Religion in Kosovo

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Orthodox church (left) and mosque (right) in Ferizaj. Ferizaj.jpg
Orthodox church (left) and mosque (right) in Ferizaj.

Religion in Kosovo is separated from the state. [1] The constitution of Kosovo establishes Kosovo [a] as a secular state that is neutral in matters of religious beliefs and where everyone is equal before the law and freedom to belief, conscience and religion is guaranteed.



Religious map of Kosovo in 2011 by settlements. The Serb-dominated gray area in the north (North Kosovo) is presumably majority Orthodox. Religious map of Kosovo 2011.GIF
Religious map of Kosovo in 2011 by settlements. The Serb-dominated gray area in the north (North Kosovo) is presumably majority Orthodox.

According to the U.S. Department of State's 2007 International Religious Freedom Report, 'the last credible census was taken in the 1980s', and the religious demographics had to be estimated. [2] The Report found that Islam was the predominant faith in Kosovo, 'professed by most of the majority ethnic Albanian population, the Bosniak, Gorani, and Turkish communities, and some of the Roma/Ashkali/Egyptian community'. About 100,000–120,000 people were Serbs, and these were largely Serbian Orthodox. Approximately 3.4% of ethnic Albanians were Catholics, whereas Protestants comprised a minority of less than 1%, there were only two known families of Jewish origin and no reliable data for atheists. [2] It is also likely that there are some Orthodox Albanians in Kosovo. However, with current tension between Kosovars and Serbs, they may feel as if they do not want to identify as Eastern Orthodox, as they may be thought of as ‘Serbs’ because of their Eastern Orthodox status. Therefore, they are not represented in the census. Furthermore, the report claimed that religion was 'not a significant factor in public life. Religious rhetoric was largely absent from public discourse in Muslim communities, mosque attendance was low, and public displays of conservative Islamic dress and culture were minimal.' [2]

According to Pew Research Center's 2015 study, in 2010 Kosovo had 97.5% Muslims and 2.1% Christians; all other religious groups and the unaffiliated each had less than 1%. [3]

Religion in Kosovo (European Social Survey 2012) [4]

   Muslim (88%)
   Roman Catholic (5.8%)
   Eastern Orthodox (2.9%)
  None (2.9%)
  Other religion (0.4%)

According to the European Social Survey in 2012, the population of Kosovo was 88% Muslim, 5.8% Catholic, 2.9% Eastern Orthodox, 2.9% irreligious and 0.4% Other religion. [4]

The 2011 Kosovo population census was largely boycotted by the Kosovo Serbs (who predominantly identify as Serbian Orthodox Christians), especially in North Kosovo, [5] leaving the Serb population underrepresented. [6] Other religious communities, including the Tarikats and Protestants, also contest the census data. Protestant leaders and those without a religious affiliation state some members of their communities were classified incorrectly as Muslims by census takers. [7]

The results of the 2011 census gave the following religious affiliations for the population included in the census: [8]

Almost all Muslims in Kosovo are Sunni Muslims. The majority of Roma Muslims belong to Sufi brotherhoods, a sizeable number of practising Albanian Muslims also. [9]

The Serb population is largely Serbian Orthodox, and primarily concentrated in North Kosovo, though a few enclaves exist elsewhere. The Catholic Albanian communities are mostly concentrated in Gjakova, Prizren, Klina and a few villages near Peja and Vitina (see laramans). Slavic-speaking Catholics usually call themselves Janjevci or Kosovan Croats. Slavic-speaking Muslims in the south of Kosovo are known as the Gorani people.



Peja was made the Serbian Orthodox Church's See in 1252. Patrikana e Pejes.jpg
Peja was made the Serbian Orthodox Church's See in 1252.

Christianity probably reached Kosovo in the 5th century as the Roman Empire gradually split into a Greek East and Latin West. Kosovo became part the former, known as the Byzantine Empire, and thus fell into the sphere of the Eastern Orthodox Church based in Constantinople. [10] During the High Middle Ages, as Byzantine rule in Kosovo gave way to the Serbian Empire in the early 13th century, there was an Orthodox Christian majority, but also a Catholic minority consisting of the Italo-Dalmatian merchant class from Ragusa, German immigrants from Hungary and Transylvania, and probably all of the native Albanian population. [10]

Serbian Orthodoxy

The presence of Serbian Orthodox bishops in Lipjan and Prizren was first recorded in the 10th century. [11] In 1219, the Serbian Orthodox Church split from the Greek Orthodox Church, and Greek bishops were expelled from Kosovo. [11] The See of the Serbian Orthodox Church was moved from Žiča in present-day Serbia to Peja in present-day Kosovo in 1252, thus making it the religious and cultural centre of Serbian Orthodoxy. In 1346, the archbishop of Peja assumed the title of patriarch. [11]

Catholicism and crypto-Catholics

Cathedral of Saint Mother Teresa, Kosovo's main Roman Catholic church, 2013 34 Prishtene - Katedralja.jpg
Cathedral of Saint Mother Teresa, Kosovo's main Roman Catholic church, 2013

Kosovo was conquered by the Ottoman Empire along with the other remnants of the Serbian Empire in the period following the Battle of Kosovo (1389). Although the Ottomans did not force the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christian population to convert to Islam, there was strong social pressure (such as not having to pay the jizya) as well as political expediency to do so, which ethnic Albanians did in far greater numbers (including the entire nobility) than Serbs, Greeks and others in the region. [12] Many Catholic Albanians converted to Islam in the 17th and 18th centuries, despite attempts by Catholic clergy to stop them. During the Concilium Albanicum, a meeting of Albanian bishops in 1703, a strict condemnation of conversion – especially for opportunistic reasons such as jizya evasion – was promulgated. Whilst many of these converts stayed crypto-Catholics to a certain extent, often helped by pragmatic lower clerics, the higher Catholic clergy ordered them to be denied the sacraments for their heresy. [13] Efforts to convert the Laraman community of Letnica back to Catholicism began in 1837, but the effort was violently suppressed – the local Ottoman governor put laramans in jail. [14] After the Ottoman Empire abolished the death penalty for apostasy from Islam by the Edict of Toleration 1844, several groups of crypto-Catholics in Prizren, Peja and Gjakova were recognised as Catholics by the Ottoman Grand Vizier in 1845. When the Laramans of Letnica asked the district governor and judge in Gjilan to recognise them as Catholics, they were refused however, and subsequently imprisoned, and then deported to Anatolia, [15] from where they returned in November 1848 following diplomatic intervention. [16] In 1856, a further Tanzimat reform improved the situation, and no further serious abuse was reported. [17] The greater part of converts of Laramans, almost exclusively new-borns, took place between 1872 and 1924. [18]



The Sinan Pasha Mosque in Prizren was completed in 1615. Mosque of Sinan Pasha in Prizren.jpg
The Sinan Pasha Mosque in Prizren was completed in 1615.

After victory at the Battle of Kosovo (1389), the Ottoman Empire imposed Islamic rule on the region. Conversion was not obligatory, but had several financial, social and political benefits. Until the sixteenth century the degree of Islamisation in Kosovo was minimal, and largely confined to urban centres. The pace of conversions to Islam only increased significantly in the second half of the sixteenth century, possibly because converts thus became exempt from the cizje , a tax levied only on non-Muslims. [19] By 1634, the majority of Kosovo Albanians had converted to Islam, although a minority remained Catholic. [20] Besides the ethnic Albanians, and the ruling Turks who settled in Kosovo, the Roma and some part of the Slavic-speaking population (later called the Bosniaks and/or Gorani, to distinguish them from the Orthodox Serbs) also became Muslims, by far most of them Sunni, many of which belong to Sufi brotherhoods, although small a minority of Shia Muslims [ dubious discuss ] formed in the countryside. By the end of the 17th century, the Islamic population started to outnumber the Christians. [20] 70.6 to 95.6% of Kosovans are Muslims. [4] Most of them are Sunni, many of which belong to Sufi brotherhoods.

Freedom of religion

In 2023, the country was scored 2 out of 4 for religious freedom. [21]

See also

Related Research Articles

This article includes information on the demographic history of Kosovo.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Gorani people</span> Ethnic minority group in Kosovo

The Gorani or Goranci, are a Slavic ethnic group inhabiting the Gora region—the triangle between Kosovo, Albania, and North Macedonia. They number an estimated 60,000 people, and speak a transitional South Slavic dialect, called Goranski. The vast majority of the Gorani people adhere to Sunni Islam.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Prizren</span> Second largest city of Kosovo

Prizren is the second most populous city and municipality of Kosovo and seat of the eponymous municipality and district. It is located on the banks of the Prizren River between the foothills of the Sharr Mountains in southern Kosovo. Prizren experiences an oceanic climate under the influence of the surrounding mountains.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">League of Prizren</span> Albanian political organization (1878–81)

The League of Prizren, officially the League for the Defense of the Rights of the Albanian Nation, was an Albanian political organization that was officially founded on June 10, 1878 in the old town of Prizren in the Kosovo Vilayet of the Ottoman Empire. It was suppressed in April 1881.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Janjevci</span> Ethnic Croat community in Kosovo

Janjevci or Kosovo Croats are a Croat community in Kosovo, inhabiting the town of Janjevo and surrounding villages near Pristina, as well as villages centered on Letnica near Vitia, who are also known as Letničani.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Islam in Albania</span>

Islam arrived in Albania mainly during the Ottoman period when the majority of Albanians over time converted to Islam under Ottoman rule. Following the Albanian National Awakening (Rilindja) tenets and the de-emphasis of religious tradition in Albania, all governments in the 20th century pursued a secularization policy, most aggressively under the People's Socialist Republic of Albania. Due to this policy, Islam, as with all other faiths in the country, underwent radical changes. Decades of state atheism, which ended in 1991, brought a decline in the religious practice of all traditions. The post-communist period and the lifting of legal and other government restrictions on religion allowed Islam to revive through institutions that generated new infrastructure, literature, educational facilities, international transnational links and other social activities.

Albania is a secular and religiously diverse country with no official religion and thus, freedom of religion, belief and conscience are guaranteed under the country's constitution. Islam is the most common religion in Albania, followed by Christianity, though religiosity is low and there are many irreligious Albanians. In the 2023 census, Muslims accounted for 51% of the total population, Christians made up 16%, while irreligious were 17%. The other 16% were undeclared.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Kosovo vilayet</span> Administrative division of the Ottoman Empire

The Vilayet of Kosovo was a first-level administrative division (vilayet) of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkan Peninsula which included the modern-day territory of Kosovo and the north-western part of the Republic of North Macedonia. The areas today comprising Sandžak (Raška) region of Serbia and Montenegro, although de jure under Ottoman control, were de facto under Austro-Hungarian occupation from 1878 until 1909, as provided under Article 25 of the Treaty of Berlin. Üsküb (Skopje) functioned as the capital of the province and the midway point between Istanbul and its European provinces. Üsküb's population of 32,000 made it the largest city in the province, followed by Prizren, also numbering at 30,000.

Kosovo was part of the Ottoman Empire from 1455 to 1912, at first as part of the eyalet of Rumelia, and from 1864 as a separate Kosovo Vilayet.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Religion in Serbia</span>

Serbia has been traditionally a Christian country since the Christianization of Serbs by Clement of Ohrid and Saint Naum in the 9th century. The dominant confession is Eastern Orthodoxy in the fold of Serbian Orthodox Church.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Religion in Montenegro</span>

Eastern Orthodox Christianity is largest religion in Montenegro, but there are also sizeable numbers of adherents of both Catholic Christianity and Islam.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Islam in Kosovo</span>

Islam in Kosovo has a long-standing tradition dating back to the Ottoman conquest of the Balkans. Before the Battle of Kosovo in 1389, the entire Balkan region had been Christianized by both the Western and Eastern Roman Empire. From 1389 until 1912, Kosovo was officially governed by the Muslim Ottoman Empire and a high level of Islamization occurred among Catholic and Orthodox Albanians, mainly due to Sufi orders and socio-political opportunism. Both Christian and Muslim Albanians intermarried and some lived as "Laramans", also known as Crypto-Christians. During the time period after World War II, Kosovo was ruled by secular socialist authorities in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY). During that period, Kosovars became increasingly secularized. After the end of Communist period religion had a revival in Kosovo. Today, 95.6% of Kosovo's population are Muslims, most of whom are ethnic Albanians. There are also non-Albanian speaking Muslims, who define themselves as Bosniaks, Gorani and Turks.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Catholic Church in Kosovo</span>

The Catholic Church has a population in Kosovo of approximately 65,000 in a region of roughly 2 million people.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Christianity in Kosovo</span>

Christianity in Kosovo has a long-standing tradition dating to the Roman Empire. The entire Balkan region had been Christianized by the Roman, Byzantine, First Bulgarian Empire, Serbian Kingdom, Second Bulgarian Empire, and Serbian Empire till 13th century. After the Battle of Kosovo in 1389 until 1912, Kosovo was part of the Muslim Ottoman Empire, and a high level of Islamization occurred. During the time period after World War II, Kosovo was ruled by secular socialist authorities in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY). During that period, Kosovars became increasingly secularized. Today, 87% of Kosovo's population are from Muslim family backgrounds, most of whom are ethnic Albanians, but also including Slavic speakers and Turks.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bosniaks in Kosovo</span> Ethnic minority group in Kosovo

Bosniaks in Kosovo are a South Slavic Muslim ethnic group living in Kosovo, numbering 27,553 according to the 2011 census. The vast majority of Bosniaks are adherents of Sunni Islam.

Kosovo does not have an official religion. Like the rest of the country, the majority of Pristina's population consider themselves to be Muslim. However, religious practices may tend to be liberal. Many do fast for Ramadan and praying is widely practiced.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Religion in Peja District</span> Overview of religion in Peja District, Kosovo

The District of Peja is one of the biggest districts located in the northern hemisphere of Kosovo. Istog and Klina are the two biggest cities after Peja belonging to this particular district. During the course of history, numerous religions dominated in the aforementioned district starting from Illyrian ‘polytheist religions’, to Catholicism to Islam. Despite the numerous ethnic frictions in the region, its diverse religious groups have practiced their faiths openly and have largely lived in harmony.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Demographics of Kosovo</span>

The Kosovo Agency of Statistics monitors various demographic features of the population of Kosovo, such as population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population. Censuses, normally conducted at ten-year intervals, record the demographic characteristics of the population. According to the first census conducted after the 2008 declaration of independence in 2011, the permanent population of Kosovo had reached 1,810,366. A 2024 CIA estimate put Kosovo's population at 1,977,093. The latest census started on 5th of April 2024 and according to the preliminary results, the Republic of Kosovo has 1,586,659 inhabitants, of which 795,046 are men (50.1%) and 791,614 are women (49.9%).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Laramans</span> Term for Albanian crypto-Christians

The term Laraman in Albanian refers to crypto-Christians who adhered to Islam officially but continued to practice Christianity within the household during the Ottoman era. It was derived from the Albanian adjective i larmë, meaning "variegated, motley, two-faced", a metaphor of "two-faithed" (l'arë), a reference to the Laramans following both Christianity and Islam (nominally).

The Islamization of Albania occurred as a result of the Ottoman conquest of the region beginning in 1385. The Ottomans through their administration and military brought Islam to Albania.


  1. "Kosovo". Freedom of Thought Report 2017. International Humanist and Ethical Union. 4 December 2017. Retrieved 16 December 2017.
  2. 1 2 3 "Serbia (includes Kosovo)". International Religious Freedom Report 2017. U.S. Department of State. 2007. Retrieved 18 December 2017.
  3. "Religions in Kosovo". Global Religious Futures Project. Pew-Templeton. 2 April 2015. Retrieved 17 December 2017.
  4. 1 2 3 "SMRE". Retrieved 2023-01-15.
  5. Petrit Collaku (29 March 2011). "Kosovo Census to Start Without the North". Balkan Insight . Retrieved 17 December 2017.
  6. Perparim Isufi (14 September 2017). "Kosovo Police Stop 'Illegal' Serb Census Attempts". Balkan Insight. Retrieved 17 December 2017.
  7. "KOSOVO 2017 INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT" (PDF). p. 2. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2018-05-29.
  8. "Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011 - Final Results: Quality Report". United Nations Statistics Division. 2011. Retrieved 17 December 2017.
  9. "The influence of Sufi Islam in the Balkans". December 2010. Retrieved 2017-08-29.
  10. 1 2 Elsie (2015), p. 60–61.
  11. 1 2 3 Robert Elsie (15 November 2015). Historical Dictionary of Kosovo. Scarecrow Press. p. 207. ISBN   9780810874831.
  12. Encarta-encyclopedie Winkler Prins (1993–2002) s.v. "Albanië. §6. Geschiedenis". Microsoft Corporation/Het Spectrum.
  13. Duijzings, Ger (2000). Religion and the Politics of Identity in Kosovo. C. Hurst & Co. Publishers. pp. 86–99. ISBN   978-1-85065-431-5.
  14. Duijzings 2000, p. 92.
  15. Duijzings 2000, p. 93.
  16. Duijzings 2000, p. 94.
  17. Duijzings 2000, p. 96.
  18. Duijzings 2000, p. 99.
  19. Malcolm, Noel, Kosovo: A Short History, pp. 105-108
  20. 1 2 Elsie (2015), p. 130.
  21. Freedom House website, Kosovo website, retrieved 2023-08-08