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Temporal range: Early Jurassic
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Clade: Synapsida
Clade: Therapsida
Clade: Cynodontia
Clade: Mammaliaformes
Order: Morganucodonta
Family: Morganucodontidae (?)
Genus: Indotherium
Yadagiri, 1984
I. pranhitai
Binomial name
Indotherium pranhitai
Yadagiri, 1984

Indotherium is an extinct genus of mammaliaforms that lived in what is now India during the Early Jurassic. It contains one species, I. pranhitai, which is known from two upper molar teeth found in the Kota Formation of Telangana. [1] When it was first described, it was assigned to the paraphyletic group "Symmetrodonta", but later studies have reinterpreted it as a possible member of the family Morganucodontidae. [1] [2]

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  1. 1 2 Prasad, G. V. R.; Manhas, B. K. (2002). "Triconodont mammals from the Jurassic Kota Formation of India". Geodiversitas. 24 (2): 445–464.
  2. Clemens, W. A. (2011). "New morganucodontans from an Early Jurassic fissure filling in Wales (United Kingdom)". Palaeontology. 54 (5): 1139–1156. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4983.2011.01094.x .