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In chess, a back-rank checkmate (also known as a corridor mate) is a checkmate delivered by a rook or queen along the opponent's back rank (that is, the row closest to them) in which the mated king is unable to move up the board because the king is blocked by friendly pieces (usually pawns) on the second rank. [1]
Beginners are more likely to succumb to back-rank checkmate, as they are more likely to miss threats in general. At higher levels of play, though the mate itself does not occur very often, play is often affected by the possibility of it—being forced to prevent the mate at all costs may leave a player vulnerable to other threats and tactical ideas they might be more likely to miss.
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Back-rank mates are often guarded against by a friendly rook or queen protecting the back rank. However, it may be possible for the attacking side to deflect one of these pieces away from defensive duties, sacrifice a queen for one of them, or exchange one of them, or the pieces may simply be overworked. In the example shown to the left, White can play 1.Qxc6 and black cannot reply 1...Rxc6 because of 2.Rd8+ Rxd8 3.Rxd8# with a back-rank mate. Black therefore loses his bishop for no compensation—and Black has no good continuation because of the threat of Qxa8 or Qxc8, for example, 1...Qa6 2.Qxa8! Rxa8 3.Rd8+ Rxd8 4.Rxd8#. If Black tries to defend the back rank so that White's queen and bishop are skewered, White can keep an extra piece, for example 1...b5 (defending d8 with the queen) 2.Qf3! keeping the rook on c8 stuck to the defense of the rook on a8, or 1...g6 (creating luft) 2.Qf6! and Black still cannot take due to the back-rank mate.
Back-rank threats can be guarded against more permanently by moving one of the pawns in front of the king to give the king a flight square (or luft ). If it were Black to play in the example to the left, he could counter White's threat with, for example, 1...g6, giving the king a square on g7 to which it can safely move. Note, however, that 1...h6 in this example would not do the job, as after the d3-rook moves, the h7-square is covered by the white bishop. Black cannot move the bishop to safety first either, due to a situational pin, e.g. 1...Bb7? 2.Qxc8+! Rxc8 3.Rd8+ Rxd8 4.Rxd8#, or 1...Bd7 2.Rxd7 when the queen once again cannot be taken due to the back rank threat.
It is often not a good idea to play such pawn moves unless there is a pressing need to do so, as they can not only represent a loss of time, but may also allow enemy penetration around the squares weakened by the pawn advance. In many chess openings, however, they are often played for some other purpose, before any back-rank threat has emerged (...h6 is often played to "put the question" to a white bishop on g5, for example; see also Fianchetto).
In high-level games, a deflection is often necessary to force a back rank mate. Below are two famous examples.
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One of José Raúl Capablanca's most famous games featured a variety of back-rank threats at the end. It was an exhibition game played in Moscow in 1914 against Ossip Bernstein (Capablanca had the black pieces). The position shown to the right was reached after White's 29th move. Capablanca now played 29...Qb2! The simplest point is that 30.Qxb2 is not possible because of the back-rank mate 30...Rd1#, but there are several related ideas: for example, 30.Qe1, apparently defending the threatened rook, loses to 30...Qxc3 (if 31.Qxc3 then 31...Rd1+ 32.Qe1 Rxe1#); 30.Rc2 fails to 30...Qb1+ 31.Qf1 Qxc2; and 30.Qc2 loses to 30...Qa1+ 31.Qc1 Rd1+ 32.Qxd1 Qxd1#, or 30...Qxc2 31.Rxc2 Rd1#. After 30.Rc8 it looks like white may turn the tables as 30...Rxc8? allows 31.Qxb2 to win a queen for a rook, however Capablanca has 30...Qa1+ (or Qb1+) when instead White loses a rook after 31.Qf1 Qxf1+ 32.Kxf1 Rxc8. Similarly, 30.Qd3 loses to 30...Qa1+ (not 30...Rxd3?? 31.Rc8+) 31.Qf1 Qxc3. So Bernstein had to resign.
Note that had Capablanca played for the back-rank mate more directly with 29...Qb1+ 30.Qf1 Rd1?? (30...Qxa2 would be sensible), he would himself have lost to the back-rank mate 31.Rc8+ Rd8 32.Rxd8#.
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This game was most likely never played, instead being composed by Carlos Torre Repetto as a tribute to his instructor Edwin Ziegler Adams. [2] [3] In this position, Black's rook on c8 and queen on d7 are all what prevent White from mating with Rxe8+, so White begins deflecting the black queen or rook by force:
If 18... Qd8, then 19.Qxc8! wins a rook, since the rook on e8 now cannot move off e8 to recapture and thus cannot add to the defense of e8. Black cannot play 18...Rxe2 because 19.Qxd7 wins the queen for a rook, as the white knight guards the other rook on e1. Neither rook can move to defend the queen, as after 18...R(either)d8, the rook is overloaded and 19.Qxd7 simply wins a queen.
As with the previous example, the perpetrator of the back rank mate must be careful to not themselves fall for one: 19.a4?? allows 19...Qxe2! when 20.Rxe2 allows 20...Rc1+ 21.Ne1 Rxe1+ 22.Rxe1 Rxe1#. With this and the following move, White obstructs the c-file with tempo.
At no point can Black take the queen with either rook or queen, because of Rxe8+.
White must once again be careful with their own back rank: the immediate 21.Qxb7?? loses to 21...Qxe2! since 22.Rxe2 allows 22...Rc1+ 23.Re1 R(either)xe1+ 24.Nxe1 Rxe1#. With this move, White prepares the following move, removing their rook from e2 with tempo.
Black's queen has only one remaining safe square to defend e8 from.
If 22...Qxe4, then 23.Rxe4 and neither black rook can take either white major piece, as the other black rook then falls with check and subsequently back rank mate.
Black's queen has no remaining safe squares from which to defend e8 and is hanging, so Black must either lose at least a queen for a rook or be checkmated on the back rank.
The Game of the Century is a chess game that was won by the 13-year-old future world champion Bobby Fischer against Donald Byrne in the Rosenwald Memorial Tournament at the Marshall Chess Club in New York City on October 17, 1956. In Chess Review, Hans Kmoch dubbed it "The Game of the Century" and wrote: "The following game, a stunning masterpiece of combination play performed by a boy of 13 against a formidable opponent, matches the finest on record in the history of chess prodigies."
In chess problems, retrograde analysis is a technique employed to determine which moves were played leading up to a given position. While this technique is rarely needed for solving ordinary chess problems, there is a whole subgenre of chess problems in which it is an important part; such problems are known as retros.
In the game of chess, interference occurs when the line between an attacked piece and its defender is interrupted by sacrificially interposing a piece. It is a chess tactic which seldom arises, and is therefore often overlooked. Opportunities for interference are rare because the defended object must be more valuable than the sacrificed piece, and the interposition must itself present a threat. Huczek defines interference as a tactic involving blocking moves that obstruct lines of attack. This definition may be expanded by including blocking moves that disrupt lines of defense.
In chess, a grotesque is a problem or endgame study which features a particularly unlikely or impossible initial position, especially one in which White fights with a very small force against a much larger black army. Grotesques are generally intended to be humorous.
Nolot is a chess test suite with 11 very difficult positions from real games. They were compiled by Pierre Nolot for the French chess magazine Gambisco and posted on the rec.games.chess Usenet group in 1994. Some of these positions were particularly hard to solve for chess engines at the time.
The rook and pawn versus rook endgame is a fundamentally important, widely studied chess endgame. Precise play is usually required in these positions. With optimal play, some complicated wins require sixty moves to either checkmate, capture the defending rook, or successfully promote the pawn. In some cases, thirty-five moves are required to advance the pawn once.
In chess, a blunder is a critically bad mistake that severely worsens the player's position by allowing a loss of material, checkmate, or anything similar. It is usually caused by some tactical oversight, whether due to time trouble, overconfidence, or carelessness. Although blunders are most common in beginner games, all human players make them, even at the world championship level. Creating opportunities for the opponent to blunder is an important skill in over-the-board chess.
A joke chess problem is a puzzle in chess that uses humor as an element. Although most chess problems, like other creative forms, are appreciated for serious artistic themes, joke chess problems are enjoyed for some twist. In some cases the composer plays a trick to prevent a solver from succeeding with typical analysis. In other cases, the humor derives from an unusual final position. Unlike in ordinary chess puzzles, joke problems can involve a solution which violates the inner logic or rules of the game.
The chess endgame of a queen versus pawn is usually an easy win for the side with the queen. However, if the pawn has advanced to its seventh rank it has possibilities of reaching a draw, and there are some drawn positions with the pawn on the sixth rank. This endgame arises most often from a race of pawns to promote.
In chess, a swindle is a ruse by which a player in a losing position tricks their opponent and thereby achieves a win or draw instead of the expected loss. It may also refer more generally to obtaining a win or draw from a clearly losing position. I. A. Horowitz and Fred Reinfeld distinguish among "traps", "pitfalls", and "swindles". In their terminology, a "trap" refers to a situation where players go wrong through their own efforts. In a "pitfall", the beneficiary of the pitfall plays an active role, creating a situation where a plausible move by the opponent will turn out badly. A "swindle" is a pitfall adopted by a player who has a clearly lost game. Horowitz and Reinfeld observe that swindles, "though ignored in virtually all chess books", "play an enormously important role in over-the-board chess, and decide the fate of countless games".
In chess, the Cambridge Springs Defense is a variation of the Queen's Gambit Declined that begins with the moves:
The World Chess Championship 2010 match pitted the defending world champion, Viswanathan Anand, against challenger Veselin Topalov, for the title of World Chess Champion. The match took place in Sofia, Bulgaria from 24 April to 13 May 2010, with a prize fund of 2 million euros. Anand won the final game to win the match 6½–5½ and retain the title.
The World Chess Championship 1886 was the first official World Chess Championship match contested by Wilhelm Steinitz and Johannes Zukertort. The match took place in the United States from 11 January to 29 March, the first five games being played in New York City, the next four being played in St. Louis and the final eleven in New Orleans. The winner was the first player to achieve ten wins. Wilhelm Steinitz won the match 10–5, winning his tenth game in the twentieth game of the match. There were five draws.
The second World Chess Championship was held in Havana, Cuba in 1889. Defending champion Wilhelm Steinitz beat challenger Mikhail Chigorin with a score of 10½ -6½.
The rook and bishop versus rook endgame is a chess endgame where one player has just a king, a rook, and a bishop, and the other player has just a king and a rook. This combination of material is one of the most common pawnless chess endgames. It is generally a theoretical draw, but the rook and bishop have good winning chances in practice because the defense is difficult. Ulf Andersson won the position twice within a year, once against a grandmaster and once against a candidate master; and grandmaster Keith Arkell has won it 27 times out of 27. In positions that have a forced win, up to 59 moves are required. Tony Kosten has seen the endgame many times in master games, with the stronger side almost always winning. Pal Benko called this the "headache ending." David Howell observed, "Especially below elite grandmaster level, this is one of the hardest endgames to draw."
A reflexmate is a chess problem in which white, moving first, must force black to deliver checkmate within a specified number of moves against their will – with the added condition that if either player can give checkmate, they must. If this condition applies only to Black, it is a semi-reflexmate.
The 1981 World Chess Championship was played between Anatoly Karpov and Viktor Korchnoi in Merano, Italy from October 1 to November 19, 1981. Karpov won with six wins against two, with 10 draws. The two players had already played against each other in the World Chess Championship match 1978 in the Philippines, when Karpov also won.
Naum is a computer chess engine by Canadian programmer Aleksandar Naumov. The last commercial version (4.2) was released in March 2010. The program supports both UCI and Winboard protocols and can therefore be operated under different graphical interfaces. Naum has commercial versions for single and multiple-processor systems, a freeware version for single-processor systems, and a version for Palm OS. The latest version, 4.6, was also freeware.
The sixteenth chess game in the fourth match between Alexander McDonnell and Louis-Charles Mahé de La Bourdonnais played in London in 1834 is famous for demonstrating the power of a mobile central block of pawns. Its final position is one of the most famous in the history of the game.
The queen versus rook endgame is a chess endgame where one player has just a king and queen, and the other player has just a king and rook. As no pawns are on the board, it is a pawnless chess endgame. The side with the queen wins with best play, except for a few rare positions where the queen is immediately lost, or because a draw by stalemate or perpetual check can be forced. However, the win is difficult to achieve in practice, especially against precise defense.