The list of threatened plants of Australia Queensland includes all plant species listed as critically endangered or endangered in Australia under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). [1]
Species | Common name | Location(s) |
Abutilon julianae | Norfolk Island abutilon | Norfolk Island |
Acacia cochlocarpa subsp. velutinosa | Velvety spiral pod wattle | WA |
Acacia equisetifolia | Graveside Gorge acacia | NT |
Acacia leptoneura | WA | |
Acacia purpureopetala | QLD | |
Acacia unguicula | VIC | |
Acanthocladium dockeri | Spiny everlasting | SA |
Achyranthes arborescens | Chaff tree, soft-wood | Norfolk Island |
Achyranthes margaretarum | Norfolk Island (Phillip Island) | |
Caladenia actensis syn. Arachnorchis actensis | Canberra spider-orchid | ACT |
Argentipallium spiceri | Spicer's everlasting | TAS |
Arthrochilus huntianus subsp. nothofagicola | Myrtle elbow orchid | TAS |
Asplenium listeri | Christmas Island spleenwort | Christmas Island |
Atalaya brevialata | Elizabeth River whitewood | NT |
Azorella macquariensis | Macquarie cushions | Macquarie Island |
Banksia anatona | Cactus dryandra | WA |
Banksia aurantia | Orange dryandra | WA |
Banksia fuscobractea | Dark-bract banksia | WA |
Barbarea australis | Native wintercress | TAS |
Boehmeria australis var. australis | Tree nettle, nettletree | Norfolk Island |
Brachychiton sp. Ormeau | Ormeau bottle tree | QLD |
Brachyscias verecundus | Ironstone brachyscias | WA |
Caladenia anthracina | Black-tipped spider-orchid | TAS |
Caladenia campbellii | Thick-stem spider-orchid | TAS |
Caladenia dienema | Windswept spider-orchid | TAS |
Caladenia lindleyana | Lindley's spider-orchid | TAS |
Caladenia pallida | Rosy spider-orchid, pale spider-orchid, summer spider-orchid | TAS |
Caladenia saggicola | Sagg spider-orchid | TAS |
Caladenia sp. aff. venusta | Kilsyth South spider-orchid | VIC |
Caladenia sylvicola | Forest fingers | TAS |
Caladenia tonellii | Robust fingers | TAS |
Callistemon megalongensis | Megalong Valley bottlebrush | NSW |
Calystegia affinis | Creeping vine | Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island |
Clematis dubia | Mount Pitt clematis | Norfolk Island |
Conostylis setigera subsp. dasys | Boscabel conostylis | WA |
Corunastylis ectopa | Brindabella midge-orchid, ectopic midge-orchid | ACT |
Corunastylis insignis | Variable midge-orchid | NSW |
Corunastylis littoralis syn. Genoplesium littorale | Tuncurry midge-orchid | NSW |
Corybas sulcatus syn. Nematoceras sulcatum | Grooved helmet-orchid | Macquarie Island |
Darwinia foetida | Muchea bell | WA |
Dasymalla axillaris | Native foxglove | WA |
Daviesia glossosema | Maroon daviesia | WA |
Diuris flavescens | Wingham doubletail | NSW |
Duma horrida subsp. abdita | Remote thorny lignum | WA |
Eidothea hardeniana | Nightcap oak | NSW |
Elatostema montanum | Mountain procris | Norfolk Island |
Elymus multiflorus var. kingianus | Phillip Island wheat-grass | Norfolk Island, Lord Howe Island |
Epacris barbata | Bearded heath, Freycinet heath | TAS |
Epacris graniticola | Mount Cameron heath | TAS |
Epacris limbata | Border heath | TAS |
Epacris stuartii | Stuart's heath | TAS |
Eremophila koobabbiensis | Koobabbie poverty bush | WA |
Eucalyptus recurva | Mongarlowe mallee | NSW |
Euphorbia norfolkiana | Norfolk Island euphorbia | Norfolk Island |
Euphrasia arguta | Nundle eyebright, pungent eyebright | NSW |
Euphrasia fragosa | Shy eyebright, Southport eyebright | TAS |
Euphrasia gibbsiae subsp. psilantherea | Swamp eyebright | TAS |
Galium antarcticum | Antarctic bedstraw | Macquarie Island |
Gastrolobium diabolophyllum | Bodallin poison | WA |
Gastrolobium leuteifolium | Yellow-leafed poison | WA |
Genoplesium firthii | Firth's midge-orchid | TAS |
Grevillea brachystylis subsp. grandis | Large-flowered short-styled grevillea | WA |
Guichenotia seorsiflora | WA | |
Gyrostemon reticulatus | Net-veined gyrostemon | WA |
Haloragis platycarpa | Broad-fruited haloragis | WA |
Hemigenia ramosissima | Branched hemigenia | WA |
Hibiscus insularis | Phillip Island hibiscus | Norfolk Island |
Hibbertia priceana | Price's guinea-flower | WA |
Hibbertia puberula subsp. glabrescens | Bankstown guinea-flower | NSW |
Hibbertia tenuis | SA | |
Hybanthus cymulosus | Ninghan violet | WA |
Hydatella leptogyne | Few-flowered hydatella | WA |
Isopogon robustus | Robust cone-flower | WA |
Keraudrenia exastia | Fringed keraudrania | WA |
Lepidorrhachis mooreana | Little Mountain palm | Lord Howe Island |
Leucopogon spectabilis | Ironstone beard-heath | WA |
Lomatia tasmanica | King's lomatia | TAS |
Lysiosepalum abollatum | Woolly lysiosepalum | WA |
Melicytus latifolius | Norfolk Island mahoe | Norfolk Island |
Meryta latifolia | Shade tree, broad-leaved meryta | Norfolk Island |
Muehlenbeckia horrida subsp. abdita | Remote thorny lignum | WA |
Myoporum obscurum | Popwood, sandalwood, bastard ironwood | Norfolk Island |
Notelaea ipsviciensis | Cooneana olive | QLD |
Paragoodia crenulata | WA | |
Persoonia pauciflora | North Rothbury geebung | NSW |
Phebalium daviesii | Davies' waxflower, St Helens waxflower | TAS |
Phebalium distans | Mount Berryman waxflower | QLD |
Philotheca freyciana | Freycinet waxflower | TAS |
Phlegmariurus squarrosus | Rock tassel-fern | QLD |
Phreatia limenophylax | Norfolk Island phreatia | Norfolk Island |
Pimelea spinescens subsp. pubiflora | Wimmera rice-flower | VIC |
Pimelea spinescens subsp. spinescens | Plains rice-flower, spiny rice-flower, prickly pimelea | VIC |
Pneumatopteris truncata | Christmas Island fern | Christmas Island |
Prasophyllum atratum | Three Hummock leek-orchid | TAS (Three Hummock Island) |
Prasophyllum bagoense | Bago leek-orchid | NSW |
Prasophyllum castaneum | Chestnut leek-orchid | TAS |
Prasophyllum favonium | Western leek-orchid | TAS |
Prasophyllum incorrectum | Golfers leek-orchid | TAS |
Prasophyllum innubum | Brandy Marys leek-orchid | NSW |
Prasophyllum keltonii | Keltons leek-orchid | NSW |
Prasophyllum laxum | Lax leek-orchid | SA |
Prasophyllum limnetes | Marsh leek-orchid | TAS |
Prasophyllum milfordense | Milford leek-orchid | TAS |
Prasophyllum murfetii | Fleurieu leek-orchid | SA |
Prasophyllum olidum | Pungent leek-orchid | TAS |
Prasophyllum perangustum | Knocklofty leek-orchid | TAS |
Prasophyllum pulchellum | Pretty leek-orchid | TAS |
Prasophyllum robustum | Robust leek-orchid | TAS North Coast |
Prasophyllum stellatum | Ben Lomond leek-orchid | TAS |
Prasophyllum taphanyx | Graveside leek-orchid | TAS |
Prostanthera albohirta | QLD | |
Prostanthera clotteniana | QLD | |
Prostanthera marifolia | Seaforth mintbush | NSW |
Prostanthera staurophylla | Seaforth mintbush | NSW |
Pterostylis bryophila | Hindmarsh Valley greenhood | SA |
Pterostylis commutata | Midland greenhood | TAS |
Pterostylis oreophila | Kiandra greenhood | NSW |
Pterostylis valida | Robust greenhood | VIC |
Pterostylis vernalis | Halbury rustyhood | NSW |
Pterostylis wapstrarum | Fleshy greenhood | TAS |
Ptilotus pyramidatus | Pyramid mulla-mulla | WA |
Pultenaea sp. Genowlan Point | Genowlan Point pultenaea | NSW Central Tablelands |
Reedia spathacea | Reedia | WA |
Sagina diemensis | Pearlwort | TAS |
Scaevola macrophylla | Cape Riche fan-flower, large-flowered scaevola | WA |
Synaphea selenae | Selena's synaphea | WA |
Synaphea sp. Pinjarra | Club-leafed synaphea | WA |
Tetratheca nephelioides | WA | |
Thelymitra adorata | Wyong sun-orchid | NSW |
Thelymitra cyanapicata | Blue top sun-orchid | SA |
Thelymitra jonesii | Sky-blue sun-orchid | TAS |
Thelymitra kangaloonica | Kangaloon sun-orchid | NSW |
Veronica derwentiana subsp. homalodonta | Mount Lofty speedwell | SA |
Verticordia apecta | Hay River featherflower | WA |
Wikstroemia australis | Norfolk Island kurrajong | Norfolk Island |
Species | Common name | Location(s) |
Acacia aprica | Blunt wattle | WA |
Acacia aristulata | Watheroo wattle | WA |
Acacia ataxiphylla subsp. magna | Large-fruited Tammin wattle | WA |
Acacia auratiflora | Orange-flowered wattle | WA |
Acacia brachypoda | Western Wheatbelt wattle | WA |
Acacia cochlocarpa subsp. cochlocarpa | Spiral-fruited wattle | WA |
Acacia cretacea | Chalky wattle | SA |
Acacia enterocarpa | Jumping-jack wattle | SA, VIC |
Acacia gordonii | Gordon's wattle | NSW |
Acacia imitans | Gibson wattle | WA |
Acacia insolita subsp. recurva | Yornaning wattle | WA |
Acacia lanuginophylla | Woolly wattle | WA |
Acacia leptalea | Chinocup wattle | WA |
Acacia lobulata | Chiddarcooping wattle | WA |
Acacia pharangites | Wongan gully wattle | WA |
Acacia pinguifolia | Fat-leaved wattle | SA |
Acacia porcata | Toondahra wattle | QLD |
Acacia pygmaea | Dwarf rock wattle | WA |
Acacia recurvata | Recurved wattle | WA |
Acacia rhamphophylla | Kundip wattle | WA |
Acacia ruppii | Rupp's wattle | NSW |
Acacia sciophanes | Wundowlin wattle, ghost wattle | WA |
Acacia sp. Dandaragan (S. van Leeuwen 269) | Dandaragan wattle | WA |
Acacia subflexuosa subsp. capillata | Hairy-stemmed zig-zag wattle | WA |
Acacia terminalis subsp. terminalis | Sunshine wattle | NSW |
Acacia vassalii | Vassal's wattle | WA |
Acacia volubilis | Tangled wattle, tangle wattle | WA |
Acacia whibleyana | Whibley wattle | SA |
Acronychia littoralis | Scented acronychia | NSW, QLD |
Adenanthos dobagii | Fitzgerald woollybush | WA |
Adenanthos eyrei | Toolinna woollybush | WA |
Adenanthos pungens subsp. effusus | Sprawling spiky woollybush | WA |
Adenanthos velutinus | Velvet woollybush | WA |
Agrostis adamsonii | Adamson's blown-grass | VIC |
Alectryon ramiflorus | Isis tamarind | QLD |
Allocasuarina defungens | Dwarf heath sheoak | NSW |
Allocasuarina emuina | Emu Mountain sheoak | QLD |
Allocasuarina glareicola | NSW | |
Allocasuarina portuensis | Nielsen Park sheoak | NSW |
Allocasuarina robusta | Mount Compass oak-bush | SA |
Allocasuarina thalassoscopica | Mount Coolum sheoak | QLD |
Amyema plicatula | NSW | |
Andersonia axilliflora | Giant andersonia | WA |
Andersonia gracilis | Slender andersonia | WA |
Androcalva rosea | Sandy Hollow commersonia | NSW |
Anigozanthos bicolor subsp. minor | Small two-colour kangaroo paw | WA |
Aponogeton bullosus | QLD | |
Aponogeton proliferus | Aquatic herb | QLD |
Archontophoenix myolensis | Myola archontophoenix | QLD |
Aristida granitica | QLD | |
Asterolasia elegans | NSW | |
Astrotricha roddii | NSW, QLD | |
Atalaya collina | Yarwun whitewood | QLD |
Austromyrtus fragrantissima | Scale myrtle, sweet myrtle | NSW, QLD |
Austromyrtus gonoclada | Angle-stemmed myrtle | QLD |
Baeckea kandos | Kandos baeckea | NSW |
Ballantinia antipoda | Southern shepherd's purse | VIC |
Banksia brownii | Brown's banksia, feather-leaved banksia | WA |
Banksia cuneata | Matchstick banksia, Quairading banksia | WA |
Banksia ionthocarpa | Kamballup dryandra, Kamballup banksia | WA |
Banksia oligantha | Wagin banksia | WA |
Banksia pseudoplumosa | False-plumed banksia | WA |
Barbarea australis | Riverbed wintercress | TAS |
Bertya ingramii | Narrow-leaved bertya | NSW |
Bertya tasmanica subsp. tasmanica | Tasmanian bertya | TAS |
Beyeria lepidopetala | Short-petalled beyeria, small-petalled beyeria | WA |
Billardiera mollis | Hairy-fruited billardiera | WA |
Blechnum norfolkianum | Norfolk Island water-fern | Norfolk Island |
Boronia capitata subsp. capitata | Tutanning boronia | WA |
Boronia exilis | Scott River boronia | WA |
Boronia granitica | Granite boronia | NSW, QLD |
Boronia repanda | Repand boronia, border boronia | NSW, QLD |
Boronia revoluta | Ironcap boronia | WA |
Borya mirabilis | Grampians pincushion-lily | VIC |
Brachyscome muelleri | Corunna daisy | SA |
Brachysema papilio | Butterfly-leaved brachysema | WA |
Burmannia sp. Melville Island (R. Fensham 1021) | Melville Island burmannia | NT |
Cajanus mareebensis | QLD | |
Caladenia amoena | Charming spider-orchid | VIC |
Caladenia arenaria | Sand-hill spider-orchid | NSW |
Caladenia argocalla | White-beauty spider-orchid | SA |
Caladenia atroclavia | Black-clubbed spider-orchid | QLD |
Caladenia audasii | McIvor spider-orchid, Audas spider-orchid | VIC |
Caladenia barbarella | Small dragon-orchid | WA |
Caladenia behrii | Pink-lipped spider-orchid | SA |
Caladenia bryceana subsp. bryceana | Dwarf spider-orchid | WA |
Caladenia busselliana Hopper & A. P. Brown ms. | Bussell's spider-orchid | WA |
Caladenia caesarea subsp. maritima | Cape spider-orchid | WA |
Caladenia carnea var. subulata | Striped pink fingers, striped spider-orchid | VIC |
Caladenia colorata | Small western spider-orchid, coloured spider-orchid | SA, VIC |
Caladenia conferta | Coast spider-orchid | SA |
Caladenia dienema | Windswept spider-orchid | TAS |
Caladenia dorrienii | Cossack spider-orchid | WA |
Caladenia elegans Hopper & A. P. Brown ms. | Elegant spider-orchid | WA |
Caladenia excelsa Hopper & A. P. Brown ms. | Giant spider-orchid | WA |
Caladenia fragrantissima subsp. orientalis | Cream spider-orchid | VIC |
Caladenia fulva | Tawny spider-orchid | VIC |
Caladenia gladiolata | Bayonet spider-orchid, clubbed spider-orchid | SA |
Caladenia hastata | Melblom's spider-orchid | VIC |
Caladenia hoffmanii Hopper & A. P. Brown ms. | Hoffman's spider-orchid | WA |
Caladenia huegelii Hopper & A. P. Brown ms. | Grand spider-orchid, king spider-orchid | WA |
Caladenia lowanensis | Wimmera spider-orchid | VIC |
Caladenia macroclavia | Large-club spider-orchid | SA |
Caladenia orientalis | Eastern spider orchid | VIC |
Caladenia richardsiorum | Little dip spider-orchid | SA |
Caladenia rigida | Stiff white spider-orchid | SA |
Caladenia robinsonii | Frankston spider-orchid | VIC |
Caladenia rosella | Rosella spider-orchid, little pink spider-orchid | VIC |
Caladenia tensa | Greencomb spider-orchid, rigid spider-orchid | NSW, SA, VIC |
Caladenia thysanochila | Fringed spider-orchid | VIC |
Caladenia viridescens Hopper & A. P. Brown ms. | Dunsborough spider-orchid | WA |
Caladenia williamsiae | Williams spider-orchid | WA |
Caladenia winfieldii Hopper & A. P. Brown ms. | Majestic spider-orchid | WA |
Caladenia xanthochila | Yellow-lip spider-orchid | NSW, SA, VIC |
Caladenia xantholeuca | White rabbits, Flinders Ranges white spider-orchid | SA |
Callitris oblonga subsp. oblonga | South Esk pine | TAS |
Calochilus psednus | Cardwell beard orchid | QLD |
Calochilus richiae | Bald-tip beard-orchid | VIC |
Calotis moorei | Moore's burr-daisy | NSW |
Calytrix breviseta subsp. breviseta | Swamp starflower | WA |
Carronia pedicellata | QLD | |
Chamelaucium sp. Gingin (N. G. Marchant s.n. 4/11/1988) | Gingin wax | WA |
Chingia australis | QLD | |
Chordifex abortivus | Manypeaks rush | WA |
Chorizema humile | Prostrate flame pea | WA |
Chorizema varium | Limestone pea | WA |
Conospermum densiflorum subsp. unicephalatum | One-headed smokebush | WA |
Conospermum toddii | Victoria desert smokebush | WA |
Conostylis dielsii subsp. teres | Irwin conostylis | WA |
Conostylis drummondii | Drummond's conostylis | WA |
Conostylis lepidospermoides | Sedge conostylis | WA |
Conostylis micrantha | Small-flowered conostylis | WA |
Conostylis misera | Grass conostylis | WA |
Conostylis seorsiflora subsp. trichophylla | Hairy mat conostylis | WA |
Conostylis setigera subsp. dasys | Boscabel conostylis | WA |
Conostylis wonganensis | Wongan conostylis | WA |
Coopernookia georgei | Mauve coopernookia | WA |
Coprosma baueri | Coastal coprosma | Norfolk Island |
Coprosma pilosa | Mountain coprosma | Norfolk Island |
Corchorus cunninghamii | Native jute | NSW, QLD |
Correa lawrenceana var. genoensis | Mountain correa | NSW, VIC |
Corybas sp. Finniss (R. Bates 28794) | Finniss helmet-orchid | SA |
Cossinia australiana | Cossinia | QLD |
Craspedia preminghana | Preminghana billybutton | TAS |
Crepidium lawleri | QLD | |
Crepidomanes endlicherianum | Middle filmy fern | Norfolk Island |
Cyathea exilis | Mann Creek tree-fern | QLD |
Cycas megacarpa | QLD | |
Cycas ophiolitica | QLD | |
Cynanchum elegans | White-flowered wax plant | NSW |
Cyperus cephalotes | QLD | |
Cyphanthera odgersii subsp. occidentalis | Western woolly cyphanthera, western cyphanthera | WA |
Danthonia popinensis | Blue wallaby grass | TAS |
Daphnandra johnsonii | Illawarra socketwood | NSW |
Darwinia acerosa | Fine-leaved bell, fine-leaved darwinia | WA |
Darwinia apiculata | Scarp bell, scarp darwinia | WA |
Darwinia carnea | Mogumber bell | WA |
Darwinia chapmaniana Marchant & Keighery ms. | WA | |
Darwinia collina | Yellow mountain bell | WA |
Darwinia ferricola N. G. Marchant & Keighery ms. | Scott River bell | WA |
Darwinia oxylepis | Gillham's bell | WA |
Darwinia sp. Carnamah (J. Coleby-Williams 148) | Harlequin bell | WA |
Darwinia sp. Williamson (G. J. Keighery 12717) | Abba bell | WA |
Darwinia wittwerorum | Wittwer's mountain bell | WA |
Davidsonia jerseyana | Davidson's plum | NSW |
Davidsonia sp. Mullumbimby-Currumbin Ck (A. G. Floyd 1595) | Smooth Davidson's plum | NSW, QLD |
Daviesia bursarioides | Three Springs daviesia | WA |
Daviesia cunderdin | Cunderdin daviesia | WA |
Daviesia euphorbioides | Wongan cactus, Wongan daviesia | WA |
Daviesia megacalyx | Long-sepalled naviesia | WA |
Daviesia microcarpa | Norseman pea, Norseman daviesia | WA |
Daviesia pseudaphylla | Stirling Range daviesia | WA |
Daviesia speciosa | Beautiful daviesia | WA |
Decaspermum sp. Mt Morgan (D. Hoy 71) | Mount Morgan silky myrtle | QLD |
Dendrobium antennatum | Green antelope orchid | QLD |
Dendrobium brachypus | Norfolk Island antler-orchid | Norfolk Island |
Dendrobium lithocola | QLD | |
Dendrobium mirbelianum | Dark-stemmed antler-orchid | QLD |
Dendrobium nindii | Blue antler-orchid | QLD |
Deyeuxia appressa | NSW | |
Deyeuxia drummondii | Drummond's grass, Drummond grass | WA |
Dianella amoena | Matted flax-lily | VIC |
Digitaria porrecta | Finger panic grass | NSW, QLD |
Diospyros mabacea | Red-fruited ebony, silky persimmon, ebony | NSW |
Diplazium pallidum | QLD | |
Diploglottis campbellii | Small-leaved tamarind | NSW, QLD |
Dipodium pictum | Brittle climbing-orchid | QLD |
Diuris basaltica D. L. Jones ined. | Small golden moths orchid | VIC |
Diuris fragrantissima | Sunshine diuris, fragrant doubletail, white diuris | VIC |
Diuris lanceolata | Snake orchid | TAS |
Diuris pedunculata | Small snake orchid, two-leaved golden moths, golden moths, cowslip orchid, snake orchid | ACT, NSW, QLD |
Diuris purdiei | Purdie's donkey-orchid | WA |
Dodonaea subglandulifera | Peep Hill hop-bush | SA |
Drakaea confluens Hopper & A. P. Brown ms. | Late hammer-orchid | WA |
Drakaea elastica | Glossy-leaved hammer-orchid, praying virgin | WA |
Drakaea isolata Hopper & A. P. Brown ms. | Lonely hammer-orchid | WA |
Drakonorchis drakeoides Hopper & A. P. Brown ms. | Hinged dragon orchid | WA |
Drummondita ericoides | Moresby Range drummondita | WA |
Dryandra anatona | Cactus dryandra, cactus honeypot | WA |
Dryandra aurantia | Orange dryandra, orange honeypot | WA |
Dryandra mimica | Summer honeypot | WA |
Dryandra montana | Stirling Range dryandra | WA |
Dryandra nivea subsp. uliginosa | Swamp honeypot | WA |
Elaeocarpus sp. Rocky Creek (G. Read AQ 562114) also known as Elaeocarpus sedentarius | Minyon quandong | NSW |
Elaeocarpus williamsianus | Hairy quandong | NSW |
Endiandra cooperana | Cape Tribulation walnut | QLD |
Endiandra floydii | Floyd's walnut | NSW, QLD |
Epacris apsleyensis | Apsley heath | TAS |
Epacris exserta | South Esk heath | TAS |
Epacris glabella | Funnel heath | TAS |
Epacris grandis | Grand heath | TAS |
Epacris hamiltonii | Hamilton's heath | NSW |
Epacris sp. aff. virgata graniticola | Mt Cameron heath | TAS |
Epacris virgata sensu stricto Beaconsfield | Pretty heath, Dan Hill heath | TAS |
Epiblema grandiflorum var. cyanea K. Dixon ms. | Blue babe-in-the-cradle orchid | WA |
Eremochloa muricata | Warty emu bush | QLD |
Eremophila denticulata subsp. trisulcata Chinnock ms. | Cumquat emu bush | WA |
Eremophila lactea | Milky emu bush | WA |
Eremophila nivea | Silky eremophila | WA |
Eremophila pinnatifida Chinnock ms. | Pinnate-leaf eremophila | WA |
Eremophila resinosa | Resinous eremophila, resin emu bush | WA |
Eremophila scaberula | Rough emu bush | WA |
Eremophila subteretifolia Chinnock ms. | Lake King emu bush | WA |
Eremophila ternifolia | Wongan emu bush | WA |
Eremophila veneta Chinnock ms. | Metal-flowered emu bush | WA |
Eremophila verticillata | Whorled emu bush | WA |
Eremophila virens | Campion eremophila, green-flowered emu bush | WA |
Eremophila viscida | Varnish bush | WA |
Eriocaulon australasicum | Southern pipewort | SA, VIC |
Eriocaulon carsonii | Salt pipewort, button grass | NSW, QLD, SA |
Eryngium fontanum | Blue devil | QLD |
Eucalyptus absita | Badgingarra box | WA |
Eucalyptus alligatrix subsp. limaensis | Lima stringybark | VIC |
Eucalyptus balanites | Cadda Road mallee, Cadda mallee | WA |
Eucalyptus beardiana | Beard's mallee | WA |
Eucalyptus brevipes | Mukinbudin mallee | WA |
Eucalyptus burdettiana | Burdett gum | WA |
Eucalyptus canabolensis | Silver-leaf candlebark | NSW |
Eucalyptus conglomerata | Swamp stringybark | QLD |
Eucalyptus copulans | NSW | |
Eucalyptus crenulata | Silver gum, Buxton gum | VIC |
Eucalyptus crucis subsp. praecipua | Paynes Find mallee | WA |
Eucalyptus cuprea | Mallee box | WA |
Eucalyptus dolorosa | Dandaragan mallee | WA |
Eucalyptus gunnii subsp. divaricata | Miena cider gum | TAS |
Eucalyptus imlayensis | Mount Imlay mallee | NSW |
Eucalyptus impensa | Eneabba mallee | WA |
Eucalyptus insularis | Twin Peak Island mallee | WA |
Eucalyptus leprophloia | Scaly butt mallee, scaly-butt mallee | WA |
Eucalyptus morrisbyi | Morrisbys gum | TAS |
Eucalyptus pachycalyx subsp. banyabba | Banyabba shiny-barked gum | NSW |
Eucalyptus phylacis | Meelup mallee | WA |
Eucalyptus pruiniramis | Midlands gum, Jingymia gum | WA |
Eucalyptus recta | Silver mallet | WA |
Eucalyptus sp. Howes Swamp Creek (M. Doherty 19/7/1985 NSW 207054) | NSW | |
Euphrasia collina subsp. muelleri | Purple eyebright, Mueller's eyebright | VIC |
Euphrasia collina subsp. osbornii | Osborn's eyebright | SA |
Euphrasia semipicta | Peninsula eyebright | TAS |
Euphrasia sp. fabula | Hairy cliff eyebright | TAS |
Fimbristylis adjuncta | QLD | |
Fontainea oraria | Coastal fontainea | NSW |
Frankenia conferta | Silky frankenia | WA |
Frankenia parvula | Short-leaved frankenia | WA |
Frankenia plicata | Sea heath | SA |
Gardenia actinocarpa | Daintree gardenia | QLD |
Gastrolobium glaucum | Spike poison, Wongan poison | WA |
Gastrolobium graniticum | Granite poison | WA |
Gastrolobium hamulosum | Hook-point poison | WA |
Gastrolobium papilio | Butterfly poison, butterfly-leaved gastrolobia | WA |
Geniostoma huttonii | Lord Howe Island | |
Genoplesium baueri | Yellow gnat-orchid | NSW |
Genoplesium brachystachyum | Short-spiked midge-orchid | TAS |
Genoplesium plumosum | Plumed midge-orchid | NSW |
Genoplesium rhyoliticum | Pambula midge-orchid | NSW |
Genoplesium tectum | Cardwell midge-orchid | QLD |
Gentiana baeuerlenii | Bauerlen's gentian | ACT, NSW |
Gentiana wingecarribiensis | Wingecarribee gentian | NSW |
Gingidia montana | Mountain carrot | NSW |
Glyceria drummondii | Nangetty grass | WA |
Gossia fragrantissima | Sweet myrtle | NSW, QLD |
Gossia gonoclada | Angle-stemmed myrtle | QLD |
Graptophyllum reticulatum | Veiny graptophyllum | QLD |
Grevillea acanthifolia subsp. paludosa | Bog grevillea | NSW |
Grevillea althoferorum | Split-leaved grevillea | WA |
Grevillea batrachioides | Mt Lesueur grevillea | WA |
Grevillea beadleana | Beadle's grevillea | NSW |
Grevillea caleyi | Caley's grevillea | NSW |
Grevillea calliantha | Foote's grevillea, Cataby grevillea, black magic grevillea | WA |
Grevillea corrugata | Bindoon grevillea | WA |
Grevillea christineae | Christine's grevillea | WA |
Grevillea curviloba subsp. curviloba | Curved-leaf grevillea | WA |
Grevillea curviloba subsp. incurva | Narrow curved-leaf grevillea | WA |
Grevillea dryandroides subsp. dryandroides | Phalanx grevillea | WA |
Grevillea dryandroides subsp. hirsuta | Hairy phalanx grevillea | WA |
Grevillea guthrieana | Guthrie's grevillea | NSW |
Grevillea humifusa | Spreading grevillea | WA |
Grevillea iaspicula | Wee Jasper grevillea | NSW |
Grevillea infundibularis | Fan-leaf grevillea | WA |
Grevillea involucrata | Lake Varley grevillea | WA |
Grevillea maccutcheonii | McCutcheon's grevillea | WA |
Grevillea masonii | Mason's grevillea | NSW |
Grevillea maxwellii | Maxwell's grevillea | WA |
Grevillea mollis | NSW | |
Grevillea molyneuxii | Molyneux' grevillea | NSW |
Grevillea murex | WA | |
Grevillea obtusiflora | Grey grevillea | NSW |
Grevillea pythara | Pythara grevillea | WA |
Grevillea rara | Rare grevillea | WA |
Grevillea rivularis | Carrington Falls grevillea | NSW |
Grevillea scapigera | Corrigin grevillea | WA |
Grevillea wilkinsonii | Tumut grevillea | NSW |
Habenaria macraithii | Whiskered rein-orchid | QLD |
Hakea dohertyi | Kowmung hakea | NSW |
Hakea pulvinifera | Lake Keepit hakea | NSW |
Haloragis eyreana | Prickly raspwort | SA |
Haloragodendron lucasii | Hal | NSW |
Helicteres macrothrix | NT | |
Hemiandra gardneri | Red snakebush | WA |
Hemiandra rutilans | Sargent's snakebush | WA |
Hibbertia basaltica | Basalt guinea-flower, Rogerville guinea-flower | TAS |
Homoranthus decumbens | QLD | |
Huperzia carinata | Keeled tassel-fern | QLD |
Huperzia dalhousieana | Blue tassel-fern | QLD |
Huperzia filiformis | Rat's tail tassel-fern | QLD |
Huperzia squarrosa | Rock tassel-fern, water tassel-fern | QLD |
Hydatella dioica | One-sexed hydatella | WA |
Hypocalymma longifolium | Long-leaved myrtle | WA |
Hypolepis distans | Scrambling ground-fern | TAS |
Indigofera efoliata | Leafless indigo | NSW |
Irenepharsus trypherus | Delicate cress, Illawarra irene | NSW |
Isoglossa eranthemoides | NSW | |
Isopogon uncinatus | Hook-leaf isopogon | WA |
Jacksonia pungens J. Chappill ms. | Pungent jacksonia, stinkwood | WA |
Jacksonia quairading J. Chappill ms. | Quairading jacksonia, Quairading stinkwood | WA |
Jacksonia sp. Collie (C. J. Koch 177) | Collie jacksonia | WA |
Kennedia macrophylla | Augusta kennedia | WA |
Lachangrostis adamsonii | Adamson's blowngrass | VIC |
Lachnagrostis limitanea | Spalding blowngrass | SA |
Lambertia echinata subsp. echinata | Prickly honeysuckle | WA |
Lambertia echinata subsp. occidentalis | Western prickly honeysuckle | WA |
Lambertia fairallii | Fairalls honeysuckle | WA |
Lambertia orbifolia | Roundleaf honeysuckle | WA |
Lasiopetalum pterocarpum E. M. Benn. & K. Shepherd ms. | Wing-fruited lasiopetalum | WA |
Lasiopetalum rotundifolium | Round-leaf lasiopetalum | WA |
Lastreopsis calantha | Shield-fern | Norfolk Island |
Lechenaultia laricina | Scarlet lechenaultia | WA |
Leionema equestre | Kangaroo Island leionema | Kangaroo Island SA |
Leionema lachnaeoides | NSW | |
Lepidium hyssopifolium | Basalt pepper-cress | NSW, QLD, TAS, VIC |
Lepidium monoplocoides | Winged pepper-cress | NSW, VIC |
Lepidium peregrinum | Wandering pepper-cress | NSW, QLD |
Lepidosperma rostratum | Beaked lepidosperma | WA |
Leucochrysum albicans var. tricolor | Hoary sunray | TAS, VIC |
Leucopogon confertus | Torrington beard-heath | NSW |
Leucopogon gnaphalioides | Stirling Range beard-heath | WA |
Leucopogon marginatus | Thick-margined beard-heath | WA |
Leucopogon obtectus | Hidden beard-heath | WA |
Leucopogon sp. Coolmunda (D. Halford Q 1635) | Coolmunda beard-heath | QLD |
Lychnothamnus barbatus | QLD | |
Macadamia jansenii | Bulberin nut | QLD |
Macarthuria keigheryi | Keighery's macarthuria | WA |
Macrozamia cranei | QLD | |
Macrozamia lomandroides | QLD | |
Macrozamia pauli-guilielmi | Pineapple zamia | QLD |
Macrozamia platyrhachis | QLD | |
Marattia salicina | King fern, para, potato fern | Norfolk Island |
Marianthus mollis | Hairy-fruited billardiera | WA |
Melaleuca sciotostyla | Wongan welaleuca | WA |
Melichrus hirsutus J. B. Williams ms. | Hairy melichrus | NSW, SA |
Melichrus sp. Gibberagee (A. S. Benwell & J. B. Williams 97239) | Narrow-leaf melichrus | NSW |
Microcarpaea agonis | QLD | |
Micromyrtus grandis | NSW | |
Microstrobos fitzgeraldii | Dwarf mountain pine, Blue Mountains dwarf pine | NSW |
Microtis angusii | Angus' onion-orchid | NSW |
Muehlenbeckia australis | Shrubby creeper, pohuehue | Norfolk Island |
Muehlenbeckia tuggeranong | Tuggeranong lignum | ACT |
Mukia sp. Longreach (D. Davidson AQ279935) | Tobermorey melon | QLD |
Myoporum turbinatum | Salt myoporum | WA |
Myriophyllum lapidicola | Chiddarcooping myriophyllum | WA |
Myrsine richmondensis | Lismore muttonwood | NSW |
Ochrosia moorei | Southern ochrosia | NSW, QLD |
Olearia flocktoniae | Dorrigo daisy-bush | NSW |
Olearia hygrophila | Swamp daisy, water daisy | QLD |
Olearia microdisca | Small-flowered daisy-bush | SA |
Orthrosanthus muelleri | South Stirling morning iris | WA |
Pandanus spiralis var. flammeus | Edgar Range pandanus | WA |
Paracaleana dixonii Hopper & A. P. Brown ms. | Sandplain duck orchid | WA |
Parsonsia dorrigoensis | Milky silkpod | NSW |
Patersonia spirafolia | Spiral-leaved patersonia | WA |
Pennantia endlicheri | Pennantia, Norfolk Island brown beech | Norfolk Island |
Persoonia hirsuta | Hairy geebung | NSW |
Persoonia micranthera | Small-flowered snottygobble | WA |
Persoonia mollis subsp. maxima | Calna Creek geebung | NSW |
Persoonia nutans | Nodding geebung | NSW |
Petrophile latericola Keighery ms. | WA | |
Phaius australis | Lesser swamp-orchid | NSW, QLD |
Phaius bernaysii | Yellow swamp-orchid | QLD |
Phaius tancarvilleae | Swamp lily, greater swamp-orchid | QLD |
Phalaenopsis rosenstromii | Native moth orchid | QLD |
Pherosphaera fitzgeraldii | Dwarf mountain pine | NSW |
Philotheca basistyla | White-flowered philotheca, white waxflower | WA |
Philotheca wonganensis | Wongan eriostemon | WA |
Phlegmariurus carinatus | Keeled tassel-fern | QLD |
Phlegmariurus dalhousieanus | Blue tassel-fern | QLD |
Phlegmariurus filiformus | Rat's tail tassel-fern | QLD |
Phreatia paleata syn. Eria paleata | An orchid | Norfolk Island |
Pimelea spicata | Spiked rice-flower | NSW |
Pimelea venosa | Bolivia Hill rice-flower | NSW |
Pityrodia scabra | Wyalkatchem foxglove | WA |
Planchonella costata | Bastard ironwood | Norfolk Island |
Planchonella eerwah | Shiny-leaved condoo, black plum, wild apple | QLD |
Plectranthus habrophyllus | QLD | |
Plectranthus nitidus | Nightcap plectranthus | NSW, QLD |
Plectranthus omissus | QLD | |
Plectranthus torrenticola | QLD | |
Plesioneuron tuberculatum | QLD | |
Polystychum moorei | Rock Shield fern | Lord Howe Island |
Pomaderris cotoneaster | Cotoneaster pomaderris | NSW, VIC |
Prasophyllum affine | Culburra leek-orchid, Kinghorn Point leek-orchid, Jervis Bay leek orchid | NSW |
Prasophyllum amoenum | Dainty leek-orchid | TAS |
Prasophyllum apoxychilum | Tapered leek-orchid | TAS |
Prasophyllum correctum | Gaping leek-orchid | TAS, VIC |
Prasophyllum crebiflorum | Crowded leek-orchid | TAS |
Prasophyllum diversiflorum | Gorae leek-orchid | VIC |
Prasophyllum frenchii | Maroon leek-orchid, slaty leek-orchid, stout leek-orchid, French's leek-orchid | SA, VIC |
Prasophyllum goldsackii | Goldsack's leek-orchid | SA |
Prasophyllum petilum | Tarengo leek-orchid | ACT, NSW |
Prasophyllum pruinosum | Plum leek-orchid | SA |
Prasophyllum secutum | Northern leek-orchid | TAS |
Prasophyllum suaveolens | Fragrant leek-orchid | VIC |
Prasophyllum subbisectum | Pomonal leek-orchid | VIC |
Prasophyllum tunbridgense | Tunbridge leek-orchid | TAS |
Prasophyllum uroglossum | Wingecarribee leek-orchid, dark leek-orchid | NSW |
Prostanthera askania | Tranquility mintbush | NSW |
Prostanthera eurybioides | Monarto mintbush | SA |
Prostanthera junonis | Somersby mintbush | NSW |
Pteris kingiana | King's brakefern | Norfolk Island |
Pteris zahlbruckneriana | Netted brakefern | Norfolk Island |
Pterostylis aenigma | Enigmatic greenhood | VIC |
Pterostylis atriola | Snug greenhood | TAS |
Pterostylis basaltica | Basalt greenhood | VIC |
Pterostylis despectans | Lowly greenhood | SA, VIC |
Pterostylis gibbosa | Illawarra greenhood, rufa greenhood, pouched greenhood | NSW |
Pterostylis lepida | Halbury greenhood | SA |
Pterostylis rubenachii | Arthur River greenhood | TAS |
Pterostylis saxicola | Sydney Plains greenhood | NSW |
Pterostylis sinuata | Western Swan greenhood, Northampton midget greenhood | WA |
Pterostylis sp. Botany Bay (A. Bishop J221/1-13) | Botany Bay bearded greenhood | NSW |
Pterostylis sp. Hale (R. Bates 21725) | Hale dwarf greenhood | SA |
Pterostylis ziegeleri | Cape Portland greenhood | TAS |
Ptilotus fasciculatus | Fitzgerald's mulla-mulla | WA |
Ptychosperma bleeseri | Darwin palm | NT |
Pultenaea elusa | Elusive bush-pea | NSW |
Pultenaea selaginoides | Clubmoss bush-pea | TAS |
Pultanea trichophylla | Tufted bush-pea | SA (Eyre Peninsula) |
Randia moorei | Spiny gardenia | NSW, QLD |
Ranunculus prasinus | Tunbridge buttercup | TAS |
Rhizanthella gardneri | Underground orchid, western underground orchid | WA |
Rhizanthella slaterii | Eastern underground orchid | NSW |
Ricinocarpos trichophorus | Barrens wedding bush | WA |
Roycea pycnophylloides | Saltmat | WA |
Commersonia prostrata | Dwarf kerrawang | NSW, VIC |
Commersonia erythrogyna | Trigwell's rulingia | WA |
Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides | Button wrinklewort | ACT, NSW, VIC |
Sagina diemensis | Pearlwort | TAS |
Samadera sp. Moonee Creek (J. King s.n. 1949) | Moonee Creek quassia | NSW |
Sankowskya stipularis | QLD | |
Schoenia filifolia subsp. subulifolia | Mingenew everlasting | WA |
Sclerolaena napiformis | Turnip copperbur | NSW, VIC |
Senecio behrianus | Stiff groundsel | VIC |
Senecio evansianus | Norfolk Island | |
Sphenotoma drummondii | Mountain paper heath | WA |
Spirogardnera rubescens | Spiral bush | WA |
Spyridium microphyllum | Small-leafed spyridium | TAS |
Spyridium sp. (Little Desert) | Forked spyridium | VIC |
Stemodia haegii W. R. Barker ms. | SA | |
Stenanthemum pimeleoides | Spreading stenanthemum | TAS |
Stipa wakoolica | Wakool spear-grass | NSW, VIC |
Stockwellia quadrifida | Vic Stockwell's puzzle | QLD |
Stonesiella selaginoides | Clubmoss push-pea | TAS East Coast |
Streblus pendulinus | Siah's backbone, Sia's backbone, Isaac wood | Norfolk Island |
Stylidium coroniforme | Wongan Hills triggerplant, Wongan triggerplant | WA |
Swainsona recta | Small purple-pea, mountain Swainson-pea | ACT, NSW, VIC |
Symonanthus bancroftii | Bancrofts symonanthus | WA |
Synaphea quartzitica | Quartz-loving synaphea | WA |
Synaphea stenoloba | Dwellingup synaphea | WA |
Tectaria devexa | Cave fern | Christmas Island, QLD |
Tetratheca deltoidea | Granite tetratheca | WA |
Tetratheca paynterae | Paynter's tetratheca | WA |
Thelymitra epipactoides | Metallic sun-orchid | SA, VIC |
Thelymitra manginii K. Dixon & Batty ms. | Cinnamon sun-orchid | WA |
Thelymitra stellata | Star sun-orchid | WA |
Thomasia sp. Green Hill (S. Paust 1322) | Green Hill thomasia | WA |
Toechima pterocarpum | Orange tamarind | QLD |
Toechima sp. East Alligator (J. Russell-Smith 8418) NT Herbarium | Steelwood | NT |
Trachymene scapigera | Mountain trachymene | NSW |
Triplarina imbricata | Creek heath-myrtle | NSW |
Triplarina nowraensis | Nowra heath-myrtle | NSW |
Trithuria occidentalis | Swan hydatella | WA |
Triunia robusta | Glossy spice-bush | QLD |
Typhonium jonesii | A herb | NT |
Typhonium mirabile | A herb | NT |
Typhonium taylorii | A herb | NT |
Uromyrtus australis | Peach myrtle | NSW |
Verticordia albida | White featherflower | WA |
Verticordia densiflora var. pedunculata | Long-stalked featherflower | WA |
Verticordia fimbrilepis var. fimbrilepis | Shy featherflower | WA |
Verticordia hughanii | Hughan's featherflower | WA |
Verticordia pityrhops | Pine featherflower | WA |
Verticordia plumosa var. ananeotes | Tuft-plumed featherflower | WA |
Verticordia plumosa var. pleiobotrya | Narrow-petalled featherflower | WA |
Verticordia plumosa var. vassensis | Vasse featherflower | WA |
Verticordia spicata subsp. squamosa | Scaly-leaved featherflower | WA |
Verticordia staminosa subsp. cylindracea | Granite featherflower | WA |
Villarsia calthifolia | Mountain villarsia | WA |
Vincetoxicum forsteri , syn. Tylophora linearis | NSW, QLD | |
Vincetoxicum rupicola , syn. Tylophora rupicola | QLD | |
Vincetoxicum woollsii , syn. Tylophora woollsii | NSW, QLD | |
Vrydagzynea paludosa | Tonsil orchid | QLD |
Westringia crassifolia | Whipstick westringia | VIC |
Westringia kydrensis | Kydra westringia | NSW |
Wollemia nobilis | Wollemi pine | NSW |
Wurmbea calcicola | Naturaliste Nancy | WA |
Wurmbea tubulosa | Long-flowered Nancy | WA |
Xanthorrhoea bracteata | Shiny grasstree | TAS |
Xanthostemon formosus | QLD | |
Xerothamnella herbacea | QLD | |
Xylopia sp. Melville Island (J. Russell-Smith 2148) NT Herbarium | A shrub | NT |
Xylosma parvifolia | Mountain xylosma | Lord Howe Island |
Zehneria baueriana | Native cucumber, giant cucumber | AET (Norfolk Is) |
Zieria adenophora | Araluen zieria | NSW |
Zieria baeuerlenii J. A. Armstrong ms. | Bomaderry Creek zieria | NSW |
Zieria bifida | Brolga Park zieria | QLD (Triunia NP) |
Zieria buxijugum J. Briggs & J. A. Armstrong ms. | Box Range zieria | NSW |
Zieria covenyi J. A. Armstrong ms. | Coveny's zieria | NSW |
Zieria floydii J. A. Armstrong ms. | Floyd's zieria | NSW |
Zieria formosa J. Briggs & J. A. Armstrong ms. | Shapely zieria | NSW |
Zieria granulata | Hill zieria, Illawarra zieria | NSW |
Zieria ingramii J. A. Armstrong ms. | Ingram's zieria | NSW |
Zieria lasiocaulis J. A. Armstrong ms. | Willi willi zieria | NSW |
Zieria obcordata | NSW | |
Zieria parrisiae J. Briggs & J. A. Armstrong ms. | Parris' zieria | NSW |
Zieria prostrata J. A. Armstrong ms. | Headland zieria | NSW |
A threatened species is any species which is vulnerable to extinction in the near future. Species that are threatened are sometimes characterised by the population dynamics measure of critical depensation, a mathematical measure of biomass related to population growth rate. This quantitative metric is one method of evaluating the degree of endangerment without direct reference to human activity.
The conservation status of a group of organisms indicates whether the group still exists and how likely the group is to become extinct in the near future. Many factors are taken into account when assessing conservation status: not simply the number of individuals remaining, but the overall increase or decrease in the population over time, breeding success rates, and known threats. Various systems of conservation status are in use at international, multi-country, national and local levels, as well as for consumer use such as sustainable seafood advisory lists and certification. The two international systems are by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
Handfish are marine ray-finned fishes belonging to the family Brachionichthyidae, a group which comprises five genera and 14 extant species and which is classified within the suborder Antennarioidei in the order Lophiiformes, the anglerfishes. These benthic marine fish are unusual in the way they propel themselves by walking on the sea floor rather than swimming.
A conservation-dependent species is a species which has been categorized as "Conservation Dependent" ("LR/cd") by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), as dependent on conservation efforts to prevent it from becoming endangered. A species that is reliant on the conservation attempts of humans is considered conservation dependent. Such species must be the focus of a continuing species-specific and/or habitat-specific conservation program, the cessation of which would result in the species qualifying for one of the threatened categories within a period of five years. The determination of status is constantly monitored and can change.
The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999(Cth) is an Act of the Parliament of Australia that provides a framework for protection of the Australian environment, including its biodiversity and its natural and culturally significant places. Enacted on 17 July 2000, it established a range of processes to help protect and promote the recovery of threatened species and ecological communities, and preserve significant places from decline. The Act is as of September 2024 administered by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. Lists of threatened species are drawn up under the Act, and these lists, the primary reference to threatened species in Australia, are available online through the Species Profile and Threats Database (SPRAT).
Muehlenbeckia horrida subsp. abdita. commonly known as remote thorny lignum, is a critically endangered shrub endemic to Western Australia.
Assemblages of plants and invertebrate animals of tumulus springs of the Swan Coastal Plain are ecological communities in Western Australia. They have been managed under a number of other, similar names, including Mound springs of the Swan Coastal Plain and Communities of Tumulus Springs . The tumulus mounds were common to a narrow range of groundwater discharge at the boundary of 'bassendean sand' and 'guildford clay', along the edge of the Gnangara Mound aquifer. The communities are critically endangered.
The Threatened Species Protection Act 1995, is an act of the Parliament of Tasmania that provides the statute relating to conservation of flora and fauna. Its long title is An Act to provide for the protection and management of threatened native flora and fauna and to enable and promote the conservation of native flora and fauna. It received the royal assent on 14 November 1995.
Grevillea guthrieana, commonly known as Guthrie's grevillea, is a species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae and is endemic to New South Wales. It is a spreading shrub with oblong leaves and clusters of two to six green and maroon flowers.
Adenanthos × cunninghamii, commonly known as woollybush, Albany woollybush or prostrate woollybush, is a hybrid shrub in the family Proteaceae. It is endemic to the south-west of Western Australia. The Noongar peoples know the plant as boyur.
Grevillea dryandroides, commonly known as phalanx grevillea, is a species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae and is endemic to the south-west of Western Australia. A diffuse, clumping shrub, it often forms suckers and has divided leaves with up to 35 pairs of leaflets, and groups of red to pinkish flowers on an unusually long, trailing peduncle.
Eucalyptus rhodantha, commonly known as rose mallee or rose gum, is a species of straggly mallee or shrub native to parts of Western Australia. It has smooth bark and a crown composed entirely of circular to heart-shaped juvenile leaves arranged in opposite pairs and attached directly to the stems with no stalks. The flower buds appear singly in the leaf axils and are red, the fruits hemispherical to conical and pendent. The rose mallee is grown as an ornamental shrub suitable for gardens in hot and dry climates. It is found more often in urban gardens and cultivation than in the wild and is readily available in seed form.
Darwinia collina, commonly known as the yellow mountain bell, is a plant in the myrtle family Myrtaceae. It grows as an erect shrub 0.3–1.2 metres (1–4 ft) high with crowded elliptical leaves and bright yellow flower-like inflorescences. It is endemic to a few small areas in the Stirling Range National Park, Western Australia and as a result is classified as an endangered species.
Scaevola macrophylla, commonly known as large-flowered scaevola, is an erect herb growing to 0.4 m high, with blue flowers, in the family Goodeniaceae, native to Western Australia.
Acacia macnuttiana, commonly known as McNutt's wattle, is a flowering plant in the family Fabaceae and is endemic to north-eastern New South Wales. It is a shrub with linear phyllodes, spherical heads of bright yellow flowers arranged in racemes in leaf axils and seeds usually in more or less straight, leathery pods.
Acacia whibleyana is a shrub belonging to the genus Acacia, section Plurinerves. It is native to South Australia.
The southern greater glider, also known as the southern and central greater glider, is a species of large gliding marsupial native to the forests of southeastern Australia. It is a vulnerable species per the IUCN Red List classification, but since 5 July 2022 is listed as endangered under the EPBC Act in Australia. The main threats to its survival are climate change and logging.
Grevillea elongata, also known as Ironstone grevillea, is a species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae and is endemic to the south-west of Western Australia. It is a shrub with divided leaves with sharply-pointed linear lobes, and conical or cylindrical groups of white flowers.
Corynotheca licrota, otherwise known as the antler zig-zag lily, club-fruit lily, or sand lily, is a perennial herbaceous member of the family Asphodelaceae and is found in arid inland areas of Australia.