Kimiko O. Bowman (1927–2019), Japanese-American statistician, approximated the distribution of maximum likelihood estimators, advocated for people with disabilities
Veronica Bowman, British military statistician known for her work aggregating COVID-19 predictions
Barbara Boyes (circa 1932 – 1981), American government survey statistician
Dorothy Brady (1903–1977), American professor of economics at the Wharton School
Amy Braverman, American statistician, analyzes remote sensing data and climate models
Erica Brittain, American biostatistician, expert on clinical trials and hypothesis testing
Donna Brogan (born 1939), American statistician who works in mental health statistics and analysis of complex survey data
Eileen Brooke (1905–1989), British statistician and health policy professional
Jennifer Brown, New Zealand environmental statistician, president of the New Zealand Statistical Association
Cavell Brownie, Jamaican-American expert on wildlife statistics and capture-recapture methods
Laurence Broze (born 1960), Belgian applied mathematician, statistician, and economist
Babette Brumback, American biostatistician, expert on causal inference
Antonella Buccianti (born 1960), Italian geostatistician, expert on compositional data
Caitlin E. Buck (born 1964), British archaeologist and statistician known for her work in radiocarbon dating
Florentina Bunea (born 1966), Romanian statistician interested in machine learning, empirical processes, and high-dimensional statistics
Lynne Butler (born 1955), American combinatorialist and mathematical statistician
Margaret K. Butler (1924–2013), statistician at the Bureau of Labor Statistics, developed software for nuclear simulations
Cristina Butucea, French statistician known for her work on non-parametric statistics, density estimation, and deconvolution
Carol Fitz-Gibbon (1938–2017), British expert and activist in education evaluation
Evelyn Fix (1904–1965), American statistician who invented the nearest neighbor method
Betty Flehinger (c. 1922 – 2000), American biostatistician, pioneer of computerized medical diagnosis
Nancy Flournoy (born 1947), American statistician known for the design of adaptive clinical trials and for the graft-versus-tumor effect in bone marrow transplants
Emily B. Fox, American statistician, expert in Bayesian modeling of time series and in Monte Carlo methods
Liliana Forzani, Argentine applied mathematician and statistician, expert in dimensionality reduction
Bronwyn Harch, Australian environmental statistician, applies mathematical sciences to agriculture, environment, health, manufacturing and energy
Alison Harcourt, Australian mathematician and statistician known for branch and bound algorithms and quantification of poverty in Australia
Jo Hardin, American statistician who develops high-throughput methods for human genome data
Rachel M. Harter, American expert on small area estimation and survey methodology
Dominique Haughton, French-American statistician specializing in business analytics, standards of living, and music analytics
Lee-Ann C. Hayek, chief mathematical statistician at the National Museum of Natural History
Martha S. Hearron (1943–2014), American statistician, helped found and later headed the Biopharmaceutical Section of the American Statistical Association
Nancy E. Heckman, Canadian statistician interested in nonparametric regression, smoothing, functional data analysis, and applications in evolutionary biology
Inge Henningsen (born 1941), Danish statistician and feminist
Amy H. Herring, American biostatistician and public health researcher working on methods for correlated data
Vicki Hertzberg, American biostatistician and public health researcher
Agnes M. Herzberg, first female president of the Statistical Society of Canada
Irene Hess, American expert on survey methodology for scientific surveys
Jennifer Hill, American statistician, applies causal inference to social statistics
MaryAnn Hill, American statistical software developer
Susan Hinkins, American government and survey statistician, expert on human rights
Valerie Isham (born 1947), British applied probabilist, president of Royal Statistical Society
Julie Ivy, American health care statistician, applies systems engineering to health care and to food bank distribution
Eva E. Jacobs (died 2015), edited Handbook of U.S. Labor Statistics and headed the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Division of Consumer Expenditure Surveys
Monica C. Jackson, American statistician and academic administrator, applies spatial statistics to disease monitoring
Janis Johnston (born 1957), American statistician and sociologist, author of several books on permutation tests in statistics
Nike Sun, American probability theorist studying phase transitions and counting complexity
Rajeshwari Sundaram, Indian biostatistician, expert in survival analysis and reproductive health
Deborah F. Swayne, American expert on information visualization who wrote the GGobi software package
Irene Barnes Taeuber (1906–1974), American editor of Population Index who helped establish the science of demography
Judith Tanur, American editor of the International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences
Mahbanoo Tata (born 1942), Indian-born Iranian statistician
Nancy Temkin, American statistician who works on the biostatistics of traumatic brain injury
Dorothy Swaine Thomas (1899–1977), population growth expert who became first female president of the American Sociological Association
Lori Thombs, American social statistician, president of Southern Regional Council On Statistics
C. Jean Thompson (born 1940), president of New Zealand Statistical Association
Elizabeth A. Thompson (born 1949), English-born American statistician, uses genetic data to infer relationships between individuals and populations
Jean Helen Thompson (1926–1992), British chief statistician in Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, president of British Society for Population Studies
Katherine J. Thompson, American statistician in the Census Bureau, president of ASA Section on Government Statistics
Mary E. Thompson, Canadian statistician known for her work in tobacco control, and president of the Statistical Society of Canada
Sally Thurston, American biostatistician and environmental health statistician
Ene-Margit Tiit (born 1934), Estonian mathematician and statistician, founding president of Estonian Statistical Society
Barbara Tilley, American biostatistician, president of Caucus for Women in Statistics
Kate Tilling, British statistician interested in applications to epidemiology and health services
Elizabeth Tipton, American statistician, applies causal inference from meta-analysis to social statistics
Mary N. Torrey (born 1910), American mathematical statistician and expert in quality control
Sherry Towers, American and Canadian statistician, studied contagion effect of mass shootings
Andrea Troxel, American biostatistician, expert in behavioral economics in public health
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