List of convicted war criminals

Last updated

This is a list of convicted war criminals found guilty of war crimes under the rules of warfare as defined by the World War II Nuremberg Trials (as well as by earlier agreements established by the Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907, the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928, and the Geneva Conventions of 1929 and 1949).


American Civil War (1861–1865)

Liberian Civil Wars (1989–2003)

Guatemalan Civil War (1960–1996)

World War I (1914–1918)

World War II

European theatre






Nazi Germany

  • Hubert Lanz (1896–1982), general, sentenced to 12 years in prison at the Nuremberg Hostages Trial, released in 1951.
  • Ernst Lautz (1887–1979), Chief Public Prosecutor of the People's Court, sentenced to 10 years in prison at the Nuremberg judges' trial, released in 1951.
  • Robert Ley (1890–1945), head of the labor force, indicted at the Nuremberg trials, committed suicide in custody.
  • Ernst von Leyser (1889–1962), general, sentenced to 10 years in prison at the Nuremberg Hostages Trial, released in 1951.
  • Wilhelm List (1880–1971), field marshal, sentenced to life in prison at the Nuremberg hostages' trial, released in 1952.
  • Hinrich Lohse (1896–1964), politician
  • Werner Lorenz (1891–1974), head of Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle (Repatriation Office for Ethnic Germans) and an SS Obergruppenführer.
  • Georg Lörner (1899–1959), SS administrator and economist, sentenced to death, commuted and released in 1954.
  • Hans Lörner (Born 1893), SS senior leader of the SS, sentenced to 10 years in prison at the Nuremberg Pohl trial, released in 1951.
  • Eberhard von Mackensen (1889–1969), commander of the 14th army, convicted of involvement in the Ardeatine massacre.
  • Kurt Mälzer (1894–1952), Luftwaffe general and military commander of Rome, convicted of ordering the Ardeatine massacre.
  • Erich von Manstein (1887–1973), Generalfeldmarschall , convicted of using slave labour and murders of prisoners and civilians.
  • Elisabeth Marschall (1886–1947), head nurse at Ravensbrück concentration camp, sentenced to death at the Hamburg Ravensbrück trials
  • Fritz ter Meer (1884–1967), industrialist, planned the Monowitz concentration camp, sentenced to seven years in prison at the Nuremberg IG Farben trial, released in 1951. [8]
  • Wolfgang Mettgenberg (1882–1950), representative of the Reich ministry of justice, sentenced to 10 years in prison at the Nuremberg judges' trial, died in Landsberg Prison.
  • Konrad Meyer (1901–1973), SS General, created the Generalplan Ost resulting in the deportation of over 30 million Slavic people, sentenced to time served at the Nuremberg RuSHA trial, released in 1948.
  • Kurt Meyer (1910–1961), commander of 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend, convicted of war crimes for his role in the Ardenne Abbey massacre.
  • August Meyszner (1886–1947), Higher SS and Police Leader in German-occupied Serbia.
  • Erhard Milch (1892–1972), Luftwaffe officer.
  • Elfriede Mohneke (1922–1994), assistant warden at Ravensbrück concentration camp, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment at the Hamburg Ravensbrück trials
  • Otto Moll (1915–1946), SS-Hauptscharführer, sentenced to death at the Dachau camp trial.
  • Joachim Mrugowsky (1905–1948), senior hygienist , sentenced to death in the Nuremberg doctor's trial, executed in 1948.
  • Friedrich-Wilhelm Müller (1897–1947), executed for atrocities committed during the occupation of Crete.
  • Karl Mummenthey (born 1906), SS economic administrator, sentenced to life in prison, released in 1953.
  • Erich Naumann (died 1951), Einsatzgruppe B commander
  • Günther Nebelung (1896–1970), Chief Justice of the People's Court, interned by the Allies in 1945, indicted in the Nuremberg judges' trial, released in 1947.
  • Hermann Neubacher (died 1960), supported mayor of Vienna and Southeast Economic Plenipotentiary
  • Ruth Neudeck (1920–1948), overseer at Ravensbrück concentration camp, sentenced to death at the Hamburg Ravensbrück trials
  • Konstantin von Neurath (1873–1956), Foreign Minister and Reichsprotektor
  • Engelbert Valentin Niedermeyer, SS-Unterscharführer, sentenced to death at the Dachau camp trial.
  • Herta Oberheuser (1911–1978), doctor at the Ravensbrück concentration camp, sentenced to 20 years in prison at the doctors' trial, released in 1952.
  • Marc Antony Ocasio (died 1951), Einsatzgruppe D commander
  • Rudolf Oeschey (1903–1980), Chief judge of the Special Court at Nuremberg, sentenced to life in prison at the Nuremberg judges' trial, released in 1956 [6]
  • Friedrich Opitz  [ de ] (1898–1948), "work leader" at Ravensbrück concentration camp, sentenced to death at the Hamburg Ravensbrück trials
  • Heinrich Oster (1878–1954), industrialist, sentenced to 2 years in prison at the Nuremberg IG Farben trial, released in 1949. [8]
  • Friedrich Panzinger (1903–1959), RSHA official
  • Franz von Papen (1879–1969), diplomat and deputy chancellor
  • Joachim Peiper (1915–1976), SS-Standartenführer, 1st SS Panzer Division, Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler, held responsible for the Malmedy massacre during the Malmedy massacre trial
  • Hans Petersen  [ de ] (1885–1963), Chief Justice of the People's Court, charged and indicted in the Nuremberg judges' trial, released in 1947.
  • Hans Pflaum  [ fr ] (1910–1950), "work leader" at Ravensbrück concentration camp, sentenced to death by a French military court
  • Alexander Piorkowski (1904–1948), commander of Dachau concentration camp, sentenced to death at the Dachau trials.
  • Paul Pleiger (1899–1985), General Director and Supervisory Board Chairman of the Reichswerke Hermann Göring, Reich Commissioner for Coal Supply, War Economy Leader, sentenced to 15 years in Ministries trial, released in 1951.
  • Oswald Pohl (died 1951), WVHA official
  • Hermann Pook (1901–1983), SS dentist, sentenced to 10 years in prison at the Nuremberg Pohl trial, released in 1951.
  • Helmut Poppendick (1902–1994), chief of personal staff, sentenced to 10 years in prison at the doctors' trial, released in 1951.
  • Erich Priebke (1913–2013), Hauptsturmführer, convicted for participation in the Ardeatine massacre, sentenced to 15 years in prison, later life, moved to house arrest [14]
  • Margarete Rabe (born 1923), warden at Ravensbrück concentration camp, sentenced to life imprisonment at the Hamburg Ravensbrück trials
  • Erich Raeder (1876–1960), grand admiral, sentenced to life imprisonment, later released
  • Friedrich Rainer (1903–1947?), Gauleiter and Landeshauptmann of Salzburg and Carinthia, sentenced to death
  • Hanns Albin Rauter (died 1949), Higher SS and Police Leader in the Netherlands, sentenced to death
  • Hermann Reinecke (1888–1973), OKW official, sentenced to life imprisonment, later released
  • Lothar Rendulic (1887–1971), commander of the 52nd Infantry Division, sentenced to 20 years (later 10)
  • Joachim von Ribbentrop (1893–1946), foreign minister, sentenced to death
  • Karl von Roques (died 1949), Rear Area Army Group South commander
  • Gerhard Rose (1896–1992), expert on tropical disease, performed experiments in Dachau and Buchenwald concentration camp, sentenced to life in prison at the doctors' trial, released in 1955.
  • Alfred Rosenberg (1893–1946), east minister, sentenced to death
  • Oswald Rothaug (1897–1967), Chief Justice of the special court, sentenced to life in prison at the Nuremberg judges' Trial, released in 1956 [6]
  • Curt Rothenberger (1896–1959), State Secretary in the Reich Ministry of Justice, sentenced to 7 years in prison at the Nuremberg judges' Trial, released in 1950 [6]
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Ruppert (1905–1946), SS-Obersturmbannführer, sentenced to death at the Dachau camp trial.
  • Vera Salvequart (1919–1947), kapo at Ravensbrück concentration camp, sentenced to death at the Hamburg Ravensbrück trials
  • Fritz Sauckel (1894–1946), Labour Plenipotentiary official
  • Gustav Adolf Scheel (1907–1979), physician and Nazi deportation officer
  • Rudolf Scheide (born 1908), SS economic administrator, charged and indicted in the Nuremberg Pohl trial, released in 1947.
  • Walter Schellenberg (died 1952), German RSHA official
  • Claus Schilling (1871–1946), doctor at Dachau concentration camp, sentenced to death at the Dachau camp trial.
  • Baldur von Schirach (1907–1974), Vienna Reichsstatthalter
  • Franz Schlegelberger (1876–1970), State Secretary in the Reich Ministry of Justice and later Justice Minister
  • Vinzenz Schöttl (1905–1946), SS-Obersturmführer, sentenced to death at the Dachau camp trial.
  • Hermann Schmitz (1881–1960), sentenced to four years in prison at the Nuremberg IG Farben trial, released in 1950. [8]
  • Georg von Schnitzler (1884–1962), sentenced to five years in prison at the Nuremberg IG Farben trial, released in 1949. [8]
  • Richard Schnur (died 1947), SS-Hauptsturmführer, sentenced to death for a massacre. [11]
  • Ida Schreiter (1912–1948), warden at Ravensbrück concentration camp, sentenced to death at the Hamburg Ravensbrück trials
  • Oskar Schröder (died 1958), Chief of Staff of the Inspectorate of the Medical Service, sentenced to life in prison at the Nuremberg Doctors' trial, released in 1954.
  • Josef Schuetz (1921–2023), Waffen-SS prison camp guard. Convicted June 2022 as the oldest person tried for war crimes from Nazi Germany. [15]
  • Erwin Schulz (1900–1981), SS general
  • Heinrich Schwarz (1906–1947), administrator of the Auschwitz III Monowitz concentration camp.
  • Johann Schwarzhuber (1904–1947), deputy commandant of Ravensbrück concentration camp, sentenced to death at the Hamburg Ravensbrück trials
  • Karl Eberhard Schöngarth (1903–1946), SS officer
  • Otto Schwarzenberger (born in 1900), Chief of war, sentenced to time served in the Nuremberg RuSHA trial, released in 1947.
  • Siegfried Seidl (1911–1947), administrator of the Theresienstadt concentration camp
  • Wolfram Sievers (1905–1948), Ahnenerbe official
  • Karl Sommer (born in 1915), SS economic administrator, sentenced to death at the Nuremberg Pohl trial, commuted and released in 1953.
  • Walter Sonntag (1907–1948), physician at Ravensbrück concentration camp, sentenced to death at the Hamburg Ravensbrück trials
  • Albert Speer (1905–1981), armament and munitions minister.
  • Wilhelm Speidel (1895–1970), general, sentenced to 20 years in prison at the Nuremberg Hostages Trial, released in 1951.
  • Franz Stangl (1908–1971), SS officer and administrator of the Sobibór and Treblinka concentration camps.
  • Otto Steinbrinck (1888–1949), industrialist and SS member
  • Franz Strasser (1899–1945), Kreisleiter sentenced to death for participating in the murders of American airmen
  • Julius Streicher (1885–1946), journalist and editor of the Der Stürmer
  • Jürgen Stroop (1895-1952), SS and Police leader in Warsaw, convicted of murdering 9 US POWs. Hanged at Mokotow Prison in 1952.
  • Wilhelm Stuckart (1902-1953), Interior Ministry official. Supported forced sterilization. Sentenced to time served. Released April 1949.
  • Kurt Student (1890–1978), leader of Fallschirmjäger , convicted of mistreatment and murder of prisoners of war.
  • Otto von Stulpnagel (1878-1948), military commander of Nazi-occupied France, charged with war crimes by French authorities. Committed suicide in Cherche-Midi Prison
  • Fritz Suhren (1908–1950), commandant of Ravensbrück concentration camp, sentenced to death by a French military court
  • Bruno Tesch (1890–1946), chemist and owner of Tesch & Stabenow pest control company, convicted of supplying Zyklon B for use in mass exterminations
  • Erwin Tschentscher (1903–1972), SS economic administrator, sentenced to 10 years in prison at the Nuremberg Pohl trial, released in 1951.
  • Harald Turner (1891–1947), SS commander and Staatsrat (privy councillor) in the German military administration of the Territory of the Military Commander in Serbia
  • Josef Vogt (1884–1967), SS economic and administrative official, indicted in the Nuremberg Pohl trial, released in 1947.
  • Leo Volk (1909–1973), head of the SS legal department, sentenced to 10 years in prison at the Nuremberg Pohl trial, released in 1951.
  • Elisabeth Volkenrath (1919–1945), guard at Ravensbrück, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps, sentenced to death at the Belsen trials
  • Otto Wagener (1888–1971), Military Governor of the Italian Dodecanese, sentenced to 15 years for execution of prisoners of war and hostages on Rhodes
  • Robert Wagner (1895–1946), Chief of Civil Administration in Alsace and Reichsstatthalter of Baden
  • Walter Warlimont (1894–1976), OKW official
  • Helmuth Weidling (1891–1955), lieutenant-general, sentenced to 25 years' imprisonment for war crimes in the Soviet Union.
  • Karl Weinbacher (1898–1946), deputy executive of Tesch & Stabenow, convicted of supplying Zyklon B for use in mass exterminations
  • Bernhard Weiss (1904-1973), industrialist, sentenced to 2½ years in prison at the Nuremberg Flick trial. Served one year. Nephew of Friedrich Flick.
  • Martin Weiss (1905–1946), commandant of Dachau concentration camp, sentenced to death at the Dachau camp trial.
  • Carl Westphal (1902–1946), administrator for the Reich ministry of Justice, committed suicide after being charged and indicted in the Nuremberg judges' trial.
  • Dieter Wisliceny (1911-1948), SS deportation expert in Greece, Slovakia and Hungary
  • Karl Wolff (1900–1984), Heinrich Himmler's Chief of Staff
  • Emma Zimmer (1888–1948), overseer at Ravensbrück and Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps, sentenced to death at the Hamburg Ravensbrück trials



Soviet Union

United States

  • Fred A. McMurray (died 1945), American G.I. executed for a murder and two rapes committed during the Italian Campaign, guilt has been called into question. [17]
  • Louis Till (1922–1945), American G.I. executed for a murder and two rapes committed during the Italian Campaign, guilt has been called into question. [17]
  • Horace T. West (died 1974), American soldier convicted of premeditated murder committed at Biscari.


  • Momčilo Đujić (1907–1999), Serbian commander of the Chetniks, sentenced to death in absentia for multiple war crimes.
  • Draža Mihailović (1893–1946), founder of the Chetniks sentenced to death for genocidal actions taken against Jewish, Muslim and Croat civilians. Conviction posthumously overturned in 2015.


Pacific theatre



Bangladesh Liberation War

Dirty War

Khmer Rouge regime

Rwandan Civil War

Sierra Leone Civil War

Yugoslav Wars

After the Yugoslav Wars, an international Court was formed to try war criminals (ICTY). However, ICTY tried only a selected number of high-ranking people (a total of 161), with local Courts (in Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia) starting trials mostly against individuals or soldiers who carried out orders of those high-ranking officers. Many of those have been convicted.

Croatia raised charges against 3666 people for war crimes, of which 1381 were dropped due to lack of evidence. [42]

Bosnian War


  • Fikret Abdić, Bosniak warlord, sentenced to six years for participating in the detention and killing of civilians [43]
  • Srecko Acimovic, former Bosnian Serb Army battalion commander aided genocide against Bosnians [44]
  • Djuro Adamovic, Bosnian Serb soldier, sentenced to three years in prison for committing crimes against civilians, later acquitted during appeal [45] [46]
  • Zoran Babic, Bosnian Serb policeman who persecuted Bosniaks [47]
  • Predrag Bastah, Bosnian Serb policeman convicted of killing 37 Bosniak civilians in the Yugoslav Wars [48]
  • Bratislav Bilbija, Bosnian Serb soldier, sentenced to two years in prison for committing crimes against civilians, later acquitted during appeal [45] [46]
  • Tihomir Blaškić (born 1960), Bosnian Croat sentenced to 45 years, changed to nine years following appeal [49]
  • Boris Bosnjak, Bosnian Serb detention camp guard who mistreated and abused Bosniak and Croat civilian detainees [50]
  • Miroslav Bralo (born 1967), Bosnian Croat member of the "Jokers" anti-terrorist platoon, sentenced to 20 years [51]
  • Radoslav Brdjanin (1948–2022), Bosnian Serb sentenced to 32 years (30 following appeal) [52]
  • Enver Buza, former commander of a Bosnian Army battalion convicted of killing 27 Croat civilians in Uzdol [53]
  • Milos Cajevic, Bosnian Serb police officer, sentenced to 13 years for intimidating and inhumane treatment [54]
  • Ibrahim Ceco, Bosnian Army Soldier, sentenced to a year and a half in prison for committing crimes against a civilian population [55]
  • Ranko Cesic (born 1964), Bosnian Serb sentenced to 18 years for crimes in Brcko [56]
  • Fadil Covic, convicted of illegally detaining Serb and Croat civilians at Silos camp [57]
  • Halid Covic, convicted of illegally detaining Serb and Croat civilians at Silos camp [57]
  • Hazim Delić (born 1964), Bosniak sentenced to 18 years for crimes at Čelebići prison camp [58]
  • Ilija Djajic, Bosnian Serb detention camp guard who mistreated and abused Bosniak and Croat civilian detainees [50]
  • Dragana Djekic, Serbian member of the White Eagles, sentenced to 5 years in 2023 for participation in the Štrpci massacre [59]
  • Mustafa Djelilovic, convicted of illegally detaining Serb and Croat civilians at Silos camp [57]
  • Damir Došen (born 1967), Bosnian Serb, sentenced to 5 years for Keraterm camp [60]
  • Senad Dzananovic, Bosniak soldier sentenced to 11 years for crimes against Serbians in Alipašino polje [61]
  • Dražen Erdemović (born 1972), Bosnian Croat who fought for Serb forces and was sentenced to five years for Pileca farm (part of Srebrenica massacre) [62]
  • Edin Gadzo, Bosniak soldier sentenced to five years for crimes against Serbians in Alipašino polje [61]
  • Stanislav Galić, Bosnian Serb commander in the Siege of Sarajevo. Sentenced to 20 years, [63] appealed and had his sentence changed to life imprisonment [64]
  • Rade Garic, former Bosnian Serb police reservist convicted for inhumane acts [65]
  • Miodrag Grubacic, Bosnian Serb detention camp guard who mistreated and abused Bosniak and Croat civilian detainees [50]
  • Becir Hujic, convicted of illegally detaining Serb and Croat civilians at Silos camp [57]
  • Boban Indjic, former Bosnian Serb commander, sentenced to 15 years in prison for participation in the Štrpci massacre [66]
  • Goran Jelisić (born 1968), Bosnian Serb sentenced to 40 years for murders in Brčko. Personally killed 13 civilians [67]
  • Mico Jurisic, former Bosnian Serb Policeman who committed crimes against humanity to non-Serb civilians [68]
  • Nermin Kalember, convicted of illegally detaining Serb and Croat civilians at Silos camp [57]
  • Radovan Karadžić (born 1945), Bosnian Serb politician who served as President of Republika Srpska during the Bosnian War, sentenced to life in prison for eleven counts of war crimes [69]
  • Radomir Kezunovic, former Bosnian Serb Army military policeman for killing 28 civilians [70]
  • Dragan Kolundžija (born 1959), Bosnian Serb, sentenced to 3 years for Keraterm camp [60]
  • Milojica Kos, Bosnian Serb, sentenced to 6 years for Omarska camp [71]
  • Radomir Kovač (born 1961), Bosnian Serb sentenced to 20 years [72]
  • Momčilo Krajišnik, Bosnian Serb politician, sentenced to 27 years [73]
  • Milorad Krnojelac, Bosnian Serb sentenced to 7½ years for the Foča massacres. Following an appeal, his sentence was raised to 15 years [74]
  • Radislav Krstić, Bosnian Serb sentenced to 46 years (35 following appeal) for his part in the Srebrenica massacre, also found guilty of being an accomplice to genocide, [75] first such ruling at the ICTY
  • Dalibor Krstovic, Bosnian Serb Army soldier who raped a POW [76]
  • Dragoljub Kunarac (born 1960), Bosnian Serb sentenced to 28 years [72]
  • Miroslav Kvocka, Bosnian Serb, sentenced to 7 years for Omarska camp [71]


  • Esad Landžo, Bosniak sentenced to 15 years for crimes at Čelebići prison camp [58]
  • Jovan Lipovac, Serbian member of the White Eagles, sentenced to 10 years in 2023 for participation in the Štrpci massacre [59]
  • Gojko Lukic, Serbian member of the White Eagles, sentenced to 10 years in 2023 for participation in the Štrpci massacre [59]
  • Milan Lukić (born 1967), commander of the White Eagles, sentenced to life in prison for his role in the Višegrad massacres.
  • Sakib Mahmuljin, former Bosnian general convicted of killing Prisoners of War [77]
  • Zeljko Maricic, Bosnian Serb soldier, sentenced to two years for crimes against civilians [78]
  • Dragan Marinkovic, convicted of committing crimes against humanity in Milići, Republika Srpska [79]
  • Serif Mesanovic, convicted of illegally detaining Serb and Croat civilians at Silos camp [57]
  • Dragomir Milošević (born 1942), Bosnian Serb soldier in the Army of Republika Srpska, sentenced to 29 years in prison for war crimes committed during the Siege of Sarajevo.
  • Ratko Mladić (born 1943), officer in the Army of Republika Srpska, sentenced to life in prison for roles in the Siege of Sarajevo and Srebrenica massacre [80]
  • Darko Mrdja, former Bosnian Serb policeman, sentenced to 20 years for participating in the Korićani Cliffs massacre [81]
  • Husein Mujanovic, Bosnian Army Jail Chief, sentenced to ten years for prisoner abuse, sentence later reduced to 4.5 years [82] [83]
  • Zdravko Narancic, Bosnian Serb soldier convicted of helping kill 11 POWs [84]
  • Dragan Nikolić, Bosnian Serb sentenced to 23 years [85]
  • Slavko Ognjenović, convicted for wartime rape [86]
  • Osman Osmanovic, Bosnian war official, sentenced to five years in prison for abusing prisoners at Rasadnik camp [87]
  • Veljko Papic, former member of the Army of Republika Srpska, sentenced to two years for forced labor [88]
  • Radovan Paprica, convicted for wartime rape in the Yugoslav war [86]
  • Milivoj Petković, Bosnian Croat officer for crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing [89]
  • Stojan Petrovic, member of the Bosnian Serb police, convicted of rape and crimes against the civilian population, sentenced to seven years in prison [90]
  • Joja Plavanjac, Bosnian Serb soldier convicted of killing 11 POWs [84]
  • Biljana Plavšić (born 1930), Bosnian Serb politician and former president of Republika Srpska. Sentenced to 11 years [91]
  • Dragoljub Pricac, Bosnian Serb, sentenced to 5 years for Omarska camp [71]
  • Predrag Prosic, Bosnian Serb soldier convicted of illegally detaining Bosniak civilians [92]
  • Nicholas Ribic (born 1974), Canadian soldier in the Army of Republika Srpska, convicted of taking United Nations peacekeepers hostage to use as human shields. [93]
  • Blagoje Simić (born 1960), former Bosnian Serb member of the Serb War Presidency, sentenced to 15 years for aiding and abetting persecution through unlawful arrests, confinement of prisoners in inhumane conditions, forced labour and displacement [94]
  • Simo Stupar, former Serbian policeman who illegally detained Bosniaks [95]
  • Dusko Vasiljevic, Serbian member of the White Eagles, sentenced to 10 years in 2023 for participation in the Štrpci massacre [59]
  • Simo Zaric, former police chief of Bosanski Šamac, sentenced to six years for being an aider and abettor of persecutions during the Bosanski Šamac ethnic cleansing [96]

Croatian War of Independence

Croat–Bosniak War

Kosovo War

Slovenian War of Independence

Ituri conflict

War in Afghanistan

Iraq War

Non-Iraqi participants

Saddam Hussein regime

Syrian Civil War

Central African Republic Civil War

Islamic State in Syria and Iraq

Russian invasion of Ukraine

It has been reported that there have been 81 convictions for war crimes since the invasion as of February 2024. Many of these convictions were made with defendants in absentia. [183]





North America

South America


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