A free-electron laser (FEL) is a fourth generation light source producing extremely brilliant and short pulses of radiation. An FEL functions much as a laser but employs relativistic electrons as a gain medium instead of using stimulated emission from atomic or molecular excitations. [1] [2] In an FEL, a bunch of electrons passes through a magnetic structure called an undulator or wiggler to generate radiation, which re-interacts with the electrons to make them emit coherently, exponentially increasing its intensity.
As electron kinetic energy and undulator parameters can be adapted as desired, free-electron lasers are tunable and can be built for a wider frequency range than any other type of laser, [3] currently ranging in wavelength from microwaves, through terahertz radiation and infrared, to the visible spectrum, ultraviolet, and X-ray. [4]
The first free-electron laser was developed by John Madey in 1971 at Stanford University [5] using technology developed by Hans Motz and his coworkers, who built an undulator at Stanford in 1953, [6] [7] using the wiggler magnetic configuration. Madey used a 43 MeV electron beam [8] and 5 m long wiggler to amplify a signal.
To create an FEL, an electron gun is used. A beam of electrons is generated by a short laser pulse illuminating a photocathode located inside a microwave cavity and accelerated to almost the speed of light in a device called a photoinjector. The beam is further accelerated to a design energy by a particle accelerator, usually a linear particle accelerator. Then the beam passes through a periodic arrangement of magnets with alternating poles across the beam path, which creates a side to side magnetic field. The direction of the beam is called the longitudinal direction, while the direction across the beam path is called transverse. This array of magnets is called an undulator or a wiggler, because the Lorentz force of the field forces the electrons in the beam to wiggle transversely, traveling along a sinusoidal path about the axis of the undulator.
The transverse acceleration of the electrons across this path results in the release of photons, which are monochromatic but still incoherent, because the electromagnetic waves from randomly distributed electrons interfere constructively and destructively in time. The resulting radiation power scales linearly with the number of electrons. Mirrors at each end of the undulator create an optical cavity, causing the radiation to form standing waves, or alternately an external excitation laser is provided. The radiation becomes sufficiently strong that the transverse electric field of the radiation beam interacts with the transverse electron current created by the sinusoidal wiggling motion, causing some electrons to gain and others to lose energy to the optical field via the ponderomotive force.
This energy modulation evolves into electron density (current) modulations with a period of one optical wavelength. The electrons are thus longitudinally clumped into microbunches, separated by one optical wavelength along the axis. Whereas an undulator alone would cause the electrons to radiate independently (incoherently), the radiation emitted by the bunched electrons is in phase, and the fields add together coherently.
The radiation intensity grows, causing additional microbunching of the electrons, which continue to radiate in phase with each other. [9] This process continues until the electrons are completely microbunched and the radiation reaches a saturated power several orders of magnitude higher than that of the undulator radiation.
The wavelength of the radiation emitted can be readily tuned by adjusting the energy of the electron beam or the magnetic-field strength of the undulators.
FELs are relativistic machines. The wavelength of the emitted radiation, , is given by [10]
or when the wiggler strength parameter K, discussed below, is small
where is the undulator wavelength (the spatial period of the magnetic field), is the relativistic Lorentz factor and the proportionality constant depends on the undulator geometry and is of the order of 1.
This formula can be understood as a combination of two relativistic effects. Imagine you are sitting on an electron passing through the undulator. Due to Lorentz contraction the undulator is shortened by a factor and the electron experiences much shorter undulator wavelength . However, the radiation emitted at this wavelength is observed in the laboratory frame of reference and the relativistic Doppler effect brings the second factor to the above formula. In an X-ray FEL the typical undulator wavelength of 1 cm is transformed to X-ray wavelengths on the order of 1 nm by ≈ 2000, i.e. the electrons have to travel with the speed of 0.9999998c.
K, a dimensionless parameter, defines the wiggler strength as the relationship between the length of a period and the radius of bend,[ citation needed ]
where is the bending radius, is the applied magnetic field, is the electron mass, and is the elementary charge.
Expressed in practical units, the dimensionless undulator parameter is .
In most cases, the theory of classical electromagnetism adequately accounts for the behavior of free electron lasers. [11] For sufficiently short wavelengths, quantum effects of electron recoil and shot noise may have to be considered. [12]
Free-electron lasers require the use of an electron accelerator with its associated shielding, as accelerated electrons can be a radiation hazard if not properly contained. These accelerators are typically powered by klystrons, which require a high-voltage supply. The electron beam must be maintained in a vacuum, which requires the use of numerous vacuum pumps along the beam path. While this equipment is bulky and expensive, free-electron lasers can achieve very high peak powers, and the tunability of FELs makes them highly desirable in many disciplines, including chemistry, structure determination of molecules in biology, medical diagnosis, and nondestructive testing.
The Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin completed a mid-infrared and terahertz FEL in 2013. [13] [14]
At Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf two terahertz and mid-infrared FEL-based sources are in operation. FELBE is an FEL equipped with a cavity with continuous pulsing with a repetition rate of 13 MHz, pulsing with 1 kHz by applying a pulse picker, and macrobunch operation with bunch length > 100 µs and macrobunch repetition rates ≤ 25 Hz. Pulse duration and pulse energy vary with wavelength and lie in the range from 1 - 25 ps and 100 nJ - few µJ, respectively. [15] The TELBE facility is based on a superradiant undulator offering THz pulses ranging from 0.1 THz to 2.5 THz at repetition rates up to 500 kHz. [16]
The lack of mirror materials that can reflect extreme ultraviolet and x-rays means that X-ray free electron lasers (XFEL) need to work without a resonant cavity. Consequently, in an X-ray FEL (XFEL) the beam is produced by a single pass of radiation through the undulator. This requires that there be enough amplification over a single pass to produce an appropriate beam.
Hence, XFELs use long undulator sections that are tens or hundreds of meters long. This allows XFELs to produce the brightest X-ray pulses of any human-made x-ray source. The intense pulses from the X-ray laser lies in the principle of self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE), which leads to microbunching. Initially all electrons are distributed evenly and emit only incoherent spontaneous radiation. Through the interaction of this radiation and the electrons' oscillations, they drift into microbunches separated by a distance equal to one radiation wavelength. This interaction drives all electrons to begin emitting coherent radiation. Emitted radiation can reinforce itself perfectly whereby wave crests and wave troughs are optimally superimposed on one another. This results in an exponential increase of emitted radiation power, leading to high beam intensities and laser-like properties. [17]
Examples of facilities operating on the SASE FEL principle include the:
In 2022, an upgrade to Stanford University’s Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS-II) used temperatures around −271 °C to produce 106 pulses/second of near light-speed electrons, using superconducting niobium cavities. [19]
One problem with SASE FELs is the lack of temporal coherence due to a noisy startup process. To avoid this, one can "seed" an FEL with a laser tuned to the resonance of the FEL. Such a temporally coherent seed can be produced by more conventional means, such as by high harmonic generation (HHG) using an optical laser pulse. This results in coherent amplification of the input signal; in effect, the output laser quality is characterized by the seed. While HHG seeds are available at wavelengths down to the extreme ultraviolet, seeding is not feasible at x-ray wavelengths due to the lack of conventional x-ray lasers.
In late 2010, in Italy, the seeded-FEL source FERMI@Elettra [20] started commissioning, at the Trieste Synchrotron Laboratory. FERMI@Elettra is a single-pass FEL user-facility covering the wavelength range from 100 nm (12 eV) to 10 nm (124 eV), located next to the third-generation synchrotron radiation facility ELETTRA in Trieste, Italy.
In 2001, at Brookhaven national laboratory, a seeding technique called "High-Gain Harmonic-Generation" that works to X-ray wavelength has been developed. [21] The technique, which can be multiple-staged in an FEL to achieve increasingly shorter wavelengths, utilizes a longitudinal shift of the radiation relative to the electron bunch to avoid the reduced beam quality caused by a previous stage. This longitudinal staging along the beam is called "Fresh-Bunch". [22] This technique was demonstrated at x-ray wavelength [23] [24] at Trieste Synchrotron Laboratory.
A similar staging approach, named "Fresh-Slice", was demonstrated at the Paul Scherrer Institut, also at X-ray wavelengths. In the Fresh Slice the short X-ray pulse produced at the first stage is moved to a fresh part of the electron bunch by a transverse tilt of the bunch. [25]
In 2012, scientists working on the LCLS found an alternative solution to the seeding limitation for x-ray wavelengths by self-seeding the laser with its own beam after being filtered through a diamond monochromator. The resulting intensity and monochromaticity of the beam were unprecedented and allowed new experiments to be conducted involving manipulating atoms and imaging molecules. Other labs around the world are incorporating the technique into their equipment. [26] [27]
Researchers have explored X-ray free-electron lasers as an alternative to synchrotron light sources that have been the workhorses of protein crystallography and cell biology. [28]
Exceptionally bright and fast X-rays can image proteins using x-ray crystallography. This technique allows first-time imaging of proteins that do not stack in a way that allows imaging by conventional techniques, 25% of the total number of proteins. Resolutions of 0.8 nm have been achieved with pulse durations of 30 femtoseconds. To get a clear view, a resolution of 0.1–0.3 nm is required. The short pulse durations allow images of X-ray diffraction patterns to be recorded before the molecules are destroyed. [29] The bright, fast X-rays were produced at the Linac Coherent Light Source at SLAC. As of 2014, LCLS was the world's most powerful X-ray FEL. [30]
Due to the increased repetition rates of the next-generation X-ray FEL sources, such as the European XFEL, the expected number of diffraction patterns is also expected to increase by a substantial amount. [31] The increase in the number of diffraction patterns will place a large strain on existing analysis methods. To combat this, several methods have been researched to sort the huge amount of data that typical X-ray FEL experiments will generate. [32] [33] While the various methods have been shown to be effective, it is clear that to pave the way towards single-particle X-ray FEL imaging at full repetition rates, several challenges have to be overcome before the next resolution revolution can be achieved. [34] [35]
New biomarkers for metabolic diseases: taking advantage of the selectivity and sensitivity when combining infrared ion spectroscopy and mass spectrometry scientists can provide a structural fingerprint of small molecules in biological samples, like blood or urine. This new and unique methodology is generating exciting new possibilities to better understand metabolic diseases and develop novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
Research by Glenn Edwards and colleagues at Vanderbilt University's FEL Center in 1994 found that soft tissues including skin, cornea, and brain tissue could be cut, or ablated, using infrared FEL wavelengths around 6.45 micrometres with minimal collateral damage to adjacent tissue. [36] [37] This led to surgeries on humans, the first ever using a free-electron laser. Starting in 1999, Copeland and Konrad performed three surgeries in which they resected meningioma brain tumors. [38] Beginning in 2000, Joos and Mawn performed five surgeries that cut a window in the sheath of the optic nerve, to test the efficacy for optic nerve sheath fenestration. [39] These eight surgeries produced results consistent with the standard of care and with the added benefit of minimal collateral damage. A review of FELs for medical uses is given in the 1st edition of Tunable Laser Applications. [40]
Several small, clinical lasers tunable in the 6 to 7 micrometre range with pulse structure and energy to give minimal collateral damage in soft tissue have been created.[ citation needed ] At Vanderbilt, there exists a Raman shifted system pumped by an Alexandrite laser. [41]
Rox Anderson proposed the medical application of the free-electron laser in melting fats without harming the overlying skin. [42] At infrared wavelengths, water in tissue was heated by the laser, but at wavelengths corresponding to 915, 1210 and 1720 nm, subsurface lipids were differentially heated more strongly than water. The possible applications of this selective photothermolysis (heating tissues using light) include the selective destruction of sebum lipids to treat acne, as well as targeting other lipids associated with cellulite and body fat as well as fatty plaques that form in arteries which can help treat atherosclerosis and heart disease. [43]
FEL technology is being evaluated by the US Navy as a candidate for an anti-aircraft and anti-missile directed-energy weapon. The Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility's FEL has demonstrated over 14 kW power output. [44] Compact multi-megawatt class FEL weapons are undergoing research. [45] On June 9, 2009 the Office of Naval Research announced it had awarded Raytheon a contract to develop a 100 kW experimental FEL. [46] On March 18, 2010 Boeing Directed Energy Systems announced the completion of an initial design for U.S. Naval use. [47] A prototype FEL system was demonstrated, with a full-power prototype scheduled by 2018. [48]
The FEL prize is given to a person who has contributed significantly to the advancement of the field of free-electron lasers. In addition, it gives the international FEL community the opportunity to recognize its members for their outstanding achievements. The prize winners are announced at the FEL conference, which currently takes place every two years.
The Young Scientist FEL Award (or "Young Investigator FEL Prize") is intended to honor outstanding contributions to FEL science and technology from a person who is less than 37 years of age at the time of the FEL conference. [49]
DESY, short for Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, is a national research centre for fundamental science located in Hamburg and Zeuthen near Berlin in Germany. It operates particle accelerators used to investigate the structure, dynamics and function of matter, and conducts a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary scientific research in four main areas: particle and high energy physics; photon science; astroparticle physics; and the development, construction and operation of particle accelerators. Its name refers to its first project, an electron synchrotron. DESY is publicly financed by the Federal Republic of Germany and the Federal States of Hamburg and Brandenburg and is a member of the Helmholtz Association.
Synchrotron radiation is the electromagnetic radiation emitted when relativistic charged particles are subject to an acceleration perpendicular to their velocity. It is produced artificially in some types of particle accelerators or naturally by fast electrons moving through magnetic fields. The radiation produced in this way has a characteristic polarization, and the frequencies generated can range over a large portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
A synchrotron light source is a source of electromagnetic radiation (EM) usually produced by a storage ring, for scientific and technical purposes. First observed in synchrotrons, synchrotron light is now produced by storage rings and other specialized particle accelerators, typically accelerating electrons. Once the high-energy electron beam has been generated, it is directed into auxiliary components such as bending magnets and insertion devices in storage rings and free electron lasers. These supply the strong magnetic fields perpendicular to the beam that are needed to stimulate the high energy electrons to emit photons.
A photocathode is a surface engineered to convert light (photons) into electrons using the photoelectric effect. Photocathodes are important in accelerator physics where they are utilised in a photoinjector to generate high brightness electron beams. Electron beams generated with photocathodes are commonly used for free electron lasers and for ultrafast electron diffraction. Photocathodes are also commonly used as the negatively charged electrode in a light detection device such as a photomultiplier, phototube and image intensifier.
An insertion device (ID) is a component in modern synchrotron light sources, so called because they are "inserted" into accelerator tracks. They are periodic magnetic structures that stimulate highly brilliant, forward-directed synchrotron radiation emission by forcing a stored charged particle beam to perform wiggles, or undulations, as they pass through the device. This motion is caused by the Lorentz force, and it is from this oscillatory motion that we get the names for the two classes of device, which are known as wigglers and undulators. As well as creating a brighter light, some insertion devices enable tuning of the light so that different frequencies can be generated for different applications.
An undulator is an insertion device from high-energy physics and usually part of a larger installation, a synchrotron storage ring, or it may be a component of a free electron laser. It consists of a periodic structure of dipole magnets. These can be permanent magnets or superconducting magnets. The static magnetic field alternates along the length of the undulator with a wavelength . Electrons traversing the periodic magnet structure are forced to undergo oscillations and thus to radiate energy. The radiation produced in an undulator is very intense and concentrated in narrow energy bands in the spectrum. It is also collimated on the orbit plane of the electrons. This radiation is guided through beamlines for experiments in various scientific areas.
The Smith–Purcell effect was the precursor of the free-electron laser (FEL). It was studied by Steve Smith, a graduate student under the guidance of Edward Purcell. In their experiment, they sent an energetic beam of electrons very closely parallel to the surface of a ruled optical diffraction grating, and thereby generated visible light. Smith showed there was negligible effect on the trajectory of the inducing electrons. Essentially, this is a form of Cherenkov radiation where the phase velocity of the light has been altered by the periodic grating. However, unlike Cherenkov radiation, there is no minimum or threshold particle velocity.
Electron scattering occurs when electrons are displaced from their original trajectory. This is due to the electrostatic forces within matter interaction or, if an external magnetic field is present, the electron may be deflected by the Lorentz force. This scattering typically happens with solids such as metals, semiconductors and insulators; and is a limiting factor in integrated circuits and transistors.
Interference lithography is a technique that uses coherent light for patterning regular arrays of fine features without the use of complex optical systems or photomasks.
X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES), also known as near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS), is a type of absorption spectroscopy that indicates the features in the X-ray absorption spectra (XAS) of condensed matter due to the photoabsorption cross section for electronic transitions from an atomic core level to final states in the energy region of 50–100 eV above the selected atomic core level ionization energy, where the wavelength of the photoelectron is larger than the interatomic distance between the absorbing atom and its first neighbour atoms.
Self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) is a process within a free-electron laser (FEL) by which a laser beam is created from a high-energy electron beam.
Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste is an international research center located in Basovizza on the outskirts of Trieste, Italy.
The Swiss Light Source (SLS) is a synchrotron located at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland for producing electromagnetic radiation of high brightness. Planning started in 1991, the project was approved in 1997, and first light from the storage ring was seen at December 15, 2000. The experimental program started in June 2001 and it is used for research in materials science, biology and chemistry.
The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility is an X-ray research laser facility commissioned during 2017. The first laser pulses were produced in May 2017 and the facility started user operation in September 2017. The international project with twelve participating countries; nine shareholders at the time of commissioning, later joined by three other partners, is located in the German federal states of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. A free-electron laser generates high-intensity electromagnetic radiation by accelerating electrons to relativistic speeds and directing them through special magnetic structures. The European XFEL is constructed such that the electrons produce X-ray light in synchronisation, resulting in high-intensity X-ray pulses with the properties of laser light and at intensities much brighter than those produced by conventional synchrotron light sources.
A particle accelerator is a machine that uses electromagnetic fields to propel charged particles to very high speeds and energies to contain them in well-defined beams. Small accelerators are used for fundamental research in particle physics. Accelerators are also used as synchrotron light sources for the study of condensed matter physics. Smaller particle accelerators are used in a wide variety of applications, including particle therapy for oncological purposes, radioisotope production for medical diagnostics, ion implanters for the manufacturing of semiconductors, and accelerator mass spectrometers for measurements of rare isotopes such as radiocarbon.
An energy recovery linac (ERL) is a type of linear particle accelerator that provides a beam of electrons used to produce x-rays by synchrotron radiation. First proposed in 1965 the idea gained interest since the early 2000s.
The SPring-8 Angstrom Compact free electron LAser, referred to as SACLA, is an X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) in Harima Science Garden City, Japan, embedded in the SPring-8 accelerator and synchrotron complex. When it first came into operation 2011, it was the second XFEL in the world and the first in Japan.
Serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) is a form of X-ray crystallography developed for use at X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs). Single pulses at free-electron lasers are bright enough to generate resolvable Bragg diffraction from sub-micron crystals. However, these pulses also destroy the crystals, meaning that a full data set involves collecting diffraction from many crystals. This method of data collection is referred to as serial, referencing a row of crystals streaming across the X-ray beam, one at a time.
Janos Hajdu is a Swedish/Hungarian scientist, who has made contributions to biochemistry, biophysics, and the science of X-ray free-electron lasers. He is a professor of molecular biophysics at Uppsala University and a leading scientist at the European Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC in Prague.
The Compact Linear Accelerator for Research and Applications (CLARA) is a scientific user facility at Daresbury Laboratory. It is an electron linear accelerator (linac) currently under construction in the Electron Hall.