Self-similar process

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Self-similar processes are types of stochastic processes that exhibit the phenomenon of self-similarity. A self-similar phenomenon behaves the same when viewed at different degrees of magnification, or different scales on a dimension (space or time). Self-similar processes can sometimes be described using heavy-tailed distributions, also known as long-tailed distributions. Examples of such processes include traffic processes, such as packet inter-arrival times and burst lengths. Self-similar processes can exhibit long-range dependency.



The design of robust and reliable networks and network services has become an increasingly challenging task in today's Internet world. To achieve this goal, understanding the characteristics of Internet traffic plays a more and more critical role. Empirical studies of measured traffic traces have led to the wide recognition of self-similarity in network traffic. [1]

Self-similar Ethernet traffic exhibits dependencies over a long range of time scales. This is to be contrasted with telephone traffic which is Poisson in its arrival and departure process. [2]

In traditional Poisson traffic, the short-term fluctuations would average out, and a graph covering a large amount of time would approach a constant value.

Heavy-tailed distributions have been observed in many natural phenomena including both physical and sociological phenomena. Mandelbrot established the use of heavy-tailed distributions to model real-world fractal phenomena, e.g. Stock markets, earthquakes, climate, and the weather.[ citation needed ] Ethernet, WWW, SS7, TCP, FTP, TELNET and VBR video (digitised video of the type that is transmitted over ATM networks) traffic is self-similar.

Self-similarity in packetised data networks can be caused by the distribution of file sizes, human interactions and/ or Ethernet dynamics. Self-similar and long-range dependent characteristics in computer networks present a fundamentally different set of problems to people doing analysis and/or design of networks, and many of the previous assumptions upon which systems have been built are no longer valid in the presence of self-similarity. [3]

The Poisson distribution

Before the heavy-tailed distribution is introduced mathematically, the Poisson process with a memoryless waiting-time distribution, used to model (among many things) traditional telephony networks, is briefly reviewed below.

Assuming pure-chance arrivals and pure-chance terminations leads to the following:

where a is the number of call arrivals in time T, and is the mean number of call arrivals in time T. For this reason, pure-chance traffic is also known as Poisson traffic.

where d is the number of call departures in time T and is the mean number of call departures in time T.

where h is the mean holding time (MHT).[ citation needed ]

The heavy-tail distribution

A distribution is said to have a heavy tail if

One simple example of a heavy-tailed distribution is the Pareto distribution.

Modelling self-similar traffic

Since (unlike traditional telephony traffic) packetised traffic exhibits self-similar or fractal characteristics, conventional traffic models do not apply to networks which carry self-similar traffic.[ citation needed ]

With the convergence of voice and data, the future multi-service network will be based on packetised traffic, and models which accurately reflect the nature of self-similar traffic will be required to develop, design and dimension future multi-service networks.[ citation needed ]

Previous analytic work done in Internet studies adopted assumptions such as exponentially-distributed packet inter-arrivals, and conclusions reached under such assumptions may be misleading or incorrect in the presence of heavy-tailed distributions. [2]

Deriving mathematical models which accurately represent long-range dependent traffic is a fertile area of research.

Self-similar stochastic processes modeled by Tweedie distributions

The Tweedie convergence theorem can be used to explain the origin of the variance to mean power law, 1/f noise and multifractality, features associated with self-similar processes. [4]

Network performance

Network performance degrades gradually with increasing self-similarity. The more self-similar the traffic, the longer the queue size. The queue length distribution of self-similar traffic decays more slowly than with Poisson sources. However, long-range dependence implies nothing about its short-term correlations which affect performance in small buffers. Additionally, aggregating streams of self-similar traffic typically intensifies the self-similarity ("burstiness") rather than smoothing it, compounding the problem.[ citation needed ]

Self-similar traffic exhibits the persistence of clustering which has a negative impact on network performance.

Many aspects of network quality of service depend on coping with traffic peaks that might cause network failures, such as

Poisson processes are well-behaved because they are stateless, and peak loading is not sustained, so queues do not fill. With long-range order, peaks last longer and have greater impact: the equilibrium shifts for a while. [5]

See also

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In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, the M/M/c queue is a multi-server queueing model. In Kendall's notation it describes a system where arrivals form a single queue and are governed by a Poisson process, there are c servers, and job service times are exponentially distributed. It is a generalisation of the M/M/1 queue which considers only a single server. The model with infinitely many servers is the M/M/∞ queue.

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In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, an M/G/1 queue is a queue model where arrivals are Markovian, service times have a General distribution and there is a single server. The model name is written in Kendall's notation, and is an extension of the M/M/1 queue, where service times must be exponentially distributed. The classic application of the M/G/1 queue is to model performance of a fixed head hard disk.

In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, the M/M/∞ queue is a multi-server queueing model where every arrival experiences immediate service and does not wait. In Kendall's notation it describes a system where arrivals are governed by a Poisson process, there are infinitely many servers, so jobs do not need to wait for a server. Each job has an exponentially distributed service time. It is a limit of the M/M/c queue model where the number of servers c becomes very large.

Design of robust and reliable networks and network services relies on an understanding of the traffic characteristics of the network. Throughout history, different models of network traffic have been developed and used for evaluating existing and proposed networks and services.

In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, an M/D/1 queue represents the queue length in a system having a single server, where arrivals are determined by a Poisson process and job service times are fixed (deterministic). The model name is written in Kendall's notation. Agner Krarup Erlang first published on this model in 1909, starting the subject of queueing theory. An extension of this model with more than one server is the M/D/c queue.

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  1. Park, Kihong; Willinger, Walter (2000), Self-Similar Network Traffic and Performance Evaluation, New York, NY, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN   0471319740 .
  2. 1 2 "Appendix: Heavy-tailed Distributions". 2001-04-12. Retrieved 2012-06-25.
  3. "The Self-Similarity and Long Range Dependence in Networks Web site". Retrieved 2012-06-25.
  4. Kendal, Wayne S.; Jørgensen, Bent (2011-12-27). "Tweedie convergence: A mathematical basis for Taylor's power law, 1/f noise, and multifractality". Physical Review E. 84 (6). American Physical Society (APS): 066120. Bibcode:2011PhRvE..84f6120K. doi:10.1103/physreve.84.066120. ISSN   1539-3755. PMID   22304168.
  5. "Everything you always wanted to know about Self-Similar Network Traffic and Long-Range Dependency, but were ashamed to ask*". Retrieved 2012-06-25.