List of heads of state of Panama

Last updated

President of the Republic of Panama
Presidente de la República de Panamá
Presidential Flag of Panama.svg
Presidential standard
Coat of arms of Panama.svg
Coat of arms of Panama
Jose Raul Mulino (hose raul mulrino) 20241112.jpg
since 1 July 2024
Residence Palacio de las Garzas, Panama City
Term length Five years
renewable once
Constituting instrument Constitution of Panama (1972)
Precursor Laurentino Cortizo
Inaugural holder Manuel Amador Guerrero
FormationFebruary 20, 1904
(120 years ago)
Deputy Vice President of Panama
Salary7,000 USD per month [1]
Website Presidencia de la República

This article lists the heads of state of Panama since the short-lived first independence from the Republic of New Granada in 1840 and the final separation from Colombia in 1903. Since 1904 the head of state of Panama has been the President of Panama.


List of officeholders

Political parties
   Conservative Party (PC)
   National Liberal Party (PLN)
   National Revolutionary Party (PNR)→Panameñista Party (PP)
   Authentic Revolutionary Party (PPA)
   National Patriotic Coalition (CPN)
  Military (National Guard) and (Panama Defense Forces)
   Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD)
   Republican Party (PR)
   Democratic Change (CD)
   Realizing Goals (RM)
  Denotes acting or provisional president


Died in office

Free State of the Isthmus (1840–1841)

Term of officeTitle
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
1 Herrtoma.jpg Tomás de Herrera
20 March 18418 June 184180 daysSuperior Chief of State
(1)8 June 184131 December 1841206 daysPresident

Republic of Panama (1903–present)

President of the Municipal Council of Panama and de facto President (1903)
Term of officePolitical Party
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
3 Demetrio H. Brid.jpg Demetrio H. Brid
3 November 19034 November 19031 day PC
Members of the Provisional Government Junta (1903–1904)
Term of officePolitical Party
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
4 Jose-Agustin-Arango.jpg José Agustín Arango
4 November 190320 February 1904108 days PLN
5 Tomas Arias p319.jpg Tomás Arias
6 FBoyd4.jpg Federico Boyd
7 Manuel Espinosa Batista, procer de Panama.jpg Manuel Espinosa Batista
9 November 19037 December 190328 days PLN
Presidents of Panama (1904–present)
ElectedTerm of officePolitical Party
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
1 Portrait of Manuel Amador Guerrero.jpg Manuel Amador Guerrero
First tenure
1904 20 February 190423 June 1907 [2] 3 years, 123 days PC
2 Jose Domingo de Obaldia.jpg José Domingo de Obaldía
First tenure
24 June 1907 [2] 27 December 1907 [2] 186 days PLN
(1) Portrait of Manuel Amador Guerrero.jpg Manuel Amador Guerrero
Second tenure
29 December 1907 [2] 1 October 1908277 days PC
(2) Jose Domingo de Obaldia.jpg José Domingo de Obaldía
Second tenure
1908 1 October 19081 March 1910 [†] 1 year, 151 days PLN
Carlos Antonio Mendoza.jpg Carlos Antonio Mendoza
Acting President
1 March 19101 October 1910214 days PLN
FBoyd4.jpg Federico Boyd
Acting President
1 October 19105 October 19104 days PLN
Pabloarosemena.jpg Pablo Arosemena
Acting President
5 October 19101 October 19121 year, 362 days PLN
3 Belisario Porras Barahona.jpg Belisario Porras Barahona
First tenure
1912 1 October 19121 October 19164 years PLN
4 RMvaldes7.jpg Ramón Maximiliano Valdés
1916 1 October 19163 June 1918 [†] 1 year, 245 days PLN
8CiroU.jpg Ciro Luis Urriola
Acting President
3 June 19181 October 1918120 days PLN
Pedro Antonio Diaz.jpg Pedro Antonio Díaz
Acting President
1 October 191812 October 191811 days PC
(3) Belisario Porras Barahona.jpg Belisario Porras Barahona
Second tenure
1918 12 October 191830 January 19201 year, 110 days PLN
Ernesto Tisdel Lefevre.jpg Ernesto Tisdel Lefevre
Acting President
30 January 19201 October 1920245 days PLN
(3) Belisario Porras Barahona.jpg Belisario Porras Barahona
Third tenure
1920 1 October 19201 October 19244 years PLN
5 Rodolfo Chiari.jpg Rodolfo Chiari
1924 1 October 19241 October 19284 years PLN
6 El Ingeniero Don Florencio Harmodio Arosemena.jpg Florencio Harmodio Arosemena
1928 1 October 19283 January 1931
(Deposed in a coup)
2 years, 94 days PLN
Harmodio Arias Madrid.png Harmodio Arias Madrid
Acting President
3 January 193116 January 193113 days Independent
7 Ricardo J. Alfaro.jpg Ricardo Joaquín Alfaro Jované
16 January 19315 June 19321 year, 141 days PLN
8 Harmodio Arias Madrid.png Harmodio Arias Madrid
1932 5 June 19321 October 19364 years, 118 days PNR
9 Juan Demostenes Arosemena.jpg Juan Demóstenes Arosemena
1936 1 October 193616 December 1939 [†] 3 years, 76 days PLN
Ezequiel Fernandez Jaen.jpg Ezequiel Fernández
Acting President
16 December 193918 December 19392 days PNR
Augusto Samuel Boyd.jpg Augusto Samuel Boyd
Acting President
18 December 19391 October 1940288 days PNR
10 Arnulfo Arias Madrid - 1950.jpg Arnulfo Arias
First tenure
1940 1 October 19409 October 1941
(Deposed in a coup)
1 year, 8 days PNR
11 Ricardo Adolfo de la Guardia.jpg Ricardo Adolfo de la Guardia Arango
9 October 194115 June 19453 years, 249 days Independent
Dres. Jurado, Jimenez y Alfaro (cropped).jpg Enrique Adolfo Jiménez
Provisional president
1945 15 June 19457 August 19483 years, 53 days PLN
12 Domingo Diaz Arosemena.jpg Domingo Díaz Arosemena
1948 7 August 194828 July 1949
355 days PLN
13 No image.png Daniel Chanis Pinzón
28 July 194920 November 1949115 days PLN
14 Roberto F. Chiari.jpg Roberto Francisco Chiari Remón
First tenure
20 November 194924 November 19494 days PLN
(10) Arnulfo Arias Madrid - 1950.jpg Arnulfo Arias
Second tenure
24 November 19499 May 19511 year, 166 days PP
15 No image.png Alcibíades Arosemena
9 May 19511 October 19521 year, 145 days PPA
16 Estatua de Jose Antonio Remon Cantera - Sede de la Policia Nacional de Panama (2012).jpg José Antonio Remón Cantera
1952 1 October 19522 January 1955
2 years, 93 days CPN
17 No image.png José Ramón Guizado
2 January 195529 March 195586 days CPN
18 Ricardo Arias Espinosa.jpg Ricardo Arias
29 March 19551 October 19561 year, 186 days CPN
19 No image.png Ernesto de la Guardia
1956 1 October 19561 October 19604 years CPN
(14) Roberto F. Chiari 1962.jpg Roberto Francisco Chiari Remón
Second tenure
1960 1 October 196017 March 19632 years, 167 days PLN
No image.png Bernardino González Ruiz
Acting President
17 March 196323 March 19636 days PAD
(14) Roberto F. Chiari 1962.jpg Roberto Francisco Chiari Remón
Third tenure
23 March 19631 October 19641 year, 192 days PLN
20 No image.png Marco Aurelio Robles
1964 1 October 19641 October 19684 years PLN
(10) A. Arias President of Panama (cropped).jpg Arnulfo Arias
Third tenure
1968 1 October 196811 October 1968
(Deposed in a coup)
10 days PP
No image.png José María Pinilla Fábrega
Chairman of the Provisional Junta
Ruled jointly with Bolívar Urrutia Parrilla
12 October 196818 December 19691 year, 67 days National Guard
21 No image.png Colonel
Bolívar Urrutia Parrilla
Ruled jointly with José María Pinilla Fábrega
12 October 196818 December 19691 year, 67 days National Guard
President Demetrio Lakas (cropped).jpg Demetrio B. Lakas
Chairman of the Provisional
Junta from 1969 to 1972
19 December 196911 October 19722 years, 297 days Independent
22 1972 11 October 197211 October 19786 years
23 Aristides Royo (6713987733) (cropped).jpg Aristides Royo
(born 1940)
1978 11 October 197831 July 19823 years, 293 days Independent
(until March 1979)
24 De-la-espriella-crop.jpg Ricardo de la Espriella
(born 1934)
31 July 198213 February 19841 year, 197 days PRD
25 Jorge Enrique Illueca Sibauste, presidente de Panama.png Jorge Illueca
13 February 198411 October 1984241 days Independent
26 Nicolas Ardito Barletta Vallarino.jpg Nicolás Ardito Barletta Vallarino
(born 1938)
1984 11 October 198428 September 1985352 days PRD
Eric Arturo Delvalle.png Eric Arturo Delvalle
Acting President
28 September 198526 February 19882 years, 151 days PR
No image.png Manuel Solís Palma
Acting President
26 February 19881 September 19891 year, 187 days PRD
No image.png Francisco Rodríguez
(born 1938)
Provisional president
1 September 198920 December 1989
(Deposed in the US invasion)
110 days PRD
27 Guillermo Endara 1993.jpg Guillermo Endara
1989 20 December 19891 September 19944 years, 255 days PP
28 Mr. Ernesto Perez Balladares (cropped).jpg Ernesto Pérez Balladares
(born 1946)
1994 1 September 19941 September 19995 years PRD
29 Mireya Moscoso in 2012.jpg Mireya Moscoso
(born 1946)
1999 1 September 19991 September 20045 years PP
30 Panama.MartinTorrijos.01.jpg Martín Torrijos
(born 1963)
2004 1 September 20041 July 20094 years, 303 days PRD
31 Ricardo Martinelli Presidente de Panama.jpg Ricardo Martinelli
(born 1951)
2009 1 July 20091 July 20145 years CD
32 Juan Carlos Varela (2014).jpg Juan Carlos Varela
(born 1961)
2014 1 July 20141 July 20195 years PP
33 Laurentino Cortizo at the Enthronement of Naruhito (1).jpg Laurentino Cortizo
(born 1953)
2019 1 July 20191 July 20245 years PRD
34 Ceremonia de transmision de mando de Panama (cropped).jpg José Raúl Mulino
(born 1959)
2024 1 July 2024Incumbent226 days RM

Military dictators of Panama (1968–1989)

From 1968 to 1989 a military junta exerted a dictatorship over the country and nominated the president, who himself held little power. The following individuals were leaders of the junta.

Term of officeMilitary affiliationNotes
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
1 Omar Torrijos 1977.jpg Brigadier-General
Omar Torrijos
11 October 196831 July 1981 [†] 12 years, 293 days National Guard Assumed power in the 1968 coup d'état.
Styled as Maximum Leader of the Panamanian Revolution from 11 October 1968.
Killed in an air crash.
2 No image.png Colonel
Rubén Darío Paredes
(born 1933)
3 March 198212 August 19831 year, 162 days National Guard
3 Manuel Noriega mugshot cropped.jpg General
Manuel Noriega
12 August 198320 December 19896 years, 130 days National Guard Styled as Maximum Leader of the National Liberation from 15 December 1989.
Deposed in the US invasion.
Panama Defense Forces
(from 29 September 1983.)


José Raúl MulinoLaurentino CortizoJuan Carlos VarelaRicardo MartinelliMartín TorrijosMireya MoscosoErnesto Pérez BalladaresGuillermo EndaraFrancisco RodríguezManuel Solís PalmaEric Arturo DelvalleNicolás Ardito Barletta VallarinoJorge IlluecaManuel NoriegaRicardo de la EspriellaRubén Darío ParedesAristides RoyoDemetrio B. LakasOmar TorrijosBolívar Urrutia ParrillaJosé María Pinilla FábregaMarco Aurelio RoblesBernardino González RuizErnesto de la GuardiaRicardo AriasJosé Ramón GuizadoJosé Antonio Remón CanteraAlcibíades ArosemenaRoberto Francisco Chiari RemónDaniel Chanis PinzónDomingo Díaz ArosemenaEnrique Adolfo JiménezRicardo Adolfo de la Guardia ArangoArnulfo AriasAugusto Samuel BoydEzequiel FernándezJuan Demóstenes ArosemenaRicardo Joaquín Alfaro JovanéHarmodio Arias MadridFlorencio Harmodio ArosemenaRodolfo ChiariErnesto Tisdel LefevrePedro Antonio DíazCiro Luis UrriolaRamón Maximiliano ValdésBelisario Porras BarahonaPablo ArosemenaCarlos Antonio MendozaJosé Domingo de ObaldíaManuel Amador GuerreroManuel Espinosa BatistaFederico BoydTomás AriasJosé Agustín ArangoDemetrio H. BridList of heads of state of Panama

Latest election

CandidateParty or allianceVotes%
José Raúl Mulino Realizing GoalsAlliance Realizing Goals 668,52729.39
Alliance Party 110,2454.85
Ricardo Lombana Another Way Movement 559,43224.59
Martín Torrijos People's Party 364,57616.03
Rómulo Roux For a Better Panama Democratic Change 138,2746.08
Panameñista Party 120,5445.30
Zulay Rodríguez Independent150,3386.61
José Gabriel Carrizo Vamos con todo Panama Democratic Revolutionary Party 126,4545.56
Nationalist Republican Liberal Movement 7,3370.32
Maribel Gordón Independent24,5311.08
Melitón Arrocha IndependentPAIS2,4420.11
Valid votes2,274,91897.53
Invalid votes38,5441.65
Blank votes19,1010.82
Total votes2,332,563100.00
Registered voters/turnout3,004,08377.65
Source: Tribunal Electoral [3] [4]

See also


  1. "Shocking Gap Between Latin America's Presidential Salaries And Workers Minimum Wage". Latin Post. 22 June 2017. Archived from the original on 18 November 2021. Retrieved 4 November 2019.
  2. 1 2 3 4 ".:: ::". 2 April 2016. Archived from the original on 2 April 2016. Retrieved 7 April 2018.
  3. "General Election 2024, Election of the President". Tribunal Electoral (in Spanish). Retrieved 6 May 2024.[ permanent dead link ]
  4. "TE Presents Final Electoral Census" (in Spanish). 29 January 2024. Archived from the original on 5 May 2024. Retrieved 6 May 2024.