Chess piece relative value

Last updated
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In chess, a relative value (or point value) is a standard value conventionally assigned to each piece. Piece valuations have no role in the rules of chess but are useful as an aid to evaluating a position.


The best-known system assigns 1 point to a pawn, 3 points to a knight or bishop, 5 points to a rook and 9 points to a queen. Valuation systems, however, provide only a rough guide; the true value of a piece can vary significantly depending on position.

Standard valuations

Piece values exist because calculating to checkmate in most positions is beyond reach even for top computers. Thus, players aim primarily to create a material advantage; to pursue this goal, it is normally helpful to quantitatively approximate the strength of an army of pieces. Such piece values are valid for, and conceptually averaged over, tactically "quiet" positions where immediate tactical gain of material will not happen. [1]

The following table is the most common assignment of point values. [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Piece Chess plt45.svg


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The oldest derivation of the standard values is due to the Modenese School (Ercole del Rio, Giambattista Lolli, and Domenico Lorenzo Ponziani) in the 18th century [7] and is partially based on the earlier work of Pietro Carrera. [8] The value of the king is undefined as it cannot be captured or traded during the course of the game. Chess engines usually assign the king an arbitrary large value such as 200 points or more to indicate that the inevitable loss of the king due to checkmate trumps all other considerations. [9] During the endgame, as there is less danger of checkmate, the king will often assume a more active role. It is better at defending nearby pieces and pawns than the knight is and better at attacking them than the bishop is. [10] Overall, this makes the king more powerful than a minor piece but less powerful than a rook, so its fighting value is about four points. [11] [12]

This system has some shortcomings: namely, combinations of pieces do not always equal the sum of their parts; for instance, two bishops on opposite colours are usually worth slightly more than a bishop plus a knight, and three minor pieces (nine points) are often slightly stronger than two rooks (ten points) or a queen (nine points). [13] [14] Chess-variant theorist Ralph Betza identified the 'leveling effect', which causes reduction of the value of stronger pieces in the presence of opponent weaker pieces, due to the latter interdicting access to part of the board for the former in order to prevent the value difference from evaporating by 1-for-1 trading. This effect causes 3 queens to badly lose against 7 knights (when both start behind a wall of pawns), even though the added piece values predict that the player with the seven knights is two knights short of equality. [15] [1] In a less exotic case, it explains why trading rooks in the presence of a queen-vs-3-minors imbalance favours the player with the queen, as the rooks hinder the movement of the queen more than of the minor pieces. Adding piece values is thus a first approximation, because piece cooperation must also be considered (e.g. opposite-coloured bishops cooperate very well) alongside each piece’s mobility (e.g. a short-range piece far away from the action on a large board is almost worthless). [1]

The evaluation of the pieces depends on many parameters. Edward Lasker stated that "It is difficult to compare the relative value of different pieces, as so much depends on the peculiarities of the position". Nevertheless, he valued the bishop and knight ( minor pieces ) equally, [16] the rook a minor piece plus one or two pawns, and the queen three minor pieces or two rooks. [17] Larry Kaufman suggests the following values in the middlegame:

Piece Chess plt45.svg


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The bishop pair is worth 7.5 pawns – half a pawn more than the values of its constituent bishops combined. Although it would be a very theoretical situation, there is no such bonus for a pair of same-coloured bishops. Per investigations by H. G. Muller, three light-squared bishops and one dark-squared bishop would receive only a 0.5-point bonus, while two on each colour would receive a 1-point bonus. More imbalanced combinations like 3:0 or 4:0, however, were not tested. [18] The position of each piece also makes a significant difference: pawns near the edges are worth less than those near the centre, pawns close to promotion are worth far more, [1] pieces controlling the centre are worth more than average, trapped pieces (such as bad bishops ) are worth less, etc.

Alternative valuations

Although the 1-3-3-5-9 system of point totals is the most commonly given, many other systems of valuing pieces have been proposed. Several systems treat the bishop as slightly more powerful than a knight. [19] [20]

Note: Where a value for the king is given, this is used when considering piece development, its power in the endgame, etc.

Alternative systems, with pawn = 1
Chess nlt45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess rlt45.svg Chess qlt45.svg Chess klt45.svg SourceDateComment Sarratt [ verification needed ]1813(rounded) pawns vary from 0.7 to 1.3 [21]
3.053.505.489.94 Philidor 1817also given by Staunton in 1847 [22]
33510Peter Prattearly 19th century [23] Bilguer 1843(rounded) [23] [24]
3359–104 Em. Lasker 1934 [25] [26] Euwe 1944 [27] Lasker1947(rounded) Kingside rooks and bishops are valued more, queenside ones less [28] [29]

Lasker adjusts some of these depending on the starting positions, with pawns nearer the centre, with bishops and rooks on the kingside , being worth more:

  • centre (d/e-file) pawn = 1.5, a/h-file pawn = 0.5
  • c-file bishop = 3.5, f-file bishop = 3.75
  • a-file rook = 4.5, h-file rook = 5.25 [30]
33+59 Horowitz 1951The bishop is "3 plus small fraction". [31] [32]
33.5510 Turing 1953 [33]
3.53.5–3.755104 Evans 1958Bishop is 3.75 if part of a bishop pair [34] [35]
3.53.559.5Styeklov (early Soviet chess program)1961 [36] [37]
33.2559 Fischer 1972The king's value represents its importance, not its strength. [38]
334.258.5European Committee on Computer Chess, Euwe1970s [39]
33.154.59 Kasparov 1986 [40]
3359–10Soviet chess encyclopedia1990A queen equals three minor pieces or two rooks. [23]
43.5713.54used by a computer1992Two bishops are worth more. [23]
3.203.335.108.80 Berliner 1999plus adjustments for openness of position, rank & file . [41]
3.253.2559.75 Kaufman 1999Add 0.5 points for the bishop pair [42] [43]
3.53.559Kurzdorfer2003 [44]
334.59another popular system2004 [45] Gik2004Based on average mobility; Soltis points out problems with this type of analysis. [46] Kaufman 2011Add 0.5 points for the bishop pair. The values given apply to the middlegame phase only. [47]
  • Kaufman, Larry (2011), The Kaufman Repertoire for Black & White, New in Chess, ISBN   978-90-5691-371-7
3.053.335.639.5 AlphaZero 2020 [48]

Larry Kaufman's 2021 system

Larry Kaufman in 2021 gives a more detailed system based on his experience working with chess engines, depending on the presence or absence of queens. He uses "middlegame" to mean positions where both queens are on the board, "threshold" for positions where there is an imbalance (one queen versus none, or two queens versus one), and "endgame" for positions without queens. (Kaufman did not give the queen's value in the middlegame or endgame cases, since in these cases both sides have the same number of queens and their values cancel.) [49]

Game phase Chess plt45.svg Chess nlt45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess blt45.svg Chess rlt45.svg Chess rlt45.svg Chess qlt45.svg Chess qlt45.svg Comments
pawn knight bishop bishop pair bonusfirst rook second rook queen second queen
Middlegame0.83.23.3+ sides have a queen)
Threshold0.93.23.3+ queen vs. zero, or two queens vs. one)
Endgame1.03.23.3+ queens)

The file of a pawn is also important, because this cannot change except by capture. According to Kaufman, the difference is small in the endgame (when queens are absent), but in the middlegame (when queens are present) the difference is substantial: [49]

Pawn values in the middlegame, centre pawn = 1
centre pawnbishop pawnknight pawnrook pawn

In conclusion: [49]

In the endgame: [49]

In the threshold case (queen versus other pieces): [49]

In the middlegame case: [49]

The above is written for around ten pawns on the board (a typical number); the value of the rooks goes down as pawns are added, and goes up as pawns are removed. [49]

Finally, Kaufman proposes a simplified version that avoids decimals: use the traditional values P = 1, N = 3, B = 3+, and R = 5 with queens off the board, but use P = 1, N = 4, B = 4+, R = 6, Q = 11 when at least one player has a queen. The point is to show that two minor pieces equal rook and two pawns with queens on the board, but only rook and one pawn without queens. [49]

Hans Berliner's system

World Correspondence Chess Champion Hans Berliner gives the following valuations, based on experience and computer experiments:

Piece Chess plt45.svg


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There are adjustments for the rank and file of a pawn and adjustments for the pieces depending on how open or closed the position is. Bishops, rooks, and queens gain up to 10 percent more value in open positions and lose up to 20 percent in closed positions. Knights gain up to 50 percent in closed positions and lose up to 30 percent in the corners and edges of the board. The value of a good bishop may be at least 10 percent higher than that of a bad bishop . [50]

from Berliner
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Different types of doubled pawns

There are different types of doubled pawns; see the diagram. White's doubled pawns on the b-file are the best situation in the diagram, since advancing the pawns and exchanging can get them un-doubled and mobile. The doubled b-pawn is worth 0.75 points. If the black pawn on a6 were on c6, it would not be possible to dissolve the doubled pawn, and it would be worth only 0.5 points. The doubled pawn on f2 is worth about 0.5 points. The second white pawn on the h-file is worth only 0.33 points, and additional pawns on the file would be worth only 0.2 points. [51]

Value of pawn advances (multiplier of base amount)
Rank Isolated Connected Passed Passed &
Value of non-passed pawn in the opening
Ranka & h fileb & g filec & f filed & e file
Value of non-passed pawn in the endgame
Ranka & h fileb & g filec & f filed & e file

Changing valuations in the endgame

As already noted when the standard values were first formulated, [52] the relative strength of the pieces will change as a game progresses to the endgame. Pawns gain value as their path towards promotion becomes clear, and strategy begins to revolve around either defending or capturing them before they can promote. Knights lose value as their unique mobility becomes a detriment to crossing an empty board. Rooks and (to a lesser extent) bishops gain value as their lines of movement and attack are less obstructed. Queens slightly lose value as their high mobility becomes less proportionally useful when there are fewer pieces to attack and defend. Some examples follow.

C.J.S. Purdy gave minor pieces a value of 3+12 points in the opening and middlegame but 3 points in the endgame. [56]

Shortcomings of piece valuation systems

There are shortcomings of giving each type of piece a single, static value.

Example 1

Silman, diagram 308
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Chess klt45.svg
White to play

Positions in which a bishop and knight can be exchanged for a rook and pawn are fairly common (see diagram). In this position, White should not do that, e.g.:

1. Nxf7? Rxf7
2. Bxf7+ Kxf7

This seems like an even exchange (6 points for 6 points), but it is not, as two minor pieces are better than a rook and pawn in the middlegame. [59]

In most openings, two minor pieces are better than a rook and pawn and are usually at least as good as a rook and two pawns until the position is greatly simplified (i.e. late middlegame or endgame). Minor pieces get into play earlier than rooks, and they coordinate better, especially when there are many pieces and pawns on the board. On the other hand, rooks are usually blocked by pawns until later in the game. [60] Pachman also notes that the bishop pair is almost always better than a rook and pawn. [61]

Example 2

Silman, diagram 307
Chess rdt45.svg
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Chess pdt45.svg
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Chess rlt45.svg
Black to play

In this position, White has exchanged a queen and a pawn (10 points) for three minor pieces (9 points). White is better because three minor pieces are usually better than a queen because of their greater mobility, and Black's extra pawn is not important enough to change the situation. [62] Three minor pieces are almost as strong as two rooks. [63]

Example 3

Reshko vs. Faibisovich, 1969
Chess rdt45.svg
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Chess pdt45.svg
Chess pdt45.svg
Chess pdt45.svg
Chess pdt45.svg
Chess pdt45.svg
Chess plt45.svg
Chess plt45.svg
Chess plt45.svg
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Chess plt45.svg
Chess plt45.svg
Chess plt45.svg
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Chess klt45.svg
Black to play

In this position, Black is ahead in material, but White is better. White's queenside is completely defended, and Black's additional queen has no target; additionally, White is much more active than Black and can gradually build up pressure on Black's weak kingside.

Fairy pieces

In fairy chess, in general, the approximate value in centipawns of a short-range leaper with moves on an 8 × 8 board is . The quadratic term reflects the possibility of cooperation between moves. [1]

If pieces are asymmetrical, moves going forward are about twice as valuable as move going sideways or backward, presumably because enemy pieces can generally be found in the forward direction. Similarly, capturing moves are usually twice as valuable as noncapturing moves (of relevance for pieces that do not capture the same way they move). There also seems to be significant value in reaching different squares (e.g. ignoring the board edges, a king and knight both have 8 moves, but in one or two moves a knight can reach 40 squares whereas a king can only reach 24). It is also valuable for a piece to have moves to squares that are orthogonally adjacent, as this enables it to wipe out lone passed pawns (and also checkmate the king, but this is less important as usually enough pawns survive to the late endgame to allow checkmate to be achieved via promotion). As many games are decided by promotion, the effectiveness of a piece in opposing or supporting pawns is a major part of its value. [1]

An unexpected result from empirical computer studies is that the princess (a bishop-knight compound) and empress (a rook-knight compound) have almost exactly the same value, even though the lone rook is two pawns stronger than the lone bishop. The empress is about 50 centipawns weaker than the queen, and the princess 75 centipawns weaker than the queen. This does not appear to have much to do with the bishop's colourboundedness being masked in the compound, because adding a non-capturing backward step turns out to benefit the bishop about as much as the knight; and it also does not have much to do with the bishop's lack of mating potential being so masked, because adding a backward step (capturing and non-capturing) to the bishop benefits it about as much as adding such a step to the knight as well. A more likely explanation seems to be the large number of orthogonal contacts in the move pattern of the princess, with 16 such contacts for the princess compared to 8 for the empress and queen each: such orthogonal contacts would explain why even in cylindrical chess, the rook is still stronger than the bishop even though they now have the same mobility. This makes the princess extremely good at annihilating pawn chains, because it can attack a pawn as well as the square in front of it. [1]

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cazaux, Jean-Louis; Muller, Harm Geert (2023). Rapoport, Paul (ed.). More Chess & More Than Chess. Toulouse: Pionssimo. pp. 105–111. ISBN   978-1-4477-6560-8.
  2. ( Capablanca & de Firmian 2006 :24–25)
  3. ( Seirawan & Silman 1990 :40)
  4. ( Soltis 2004 :6)
  5. ( Silman 1998 :340)
  6. ( Polgar & Truong 2005 :11)
  7. ( Lolli 1763 :255)
  8. ( Carrera 1617 :115–21)
  9. ( Levy & Newborn 1991 :45)
  10. ( Ward 1996 :13)
  11. ( Lasker 1934 :73)
  12. ( Aagaard 2004 :12)
  13. ( Capablanca & de Firmian 2006 :24)
  14. ( Fine & Benko 2003 :458, 582)
  15. Charge of the Light Brigade, The Chess Variant Pages
  16. This seeming paradox results from the rook and bishop having almost equal mobility (14 vs. 13 squares in the centre of the board) but the bishop being colourbound while the rook is not
  17. ( Lasker 1915 :11)
  18. H. G. Muller. "Chess with Different Armies".
  19. ( Evans 1958 :77, 80)
  20. ( Mayer 1997 :7)
  21. pawn 2 at the start, 3.75 in the endgame; knight 9.25; bishop 9.75; rook 15; queen 23.75; king as attacking piece (in the endgame) 6.5; these values are divided by 3 and rounded
  22. In the 1817 edition of Philidor's Studies of Chess, the editor (Peter Pratt) gave the same values. Howard Staunton in The Chess-Player's Handbook and a later book gave these values without explaining how they were obtained. He notes that piece values are dependent on the position and the phase of the game (the queen typically less valuable toward the endgame) ( Staunton 1847 , 34)( Staunton 1870 , 30–31).
  23. 1 2 3 4 ( Hooper & Whyld 1996 :438–39, value of pieces)
  24. Handbuch des Schachspiels (1843) gave pawn 1.5; knight 5.3; bishop 5.3; rook 8.6; queen 15.5
  25. Lasker gave:
    • Knight = 3 pawns
    • Bishop = knight
    • Rook = knight plus 2 pawns
    • queen = 2 rooks = 3 knights
    • king = knight + pawn
  26. ( Lasker 1934 :73)
  27. ( Euwe & Kramer 1994 :11)
  28. Lasker gave these relative values for the early part of the game:
  29. ( Burgess 2000 :491)
  30. ( Lasker 1947 :107)
  31. ( Horowitz 1951 :11)
  32. ( Horowitz & Rothenberg 1963 :36)
  33. ( Turing 1988 :15)
  34. In his book New Ideas in Chess, Evans initially gives the bishop a value of 3.5 points (the same as a knight) but three pages later on the topic of the bishop pair states that theory says that it is actually worth about 0.25 point more.
  35. ( Evans 1958 :77,80)
  36. ( Soltis 2004 :6)
  37. ( Levy & Newborn 1991 :45)
  38. ( Fischer, Mosenfelder & Margulies 1972 :14)
  39. ( Brace 1977 :236)
  40. ( Kasparov 1986 :9)
  41. ( Berliner 1999 :14–18)
  42. All values rounded to the nearest 0.25 points. Kaufman elaborates about how the values of knights and rooks change, depending on the number of pawns on the board: "A further refinement would be to raise the knight's value by 0.0625(1/16) and lower the rook's value by 0.25 for each pawn above five of the side being valued, with the opposite adjustment for each pawn short of five."
  43. ( Kaufman 1999 )
  44. ( Kurzdorfer 2003 :94)
  45. ( Soltis 2004 :6)
  46. ( Soltis 2004 :10–12)
  47. All values rounded to the nearest 0.25 points. Kaufman's experience in Chess engine development helped him establishing a "scientific" method in calculating the relative value of the pieces. Work based on the study of thousands of games of elite players, analysed by the Chess engines: "A further refinement would be to raise the knight's value by 0.0625(1/16) and lower the rook's value by 0.25 for each pawn above five of the side being valued, with the opposite adjustment for each pawn short of five."
  48. Tomašev, Nenad; Paquet, Ulrich; Hassabis, Demis; Kramnik, Vladimir (2020-09-15), Assessing Game Balance with AlphaZero: Exploring Alternative Rule Sets in Chess, arXiv, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2009.04374, arXiv:2009.04374, retrieved 2025-02-04
  49. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Larry Kaufman, Chess Board Options, chapter 27
  50. ( Berliner 1999 :14–18)
  51. ( Berliner 1999 :18–20)
  52. ( Lolli 1763 :255)
  53. ( Alburt & Krogius 2005 :402–3)
  54. ( Seirawan 2003 :ix)
  55. ( Berliner 1999 :16–20)
  56. ( Purdy 2003 :146, 151)
  57. ( Berliner 1999 :13–14)
  58. ( Kaufeld & Kern 2011 :79)
  59. ( Silman 1998 :340–42)
  60. ( Watson 2006 :102)
  61. ( Pachman 1971 :11)
  62. ( Silman 1998 :340–41)
  63. ( Pachman 1971 :11)
