List of elected and appointed female deputy heads of state

Last updated

This is a list of women who have been elected or appointed deputy head of state of their respective countries. This list does not include female deputy heads of government who are not concurrently deputy head of state, such as deputy prime ministers.


List of female deputy heads of state

  Denotes incumbent deputy head of state
NameImageCountryContinentOfficeMandate startMandate endTerm length
Soong Ching-ling Soong Ching-ling 1937.jpg Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  People's Republic of China Asia Deputy Chairperson 1 October 194927 September 19544 years, 361 days
27 April 195924 February 197212 years, 303 days
Maria Paretti No image.svg Flag of Romania (1952-1965).svg  Romania Europe Vice President 196119665 years, 0 days
Constanța Crăciun Constanta Craciun.jpg Flag of Romania (1965-1989).svg  Romania Europe Vice President 196519694 years, 0 days
Isabel Perón Isabel Martinez de Peron.jpg Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina South America Vice President 12 October 19731 July 1974262 days
Maria Ciocan [1] [2] No image.svg Flag of Romania (1965-1989).svg  Romania Europe Vice President 198019855 years, 0 days
Anahita Ratebzad Flag of Afghanistan (1980-1987).svg  Afghanistan Asia Deputy Chairwoman of the Revolutionary Council 27 December 198024 November 19854 years, 332 days
Mine Guri No image.svg Flag of Albania (1946-1992).svg  Albania Europe Vice President 22 November 19821 September 19918 years, 283 days
Viola Burnham No image.svg Flag of Guyana.svg  Guyana South AmericaCo-Vice President 6 August 19859 October 19916 years, 64 days
Maria Ghițulică No image.svg Flag of Romania (1965-1989).svg  Romania Europe Vice President 198519894 years, 0 days
Victoria Garrón Orozco Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica North America Second Vice President 8 May 19868 May 19904 years, 0 days
Nguyễn Thị Định Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam Asia Vice President 19 April 198719 July 19925 years, 91 days
Blaga Dimitrova No image.svg Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria Europe Vice President 22 January 19926 July 19931 year, 165 days
Nguyễn Thị Bình Nguyen Thi Binh.jpg Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam Asia Vice President 8 October 199212 August 20029 years, 308 days
Specioza Kazibwe Specioza Wandira Kazibwe (cropped).jpg Flag of Uganda.svg  Uganda Africa Vice President 18 November 199421 May 20038 years, 184 days
Guadalupe Jerezano Mejía No image.svg Flag of Honduras (1949-2022).svg  Honduras North America Third Vice President 27 January 199427 January 19984 years, 0 days
Rebeca Grynspan Secretaria General Iberoamericana, Rebeca Grynspan 2021 (cropped).jpg Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica North America Second Vice President 8 May 19948 May 19984 years, 0 days
Julia Mena No image.svg Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua North America Vice President 2 January 19952 January 19972 years, 0 days
Rosalía Arteaga DRA. ROSALIA ARTEAGA (25654658468) (cropped).jpg Flag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador South America Vice President 10 August 19969 February 1997183 days
11 February 199730 March 19981 year, 47 days
Janet Jagan Janet Jagan.png Flag of Guyana.svg  Guyana South America Prime Minister and First Vice President 6 March 199719 December 1997288 days
Isatou Njie-Saidy Vice President of Gambia visits HSV Swift. (8243542829) (cropped).jpg Flag of The Gambia.svg  The Gambia Africa Vice President 20 March 199718 January 201719 years, 304 days
Masoumeh Ebtekar Portrait of Masoumeh Ebtekar.jpg Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Asia Vice President 2 August 19973 August 20058 years, 1 day
10 September 20131 September 202111 years, 173 days
Gladys Caballero de Arevalo No image.svg Flag of Honduras (1949-2022).svg  Honduras North America Second Vice President 27 January 199827 January 20024 years, 0 days
Astrid Fischel Volio Astrid Fischel Volio.png Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica North America First Vice President 8 May 19988 May 20024 years, 0 days
Elizabeth Odio Benito Jueza de la Corte IDH, Elizabeth Odio Benito (39849747524) (cropped).jpg Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica North America Second Vice President 8 May 19988 May 20024 years, 0 days
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo Gloria Macapagal Arroyo WEF 2009-crop.jpg Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines Asia Vice President 30 June 199820 January 2001 [3] 2 years, 204 days
Megawati Sukarnoputri President Megawati Sukarnoputri - Indonesia.jpg Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia Asia Vice President 26 October 199923 July 2001 [4] 1 year, 289 days
Annette Lu Annette Lu Portrait.jpg Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan (Republic of China)Asia Vice President 20 May 200020 May 20088 years, 0 days
Milagros Ortiz Bosch Milagros Ortiz.jpg Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic North America Vice President 16 August 200016 August 20044 years, 0 days
Adina Bastidas No image.svg Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela South America Vice President 24 December 200013 January 20021 year, 20 days
Sandra Pierantozzi Sandra Pierantozzi.jpg Flag of Palau.svg  Palau Oceania Vice President 19 January 20011 January 20053 years, 348 days
Sima Samar Sima Samar of Afghanistan in 2011.jpg Flag of Afghanistan (2002-2004).svg  Afghanistan Asia Vice Chairwoman of Interim Administration 22 December 200119 June 2002179 days
Armida Villela de López Contreras No image.svg Flag of Honduras (1949-2022).svg  Honduras North America Second Vice President 27 January 200227 January 20064 years, 0 days
Lineth Saborío Chaverri Lineth Saborio Chaverri (cropped).png Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica North America First Vice President 8 May 20028 May 20064 years, 0 days
Trương Mỹ Hoa Truong My Hoa tai Dai hoi.jpg Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam Asia Vice President 12 August 200225 July 20074 years, 347 days
Teima Onorio Teima Onorio.jpg Flag of Kiribati.svg  Kiribati Oceania Vice President 10 July 200312 March 201612 years, 246 days
Ana Vilma de Escobar Ana Vilma ESA.JPG Flag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador North America Vice President 1 June 20041 June 20095 years, 0 days
Joice Mujuru Joice Mujuru at Horasis Global Arab Business Meeting 2012 crop.jpg Flag of Zimbabwe.svg  Zimbabwe Africa Vice President 6 December 20048 December 201410 years, 2 days
Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka 2014.jpg Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa Africa Deputy President 22 June 200524 September 20083 years, 94 days
Fatemeh Javadi No image.svg Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Asia Vice President 3 August 20055 August 20094 years, 2 days
Alice Nzomukunda No image.svg Flag of Burundi.svg  Burundi Africa Vice President 29 August 20055 September 20061 year, 7 days
Najah al-Attar No image.svg Flag of the Syrian revolution.svg  Syria Asia Vice President 23 March 20068 December 202418 years, 260 days
Dalia Itzik Dalya Itzik 1.png Flag of Israel.svg  Israel Asia Designated Acting President [5] 4 May 200630 March 20092 years, 330 days
Laura Chinchilla Laura Chinchilla Miranda with Hillary Rodham Clinton (cropped).jpg Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica North America First Vice President 8 May 20068 October 20082 years, 153 days
Lourdes Mendoza Lourdes Mendoza del Solar 2010.jpg Flag of Peru.svg  Peru South America Second Vice President 28 July 200628 July 20115 years, 0 days
Marina Barampama No image.svg Flag of Burundi.svg  Burundi Africa Vice President 8 September 20068 February 2007153 days
Nguyễn Thị Doan Nguyen Thi Doan.jpg Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam Asia Vice President 25 July 20078 April 20168 years, 258 days
Baleka Mbete Baleka Mbete.jpg Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa Africa Deputy President 25 September 20089 May 20091 year, 107 days
Joyce Banda President of Malawi Joyce Banda (8985928177).jpg Flag of Malawi.svg  Malawi Africa Vice President 29 May 20097 April 20122 years, 312 days
Fatemeh Bodaghi No image.svg Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Asia Vice President 21 September 200910 September 20133 years, 354 days
Farahnaz Torkestani No image.svg Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Asia Vice President 21 September 200910 September 20133 years, 354 days
Maryam Mojtahedzadeh Maryam Mojtahed Zadeh.jpg Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Asia Vice President 21 September 20098 October 20134 years, 17 days
Nasrin Soltankhah Nasrin Soltankhah.jpg Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Asia Vice President 21 September 200910 September 20133 years, 354 days
María Antonieta de Bográn No image.svg Flag of Honduras (1949-2022).svg  Honduras North America First Vice President 27 January 201027 January 20144 years, 0 days
Hannelore Kraft Hannelorekraft.jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Europe President of the Bundesrat [6] 1 November 201031 October 20111 year, 293 days
Monique Ohsan Bellepeau Monique Ohsan Bellepeau (cropped).jpg Flag of Mauritius.svg  Mauritius Africa Vice President 12 November 20104 April 20165 years, 144 days
Assunção Esteves Assuncao Esteves (18272649550) (cropped).jpg Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal Europe President of Parliament [7] 21 June 201122 October 20154 years, 123 days
Susan Denham Susan Denham 2014.jpg Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland Europe Chief Justice [8] 25 July 201128 July 20176 years, 3 days
Marisol Espinoza Marisol Espinoza 2.jpg Flag of Peru.svg  Peru South America First Vice President 28 July 201128 July 20165 years, 0 days
Meherzia Labidi Maïza MeherziaLabidiMars2012.jpg Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia AfricaFirst Vice-president of the
Constituent Assembly of Tunisia
22 November 20112 December 20143 years, 10 days
Roxana Baldetti Vice Presidenta Roxana Baldetti Elias.jpg Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala North America Vice President 14 January 20128 May 20153 years, 114 days
Han Myeong-sook Han Myeong Sook 2006.png Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea Asia Prime Minister 16 January 201212 April 201287 days
Margarita Popova Margarita Popova.jpg Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria Europe Vice President 22 January 201222 January 20175 years, 0 days
Margarita Cedeño Her Excellency Ms. Margarita Cedeno de Fernandez, Vice-President of the Dominican Republic (8957848699).jpg Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic North America Vice President 16 August 201216 August 2020 [9] 8 years, 0 days
Suheir Atassi Suheir al-Atassi (cropped).jpg Flag of the Syrian revolution.svg Syrian Arab Republic (opposition) Asia Vice President of the National Coalition 12 November 20124 January 20152 years, 53 days
Gladys María Bejerano Portela Gladys Maria Bejerano Portela.jpg Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba North America Vice President 24 February 201310 October 20196 years, 228 days
Mercedes López Acea No image.svg Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba North America Vice President 24 February 201319 April 20185 years, 54 days
Elham Aminzadeh Elham Aminzadeh 01.jpg Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Asia Vice President 11 August 201312 July 20162 years, 336 days
Shahindokht Molaverdi Shahindokht Molaverdi 01.jpg Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Asia Vice President 8 October 20139 August 20173 years, 305 days
Ava Rossana Guevara 10.10 Zong Tong Zhi Zeng Guo Qing Ji Nian Jiu Yu [Hong Du La Si Gong He Guo Fu Zong Tong Ge Ba La Ji Fu Xu Yi Xing ]  (cropped).jpg Flag of Honduras (1949-2022).svg  Honduras North America Second Vice President 27 January 201427 January 20184 years, 0 days
Lorena Enriqueta Herrera Estevez No image.svg Flag of Honduras (1949-2022).svg  Honduras North America Third Vice President 27 January 201427 January 20184 years, 0 days
Ana Helena Chacón Ana Helena Chacon Echeverria.png Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica North America Second Vice President 8 May 20148 May 20184 years, 0 days
Isabel Saint Malo Isabel Saint Malo.jpg Flag of Panama.svg  Panama North America Vice President 1 July 20141 July 20195 years, 0 days
Noura al-Ameer No image.svg Flag of the Syrian revolution.svg Syrian Arab Republic (opposition) Asia Vice President of the National Coalition 4 January 20155 March 20161 year, 61 days
Inonge Wina Inonge Wina.jpg Flag of Zambia.svg  Zambia Africa Vice President 26 January 201524 August 20216 years, 210 days
Samia Suluhu Hassan Samia Suluhu Hassan in May 2017.jpg Flag of Tanzania.svg  Tanzania Africa Vice President 5 November 201519 March 20215 years, 134 days
Gabriela Michetti Gabriela Michetti.jpg Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina South America Vice President 10 December 201510 December 20194 years, 0 days
Samira al-Masalma No image.svg Flag of the Syrian revolution.svg Syrian Arab Republic (opposition) Asia Vice President of the National Coalition 5 March 20166 May 20171 year, 62 days
Đặng Thị Ngọc Thịnh Mrs. Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh.jpg Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam Asia Vice President 8 April 20166 April 20214 years, 363 days
Leni Robredo VP Leni Robredo official portrait (cropped).jpg Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines Asia Vice President 30 June 201630 June 20226 years, 0 days
Mercedes Aráoz Mercedes Araoz.jpg Flag of Peru.svg  Peru South America Second Vice President 28 July 201623 March 20181 year, 238 days
First Vice President 23 March 20187 May 20202 years, 45 days
Malu Dreyer WLP RLP 9648 Malu Dreyer.jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Europe President of the Bundesrat [6] 1 November 201631 October 2017364 days
Zahra Ahmadipour Zahra Ahmadipour, November 2016.jpg Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Asia Vice President 6 November 201613 August 2017280 days
Rosario Murillo CCC CPerez 87 .jpg Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua North America Vice President 10 January 201730 January 20258 years, 20 days
Iliana Iotova Iliyana Yotova sm.jpg Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria Europe Vice President 22 January 2017Incumbent8 years, 39 days
Mehriban Aliyeva Mehriban Aliyeva03 (cropped).JPG Flag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan Asia Vice President 21 February 2017Incumbent [10] 8 years, 9 days
Fatoumata Tambajang Aid for Trade Global Review 2017 - Day 3 (35059631424).jpg Flag of The Gambia.svg  The Gambia Africa Vice President 22 February 2017 [11] 29 June 20181 year, 127 days
Salwa Aksoy No image.svg Flag of the Syrian revolution.svg Syrian Arab Republic (opposition) Asia Vice President of the National Coalition 6 May 20176 May 20181 year, 0 days
Laya Jonaidi Laya Joneydi.jpg Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Asia Vice President 9 August 20171 September 20217 years, 205 days
Lucía Topolansky Lucia Topolansky (cropped).png Flag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay South America Vice President 13 September 20171 March 2020 [12] 2 years, 170 days
María Alejandra Vicuña SESION SOLEMNE INFORME A LA NACION, QUITO 24 DE MAYO 2018. (28454543258) (cropped) (cropped).jpg Flag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador South America Vice President 4 October 20174 December 20181 year, 61 days
Jewel Taylor Jewel Taylor (9061) (cropped).jpg Flag of Liberia.svg  Liberia Africa Vice President 22 January 201822 January 20246 years, 0 days
Olga Margarita Alvarado Rodríguez No image.svg Flag of Honduras (1949-2022).svg  Honduras North America Second Vice President 27 January 201827 January 20224 years, 0 days
María Antonia Rivera No image.svg Flag of Honduras (1949-2022).svg  Honduras North America Third Vice President 27 January 201827 January 20224 years, 0 days
Elisabetta Casellati Presidente Alberti Casellati Quirinale (cropped).jpg Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Europe President of the Senate [13] 24 March 201812 October 20224 years, 202 days
Inés María Chapman Waugh No image.svg Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba North America Vice President 19 April 201810 October 20191 year, 174 days
Beatriz Johnson Urrutia No image.svg Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba North America Vice President 19 April 201810 October 20191 year, 174 days
Dima Moussa No image.svg Flag of the Syrian revolution.svg Syrian Arab Republic (opposition) Asia Vice President of the National Coalition 6 May 20181 July 20202 years, 56 days
12 September 2023Incumbent1 year, 171 days
Epsy Campbell Barr EpsyCampbell001 (cropped).png Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica North America First Vice President 8 May 20188 May 20224 years, 0 days
Alicia Pucheta Alicia Pucheta.jpg Flag of Paraguay.svg  Paraguay South America Vice President 9 May 201815 August 201898 days
Delcy Rodríguez Delcy Rodriguez June 2016 (27571633682) (cropped).jpg Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela South America Vice President 14 June 2018Incumbent6 years, 261 days
Marta Lucía Ramírez Fumio Kishida Marta Lucia Ramirez 20211109 (1) (cropped).jpg Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia South America Vice President 7 August 20187 August 20224 years, 0 days
Olga Sánchez Cordero Olga Sanchez Cordero - rostro.jpg Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico North America Secretary of the Interior 1 December 201826 August 20212 years, 268 days
Isatou Touray Aid for Trade Global Review 2017 - Day 2 (35489505090) (cropped).jpg Flag of The Gambia.svg  The Gambia Africa Vice President 15 March 20194 May 20223 years, 50 days
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner en la Apertura de Sesiones Ordinarias 2022 (cropped).jpg Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina South America Vice President 10 December 201910 December 2023 [14] 4 years, 0 days
Rebecca Nyandeng De Mabior Rebecca Nyandeng De Mabior February 10, 2006.jpg Flag of South Sudan.svg  South Sudan Africa Fourth Vice President 21 February 2020Incumbent5 years, 9 days
Beatriz Argimón Beatriz Argimon PN septiembre 2019 (cropped).jpg Flag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay South America Vice President 1 March 20201 March 20255 years, 0 days
María Alejandra Muñoz Maria Alejandra Munoz Vicepresidenta de Ecuador.jpg Flag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador South America Vice President 22 July 202024 May 2021306 days
Raquel Peña de Antuña Raquel Pena.webp Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic North America Vice President 16 August 2020Incumbent4 years, 198 days
Kamala Harris Kamala Harris Vice Presidential Portrait (cropped).jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States North America Vice President 20 January 202120 January 20254 years, 0 days
Uduch Sengebau Senior Uduch Sengebau Senior official portrait in 2021.jpg Flag of Palau.svg  Palau Oceania Vice President 21 January 202116 January 20253 years, 361 days
Pany Yathotou National Assembly of Laos President Pany Yathotou - 2013 (cropped).jpg Flag of Laos.svg  Laos Asia Vice President 22 March 2021Incumbent3 years, 345 days
Võ Thị Ánh Xuân Courtesy Call of Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 7 1 2022 0-18 screenshot.jpg Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam Asia Vice President 6 April 2021Incumbent3 years, 330 days
Mariam Chabi Talata TALATA-01W (cropped).jpg Flag of Benin.svg  Benin Africa Vice President 24 May 2021Incumbent3 years, 282 days
Jessica Alupo Alupo Jessica Rose Epel.jpg Flag of Uganda.svg  Uganda Africa Vice President 21 June 2021Incumbent3 years, 254 days
Dina Boluarte Dina Boluarte October 2022 (cropped).jpg Flag of Peru.svg  Peru South America First Vice President 28 July 20217 December 20221 year, 132 days
Mutale Nalumango Mutale Nalumango in 2020 (cropped).jpg Flag of Zambia.svg  Zambia Africa Vice President 24 August 2021Incumbent3 years, 190 days
Ensieh Khazali nsyh khz`ly2.jpg Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Asia Vice President 11 September 2021082 years, 344 days
Doris Gutiérrez Doris Gutierrez 2022 (cropped).jpg Flag of Honduras.svg  Honduras North America Second Vice President 27 January 2022Incumbent3 years, 34 days
Izkia Siches Izkia Siches.jpg Flag of Chile.svg  Chile South America Minister of the Interior and Public Security 11 March 20226 September 2022179 days
Mary Munive Vicepresidenta Mary Munive Angermuller (cropped).jpg Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica North America Second Vice President 8 May 2022Incumbent2 years, 298 days
Sara Duterte VPSDPortrait (cropped) (3).jpg Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines Asia Vice President 30 June 2022Incumbent2 years, 245 days
Francia Márquez Francia Marquez Oct2022.jpg Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia South America Vice President 7 August 2022Incumbent2 years, 207 days
Carolina Tohá Ministra Carolina Toha.jpg Flag of Chile.svg  Chile South America Minister of the Interior and Public Security 6 September 2022Incumbent2 years, 177 days
Esperança da Costa Esperanca Costa.jpg Flag of Angola.svg  Angola Africa Vice President 15 September 2022Incumbent2 years, 168 days
Rose Christiane Raponda Rose Raponda 2015.png Flag of Gabon.svg  Gabon Africa Vice President 9 January 202330 August 2023233 days
Luisa María Alcalde Luján Secretaria Luisa Alcalde 23 de Abril de 2020 (cropped).png Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico North America Secretary of the Interior 19 June 202330 September 20241 year, 103 days
Manuela Schwesig 23 08 28 BSPC DSCF7008 1.jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Europe President of the Bundesrat [6] 1 November 202331 October 2024365 days
Verónica Abad Rojas Sesion Solemne Transmision de Mando Presidencial, Veronica Abad (cropped).jpg Flag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador South America Vice President 25 November 2023Incumbent1 year, 97 days
Victoria Villarruel Villarruel-VIVA2022.jpg Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina South America Vice President 10 December 2023Incumbent1 year, 82 days
Karin Herrera Retrato oficial de la vicepresidenta constitucional de la Republica de Guatemala Karin Larissa Herrera Aguilar (HQ) (cropped 2).jpg Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala North America Vice President 15 January 2024Incumbent1 year, 46 days
Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah(cropped).jpg Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia Africa Vice President 4 February 2024Incumbent1 year, 26 days
Hsiao Bi-khim Xiao Mei Qin Da Shi .jpg Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan (Republic of China)Asia Vice President 20 May 2024Incumbent286 days
Zahra Behrouz Azar Zahra Behrouz-Azar in 2024.jpg Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Asia Vice President 10 August 2024Incumbent204 days
Shina Ansari Shina Ansari in 2024.jpg 22 August 2024Incumbent192 days
Rosa Icela Rodríguez Rosa Icela.jpg Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico North America Secretary of the Interior 1 October 2024Incumbent152 days
Anke Rehlinger 2022-03-27 Wahlabend Saarland by Sandro Halank-061 (cropped).jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Europe President of the Bundesrat [6] 1 November 2024Incumbent121 days
Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang.jpg Flag of Ghana.svg  Ghana Africa Vice President 7 January 2025Incumbent54 days
Josephine Joseph Lagu No image.svg Flag of South Sudan.svg  South Sudan Africa Fifth Vice President 10 February 2025Incumbent20 days
Carolina Cosse Carolina Cosse.jpg Flag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay South America Vice President 1 March 2025Incumbent1 day

See also


  1. The International year book and statesmen's who's who (33rd ed.). Burke's Peerage. 1985. p. 407. ISBN   978-0-611-00680-6.
  2. McDonagh, Eileen (2009). The motherless state: women's political leadership and American democracy . University of Chicago Press. p.  116. ISBN   978-0-226-51455-0.
  3. Assumed presidency after the resignation of Joseph Estrada in 2001
  4. Assumed presidency after the removal of her predecessor
  5. An ex officio position held by the Speaker of the Knesset to act for the President of Israel
  6. 1 2 3 4 According to Article 57 of the German Basic Law, the President of the Bundesrat acts for the President when the latter is unavailable.
  7. According to Article 132 of the Portuguese Constitution, the President of Parliament acts for the President of the Republic when the latter is unavailable.
  8. According to 1937 Constitution of Ireland, Chief Justice included in the Presidential Commission which is the collective vice presidency of the Republic of Ireland
  9. Previously served as First Lady of the Dominican Republic from 2004-2012.
  10. Currently serving as First Lady of Azerbaijan since 2003
  11. Acting until 8 September 2017
  12. Previously served as First Lady of Uruguay from 2010 to 2015
  13. According to Article 86 of the Italian Constitution, the President of the Senate acts for the President when the latter is unavailable.
  14. Previously served as First Lady of Argentina from 2003-2007 and President of Argentina from 2007-2015.