Rectoprostatic fascia

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Rectoprostatic fascia
Rectoprostatic fascia
Latin fascia rectoprostatica
TA98 A04.5.03.004M
TA2 3831
FMA 19933
Anatomical terminology

The rectoprostatic fascia (Denonvilliers' fascia) is a membranous partition at the lowest part of the rectovesical pouch. It separates the prostate and urinary bladder from the rectum. [1] It consists of a single fibromuscular structure with several layers that are fused together and covering the seminal vesicles. It is also called Denonvilliers' fascia after French anatomist and surgeon Charles-Pierre Denonvilliers. [2]

The structure corresponds to the rectovaginal fascia in the female. The rectoprostatic fascia also inhibits the posterior spread of prostatic adenocarcinoma; therefore invasion of the rectum is less common than is invasion of other contiguous structures.

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  1. "Dorland's Medical Dictionary" . Retrieved 2007-12-11.
  2. Denonvilliers' fascia at Who Named It?