List of political parties in Nicaragua

Last updated

This article lists political parties in Nicaragua.

Political culture

Historically, Nicaragua had a two-party system, with varying two dominant political parties. The 2006 general election could have marked the end of the bipartite scheme, as the anti-Sandinista forces split into two major political alliances: the Nicaraguan Liberal Alliance (ALN) and the Constitutionalist Liberal Party (PLC). [1]



Major parties

Three parties and alliances currently hold seats in the National Assembly:

PartyAbbr.IdeologyFounded Deputies PARLACEN
Flag of the FSLN.svg
Sandinista National Liberation Front
Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional
FSLN Sandinismo 1961
75 / 92
15 / 20
Bandera PLC Nicaragua.svg
Constitutionalist Liberal Party
Partido Liberal Constitucionalista
PLC Liberalism 1968
9 / 92
2 / 20
Independent Liberal Party
Partido Liberal Independiente
PLI Liberalism 1944
2 / 92
1 / 20
ALN logo.svg
Nicaraguan Liberal Alliance
Alianza Liberal Nicaragüense
ALN Conservative liberalism 2005
1 / 92
1 / 20
APRE flag.svg
Alliance for the Republic
Alianza por la República
APRE Liberal conservativism 2004
1 / 92
1 / 20
Nicaraguan Party of the Christian Path
Partido Camino Cristiano Nicaragüense
CCN Christian fundamentalism 1996
1 / 92
0 / 20
Yapti Tasba Masraka Nanih Aslatakanka
Hijos de la Madre Tierra
Sons of Mother Earth
YATAMA Indigenism 1990
1 / 92
0 / 20

Other parties

a = active

a = active

Regional Parties

a = active


See also

Related Research Articles

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Elections in Nicaragua</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">2006 Nicaraguan general election</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Independent Liberal Party (Nicaragua)</span> Political party in Nicaragua

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Alliance for the Republic (Nicaragua)</span> Political party in Nicaragua

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">National Opposition Union (Nicaragua, 1966)</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Index of Nicaragua-related articles</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">2011 Nicaraguan general election</span>

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Convergencia Nacional or the National Convergence alliance was a coalition of a number of Nicaraguan political organizations, formed in support of Daniel Ortega's bid in the presidential election of 2001. Despite losing the presidential election, the FSLN-led alliance made steady gains in the 2004 municipal elections, and Ortega was elected president in 2006. The alliance included Ortega's FSLN, Nationalist Liberal Party, Popular Conservative Alliance, Marxist–Leninist Popular Action Movement, Nicaraguan Christian Democratic Union, as well as the Unidad Social Cristiana PUSC and dissident minority factions of the Sandinista Renovation Movement, Nicaraguan Liberal Alliance, Constitutionalist Liberal Party, Nicaraguan Resistance Party and YATAMA. Majority factions of the latter 6 organizations have joined the anti-Ortega coalition Alianza PLC founded in 2008.


  1. "Revista Envío - The Features of Our Political Culture". Retrieved 2023-06-05.