List of political parties in the Dominican Republic

Last updated

This article lists political parties in the Dominican Republic .


The Dominican Republic has a multi-party system, with two or three strong parties and a third party that is electorally successful.


Major parties

The PRM, the FP, and the PLD are considered major parties in the Dominican Republic, after the last election. [1] [2] [3]

PartyAbbr.FoundedIdeology Senators Deputies Mayors
PRM (Dominican Republic) logo.png Modern Revolutionary Party
Partido Revolucionario Moderno
PRM2014 Social democracy [4]
29 / 32
146 / 190
122 / 158
People's Force
Fuerza del Pueblo
FP2019 Progressivism [5]
3 / 32
28 / 190
6 / 158
Logo del Partido de la Liberacion Dominicana.svg
Dominican Liberation Party
Partido de la Liberación Dominicana
PLD1973 Progressivism [6]
0 / 32
13 / 190
15 / 158

Congressional parties

The parties listed below have at least one seat in either the Senate or the Chamber of Deputies after the 2024 general election.

NameAbbr.FoundedIdeology Senators Deputies Mayors
Social Christian Reformist Party
Partido Reformista Social Cristiano
PRSC1984 Liberal conservatism
1 / 32
2 / 190
7 / 158
Dominicans for Change
Partido de los Dominicanos por el Cambio
DXC2010 Green conservatism
1 / 32
2 / 190
Social Democratic Institutional Bloc
Bloque Institucional Socialdemócrata
BIS1989 Social democracy
1 / 32
2 / 190
1 / 158
Dominican Revolutionary Party
Partido Revolucionario Dominicano
PRD1939 Social liberalism
4 / 190
3 / 158
Broad Front
Frente Amplio
FA1992 Socialism
3 / 190
Alliance for Democracy
Alianza por la Democracia
APD1992 Progressivism
2 / 190
Country Alliance
Alianza País
ALPAÍS2011 Green left
2 / 190
Civic Renovation Party
Partido Cívico Renovador
PCR2006 Democratic socialism
1 / 190
Dominican Humanist Party
Partido Humanista Dominicano
PHD2006 Humanism
1 / 190
Liberal Reformist Party
Partido Reformista Liberal
PRL1986 Liberalism
1 / 190
Quisqueyano Christian Democratic Party
Partido Quisqueyano Demócrata Cristiano
PQDC2006 Social conservatism
1 / 190
Revolutionary Social Democratic Party
Partido Revolucionario Social Demócrata
PRSD2005 Social democracy
1 / 190
Democratic Choice
Opción Democrática
OD2014 Social democracy
1 / 190

Local parties

The parties listed below are not represented in Congress, but control at least one municipal council.

NameAbbr.FoundedIdeology Mayors
Christian People's Party
Partido Popular Cristiano
PPC1981 Christian left
1 / 158

Other parties

Alternative Democratic Movement
Movimiento Democrático Alternativo
MODA2007 Liberal socialism
Christian Democratic Union Party
Partido Unión Demócrata Cristiano
UDC1998 Christian democracy
Institutional Democratic Party
Partido Democrática Institucionál
PDI1986 Christian nationalism
National Unity Party
Partido de la Unidád Nacionál
PUN2001 Christian socialism
Green Socialist Party
Partido Socialista Verde
PASOVE2009 Ecosocialism
National Citizen Will Party
Partido Nacional de la Voluntád Ciudadana
PNVC1973 Christian democracy
Social conservatism
Popular Democratic Party
Partido Democrático Popular
PDP1974 Right-wing populism
Independent Revolutionary Party
Partido Revolucionário Independiente
PRI1990 Neoliberalism
National Renaissance Party
Partido Renacentista Nacional
PRN1987 Liberal nationalism
National Progressive Force
Fuerza Nacionál Progresísta
FNP1980 National conservatism
International Communist Party
Partido Comunista Internacional
PCI Communism
Communist Party of Labour
Partido Comunista del Trabajo
PCT1980 Hoxhaism

Defunct political parties

Blue Party
Partido Azúl
PA1865 Radicalism Centre-left to Centre 1930
Red Party
Partido Rojo
PR1865 Conservatism Right-wing to Centre-right 1930
Dominican Party
Partido Dominicano
PD1931 Fascism (Trujilism) Far-right 1962
Dominican Communist Party
Partido Comunista Dominicano
PCD1944 Marxism-Leninism Left-wing 1996
June 14 Political Rally Movement
Movimiento Agrupación Política 14 de Junio
1J41959 Revolutionary socialism Far-left to Left-wing 1968
Evolutionist Liberal Party
Partido Liberal Evolucionista
PLE1965 Conservative liberalism Centre to Centre-right 1966
Anti-Imperialist Patriotic Union
Unión Patriótica Antiimperialista
UPA1977 Socialist patriotism Far-left 2004
Dominican Workers' Party
Partido de los Trabajadores Dominicanos
PTD1979 Communism Left-wing to Centre-left 2019

See also

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  1. "Resultados Electorales". Retrieved May 22, 2024.
  2. "PRM y PLD quedan como partidos mayoritarios; Fuerza del Pueblo minoritario" (in European Spanish). Listin Diario. January 28, 2021. Retrieved January 28, 2021.
  3. "Sólo el PRM y PLD quedarían como partidos mayoritarios" (in European Spanish). Diario Libre. 7 July 2020. Retrieved 7 July 2020.
  4. "¿Socialdemócrata el PRM?". Acento (in European Spanish). Retrieved 2022-01-02.
  5. "PTD-'La Fuerza del Pueblo' fue un partido de izquierda". Listin Diario (in Spanish). Retrieved October 21, 2019.
  6. "In the Dominican Republic, the President's Likely Reelection Bodes Well for the Economy, But Challenges Remain". Stratfor. Retrieved May 16, 2024.