Diffuse alveolar damage

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Diffuse alveolar damage
Hyaline membranes - very high mag.jpg
Micrograph showing hyaline membranes, the key histologic feature of diffuse alveolar damage. H&E stain.
Specialty Respirology

Diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) is a histologic term used to describe specific changes that occur to the structure of the lungs during injury or disease. Most often DAD is described in association with the early stages of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). [1] It is important to note that DAD can be seen in situations other than ARDS (such as acute interstitial pneumonia) and that ARDS can occur without DAD. [1]



Berlin Criteria: as stated on UpToDate (2020)

The Berlin Criteria specifies: [4]

  1. Timing: onset of respiratory symptoms within one week of an injury/insult.
  2. Chest Imaging: either chest x-ray or CT scan, must show bilateral opacities that cannot be fully explained by other conditions such as effusion, lung/lobar collapse, or lung nodules.
  3. Origin of Edema: respiratory failure that cannot be fully explained by cardiac failure or fluid overload, this needs objective assessment such as an echocardiogram.
  4. Impaired Oxygenation: this can be determined by looking at the ratio of arterial oxygen tension to fraction of inspired oxygen (PaO2/FiO2) that can be obtained based on an arterial blood gas test. Note: all PaO2/FiO2 ratios used in the determination of the severity of ARDS require that the patient be on a ventilator at a setting that includes 5 cm H2O or more of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).
Level of ARDSPaO2/FiO2 RangePEEP/CPAP
Mild ARDS201-300≥5 cm H2O
Moderate ARDS101-200
Severe ARDS<100


The epithelial lining of alveoli are composed of two different types of cells. Alveolar type I epithelial cells comprise about 80% of the alveolar surface area and are primarily responsible for gas exchange. [5] Alveolar type II epithelial cells play the critical roles of producing surfactant, moving water out of the airspaces, and regenerating alveolar epithelium. [5] The alveolar type II epithelial cells are more resistant to damage, so after an insult to the alveoli, most of the damage will occur to the alveolar type I epithelial cells. [5]

Left side demonstrate the structure of a normal alveolus including the difference between type I and type II alveolar epithelial cells. Right side depicts what occurs after injury to the alveolus during the acute/exudative phase. The-normal-alveolus-Left-Hand-Side-and-the-injured-alveolus-in-the-acute.jpg
Left side demonstrate the structure of a normal alveolus including the difference between type I and type II alveolar epithelial cells. Right side depicts what occurs after injury to the alveolus during the acute/exudative phase.

Once the initial insult has damaged the alveoli and begun the process of DAD, the condition will typically progress in three phases: exudative, proliferative, and fibrotic. [6] Below are the description of the phases, paraphrased from Sweeney et al. (2016). [6]


It is important to note that DAD can occur in settings other than ARDS and that ARDS can occur with histology other than DAD. That being said, the histologic finding of DAD is often associated with the clinical syndrome ARDS but it can also be seen in conditions such as acute interstitial pneumonia (essentially ARDS but without a known inciting cause), acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and primary graft dysfunction after lung transplant. [1] The most common causes of ARDS are pneumonia, non-pulmonary sepsis, and aspiration. [7]

To reiterate, the hallmark of DAD is hyaline membrane formation. [1] There is a similar process which occurs in newborns called hyaline membrane disease, although the preferred term is surfactant-deficiency disorder, that also has the formation of hyaline membranes. [8] This disorder typically develops due to prematurity, especially when the infant is delivered prior to 36 weeks since surfactant doesn't start being produced until 35 weeks gestation. [8] The lack of surfactant causes alveolar collapse and subsequent damage to the epithelial lining of the alveoli, causing the same path of damage described in the above section.


In order to make a diagnosis of DAD a biopsy of the lung must be obtained, processed, and examined microscopically. As described above, the hallmark of diagnosing DAD is the presence of hyaline membranes. [1] Most frequently DAD is associated with ARDS, but since there are clinical criteria (see Berlin criteria above) upon which we can diagnose ARDS, it is often unnecessary in all cases to obtain invasive biopsies of the lung. Additionally, there are limitations of the biopsy test since it is possible to sample a potentially normal area of lung even though there is DAD in the rest of the lung, resulting in a false negative. [1]


The most important factor for treating DAD or ARDS is to treat the underlying cause of the injury to the lungs, [9] for example pneumonia or sepsis. These patients will have problems with oxygenation, meaning they will likely need a breathing tube, medications to keep them comfortable (sedative, paralytic, and/or analgesic), and a mechanical ventilator to breathe for them. [10] The mechanical ventilator will often be set to a setting of at least 5 cm H2O of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) to keep the alveoli from collapsing during exhalation. [9] Other treatments to improve oxygenation may include prone positioning or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). [6]


As expected, the mortality rates increase as the severity of the ARDS increases with mortality rates at approximately 35%, 40%, and 46% for mild, moderate, and severe, respectively. [11] It has been revealed that patients with ARDS that show DAD on histology are at a high mortality rate of 71.9% compared to 45.5% in patients with ARDS but without DAD. [12] Of the patients who succumb to ARDS, the most common cause of death is septic shock with multi organ dysfunction syndrome. [13]

Among survivors upon discharge, many will have impairments in their lung function. The majority (approximately 80%) of patient will have decrease diffusion capacity while fewer patients (approximately 20%) will have issues with airflow (either obstructive or restrictive). [14] These airflow issues will typically resolve within six months and the diffusion issues will resolve within five years. [14]

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Acute inhalation injury may result from frequent and widespread use of household cleaning agents and industrial gases. The airways and lungs receive continuous first-pass exposure to non-toxic and irritant or toxic gases via inhalation. Irritant gases are those that, on inhalation, dissolve in the water of the respiratory tract mucosa and provoke an inflammatory response, usually from the release of acidic or alkaline radicals. Smoke, chlorine, phosgene, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and ammonia are common irritants.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pathophysiology of acute respiratory distress syndrome</span>

The pathophysiology of acute respiratory distress syndrome involves fluid accumulation in the lungs not explained by heart failure. It is typically provoked by an acute injury to the lungs that results in flooding of the lungs' microscopic air sacs responsible for the exchange of gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide with capillaries in the lungs. Additional common findings in ARDS include partial collapse of the lungs (atelectasis) and low levels of oxygen in the blood (hypoxemia). The clinical syndrome is associated with pathological findings including pneumonia, eosinophilic pneumonia, cryptogenic organizing pneumonia, acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia, and diffuse alveolar damage (DAD). Of these, the pathology most commonly associated with ARDS is DAD, which is characterized by a diffuse inflammation of lung tissue. The triggering insult to the tissue usually results in an initial release of chemical signals and other inflammatory mediators secreted by local epithelial and endothelial cells.

Whole lung lavage (WLL), also called lung washing, is a medical procedure in which the patient's lungs are washed with saline by filling and draining repeatedly. It is used to treat pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, in which excess lung surfactant proteins prevent the patient from breathing. Some sources consider it a variation of bronchoalveolar lavage.


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