The Quantum Vacuum

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The Quantum Vacuum: An Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics
The Quantum Vacuum An Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics.jpeg
Front cover
Author Peter W. Milonni
CountryUnited States
Subject Modern physics
Publication date
November 1993
Media type
  • Print
  • e-book
ISBN 0-12-498080-5
Preceded byLasers 
Followed byFast Light, Slow Light, and Left-Handed Light 

The Quantum Vacuum: An Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics is a physics textbook authored by Peter W. Milonni in 1993. The book provides a careful and thorough treatment of zero-point energy, spontaneous emission, the Casimir, van der Waals forces, Lamb shift and anomalous magnetic moment of the electron at a level of detail not found in other introductory texts to quantum electrodynamics [ citation needed ].

The first chapter, Zero‐Point Energy in Early Quantum Theory, was originally published in 1991 in the American Journal of Physics .

In 2008 Milonni received the Max Born Award "For exceptional contributions to the fields of theoretical optics, laser physics and quantum mechanics, and for dissemination of scientific knowledge through authorship of a series of outstanding books".

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