List of German Nobel laureates

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From the Nobel Prize's establishment in 1901 until 1956, Germany had the highest number of Nobel laureates in the world. [1] Today, Germany is the nation with the 3rd most Nobel Prize winners: 2nd most in the category of physics, 3rd most in chemistry [2] and physiology or medicine, [3] and 4th most in literature. Overall, there are 115 German Nobel Prize laureates.


Nobel Peace Prize

Gustav Stresemann 19261878–1929Reconciliation with France to ensure peace in Europe Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1989-040-27, Gustav Stresemann.jpg
Ludwig Quidde 19281858–1941Organization of peace conferences Ludwig Quidde nobel.jpg
Carl von Ossietzky 19351889–1938Commitment against German militarism as editor of Weltbühne Carl von Ossietzky.jpg
Albert Schweitzer 19521875–1965Work against the nuclear armament Bundesarchiv Bild 183-D0116-0041-019, Albert Schweitzer.jpg
Willy Brandt 19711913–1992 Ostpolitik Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F057884-0009, Willy Brandt.jpg
Henry Kissinger 19731923–2023Negotiation of a ceasefire in the Vietnam War Henry A. Kissinger, U.S. Secretary of State, 1973-1977.jpg

Nobel Prize in Literature

Theodor Mommsen 19021817–1903 The History of Rome Theodor Mommsen 2.jpg
Rudolf Eucken 19081846–1926"for serious seeking after truth, penetrating thought, breadth and warmth of presentation, with which he has represented and developed an ideal worldview in numerous works" Eucken-im-Alter.png
Paul Heyse 19101830–1914his fictional works Paul Heyse 1910.jpg
Gerhart Hauptmann 19121862–1946"for his fruitful and versatile work in the realm of dramatic poetry" Scolik - Gerhart Hauptmann.jpg
Thomas Mann 19291875–1955 Buddenbrooks Thomas Mann 1937.jpg
Hermann Hesse 19461877–1962"for his work imbued with profound immersion that developed ever more boldly and incisively, revealing the ideals of classical humanism along with a high artistic style" Hermann Hesse 1927 Photo Gret Widmann.jpg
Nelly Sachs 19661891–1970"for her outstanding lyrical and dramatic works that interpret the fate of Israel with moving strength" Nelly Sachs 1910 repaired.jpg
Heinrich Böll 19721917–1985Complete works Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F062164-0004, Bonn, Heinrich Boll.jpg
Günter Grass 19991927–2015Life's work Gunter Grass auf dem Blauen Sofa.jpg
Herta Müller 2009* 1953Complete works Herta Muller Literaturfest Munchen 2016.jpg

Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Emil Fischer 19021852–1919Research on sugar and purine groups Hermann Emil Fischer c1895.jpg
Adolf von Baeyer 19051835–1917Work on organic dyes and hydroaromatic compounds Baeyer 1893.jpg
Eduard Buchner 19071860–1917Discovery of cell-free fermentation Eduardbuchner.jpg
Wilhelm Ostwald 19091853–1932Work on Catalysis Wilhelm Ostwald.jpg
Otto Wallach 19101847–1931Research in the field of cyclic hydrocarbons Otto Wallach 1910.jpg
Richard Willstätter 19151872–1942Research on chlorophyll Willstatter Portr 07881.jpg
Fritz Haber 19181868–1934Development of a process for producing Ammonia Portret van Professor Fritz Haber, een chemicus uit Duitsland (foto 1918- 1934), SFA002023057.jpg
Walther Nernst 19201864–1941Research on Thermochemistry Walther Nernst SI.jpg
Heinrich Otto Wieland 19271877–1957Research on Bile Acids Heinrich Wieland.jpg
Adolf Windaus 19281876–1959"for merits regarding the research on the structure of sterines and their relationship with vitamins" Windaus.jpg
Hans von Euler-Chelpin 19291873–1964"for research on sugar fermentation and the contribution of enzymes to this process" Euler-chelpin.jpg
Hans Fischer 19301881–1945 Hemin synthesis Hans Fischer (Nobel).jpg
Friedrich Bergius 19311884–1949"for contributions to the discovery and development of chemical high-pressure processes" Bergius.jpg
Carl Bosch 19311874–1940Development of chemical high-pressure processes Carl Bosch.jpg
Richard Kuhn 19381900–1967"for his work on carotenoids and vitamins" Richard Kuhn ETH-Bib Dia 248-065.jpg
Adolf Butenandt 19391903–1995Research on Steroid Hormones Bad Schachen Portrat; Adolf Butenandt - W134Nr.020182c - Willy Pragher (cropped).jpg
Otto Hahn 19441879–1968"for his discovery of the fission of heavy atomic nuclei" Otto Hahn (Nobel).jpg
Otto Diels 19501876–1954Discovery of the Diels-Alder Reaction Otto Diels 1915 Kiel.jpg
Kurt Alder 19501902–1958Discovery of the Diels-Alder Reaction Kurt Alder Nobel.jpg
Hermann Staudinger 19531881–1965Founding of Polymer Chemistry Hermann Staudinger ETH-Bib Portr 14419-3.jpg
Karl Ziegler 19631898–1973Discoveries in the field of Polymers Karl Ziegler Nobel.jpg
Manfred Eigen 19671927–2019Measurement of the rates of fast chemical reactions Eigen,Manfred 1996 Gottingen.jpg
Gerhard Herzberg 19711904–1999"for his contributions to the knowledge of the electronic structure and geometry of molecules, especially free radicals" Herzberg,Gerhard 1952 London.jpg
Ernst Otto Fischer 19731917–2007Research on organometallic sandwich complexes
Georg Wittig 19791897–1987 Wittig Reaction
Johann Deisenhofer 1988* 1943"for the investigation of the three-dimensional structure of the reaction center of Photosynthesis in a purple bacterium" 39. Tagung 1989 Chemiker; Pressekonferenz Johann Deisenhofer - W134Nr.126215c - Willy Pragher (cropped).jpg
Robert Huber 1988* 1937"for the investigation of the three-dimensional structure of the reaction center of Photosynthesis in a purple bacterium" Robert Huber.JPG
Hartmut Michel 1988* 1948"for the investigation of the three-dimensional structure of the reaction center of Photosynthesis in a purple bacterium" 22 MPI BP Hartmut Michel 221028 quadrat.jpg
Gerhard Ertl 2007* 1936"for studies of chemical processes on solid surfaces" Prof Ertl-Portrait.jpg
Stefan Hell 2014* 1962"for the development of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy" Stefan W Hell.jpg
Joachim Frank 2017* 1940"for the development of Cryo-Electron Microscopy for high-resolution structure determination of biomolecules" Joachim Frank.jpg
Benjamin List 2021* 1968"for the development of asymmetric organocatalysis to accelerate chemical reactions" Empfang fur Benjamin List im Rathaus Koln-7597-crop.jpg

Nobel Prize in Physics

Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen 19011845–1923Discovery of X-Rays Roentgen2.jpg
Philipp Lenard 19051862–1947Research in solid state and atomic physics Lenard.jpg
Ferdinand Braun 19091850–1918Contribution to the development of wireless Telegraphy Braun 1909.jpg
Wilhelm Wien 19111864–1928Research on Thermal Radiation Wilhelm Wien 1911.jpg
Max von Laue 19141879–1960Diffraction of X-rays by crystals Bundesarchiv Bild 183-U0205-502, Max von Laue.jpg
Max Planck 19181858–1947Discovery of the Planck constant Max Planck (1858-1947).jpg
Johannes Stark 19191874–1957Discovery of the optical Doppler Effect and the Stark Effect Johannes Stark.jpg
Albert Einstein 19211879–1955"for his contributions to theoretical physics, especially for his discovery of the law of the Photoelectric Effect" Einstein 1921 portrait2.jpg
James Franck 19251882–1964Confirmation of the Bohr Atom Model James Franck.jpg
Gustav Hertz 19251887–1975Confirmation of the Bohr Atom Model Gustav Hertz.jpg
Werner Heisenberg 19321901–1976Founding of Quantum Mechanics Bundesarchiv Bild183-R57262, Werner Heisenberg.jpg
Max Born 19541882–1970Fundamental research in quantum mechanics Max Born.jpg
Walther Bothe 19541891–1957Development of the Coincidence Method Bothe.jpg
Rudolf Mößbauer 19611929–2011Discovery of the Mößbauer Effect Mossbauer.jpg
J. Hans D. Jensen 19631907–1973Development of the Shell Model of atomic nuclei Johannes Hans Daniel Jensen (1907-1973).jpg
Maria Goeppert-Mayer 19631906–1972Development of the Shell Model of atomic nuclei Maria Goeppert-Mayer.jpg
Klaus von Klitzing 1985* 1943Discovery of the Quantized Hall Effect Klaus von Klitzing 2015.jpg
Gerd Binnig 1986* 1947Development of the Scanning Tunneling Microscope Gerd Binnig at the Memorial Symposium for Heinrich Rohrer (cropped) 2.jpg
Ernst Ruska 19861906–1988Invention of the Electron Microscope
Johannes Georg Bednorz 1987* 1950Discovery of ceramic High-Temperature Superconductors Georg Bednorz speaking at the groundbreaking of the new IBM and ETH Zurich Nanotech Exploratory Technology Lab.jpg
Wolfgang Paul 19891913–1993Development of the ion trap (Paul Trap)
Hans Georg Dehmelt 19891922–2017Development of the Ion Trap
Horst Ludwig Störmer 1998* 1949"for the discovery of a new type of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations" Horst Stormer cropped.jpg
Herbert Kroemer 20001928–2024Development of semiconductor heterostructures for high-speed and optoelectronics Herbert Kroemer.jpg
Wolfgang Ketterle 2001* 1957Generation of the Bose-Einstein Condensate Ketterle.jpg
Theodor W. Hänsch 2005* 1941Development of the Frequency Comb in connection with his other achievements Theodor W Haensch.jpg
Peter Grünberg 20071939–2018"for the discovery of Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR)" Peter Gruenberg 01.jpg
Reinhard Genzel 2020* 1952"for the discovery of a supermassive compact object at the center of our galaxy" Reinhard Genzel.jpg
Klaus Hasselmann 2021* 1931"for groundbreaking contributions to the understanding of complex physical systems", specifically

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Emil Behring 19011854–1907Work on serum therapy E A Behring.jpg
Robert Koch 19051843–1910Discovery of the pathogens of anthrax, tuberculosis, and cholera Robert Koch.jpg
Paul Ehrlich 19081854–1915Foundation of immunology Paul Ehrlich 1915.jpg
Albrecht Kossel 19101853–1927"in recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of cell chemistry through his work on proteins, including the nuclear substances" Kossel, Albrecht (1853-1927).jpg
Otto Fritz Meyerhof 19221884–1951Research on metabolism in muscle Otto Fritz Meyerhof.jpg
Otto Heinrich Warburg 19311883–1970Research on respiratory ferment Otto Heinrich Warburg (cropped).jpg
Hans Spemann 19351869–1941Discovery of the organizer effect and artificial cloning of organisms with Hilde Mangold Hans Spemann nobel.jpg
Otto Loewi 19361873–1961"for discoveries in the chemical transmission of nerve impulses" Otto Loewi.jpg
Gerhard Domagk 19391895–1964Discovery of the antibacterial effects of the sulfonamide Prontosil Gerhard Domagk nobel.jpg
Ernst Boris Chain 19451906–1979Discovery of Penicillin Ernst Boris Chain 1945.jpg
Hans Adolf Krebs 19531900–1981Discovery of the Citric Acid Cycle Hans Adolf Krebs.jpg
Werner Forßmann 19561904–1979"for discoveries on cardiac catheterization and pathological changes in the circulatory system" Werner Forssmann 1959.jpg
Feodor Lynen 19641911–1979Research on the regulation of cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism Feodor Lynen with pipette.jpg
Konrad Bloch 19641912–2000Research on the regulation of cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism Konrad Bloch.JPG
Max Delbrück 19691906–1981Foundation of modern molecular biology and genetics Maxdelbruck.jpg
Bernard Katz 19701911–2003Work on the quantized form of synaptic transmission Sir Bernard Katz.jpg
Karl von Frisch 19731886–1982"discoveries regarding the organization and triggering of individual and social behavior patterns" Karl von Frisch - Atelier Veritas, c. 1926.jpg
Georges J. F. Köhler 19841946–1995Research on the immune system and monoclonal antibodies 40. Tagung 1990 Mediziner Portraits; Prof. Kohler (Freiburg) - W134Nr.126381c1 - Willy Pragher (cropped).jpg
Erwin Neher 1991* 1944Discoveries on the function of individual ion channels in cells Erwin neher 2007 lindau.jpg
Bert Sakmann 1991* 1942"for the development of a method for the direct detection of ion channels in cell membranes for the study of signal transmission within and between cells" Sakmann (cropped).jpg
Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard 1995* 1942Research on the genetic control of early embryonic development Christiane Nusslein-Volhard mg 4372.jpg
Günter Blobel 19991936–2018"for the discovery of signals embedded in proteins that control their transport and localization within the cell" Gunter Blobel 2008 1.JPG
Harald zur Hausen 20081936–2023Research on human papillomavirus Harald zur Hausen 01.jpg
Thomas Südhof 2013* 1955Research on the transport system of cells Thomas c sudhof.jpg

Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel

NameYearLife DatesDistinguished ContributionsImage
Reinhard Selten 19941930–2016Research on game theory Reinhard Selten2.jpg


  1. Schmidhuber, Jürgen (14 September 2010). "Evolution of National Nobel Prize Shares in the 20th Century". IDSIA. Archived from the original on 30 March 2024. Retrieved 21 June 2024.