List of synagogues in Wisconsin

Last updated

This is a list of Wisconsin synagogues.

NameCityFoundedStatus Denomination Notes
Baith Israel Antigo 1915defunctunknownConcluded services by 1932. Sold to Odd Fellows Club in 1947. [1]
Moses Montefiore Synagogue Appleton 1903active Conservative – EgalitarianOriginally Orthodox until became USCJ member in May 1965. [2] [3]
Temple Zion Appleton 1883defunct Reform Building restored by Wahl Organbuilders. [4] Mayer Samuel Weiss—father of Harry Houdini—was rabbi early on. [5]
B'nai Israel Synagogue Ashland defunctunknownDestroyed. [6] Congregation established 1888, bought an existing church building in 1897, ceased operation and sold building in 1951, structure demolished in 1988. [7]
Congregation B'nai Abraham Beloit 1907active Reform Originally Orthodox until became URJ member. [8]
Temple Sholom Eau Claire 1960active Conservative Became USCJ member in 1969. Services initially in rented spaces before purchasing a defunct Wesleyan Methodist Church. [9]
Kehillath Jacob Synagogue Fond du Lac 1923defunct Orthodox Services initially held in designated homes. [10] [11]
Temple Beth Israel Fond du Lac 1959active Conservative Open occasionally. [12]
Congregation Sinai Milwaukee 1955active Reform [13]
Anshe Sfard Kehillat Torah Glendale 1889active Orthodox – Modern Merger of Congregation Anshe Sfard and Kehillat Torah Synagogues. [14]
Ohr HaTorah – Shul & Torah Center Glendale active Orthodox [15] [16]
Congregation Cnesses Israel Green Bay 1898active Conservative USCJ member. Synagogue built by 1903. [17] [18]
Sharey Zedek Hurley 1895defunctunknownConverted to apartments by 1940. [19] [20] [21]
Beth Hillel Temple Kenosha 1925active Reform URJ member. Synagogue built in 1927. [22]
Chabad of Kenosha/Congregation Bnai Zedek Chabad Kenosha 1910active OrthodoxChabad Lubavitch Originally Congregation Bnai Zedek. [23]
Congregation Anche Chesed La Crosse 1873 or 1878defunct Reform Services previously held in Masonic Lodge Hall. Created by the Hebrew Benevolent Society. [24] [25]
Congregation Sons of Abraham La Crosse 1905active Reform URJ member. New synagogue built by 1948. [26] [25]
Beth Israel Center Madison 1944 or 1948active Conservative –EgalitarianCombined congregations Beth Jacob (Conservative), Agudas Achim and Adas Jeshurun (both Orthodox). [27]
Temple Beth El Madison 1939active Reform Rabbi Manfred Swarsensky was first hired rabbi. [28]
Chabad Madison Madison active OrthodoxChabad Lubavitch [29]
Shaarei Shamayim Congregation Madison 1989active Reconstructionist Means "Gates of Heaven" in Hebrew. Met at Prairie Unitarian Universalist Society until 2008. Moved to First Unitarian Society. [30]
Gates of Heaven Synagogue Madison 1863defunct Reform Building is now publicly available for rental. [31] High Holiday services are held there annually and led by Hannah Rosenthal. [32]
Anshe Poale Zedek Manitowoc 1900defunct Orthodox Officially built in 1954. Shut down in 2016. [33] [34]
Sons of Jacob Synagogue Marinette defunctunknownOne of three synagogues in Marinette in 1903 [35] [ permanent dead link ]
Congregation Agudas Achim Chabad Mequon 1986 or 1988active OrthodoxChabad Lubavitch [36] [37]
Anshai Lebowitz Mequon 1908active Orthodox Moved 1998. [38] [39]
Beth El Ner Tamid Glendale 1923merged Conservative Means "House of God—Eternal Light" in Hebrew. Merged with Congregation Beth Israel by 2012. [40] [41]
Congregation Beth Israel Ner Tamid Glendale 2012active Conservative – EgalitarianStarted as Congregation B'ne Jacob. Merger of Beth El Ner Tamid and Beth Israel. USCJ member. [41]
Congregation Shir Hadash Milwaukee 1989active Reconstructionist JRF member. [42]
Congregation Beth Jehudah Milwaukee 1939active Orthodox Founded by Rabbi Jacob Twerski. [43]
Congregation Bais Dovid Milwaukee late 1990sactive Orthodox [44] [45]
Congregation Beth Israel Milwaukee 1901merged Conservative USCJ member. [46] [41]
Congregation Shalom Milwaukee 1951active Reform [47]
Jewish REACH Russian Educational and Aid Center Milwaukee active OrthodoxChabad Lubavitch Holds sabbath and holiday services. [48]
Lake Park Synagogue Milwaukee 1982–83active Orthodox – Modern OU member. [49]
The Shul Bayside Milwaukee active Orthodox Chabad Lubavitch [50]
The Shul East Milwaukee active Orthodox Chabad Lubavitch [51]
Temple Menorah Milwaukee 1964active Conservative [52]
Temple B'nai Israel Oshkosh 1895active Reform First synagogue built 1902. New one built 1948. Originally Orthodox before became URJ member by 1949. [53]
Beth Israel Sinai Racine 1920sactiveNon-affiliatedMerger of Sinai Congregation and Beth Israel Congregation. Traditional egalitarian services. [54] [55]
Congregation Emanu-El B'ne Jeshurun River Hills 1927active Reform Merger of B'ne Jeshurun and Congregation Emanu-El. [56]
Adas Israel Sheboygan defunct Orthodox Called "The White Shul." Synagogue built 1910. Converted to church. [57] [58]
Ahavas Sholem Sheboygan defunct Orthodox Called "The Brick Shul." Originally St. Mary Magdalene, Sheboygan's first Catholic church built before 1871. Became Sheboygan's first synagogue 1903. Destroyed in 1975. [57] [58]
Beth El Congregation Sheboygan active Conservative Sheboygan's only non-Orthodox synagogue. Built 1944 [59] [57] [58]
Ohel Mosche Sheboygan defunct Orthodox Called "The Holman Shul." Synagogue built 1918. Destroyed. [57] [58]
Temple Beth Israel Stevens Point 1905defunct Conservative Disbanded 1986. [60] Currently a Portage County Historical Society Museum. Recognized on National Register of Historic Places [61]
Agudas Achim Superior defunct Orthodox Called the "Litvische Shul." Eventually replaced by Temple Beth El in 1964. [62]
Superior Hebrew Congregation Superior defunct Conservative Called the "Russische Shul." [62]
Temple Beth El Superior defunctunknownFounded by former members of Agudas Achim synagogue. [62]
Congregation Emanu-El of Waukesha Waukesha 1939active Reform Means "God is with us" in Hebrew. [63]
Beth Israel Wausau 1917defunct Orthodox – ModernDisbanded 1950. [64]
Mount Sinai Congregation Wausau 1914active Reform Became Conservative in 1944 before back to Reform in 1960s. New synagogue built 1991. [64] [65]

See also


  1. "Antigo (Langlade County) | City Info". Wisconsin Society for Jewish Learning. Archived from the original on June 15, 2012.
  2. "Moses Montefiore Synagogue". Moses Montefiore Congregation. Archived from the original on June 17, 2008.
  3. "The History of Moses Montefiore Congregation". Moses Montefiore Congregation. Archived from the original on December 17, 2024. Retrieved December 20, 2024.
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  5. "Appleton (Outagamie County) | City Info". Wisconsin Society for Jewish Learning. Archived from the original on June 15, 2012.
  6. "Sharey Zedek Synagogue of Hurley Wisconsin".
  7. Ashland Daily Press items on file at Ashland Historical Society.
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  10. Muchlin, Andrew. "History of the Jews of Wisconsin's Small Communities: The Freedom to Succeed". Wisconsin Small Jewish Communities History Project. Wisconsin Society for Jewish Learning. Archived from the original on February 9, 2013.
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  13. "Our History". Congregation Sinai. Archived from the original on January 31, 2024. Retrieved December 20, 2024.
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