doi: 10.3133/pp997 .
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 Hollick, A.; Smith, P. (1936). The Tertiary floras of Alaska, with a chapter on the geology of the Tertiary deposits (Report). Professional Paper. United States Geological Survey. pp. 1–185. doi:10.3133/pp182. 182.