Self-similar process

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Self-similar processes are stochastic processes satisfying a mathematically precise version of the self-similarity property. Several related properties have this name, and some are defined here.


A self-similar phenomenon behaves the same when viewed at different degrees of magnification, or different scales on a dimension. Because stochastic processes are random variables with a time and a space component, their self-similarity properties are defined in terms of how a scaling in time relates to a scaling in space.

Distributional self-similarity

A plot of
{\displaystyle (1/{\sqrt {c}})W_{ct}}
{\displaystyle W}
a Brownian motion and c decreasing, demonstrating the self-similarity with parameter
{\displaystyle H=1/2}
. Wiener process animated.gif
A plot of for a Brownian motion and c decreasing, demonstrating the self-similarity with parameter .


A continuous-time stochastic process is called self-similar with parameter if for all , the processes and have the same law. [1]


Second-order self-similarity


A wide-sense stationary process is called exactly second-order self-similar with parameter if the following hold:

(i) , where for each ,
(ii) for all , the autocorrelation functions and of and are equal.

If instead of (ii), the weaker condition

(iii) pointwise as

holds, then is called asymptotically second-order self-similar. [5]

Connection to long-range dependence

In the case , asymptotic self-similarity is equivalent to long-range dependence. [1] Self-similar and long-range dependent characteristics in computer networks present a fundamentally different set of problems to people doing analysis and/or design of networks, and many of the previous assumptions upon which systems have been built are no longer valid in the presence of self-similarity. [6]

Long-range dependence is closely connected to the theory of heavy-tailed distributions. [7] A distribution is said to have a heavy tail if

One example of a heavy-tailed distribution is the Pareto distribution. Examples of processes that can be described using heavy-tailed distributions include traffic processes, such as packet inter-arrival times and burst lengths. [8]


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In computer networks, self-similarity is a feature of network data transfer dynamics. When modeling network data dynamics the traditional time series models, such as an autoregressive moving average model are not appropriate. This is because these models only provide a finite number of parameters in the model and thus interaction in a finite time window, but the network data usually have a long-range dependent temporal structure. A self-similar process is one way of modeling network data dynamics with such a long range correlation. This article defines and describes network data transfer dynamics in the context of a self-similar process. Properties of the process are shown and methods are given for graphing and estimating parameters modeling the self-similarity of network data.

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  1. 1 2 §1.4.1 of Park, Willinger (2000)
  2. Chapter 2: Lemma 9.4 of Ioannis Karatzas; Steven E. Shreve (1991), Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus (second ed.), Springer Verlag, doi:10.1007/978-1-4612-0949-2, ISBN   978-0-387-97655-6
  3. Gennady Samorodnitsky; Murad S. Taqqu (1994), "Chapter 7: "Self-similar processes"", Stable Non-Gaussian Random Processes, Chapman & Hall, ISBN   0-412-05171-0
  4. Theorem 3.2 of Andreas E. Kyprianou; Juan Carlos Pardo (2022), Stable Lévy Processes via Lamperti-Type Representations, New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781108648318, ISBN   978-1-108-48029-1
  5. 1 2 Will E. Leland; Murad S. Taqqu; Walter Willinger; Daniel V. Wilson (February 1994), "On the Self-similar Nature of Ethernet Traffic (Extended Version)", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2 (1), IEEE: 1–15, doi:10.1109/90.282603
  6. "The Self-Similarity and Long Range Dependence in Networks Web site". Archived from the original on 2019-08-22. Retrieved 2012-06-25.
  7. §1.4.2 of Park, Willinger (2000)
  8. 1 2 Park, Willinger (2000)
  9. Kendal, Wayne S.; Jørgensen, Bent (2011-12-27). "Tweedie convergence: A mathematical basis for Taylor's power law, 1/f noise, and multifractality". Physical Review E. 84 (6). American Physical Society (APS): 066120. Bibcode:2011PhRvE..84f6120K. doi:10.1103/physreve.84.066120. ISSN   1539-3755. PMID   22304168.
