In probability theory, the Chinese restaurant process is a discrete-time stochastic process, analogous to seating customers at tables in a restaurant. Imagine a restaurant with an infinite number of circular tables, each with infinite capacity. Customer 1 sits at the first table. The next customer either sits at the same table as customer 1, or the next table. This continues, with each customer choosing to either sit at an occupied table with a probability proportional to the number of customers already there (i.e., they are more likely to sit at a table with many customers than few), or an unoccupied table. At time n, the n customers have been partitioned among m ≤ n tables (or blocks of the partition). The results of this process are exchangeable, meaning the order in which the customers sit does not affect the probability of the final distribution. This property greatly simplifies a number of problems in population genetics, linguistic analysis, and image recognition.
The restaurant analogy first appeared in a 1985 write-up by David Aldous, [1] where it was attributed to Jim Pitman (who additionally credits Lester Dubins). [2]
An equivalent partition process was published a year earlier by Fred Hoppe, [3] using an "urn scheme" akin to Pólya's urn. In comparison with Hoppe's urn model, the Chinese restaurant process has the advantage that it naturally lends itself to describing random permutations via their cycle structure, in addition to describing random partitions.
For any positive integer , let denote the set of all partitions of the set . The Chinese restaurant process takes values in the infinite Cartesian product .
The value of the process at time is a partition of the set , whose probability distribution is determined as follows. At time , the trivial partition is obtained (with probability one). At time the element "" is either:
The random partition so generated has some special properties. It is exchangeable in the sense that relabeling does not change the distribution of the partition, and it is consistent in the sense that the law of the partition of obtained by removing the element from the random partition is the same as the law of the random partition .
The probability assigned to any particular partition (ignoring the order in which customers sit around any particular table) is
where is a block in the partition and is the size of .
The definition can be generalized by introducing a parameter which modifies the probability of the new customer sitting at a new table to and correspondingly modifies the probability of them sitting at a table of size to . The vanilla process introduced above can be recovered by setting . Intuitively, can be interpreted as the effective number of customers sitting at the first empty table.
An equivalent, but subtly different way to define the Chinese restaurant process, is to let new customers choose companions rather than tables. [4] Customer chooses to sit at the same table as any one of the seated customers with probability , or chooses to sit at a new, unoccupied table with probability . Notice that in this formulation, the customer chooses a table without having to count table occupancies---we don't need .
Parameters | |||
Support | |||
PMF | |||
Mean | (see digamma function) |
The Chinese restaurant table distribution (CRT) is the probability distribution on the number of tables in the Chinese restaurant process. [5] It can be understood as the sum of independent Bernoulli random variables, each with a different parameter:
The probability mass function of is given by [6]
where denotes Stirling numbers of the first kind.
This construction can be generalized to a model with two parameters, & , [2] [7] commonly called the strength (or concentration) and discount parameters respectively. At time , the next customer to arrive finds occupied tables and decides to sit at an empty table with probability
or at an occupied table of size with probability
In order for the construction to define a valid probability measure it is necessary to suppose that either and for some ; or that and .
Under this model the probability assigned to any particular partition of , can be expressed in the general case (for any values of that satisfy the above-mentioned constraints) in terms of the Pochhammer k-symbol, as
where, the Pochhammer k-symbol is defined as follows: by convention, , and for
where is the rising factorial and is the falling factorial. It is worth noting that for the parameter setting where and , then , which evaluates to zero whenever , so that is an upper bound on the number of blocks in the partition; see the subsection on the Dirichlet-categorical model below for more details.
For the case when and , the partition probability can be rewritten in terms of the Gamma function as
In the one-parameter case, where is zero, and this simplifies to
Or, when is zero, and
As before, the probability assigned to any particular partition depends only on the block sizes, so as before the random partition is exchangeable in the sense described above. The consistency property still holds, as before, by construction.
If , the probability distribution of the random partition of the integer thus generated is the Ewens distribution with parameter , used in population genetics and the unified neutral theory of biodiversity.
Here is one way to derive this partition probability. Let be the random block into which the number is added, for . Then
The probability that is any particular partition of the set is the product of these probabilities as runs from to . Now consider the size of block : it increases by one each time we add one element into it. When the last element in block is to be added in, the block size is . For example, consider this sequence of choices: (generate a new block )(join )(join )(join ). In the end, block has 4 elements and the product of the numerators in the above equation gets . Following this logic, we obtain as above.
For the one parameter case, with and , the number of tables is distributed according to the chinese restaurant table distribution. The expected value of this random variable, given that there are seated customers, is [9]
where is the digamma function. For the two-parameter case, for , the expected number of occupied tables is [7]
where is the rising factorial (as defined above).
For the parameter choice and , where , the two-parameter Chinese restaurant process is equivalent to the Dirichlet-categorical model, which is a hierarchical model that can be defined as follows. Notice that for this parameter setting, the probability of occupying a new table, when there are already occupied tables, is zero; so that the number of occupied tables is upper bounded by . If we choose to identify tables with labels that take values in , then to generate a random partition of the set , the hierarchical model first draws a categorical label distribution, from the symmetric Dirichlet distribution, with concentration parameter . Then, independently for each of the customers, the table label is drawn from the categorical . Since the Dirichlet distribution is conjugate to the categorical, the hidden variable can be marginalized out to obtain the posterior predictive distribution for the next label state, , given previous labels
where is the number of customers that are already seated at table . With and , this agrees with the above general formula, , for the probability of sitting at an occupied table when . The probability for sitting at any of the unoccupied tables, also agrees with the general formula and is given by
The marginal probability for the labels is given by
where and is the rising factorial. In general, there are however multiple label states that all correspond to the same partition. For a given partition, , which has blocks, the number of label states that all correspond to this partition is given by the falling factorial, . Taking this into account, the probability for the partition is
which can be verified to agree with the general version of the partition probability that is given above in terms of the Pochhammer k-symbol. Notice again, that if is outside of the support, i.e. , the falling factorial, evaluates to zero as it should. (Practical implementations that evaluate the log probability for partitions via will return , whenever , as required.)
Consider on the one hand, the one-parameter Chinese restaurant process, with and , which we denote ; and on the other hand the Dirichlet-categorical model with a positive integer and where we choose , which as shown above, is equivalent to . This shows that the Dirichlet-categorical model can be made arbitrarily close to , by making large.
The two-parameter Chinese restaurant process can equivalently be defined in terms of a stick-breaking process. [10] For the case where and , the stick breaking process can be described as a hierarchical model, much like the above Dirichlet-categorical model, except that there is an infinite number of label states. The table labels are drawn independently from the infinite categorical distribution , the components of which are sampled using stick breaking: start with a stick of length 1 and randomly break it in two, the length of the left half is and the right half is broken again recursively to give . More precisely, the left fraction, , of the -th break is sampled from the beta distribution:
The categorical probabilities are:
For the parameter settings and , where is a positive integer, and where the categorical is finite: , we can sample from an ordinary Dirchlet distribution as explained above, but it can also be sampled with a truncated stick-breaking recipe, where the formula for sampling the fractions is modified to:
and .
It is possible to adapt the model such that each data point is no longer uniquely associated with a class (i.e., we are no longer constructing a partition), but may be associated with any combination of the classes. This strains the restaurant-tables analogy and so is instead likened to a process in which a series of diners samples from some subset of an infinite selection of dishes on offer at a buffet. The probability that a particular diner samples a particular dish is proportional to the popularity of the dish among diners so far, and in addition the diner may sample from the untested dishes. This has been named the Indian buffet process and can be used to infer latent features in data. [11]
The Chinese restaurant process is closely connected to Dirichlet processes and Pólya's urn scheme, and therefore useful in applications of Bayesian statistics including nonparametric Bayesian methods. The Generalized Chinese Restaurant Process is closely related to Pitman–Yor process. These processes have been used in many applications, including modeling text, clustering biological microarray data, [12] biodiversity modelling, and image reconstruction [13] [14]
In statistics, maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is a method of estimating the parameters of an assumed probability distribution, given some observed data. This is achieved by maximizing a likelihood function so that, under the assumed statistical model, the observed data is most probable. The point in the parameter space that maximizes the likelihood function is called the maximum likelihood estimate. The logic of maximum likelihood is both intuitive and flexible, and as such the method has become a dominant means of statistical inference.
In probability theory and statistics, the gamma distribution is a versatile two-parameter family of continuous probability distributions. The exponential distribution, Erlang distribution, and chi-squared distribution are special cases of the gamma distribution. There are two equivalent parameterizations in common use:
In mathematics, the beta function, also called the Euler integral of the first kind, is a special function that is closely related to the gamma function and to binomial coefficients. It is defined by the integral
In quantum mechanics, a spherically symmetric potential is a system of which the potential only depends on the radial distance from the spherical center and a location in space. A particle in a spherically symmetric potential will behave accordingly to said potential and can therefore be used as an approximation, for example, of the electron in a hydrogen atom or of the formation of chemical bonds.
In quantum physics, the scattering amplitude is the probability amplitude of the outgoing spherical wave relative to the incoming plane wave in a stationary-state scattering process. At large distances from the centrally symmetric scattering center, the plane wave is described by the wavefunction
In probability and statistics, the Dirichlet distribution, often denoted , is a family of continuous multivariate probability distributions parameterized by a vector of positive reals. It is a multivariate generalization of the beta distribution, hence its alternative name of multivariate beta distribution (MBD). Dirichlet distributions are commonly used as prior distributions in Bayesian statistics, and in fact, the Dirichlet distribution is the conjugate prior of the categorical distribution and multinomial distribution.
In rotordynamics, the rigid rotor is a mechanical model of rotating systems. An arbitrary rigid rotor is a 3-dimensional rigid object, such as a top. To orient such an object in space requires three angles, known as Euler angles. A special rigid rotor is the linear rotor requiring only two angles to describe, for example of a diatomic molecule. More general molecules are 3-dimensional, such as water, ammonia, or methane.
In probability theory and statistics, the beta prime distribution is an absolutely continuous probability distribution. If has a beta distribution, then the odds has a beta prime distribution.
In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, a Jackson network is a class of queueing network where the equilibrium distribution is particularly simple to compute as the network has a product-form solution. It was the first significant development in the theory of networks of queues, and generalising and applying the ideas of the theorem to search for similar product-form solutions in other networks has been the subject of much research, including ideas used in the development of the Internet. The networks were first identified by James R. Jackson and his paper was re-printed in the journal Management Science’s ‘Ten Most Influential Titles of Management Sciences First Fifty Years.’
In natural language processing, latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) is a Bayesian network for modeling automatically extracted topics in textual corpora. The LDA is an example of a Bayesian topic model. In this, observations are collected into documents, and each word's presence is attributable to one of the document's topics. Each document will contain a small number of topics.
The Wigner D-matrix is a unitary matrix in an irreducible representation of the groups SU(2) and SO(3). It was introduced in 1927 by Eugene Wigner, and plays a fundamental role in the quantum mechanical theory of angular momentum. The complex conjugate of the D-matrix is an eigenfunction of the Hamiltonian of spherical and symmetric rigid rotors. The letter D stands for Darstellung, which means "representation" in German.
In probability theory, Dirichlet processes are a family of stochastic processes whose realizations are probability distributions. In other words, a Dirichlet process is a probability distribution whose range is itself a set of probability distributions. It is often used in Bayesian inference to describe the prior knowledge about the distribution of random variables—how likely it is that the random variables are distributed according to one or another particular distribution.
In probability theory and statistics, the Dirichlet-multinomial distribution is a family of discrete multivariate probability distributions on a finite support of non-negative integers. It is also called the Dirichlet compound multinomial distribution (DCM) or multivariate Pólya distribution. It is a compound probability distribution, where a probability vector p is drawn from a Dirichlet distribution with parameter vector , and an observation drawn from a multinomial distribution with probability vector p and number of trials n. The Dirichlet parameter vector captures the prior belief about the situation and can be seen as a pseudocount: observations of each outcome that occur before the actual data is collected. The compounding corresponds to a Pólya urn scheme. It is frequently encountered in Bayesian statistics, machine learning, empirical Bayes methods and classical statistics as an overdispersed multinomial distribution.
A ratio distribution is a probability distribution constructed as the distribution of the ratio of random variables having two other known distributions. Given two random variables X and Y, the distribution of the random variable Z that is formed as the ratio Z = X/Y is a ratio distribution.
A hydrogen-like atom (or hydrogenic atom) is any atom or ion with a single valence electron. These atoms are isoelectronic with hydrogen. Examples of hydrogen-like atoms include, but are not limited to, hydrogen itself, all alkali metals such as Rb and Cs, singly ionized alkaline earth metals such as Ca+ and Sr+ and other ions such as He+, Li2+, and Be3+ and isotopes of any of the above. A hydrogen-like atom includes a positively charged core consisting of the atomic nucleus and any core electrons as well as a single valence electron. Because helium is common in the universe, the spectroscopy of singly ionized helium is important in EUV astronomy, for example, of DO white dwarf stars.
In statistics, a Pólya urn model, named after George Pólya, is a family of urn models that can be used to interpret many commonly used statistical models.
In representation theory of mathematics, the Waldspurger formula relates the special values of two L-functions of two related admissible irreducible representations. Let k be the base field, f be an automorphic form over k, π be the representation associated via the Jacquet–Langlands correspondence with f. Goro Shimura (1976) proved this formula, when and f is a cusp form; Günter Harder made the same discovery at the same time in an unpublished paper. Marie-France Vignéras (1980) proved this formula, when and f is a newform. Jean-Loup Waldspurger, for whom the formula is named, reproved and generalized the result of Vignéras in 1985 via a totally different method which was widely used thereafter by mathematicians to prove similar formulas.
In probability theory and statistics, the Dirichlet negative multinomial distribution is a multivariate distribution on the non-negative integers. It is a multivariate extension of the beta negative binomial distribution. It is also a generalization of the negative multinomial distribution (NM(k, p)) allowing for heterogeneity or overdispersion to the probability vector. It is used in quantitative marketing research to flexibly model the number of household transactions across multiple brands.
In probability theory, Poisson-Dirichlet distributions are probability distributions on the set of nonnegative, non-increasing sequences with sum 1, depending on two parameters and . It can be defined as follows. One considers independent random variables such that follows the beta distribution of parameters and . Then, the Poisson-Dirichlet distribution of parameters and is the law of the random decreasing sequence containing and the products . This definition is due to Jim Pitman and Marc Yor. It generalizes Kingman's law, which corresponds to the particular case .