List of political parties in Guatemala

Last updated

This article lists political parties in Guatemala. Guatemala has a multi-party system, with two or three strong political parties and other parties that are electorally successful. According to law if a party fails to get 4% of the vote or at least one deputy in Congress, the party is canceled.


Political culture

Political parties in Guatemala are generally numerous and unstable. No party has won the presidency more than once. In every election period, the majority of the parties are small and newly formed.


PartyIdeologyPolitical position 2023 result
Votes (%) Seats
Vamos por una Guatemala Diferente Logo.svg VAMOS Vamos por una Guatemala Diferente
Vamos por una Guatemala Diferente
Conservatism Centre-right to right-wing 15.06%
39 / 160
UNE Logo.svg UNE National Unity of Hope
Unidad Nacional de la Esperanza
Populism Centre 12.90%
28 / 160
Movimiento Semilla.svg SEMILLA Movimiento Semilla
Movimiento Semilla
Social democracy
Social liberalism
Centre-left 11.72%
23 / 160
Cabal logotipo.png CABAL Cabal
Liberalism Centre-right 8.90%
18 / 160
Valor Logo.svg VALOR Valor
Conservatism Right-wing to far-right 5.51%
12 / 160
Partido Unionista Logo (Guatemala, 2016).svg
PU Unionist Party
Partido Unionista
Social conservatism
Economic liberalism
VIVA Logo.svg VIVA Vision with Values
Visión con Valores
Christian right
Rhine capitalism
Right-wing 6.92%
11 / 160
Todos Logo.svg TODOS Todos
Christian right Right-wing 4.05%
6 / 160
VOS logotipo.gif VOS Will, Opportunity and Solidarity
Voluntad, Oportunidad y Solidaridad
Social democracy Centre-left 4.47%
4 / 160
BIEN GT Logo.jpg BIEN Bienestar Nacional
Bienestar Nacional
Populism Right-wing [1] 2.70%
4 / 160
PNosotros.png NOSOTROS Nosotros
Populism Right-wing 3.15%
3 / 160
Victoria Logo.svg VICTORIA Victory
- Right-wing [1] 3.00%
3 / 160
Logo CREO party Guatemala.svg CREO Commitment, Renewal and Order
Compromiso, Renovación y Orden
Social conservatism
Centre-right 2.03%
3 / 160
AZUL Blue Party
Partido Azul
Conservatism Right-wing 2.36%
2 / 160
CE Elephant Community
Comunidad Elefante
Developmentalism Right-wing 2.29%
2 / 160
Winaq Logo.svg WINAQ Winaq
Left-wing nationalism
Left-wing 3.21%
1 / 160
URNG Logo.png
URNG Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity
Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca
Left-wing nationalism
Left-wing to far-left
PartidoCambioGuate.jpg CAMBIO Change
Populism Right-wing 1.26%
1 / 160

Extra-parliamentary parties

NameIdeologyPolitical positionLeader
PPG Guatemalan People's Party
Partido Popular Guatemalteco
Municipalism Centre-right Neto Bran
PHG Humanist Party of Guatemala
Partido Humanista de Guatemala
Humanism Right-wing [1] Rudio Lecsan Mérida
MLP Movement for the Liberation of Peoples
Movimiento para la Liberación de los Pueblos
Left-wing populism
Left-wing to far-left Thelma Cabrera
MFMy Family
Mi Familia
Conservatism Right-wing [1] Julio Rivera
PAN National Advancement Party
Partido de Avanzada Nacional
Conservatism Far-right Manuel Conde Orellana
FCN National Convergence Front
Frente de Convergencia Nacional
Nationalism Right-wing
Jimmy Morales
PIN National Integration Party
Partido de Integración Nacional
Conservatism Right-wing [1] Luis Lam Padilla
PODEROpportunities and Development Party
Partido de Oportunidades y Desarrollo
Conservatism Right-wing Walfre Oswaldo Lara
Conservatism Centre-right [2] Roberto Arzú
PR Republican Party
Partido Republicano
Conservatism Right-wing [1] Rafael Espada
UR Republican Union
Unión Republicana
Conservatism Right-wing [1] Giulio Talamonti

Political parties in formation

NameIdeologyPolitical positionLeader
NCNew Citizenship
Nueva Ciudadanía
FGGuatemala Force
Fuerza Guatemala
PTWorkers' Party
Partido de los Trabajadores
GPGuatemala Possible
Guatemala Posible
SGSomos Guatemala
Somos Guatemala
AxJAlliance for Justice
Alianza por la Justicia
Progressivism Left-wing
PVGGuatemalan Green Party
Partido Verde Guatemalteco
Green politics
UxGUnited for Guatemala
Unidos por Guatemala
UNOOrganized National Union
Unión Nacional Organizada
Conservatism Right-wing Juan Carlos Eggenberger
AGUAAmo a Guatemala
Amo a Guatemala
APVPolitical Openness with Values
Apertura Política con Valores
ARENAAllies for the Republic and the Nation
Aliados por la República y la Nación
VENVoices of New Hope
Voces de Esperanza Nueva
PCCCitizen Change Party
Partido Cambio Ciudadano
CDGGuatemalan Democratic Center
Centro Democrático Guatemalteco
PFFusionist Party
Partido Fusionista
APPeople's Alliance
Alianza Popular
MLFreedom Movement
Movimiento Libertad
Conservatism Centre-right
RLFree Republic
República Libre
PPUUnited Fatherland Party
Partido Patria Unida
NINew Ideas
Nuevas Ideas
Bukelism José Luis Araneda Cintrón [3]
BUSUnited Brigades in Social Democracy
Brigadas Unidas en Socialdemocracia
Social democracy Centre-left
APPolitical Action
Acción Política
NTNew Times
Nuevos Tiempos
CCCelestial Citizenship
Ciudadanía Celeste
Liberalism Centre-right Marielos Chang

Parties that did not contest the 2007 election

Former parties

See also

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  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Elecciones en Guatemala: el sistema se resiste pese al ascenso del voto de castigo y anti-élite" (in Spanish). Elcano Royal Institute. Retrieved 2023-06-14.
  2. Page 53
  3. Gressier, Roman; Labrador, Gabriel (25 October 2021). "Bukele's Party Now Has a Clone in Guatemala". El Faro .